03:20 -
[8h] w t y u f d s
[6f] 0 e t u p s f
[4j] 8 q w e g d s
[5a] 9 w [ep] [ro]||o
[8s] w t [wf] [uh] w 8 [9s]
[0a] r u [rf] [oh] r u [rh]
[qj] t i [tk] [pl] t i [tj]
[8h] w t w u w [7f] [wd]
[6s] 0 e [0s] [ts] u [5f] [0d]
[4s] 8 q [8s] [es] 8 [qd] [8f]
[9d] e y [es] [Ip] e [yd] [ef]
[5d] 9 w r r||o
[8s] w t [wf] [uh] w 8 [9s]
[0a] r u [rf] [oh] r u [rh]
[qj] t i [tk] [pl] t i [tj]
[8h] w t w u w [7f] [wd]
[6s] 0 e [0s] [ts] u [5f] [0d]
[4s] 8 q [8s] [es] 8 [qd] [8f]
[9d] e y [ep] [5a] 9 [ws] [9d]
[8s] w t y u o [sf] h
[8f] w t [wd] [us] w [th] w
[3a] 7 0 7 w 7 [0p] [7a]
[2p] 6 9 [Qa] [ep] Q [9o] 6
[8f] w t w u w [th] w
[8f] w t [wd] [us] w [th] w
[3a] 7 0 7 w 7 [0p] [7a]
[2s] 6 9 [Qs] [es] Q [9d] [6f]
[5d] 9 w [eps] [roa]||o
[8s] w t [wf] [uh] w 8 [9s]
[0a] r u [rf] [oh] r u [rh]
[qj] t i [tk] [pl] t i [tj]
[8h] w t w u w [7f] [wd]
[6s] 0 e [0s] [ts] u [5f] [0d]
[4s] 8 q [8s] [es] 8 [qd] [8f]
[9d] e y [ep] [5a] 9 [ws] [9d]
[8s] w [tf]d[ws] [9wra]| [oh]|
[8sl] w t [wfx] [uhv] w t [wsl]
[3ak] 7 0 [7fx] [whv] 7 0 [7hv]
[4jb] 8 q [8kn] [elm] 8 q [8jb]
[8hv] w t y u o f d
[6ps] 0 e [0ps] [tps] 0 [5f] [0d]
[4ps] 8 q [8ps] [eps] 8 [qd] [8f]
[I9d] e y [ep] [5oa] 9 [ws] [9d]
[8uos] w t y u o [sf] h
[8f] w t [wd] [us] w [th] w
[3a] 7 0 7 w 7 [0p] [7a]
[2p] 6 9 [Qa] [ep] Q [9o] 6
[8f] w t w u w [th] w
[8f] w t [wd] [us] w [th] w
[3a] 7 0 7 w 7 [0p] [7a]
[2s] 6 9 [Qs] [es] Q [9d] [6f]
[5d] 9 w [eps] [roa]||o
[8s] w t [wf] [uh] w 8 [9s]
[0a] r u [rf] [oh] r u [rh]
[qj] t i [tk] [pl] t i [tj]
[8h] w t w u w [7f] [wd]
[6s] 0 e [0s] [ts] u [5f] [0d]
[4s] 8 q [8s] [es] 8 [qd] [8f]
[9d] e y [ep] [5a] 9 [ws] [9d]
[8s] w t w u w [7f] [wd]
[6s] 0 e [0s] [ts] u [5f] [0d]
[4s] 8 q [8s] [es] 8 [qd] [8f]
[9d] e y [ep] [5a] 9 [ws] [9d]
[8s] w [tfh] [wdg] [6sf] 0 [ead] [0ps]
[4ip] 8 [qoa] [8ip] [O4is] 8 [Oqid] 8
About This Music Sheet
The Moon Represents My Heart (Alternative) is a song by Teresa Teng. Use your computer keyboard to play The Moon Represents My Heart (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song The Moon Represents My Heart (Alternative) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Teresa Teng
[80wh]| | f d s [680f]| | p s f [468j]| | g d s [579a]||p o|| o [80ws]||f h|| s [0wra]||f h|| h [qetj]||k l|| j [80wh]| | f d [680s]||s s| f d [468s]||s s| d f [$26d]||s p| d f [579d]| | o [80ws]||f h|| s [0wra]||f h|| h [qetj]||k l|| j [80wh]| | f d [680s]||s s| f d [468s]||s s| d f [$26d]||p [579a]| s d [80ws]| | h [80wf]||d s| h| [0wra]| | p a [qetp]||a [wryp]| o| [80wf]| | h| [80wf]||d s| h| [0wra]| | p a [qets]||s [Q9es]| d f [wryd]| | o [80ws]||f h|| s [0wra]||f h|| h [qetj]||k l|| j [80wh]| | f d [680s]||s s| f d [468s]||s s| d f [$26d]||p [579a]| s d [80ws]| h g [680f]| d s [468p]| a p [%O48is]| [Oid]| [8uos]Level: 7Length: 01:47Intermediate
