Wet Hands (Minecraft)

C418 18 August 2020

6 0 e r T r e 0 9 Q T u T e |
6 0 e r T r e 0 9 Q T u T e |
O 0 e r T r [pe] 0 I Q T u T e |
u I O 0 e r T r [ea] S 9 [QI] T u T e |
S f [h5] 7 9 [GQ] [ed] Q [9p] [7a] 5 7 9 Q e |
[h5] 7 G Q [ed] Q [9p] [7a] 5 7 9 Q e |
p [6u] 0 e r T r e 0 6 0 e r T |
u p S | [7yd] 9 Q S p [uf] [IG] 7 [9yd] Q e T |
p S [5d] 7 S d e G S | r e |
[3r] % 7 0 W 0 7 % |
3 % 7 0 W 0 6 5 7 9 Q e Q 9 7 6 ( 0 e T r e 0 |
3 % 7 0 W 3 % 7 0 W

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About This Music Sheet

Wet Hands (Minecraft) is a song by C418. Use your computer keyboard to play Wet Hands (Minecraft) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:18, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Wet Hands (Minecraft) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Minecraft.

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    • time
    • 6 m
    • 9 m


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    Other Songs By C418

    • u| s| o d f|
      h| t| y| |
      p l s z d x||
      [2pG] f d o I y e| 2|||
      [2s]| o| I| y|
      [6efx]| z j| h||u| y e| w||
      [6efx]| z j| h||u| y e| e r|
      [6of]| h| G h j|
      [6of]| |r t y
      [29hz]| k| l| z|
      [0uj]lxb y e| w||
      [6fx]| z j| h 7|
      [6uf]| d p| o||
      [0u]| y e| e r|
      [29of]| h| G h j|
      [29of]| |r t y
      [29hz]| k| l| z|
      [6v]mx z b| v||6|||
      [6v]mx z b| v||6|||
      [6v]mx z b| v||6|||
      vmx z b| m

      Level: 7
      Length: 01:35
      Beginning (Minecraft)


    • t| [ua]| o| [ua]|
      t| [ua]| o| [ua]|
      t| [ua]| o| [ua]|
      t| [ua]| o| [ua]|
      [8t]| [tua]| [8o]| [tua]|
      [8t]| [rua]| [8o]| [rua]|
      [8t]| [tua]| [8o]| [tua]|
      [8t]| [rua]| [8o]| [rua]|
      [8ta] s [rud] f w d [ru] a
      [8ts]| [ru] o w| [rua]|
      [6ea] f [tud] f e h [tu] f
      [6e]| [tud]| e| [tua]|
      [4qg] f [et] s q p [ets]|
      [5wa] o [ry] f w d [ryu] i
      [4qg] f [et] s q p [etj]|
      [5wh]| [ryf] d w a [ryo]|
      8| [tah]| [8of]| [tah]|
      8| [ruah]| [8of]| [ruah]|
      8| [tah]| [8of]| [tah]|
      8| [ruah]| [8of]| [ruah]| 0|||
      [8l]wu| |h| |s| |f
      [6p]0t| s|||
      [4h]8e| |p|||
      [5d]9r| |a|||
      [8l]wu| |h| |s|||
      8| [wr]| [0w]| |o| |y| |
      8| [wr]| [0w]| |y| |u| |
      [qs]| [tuh]| [etf]| p| o| |u| |
      [qh]| [tuj]| [ets]| |f| |u| |
      [1k]| [wrh]| [0wd]| |f| |s| |
      [1k] lz[wrx] v [0w]| |y| d| u| |
      [qs]| [tuh]| [etf]| p| o| |u| |
      [qh]| [tuj]| [ets]| |u| |f| |
      [1tos]| [wr]| [0w]| |o| |y| |
      [1t]| [wr]| [0w]| |y| |u| |
      [1t]| [wr]| [0w]|||
      1| [wr]| [0w]|||
      1| [wr]| [0w]|||
      1| [wr]| [0w]

      Level: 6
      Length: 03:04
      Subwoofer Lullaby (C418)


    • [wsf]||d|[tp]||[us]||
      [wtuh]lx| z|[tj]||[ul]||
      [wtuh]lx| z|[tj]||[ul]||

      Level: 10
      Length: 02:05
      Minecraft (Title)


