01:00 -
t|u|y|i|[u8]|[o0]|[i9] o [qO]|[o0]|w|q w W|w|||s|o|O|i|[to]|[wY]|[iW]|[tq]|[yw]|(|w W E|E||i Y t|y|w W E|E|i Y [wt] W [yE]|E|[s8]|[o0]|[O9]|[qi]|[o0]|[wY]|[qi] [wY] [tW]|[yr]|||o u y o u y t r [e860] t y u o u y t e t y u o u y t [w80] t y u o u y t w t y u o u y t [e830] t y u o u y t e t y u o u y t [w830] t y u o u y t o u [y70%] o u y t r [e860] t y u o u y t e t y u o u y t [w8531] t y u o u y t e t y u o u y t [e8630] t y u o u y t
About This Music Sheet
Take A Break (Hamilton) is a song by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Use your computer keyboard to play Take A Break (Hamilton) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Take A Break (Hamilton) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Songs From The Stage on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Lin-Manuel Miranda
[7w]|y|y|y u [8w]||t||
[qe]|i|i|i u [8w]||t||
[7w]|y|y|y u [8w]||t||
[qet]|t t| t|[7wy]|y|y||
[7w]|y|y|y u [8w]||t||
[qe]|i|i|i o [8w]||u||
[7w]|y|y|y u [8w]|t|t||
[8wt]Level: 5Length: 00:30IntermediateThe Family Madrigal (Encanto)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
[6p] pp|||
[6p] pp| |
6s s[0es] p [0e] ss[0es] p
5 op[9wa] op[4a] oo[8qp] i|||
6s p[0es] p [0e] sp[0es] p
5 oo[9wa] oo[4a] oo[8qa] s| |
[30] [%W]
6 [pf]d[0epf] s [0e] [pf]d[0epf] s
[59w] [od]s[wod] ss[48qod] ss[qod] s
[370a]Op[0a]OO[0a]OO[0a]OO[%70a]OO[0a]Oa[30a]ss[0d]df6fd[0ef]g [0ef] 6fd[0ef]g [0ef]s[5d]
d[9w]ds[9wd]s[4d] d[8q]d [8qf]
6fd[0ef]g [0ef] 6 [0ed]gf[0es]
[5d]sd[9w]d [9wd]s[4d]sd[8q]d [8qf]
6fd[0ef][sj] [0ef] 6 [0ej]jj[0ej]j[5j]
f[9wj]jj[9wj]j[4j] f[8q] [8q]f[3f] [0d]f[0aH]
7[aH][0aH] [7aH][aH][0ak] 7k[%70k]k[0k]k[7x]
[0x] [30x]z[0x]z[0x] [%z]
[el]l[psl]ll l l lllk jq [ip]| jhw [oa]||
[el]l[psl]ll l l lklz xt [sf]| xzwl[oa]k|
[ej]l[psl]jl ljlz x z lql[ipl]ll l lz x z l8
[uoh] h f l h h fh[0k] [uO]jH| [30ak]j [aH] [%ak]
[6fjl][fl][0fl][fl][efl] [0fl] [tfl]
[0fl][fl][6fl]k0[sj]4 8 q [8sj]h5 9 w r
[6jl][jl][0jl][jl][el] [0l] [tl]
[0l]k[6l]z[7l]x8 w t [whx]z5l9[hk]w 7
[6j]l[0l]j[el] [0l]j[tl]z0x6z0
[4l]l[8l]j[ql] [el]j[tl][lv]i[hx]t[hz]ql8
[wh] [th] [wf] [ul] [wh] [8h] fh[3k] 0 [ak] [7pj] [30OH]| [%of] 0
6fd[0ef]g [0ef] 6sd[0es]d [0ed]s[5d] d[9ws]d [9ws]d[4d]sd[8qs]d [8qf]
6fd[0ef][sg] [0ef] 6 [0es]d [0ed]s[5d] d[9ws]d [9ws]d4sd[8q]d [8qf]
6fd[0ef][sj] [0ef] 6 [0ej]jj[0ej]j[5j] f[9wj]jj[9wj]j[4j] f[8q]
[8q]f[30f]f[30f]G[30H] [30]H[30H] [30H] [30][fk]7[fz][%W0fx]z[%W0fx]z[%W0fx]z[%W0fx]z[0rufx]z[0rufx]z[0rufx] f
[tux] o s| v z l
[rux] o a| v z l
[rux]zl[oz] a| zz l l[ei] j[pj] hsH[Wi] H[OH] [dl] [sh]
[tu]xo s| vz l
[rux]zl[oz] a| l zl l[ru]k o a| k z l
[eil] [pj] s [Wi] [Og] [dH] [sh]
[60eh] [60e]f[60e] [60e] [60e] [60e] [60ef] [60e]
[50wfl] [50w] [50wfk] [50w] [50w] [50w] [50wf] [5w]
[2gz] 9 [qgl] e y e [9f] e
[3fx] 0 [WHdkz] 7 [3gc] 0 [%fx] 0
[6fjl][fl][efl][fl][efl] [efl] [efl] [efl][fl][efl]kw[sj]q q q [qsj]hw w w w
[ejl]l[el]l[el] [el] [el] [el]j[el]ze[hx]t t t [thx]zwlwkw w
[6l]l[0l]l[el] [tl]j[ul][jz]px z l4l[8l]j[ql]j[el]j[tl]zix z
[tl]8h[wh]htf[uf]lt [wh] [8h]fwk0| [30]| |
[30ak][pj] [30OH] [%ak]JjHhGgfDdSsaP[6pfjl][fjl][0fjl][fjl][efjl] [0fjl] [tfjl] [0fl][fl][6fl][fk]0[sj]
4 8 q [8sj]h5 9 w 9
[6fl][fl][0fl][fl][efl] [0fl] [tfl] [0fl]j[6l][7z]l[8hx]
w t [whx]z5l9[hk]w 7
[6fj][fl][0fl][fj][efl] [0fl][fj][tfl][fjz]0[jx]6[jz]0[gl]4[gl][8gl]
[wh] [th] [wf] [ul] [wh] [8h] [wf]h[3k] 7 [0pj] 7 [0OH] 7 [%f] 7
[H3fkx] 0 7 0 [30ak][pj] [30OH] [%ak]
[6ak] [6pj]Level: 7Length: 03:18IntermediateSurface Pressure (from Encanto)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
q w W|
[WY] t Y t Y y 9 r|||
[WY] t Y t Y i 9 y||
[wo]Yo o Y [WY]||
[9i]YiYi o [qi] o o O
[5o] P|O [5o] i| r|W|wLevel: 4Length: 00:19EasyWe Don’t Talk About Bruno (Encanto)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| |
[380w]| |[48qe]| |
[59wr]| |[180]| |
[380]| |[48q]| |
[59w]| |[180]| |
[380]| |[48q]| |
[59w]| |[180]| |
[380]| |[48q]| |
[59w]| |
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| |
[580w]| |[59w]| |
