03:10 -
8 [uo] 5 [uo] 8 [uo] Y u o 8 [uo] 5 [uo] 8 Y u o p [8u] t [wu] [5o] o [wu] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] 6 [0t] p [0to] p 6 s [0t] [8e] 5 [9r] d d [9r] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [etp] [8p] [eio] [8p] s [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [wu] [5o] [wuo] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] [6p] s [0t] s f [8e] [6f] [0t] [0t] [5d] [9rd] d [9rd] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [tps] [8s] [tid] s 0 s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] o o [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] 6 [0t] p [0to] p 6 s [0t] [8e] 5 [9r] d d [9r] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [etp] [8p] [eio] [8p] s [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [wu] [5o] [wuo] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] [6p] s [0t] s f [8e] [6f] [0t] [0t] [5d] [9rd] d [9rd] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [tps] [8s] [tid] s 0 s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] [etu] s s s [wrya] s d [tuof] f f f f d 8 s 9 0 s [qg] [eti] g [8g] [etig] [8g] [0wtf] [5d] [0wts] [wd] [ryo] [9f] [ryo] f [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryod] [6f] [80ef] f [80ef] [^d] [E9qd] [4d] d [E9q] [qs] [etis] [8s] s [eti] [8s] [0wt] s [5s] [0wts] [wd] [ryof] d 9 [ryo] w [ryo] [9d] [ryof] g w [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [wri] s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] s d [8f] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] w [ryi] f [ryid] [es] [tup] [tup] [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] [eti] [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] [0wt] [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] [eti] [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] f d s [wd] [ryo] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] [ryof] d [ryos] [tuos] f d s [wd] [ryo] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] [ryof] d [ryos] [ts] w e 0 w 0 9 8 0 w 9 8
About This Music Sheet
Take Me Home Country Roads (Intermediate) is a song by John Denver. Use your computer keyboard to play Take Me Home Country Roads (Intermediate) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Take Me Home Country Roads (Intermediate) is classified in the genre of USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Folk.
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Other Songs By John Denver
8| [o8] o [p8]|o[o8] 7 6| [p6] op[p6] s 5 4 5| [d5]d|[f5]|d5 7 [qp] p [qp] o [o8]s s8| 8 5 6 7 8| [o8] o [p8]|o8 7 [p6] s [s6] f [f6]| 6 6 [d5] d [d5] d [f5]|d7 0 [qp] s s [d9]s8| [s8] d [f8]| 8| 8| [f7] [s6] [d5]| 5| 5| [f5] [d5] [s6]| 6| 6| [f7] [h0] [qj]| q| q| [qj] [j8] [h8] f 8 7 8| [f7] [s6] [d5] f 5| 5| [f7] [d0] [sq]| q| q| [s0] [d9] [s8]| 8| 8| 8 9 6 s [s6] s [a5]| [s7] d [f8] f [f8] f [f8] d [s8] 0 q g [qg] g [g8] f [d8] s [d5]| [f5] f [d5]| 5 7 [f6] f [f6] f [d7] d [d9] d [sq] s [sq] s [s6] s [d6] s [d5] [f5] [d5] 5 5 5 [d5] [f5] [g5] 5 5 5 5 5Level: 4Length: 01:38Easy
Take Me Home, Country Roads
John Denver
