03:58 -
2 -
[t4] 8 [tq] [o8] [t4] [r5] [t9] [wo]
[t6] 0 [te] 0 [t6] [o5] [t9] [wt]
[t4] 8 [tq] [o8] [t4] [r5] [t9] [wo]
[t6] 0 et[t0] [t6] [t5] [t9] [wt]
[q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [y9] [wr]
[t6] 0 e [w0] [r6] [t5] [t9] [wt]
[q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [u9] [wr]
[t6] 0 e 0 [y6] [u5] [u9] [wu]
[i4] 8 q [w8] [i4] [y5] [y9] [wu]
[u6] 0 e 0 6 [t5] [t9] [wu]
[u4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [y9] [wt]
[t6] 0t[te] [t0] [u6] [o5] [o9] [wo]
[pi4] 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi]
[ut6] 0 [ue] [u0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wo]
[to4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu]
[ut6] 0 e [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [wpi]
4 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi]
[ut6] 0 e [w0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wi]
[i4] 8yq [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu]
[u6] 0 [te] [u0] [u6] [y5] [y9] [yw]
4 [t8] q [t8]y[u4] [t5]y[u9] w
6 0 e [t0]y[u6] [y5] 9 [wt]
4 8 q [t8]y[u4] [t5]y[u9] w
6 [e0] [te] [u0] [u6] [y5] [y9] [yw]
4 [t8] q [s8]d[f4] [s5]d[f9] w
6 0 e [s0]d[f6] [d5] 9 [ws]
4 8 q [s4]d[f5] [s9]d[wf] 5
6 [tpe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5]
[toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5]
[utoe6] 60[utoe] [utoe6] [utoe6] [ywro5] [ywro5] [ywro]
[toie4] 48[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5]
[utoe6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5]
[toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5]
[te6] 60[te] [te6] [te6] [wr5] [wt5] [wr]
[te4] 48[tqe] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5]
[te6] 60et[t6] [t6] [t5] [t5] t
[q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [y9] [wr]
[t6] 0 e [w0] [r6] [t5] [t9] [wt]
[q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [u9] [wr]
[t6] 0 e 0 [y6] [u5] [u9] [wu]
[i4] 8 q [w8] [i4] [y5] [y9] [wu]
[u6] 0 e 0 6 5 9w[wu]
[ue4] [ye8] [yqe] [ye8] [ye4] [yr5] [yr9] [wt]
[te6] 0 [te] [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [ywo]
[pi4] 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi]
[ut6] 0 [ue] [u0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wo]
[to4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu]
[ut6] 0 e [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [wpi]
4 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi]
[ut6] 0 e [w0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wi]
[i4] 8yq [y4] [y5] [y9] [wi] [u5]
[u6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5]
[toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5]
[utoe6] 60[utoe] [utoe6] [utoe6] [ywro5] [ywro5] [ywro]
[toie4] 48[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5]
[utoe6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5]
[toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5]
[te6] 60[te] [te6] [te6] [wr5] [wt5] [wr]
[te4] 48[tqe] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5]
[te6] [tpe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod]
[tqe] s| f g [ywro] s d
[utfe] o s f f [ywro] s d
[tsqe] o s f g [ywro] s d
[utfe] o s f f [ywro] s d
[s4] [o8] [sq] f g [o5] [s9] [wd]
[f6] [o0] [se] f f [o5] [s9] [wd]
[s4] [o8] [sq] [f8] [g4] [o5] [s9] [wd]
[f6] 0 e 0 [o6] [oa5] [oa9] [woa]
[tsi4] 8 q [s8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wf]
[upf6] 0 [fe] [f0] [f6] [d5] [d9] [ws]
[si4] [si8] [sqi] [si8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wof]
[upf6] 0 e [a0] [oa6] [oa5] [oa9] [wsi]
4 8 q [s8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wf]
[upf6] 0 e [o0] [pf6] [od5] [od9] [wod]
[id4] 8[si]q [pf8] [pf4] [od5] [od9] [wso]
[sp6] 0 [utse] [upf0] [upf6] [yod5] [yod9] [ywod]
[ti4] [tsi8] [sq] [s8] [s4] [od5] [d9] [wd]
[pf6] [f0] [fe] [f0] [f6] [f6] [od5] [pf6]
[sig4] [g8] [qg] [g8] [g4] [sof81] [wf] [tf]
[wf] [oda5] [wd] [sof81] [wf] [oda5] [d9] [wd]
[uts3] [us8] [us0] [us8] [us3] [yod5] [od9] [wod]
[upf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] [pf6] [ohd5] [pjf6]
[slg4] [sg8] [sqg] [sg8] [sg4] [slf81] [wsf] [tsf]
[wsf] [wo5]9[wtso] [uof9] [uof5] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5]
[tpie4] [tsi4]8[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5]
[utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso]
[tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5]
[utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso5]
[tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5]
[utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso]
[tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5]
[utsp6] [upe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5]
[tpie4] [tsi4]8[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5]
[utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa]
[tpie4] 48[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5]
[utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa5]
[tpie4] 48[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5]
[utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa]
[tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5]
[utsp6] [upe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod]
[81] [tso]
About This Music Sheet
Something Just Like This is a song by The Chainsmokers. Use your computer keyboard to play Something Just Like This music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:58, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Something Just Like This is classified in the genres: Dance, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Dance-Pop, Happy, Love Songs, Inspirational.
