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About This Music Sheet
Summertime Sadness is a song by Lana Del Rey. Use your computer keyboard to play Summertime Sadness music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Summertime Sadness is classified in the genres: Pop, USA, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative, Sad.
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Other Songs By Lana Del Rey
uy uy y uy uy y uy ru u u y |
uy uy y uy uy y uy ruu uy | Iu u
uy Iu u uy Iuuyu I uIuy | I u u
uy Iu u u yIu u u y | r u u u yLevel: 1Length: 00:50Super EasyYoung and Beautiful (The Great Gatsby)
Lana Del Rey
[tqpe]| |[tse0]| | [wra9]| |[qpe9]| | [qpe9]| |[wto0]| |[qpe8]||| [qpe8]| |[tse0]| | [wra9]| |[qpe9]| | [qpe9]| |[wo70]| |[qpe8]||| [w80]| u o o| u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]yt||| 8| 7| [p860] p p a p o u o [qpe8]||t [wu860] o||| [w80]| o o o| u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]yt||| 8| 7| [p860] p p a p o u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]||| f| d| s| [tqpe]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]| f| [tqed]| s| [utpe]| |[ute]| |[ute]| f| [uted]| s| [tqpe]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]| f| [tqed]| s| [ywrd]| |[ywr]| |[ywr]| |[ywr]| | [tqe] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wut0]| w w [qe8] e| | [qe8] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wu70]| w w [qe8] e| |o| [ytqe]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| u| [wt0]| |[qie8]| |y o| [yqe8]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| |[wu70]| |[qie8]||| [w80]| u o o| u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]yt||| 8| 7| [p860] p p a p o u o [qpe8]||t [wu80] o||| [w80]| u o o| u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]yt||| 8| 7| [p860] p p a p o u o [qpe8]||o [wu80]||| f| d| s| [tqpe]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]| f| [tqed]| o| [utpe]| |[ute]| |[ute]| f| [uted]| s| [tqpe]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]| f| [tqed]| s| [ywrd]| |[ywr]| |[ywr]| |[ywr]| | [tqe] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wut0]| w w [qe8] e| | [qe8] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wu70]| w w [qe8] e| |o| [ytqe]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| u| [wt0]| |[qie8]| |y o| [yqe8]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| |[wu70]| |[qie8]||| [tqe] o o o [toe0] o o o [wro9]| p| [qfe9] d|| [qe9] o o o [wto0] o o o [qoe8]| p| f d|| [qe8] o o o [toe0] o o o [wro9]| p| [qfe9] d| a [sqe9] p| o [wo70] p||[sqe8] p| f| f|| [tqe] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wut0]| w w [qe8] e| | [qe8] i i i [ute0]| u u [ywr9] y| y [yqe9] t e| [qie9]| i| [wu70]| w w [qe8] e| |o| [ytqe]| u| [te0]| |[wur9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| u| [wt0]| |[qie8]| |y o| [yqe8]| u| [te0]| |[wr9]| |[qe9]| o| [yqe9]| |[wu70]| |[qie8]Level: 6Length: 04:29Intermediate
