Time Travel Theme (Secret)

Jay Chou 13 November 2020

u [pe] [ia] [us] [tf] [rd] [se] [aW] [se] [a0] [yd] [rg] e W f [rd] a [se] f [tj] w Q d [yp] s [wa] d [rh] q 0 o [ts] asa[qp] s [ge] * 9 d [qf] g [wh] f [us] t [pi] g [fWO] d [se] u [tl] u Qk[zy]l[ke]j[yH]j[wh]g[uf]g[th]f[ud]s[wg]d[iS]d[ya]d[oi]as [iW] [wu] [yq] [wu]|[yuraO7]|[te6]rty[tpf]rty[wt5]rty[tpf]rty[tq4]rty[tpf]rty[t30]rty[ugO]ytr[te6]rty[tpf]rty[wt5]rty[tpf]rty[tq4]rty[tpf]rty[t30]rty[ugO]yiu[te6]uaO[tsp]fkH[wj5]lbx[tpn]bmV[qb4]xvc[yxp]zjk[l30]fsl[rkO]dak[se6]fkH[tpl]xnV[wb5]mbx[tpn]bmV[qb4]xvc[yxp]zbn[m30]xlm[rnO]zkn[xljeb6] [utpf][utpf][utpf] [tpig][tpig][tpig] [udaO30] [uspfe6] [utsp][utsp][utsp] [rida][yrda][ydaW] [xkfH30] [xljeb6] [utpf][utpf][utpf] [tpig][tpig][tpig] [udaO30] [uspfe6] [utsp][utsp][utsp] [rida][yrda][ydaW] [ufaO30] [pe6]a[ts0]S[rqd]D[f30]g[fe6]j[tH0]j[rql]k[j30]H[je6]k[tl0]L[zrq]Z[x30]c[xe6]b[tV0]b[rqm]n[b30]V[eb6]| |b

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About This Music Sheet

Time Travel Theme (Secret) is a song by Jay Chou. Use your computer keyboard to play Time Travel Theme (Secret) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:05, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Time Travel Theme (Secret) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.

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    Other Songs By Jay Chou

    • 5 9 r 9 [t0]| |5 9 [wr]|[t0]||e [r5] 9 r 9 [t0]| |5 9 [wr]|[t0] y s a [p8] [o0] [ro] o [I9] [oe] [yp] a [y7] Q [ye] Q 0 [yw] [yo] [rI] [u6] [y0] [yw] [t0] [r2] [e6] [r9] t [y5] 7 [wr] 7 [tqe9] y [ye] y [u8] w t [wu] [Y7] [uQ] [eI] r [o0] w r w 9 [wo] [teI] [wo] [p6] 0 w p p [toe] [ua] s[p9] e t e [yQ] y T y [a5]o9 [wr] [a9] [s7] [aQ] [peY] [QI] [o0] r [uo] r 9 [ro] [yI] [ro] [d8] w [ut] [wd] [s9] [ea] [ypI] [ea] [a5] 9 [wr] 9 [wt0] y T y [a5] 9 [wr] [a9] [s7] [aQ] [peY] [QI] [o0] [rp] [oaI] [rG] [f] r u a [d6] [s0] [wta] [s0] [a9] e t p [o5] 7 [yt]|[ywr] y T y [a5] 9 [wr] [a9] [s7] [aQ] [peY] [QI] [o8] [rp] [oaI] [rG] [f] r u a [d6] [s0] [wta] [s0] [a9] e t p [o5]|[yt]|[ywr]

      Level: 5
      Length: 01:20
      First Kiss (Secret)

