03:42 -
5 -
[w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r
[860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e
[r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e
[w80] t t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r
[860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e
[r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e
[w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]||
[860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]|
o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|
o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]||
[w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]||
[860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]|
o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|
o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]||
[w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r
[860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e
[r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e
[w80] t t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r
[860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e
[r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e
[w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]||
[860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]|
o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|
o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]||
[w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]||
[860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]|
o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|
o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]||
[81]|[of]|[w80] [od]| [wso80]| [tp] [w80]|[to]|
6|[pf]|[860] [pd]| [sp860]| [tp] [860]|[to]|
5|[of]|[975] [od]| [so975]| [yp] [975]|[yo]|
[q4] 0 q w [e864] w e r [t864] r t y [u864] y u i
[o81]|[of]|[w80] [od]| [wso80]| [tp] [w80]|[to]|
6|[pf]|[860] [pd]| [sp860]| [tp] [860]|[to]|
5|[of]|[975] [od]| [so975]| [yp] [975]|[yo]|
[w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r
[860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e
[r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| u [i975] i i
[i4]|o|[e864]||[864]| u [o864] o ou
[o81]|u|[w80]||[w80]| u [o80] o ou
[o6]|u|[860]||[860]| u [o860] o ou
5||[975]| i [i975] i i [i975] i i
[u8]||[80]| i [i80] i i [i80] i i
[u6]||[860]| i [i860] i i [i860] i i
About This Music Sheet
Sign Of The Times is a song by Harry Styles. Use your computer keyboard to play Sign Of The Times music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:42, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Sign Of The Times is classified in the genres: UK, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Soft Rock, Sad.
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Other Songs By Harry Styles
[8qe]| |[9wr]| |
[0et]| f| s| d|
[0wtp]| o| s| d s
[qet]op||s| d s
[8qe]op||[9wr]| |
[0et]| f| s| d|
[0wtp]| o| s| d s
[qet]op||s| d s
[8qe]op||[9wr]| |
[0et]| h| f| d|
[0wtg]| f| d f ds
[qetp]| |sdff
[8qe]d||[9wr]| |
[0ets]a s s d dd s
[0wts]a s s d dd s
[qets]a s s d| d|
