Somewhere Over The Rainbow (The Wizard of Oz)

Judy Garland 27 August 2020

[1t] 5 8 0 [6s] 0 e t [3a] 7 o p a w s E [4t] 8 q e p e t i [3o] 8 0 w u w t w [4e] 8 q e i W t i [1u] 5 t y [6u] 0 i w [2y] 6 r t [5y] 9 u q [1t] 5 8 0 t [1t] 5 8 0 [6s] 0 e t [3a] 7 o p a w s E [4t] 8 q e p e t i [3o] 8 0 w u w t w [4e] 8 q e i W t i [1u] 5 t y [6u] 0 i w [2y] 6 r t [5y] 9 u q [1t] 5 8 0 t o [8u] o [wu] o [eu] o [wu] o [9i] o [qi] o [wi] o [ri] o p 8 0 w p 0 w t y r w q 9 o [8u] o [wu] o [eu] o [wu] o I p I p I p I p a 9 q e a q e t d 9 8 6 e 5 4 2 [1t] 5 8 0 [6s] 0 e t [3a] 7 o p a w s E [4t] 8 q e p e t i [3o] 8 0 w u w t w [4e] 8 q e i W t i [1u] 5 t y [6u] 0 i w [2y] 6 r t [5y] 9 u q [1t] 5 8 0 t o [8u] o [wu] o [eu] o [wu] o [9i] o [qi] o [wi] o [qp] a [8s] [wu] [to] [us] [of] [sh] [fl] [hx] [lxvm] w [tak] [sl] [uf] [3oh] 7 0 w 3 7 [0oh] w [4pj] 8 [qoh] [pj] [ts] [8uf] w t [wyd] [ak] [6sl] 0 [eak] [sl] [uf] [3oh] 7 0 w 3 7 [0oh] w [9eig] [uf] [yd] [ts] [48ig] [uf] [yd] [ts] [59ig] [uf] [yd] [ts] [8ts] w t 1

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About This Music Sheet

Somewhere Over The Rainbow (The Wizard of Oz) is a song by Judy Garland. Use your computer keyboard to play Somewhere Over The Rainbow (The Wizard of Oz) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song Somewhere Over The Rainbow (The Wizard of Oz) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Happy, Easy Listening, Inspirational.


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Other Songs By Judy Garland

  • [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80s]|
    [9o]|i|[qeu]|y|[5et]| [9ry]|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80tos]|
    [9t]| [qe]| [5r]|t|[79y]|i|
    [8tu]| [0wo]| [6uos]| [80osf]|
    [9d]|s|[qea]|p|[5o]| [9i]|
    [0u]| [Wrs]|a|[6P]| [*0p]|
    9| [Qes]|a|[8P]| [0wp]|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80s]|
    [9o]|i|[qeu]|y|[5et]| [9ry]|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80tos]|
    [9t]| [57e]| [5r]|t|[79y]|i|
    [8tu]| [0wo]| [6uos]| [80f]|
    [9yid]|s|[qea]|p|[0yiO]| [Wra]|
    [6up]| [80up]|||
    [589tu]| [tu]| [8w]| |
    [Qtf]| f| [qtf]| d|s|
    [0ya]|s|d| [t(I]| s|a|
    [9tp]|a|s| [579u]| [Ya]|
    [Qes]| s| [7es]| a|p|
    [I0wo]|[up]|a| |[(wo]|p|
    [9wa]|s|d| 6| [80y]|
    [9ti]| [qe]| [5r]|t|[9y]|u|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80s]|
    [9o]|i|[qeu]|y|[5et]| [9ry]|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80tos]|
    [9t]| [qe]| [5r]|t|[79y]|i|
    [0wu]| o| [6ws]| f|
    [7eg]|f|d|s|[W0yia]| d|
    [680]|t|u|O|s| f|
    [qetips]| i| p| s|
    [9qef]|d|s|a|[5ip]| [O79ia]|
    [8uos]| |[0w]| |
    [adh]|[psg]|[oaf]|[ipd]|[8oaf]| [0w]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:10
    Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