8 9 0 8 q e w 0 8 9 0 w 0 q 0 9 8 [8t] [9y] [0u] [8t] [qi] [ep] [wo] [0u] [8t] [9y] [0u] [wo] [qi] [0u] [9y] [8t] [jb] [8hv] 0 [wgc] t [wfx] 0 [gc] 8 0 w [thv] 6 [8h] 0 e 0 8 6 8 0 [ejb] 4 6 8 [qjb] [hv] [8gc] 6 [fx] 4 6 8 [qhv] 5 7 9 w 9 7 5 w 8 [0fx] [wdz] [tsl] w [0sl] [8gc] 0 w t [6fx] [8fx] [0f] e 0 8 6 e 4 [6sl] 8 [qsl] [8sl] 6 [sl] 4 6 8 [qdz] 5 [7d] 9 w 9 [7dz] [5jb] 7 9 w [8hv] 0 [wgc] t [wfx] 0 [gc] 8 0 w [thv] [6h] [8hv] [0v] e 0 8 6 e [4h] [6jb] [8jb] q 8 [6hv] [4gc] 6 8 [qfx] [5hv] [7h] [9h] w 9 7 [5hv] w [8fx] 0 [wdz] t [wsl] 0 [8gc] 0 w [tdz] [6fx] 8 [fx] 0 e 0 8 6 e 4 6 8 [qsl] 8 [6sl] 4 6 8 [qdz] 5 [7dz] [9z] w 9 7 5 w [5fx] 7 [9whv] 7 [5fx] 7 [9dz] [wsl] 8 0 w [tsl] w [0sl] 8 [wt] 4 6 8 [qsl] [5fx] 7 9 [wdz] [8dz] [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w [tsl] [4fx] 6 [8hv] q [5jb] [7kn] [9jb] w [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 4 [68] [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz] 8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt] 4 6 8 [qsl] [5fx] 7 9 [wdz] 8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt] 4 6 8 q 5 [7fx] [9hv] [wjb] [8hv] 0 [gc] w [tfx] w [0fx] [8gc] 0 w [tgc] [6hv] 8 [hv] 0 [ehv] [0lm] 8 [kn] 6 8 0 [ekn] [4jb] 6 [8hv] [qgc] 8 [6fx] 4 6 8 [qhv] 5 7 9 [wv] 9 [7fx] [5hv] 7 9 w [8fx] 0 [wdz] [tdz] [wsl] 0 [8dz] 0 w [tfx] [6f] [8fx] [0fx] e 0 [8pj] [6sl] 8 0 [esl] [4sl] 6 [8sl] q [8sl] 6 [4sl] 6 8 [qdz] 5 7 9 [wdz] 9 [7dz] [5jb] 7 9 w [8hv] 0 [wgc] [tgc] [wfx] 0 [gc] 8 0 w [thv] [6hv] [8h] 0 e [0lm] 8 [6kn] 8 0 e [4jb] 6 [8hv] [qgc] 8 [6fx] 4 6 8 [qhv] 5 7 9 [wv] 9 [7fx] [5hv] 7 9 w [8fx] 0 [wdz] t [wsl] 0 [8dz] 0 w [tfx] [6fx] [8fx] [0fx] e 0 [8pj] 6 8 0 [esl] 4 [6sl] [8sl] q [8sl] 6 [4dz] 6 8 [qdz] 5 7 9 [wdz] 9 7 5 7 9 w [5fx] 7 [9whv] 7 [5fx] 7 [9dz] [wsl] [8sl] 0 w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w t 4 6 8 [qhv] 5 [7fx] 9 [wdz] [8dz] [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w [tsl] [4fx] 6 [8hv] q [5jb] [7kn] [9jb] w [0eb] 8 6 [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 4 [68] [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz] 8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt] 4 6 8 [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz] [8dz] [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt] 4 6 8 q [5fx] [7dz] 9 [wdz] 8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 8 [wt] 4 6 8 q 5 7 9 w [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 4 [8qtip] [4ip] 6 8 [qtip] 5 [yoa] [9w] 5 [7yoa] 9 w [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 4 [8qtip] [4p] 6 8 [qtip] 5 [yoa] [9w] 5 [7yoa] 9 w [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 4 [8qtip] [4p] 6 8 [qtip] 5 [yoa] [9w] 5 [7yoa] 9 w [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 6 [0eups] 8 4 [8qtip] [4ip] 6 8 [qtip] 5 [yoa] [9w] [fx] 5 [7hv] 9 w [jb] [8hv] 0 [gc] w [tfx] w [0fx] [8gc] 0 w [tgc] [6hv] 8 [hv] 0 [ehv] [0lm] 8 [kn] 6 8 0 [ekn] [4jb] 6 [8hv] [qgc] 8 [6fx] 4 6 8 [qhv] 5 7 9 [wv] 9 [7fx] [5hv] 7 9 w [8fx] 0 [wdz] [tdz] [wsl] 0 [8dz] 0 w [tfx] 6 [8fx] [0f] e 0 [8pj] [6sl] 8 0 [esl] [4sl] [6sl] [8sl] [qsl] [8sl] [6sl] [4sl] 6 8 [qdz] 5 7 9 [wdz] 9 [7dz] [5jb] 7 9 w [8hv] 0 [wgc] [tgc] [wfx] 0 [gc] 8 0 w [thv] 6 [8h] 0 e [0lm] 8 [6kn] 8 0 e [4jb] 6 [8hv] [qgc] 8 [6fx] 4 6 8 [qhv] 5 7 9 [wv] 9 [7fx] [5hv] 7 9 w [8fx] 0 [wdz] t [wsl] 0 [8dz] 0 w [tfx] 6 [8fx] [0f] e 0 [8pj] 6 8 0 [esl] 4 [6sl] [8sl] q [8sl] 6 [4dz] 6 8 [qdz] 5 7 9 [wdz] 9 7 5 [79w] [5fx] [79w] [5hv] [79w] [5fx] [79w] [5dz] 7 9 [wsl] 8 0 