    • [6osf]0t||g| |
      [9etis]| |d| |
      [wush]| |g| f|
      [9etipd]| |u| |
      [6p] s h| g| f|
      [8uod]| |[9y]| |
      [wosf]| |q| 0|
      [8uod]| |5| |
      [4p]| 0| |s|
      [6d]| w| s| [yo]|
      [2p]| q| o| |
      [2up]| 9| |0|
      [4h]| 0| |g f
      [6d]| [ws] f 6||o
      [2p]| [qf]| |
      [2p]| [9h]| |
      [6osf]0t||g| |
      [9etis]| |d| |
      [wush]| |g| f|
      [9etipd]| |u| |
      [6p] s h| g| f|
      [8uod]| |[9y]| |
      [wosf]| |q| 0|
      [8uod]| |5| |
      [4p]| 0| |s|
      [6d]| w| s| [yo]|
      [2p]| q| o| |
      [2up]| 9| |0|
      [4h]| 0| |g f
      [6d]| [ws] f 6||o
      [2p]| [qf]| |
      [2p]| [9h]| |
      [6osf]0t||g| |
      [9etis]| |p| |
      2 6 9 e u p

      Level: 8
      Length: 01:35
      Dry Hands (C418)


    • q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qj] [us] p [pj] e f u f [ej] [tj] i [uj] j [tj] j
      [qj] [uj] [jx] p [es] [uf] [es] f t i u j [tf]
      [qf] [ug] f [pg] [ef] g u s [es] [ts] i [ug] t
      [qj] [uf] p [es] [us] [ef] t [is] [up] [tj] j
      [qg] [uf] p [es] f [uj] l e t i [ug] f t f
      [qp] u p p [efj] [up] e [tp] [ip] u [gj] [tf]
      [qg] [uf] p [ep] u [es] t [ip] [up] t
      q u p e u e t i u t p
      [qf] u p [ef] u p [ef] p t [ip] [uf] t p
      [qf] u p [ef] u p [ef] t [ip] [up] t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e [ta] [is] [ua] s [ta] o
      [qp] [us] p [ps] e s [up] [fj] e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u [ef] x t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p e u e t i u t
      [qfj] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uhl] t
      [qak] u p e u e t i u t
      [qfj] u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [qfj] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u [el] t i [uhl] [tz] l
      [qak] u p e u [eh] t i u t
      [qfj] u p e u e t i [uhx] t
      [qfj] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u [el] t i [uhl] [tz] l
      [qak] u p e u [eh] t i u t
      [qfj] u d [ph] [ef] u e [td] [ih] [uf] [td]
      [qpf] u d p [ef] [ud] [ef] [td] i [uf] [td]
      [qf] u d p [ef] [ud] [ef] [td] i [uf] [td]
      [qf] u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] [tf]
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] x u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] [tf]
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qfx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [qsl] u [fx] [pj] e u e t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [qak] u [pj] e u e [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qix] [uf] [pj] [epl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [tsk]
      [qil] [uf] x [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [ufv] [tsx]
      [qik] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qifx] [uf] [pj] [epsl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [task]
      [qisl] [uf] [fx] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [ufhv] [tsfx]
      [qiak] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qifx] [uf] [pj] [epsl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [task]
      [qisl] [uf] [fx] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [ufhv] [tsfx]
      [qiak] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [6epfx] [uf] [pj] [epsl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [task]
      [8tsl] [uf] [fx] [pj] [ts] [uf] [ts] [ts] [ig] [ufhv] [tsfx]
      [5woak] [uf] [pj] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [4qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [6epfx] [uf] [pj] [epsl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [task]
      [8tsl] [uf] [fx] [pj] [ts] [uf] [ts] [ts] [ig] [ufhv] [tsfx]
      [5woak] [uf] [pj] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [4qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [6efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [8tslc] u [fx] [pj] t u [tv] t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [5wak] u [pj] w u [wl] t i u t
      [4qj] u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [6efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [8tslc] u [fx] [pj] t u [tv] t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [5wahk] u [pj] w u [wl] t i u t
      [4qfj] u p e u [efh] t i u t
      [6efjlx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i [uk] [tak]
      [8tsglc] u [fx] [pj] t u [thv] t i [uhlv] [tfx]
      [5wak] u [pj] w u [wsjl] t i u t
      [4qpsj] u p e u [esh] t i u t
      [6efjlx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i [uak] [tak]
      [8tsglc] u [fx] [pj] t u [thv] t i [uhlv] [tfx]
      [5wadhk] u [pj] w u [wsh] t i u t
      [4qupsf] u p e u [eipd] t i u t
      [efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [tsl] u [fx] [pj] t u t t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [wak] u [pj] w u w t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [tsl] u [fx] [pj] t u t t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [wak] u [pj] w u w t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [tsl] u [fx] [pj] t u t t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [wak] u [pj] w u w t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t