Lana Del Rey
[s8]| [w0]| [w0]| [a5]| [w0]| [w0]| [s8]| [w0]| [wp0]| [a5]| [ws0]| [wp0]| [a9]| [qe]| [qed]| [f6]| [e0*]| [eS0*]| [d9]| [qe]| [qe]| 6| [qe]| [qe]| [wh]| [yr]| [yr]| [G9]| [yr]| [yr]| [wg]| [yr]| [yr]| [g9]| [yrf]| [yrd]| [j8]| [w0]| [wh0]| [g5]| [w0]| [wd0]| [f9]| [qed]| [sqe]| [d5]| [wp97]| [wa97]| [s8]| [w0]| [w0]| [a5]| [w0]| [w0]| [s8]| [w0]| [wp0]| [a5]| [ws0]| [wp0]| [a9]| [qe]| [qed]| [f6]| [e0*]| [eS0*]| [d9]| [qe]| [qe]| *| [eQG]| [jeQ]| [h0]| [wt]| [wts]| [j*]| [e0]| [je0]| [j9]| [qge]| [qed]| [k(]| [rQ]| [rkQ]| [l0]| [wtk]| [wtj]| [h8]| [w0]| [wh0]| [J*]| [je0]| [he0]| [g9]| [qe]| [qje]| [d9]| [wr]| [wr]| 5| [w97]| [wf97]| [s8]| [w0]| [w0]| [w0]Level: 6Length: 01:04Intermediate
Once Upon A Dream (Maleficent)
Lana Del Rey
r t y u [i9] e u y [u8] [yw] t r 5 9 w [r5] [r5]| asap 9 e p 9 [p8] o y [o5] 5 5 5 5 [wra5] [wts5] [ywd5] [uf] [ig2] 6 [uf9] [yqd] [uf1] [yd8] [ts0] [wra] 5 9 [wr] 9 [wr] 9 [wra]sap [qe9]| p| [wp80] o y o 5 9 [wr] 9 5 9 [wr] 9 [pg9] e [yi] e [pf9] e [yi] e [od8] w [ut] w [so8] w [utso] [wa] [oa5]s[d9][ha][wr] 9 5 9 [wr]| 5 a [ywra] [p9][ya]5pap[ywra] [a9]p 9 ss[yspi]s[se]s[si9]ss[pd][yi] [ed] 8 s[utod] [wd] [od8] d[od][ut] ws [od5] [oa] [wr] 9 5| [wr] 9 5 ap[ywra] [p9][ya]5a p[ywra] [a9]p 9 aa[yspi] [ea][sp]9sss[ysi]d[ped] [so8]| [utod] [wd]d[so8] a[utod] [wd]d [oa5]| [wr] 9 5| [wr] 9 5oap[ywra] [p9]a5[yp] p[ywrp] [a9] 9aap[ypi][pi]ea[ia9]ppa[yia] [pe]o 8 ss[utoa] wa[s8] [oa] [ut]s[woa] [yo5]| [wr] 9 5| [wr] 9 5 ap[ywra] [p9][ya]5[ya] p[ywra] [p9] 9 [si]a[yoi] es[s9][sp] [sp][yi][pd]e[od] 8 ad[utod] [wd] [od8] a[od][ut] [wf][od] 5 [oa] [wr] 9 [oa5] [so9] [wrod] [of9] [pgd92] qg[ypged]fqf[sof81] [wod] [utof] [wofa] 5[od]9[oda][wr] [ofa9] [w5] 9 [wra]s[a9]p [pgd92] [qpd]g[ypged] qd[sof81] wf[utsof] wd [oda5] 9a[ywroa] 9p[ywpo5] 9o[ywro] 9 [pgd92] q [yhged][jgd]q[kgd][sjf81] w [utshf][sjf]w[skf] [jda5] 9 [wrhda][jda]9[kda][wjda5] 9 [wrhda] [jgd9] [92] q [yi]| [81] [wo] [uto] [yo] [w5] 9 [wr]| 5 9 [wr] d [pg9] q [yi]| [of8] [wo] [uto] [yo] 5 9 [wr]| [wr] 9 [wr]| 5 ap[ywra] [p9][ya]5a p[ywra] [a9] 9 aa[yspi] [ea][sp]9[sp] s[ypid] [ed] 8 sd[utod] [wd] [od8] a[od][ut] [wa][od] 5 [oa] [wr] 9 5| [wr] 9 5 ap[ywra] [p9][ya]5[ya] p[ywra] [a9]p 9 [si]a[yoi]oes[sp9] s s[yid] [ed] 8 [sp]d[utod] [wh][sh]8 j [utsj] [wj][ja] 5 [ha] [wr] 9 