    Judy Garland

  • 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr] 0 [wr] [0d] [wr]a0 [wrd] [qs] [et] q [et] q [ets] qs[et] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [qs] [et] q [et] [qs] [et] q [et] [0a] [Wry] 0 [Wry] [0d] [Wry]a0 [Wry] 6 [0ep] 6s[0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qep] [6s] [qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr]o0 [wrp] [0a] [wr]s0 [wr] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [6t] [qe] 6p[qe] [8o] [0w] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] [4e] [8q] 4 [8q] [4i] [8q] 4 [8q] [8u] [0w]u8 [0wu] [8u] [0w]u8 [0w] [5y] [9w]r5 [9wt] [5y] [9w] 5 [9wy] [6u] [0e] [6p] [0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qef] 6d[qe] [6s] [qe]s6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8o] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr]a0 [wra] [0d] [wr]a0 [wr] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [6s] [qe] 6p[qe] [8o] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [4e] [8q] 4 [8q] [4i] [8q] 4 [8q] [8u] [0w]u8 [0wu] [8u] [0w]u8 [0w] [5y] [9w]r5 [9wt] [5y] [9w] 5 [9wy] [6u] [0e] [6p] [0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qef] 6d[qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qes] [8s] [wts]s8 [wts]s8 [wto]o8 [wt] [0a]a[wr] [0a] [wra]a0a[wr]a0a[wr] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [6f] [qe] [6d] [qe] [6s] [qe] [6s] [qes] [8s]s[wt]s8 [wts] [8s]o[wt]o8 [wt] [0a] [wra]a0a[wr]d0a[wra] [0a] [wra] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0ep] [6f] [qe] [6d] [qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr]a0 [wra] [0d] [wr]a0 [wr] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [6s] [qe] 6s[qe] [8s] [0w] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] 8 [0w] [4e] [8q] 4 [8q] [4i] [8q] 4 [8q] [8u] [0w]u8 [0wu] [8u] [0w]u8 [0wu] [5y] [9w] 5 [9wr]y[5y] [9w] 5 [9wy] [6u] [0e] [6p] [0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qef] 6d[qe] [6s] [qe]s6 [qes] [8s] [wts]s8 [wts]s8 [wto]o8 [wt] [0a] [wra] [0a] [wra]a0a[wr]a0a[wr] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [6f] [qe] [6d] [qes] [6s] [qe] [6s] [qes] [8s]s[wt]s8 [wts]s[8s]o[wt]o8 [wt] [0a] [wra]a0a[wr]d0a[wra] [0a] [wra] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0ep] [6f] [qe] [6d] [qe] [6s] [qe]s6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr]a0 [wra] [0d] [wr] [0a] [wr] 6 [qe] 6 [qe] [6s] [qe] 6s[qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [4e] [8q] 4 [8q] [4p] [8q] 4 [8q] [8u] [0w]t8 [0wy] [8u] [0w]i8 [0w] [5y] [9w] 5 [9wr]y[5y] [9w] 5 [9wy] [6u] [0e] [6p] [0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qei] 6p[qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qe] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wt] 8 [wt] [0a] [wr] 0 [wr] [0d] [wr]a0 [wrd] [qs] [et] q [et] q [ets] qs[et] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [qs] [et] q [et] [qs] [et] q [et] [0a] [Wry] 0 [Wry] [0d] [Wry]a0 [Wry] 6 [0ep] 6s[0e] [6s] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [qep] [6s] [qe] [6s] [qe] 6 [qe] [8tuos]

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:24
    Somewhere Over the Rainbow (The Wizard of Oz) (Alternative)

