That’s So True (Gracie Abrams)

Gracie Abrams 24 December 2024
  • TYPE
  • transposition

[qt]|i [qi] u t [qt]|
[qt]|i [qi] u t [qt] y
[0tu]|u [0tu] u y [0to] u
[9ty]| [9r]| [9t]|
[qt]|i [qi] u t [qt]|
[qt]|i [qi] u t [qt] y
[0tu]|u [0tu] u y [0to] u
[9ty]| [9r] s|[9o]|
[48p] ou [48] s|[48o]|
[48p]| [48] s|[48o]|
[60p] ou [60] s|[60o]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60]|[60] o
[5wo] u [59u] y [59u] t [59e] w
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60t]|[60o] y
[48]|i [qi] u t [qt]|
[qt]|i [qi] u t [qt] y
[0tu]|u [0tu] u y [0to] u
[9ty]| [9r]|u [9y]|
[48]|i [qi] u t [qt]|
[qt]|i [qi] u t [qt] y
[0tu]|u [0tu] u y [0to] u
[9ty] ty [9t] d s[9o]|
[48p] ou [48] s|[48o]|
[48p]| [48] s|[48o]|
[60p] ou [60] s|[60o]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60]|[60] o
[5wo] u [59u] y [59u] t [59e] w
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60t]|[60o] y
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60]|[60] o
[5wo] u [59u] y [59u] t [59e] w
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60t]|[60o] yy
[5w]|[59]|[59]|[59t] e
[4qt]|[48t] r [48t] e [48t] r
[6et]|[60t] r [60t] e [60u] y
[8tu]|[8wu] y [8wu] t [8wo] y
[5wy]|[59o] y [59y]|[59t] e
[4qt]|[48t] r [48t] e [48t] r
[6et]|[60t] r [60t] e [60u] y
[8tu]|[8wu] y [8wu] t [8wo] y
[5wy]|[59o] y [59y]|[59t]|
[qp]wt opsp||
[qp]wt opsp| o|
[6tu]0e yuou||o
[5wo] u u y u t e w
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60t]|[60o] y
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60]|[60] o
[5wo] u [59u] y [59u] t [59e] w
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48]|
[4qp] o[48p]sp [48]|[48o]|
[6etu] y[60u]ou [60t]|[60o] y
[5w]|[59o] y [59]|[59t] e

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About This Music Sheet

That’s So True (Gracie Abrams) is a song by Gracie Abrams. Use your computer keyboard to play That’s So True (Gracie Abrams) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:37, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song That’s So True (Gracie Abrams) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Emotional, Sad, Female Artists.


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Other Songs By Gracie Abrams