[8qep]s||[9wr]| sd
[0etf]| [0et] l [0et]| [0etj] h
[0wt]| [0wt] h[0wt]f fd f
[qet] d [qet] h[qet]f fd f
[8qe] d [8qe]| [9wr] s [9wrs]d
[0etf]| [0et] l [0et]| [0etj] h
[0wt]| [0wt] h[0wt]f fd f
[qet] d [qet] h[qet]f fd f
[8qe] d [8qes]dff[9wr]d d s d
[0et] sp[0eto]| [0et]| [0et]|
[0wt]| [0wtf]fhh[0wt]g g f d
[qet] s[qets] p [qet]| |
[8qe]| |[9wr]| |
[0et]Level: 6Length: 01:16IntermediateAdore You (Harry Styles)
Harry Styles
8 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q a q o q
1 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q [8f]||
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
[1d] [8f]f0d[wd] [us]swa[ta] [wp]p
4o[8o] q [8u] [eo] 8oq [8u]
[5p] 9uw [9u] [ro] 9 w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
[1y] [8u] [0u]ywuu w t w
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[5y]u9u[wy] [9u] r 9 w 9y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[1y]u8u[0y] [wu] u w t wy
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] q [8t]
[5s] [9p] w [9o] [rp] 9tw [9t]
4r[8e] q 8 e [8t] [qy] [8u]
1 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
4 wrt q a q o q
5 wrt w f w a w
4 wrt q a q o|
1 8 [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] [rp] 9 w [9o]i
[4u] 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
[1d] [8f]f0d[wd] [us]swa[ta] [wp]p
4o[8o] q [8u] [eo] 8oq [8u]
[5p] 9uw [9u] [ro] 9 w 9
4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
1 8 [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
[1y] [8u] [0u]y u||
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u t y
[5y]u9u[wy] u||y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u t y
[1y]u8u[0y] u||y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o i u|t
[5s] [9p] w o p t t
[1y] [8u] [0u]ywuu w t w
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[5y]u9u[wy] [9u] r 9 w 9y
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
[1y]u8u[0y] [wu] u w t wy
[4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] q [8t]
[5s] [9p] w [9o] [rp] 9tw [9t]
4r[8e] q 8 e 8 q 8
[qu]||p p o
p o u u o u
[qu]||s s p
s s p s d d
[8f]||h f||
8 [wf] [th]|f
f h|f
d s p
[8o]||0 w t
[0s] d||f d
[uf] [ig] [uf] [yd]|[ts]|o
[uf] [ig] [uf] [yd]|[ts]|h
[ql] k j h|f|d
[8f]| d|s|o
[0y] u uy u||
y u uo i u t y
[8y]u uy u||
[0y] u uo i u t y
[0y]u uy u||y
y u uo i u|t
[8s] p|o p t t
[0y] u uy u||
y u uo i u t y
[8y]u uy u||
[0y] u uo i u t y
[0y]u uy u||y
[0y] u uo i u t|
[9u]Level: 4Length: 03:51EasyMatilda (Harry Styles)
Harry Styles
[wtuf]| f||
[eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
[eu] fsp||
[wyf] d f [tug] f d
[qtf]| f||s
[0rd] f g f W d s d
[0et] fsp| o|
[8t]|hf h f h f
[7rh] f h jf[0u]||
[6e]|jk l k j h
[5wf] d s ds[8t]||
[4q]||ps s po
[30] f f df[%W]|fdf
[6e]||f s
[8t]|hf[8t]h f [8th] f
[7rh] f h jf[0u]||
[6e]|jk[6e]l k [6ej] h
[5wf] ds d s[8t]||
[4q]| [4q] ps s[4q]po
[30] f f df[%W]|f d
[6ef]| [6e]| [6ef] s
[wtuf]| f||
[eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
[eu] fsp||
[wyf] d f [tug] f d
[qtf]| f||s
[0rd] f g f W d s d
[0et] fsp| o|
[wtud]fh [wtuh] h [wtu] f [wtu] f