    Judy Garland


  • [xlh8] w t i u| [xlh] z[zj6] 0 [lje] r t| [lj] k[kh4] 8 [qjg] w e| [qjg4] [hd][hd5] 9 w [wt] [wr] o s a [so8] w [to] y u o [sr7] a [so6] 0 [oe] r t o [se6] a [sp4] 8 q [wsp] [spe] p [qp4] o 5 9 w [wt] [wr] o s a [so8] w [to] y u o [rof7] d[pd6] 0 [spe] r t o [se6] a [s4] [p8] q [wp] [pe] s [qpj4] h 5 9 w [wt] [wr] d d g [g0] [rf] [uf] r O [ra] [ua] [rd] [pd6] [s0] [spe] [a0][sp]t [sp0] [ea] [sp0] [spg4] 8 q [wo] [he] g [qf4] d 5 9 w [wt] [wr] d d g [g0] [rf] [uf] r O [rf] [uf] [rkf] [kf6] [j0] [kfe] [lf0] t [lf0] [ed] [s0] [sjg4] 8 q [sjg8] [sjge] [sh8] [sqh] [sh8] [hd5] 9 [wsh] 9 [rha] [o9] [wh] [g9] [sf8] w [usf] [wg][sf]7 w [ysf] [wg] [sf6] [g0] [tsf] [d0]s5 [s0] [wf] [h0] [sjg4] 8 [sjge] [sjg8]h5 [d9] [rd] [g9][sf]8 w [usf] w [wfPE8] [ws] [fE] [wh] [sjg4] 8 [sjge] [sjg8]h5 [d9] [rd] [g9] [tsf8] g [fW%] ds6 0 [ed] [f0] [p4] 8 [pe] [s8] [so5] 9 [ra] [s9] [sqp4]||[uo30]||[yi92]| [ut81]| [ut8] 1 [ut81] [ut81] [yi92] [uo30] [qpi4]||[uo30]||[wso5]| [wda5]| [wda] 5 [da5] d d g [g0] [rf] [uf] r O [ra] [ua] [rd] [pd6] [s0] [spe] [a0][sp]t [sp0] [ea] [sp0] [spg4] 8 q [wo] [he] g [qf4] d 5 9 w [wt] [wr] d d g [g0] [rf] [uf] r O [rf] [uf] [rkf] [kf6] [j0] [kfe] [lf0] t [lf0] [ed] [s0] [sjg4] 8 q [sjg8] [sjge] [sh8] [sqh] [sh8] [hd5] 9 [wsh] 9 [rha] [o9] [wh] [g9] [sf8] w [usf] [wg][sf]7 w [ysf] [wg] [sf6] [g0] [tsf] [d0]s5 [s0] [wf] [h0] [sjg4] 8 [sjge] [sjg8]h5 [d9] [rd] [g9][sf]8
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:20
    Tong Hua