5| [wr] 9 5oap[ywra] 9aa[a5][ya] p[ywrp][yp]9o [s9]ao[si][yi] eo[ia9]p p[ypi]pep [up8]p p[uto] w [so8] a[utso] wa [oa5]| [wr] 9 5| [wr] 9h [ha5]hhj[wrja]h[h9][ha]5[ha] j[wrja] [ha9] [hd9]hhj[yjid][hd]e[hd]9hhj[yjid]h[hed] [sh8] g[sh][ut] wd[sh8] [sg] [uth][sh]wg [ha5]g [wr] 9 [oa5] [so] [wrod] [of9] [pgd92] qg[ypged]fqf[sof81] [wod] [utof] [wofa] 5[od]9[oda][wr] [ofa9] [w5] 9 [wra]s[a9]p [pgd92] [qpd]g[ypged] qd[sof81] wf[utsof] wd [oda5] 9a[ywroa] 9p[ywpo5] 9o[ywro] 9 [pgd92] q [yhged][jgd]q[kgd][sjf81] w [utshf][sjf]w[skf] [jda5] 9 [wrhda][jda]9[kda][wjda5] 9 [wrhda] [jgd9] [92] q [yi]| [81] [wo] [uto] [yo] [w5] 9 [wr]| 5 9 [wra]sdp [pg9] q [yi]| 8 [o0] [uto] [yo] 5 9 [wr]| [wr] q [wr]| [pg9] [qp] [yi] p [of8] [o0] [ut] o [od5] [o9] [wr] o [wr] [o9] [wr] o [pg9] [qp] [yi] p [of8] [o0] [ut] o [od5] [o9] [wr] o [wra] [so9] [wrd] [of] [pg9] [qp] [yi] p [of8] [o0] [ut] o [od5] [o9] [wr] o [wra] [so9] [wrd] [of] [pg9] [qp] [yi] p [of8] [o0] [ut] o [od5] [a9]p[ywra] p[ya][wr][ya]9p[ywra] [yp] [pg9] [qp] [yi] p [oa8][oa]0p[utoa] p [od5] [o9] [wr] p [wroa][oa]9p[wrog] [oa] [pg9] [qp] [yi] p [of8] [o0] [ut] o [od5] [o9] [wr] o [wr]Level: 7Length: 04:00Intermediate
Mariners Apartment Complex
Lana Del Rey
[suo] | d d d d | d s d d f d [sip] | [suo] | d d s [do] [do] | d d f d [sip] | [tip] | [ryp] | o [sfo] | [adh] | a [tip] | o [sip] s s d f | s [sfo] | [adh] | a [tip] | s s s d f d s | h [sfh] h f f [adh] | f d d | f | [sip] | h h h f f [shp] | [sfp] | [ado] | s s | h h h f f [shp] | f d d | [afo] ffj jh f[sfp] | ssj jh f[afo] d s [suo] | h h h f f [shp] | fd [ado] | [afo] | [sip] | h h h f f [shp] | [sfp] | [ado] | s s | h h h f f [shp] | f d d | [afo] ffj jh f[sfp] | ssj jh f[afo] | d [so] | [sfo] | [sfh] | g f [ado] | [adh] | g f [sip] | [shp] | g f d d [ado] | t d f f f g [sfo] | r d d d d [ado] | q s s s [sip] | s s [sup] s s s [ado] f [ado] | t f f f f f [sfo] | r d d d d [ado] | s d d d [dip] | d d [dup] | [dup] | [ado] f g f | h | j jh f[sfp] | ssj jh ff | d [so] | [suo]Level: 5Length: 02:05Intermediate
Love Somebody
Maroon 5
ss s f f | d | f |
ss s f f | d | f |
ss s f f | d | f |
ss s f f | d | f |
ss s f f | d | s |
sh hf h d | f |
ss s f f | d | s |
ss s f f | d | a | sLevel: 1Length: 01:00Super EasyAll Of The Stars (The Fault In Our Stars)
Ed Sheeran
r rTyuI | 77 | QQIuu r rTyuI | 77 | rrIuu y | Iuyy | [0r][0r] | Iuyy | [0r][0r] | Iuyy 0[0r] r rTyuI | 77 | rrIuu r rTyuI | 77 | rrIuu y | Iuyy | [7r][7r] | Iuyy | [7r][7r] | Iuyy | [7r]7 [7r] e rr | a p I | yyu ry | 77 | a p Iu | yyu ry | yyu re | yyyu re | yyy | r y u a p Iu | yyu reLevel: 4Easy
Moves Like Jagger
Maroon 5
Christina Aguilera