02:41 -
[wt]|h [to] h|h|
[wut]|h [wr] h|[whe]|
[tq]|h [to] h|[pih]|
[utoh]|[uh] [yr] h|[whe]|
[wt]|h [to] h|h|
[wuth]|h [wr] h|[whe]|
[tq]|h [to] h|[pih]|
[utoh]|[uh] [oa] h|[soh]|
[wtl6]|k [tqoh]| s|
[wutl0]|k [wrh5]| [wed]|
[tql8]|k [tqoh]| [spi]|
[utol0]|[uk] [yrh5]| [wke]|
[wtl6]|k [tqoh]| s|
[wutl0]|k [wrh5]| [wed]|
[tql8]|k [tqoh]| [spi]|
[utol]|[uk] [oha]| [sok] l
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [shf8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sg50] [sf50] [sh85] [sf85]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [sjg8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sqg5] [sf50] [so85] [po65]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [shf8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sg50] [sf50] [sh85] [sf85]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [sjg8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sqg5] [sf50] [so85] [po65]
[63]|s [oh63] [s63] [oh][63]s [a63]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [a8] [h7] g7f [a7]
[s6] [oh] s [oh6] [s6] [oh]6s [a6]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [j8] [h7] g7f [a7]
[pl] s [lk]j[ih] s jhs h
[sl] h [xk]l[oh] a kh[pd] j
[pl] s [lk]j[ih] s jhs h
[sl] h [xk]l[oh] a kh[pk] [lj]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [shf8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sg50] [sf50] [sh95] [sf50]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [sjg8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sqg5] [sf50] [so85] [po65]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [shf8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sg50] [sf50] [sh95] [sf50]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [sjg8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sqg5] [sf50] [so85] [po65]
[63]|s [oh63] [s63] [oh][63]s [a63]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [a8] [h7] g7f [a7]
[s6] [oh] s [oh6] [s6] [oh]6s [a6]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [sj8] [sh7] [sg]7[fa] [a7]
[s63] [oh] s [oh63] [s63] [oh][63]s [a63]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [a8] [h7] g7f [a7]
[s6] [oh] s [oh6] [s6] [oh]6s [a6]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [j8] [h7] g7f [a7]
About This Music Sheet
Sunburst is a song by Itro. Use your computer keyboard to play Sunburst music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:41, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Sunburst is classified in the genres: Dance, Electronica on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using EDM.
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Mafia Game Main Theme
Vladimir Simunek
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[6e] r t p a s|
[6ej] r t p a s|
[6ej] r t p a s|
[6a][es]fjLevel: 7Length: 02:34IntermediateTime In A Bottle (Alternative)
Jim Croce
e e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4]y6 [y8] 0 ty8 y t [t5]y6 [t8] 0|8 e t [t6]y8 [y0] e ty0 y t [t6]y7 [t8] 0|[e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 [f8] [d0] f [d8] f| [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 [f8] [d0] f d f d [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 8 [e0] t e t| [ue4]|8|0|s|[a5] p [p8]|0 e t e [te6]|0|e|s|[a6] p [p7]|8 e r t [u4] e 8|0|s|[a5] p [s8]|0 w e r [te6]|0|e|t|[r6] e [t7]|8|e| [y4]u|[y8]u|[e0]|8 6 [t5]y|[t8]y|[w0]|8 5 [r6]t|[r0]t|e|t e [w6]e|[w7]e|[80]|987 [y4]u|[y8]u|[e0]|8 6 [t5]y|[t8]y|[w0]|8 5 [r6]t|[r0]t|e|t e [t6]|7|8 e [e7] r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4]y6 [y8] 0 ty8 y t [t5]y6 [t8] 0|8 e t [t6]y8 [y0] e ty0 y t [t6]y7 [t8] 0|[e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8| [yw] [yw] [te] [yxqf]||[ywpj] [yw] [te] [ywka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [xtfe] y|[te] [ypj]|y t [yrka]||[utsl] [yr] [wt] [xqfe]||[utpj] [yr] [wt] [wrka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [tsle] y|[te] y|y t [yrpj]||[yw] [yw] [te] [yxqf]||[ywpj] [yw] [te] [ywka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [xtfe] y|[te] [ypj]|y t [yrka]||[utsl] [yr] [wt] [xqfe]||[utpj] [yr] [wt] [wrka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [tsle] y|[te] y|y t [97]|f d f d f| [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 [f8] [d0] f d f d [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 8 0| t| 0|[t8] e [t6]|4| [u0]u [e8]|[u6]u [w5]| e|[r0] r [t8]|6| [u8]u [w7]|[u6]u [e7]| 0|[t8] e [t6]|4| [u0]u [e8]|[u6]u [w5]| e|[e0] r [t8]|6| [u8]u [w7]|[u6]u [e7]| 4|[t6] e [t8]|0 e [t5]|6 e [t8] y [u0]| 6|[w8] e [t0]|e| [w6] 0 [w7] w [t8] r [t0]| 4|[t6] e [t8]|0 e [t5]|6 e [t8] y [u0]| 6|[u8] e [t0]|e| [w6] e [r7] t [e8] r [t0] y t|[uq]||d f[ywd]|s d s|a s [uea] p s||d p s p o p s d o|[qi]||f g[ywf]|d f d|s d [ufe] s d||o p s p d f d s p|[uq]||d f[ywd]|s d s|a s [uea] p s|| [e0]||e e r [t4] r [t8]|[840]| 8 [r5] e [r7]|[975]| 7 [e6] w [e8]|[860]| 8 6|8|[yw] [yw] [te] [yxqf]||[ywpj] [yw] [te] [ywka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [xtfe] y|[te] [ypj]|y t [yrka]||[utsl] [yr] [wt] [xqfe]||[utpj] [yr] [wt] [wrka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [tsle] y|[te] y|y t [yrpj]||[yw] [yw] [te] [yxqf]||[ywpj] [yw] [te] [ywka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [xtfe] y|[te] [ypj]|y t [yrka]||[utsl] [yr] [wt] [xqfe]||[utpj] [yr] [wt] [wrka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [tsle] y|[te] y|y t [97]|f d f d f| [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0| 6 7 [f8] [d0] f d f d [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 8 0| e e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4]y6 [y8] 0 ty8 y t [t5]y6 [t8] 0|8 e t [t6]y8 [y0] e ty0 y t [t6]y7 [t8] 0|[e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0|8Level: 6Length: 03:56Intermediate
Fake Love