    Michael Wong

  • [zc]| [cb]| [xl]|||[zJ]|||P|||[ypg]| j| [tpf]|||[pidE]|||z|||gf[ypg]| j| [tpf]| ds[pidE]| g| [spjie]| Jj[ywPJ]| z| [yqpj]| hg[ohE0]| d| [uped]fj|S gf[pgd9]| jeyi[spf6]|[ut]|ds[id^P]| gqEy[sqjg]|[iP] [pi]Jj[wgdJ]| zyoP[jgd9]|[yie]|hg[whda]| dryo[jfed]| [upS]|cx[gc] f [db] p [xg] f d pzl[zg] f d p g f d pcx[gc] f [db] p [mg] f d pzm[zg] f d p g f d p [j^] g f p j g f p [i9]qey[p9]qey[u9]qey9qey[i^]qey[y^]qey[i^]qey[o^]qey[tpi4]8qe[t4]8qe[ti4]8qe48qe[t3] 80[e3] 80[t3] 80[ig3] [uf8]0[ig2]690qeyuiuyeq096^qEtyiPsdsPi[yoh]tEq[pj4]8qwetiopoitewq8[sl3]80et0etu|||[yie9]| y| [ie9]op [yqpie^]|[yi]|[yi]| y| [wtsohf8]|||[ml]|||[sl81]| [gc81][xf][gc92] 9 [yjeb] 9 [xf81] 8 [wt] [zd8][sl][zd^] ^ [qgcE] ^ [jb4] 4 [te] [JB4][jb][JB5] 5 [zyE] 5 [jb4] 4 [qe] [vh4][gc][vh3] 3 [zywdE] 3 [zxjb6] y [T6] u [ye^] qE[zyd] [zd] [zd^] [zqd]E[yxf] [gc] [sl6] qe[tsl] [vh][gc][92] eyiye [yE5] 9w[zdE]| [SL6] [zd0]e[xfT] [pj] [jb92] 9e[ypi]e9 [oYE81]| [tpY4]| [tie^] qE[zyd] [zd] [zd^] [zqd]E[yxf]E[qgc] [sl6] 0e[tsl] [vh][gc]9yeq96[gc4][vh2][jb5] [i5]o[p^9] [gc5][vh][jb6] [i6]o[p80] [gc6][vh][jb7] [i7]o[yrp] gh[j5] [zd] [xf] [gc] [jb5] 5 [ywE9] 5 [ywiE9] 5 [ywpE9] [PJ5] [oh1] 8 [wt0] 8 [ts1]| [ts] [pj4] [qpj] [te] [qPJ][pj]4 q [te] [tsq] [oh3] [oh0] [ywr] [pj0][oh]6 6 [ige0] [uf6] [ig2] 9 [ye] [ig9] [oh81] [ig8] [wutf] [ig8][pj]6 6 [ute0] 6 [i6] [u6] [ye0] [t6] [y^E] ^ [yqdE][uf][ig^] [oh^] [ts^] [wts0] [ts^] [pj6] [pj] [oh!] [oh][ig][92] 6[92][yi92][ut81]|[yE5] 59[ydE][uf9][ig5] [oh81] [ig8]w[utf]w[ig8] [sigP4]| [P4] [pi4]|||cx[odcJ]| b| [xplg]| zl[zgP]| c| [zb]| Bb[odJB]| z| [jidb]| vc[vuhP]| z| [pjb]fjLx gf[pgd9]eyi[pj]| [sf8]etup ds[id^P]qey[ig]| [jd]| Jj[hdJ5]9wE[zy]| [sjf6]0etu jh[gd^] qE[yti] Eq[yti] Eq[yti][yd][igE][qpj][PJ81] 8wtw[pj8][PJ][sl1]| [ts3] [pj4] [qpj] [te] [qPJ][pj]4 q [te] [ts4] [oh3] [oh0] [ywr] [pj0][oh]6 6 [igT0] [uf6] [ig2] 9 [ye] [ig9] [oh81] [ig8] [wutf] [ig8][pj]6 6 [ute0] 6 [i6] [u6] [ye0] [t6] [ye^] ^ [yqdE][uf][ig^] [oh^] [ts^] [wts0] [ts^] [pj6] [pj] [oh!] [oh][ig][92] 6[92][yi92][ut81]|[yE5] 59[ydE][uf9][ig5] [oh81] [ig8]w[utf]w[ig8] [ig4]| [P4] [pi4]|||[j92][p92]d[p92][j92][p92]d[p92][f81][p81]d[p81][j81][p81]f[p81][d^][p^]j[p^][g^][p^]d[p^][j^][p^]g[p^][d^][p^]g[p^][j92][p92]d[p92][j92][p92]d[p92][f81][p81]d[p81][j81][p81]f[p81][d^][p^]j[p^][g^][p^]d[p^][j^][p^]g[p^][d^][p^]g[f^][g92][p92]d[p92][j92][p92]d[p92][f81][p81]d[p81][j81][p81]d[s81][d^][i^]p[i^][g^][p^]d[p^][j^][p^]d[p^][j^][p^]J[j^][J5][d5]h[d5][z5][d5]h[d5][j6][s6]g[s6][j6][s6]h[g6][h7][a7]d[a7][d7][o7]a[o7][j6][p6]S[p6][je6][w5][qg4][f30][pgd92]69q[je] 9 [sf8]etup [d8]s[pid^]qey[ig]| [jd]| Jj[dJ5]9wE[zy]| [sjg6]qeti hg[h^]qey[id]| [pj6]0[ye]0[eT]0[ue]0[ye^]qey[pd] [pd] [pd] [pd] f g [sp6]qeti h[pg]| 6| [yE5] 9 [idPE] 9 [uoS6] [d0] [fT] p [spjg9] e [ypi] e [woYE8]| [tqpY4]| [yie^]qey[pd] [pd] [pd] [pd] f g [sp6]qet[si] h[pg]| 6 gh[jd5]9[wc][vE][zyb] gh[jd6]q[ec][vt][zib] gh[jd7]w[rc][yv][zob] cvb [zd] [xf] [gc] [jb5] 9w[yE] w9[yiE9] w9[ypE9] [wPJ]9[sohf81] 8 [wuto] 8 [81]| P [ts] [pj4] [qpj] [te] [qPJ][pj]4 q [te] [ts4] [oh3] [oh0] [ywr] [pj0][oh]6 6 [igT0] [uf6] [ig2] 9 [ye] [ig9] [oh81] [ig8] [wutf] [ig8][pj]6 6 [ute0] 6 [i6] [u6] [ye0] [t6] [ye^] ^ [yqdE][uf][ig^] [oh^] [ts^] [wts0] [ts^] [pj6] [pj] [oh!] [oh][ig][92] 6[92][yi92][ut81]|[yE5] 59[ydE][uf9][ig5] [oh81] [ig8]w[utf]w[ig8] [ig92]|[ueT!]|[ute81] [ywr7] 7 [wr]| [yqE5]| [yd][uf][ig] [oh81] [ig] [uf] [ig] [sigP4]| P [pi4]| j| [hE]i[pj]dl j h jj|g [hE]u[oj]sl j h jg|s [se]u[og][sg]|s s g h g [lg9]eyi[pJ]| [j8]et[uh]p g [pgd^]qeyi g| h j [shf] 8wtuo h| j l h [sjg9] ey[pi] ye[pi] ye[pi] ye[woYE8]| s| [seY84]| j| [hd^]q[jE]y[li] j h jj|g [h^]0[wj]t[ul] j h jg|s [s6]0[wg][tg]u s s g h g [J9]eyi[pj]| [h8]et[uj]p [gd] 7 w r w y|||[yqE5]| yui [uto81] i u i [tiE4]|||E t i E [qe4]