  • 6|[etu]| 6 [etu]|
    8|[wtu]| 8 [wtu]|
    4|[etu]| 4 [etu]|
    4|[etu]| 4 [etu]|
    6|[80] 6|[6p] [80p] pp
    8 o [0wu] [8y]|[8y] [0wy] y
    4 t [68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
    4|[68sf] 4|4 [ad] s
    6|[80] 6|[6p] [80p] pp
    8 o [0wo] [8y]|[8t] [0wi]|
    4|[68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
    4|[68sf] 4|4 [ad] s
    6|[80] 6 o [6u] [80o] u
    8|[0w] [8t] t [8y] [0wy]|
    4|[68] [4t] o [4u] [68o] u
    4 t [68t] [4y] u [4t] [68r]|
    6|[80] 6|[6u] [80p] p
    8 o [0wu] [8y]|[8y] [0wy] y
    4 t [68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
    4|[ad]|t y u t
    [5y] 7 9 w o 7 9 w
    [6t] 8 0 w o 8 0 w
    [4t] 6 8 0|4 8 0
    4 6 8 [0t] t y u t
    [5y] 7 9 w o 7 9 w
    [6t] 8 0 w o 8 0 w
    [4o] [6p] 8 0|4 8 0
    4 6 8 0 s s a a
    [680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
    [80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
    [468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
    [468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
    [680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
    [80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
    [468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
    [468qi]||s s a a
    [680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
    [80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
    [468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
    [468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
    [680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
    [80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
    [468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
    6|[80] 6|[6p] [80p] pp
    8 o [0wu] [8y]|[8y] [0wy] y
    4 t [68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
    4|[68sf] 4|4 [ad] s
    6|[80] 6|[6p] [80p] pp
    8 o [0wo] [8y]|[8t] [0wi]|
    4|[68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
    4|[68sf] 4|4 [ad] s
    6|[80] 6 o [6u] [80o] u
    8|[0w] [8t] t [8y] [0wy]|
    4|[68] [4t] o [4u] [68o] u
    4 t [68t] [4y] u [4t] [68r]|
    6|[80] 6|[6u] [80p] p
    8 o [0wu] [8y]|[8y] [0wy] y
    4 t [68sf] 4|4 [68sf]|
    4|[ad]|t y u t
    [5y] 7 9 w o 7 9 w
    [6t] 8 0 w o 8 0 w
    [4t] 6 8 0|4 8 0
    4 6 8 [0t] t y u t
    [5y] 7 9 w o 7 9 w
    [6t] 8 0 w o 8 0 w
    [4o] [6p] 8 0|4 8 0
    4 6 8 0 s s a a
    [680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
    [80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
    [468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
    [468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
    [680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
    [80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
    [468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
    6 u [80u] u|[6u] [80u] u
    8 u [0wu] u|[8y] [0w] t
    4 u [68u] u|[4u] [68] y
    4|[68y] i|[4u] [68t]|
    6|[80u]uu|[6u] [80u] u
    8 u [0wu] u|[8y] [0w] t
    4|[68u]uu|[4u] [68] y
    4|[68y] i|[4u] [68t]|
    6 u [80u] u|[6u] [80u] u
    8 u [0wu] u|[8y] [0w] t
    4 u [68u] u|[4u] [68] y
    4|[68y] i|[4u] [68t]|
    6|[80u]uu|[6u] [80u] u
    8 u [0wu] u|[8y] [0w] t
    4|[68u]uu|[4u] [68] y
    4|[68u]uu|[4i] [68u] t||
    t s s a a
    [680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
    [80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
    [468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
    [468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
    [680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
    [80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
    [468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
    [468qi]| [468q] s s a a
    [680ep] o o [680eu] o u [680eo] u
    [80wto] o u [80wt] s s [80wta] a
    [468qp] o o [468qu] o u [468qo] u
    [468qo] o u [468q] p o [468qu] y
    [680et]| [680e] p o [680eu] y
    [80wt] y|[80wt] p o [80wtu] y
    [468qy]| [468q] t|[468q]|
    6|[80f]| 6 [80]|
    8|[0wd] s|8 [0w]|
    4|[68f]| 4 [68]|
    4|[68f]|g 4 [68f]|
    6 f [80f] f|[6f] [80f] f
    8 f [0wf] f|[8d] [0w] s
    4 f [68f] f|[4f] [68] d
    4 f [68] g|[4h] [68f]|
    6|[80f]| 6 [80]|
    8|[0wd] s|8 [0w]|
    4|[68f]| 4 [68]|
    4|[68f]|g 4 [68f]|
    6 f [80f] f|[6f] [80f] f
    8 f [0wf] f|[8d] [0w] s
    4 f [68f] f|[4f] [68] d
    4 f [68] g|[4h] [68f]

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:33
    Blowing Smoke (Gracie Abrams)

    Gracie Abrams

  • wtu| o [wo]tui u
    [wy]r||[wy]r u t
    [9y]qet t [9y]qet t
    [8y]qet t [8y]qe| t
    [80w]||[80wo] i u
    [79wy]||[79wy] u t
    [80w]| o [80wuo] [yi] [tu]
    [5wy]||[5wy] u t
    [9qey] t t [9qey] t t
    [8qey] t t [8qey]| t
    [80w]| o [80wuo] [yi] [tu]
    [5wy]| y [5wy] u t
    [qetc]||[qeto] p a
    [5wuo] p| [5wo] p a
    [qetuo] p| [qeto] p a
    [5wp] o i [5wyi]| [tu]
    [9qe]||[9qe]| o
    [qeuo] t t r t|
    [80w]| s [80wo] iu
    [wry]||[wry] u t
    [9qeyi] t t [9qeyi] t t
    [qeyi] t t [qey]| t
    [80w]| s [80wo] i u
    [wry]||[wri] o u
    [qeti] u [qer] t
    [80w]| o [80wo] i u
    [wrya]||[wrya] s o
    [9qeip] [uo] t [9qeip] [uo] t
    [qeip] [uo] t [qeip] [uo] [yi]
    [80wu]| o [80wo] i u
    [5wy]||[5wy] u t
    [qetm]||[qeto] p a
    [5wuo] p| [5wo] p a
    [qetuo] p| [qeto] p a
    [5wp] o i [5wyi]| [tu]
    [9qe]||[9qe]| o
    [qeto] t t [qert] t|
    [8y]u[8y]y8 [8y]u[8y]y8
    [5y]u[5y]y5 [5tu] [5eu] [5tu]
    [9y]u[9y]y9 [9y]u[9y]y9
    [qy]u[qy]yq [qtu] [qeu] [qtu]
    [6y]u[6y]y6 [6y]u[6y]y6
    [5y]u[5y]y5 [5tu] [5eu] [5tu]
    [9y]u[9y]y9 [9y]u[9y]y9
    [quo]p[qo] q [qos]a[qs] qs
    [80wsf] 8 8 [80wtu] 8 8
    [5wuo] [5p] 5 [5wo] [5p] [5a]
    [9qesf] 9 9 [9qetu] 9 9
    [qetuo] [qp] q [qeto] [qp] [qa]
    [80wsf] 8 8 [80wtu] 8 8
    [5wp] [5o] [5i] [5wyi] 5 [5tu]
    [9qe] 9 9 [9qe] 9 [9s]
    [qetos] [qts] [qts] [qerta] [qts] [qs]
    [5wuo] p| [5wo] p a
    [qetuo] p| [qeto] p a
    [5wp] o i [5wi]| u
    [9qe]||[9qe]| o
    [qeuo] t t r t

