
Jason Derulo 10 September 2020

lkj hh sdd lkj hh sdd sfhgs hgfd sfs ssgfsd ooddfds

[8s]s pspo [4s]s pspo [8s]s pspo [9d]d opsp
[8s]s pspo [4s]s pspo [8s]s pspo [9d]d opsps

dfg fds ofdsdsdd apas dfg fds oofdsdsdd apas dfg fds ofdsdsddfd apas dfg fds shffdfdfds

l k
[tj][uos][tj][uosh]h q[tip]

ss [tig] fsd [tup] oo [ryod]dfds


8 w t df[qg][tfd][is]
[wd] y [oakpj] [yak] [8sk]

w t df[qg][tfd][is]
[ws] y






[wtu] [ti] [wtp] [ryo]
[tjl][yj]h l[yl]
jljh zz [shj][alj]
[tjl][yjh] l[yl]jljh

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About This Music Sheet

Trumpets is a song by Jason Derulo. Use your computer keyboard to play Trumpets music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song Trumpets is classified in the genres: Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using R&B.


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Other Songs By Jason Derulo

  • [6o]|y|t||
    [6u] o o o u o o o
    [4u] o o o u o p o
    [8u] o o o u o o o
    [5p]|y|t| t
    [5u] o o o|o s a
    [6u] o o o|o s a
    [4o] o o u||
    [4u] o o o|o s a
    [8o] o o u||
    8 t t p|y y|
    [5u] o o o|o s a
    6||o s a
    [4o] o o u||
    4||o s a
    [8o] o p u||
    8 t t t p|y|
    5 u||
    [5o] p s|d||
    [6u] o o o u o o o
    [4u] o o o u o p o
    [8u] o o o u o o o
    [5p]|y|t| t
    [5u] o o o|o s a
    [6u] o o o|o s a
    [4o] o o u||
    [4u] o o o|o s a
    [8o] o o u||
    8 t t t i|u u
    5 y||t
    [5u] o o o|o s a

    Level: 4
    Length: 01:08
    Savage Love (Jason Derulo)

    Jason Derulo

  • pooiy y | pooio o | pooiu u | uyuiy y |
    pooiy y | pooio o | pooiu u | pooiu u y | pooiy y |
    eyuiipy y | yuipp o | popop o | oioip i |
    yuipy y | yuipp o | popop o | oioip y

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:10
    Super Easy
    Take You Dancing

    Jason Derulo

  • t t Y Y | Y Y t o i Y t o i Y |
    t t Y Y | Y Y Y o i Y t o | Y |
    Y Y Y P | Y Y Y | t Y t Y i i |
    Y Y Y P | Y Y Y |
    t Y t Y i i |
    P | i | Y | o |
    o P P P o P P P P | i | Y
    | o |
    o P P P o P s P P | i | Y | o |
    o P P P o P P P P | i | Y |
    i P P P P P | P P P s

    Level: 1
    Length: 02:15
    Super Easy
    Savage Love

    Jason Derulo

  • 7 [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [pi] sd[d9] [je] [yh] h 6 0g[fe]gd [g7] qd[rg] g qd[tg] [ig]| [g9]h[je]h[yg]hj [h8] w t d [g7] qd[rg] g qd[tg] [ig] d[g9]h[je]h[yg]hj [h8] [wj] [th] g [d7] qg[rj]hg [qg]d[tg] [ig] h9 eg[yj]hgd[g8] [wg] [th] d7 qg[rg]gg [qg]g[tg]d[ig]gg [g9]g[ge] [yg] g [h6] 0 eghj[k7] [qk] [rk] jh[qj] [th] [ig] gd[g9] [ed]gydh 8 w t hj[k7]k[qk] [rk] jh[qj]h[tg] [ig] gg[l9] [je]jyhj [h6] 0g[je]hg 7 [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [pi] sd[d9] [je] [yh] h [h8] wg[tf]gd [g7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [id]ddd[d9] [je] [yh] h 6 0 e| [rgda7]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:01
    Whatcha Say

    Jason Derulo


  • [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sv] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sn] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fhv] [fhb]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [gb] [fv] [dc]
    [gx] c x
    [hz] l
    l h g