    Level: 7
    Length: 06:15
    Tanjiro Kamado’s Song (Demon Slayer) (Alternative)

    Yuki Kajiura

    Go Shiina

  • [ut6] 0 e| | [ie4] 8 q| | [ur5] 9 w| | [ut6] 0 e|t y|u 6 0 e| | [o8] w t y| | [i9] e y u| | [o0] r u I| | [u6] 0 e t y u|i 4 8 q e o i|u 5 9 w r u y|u 6 0 e r t y|u 6 0 e r|p f p [o8] w t y|p f p [i9] e y u|p f p [o0] r u I|o|| [tpe60]||| [tqp84]||| [tpe60] p|p|p|p [tqp84] p|p|p|p [ute60] p|p|p|p [wuto8] p|p|p|p [yie9] p|p|p|p [uro0] p|p|p|p [f6] 0 e t [ud] f|g 4 8 q e [th] g|f 5 9 w r [yf] d|f 6 0 e t s d|f 6 0 e r|j x j [h8] w t y|[uj] x j [g9] e y u|[ji] x j [h0] r u I|o|| [spje]| |k| [qplg]| |z| | [woha]| |j| [ukf0]| |l| | [spje]| |k| | [qplg]| |z| | [woha]| |j| | [ukf0]| |l| | [slje6]| |[zd]| | [slje4]||| [wkd5]| |j| | [sje6]| |j x j [je60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [qf84] [uq84] [qp84] [qf84] [uq84] [qp84] [qf84] [uq84] [wf95] [wu95] [wp95] [wf95] [wu95] [wp95] [wf95] [wu95] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [f6] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [pe60] [fe60] [ue60] [f4] [uq84] [qp84] [qf84] [uq84] [qp84] [qf84] [uq84] [f5] [wu95] [wp95] [wf95] [wu95] [wp95] [wf95] [wu95] [f6] [ue6] [pe6] [fe6] u p f u [spje]| |k| [tlf8]| |z|l| [zwoh]|h| | [uof0]|k| |l| [uspe]fj| |b x b b
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:57
    An End Once and For All (Mass Effect 3)

    Clint Mansell