01:28 -
2 -
[8f] 0 w t [0h] w r u
[qf] e t i [ws] r y [od]
[8f] 0 [wh] t [0z] w [rl] u
[qj] e t i q| |
[qj] e t i [wz] r [yl] [oj]
[0h] w r u [8s] w t f
[qg] e [th] i j| g|
[wd] r y o w| |
[8f] w 0 w [0h] r w r
[qf] t e t [ws] y r [yd]
[8f] w [0h] w [0z] r [wl] r
[qj] t e t q| |
[qj] t e t [wd] y [rf] [yg]
[0h] r w r [8s] w [0d] [wf]
[qg] t [ef] t [ws] y [rp] [ys]
[8s] w 0 w 8| s|
[4p] [6s] [8p] [qs] [5a] [7o] [9a] [wo]
[4p] [6i] [8p] [qi] [5o] 7 9 [ws]
[4p] [6s] [8p] [qs] [5d] [7a] [9d] [wa]
[4s] [6p] [8s] [qp] [5a] 7 9 [wd]
[%s] [8D] [(s] [WD] [^d] [9P] [qd] [EP]
[%s] [8O] [(s] [WO] [^P] 9 q [ED]
[%s] [8D] [(s] [WD] [^g] [9d] [qg] [Ed]
[9g] [qd] [eg] [yd] [wh] r y o a|||
[8sf] 0 w t [0fh] w r u
[qsf] e t i [wps] r y [oad]
[8sf] 0 [wfh] t [0kz] w [rjl] u
[qgj] e t i q| |
[qgj] e t i [woa] r [yps] [oad]
[0fh] w r u [qps] e [tps] [ioa]
[qip] e [tdg] i p| [ip]|
[woa] r [yfh] o a| [fh]|
[8f] [0h] [wf] [th] [9G] [Qd] [eG] [yd]
[8f] [0s] [wf] [ts] [9d] Q [es] y
About This Music Sheet
Somewhere Out There (James Horner) is a song by James Horner. Use your computer keyboard to play Somewhere Out There (James Horner) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:28, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Somewhere Out There (James Horner) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By James Horner
ef u pf ul af u sf ul ef ul pk uj sh uj ak uh of r uf rk of r f rk 0f r of rk f r o r ef u pf ul af u sf ul ef ul pk uj sh uj ak uh of r f rk of r o r l r o r qs t s tj pf tg 9d e yd ej ud e id ej 9d e yd ef g f ed 30ru 7 0 w r u a fLevel: 3Easy
One Last Wish (Casper)
James Horner
6 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 6 0 e 0 r 0 [ut] [o0] [p4] 8 q 8 w 8 [se] 8 [a5] 9 w 9sa[pe] 9 [ro] 9 [o6] 0 e 0 r 0 [tp] 0 [u6] 0 e 0 r 0 [ut] [o0] [p4] 8 q 8 w 8 [se] 8 [a5] 9 w 9sa[pe] 9 [ro] 9 [o6] 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 [p6] 0 e 0 r 0 [tf] [h0] [qji] t i t o t [ph] t wyo[wd] y o y [sp] y [da] y wup[ge] [uf] [pf] u [da] u s u qti [qp] t i t i t u [to] [p4] 8 q 8 w 8 [se] 8 [a5] 9 w 9sa[pe] 9 [ro] 9 [o6] 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 [p6] 0 e 0 r 0 [utf] [oh0] [qji] t i t o t [ph] t w y o y [sp] y [da] yg[pe] [uf] [fa] u [sd] u s| qti[qp] t i t i t u [to] [p4] 8 q 8 w 8 [se] 8 [a5] 9 w 9sa[pe] 9 [ro] 9 [o6] 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 [p6] 0 e 0 r 0 [utf] [oh0] [p6] 