The Moon Represents My Heart
Teresa Teng
[qpf]| |p f d [r0]| |o d s [e9]| |i s a [yw]||r [yso]|d|[qpf]| |p [tf] d 0 r [uh] d||[ya] s 9 e y [sp]|d s a w|||[qp] f|[te]|[te] p [tfe] d 0|[ur] a [ur] o [urd] s 9|[te]|[ye] o [tse] a w|[yr] o p [wa] y o p a s a s d [qf]|[ti]|[ut] p [tif] d 0|[ura] d h d [yr] a [ur] s 9|[ti] [si] w [ia] [yr] p a [s8] r i t [wu8]|[wto] s d [qp] f p [pi] f f|u i [qp]||f [utpf] d [tspi] a [wo0] a d o o d [urd]||y [uro]|[yr] u [rp] a [us] d [qp] s f p [tpi] f [utpf]|[ti] p [f9] p [ype] f [tpfe] [pg] [ypfe] d [wo] a|y s y [od] y|[ywro] a d|w y o p a [uso] d [qf]|[ti]|[ut] p [tif] d 0|[ur] a [yr] o [urd] s 9|[ye]|[te] i [yse] a w|[yr] o p a [ws] y a o s d [of] d [yf] g [qp] s f|[ut]|[ti] d h d [r0]|[yr] a [ur]|[yr] a [pe9] s|t p [yws] a [rp] a [s8] w t u [ro] t y [ut] [qi] s u a u [se] u s u [qod] u [so] u [oea] u [oa] u [t8] u a u [wro] u o t r t [u8] w|[ywt] t [yt] u [ro] a [tqie] p s i a i [tse] i p i [pe9] s i p i [se] [id] [ys] p [wo] a r| |i [yd]|[i8] o s u o u [ro] u o u [oe] u o u [yo] y [to] u w r
Level: 6Length: 03:07IntermediateYoosung Sad (Mystic Messenger)
[tus] t t [tid] t t t t [tiod] t t t t [ta] t [to]
[tus] t t [tid] t t t t [tiod] t t t t a|o
[80] t|t [qt]|t|[wt] y| q r|w
[80] t|t [qt]|y|[wy]||q r|w
[80] t t t [7t]|y|[6wu] o| 0|u o
[9qp] o|s| u|[5q]|[to] [5qto]| u y
[80t]|t|[qt] t| [wt] y| q [ru]|y
[80t]| t u|o|[0rp] o| w|u o
[Eqyp]|P P|p|o [wtus]||[wt]|u o
[Eqyp] P|P| p|[wtyp] o o|r| o
[eos] s s [9is]|a|p [7yo] p o [0tu]| t|
[eos] s s [9is]|a|p [wtyo]| [wr]| i|
[8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
[80w]| [9q]||[5q]| [5q] g f s|
[80o]| [9q]||[5q]| [5q] g f s|
[80] t|t [9qt]|t|[5qt] y|[5q]|r|w
[80] u|o [9qt]|y|[5qy]| [5q]|r|w
[80] w t t [7t]|y|[6wu] o| 0||
[9qp] o|s| u|[5qy]| [5qto]| u y
[80t] t|t [9qt]|y|[5qy] t|[5q]| Y y
[80y] t|[7wt]| u|[0wyo]| [0w]||o
[^qyp] P|P|P|p [8wyp]|o|q t [0t] t
[^qyp] P|P| p|[5qto]| s a o o|
[6os] s s [9is]||[7ya] p o [0to]||
[6os] s s [9is]|i p|[5qto]| [5q]| [ri]|
[8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
[WT6u]||T|u [TO]||u|
[9TI] I I [eI] O I [r*I] u u|W| u
[9TI]|O p e O|I [r*I] u u|W||
[qup] a s s|a|p [0yp] a|o||
[9t] p a s|a|p [0yp] o o| o|o
[EY8o] p|[y(EP]|p|o [Eqto]|p [E9ti]| i|
[EY8o] p|[y(EP]|p|o [Eqt] o p [E9ti]| i|
[*WTi] o|O|o|i [8wtu]||t
[^WTi]| o O|i|[8wio]|s|u|s|
[eos] s s [9is]|a|p [7yo] p o [0tu]||
[eos] s s [9is]|a|p [wtyo]| [wr]| [ri]|
