02:41 -
[wt]|h [to] h|h|
[wut]|h [wr] h|[whe]|
[tq]|h [to] h|[pih]|
[utoh]|[uh] [yr] h|[whe]|
[wt]|h [to] h|h|
[wuth]|h [wr] h|[whe]|
[tq]|h [to] h|[pih]|
[utoh]|[uh] [oa] h|[soh]|
[wtl6]|k [tqoh]| s|
[wutl0]|k [wrh5]| [wed]|
[tql8]|k [tqoh]| [spi]|
[utol0]|[uk] [yrh5]| [wke]|
[wtl6]|k [tqoh]| s|
[wutl0]|k [wrh5]| [wed]|
[tql8]|k [tqoh]| [spi]|
[utol]|[uk] [oha]| [sok] l
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [shf8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sg50] [sf50] [sh85] [sf85]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [sjg8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sqg5] [sf50] [so85] [po65]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [shf8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sg50] [sf50] [sh85] [sf85]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [sjg8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sqg5] [sf50] [so85] [po65]
[63]|s [oh63] [s63] [oh][63]s [a63]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [a8] [h7] g7f [a7]
[s6] [oh] s [oh6] [s6] [oh]6s [a6]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [j8] [h7] g7f [a7]
[pl] s [lk]j[ih] s jhs h
[sl] h [xk]l[oh] a kh[pd] j
[pl] s [lk]j[ih] s jhs h
[sl] h [xk]l[oh] a kh[pk] [lj]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [shf8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sg50] [sf50] [sh95] [sf50]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [sjg8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sqg5] [sf50] [so85] [po65]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [shf8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sg50] [sf50] [sh95] [sf50]
[sp6] [sp6]| [sp6] [shf8] [sjg8]
[wsof5]| [wsof5] [wsof5] [oda5] [sp5]
[usp6] [usp6]| [sp6] [sjg8] [shf8]
[wsf5]|[wsf5] [wsf5] [sqg5] [sf50] [so85] [po65]
[63]|s [oh63] [s63] [oh][63]s [a63]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [a8] [h7] g7f [a7]
[s6] [oh] s [oh6] [s6] [oh]6s [a6]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [sj8] [sh7] [sg]7[fa] [a7]
[s63] [oh] s [oh63] [s63] [oh][63]s [a63]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [a8] [h7] g7f [a7]
[s6] [oh] s [oh6] [s6] [oh]6s [a6]
[s84] [oh] s [oh84] [s84] [oh][84]f [sh84]
[s8] [oh] s [oh8] [s8] [oh]8s [a8]
[s8] a8s [j8] [h7] g7f [a7]
About This Music Sheet
Sunburst is a song by Itro. Use your computer keyboard to play Sunburst music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:41, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Sunburst is classified in the genres: Dance, Electronica on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using EDM.