0 e 0 r 0 [tf] [h0] [pj4]8qtitq848qt[sli]tq8 [ka5]9wyoyw[sl]9ka[pj5]9wy[oh]yw9 [oh6]0eupue060eu[pj]ue0 [uf6]0eupue060eu[upf]u[ohe]0 [pj4]8qtitq848qt[sli]tq8 [ka5]9wyoyw[sl]9ka[pj5]9wy[oh]yw9 [oh6]0eupue060eupue0 [pj6]0eupue060eu[upf]u[ohe]0 [pj4]8qtitq848qt[sli]tq8 [ka5]9wyoyw[sl]9ka[pj5]9wy[oh]yw9 [oh6]0eupue060eu[pj]ue0 [uf6]0eupue060eu[upf]u[ohe]0 [pj4]8qtitq848qt[sli]tq8 [ka5]9wyoyw[sl]9ka[pj5]9wy[oh]yw9 [oh6]0eupue060eupue0 [pj6]0eueupfpfjmvLevel: 5Length: 01:50Intermediate
Braveheart Theme
James Horner
[fe] u [pf] [ul] [fa] u [sf] [ul] [fe] [ul] [pk] [uj] [sh] [uj] [ka] [uh] [f0] r [uf] [rk] [of] r [fI] [rk] [f0] [rk] [of] [rk] [fI] r o r [fe] u [pf] [ul] [fa] u [sf] [ul] [fe] [ul] [pk] [uj] [sh] [uj] [ka] [uh] [f0] r [uf] [rk] [of] r [fI] [rk] [f0] r o r I r o r [sq] t [si] [tj] [so] t [sp] [tj] [sq] [tj] [ih] [tg] [of] [td] [pf] [tg] [d9] e [yd] [je] [ud] e [id] [je] [d9] e [yd] [fe] [ug] e [if] [ed] [O0] 7 0 W r u O a fLevel: 4Length: 00:32Easy
Casper’s Lullaby (Casper)
James Horner
[D8] g [ohYP]||J j|t|[pg]|[h8]|[oYP]| |t|[pi]| |[D8] g [ohYP]||J l|p|[ji]|[h8]|[oYP]| |t s P p i|[s8]dDg [ohYP]||J j t i o [pg]|[h8]|[oYP]| |t|[pi]| |[d8]D g [ohYP]||J l s P [pg] [iJ] j [h8]|[oYP]|d|[pD] [o4] [d8] [s(] g s [d%]|[wtE]||h [h%]|[tiW] g [YJ] H [h5]|[wY(]|i d [d@] [D(] [wd] y [PE]|[d%]|[wti]||h [h%]|[toW] h J l [h5] 9 e E i [hZP] [zg5] [dJ] [hPE]yi [wH]|[s4]gJ [qYWH]|[qYW] [hD] [gH4] 8 [qYW]|[qYW] l [lh5]|[wigJE]|[wiE] j [dJ5] 9 [oE] e [ohdE] z [D%]Hz [liWD(] Y [hD]|[ztg]YP [hZO] o [icH]|[zywthg]|5 5 5|[ia5]| |[Y1] i [woE(]||P [p8] w e|[qi]|[o1]|[w(]| |8|[qe]|4|[Y1] i [woE(]||P [s8] w e|[qp]|[o1]|[wE(]| |8 [tp] [oE] [ie] [tq]|[w1]tYi [woE(]||[yP] [pi] 8 q w [ie]|[o1]io [wE(]| |8|qete Ety[Y1] i [woE(]||[YP] [si] q e [ti] [iP] p [o8] [tY] [wt] [PE] Y o [tpi4] [oP] [tsqpe] [dP] [tsqeD] [gd] [hD%] [sD] [tsYWO] [hD] [sD] [sO] [hD] [sD] [sO] [hD] [sD] [sO] [jg^] [gd] [yedPE] [jg] [gd] [dP] [jg] [ged] [dPE] [tjg] [ygd] [idP] [lH*] [gH] [igWTS] [lH] [gH] [gS] [lWH]To[gH] [gS] [lH] [igH] [gS] [zJ@] [hJ] [whD]Ey[zJ] [hJ] [hD] [ziJ] [hJ] [hD] [zJ] [hZ] [gc] [ywhE]Jzv
Level: 7Length: 02:00IntermediateChristina (Steins;Gate)
Takeshi Abo
Jun Murakami