      Jay Chou

    • 8wtyuytu8wtyuytu0wrtytry0wrtytryqetyuytuqetyuytuqWtyuytuqWty[ug]ytu[f8]wtyuytu8wty[uf]ytu[d0]wrtytry0wrt[yd]try[sq]etyuytuqety[us]ytu[qh]Wty[ug]ytu[sq]Wty[ud]ytu[o8]swftyuytu8wty[uf]ytu[k0]wrtytry0wrt[yl]try[sqj]etyuytuqety[uj]ytu[xq]Wty[uc]ytu[ql]Wty[zu]ytu[k0]wrtotro0wrt[oh]tro[j(]QetIteI(Qet[jI]teI[xj9]qetptep[lj9]qetptep[xh5]9wryoyr[wlh]975[zkh7] 9 [u8]od[wu][to][wd][us][wu][to][ws][a8][wu][to][wa][us][wu][to][ws][d6][u0][pe][d0][ts][u0][pe][s0][a6][u0][pe][a0][ts][u0][pe][s0][f$][I9][pQ][f9][ed][I9][pQ][d9][s$][I9][pQ][s9][ed][I9][pQ][d9][f4][i6][O9][f6][dW][i6][O9][d6][g4][o7][wa][g7][rf][o7][wa][f7][d7][wu][to][wd][us][wu][to][ws][a8][wu][to][wa][us][wu][to][ws][d6][u0][pe][d0][ts][u0][pe][s0][a6][u0][pe][a0][ts][u0][pe][s0][f$][I9][pQ][f9][ed][I9][pQ][d9][s$][I9][pQ][s9][ed][I9][pQ][d9][f4][i8][qO][f8][dW][i8][qO][d8][g5][o9][wa][g9][rf][o9][wa][f9][u8]owstyuytu8wty[uf]ytu[d0]wrtytry0wrt[yd]try[sq]etyuytuqety[us]ytu[qh]Wty[ug]ytu[sq]Wty[ud]ytu[o8]swdftyuytu8wty[uf]ytu[k0]wrtytry0wrt[yl]try[qjf]etyuytuqety[uj]ytu[xq]Wty[uc]ytu[ql]Wty[zu]ytu[k0]wrtotro0wrt[oh]tro[j(]QetIteI(Qet[jI]teI[xj9]qetptep[lj9]qetptep[xh5]9wryoyr[wlh]975[zkh7] 9 [tf]hz[of][sh][zo][lf][of][sh][ol][tk][of][sh][ok][lf][of][sh][ol][ze][uf][pj][zu][sl][uf][pj][ul][ke][uf][pj][uk][sl][uf][pj][ul][xQ][yG][jI][yx][zp][yG][jI][zy][lQ][yG][jI][yl][zp][yG][jI][zy][xq][ge][yH][xe][zO][tg][yH][zt][wc][yh][ok][yc][xa][yh][ok][yx][zt][of][sh][zo][lf][of][sh][ol][tk][of][sh][ok][lf][of][sh][ol][ze][uf][ja][zu][sl][uf][pj][ul][ke][uf][pj][uk][sl][uf][pj][ul][xQ][yG][jI][yx][zp][yG][jI][zy][lQ][yG][jI][yl][zp][yG][jI][zy][xq][tg][iH][xt][zO][tg][iH][zt][wc][yh][ok][yc][xa][yh][ok][yx][tl]osdfdsftosd[xf]dsf[zu]oasdsaduoas[zd]sad[li]psdfdsfipsd[lf]dsf[vi]Osd[fc]dsf[li]Osd[zf]|[tsolhf]

      Level: 4
      Length: 02:48
      Light Rain Road (Secret)

      Jay Chou


    • 0 e e e t [9wr] [0wt] [qey] e Q e w e e [0e] e e e t [9wr] [wtu] [ey] [yp] e y u y y [0e] u [up] [up] [up] [yoa] [uos] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] p p p s [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] [0e] e e e t [9wr] [0wt] [qey] e Q e w e e [0e] e e e t [9wr] [wtu] [ey] [yp] p p p s [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [wo] [tu] [et] [qe] p p p I [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] [et] [qe] [0e] [60p]
      Level: 5
      Rohan (Lord of The Rings)