[eryH] H [eryH] H [Wu]|[Wu] f
[euj] j [euj] l [eu] k [euj]|
[0rd] f [0rg] f [Wr] d [Wrs]|
[0etp] s[0et] f [0etj] k[0et] l
[9q] e y e i j|j
[0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
e [ul] s u s||
w y P|t o f|
9 e i e i j|j
[0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
e [ul] s u s||
8|[8h]f h8 f [8h] f
[7h] f [7h] jf0|0|
6|[6f]jk l6 k [6j] h
[5f] d [5s] d [8f] d [8s]|
4|4|[4p]ps s4po
3 f [3f] df% f[%f] d
[wtuf]| f||
[eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
[eu] fsp||
[wyf] d f [tug] f d
[qtf]| f||s
[0rd] f g f W d s d
[0et] fsp| o|
[wtud]fh h h|f|f
[eryH] H H H [Wu]| f
[euj] j j l|k j|
[0rd] f g f W d s s
[0et] dsp||
[1x] v m m||
[3n] V x||
[4c] b m x||
[5z]| xzn||
[1x] v m m||
[3n] V x||
[4x]||z x z
[18m]Level: 6Length: 02:59IntermediateLove Of My Life (Harry Styles)
Harry Styles
[0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [pSf] | [pSf] | [pSf] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [rYI] [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0]Level: 6Length: 04:25Intermediate
Harry Styles
35^!35^*0wET3333332233333322 [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]34[p1][o6][i4] [u3] [r7]34[r1]t[y4] [uf3]ds[a7][p3][o4][i1][u6][y4] [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]3[p4]1[o6][i4] [u3] 734[r1]t[y4] [u30] [e70]3[ye40]1[yoe6]4 [u3][u3]7i[o4][o4]1i [u3] i[u2] r[t4]i [u3][u3]7i[o4][o4]1p [o3]iur[t2] i[p4]S [u3][u3]7[i3][o4][o4]1[i4] [u3]7[i4][u2] [r3][t7][i1] [u3][u3]7[i3][o4][o4]1[p4] [o3][i7]u[r1][t2] [u1][p7]S [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]34[p1][o6][i4] [u3] [r7]34[r1]t[y4] [uf3]ds[a7][p3][o4][i1][u6][y4] [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]3[p4]1[o6][i4] [u3] 734[r1]t[y4] [u30] [e70]3[ye40]1[yoe6]4 [tie3]3[wur] 33| [eYQ3]3[wur] 33| [ia4]3[ia5]4[ia3]7[ia]2 [ia]3[ia4]32[ia3]4[iP6]2 [tie3]3[wur] 33| [eYQ3]3[wur] 33| [q3]0wq0[73]7[w4] qewq[84]1 [e5]w[r2][e@][t1][r4]y[t2] [uq3] 7[uq3] 3[uq5]% [uq7]|[oT2] [ri@] [wur3]|[wur3]|[eYQ@]| @7 @65 [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]34[p1][o6][i4] [u3] [r7]34[r1]t[y4] [uf3]ds[a7][p3][o4][i1][u6][y4] [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]3[p4]1[o6][i4] [u3] 734[r1]t[y4] [u30] [e70]3[ye40]1[yoe6]4 [u3][u3]7i[o4][o4]1i [u3] i[u2] r[t4]i [u3][u3]7i[o4][o4]1p [o3]iur[t2] i[p4]S [u3][u3]7[i3][o4][o4]1[i4] [u3]7[i4][u2] [r3][t7][i1] [u3][u3]7[i3][o4][o4]1[p4] [o3][i7]u[r1][t2] [u1][p7]S [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]34[p1][o6][i4] [u3] [r7]34[r1]t[y4] [uf3]ds[a7][p3][o4][i1][u6][y4] [u3]I[o7][a3][d4][s1]p[s4] [a3] [u7]3[p4]1[o6][i4] [u3] 734[r1]t[y4] [u30] [e70]3[ye40]1[yoe6]4 [tie3]3[wur] 33| [eYQ3]3[wur] 33| [ia4]3[ia5]4[ia3]7[ia]2 [ia]3[ia4]32[ia3]4[iP6]2 [tie3]3[wur] 33| [eYQ3]3[wur] 33| [q3]0wq0[73]7[w4] qewq[84]1 [e5]w[r2][e@][t1][r4]y[t2] [uq3] 7[uq3] 3[uq5]% [uq7]|[oT2] [ri@] [wur3]|[wur3]|[eYQ@]| @7 @65Level: 6Length: 01:54Intermediate
Battle Theme (Final Fantasy VI)
Nobuo Uematsu