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:38
    I Love you, I’m sorry (Gracie Abrams)

    Gracie Abrams


  • d| f| [p4] 8 [qp] [o8]p4 8 q e 4 8 q 8 4 8 q p[se] [a5] 9ow [a9] [p6] 0 e t 6 0 e 0 [d6]| [f0]| [qp84] 8 [qp] [o8]p4 8 q e 4 8 q 8 4 8 q [se] [wd95] 9dw [s9] [d8] w [tf] w 8 w t w [f8]| [wd]| [sq84] 8 [qp] [o8]p4 8 q e 4 8 q 8 4 8 q [se] [a730] 7o0 [a7] [p6] 0 6 0 e 0 e 0| 0 e [p0]a[s2] 6pq [o6] 2 6 q e 2 6 q 6 2 6 q [se]d[qf84] 8pq [o8] 4 8 q e 4 8 q 8 [ws95] 9 [wa] 9 [pe60] 0 e 0 6 0 e y u| |d| f| [p4] [q8] [p4] [qo8]p4 [q8] 4 p[sqe] [a5] [w9]o5 [wa9] [p6] [e0] [d6] [fe0] [p4] [q8] [p4] [qo8]p4 [q8] 4 [sqe] [d5] [w9]d5 [ws9] [d8] [wt]f8 [wtf]d[s4] [q8]p4 [qo8] [p4] [q8] 4 [sqe] [a3] [70]o3 [a70] [p6] [e0] 6 [pe0]a[s2] [96]p2 [o96] 2 [96] 2 [s96]d[f4] [q8]p4 [qo8] [s5] [w9] [a5] [w9] [o3] [70]u3 [o70] [p4] [q8] 4 [q8] 4 [qp8] [a4] [sq8] [a5] [w9]d5 [wp9] [o3] [70]u3 [a70] [p4] [q8] 4 [q8] 4 [q8] 4 [q8] s[d5] [w9] [h5] [w9] [o3] [70]u3 [o70] [p4] [q8] 4 [q8] 4 [qp8] [a4] [sq8] [a5] [w9]d5 [wp9] [o3] [70]u3 [a70] [p4] [q8] 4 [q8] 4 [qp8] [a4] [sq8] [d5] [w9]s5 [wa9] [p6]| 9| 0| w| [pe]fj||p| a| [s4] [t8] [qi] [o8] [s4] [t8] [qi] [o8] [s4] [t8] [qi] [o8] [wd95] [ws95] [a30] [s4] [t8] [qi] [o8] [s4] [t8] [qi] [o8] [s4] [t8] [qi] [o8] [wd95] [ws95] [wa5] [s6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [s6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [s6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [f730] [s730] [o730] [s962] t i o s t i o ios
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:59
    Let’s Be Friends (Everlasting Summer)

    Sergey Eybog

  • e r t u e r t u e r t u e r t u [fe] r t u e r t [ud] [se] r t [ua] [pe] r t [ud] [f0] w e u a|u r 0 w r t r w 0 w [se] r t u e r t [ua] [pe] r t [ua] [se] r t [ud] [f0] w r u I u o u a w r u I u o [us] [d5] 7 9 w r w 9 [wf] [g2] 6 9 q [he] 9 q e [j6] 8 0 e r t u e [d3]k 7 0 W r u [uk] lkjk [f4]l 8 q w e q 8 q [zg2] 6 9 q [lfe] 9 q e [kd5] 7 9 w r w 9 w [f3]l 7 0 W [zrG] W u| [x6] 8 0 e r t u [zr] [le] r t [uk] [je] r t z [x3] 7 0 Q [wk] r 0 u r 0 w r t r w 0 [l6] 8 0 e r t u [rk] [je] r t [uk] [rl] t u z [h3]x 7 0 Q w r u r [I0] Q w [aQ] w Q 0 s [od5] 7 9 w r w 9 [wf] [pg2] 6 9 q [hea] 9 q e [s6]j 8 0 e r t u t [d0]k W r W 0 7 [k%]lk3jk [f4]l 8 q w e q 8 q [zg2] 6 9 q [lfe] 9 q e [kd5] 7 9 w r w 9 w [f3]l 7 0 W [rd]k W u| [lj6] 8 0 e r t u r e||u|u [zk] [lj6] 8 0 e r t u a p r t e u|u [zk] [lj6] 8 0 e r t u a [pe]||u|u| [xe] r t u e r t [zu] [le] r t [uk] [je] r t [zu] [x0] w r u k r u r 0 w r t r w 0 w [le] r t u e r t [uk] [je] r t [uk] [le] r t [zu] [x0] w r u I u o u a w r u I u o [ul] [zw] r y o a o y [xo] [g9] e y i [ph] i y i [je] r u p a s f p [d0]k r u O a O [uk]lkrjk [qf]l t i o p i t i [g9]z e y i [pf]l i y i [wd]k r y o a o y o [lf0] W r u [zrG] W 0 r [lf3] 7 0 W [rkd] u u h k [sj4] 8 q w t i o s h l| g||f|| [l4] 8 q w [yue]|||i||o
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:05
    One Man’s Dream