      Howard Shore

    • [9qey] O p s f h G g f D d S s
      [W9qr] P a s P a s P a o O p o y Y u o
      [8hl] [tuo] [tuo] [gj] [7hl]
      [ryo] [ryogj] [fh] [6gj] [fh] [eti]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
      [4os] [eti] [eti] 3
      [wtu] [af] [wtuos] [2pd] [etI]
      [etI] 5 [ryo] [ryof] g
      [8hl] [tuo] [tuo] [gj] [7hl]
      [ryo] [ryogj] [fh] [6gj] [fh] [eti]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
      [4os] [eti] [eti] [5dg] [sf]
      [wtu] [wtuad] [8tuos] t u
      o s [qtis] t i s o
      [wtos] t o s o [qis]
      [0us] [9ys] [8tuo] t u
      o s [qtis] t i s o
      [wtos] t o s o [qis]
      [0us] [9yos] [8o] [tuo]
      [tuo] [7o] [ryio] [ryo] u
      [6i] u [eti] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtu] [4t] [eti]
      [eti] t [3t] [wtu] y [wtu]
      [2y] [etI] [etI] [5o] y
      [wryo] o [ryo] o [8o] [tuo]
      [tuo] 7 [ryo] [ryio] u
      [6i] [etui] t [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wetu] e [4e] [eti]
      [eti] u [5i] [wtu] [wtyu]
      [8t] [tuo] [tuo] 1
      [tuo] [tuof] g [8hl] [tuo]
      [tuo] [gj] [7hl] [ryo] [ryogj] [fh]
      [6gj] [fh] [eti] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtu] [4os] [eti]
      [eti] [5dg] [sf] [wtu] [wtuad]
      [8os] [tuo] [tuo] 1
      [tuo] [tuo] 8 [tuo]
      [tuo] 1 [tuo] h [tuoh]
      [8h] [tuoh] [tuoh] [7h]
      [ryog] [ryof] [6g] f [etis]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtus]
      [4s] [etis] [etis] [3s]
      [wtu] [wtud] d [2d] [etI]
      [etI] 5 [ryo] [ryof] g
      [8h] [tuoh] [tuo] h [7h]
      [ryo] [ryog] f [6g] [etif]
      [etif] [5f] [wtu] [wtus]
      [4s] [etis] [eti] f [5g]
      [wtu] f [wtud] [8s] [tuo]
      [tuo] 1 [tuo] [rtyo] r
      [6e] [etu] [etu] e 5
      [wtu] [wrtu] t [$r] e [Qetu]
      [Qetu] 4 [qet] [qet]
      6 [etu] [etu] e 5
      [wtu] [wrtu] t [$r] [Qetu]
      [Qetu] 4 [qet] [qet] w
      5 [wry] [wry] [4oad]
      [wry] [wry] [3psg] [wry]
      [wry] [2adhk] [ryo] [ryo]
      [18o] o [tuo] [tuo] o [7o]
      [ryio] [ryo] u [6i] u [eti] t
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
      [4e] [eti] [eti] t [3t]
      [wtu] [wtyu] [2y] [etI]
      [etI] 5 [ryuo] [ryio]
      [8o] [tuo] [tuo] o [7o]
      [ryio] [ryo] i [6i] u [eti]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
      [4e] [eti] [etui] [5i] u
      [wtu] [wtyu] [8t] [tuo]
      [tuo] 1 [tuo] [tuof] g
      [8hl] [tuo] [tuo] [gj] [7hl]
      [ryo] [ryogj] [fh] [6gj] [fh] [eti]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
      [4os] [eti] [eti] [5dg] [sf]
      [wtu] [wtuad] [8tuos] t u
      o s [qtis] t i s o
      [wtos] t o s o [qis]
      [0us] [9ys] [8tuo] t u
      o s [qtis] t i s o
      [wtos] t o s o [qis]
      [0us] [9yos] [8o] [tuo]
      [tuo] o [7o] [ryo] [ryio] u
      [6i] u [eti] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtu] [4e] [eti]
      [eti] t [3t] [wtu] y [wtu]
      [2y] [etI] [etI] 5
      [ryo] o [ryo] o [8o] o [tuo]
      [tuo] 7 [ryo] [ryio] u
      [6i] [etui] u [eti] u 5
      [wtu] [wetu] e [4e] [eti]
      [etui] [5i] [wtu] [wtyu]
      [8t] [tuo] [tuo] 1
      [tuo] [tuo] 8 [tuo]
      [tuo] 1 [tuo] h [tuoh]
      [8h] [tuoh] [tuo] h [7h]
      [ryog] [ryo] f [6g] f [etis]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtup] p
      [4p] [etip] [eti] s [3s]
      [wtus] d [wtu] [2d] [etI]
      [etI] 5 [ryo] [ryoh] h
      [8h] [tuoh] [tuo] h [7h]
      [ryog] [ryo] f [6g] [etif] s
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu] o
      [4p] [eti] s [etif] [5g]
      [wtuf] [wtud] [8s] [tuo]
      [tuo] 1 [tuo] [rtyo] r
      [6e] [etu] [etu] e 5
      [wtu] [wrtu] t [$r] e [Qetu]
      [Qetu] 4 [qet] [qet]
      6 [etu] [etu] e 5
      [wtu] [wrtu] t [$r] [Qetu]
      [Qetu] 4 [qet] [qet] w
      5 [wry] [wry] 4
      [wry] [wry] 3 [wry]
      [wry] 2 [wry] [wryo]
      [18o] [tuo] [tuo] o [7o]
      [ryio] [ryuo] [6i] u [eti]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wetu]