[60w]| |[48qw]| |
[59w]| |
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
[30o]| |[4qi]| |
[5wo]| |[18u]| |
[30o]| |[4qi]| |
[5wo]| |[18u]| |
[30o]| |[4qi]| |
[5wo]| |[18u]| |
[30o]| |[4qi]| |
[5wo]| |
[18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
[18wto]| i| u| |
[4qwto]| i|||
[60wto]| i| u| |
[5wu]| |[wy]| |
[18wto]| i| u| |
[4qwto]| i| i| |
[60wtu]| |[48qwtu]| |
[5wy]| |
[ig]| [uf]| [ts]| [wo]|
[eosf]| |[qosg]| |
[woad]| |[8osf]| |
[eosf]| |[qosg]| |
[woad]| |[8os]| |
[6eosf]| |[4qosg]| |
[5woad]| |[18osf]| |
[6eosf]| |[4qosg]| |
[5woad]| |[18os]| |
[30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
[5wosd]| |[18os]| |
[30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
[5wosd]| |[18os]| |
[30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
[5wosd]| |[18os]| |
[30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
[5wosd]| |
[18o]|s|s|o|o|d|d|f|g| f| s| o|
[18osh]| g| f| s|
[4qosh]| g| g| |
[60osh]| g| f| s|
[5wosf]| |[od]| |
[18osh]| g| f| s|
[4qak]| [sl]| [isg]| |
[60osf]| |[4qisf]| |
[5wod]| |[18os]| |
[etu]| u| [qtu]|y|t|u|
[wty]| |
[8w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w| [18]Level: 7Length: 04:10IntermediateKing Of Kings (Hillsong Worship)
Hillsong Worship
0 w r t q | 0 w r t y | t y u i o | o i u y t | i u y t w | 0 w r t q | 0 w r t y | u y u o t | t r t u q | u i y u t | t y u i o | e t i p o | t y u i o | o i u y t | t y u t y | Q e T u W | Q e T u I | y u I o p | p o I u y | o I u y r | Q e T u W | Q e T u I | I u I p y | y T y I w | I p u I y | I u I p y | y T y I w | I p u I yLevel: 2Length: 01:12Easy
Tale As Old As Time (Beauty and the Beast)
Alan Menken
Angela Lansbury
[tuoh]|g|f|g|g|f|d|s d
[tipf] d s|g| f| d|
[tuoh]|g|f|g|g|f|d|s d
[tipf] d s|g| f| d|
8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
q|t o [is]|t o [qs] d t f i d t s
8|w s [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
8|w o [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
q|t o [is] s [ts] s [qs] d t f i d t s
8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s]|[0s] s e d 0|
6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s] s 0 s e d 0 a
5|[9p]|w|[9o] o 5|9|[wg] f [9s] s
8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
q|[ts] a [is]|[ta] s q|t o [ig] f [ts] s
8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
[qf]|t|[id]|t s q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
q|[ts] s i d t d q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
8|w o [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
q|[ts]|[is]|t o [qs] d t f i d t s
8|w s [ts] s [ws]|[8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
q|t o [is]|t o [qs] d [tf] f i d t s
8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s]|0 s e d 0|
6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s] s 0 s e d 0 a
5|[9p]|w|[9o] o 5|9|[wg] f [9s] s
8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
q|[ts] a [is]|[ta] s q|t o [ig] f [ts] s
8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
[qf]|t|[id]|t s q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
q|[ts] s i d t d q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
[80w]| t|t|o|o|i|u|
[8qei]|u|t| |y|
[80wy]| [80w]|8|[80w]| [80w]|[8y]|
[79w]| [79w]|7|[79w]| [79wg] f [7s] s
8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
4|[8s] a [qs]|[8a] s 4|8 o [qg] f [8s] s
8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
[4ipsf]|8|[qd]|8 [ips] 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
4|[8s] s q d 8 d 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
[6psf]|0|e|0|[5oad]|9|[wg] f [9s] s
8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
4|[8s] a [qs]|[8a] s 4|8 o [qg] f [8s] s
8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
[4ipsf]|8|[qd]|8 [ips] 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
4|[8s] s q d 8 d 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
[4qpsf]| |[5woad]||[uos]|
[18]Level: 6Length: 04:24IntermediateAll I Want For Christmas Is New Year’s Day (Hurts)