  • 2| [utqe]| | 5| [utqe]| | 1| [ywr0]| | [ywr90]| 8| 7| 2| [tqe0]| 9| 5| [utqe]| | 1| [uoa]| o| [wur]| 8| 1| 5| [yqE]| | 1| [yE0]| u| 4| [te0]| e| [t^W0]| 9| 8| [wti5]|||[tsh0]| | [tsqh]| |[ywsh]||| [tsh0]| |[tqhd]| | [ywsh]| |a| | [tsh0]| o| s| [tsqh]||a p| [ywsoh]| |a| | [tsh0]| o| s| [tsqh]||a s| [ywshd]| |a| | [tsh0]| s| h| [tsqh]||g f| [ywshd]| |[uaW]| | [ka]| [sl]| [zd]| [xf5]| [utqe]| [spf]||| 5| [ywr0]| [oda]| |[zd]| [vh]| [sl5]| [utqe]| [spf]||| 5| [ywr0]| [oda]| [ka]| [sl]| [zd]| [xf5]| [utqe]| [spf]||| 5| [ywr0]| [oda]| |[zd]| [vh]| [sl5]| [utqe]| [spf]||| [spif]| [uoda]| |[utspi]||| [uo80]| w| t| [70]| [wp]| [ra]| [us60]| w| e| [a50]| w| [rp]| [oe84]| [qi]| [ue]| [83]| [o0]| [wi]| [ie82]| 9| w| [ro75]| [tp0]| [ywa]| [ud51]| [s8]| [a0]| [3%]| [s0]| [yrO]| [ya84]| [tqp]| [re]| [t9$]| Q| [pe]| [uto85]| 0| w| [85]| 0| [wi]| [yto75]| 9| w| [r5]| | [uo80]| w| t| [70] p [wo] I [ro] f [upd60]| [ws]| e a [s50]| w| [ro]| [po84]| [qi]| [ue]| [83] P [p0] O [wpi] g [if82]| [d9]| w S [od75]| [pf0]| [wga]| [hd51]| [ts8]| [ra0]| [ts3%]| [sl0]| [rdH]| [kd84]| [sqj]| [kea]| [sl9$]| [kQ]| [pje]| [oh85]| [uf0]| [wts]| [wo85]| [ts0]| [wuf]| [ywsd85]| |[s8]| | [a75]| |a| s| d| [f2]| [tqe]| | [d3]| [hW9]| g| [f6]| [yoea]| s| [yuea]| p O p a [s2]| [upi]| | [a3]| [todW]| [si]| [a6]| [wutr]| y| [wutp]| | [p6]| [eT0]| | 5 P [peT0] O p S [f4]| [edT0]| w S [d2]| [qeT]| 0| [a@]| [eQ(]| | 7 s [eaYQ(] P a D [G3]| [rfQI9]| I| [yra730]| [uts0]75[yid3]75 [uf2] [ut4] [yi6] [ut9] [yr6] [ut4] [ydO3] 7 [p0] [oh7] [igda%] 3 [uspf6] [t0] [yoe] [t0] [ri8] [t3] [u6] 0 [tpe] [rO0] [tp8] [ya6] [usp7] [te3] [rW%] [qe7] [W0%] [730] [aO3] 0 [riW] [d0] [usrW] 0 [ya6] 8 [yr0] [TE8] [te0] [rW8] [tp6] [80] [te0] [80] [te0] [80] [peT6] [30] [eT6] [0*] [eT6] [30] 5 [P0] [upeT*] [O0] [poeT6] [S0] [pif4] * [yqpd] * 6 [f4] [ohd2] 6 [qige] 6 [q9] [f6]gfd [f3] 8 [use] 8 [ue] 8 [tp3] 8 e 8 e 8 3 7 [yaW] 7 [yW] 7 [rO3] 7 r 7 W 7 [tspjif]| |lx
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:44
    Wolf and Rabbit (Beastars)

    Satoru Kosaki