s a s d [fe] u p s| p s d [qf] t [pi] s| s s h 8 [wg] t [yg] u f| f w [yd] o s| p s d [fe] u p s| p s d [qf] t [pi] s| s a s 8 [wd] t [ys] u s a s w [yf] o [pd] a o s d [f6] 0 [pe] [sr] t [up] s d [f4] 8 [qp] [ws] e [ts] [si] h 1 [g5] 8 [g9] 0 f| f 5 [d9] w [se] r [yp] s d [f6] 0 [pe] [sr] t [up] s d [f4] 8 [qp] [ws] e [ts] [ua] s 1 [d5] 8 [s9] 0 s a s 5 [f9] w [d9] 5 8 5 [a7]s[h6] [o0] [se] [o0] [ta] [o0] [se] [o0] [h4] [o8] [sq] [o8] [ea] [o8] [sq] [o8] [h8] [wo] [ts] [wo] [ua] [wo] [ts] [wd] [f5] 9 [wg] [d9] r 9 [wd]fd[s9] [h6] [o0] [se] [o0] [ta] [o0] [se] [o0] [h4] [o8] [sq] [o8] [ea] [o8] [sq] [o8] [h1] [o5] [s8] [o5] [a0] [o5] [s8] [d5] [f5] 9 [wg] [d9] r [p9] [wp] [f9] 6 0 e [d0] [td] [s0] e [a0] 6 [s0] [pe] 0 t [p0] [pe] [f0] 4 8 q [f8] [he] [f8] q [d8] 4 [d8] [sq] 8 [pe] [o8] [qp] [f8] 5 9 w [d9] [rd] [s9] w [a9] 5 [s9] [wp] 9 r 9 w [o9] [p2] 6 [f9] 6 [qf] [f6] [h9] [j6] 3 [d7] 0 [s7] w [e7] [u0] [o7] [to4] [tp8] [qpf] w e u [oe] [to5] [tp9] [wpd] e r y [oe] [to6] [tp0] [pfe] r t [od] [ts] [yd6] 0[ts]e [tp0] 5 [e0] [wur] [o0] [to4] 8[tp]e [pf8] 4 [e8] [ue] [o8] [to3] 8[tp]w [pd8] 3 [e8] [yw] [o8] [uo2] 6[up]q [sp6] [a2] 6 [sq] [r3]yua|| [t3]uOs[ra] [ts] [yd] [uspf6]|[pe6] [ts0]|[ts0] [yd8] [uspf6] 4 [pe] 4 [tsq8]|[tsq8] [ts6] [ohf4] 1 [ig] 8 [wtig] 0 [wutf] 8 [wutf] 5 [yd] 5 [wts9]|[wpe9] [ts9] [yd5] [uspf6]|[pe6] [ts0]|[ts0] [yd8] [uspf6] 4 [pe] 4 [tsq8]|[tsq8] [ra6] [tso4] 1 [yd] 8 [wts] 0 [wts] [ra8] [wtso] 5 [uf] 5 [ywd9]|[wwo9] [ts7] [yd5] [uspf6] 0 [pe8] [ts0] 6 [tse0] [yd8] [uspfe0] 4 [qpe8] 6 [tsq8] 4 [tsq8] [ts6] [qohf8] 8 [wtig] 0 [wtig] 8 [wutf] 0 [wutf] 5 [ywd9] 7 [wts9] 5 [wpe9] [ts7] [ywd9] [uspf6] 0 [pe8] [ts0] 6 [tse0] [yd8] [uspfe0] 4 [qpe8] 6 [tsq8] 4 [tsq8] [ra6] [tsqo8] 8 [ywd] 0 [wts] 8 [wts] [ra0] [wtso] 5 [wuf9] 7 [ywd9] 5 [w9] 7 [w9] [s6] 6 0 [fe] t u [pf] g q [fe] [td] [si] p i [ts] g 1 [f8] [wd] [ts] u o [ts] o 5 [d7] 9 [ws] 9 [a5] 5 5 [s6] 6 0 [fe] t u [pf] g q [fe] [td] [se] q 8 [s6] [a4] 1 [o5] [u8] [u0] w t [up] a 5 [s7] 9 w r [ws] [a9] [o7] [to4] 8[tp]q [pf8] e 8 [uq] [o8] [yo5] 9[yp]w [pd9] r 9 [yw] [o9] [to6] 0[tp]e [pf0] t 0 [oed] [s0] [yd6] 0[ts]e [tp0] 5 [e0] [wur] [o0] [to4] 8[tp]e [pf8] 4 [e8] [ue] [o8] [to3] 8[tp]w [pd8] 3 [e8] [yw] [o8] [uo2] 6[up]q [sp6] [a2] 6 [sq] [r3]yua|| [uH][ka][xf]||| l k l z [xp] f [sj] [lf] p [jf] [sl] [zf] [xi] s [pj] [sl] i [sl] [pl] [vs] t [oc] u [oc] t [xo] u [xo] o [zd] a [ld] o [jd] [la] [zd] [xp] f [sj] [lf] p [jf] [sl] [zf] [xi] s [pj] [sl] i [sl] [pk] [sl] t [zo] u [ol] t [ol] [uk] [ol] w [yx] r [zy] w [oh9] [sl7] [zd5] [uspf6]|[pe6] [tse0]|[tse0] [yd8] [uspf6] 4 [pe] 4 [tsq8]|[tsq8] [ts6] [ohf4] 