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[8tl]||[8tk]|j[8th]||g [8tf]|[5wd]|[18s]|| h [4sj]||[8sj] [5dk]||[9dk] [8fl] wetewe8 l [8tl] k [8tj] h [8th]|gf l [8tl] k [8tj] h [8th]|gf f [8tsf] f [8tsf] fg[8tsh] | gf [5wad] d [5wad] df[5wag] fd [8ts]|l||j|[8th]||gf| g [8tf]||[5wod]||[8tus] [8tl]||[8tk]|j[8th]||g [8tf]|[5wd]|[18s]|| h [4sj]||[8sj] [5dk]||[9dk] [8fl] wetewe8 l [8tl] k [8tj] h [8th]|gf l [8tl] k [8tj] h [8th]|gf f [8tsf] f [8tsf] fg[8tsh] | gf [5wad] d [5wad] df[5wag] fd [8ts]|l||j|[8th]||gf| g [8tf]||[5wod]||[8tus]Level: 6Length: 00:58Intermediate
Joy to the World
Lowell Mason
8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e 7 8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e [u0] [o8] 0 [wo] [to] w [o0] [p6] 8 [p0] [pe] 0 [u8] [o8] 0 [wo] [to] w [o0] [p6] [p8] [p0] e 0 [o8] [p4] 6 [p8] q [p8] [p6] [p5] 7 [o9] [wo] 9 [i7] [o8] [u0] w [ut] [wi] [u0] [y5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uo8] 0 [wuo] [uto] w [uo0] [pi4] 8 [qpi] [oa5] 9 [wp] [us6] 0 [use] [uts] e [p0] [si4] 8 [sqi] [ed] q [si8] [od5] 9 [wod] r w [d9] [fa0] r u [faO]| d [pd6] 0 e [tsp] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o0] [pi4] 8 q [pie] q 8 4 8 q [pie] q [o8] [ut6] 0 e [ut] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o0] [pi4] 8 q [pie] q 8 4 8 q [pie] q [o8] [ut1] 5 8 [i0] 8 [u5] [yr5] 7 9 w [t9] [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [u0] [uo8] 0 [wo] [uto] w [o0] [up6] 8 [p0] [upe] 0 [u8] [uo8] 0 [wo] [uto] w [o0] [up6] [p8] [up0] e 0 [o8] [pi4] 6 [pi8] q [p8] [p6] [ypo5] 7 [o9] [ywo] 9 [i7] [uo8] [u0] w [ut] [wi] [u0] [yr5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [tpi4] 8 [tqpi] [yoa5] 9 [ywp] [uts6] 0 [utse] [uts] e [up0] [tsi4] 8 [tsqi] [yed] q [tsi8] [yod5] 9 [ywd] r w [yd9] [ufa0] r u [ufaO]| [ypd] [ypd6] 0 e [utsp] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [uo0] [tpi4] 8 q [tpie] q 8 4 8 q [tpie] q [o8] [ut6] 0 e [ut] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [uo0] [tpi4] 8 q [tpie] q 8 4 8 q [tpie] q [o8] [ut1] 5 8 [i0] 8 [u5] [yr5] 7 9 w [t9] [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [u0] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [utp6] 8 [utp0] [utpe] 0 [ut8] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [utso] w [uoa0] [uoa6] 8[uso][a0] [utpe] 0 [uo8] [tpi4] [tpi6] 8 q [pi8] [pi6] [ypo5] 7 [yo9] [ywo] 9 [ri7] [to8] [ut0] w [ut] [wti] [ut0] [yr5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [tpi4] 8 [tqpi] [yoa5] 9 [ywp] [uts6] 0 [utse] [uts] e [up0] [tsi4] 8 [tsqi] [yed] q [tsi8] [yod5] 9 [ywd] r w [yd9] [ufa0] r u [ufaO]| [ypd] [ypd6] 0 e [utsp] e 0 6 0 e [utf] e [oh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [oh8] [usf6] 0 e [utsf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [oh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [oh8] [usf1] 5 8 [ig0] 8 [uf5] [yd5] 7 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [ts8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [sf0] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tshf] w [hf0] [sjf6] 8 [jf0] [sjfe] 0 [sf8] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tshf] w [hf0] [sjf6] [sjf8] [sjf0] e 0 [hf8] [sjg4] [sjg6] 8 q [jg8] [jg6] [jhd5] 7 [hd9] [whd] 9 [gd7] [sh8] [sf0] w t [wsg] [sf0] [da5] 7 9 w 9 [fa7] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjg4] 8 [sqjg] [khd5] 9 [wjhd] [slf6] 0 [slfe] [tslf] e [sjf0] [slg4] 8 [sqlg] [zjed] q [slg8] [zhd5] 9 [zwhd] r w [zhd9] [xkf0] r u [xkfO]| [zjd] [zjd6] 0 e [tljf] e 0 6 0 e [tsf] e [shf0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [soh8] [usf6] 0 e [utsf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [soh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [soh8] [usf1] 5 8 [ig0] 8 [uf5] [yd5] 7 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [ts8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [sf0] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjf6] 8 [sjf0] [sjfe] 0 [sf8] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tlhf] w [khf0] [khf6] 8[lhf][k0] [sjfe] 0 [shf8] [sjg4] [sjg6] 8 q [sjg8] [sjg6] [jhd5] 7 [hd9] [whd] 9 [gda7] [sh8] [sf0] w t [wsg] [sf0] [oda5] 7 9 w 9 [fa7] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjg4] 8 [sqjg] [khd5] 9 [wjhd] [slf6] 0 [slfe] [tslf] e [sjf0] [slg4] 8 [sqlg] [zjed] q [slg8] [zhd5] 9 [zwhd] r w [zhd9] [xkf0] r u [xkfO]| [zjd] [zjd6] 0[xjf][zjed] [tsljf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [soh0] [spjg4] 8 q [spjge] q 8 4 8 q [spjge] q [soh8] [uspf6] 0 e [utspf] e 0 6 0 e [tslf] e [kfa0] [kfa4] 8[slf][qkfa] [spjge] q 8 4 8 q [spjge] q [soh8] [usf1] 5 8 [pig0] 8 [uf5] [uf5] [yd7] 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [wutso80]Level: 7Length: 04:45Intermediate
Hallelujah (Alternative)
Leonard Cohen
[tYW] OoO s Y O [wYE] POP S Y P s Ww[sWHD] t ( [sWD] [SP] EW[hE] T ( [hSPE] [OHD] tE[tD] Y W [tPD] [qOD] Hh[iH] g s D [SP] EW[HE] T w [SOE] [oS(] JH[YJ] h S [oSJ] [sO] WwWD[tg]h[qH]g[dW]g[P9] wqwd[ED]g[h(]D[ws]D[O8]P[qo][P(][qO]s[dW]D[g9]d[qP]d[o^]O[i(][O9][o(]P[ws]d[D8]s[O(]s[i%]D[qd][D(][qO]D[dW]D[i9]D[qd]D[o^]D[wd][qD][wP]D[dE]D[o(]D[wd]D[O8]D[WS][wD][sW]D[tP]D[qO]D[oW]D[i9]D[qo]D[^O]d[D9]g[o(]P[O8]s[P5]D[d4]s[P5]O[P%]s[yo^]ioi YY (9[oPD(] w ^ [oP(] [iO] q([qd] W ^ [qidO] [woYPD] YyY [o(]q[wE]q[wY](E [i^]Yi [^O]8[E9]8[i9]^[o(] [P@]OP [TD]t[oE]t[WP]E[wY]W[qo][wi][o(]q[P]([Y8][o^]8[t%] YTY [OG]g[tD]g[YS]D[sW]S[tP][sE][tO]P[YI]O[iW]I[tY]i[qT] SsSW[gE]t[TP]E[wS]E[o(] sPsw[WD]E[tO]W[sq]W[i]([P8][O(][P]q[wS]W[oE]w[P(]w[Y8][^O][o][O8]([sq]w[iW]q[O]q[^T]W[wP][WO][P]W[wS]W[o^]W[wP]W[Y8]W[ws][WP][s(]W[wD]W[O8]W[ws]W[i]W[SQ][sW][qS]W[g(]W[P]W[S8]W[o^][P8]([Y]q[o(][O8](q(o[qO][P][so(]PsP[s]PsP( [O@] [O%] DS[WD] s o P [iO]POq([qD] W I[qi]Y[^T] Ss[WS] P i O [oY]Oo([S(] w 8i[Y(]T[t%][sW][wP][sW][qO][sW][o(][sW][i][sW][Y8][sW][^T][SE][sW][SE][wP][SE][qO][SE][o(][SE][i][SE][Y8] [tP]OPOoO [sq]w[iW]w[WO]q[SE] [^O]oOoio [P(]q[wY]q[wo]([sW] [iTO*] [YOE(] * [o(] @ [tYO%]
Level: 6Length: 01:02IntermediatePrélude No. 17 BWV 862 in A Major
Johann Sebastian Bach