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[ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]||[qf] ds [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]||[qf] ds [qf]ds[wf]ds[h0]||[qd]| [tqh]hh[ywh] d d[t0] [tqf] d d [tq] [ywf] d d[t0]ds[tqf] s [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [tqh] h[ywh] ddd[t0]s [tqf] ddd [tq] [ywf] ddd[t0] [tqd] d [qd] [wd] [s0] hshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y ss f d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y ss h d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y|s f d [tsqe]| |[wra]||a [rqa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t a [roa0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t a [roa0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] h [wr] gt f [rg0] [tf] d [rq] dts a [tsqe]||[wtf]|[ywrd]|| [yr]| |as [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [tqh] h[ywh] d d[t0]sd[tqf] d d [tq]sd[ywf] d d[t0]d [tqd] d [qd] [wa] [s0]hshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [tqh] h[ywh] d d[t0]sd[tqf] d d [tq] [ywf] d d[t0]d [tqd] d [qf] [wf] [f0] hshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y ss f d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y ss h d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y|s f d [tsqe]| |[wra]||a [rqa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t a [roa0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t a [roa0] [ts] p [rq] ftd a [rqoa] [ts] h [wr] gt f [rg0] [tf] d [rq] dts a [tsqe]||[wtf]|[ywrd]|| [yr]| |[sa]| [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [qf]ds[wf]ds[h0]||[qd]| [qea] [ts] [ia]s[qe]s t i [w0] ata [us] [wd0] [tf] [ud] [qea] [ts] i [qea] [ts] i [w0] ata [us] [wd0] [tf] [uf] [qea] [ts] i [qea] [ts] i [w0] ata [us] [wd0] [tf] [us] [qea] [ts] i [qea] [ts] [id] [tqied]ss| | [tqh]hh[ywh] d d[t0] [tqf] d d [tq] [ywf] d d[t0]ds[tqf] s [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [tqh] h[ywh] ddd[t0] [tqf] ddd [tq] [ywf] ddd[t0] [tqd] d [qd] [wd] [s0] hshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]yas s f d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]yss s h d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y|s f d [tsqe]| |[wra]||a [rqa] [ts] h [wr] t a [ra0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqa] [ts] h [wr] t a [ra0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqa] [ts] h [wr] gt f [rg0] [tf] d [rq] dts a [tsqe]||[wtf]|[ywrd]|| r| |adfds [rqa] [ts] j [wrha] t f [rl0] [tk] h [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t f [rl0] [tk] h [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] h [wr] gt f [rg0] [tf] d [rq] dts a [tsqe]||[wtf]|[ywrd]|| r| |f d a [tsqe]||[wth]|[ywrd]|| [wr]| |as [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]||[qf] ds [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]||[qf] ds [qf]ds[wf]dsh0|dqLevel: 7Length: 03:41Intermediate