      [4t] [eti] [eti] t [3t]
      [wtu] y [wtu] [2y] [etI]
      [etI] 5 [ryo] [ryo] o
      [8o] [tuo] [tuo] [7o]
      [ryio] [ryo] u [6i] [eti]
      [eti] [5i] [wtu] [wtu] u
      [4i] [eti] [eti] [5i]
      [wtu] [wtyu] [8t] [tuo]
      [tuo] 1 [tuo] [tuof] g
      [8hl] [tuo] [tuo] [gj] [7hl]
      [ryo] [ryogj] [fh] [6gj] [fh] [eti]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
      [4os] [eti] [eti] [5dg] [sf]
      [wtu] [wtuad] [8os] [tuo]
      [tuo] 1 [tuo] [tuo]
      8 [tuo] [tuo] 1
      [tuo] [tuoh] h [8h] [tuoh]
      [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryof]
      [6g] f [etif] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtuf] d [4p] [etis]
      [etis] [3s] [wtus] [wtud]
      [2d] [etI] [etI] 5
      [ryof] [ryog] [8h] [tuoh]
      [tuoh] [7h] [ryog] [ryof]
      [6g] f [etis] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtuo] o [4p] [etis]
      [etif] [5g] [wtuf] [wtud]
      [8s] [tuo] [tuo] 1
      [tuo] [ryo] [6p] s d f
      f h [5j] l h f
      [$g] G [dz] [dz] [4l] j
      g s p s [6p] s d f
      f h [5sl] [sl] j g s
      [$dz] [pj] [pj] [4dz]
      [pj] [pj] [6p] s d f
      f h [5j] l h f
      [$g] G [dz] [dz] [4l] j
      g s p s 5 [wry]
      [wry] [4oad] [wry] [wry]
      [3psg] [wry] [wry] [2adhk]
      [ryo] [ryo] [18h] h [tuo]
      [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryo] f
      [6g] f [eti] s [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtu] [4p] [etis]
      [eti] s [3s] [wtu] [wtud]
      [2d] [etI] [etI] 5
      [ryof] [ryog] [8h] [tuoh]
      [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryo] g
      [6g] f [etis] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtuo] [4p] [etis]
      [etif] [5g] f [wtu] [wtud]
      [8s] [tuo] [tuo] 1
      [tuo] [tuof] g [8hl] [tuo]
      [tuo] [gj] [7hl] [ryo] [ryogj] [fh]
      [6gj] [fh] [eti] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtu] [4os] [eti]
      [eti] [5dg] [sf] [wtu] [wtuad]
      [8tuos] t u o s [qtis]
      t i s o [wtos] t o
      s o [qis] [0us] [9ys]
      [8tuo] t u o s [qtis]
      t i s o [wtos] t o
      s o [qis] [0us] [9yos] o
      [8o] o [tuo] [tuo] 7
      [ryo] [ryio] u [6i] u [eti]
      [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu] y
      [4t] [eti] [eti] [3t]
      [wtu] y [wtu] [2y] [etI]
      [etI] 5 [ryo] o [ryo] o
      [8o] [tuo] [tuo] [7o]
      [ryo] [ryio] u [6i] [etui]
      [etui] [5u] [wtu] [wtu] u
      [4i] i [eti] [eti] [5i]
      [wtu] [wtyu] [8t] [tuo]
      [tuo] 1 [uos] [uos]
      8 [osf] [osf] 1
      [sfh] [sfh] h [18h] h [sfh]
      [sfh] [7h] [adgh] [adfh]
      [6g] f [psfg] [psg] [5]
      [osf] [osf] d [4p] [psg]
      [psg] [3s] [osf] [osdf] d
      [2d] [psG] [psG] [5]
      [adfh] [adgh] [18h] [sfh]
      [sfh] [7h] [adgh] [adfh]
      [6g] f [psfg] f [psg] [5]
      [osf] [osf] f [4g] [psg]
      [psg] [5g] [wtuf] [wtud]
      [8s] [tuo] [tuo] 1
      [tuo] [tuo] r [6e] [etu]
      [etu] e 5 [wtu] [wrtu] t
      [$r] e [Qetu] [Qetu] 4
      [qet] [qet] 6 [etu]
      [etu] e 5 [wtu] [wrtu] t
      [$r] [Qetu] [Qetu] 4
      [qet] [qet] w 5 [wry]
      [wry] [4oad] [wry] [wry]
      [3psg] [wry] [wry] [2adhk]
      [ryo] [ryo] [18osfhl] h [tuo]
      [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryo] f
      [6g] f [eti] s [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtu] [4p] [etis]
      [eti] s [3s] [wtu] [wtud]
      [2d] [etI] [etI] 5
      [ryof] [ryog] [8h] [tuoh]
      [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryo] g
      [6g] f [etis] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtuo] [4p] [etis]
      [etif] [5g] f [wtu] [wtud]
      [8s] [tuo] [tuo] 1
      [tuo] [tuof] g [8hl] [tuo]
      [tuo] [gj] [7hl] [ryo] [ryogj] [fh]
      [6gj] [fh] [eti] [eti] 5
      [wtu] [wtu] [4os] [eti]
      [eti] [5dg] [sf] [wtu] [wtuad]
      [8tuos] t u o s [qtis]
      t i s o [wtos] t o
      s o [qis] [0us] [9ys]
      [8tuo] t u o s [qtis]
      t i s o [wtos] t o
      s o [qis] [0us] [9ys]