      Level: 6
      Aria Math (Minecraft)



    • [pG] [aH] [jS]|p|[rdI]|[ueS]|[uaW]| |[yI9] [uO0] [pQI]|e|[yr7] Q [eT6] 0 [rW%]|0| |p O [p6] 0 e [uaO]| |[p6] 0 e [yi]| |S|a|[p9] e y O p a|O [p9] [ea] y S|p|p [p6] 0 e O p a|O [p6] a 0 f|p|O 3 7 0 O I O|O [I3] [O7] 0 d|[pS]|p $ * Q W|u p u [aO3] 7 [p0] [da] 0 [pS]||[p9] e y O p a e O [p0] [ra] u S|p|p [pQI$] * Q O p a|O [pW] a|f|O|O 7 [pQ]||* W|T 9 [ue] p u a|[SQ] [pS7]| |[SO*]| |[ea9] u u a|O O p 6 0 e u| |6 0 e [ywrI0]||[wrTI6]|[yIH] j H [ufO]|a|a Q T I O| |[a9] p [ya] a 0 [rp] [uf] S||$ * [TQ]| |[H9] j [yH] f 0 [ra] [ua] f Q T I O|f H j 7 [fQ] [rH] j * [fW] [TH] j 9 [fe] [yH] j|k j H Q T I [ypdIG]| |[u6] 0 e [W0]|0 y T $ *|[Q2]|6 9 Q [T6]||[W3]| |[pG] [aH] [jS]|p|[rdI]|[ueS]|[uaW]| |[yeI9] [urO0] [pTQI]|e|[yr7]|[eT6]|[rW%]| |e y p [T6]

      Level: 7
      Length: 02:13
      Days of Dash (The Pet Girl of Sakurasou)