A Thousand Miles
Vanessa Carlton
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0f]| s [0a]|r|a|
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|[eg] f d s [wad]|[yi]|
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0p]|a s [0o]|r| o
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|g f [wrd] s [8s]|0|w|t|u|
[of] g [th]|[uoh]|[uoh]|
[rh]|[yoh] j [yoh] g [ef]|[tuf]|[tuf]|
[wf]|[ruf] g [ruf] d [qs]|[ets]|[ets] a
[0p]|[eta]|[eta] s [9d]|[qed] f [qed] f
[wad]|q|[0f] g [8fh]|[0wdh]|[0wsh]|
[7ah]|[9wh] j [9wh] g [6sf]|[80af]|[80pf]|
[0f] g [wrf] d [wrs] a [qp]|[etp] a [ets] d
[0o]|[wts]|[wtd] f [9d]|[qe] d [wrd] s
[8s]|[0w]|[0w]|8|w|s d
[8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0f]| s [0a]|r|a|
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|[eg] f d s [wad]|[yi]|
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0p]|a s [0o]|r| o
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|
d f [9g]|g f [wrd] s [8s]|0|w|
t|u|[of] g [th]|[uoh]|[uoh]|
[rh]|[yoh] j [yoh] g [ef]|[tuf]|[tuf]|
[wf]|[ruf] g [ruf] d [qs]|[ets]|[ets] a
[0p]|[eta]|[eta] s [9d]|[qed] f [qed] f
[wad]|q|[0f] g [8fh]|[0wdh]|[0wsh]|
[7ah]|[9wh] j [9wh] g [6sf]|[80af]|[80pf]|
[0f] g [wrf] d [wrs] a [qp]|[etp] a [ets] d
[0o]|[wts]|[wtd] f [9d]|[qe] d [wrd] s
[os]|[sf]|[fh]|[8wf]hlLevel: 6Length: 01:45IntermediateAlways With Me (Spirited Away)
Joe Hisaishi
[yd]| | fdsa[eup]| s d [qtid] s s s [8wth] f| d [wyo]| fdsa[eup]| s d [qtid] s s s [8wth] f| d [wyo]| lkjk[eupj] h j h [qtij] h j k [8wtl]| f d [wyo]| fdsa[qtip] s [qti]| [qti]| fdsa[wyop] d [wyo]| [wyo]| [wyof]dsa[ep] u [ps] d [qd] [ts] [is] s [8sh] [wf] t [od] w y [of]dsa[ep] u [ps] d [qd] [ts] [is] s [8sh] [wf] t [od] w ys[ol]kjk[ej] [uh] [pj] h [qj] [th] [ij] k [8sl] [wf] t [od] w y [of]dsa[qp] [ts] i t [qi] t [if]d[ts]a[wp] [yd] o y [wof] y o f [8osf] w t [wf] [8osf] w t ws[4qsg] [sg][sg] [sg][sg] fd s [8osf] w t [wh] [8osf] w t [ws] [4qsg] [sg][sg] [sg][sg] fd s [8osf] w t [wh] [8osf] w t [ws] [4qsg] [sg][sg] [sg][sg] fd s [euf]| [woh]| [qyd]| [tuf]| [4quos]| | fdsa[6p] [0s] [es] d [4ipd] [8s] [qs] s [8sh] [wf] t [od] 5 9 [wof]dsa[6p] [0s] [es] d [4ipd] [8s] [qs] s [8sh] [wf] t [od] 5 9 [wos]apa[6up] [0o] [ep] o [4p] [8o] [qp] a [8uos] w [tu] y 5 9 [wof]dsa[4qp] [8s] q 8 [4q] 8u[qf]d[8s]a[5wp] [9d] w 9 [5wuof] 9 w s [18uos] 5 8 [8s] [1uos] 5 8 8s[48qipd] [ipd][ipd] [ipd][ipd] sp s [18uos] 5 8 [8s] [1uos] 5 8 [8s] [48qipd] [ipd][ipd] [ipd][ipd] sp s [18uos] 5 8 [8s] [1uos] 5 8 [8s] [48qipd] [ipd][ipd] [ipd][ipd] sp s [euf]| [woh]| [qyd]| [tuf]| [4quos]| | jk[pfl]| [odh]| [ipd]| [uosf]| [qtios]| | o [eo]| [ws]| [qof] d [tos]| [4qipd] sp|| o fdsa[qp] [ts] i t i ufdsa[wp] [yd] o y oLevel: 8Length: 02:30Expert
Little Do You Know
Alex & Sierra