      Level: 8
      Length: 08:15
      Piano Man

      Billy Joel

    • [sb]|[nf]|[xh]|v|d|[GC]|j|x|f|h|z|k|||[vs]|[fb]|[vh]|C|d|G|[nj]||[zon]|a|d|h|[zbI]|p|d|G|[tb]|[un]|[xo]|v|y|[IC]|p|x|u|o|d|a|||[vt]|[ub]|[vo]|C|y|r|[kaQ]|9|[xf8]|w|[uaI]|o|||[G0] f [ra]|[uo]|I||r|f|h|[j8]|w|[ut]|y||t|0|8|[oh92]|$|6|9|[eIG]|[ohQ]|[pj9]|[yed]|[a5]dhk 9|[yo]|r|[p2]dGj 6|[yje] G [dQ] p [oaG3] f [a7]|[wr]|u||r|[of0]|[ha7]|[sj81]|w|[utsf]|y||t|0|8|[oh92]|$|6|9|[eIG]|[ohQ]|[pj9]|[yed]|[uf3]|0|[ro]|I||y|||3|0|[ro]|I||[uf]|[IG]|[oh]|[pj1]|[wka]|[utof]|[oh]|[92]|[eIG]|[ypI]|[uf]|3|0|[ro]|I||y|||[oh1]|[wpj]|[utoh]|[IG]|2|e|[ypkaI]||[a5]dhk 9|[yo]|r|[p2]dGj 6|[ye]|Q|[pj1]|[wka]|[utof]|[oh]|2|[eIG]|[ypI]|[uf]|3|0|[ro]|I||y|||[oh1]|[wpj]|[utoh]|[IG]|2|[rea]|[ypI]||[f1]|w|[ut]||y|||[81]|||w|||t|||0|||[30]|Q|w|r|y|u|I|o|d

      Level: 4
      Length: 02:06
      Sadness and Sorrow (Naruto) (Easy)

      Yasuharu Takanashi