1 [ig] 8 [wtig] 0 [wutf] 8 [wutf] 5 [yd] 5 [wts9]|[wpe9] [ts7] [yd5] [uspf6]|[pe6] [tse0]|[tse0] [yd8] [uspf6] 4 [pe] 4 [tsq8]|[tsq8] [ra6] [tso4] 1 [yd] 8 [wts] 0 [wts] [ra8] [wtso] 5 [uf] 5 [ywd9]|[w9] [w9] as[h6] [o0] [se] [o0] [ta] [o0] [se] [o0] [h4] [o8] [sq] [o8] [ea] [o8] [sq] [o8] [h8] [wo] [ts] [wo] [ua] [wo] [ts] [wd] [f5] 9 [wg] [d9] r 9 [wd]fd[s9] [h6] [o0] [se] [o0] [ta] [o0] [se] [o0] [h4] [o8] [sq] [o8] [ea] [o8] [sq] [o8] [h1] [o5] [s8] [o5] [a0] [o5] [s8] [d5] [f5] 9 [wg] [d9] r 9 w [a9]s[h6] [o0] [se] [ro] [ta] o s o [h4] [o8] [sq] [wo] [ea] o s o [h8] [wo] [ts] [yo] [ua] o s d [wf] y [og] [pd] a|dfds [he] [uo] [sp] [oa] [sa] o s o [qh] [to] [si] o [pa] o s o [th] o s [od] [fa] o s d [wf] y [og] [pd] a| ps [vq] cxlhgfsoiutwqwt9qw[91]0wt|| 1Level: 7Length: 03:43Intermediate
Reluctant Heroes (Attack on Titan)
Amanda Lee
[60]|[wy] [59]| [wy]|
[60]|[wy] [59]| o p
[60a] s d [59] d o p s
[60]|f [59d]| 9|
[60ya]| [59yp]||
[60]| [59]| o p
[48a] d|[59d]|o p s
[48]|f [59d]| 9|
[Q7ru]| [Q7ry]||
[8wru]| [8wru]| o p
[60a] d|[59d]|o p s
[60]|f [59] d|9|
[60a] d|[59a]|p|o
[60]| [59]| o p
[48a] d|[59d]|o p s
[48] f|[59d]| 9|
[Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
[8w]| [8wy]| o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a [48] p|o p
[6a] s [0d]|[5d] o [9p] s
6|[0f] d 5|9|
[6a] d 0 a 5 p 9 o
6|0|5|[9o] p
[4a] d 8 d [5d] o [9p] s
[4s]|[8f] d 5|9|
[3a] d 7 s 3 a 7 p
4|8|4|o p
[6a] d 0 d 5 o [9p] s
[6a] d 0 a 5 p 9 o
5|9|5|o p
[6a] d 0 d [5d] o [9p] s
6 f 0 d [59]||
[Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
[8w]| [8wy]| o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[wry] a a [wrya]|a a [wryd]|
s a [qetp]|p|[wrya]|
a a [wrya]|a|[wryd]|
d d f [qets] s s [wrya]|
a a [wrya]|a|[wryd]|
d d f [qets]|d [wrya]|
a a [wrya]aa|[wryd]|
o p a [4ps]|[5ad]|
6|[sf] 6 6||
[^q]|p [^qa] [^qs]|d f
[^qd]| [^q] [^q]|o p
[60a] d|[59d]|o p s
[60]|f [59] d|9|
[60a] d|[59a]|p|o
[60]| [59]| o p
[48a] d|[59d]|o p s
[48] f|[59d]| 9|
[Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
[8w]| [8wy]| o p
[rua] s d [EY] d o p s
[ey]|f [WTd]| o p
[rua] d|[EYd]|o [eyp] s
[WT]|f [wtd]||
[30]|[30]|[30]|[30o] p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a|[48p]|o p
[15a] s a [26s]|o p a
[37s]|a [48] p||
[15us]| [15]||
[15]| [48]|h g hd
[15sf]| [15]||
[15]| [48]|h g hd
[15sf]| [15]Level: 5Length: 03:09IntermediateKing Of Pain (Sting)