[8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
[6wt]| [9q]||[5qty] [ty] [ty] [5qry]||
[8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[4tp]| t i u tLevel: 6Length: 02:49IntermediateThe Wizard And I (Wicked)
Stephen Schwartz
[u860] y|u y|[wu97] y [yw80] t|p o u y t [yqe8]uu|p o u y t [yqe8]uu|t|ttt y [t860]||ttt t [wt97] y [wr80]||ooouuuyy[yqe8]ttttet e t y [qe8] t| |tt[wt97] y [t860]||ttt t [wt97] y [wr80]||ooouuuyy[yqe8]ttttet e t y [qe8] t| |[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o[p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]|[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o [p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] t[tq8][t5] [y0] [t6]||ttt [t7] t y [r81]||ooouu[u30]yy[yq4]ttttet e [tq4] y [q4] t| |tt[t5] y [t6]||ttt [t7] t y [t81]||ooouu[u30]yy[yq4]ttttet e [tq4] y [q4] t| |[w5] w [p860] o[p860] o[p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]|[w97] o [p860] o[p860] o [p860] o [w97]|[w80]|[w80] o [wp80] a [wp80] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[qpe8] a [qpe8] o [uqe8]|[yqe8]|[tqe8]| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] [pe][q8][ra5]|[tsqe8]|p| |[yd]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [wuf97]||d [yd] fd|[ts860] p||[w97] [pe] [ra]|[tsqe8]|p| |[yd]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [wuf97]||d [yd] fd|s p| |[u6] [y80] 6 [u80] [y6] [80] [u6] [y80] [y8] [wt0] 8 [wp0] [o8] [wu0] [y8] [wt0] [y4]u[uq8] 4 [qp8] [o4] [uq8] [y4] [tq8] [y4]u[yq8] 4 [tq8] 4 [q8] 5 [97] [u6] [y80] 6 [u80] [y6] [80] [u6] [y80] [y8] [wt0] 8 [wp0] [o8] [wu0] [y8] [wt0] [y4]u[uq8] 4 [qp8] [o4] [uq8] [y4] [tq8] [y4]u[yq8] 4 [tq8] 4 [q8] 5 [a97] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] 7 [w9] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0] [p8] [wa0] [p8] [wo0] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [p4] [qa8] [p4] [qo8] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [t4] [q8] 5 [o97] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] [p6] [o80] 7 [w9] 8 [w0] 8 [wo0] [p8] [wa0] [p8] [wo0] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] [p4] [qa8] [p4] [qo8] [u4] [q8] [y4] [q8] t| |6 [t80] [t80] [t80] [y97]5 [u6] 1 [t85] [t85] [t85] [wo8]5 [u0] 4 [tq8] [tq8] [tqp8] a[q9][p5] [o0] [u4] [q8] y[q8] [tq8] [rq8]5 [w0] [u6] [y80] [80]u [y80] [97][u5] [y6] [y1] [t85] [85]p [o85] u[w8][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]p [qo8] u[q9][y5] [t0] [y4]u[uq8] [q8]t [q8] [pe][q8][ra5]|[ts860]|p| |[ywd97]|[wra80] papo||[ts] [ts] [uqfe8]||d [yd] fd|[tsqe8] p
Level: 7Length: 03:31IntermediateHappier (Alternative)