[u8] w t u|w t o 0 w r o|w r t 6 0 w t|0 w t|| [e5]ti[wut] t|[u8] w t u|w t o 0 w r o| w r t 6 0 w t|0 w t [wr5]| s s d f f 8 w [zy] [xu]|w y [ud] [d3] [d0] [yd] [uf] d [s0] [ys] u 6 0 [zw] [xt] z [l0] [wl] t| 0 w [ts] s [rd] [th] og 9 e [yv] ic e y [ug] [g8] [fe] [tf] g f [ed] [td] y 5 9 w t|w e t [wr95]|| s d f f 8 w t [yd] u o s h 0 r y o|d d d 6 [f0] w t| [wd] [td] [od] 4 [f8] q [se]|| p [g9] e [uf] [ig]|| g [f8] e [td] s| p|[d5] 9 e t| w e t [wr95]| [of] [of] [pg] [ha] [sh] [81] w t o [sh] [wpg] [tof] [od] 7 w r y s [wd] [rf] [tso] 6 [d0] [rf] [tso]| [d0] [rf] [tsg] 4 [sf8] w e [of] [pg8] [wha] [tsh] [81] w t o [sh] [wsg] [tsf] [fOH] 3 [sj0] W [rkd] y u [fO] d [s6] [a0] [se] j 5 0 [pe] d [yQ]|| s d f p 9 [ed] u i|s| [ysod0]|| s d f p q [td] i o| a s h [to4]| o [pg] [pg] [sh] [sg] [sf8] w t o| w t o [od7] w t o| w t o [so6] 0 t o| 0 t o 6 0 t o [pg] [pg0] [tsh] [sog] [sf8] w t o| w t o [od7] w t o| w t o [so6] 0 t o| 0 t o [utqe8]|||[wut8]Level: 6Length: 01:38Intermediate
Beautiful Life (Goblin)
Nam Hye-seung
[f6] 0 d e [se] 0 e p 8 [wo] o t s w [tj] h [G9] e d y p [pe] [ya]| [uspe]||| [pe] [up] o o s s [ua] [ea] [ta] [wo] o o [wo] u t w [o9] [oe] o o o o [yo] p [tp] u u| u t e 0 [pe] [up] p p p p [up] [ea] [ta] [wo] o o [wo] u t w [o9] [oe] o o o o [yo] p [tp] u u| u| e p [p6] [ue] [u6] e [u6] e 6 [pe] [p1] [u8] [u1] 8 [u1] 8 1 8 [p2] [p9] [o2] [o9] [s2] [s9] [a2] [a9] [a6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [p6] [p0] [oe] o [s6] s [ea] a [a8] [wo] [to] o [o8]| t o [o9] [oe] [yo] o [o9] o [yo] p [p6] [u0] [ue]| [u6]| e| [p6] [p0] [oe] o [s6] s [ea] a [a8] [wo] [to] o [o8]| t o [o9] [oe] [yo] o [o9] o [yo] p [p6] [u0] [ue]| [u6]| e| [f6] e [f6] [fe] [d6] e [d6] [ed] [s1] [s8] [s1] [s8] [a1] [o8] [u1] [p8] 2 [f9] [f2] [f9] [d2] 9 [d2] [d9] [s6] [s6] 6 [a6] [a6] [p6] 6 6 [f6] e [f6] [fe] [d6] e [d6] [ed] [s1] [s8] [s1] [s8] [a1] [o8] [u1] [p8] 2 [f9] [f2] [f9] [d2] 9 [d2] [d9] [s6] [s6] [s6] [u6] [u6] [p6] 6 6 [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p1] [o8] [o1] 8 [s1] [s8] [a1] [a8] [a2] [oa9] [oa2] [oa9] [oa2] [o9] [o2] [p9] [p6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p1] [o8] [o1] 8 [s1] [s8] [a1] [a8] [a2] [oa9] [oa2] [oa9] [oa2] [o9] [o2] [p9] [p6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [p6] [p0] [oe] o [s6] s [ea] a [a8] [wo] [to] o [o8]| t o [o9] [oe] [yo] o [o9] o [yo] p [p6] [u0] [ue]| [u6]| e| [p6] [p0] [oe] o [s6] s [ea] a [a8] [wo] [to] o [o8]| t o [o9] [oe] [yo] o [o9] o [yo] p [p6] [u0] [ue]| [u6]| e| [f6] e [f6] [fe] [d6] e [d6] [ed] [s1] [s8] [s1] [s8] [a1] [o8] [u1] [p8] 2 [f9] [f2] [f9] [d2] 9 [d2] [d9] [s6] [s6] 6 [a6] [a6] [p6] 6 6 [f6] e [f6] [fe] [d6] e [d6] [ed] [s1] [s8] [s1] [s8] [a1] [o8] [u1] [p8] 2 [f9] [f2] [f9] [d2] 9 [d2] [d9] [s6] [s6] [s6] [u6] [u6] [p6] 6 6 [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p1] [o8] [o1] 8 [s1] [s8] [a1] [a8] [a2] [oa9] [oa2] [oa9] [oa2] [o9] [o2] [p9] [p6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p6] [pe] [p1] [o8] [o1] 8 [s1] [s8] [a1] [a8] [a2] [oa9] [oa2] [oa9] [oa2] [o9] [o2] [p9] [p6] [u6] [u6] 6 [u6] 6 6 6 [f6] 0 d e [se] 0 e p 8 [wo] o t s w [tj] h [G9] e d y p [pe] [ya]| [uspe]Level: 6Length: 02:43Intermediate
Lady Gaga