pp opaa d aa ss ssaoo p | pp opaa d aa ss ssaoo i | pppfdp pppfdp
ppaoop | pppfdp ffffh f ffhfhj | llll kh kkjg jjhhkl | lll kh kkjg jjhhkl |
lll kh kkjg jjhhkl | lll kh kkjg jjhhkl | pppfdp pppfdp ppaoop |
pppfdp pppfdp ppaoop | fsdd oo fsdd o sf dsppopaa aa ss ssaoop
About This Music Sheet
Smooth Criminal is a song by Michael Jackson. Use your computer keyboard to play Smooth Criminal music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Smooth Criminal is classified in the genres: Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using 80s Songs.
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Other Songs By Michael Jackson
[2gjz] [4gjl] |
[4gjl]|[5dhk]|[2sgj] 2
[1tyip] 2 4 522 2
1 2 452 22
1 2 452 s2df[2g]
1 2 4 5 [2d]sp2 [2p]
[1s] [2d] [4d] [5s] [2d] s 2dg[2d]1s [2p] 4 5 2 2 2
1 2 4 5 2 s2df[2g]
1 2 4 5 [2d] s p 2 [2d]
[1s] [2d] [4d] [5s] [2d] s 2 d g [2d]
1 s [2p] 4 5 2 d 2 g j [2h]
1 g [2d] 4 5 2 2 h 2
[1h] [2g] [4g] [5f] [2f] d 2 d f [2g]
1 d 2 4 5 2 2 2
1 2 4 5 2 d 2 g j [2h]
1 g [2d] 4 5 2 2 h 2
[1h] [2g] [4g] [5f] [2f] d 2 d f 2
[1g] 2 4 5 [2g] h 2 g j [2g]
[1h] 2 4 5 2 j 2 l j 2
[1z] 2 l 4 5 2 2 2
[1l] 2 [4k] 5 [2j] 2 j 2
[1j] [2h] [4h] g 5 g 2 d 2 g h 2
[1j] [2h] [4h] [5g] h 2 j 2 l j 2
[1z] 2 l 4 5 2 2 2
[1l] 2 [4k] 5 [2j] 2 j 2
[1j] [2h] [4h] g 5 g 2 d 2 g h 2
g d 5 H g 1 l 2
[1z] 2 4 l [5j] 2 h 2 g 2
1 2 4 5 2Level: 7Length: 01:37IntermediateThriller
Michael Jackson
t y u i | yte | et y y t y t y i yte |
t y u i | yte | et y y t y t y i yte |
y i o oiy | ooo i i u u y yu iy |
y i o oiy | oo i i u u y yu i | i o i oioLevel: 1Length: 01:00Super EasyThriller (Super Easy)
Michael Jackson
[utso]| [utso]| [qpid]| [ywoa]||[wspo] [woda]| [tsof]| [spfe]| [qpgd]| [wsof]||[wida] [use]| [qpid]| [wuso]| [ywoa]| [utso]| | [tohf]| [uohf]| [ohf]| [tohf]||[togd] [tsof]| [wogd]| [rogd]| [yogd]| [wogd]||[wsof] [woda]| [tsof]| [tspg] [of] [tsid] [us] [tsof]||[yoga] [usoh]| [sji] [pgd] [sof]| [wida]| [uts8]Level: 6Length: 00:32Intermediate
My Country Tis of Thee
Samuel Francis Smith
[eu] tu [to] uo [ip] ti p [to] u o p ti p [to] u o a yo [ao] sayo a | [es] | s d[ft] | ds | [qp] p g f[ft] | ds [qp] p g f[ft] | df f [wf] dd | w | o [se] s s dft | ds [qp] p g fft | ds [ip] p g ff t | ff [wf] dd | w | uo [ep] | p o[ut] | u u[iq] | i i u[u8] | t uu [iq] | i i u[ut] | uu u[uw]yi | w a a as [eti] i i i[wtu] | u uytu[wr] y | a a as [eti] i i i[wtu] | u uyty[ro] | a a as[eti] | os ds[wt] | s df[wr]f fdds[tup] s a as[eti] i i iu[wtu] u uytu[wr] y | uu tey y [w80]tt i uu[wy] y y | [qt]tt i uu[eu] i uu [wt] t i uu[wy] i uu | t uu | te t u | [tuo] |u o | [sup] | s df[tuo] | ds [tip] p g ff[to] | ds [tip] p g ff[tuo] | f f f dd | [se] | s dft | dd s [ip] p g fft | ds [ip] p g fft df f fwddg | w a a as [eti] i i i[wtu] | u uytu[wr] y | a a as[qet] i i i[wtu] | u uyty[ro] | a a as[eti] | os ds[wt] | s df[wr]f fdds[tup] s a as[eti] i i iu[wtu] u uytu[wr] y | uu [qt]e [eti] | [wtu] | [wry] | uu [qt]e [eti] | [wtu] | [wry] | t uyu teLevel: 5Length: 02:30Intermediate
It Ain’t Me
Selena Gomez
[wtuf]| f||
[eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
[eu] fsp||
[wyf] d f [tug] f d
[qtf]| f||s
[0rd] f g f W d s d
[0et] fsp| o|
[8t]|hf h f h f
[7rh] f h jf[0u]||
[6e]|jk l k j h
[5wf] d s ds[8t]||
[4q]||ps s po
[30] f f df[%W]|fdf
[6e]||f s
[8t]|hf[8t]h f [8th] f
[7rh] f h jf[0u]||
[6e]|jk[6e]l k [6ej] h
[5wf] ds d s[8t]||
[4q]| [4q] ps s[4q]po
[30] f f df[%W]|f d
[6ef]| [6e]| [6ef] s
[wtuf]| f||
[eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
[eu] fsp||
[wyf] d f [tug] f d
[qtf]| f||s
[0rd] f g f W d s d
[0et] fsp| o|
[wtud]fh [wtuh] h [wtu] f [wtu] f
[eryH] H [eryH] H [Wu]|[Wu] f
[euj] j [euj] l [eu] k [euj]|
[0rd] f [0rg] f [Wr] d [Wrs]|
[0etp] s[0et] f [0etj] k[0et] l
[9q] e y e i j|j
[0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
e [ul] s u s||
w y P|t o f|
9 e i e i j|j
[0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
e [ul] s u s||
8|[8h]f h8 f [8h] f
[7h] f [7h] jf0|0|
6|[6f]jk l6 k [6j] h
[5f] d [5s] d [8f] d [8s]|
4|4|[4p]ps s4po
3 f [3f] df% f[%f] d
[wtuf]| f||
[eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
[eu] fsp||
[wyf] d f [tug] f d
[qtf]| f||s
[0rd] f g f W d s d
[0et] fsp| o|
[wtud]fh h h|f|f
[eryH] H H H [Wu]| f
[euj] j j l|k j|
[0rd] f g f W d s s
[0et] dsp||
[1x] v m m||
[3n] V x||
[4c] b m x||
[5z]| xzn||
[1x] v m m||
[3n] V x||
[4x]||z x z
[18m]Level: 6Length: 02:59IntermediateLove Of My Life (Harry Styles)
Harry Styles