      Konomi Suzuki

    • [oe]|o o[qo] u y yt[wu8]|||t[wto60]|[oe] o[a84]sap[qo] op[wu8]|uiuy||t [wto60]|o o[wto84] u [yw] yt[wut510]| |t|[wt0]yuy[60]tte[t0] te[wtq84] w [wt]yu[yw][510]ttw[wto8] [t0][ywt][95] w [wt]ryr[wu]0[y6]we[t0]op[ts]op[he]op[sq84]potew[tq8]wywuw[y510]w[r9]t[w8]r[o0]wr[t8]wr[ywr95]rty[wo]as[roh]yu[usohe]| |[ypigE]| |[utsof]|o|s|o|[usohe]|o|[yspifE]|g [utsof]| |s [h6][o0][ea][sr][th][uo][ts][rh][soh4][o8][qf][wo][yd]ods[of8]wtu[uf]saout[yd]aoytr[wr]tu[ro]as[ohe6]o[a0][se][rh][to][us][th][ql4][s8][qk][wj][yh]s[wh]j[h1]580twr[y8]wr[u730]wr[o0]wr[o7]wr[a0]ri[ts4]h[sq4][h8][sq]e[tlk]i[ts]e[sqo][h8][so4][h8][se]8[so6]h[soe6][h0][soe]t[ulk]p[slhd]kh[so]ao[yd]ao[yw]rw[t4]o[tq4][o8][tq]wr[tsa]rt[uf]to[sh]ao[pj]uo[yk]ut[tsl60][o0][te][o0][te6]0[tsa]0[wo5]9[wso5][od9][sro][of9][wso]9[tso4][oh][tsq4][oh8][tsq4]8[slfe]8[tsqo]8[tso4][oh8][tsq][oh8][tse]8[tso6][oh][tse6][oh0][tse6]0[tslf9]0[wkhda5]9[tohd]y[tpjd]u[utof]w[slh4][vh][sql84][vh][tsqlie]khfsa[of]ao[sih]u[td][ykf]t[rd][slh0]wr[tslh60][vh0][sle6][vh0][tsl]0[xmle]59w[zvunk]w[zvth8][y9][ztjb8][u0][xthf8][w5][slh4][vh][sql84][vh][tsqlie]tu[qo4]s8f[slfe]8[zthd8][y9][xthf8][u0][tslh8]w[sle]hsh[sp] [lk] [wh]lkh[yj]fhd[tsqi]hshs [lk] s| |shshs [lk]| |sd[if] h [og] f [ud] s [oif]| |op[si] d [of] a [us] o [pi]| |sd[qf] k [wh] fhf[d0] s [qof] h s|o||we[t4] y [u5] r [t3] w [qe84]| |o| |[tq]ototwrtuo[a0]uoduo[dW]uOfuO[soe]hsh[sl]khsao[wa]yodyo[fQ]Ipjpd[sqoh84][oh][s8][oh][soe]wr[tq]oa[od730]wryoa[fWO0%]WruO[a0][soe6]h[se][h0][tl]kh[se]a0o[wd95]ao[yw]r9w[u730]wr[o0]w[r4][tsp4][oh][tsq4][oh8][tse]8[sqlf4]8[wkhda]8[tohd8][y9][tpjd8][u0][utof8][w5][tso6][oh][tse6][oh60][ts]wr[te]o[a5][oha5][w9][rkda9][w95][tslhf8][y9][zuhd0][t8][slh4][vh][sql84][vqh84][tqol]kh[si]a[tqo][qd84]ao[yq]r[w8][u4]wr[qo84]w[r6][tsp6][oh][tse][oh6][tsp]wr[te]o[a5][oha5]ry[wo]a[d3][kda3][u30]oa[u0]fhk[sl4][vh][sql84][vqh84][sl][ok][uh][ts][wa][o0][oha4]wr[tq84]o8a[tka8][y9][tslhf8][u0][slhf6][vh][sle60][vhe60][splf]ut[xmle]08[zvnk5][w5][zvth8][y9][ztjb8][u0][xthf8][w5][slh4][vh][sql84][vqh84][wvlh84]kh[sq4]a[oh8][uohfa0]wr[y30]o[a%][ka%][rW%]uO[r9]afH[slf6][vh][sle60][vhe60][splf]ut[xmle]086[oh5]fa[wka9][rh9][wd95][uslf0][r7][w5][zhd92]75[sl4]hshs [lk] s| |[sp]hshs [lk] olkhjfhd[si]hshspshj|[lk]|[sp]hshs bxo sdfd[zs]x[ih]|h hh f d ds[uof]|||s[tsoh]|h hkl kjh hj[hf]|fgfd||s [usohe]|[ph] h[tsqoh] f [od] ds[wusof8]| |sdfd[ue]ssps sp[tsqoi] o [so]dfd[wu8]sso[toh] s[sod][yw] o sadp[of]u[ed]opshjlhjvhl[ih]|lzx[tolhf]| |[vlh]|l|[zwh] y a d h k h k [slih]| |vlhg

      Level: 7
      Length: 04:02
      Kataware Doki (Kimi no Na Wa)


    • Q W q Q W r IIIIIOOI II OIa POI IIIOOI IIIOIa PO OII ISS PP OOOP a P O I PO ISS I I OPaPOI S aPO SGg SS D g O g g GD S D pS D f f SfG G H H HGG GG D SS g HGG G DS O POPS SPSD SP IO P G g H k J J HG Gg g GD Gg GD hj hGf ooodda d d d s ad af ddddffd ddd d sa d h Ghj Gd fG p GGG hf df s dd ff gg g hh j j lkk hh f dd j f G h j z kj kj fdfh fhj hf hj lk z lkj l lkk jh hhh Gh k j h G d j h G d j h Gff G h h j h G hG j h G hG d j h G f f G h h j k k I OP Y O YP O SD I S aPOP a P O Y Y i I P a S g ff ss poo a g ff ffg f fd fdss dff ds s d f f gfd g gff ds p sa sp fd fs sd sf h G H f
      Level: 5
      Show Yourself (Frozen 2)

      Idina Menzel