    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [80dk] [80fl]
    [4dk] [89] [89sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [%if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [%is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5ufk] [0w] [5ydj]
    [$tsf] s
    $ [Qf] [$s]
    [50of] g f
    [59id] w 9
    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [80dk] [80fl]
    [4dk] [89] [89sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [%if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [%is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5ufk] [0w] [5ydj]
    [$tsf] s

    $ [Qa] [$s]
    [50of] g f
    [59id] w [9x] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] t u
    q t [ux] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tm] [un]
    [qv] [tx] [uhz]
    [elx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tl] [uz]
    [qx] [tc] [uhzv]
    [ejlx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [9l] Q [tj]
    [Qx] t z [ul] x
    [wz] t y
    [wv] [kx]
    [9lc] w [zv] [txb]
    [rzv] t y
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [wh] [td] [ya]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    [yh] s d
    [9g] [qf] [es]
    [wo] s a
    [es] [ux] z [tl] z
    [wx] l z
    [gjc] x l
    h l k

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:59
    A Town Called Hometown (Deltarune)

    Toby Fox

  • f| d| [se] u p a s d f p [qf] t [id] o p| s d [tf] o s d f j h f [ws] y [od] s a| f j [le] u p a s [ka] [pl] [zu] [ql] t [ji] o p o [ih] [tj] [wk] y o [pl] [ka] pjo [yh] [j9] e y I p I y e 9| |[uf]| [yd]| [ts6] 0 e 0 t [yd0] [ufe] [pe0] [uf4] 8 [yqd] 8 e 8 [tsq] [yd8] [uf8] w t w u [wpj] [toh] [wuf] [ts5] 9 [ywd] 9 r 9 [wuf] [pj9] [sl6] 0 e 0 t [ka0] [sle] [zd0] [sl4] 8 [qpj] 8 e 8 [qoh] [pj8] [ka5] 9 w [sl9] [rka] 9[pj]w [oh9] [pj2] 6 9 Q e y I p yIpd| | [pj]| [ka]| [sl4] 8 q e [ztd] i p s [xf5] 9 w r [yvh] o a d [jb6]| x l j f s p u t e 0 8| 6
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:22
    Metal Gear Solid Main Theme

    Tappi Iwase

  • [spj]| |x| |[xsoh]| |z h [old]| |k| |[sji]| |[okd]| |[pj]|f|[xj]| |[vs]|f|h|x l [zo]|[hd]|[lh]|k|[ji]|s|[ok]|d|[je]|u|[xp]| |[xt]|o|s|z h [wl]|y|[ok]| |[qj]|t|[wk]|y|[je]|u|[xp]|u|[vt]|o|s|x l [zw]|[yh]|[ol]|[yk]|[qjg] t i t [wkh] y o y [je] u a k [sl]|k j [th] o [xs] d f|z l [zw] y o x [zd]|l k [qjg] t i|[wkh] y o|[je] u a k [sl]|k j [th8] w [vt] y [xu]|z l [zw] y o [yx] [zo]xzz l k [qjg] t i kl[wkh] y [oh]|[sjf6] 0 e [uk] [pl] u [pk] [uj] [hf8] w [xvt] u [xol] u [zo] [ul] [zh5] 9 w [yx] [zo]xzzy [ol] [yk] [jg4] 8 q e [kh5] 9 w r [sjf6] 0 e [uk] [pl] u [pk] [uj] [hf8] [wf] [xvt] u [xol] u [zo] [ul] [zkh5] 9 w [yx] [zo]xzzy [ol] [yk] [jg4] 8 q kl[kh5] 9 [whd]|[utpj] kjh f d fhj h [uroj] kjh f d fhl k [yoje] kjh f d fhj h [ylie] kjk jh[urof]hjhl k [sjfb] nbv x z xvb v [hfba] nbv x z xvm n [phdb] nbv x z xvb v [pmgd] nbn bv[xhfa]vbvm n [b6] 0 e u p

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:15
    Sad Theme (Fairy Tail)

    Yasuharu Takanashi