w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] [wt] 4 6 8 [qhv] 5 [7fx] 9 [wdz] [8dz] [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w [tsl] [4fx] 6 [8hv] q [5jb] [7kn] [9jb] w [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 4 [68] [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz] 8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w [tsl] [4fx] 6 [8hv] q [5jb] [7kn] [9jb] w [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 6 [0e] 8 4 [68] [qsl] [5fx] [79] [wdz] 8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] 0 w t [4fx] 6 8 [qfx] 5 [7dz] 9 [wdz] 8 [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 8 0 w t 4 6 8 q [5hv] [7fx] 9 [wfx] [8dz] [0sl] w [tsl] w 0 [8sl] t [4sl] 6 8 q 5 ^ 0 [yip] [69] 4 [yip] [69] 4 [yip] [69] 4 [yip] [69yip] 4 [yip] [69] [yip] [69] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa] [79yoa] [yoa]Level: 6Length: 03:54Intermediate
Redemption Song
Bob Marley
1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8
1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
[1t] [8t] [1t] [8t] [1u] 8 [1u] [8u]
[1o] [8o] 1 [8f] 1 [8d] [1s] 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
[1t] [8t] [1t] [8t] [1u] [8u] [1u] [8u]
[1o] [8o] [1o] [8o] [1f] [8d] [1s] 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
[8ps] [ps] [ps] [ps] [o^P] [oP] [oP] [oP]
[6ip] [ip] [ip] [ip] [5uo] [uo] [uo] [uo]
[1t] [8t] [1E] [8t] 1 [8w] 1 [8w]
[1t] [8i] [1u] [8t] 1 8 1 8
[1uo] [8uo] [1uo] 8 [1yi] [8yi] [1yi] 8
[1tu] [8tu] [1tu] 8 [1tu] 8 [1tu] 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
[8et] [et] [et] [et] [w^E] [wE] [wE] [wE]
[6qe] [qe] [qe] [qe] [50w] [0w] [0w] [0w]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
[1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
[1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
[1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
E W E W Y|T|
T E E W W|E|
[1E] 8 [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] [8W]
[1E] [8W] [1E] [8W] [1Y] 8 [1T] 8
[1E] 8 [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] [8W]
[1T] [8E] [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] 8
[1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
[1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
[1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
[1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
[1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
[1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
[1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] [%O]|[5o]|
[4i] i Y i 1 [8t] 1 [8t]
[4i] P p [4i]Level: 5Length: 01:57IntermediateFunky Town (Lipps Inc.)
Lipps Inc.
C v Z x k l G h [OH] ! % * 0 * % ! % * 0 * % [!O] % *O[0O] * %O[!O] % *p[0O] * %O[7a] $ 7a[Qa] ( 7p[3O] 7 0 W 0 7 [$I] * QI[TO] e Qp[*O] W T [6u] 0 e [$u] * Qu[TY] e [QT] [7I] Q r [YIG] r [QIG][IG][YIG] r [QIG][IG][ruf] Q [(YD] [TOSH] OY[WH]O[sYH] OO[WH]H[WV]OYWOHV H Of[!f] %*[WD] 0 *S[QS] * [6e] [4s] 8 qS[^S] q ES[%D] ( WD [Wf]0W0*%W0W0*[%f][Wf]0W0*%[rG]QrQ([7fH][3fH] 7 0 W 0 7 [*SH] [$PG] f [6f] d s [o@P] H[euTH]OOHH [uWTH]OOHH [eyIH]OOHj [TH][Wf]0[*S]%[Iak]YrQ[rak]Y[Iak]YOY[pak]Y [8ak]wtu[tak]w[4ak]8qe[qpj]8[2ak]69qe[yak] [Iak]Yr[eak][Qak]7[6sfl]0[edjz]tu[pfx] [H3fx]70Wru[6s]0[ed]rt[uf][3f]70Wru[6t] 0 [ey] u [W3u]Level: 5Intermediate
Victor’s Piano Solo (Corpse Bride)
Danny Elfman