Music Sheets
[etu]| [etu]| [wry]||[wry]| [wry] d a [etu]|o [etu]| [wry]||[wryd]| [wry] s| [etu]| [etu]| [wry]||[wryd] d d [wry] s p [qets]| [qet]| [tuo]||[tuos] s s [tuos] s h [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f|[wrys] s s [wrys] s h [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f|[wrys] s s [wrys] s h [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f d [wrys] s s [wrys] s h [qetf]| [qet] s s [tuos] h f d [tuos] s s [tuos] s h [etuf]| [etu] s s [wryh]|f|[wryd] s s [wrys] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f|[wryd] s s [wrys] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f|[wryd] s s [wrys] h| [qetf]| [qet] s s [tuos] h f|[tuod] s s [tuos] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f d [wrys] s s [wrys] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wryh]|f|[wryd] s s [wrys] h| [etuf]| [etu] s s [wrys] h f d [wrys] s s [wrys] h| [qetf]| [qet] s s [tuos] h f d [tuod] d d [tuod] d| [etus]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etud] d d d d d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [qetd] d d d d d [tuod] d d|s p s p|d [etus]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etud] d d d d d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [qetd] d d d d d [tuod] d d|s p s p|d [etup]||| [etup]|||[etu]||[wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [etu]||[wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [etu]|| [wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [qet]| [qet]| [tuo]||[tuo]| [tuo]| [etu]||[wry]|| [wry]| [wry]| [etu]||[wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [etu]||[wry]||[wry]| [wry]| [qet]| [qet]| [tuo]||[tuo]| [tuo]| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etud] d d d d d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [qetd] d d d d d [tuod] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etud] d d d d d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [etu]||d [wryd] d d|s p s p| [qetd] d d d d d [tuod] d d|s p s p| [etup]Level: 6Length: 02:40Intermediate
Trap Queen (Fetty Wap)
Fetty Wap
[sfjl]||[sfjk]| |
[sfjl]||[sfjk]| |[fx]
[9jzc] q [0hzx]hj||hh
[9jzc] q [0hzx]hj||hh
[9jzc] q [0hzx]hj||hh
[9jzc] q [0jzx]| |
[ej] [ruaf] [ej] [tisg] j| p j
[6j] [70af] [6j] [8qsg] j| p j
[ej] [rukx] [ej] [tilc] j| j b
[6j] [70kx] [6j] [8qlc] b x x j
[9yj]lxb [qi]bxlj[0eru]| dsd sd
[9yu]psf [qis]sd[0erud]| dsddsd
[9yu]psfa[qis]ad[0erud]| dsd sd
[9yu]psf [qis]sd[0erud]| dsd s
[6eu]psfa[0us]ad[qrtid]| dsddsd
[6eu]psfa[0us]ad[qrtid]| dsddsd
[6eu]psfa[0us]ad[qrtid]| dsddsd
[6eu]psfa[0us]ad[qrtid] p p p hh
[9jzc] q [0hzx]hj||hh
[9jzc] q [0hzx]hj||hh
[9jzc] q [0hzx]hj||hh
[9jzc] q [0hzx]h hh hh
[6j] [70kx] [6j] [8qlc] j| b j
[6ej] [kx][0u]j [qrtilc] j| b j
[6ej] [kx][0u]j [qrtilc] j| b j
[6ej] [kx][0u]j [qrtilc] j| b j
[9yj]zcb [qi]bczj[0eru]||bczj
[9yj]zcb [qi]bczj[0eru]||bczj
[9yj]zcb [qi]bczj[0eru]||bczj
[9yj]zcb [qi]bczj[0eru]||bczj
[6eb]jb[0ux] [qrtic]| |
[6e] [0u] [qrti]| |
[6ej]pj[0uf] [qrtig]| |
[6e] [0u] [qrti]| |
[2j]zcb 4 [3jzxb]| |
[2j]zcb 4 [3jzxb]| |
[2j]zcb 4 [3jzxb]| |
[2j]zcb 4 [3jzxb]| |
[ej] [ruaf] [ej] [tisg] j| p j
[6j] [70af] [6j] [8qsg] j| p j
[ej] [rukx] [ej] [tilc] j| j b
[6uaf] [70] 6 [8qisg]| |
[6fj] [eaf]6 [esg] 6e6 e [6dh]e
[6fj] [eaf]6 [esg] 6e6 e [6dh]e
[6fj] [eaf]6 [esg] 6e6 e [6dh]e
[6fj] [eaf]6 [esg] 6e6 e [6dh]e
[2j]zcb 4 [3jzxb]| |
[2j]zcb 4 [3jzxb]| |
[2j]zcb 4 [3jzxb]| |
[2j]zcb 4 [3jzxb]| |
[ej] [ruaf] [ej] [tisg] j| p j
[6j] [70af] [6j] [8qsg] j| p j
[ej] [rukx] [ej] [tilc] j| j b
[6uaf] [70] 6 [8qisg]| |
[6fj] [eaf]6 [esg] 6e6 e [6dh]e
[6fj] [eaf]6 [esg] 6e6 e [6dh]e
[6fj] [eaf]6 [esg] 6e6 e [6dh]e
6Level: 8Length: 03:08ExpertFe!N (Travis Scott)
Travis Scott
[6eu] s s [4qi] s a a|
[5wyoa]||[6etup]| |
[6eup] 0 e [4qy]| |
[5wry]||[6etu]| |
[6eu] s s [4qs]ds a a|
[5wyoa]||[6etup]| |
[6eup] 0 [eu] [4qy]||t|
[5wry]| tr[60e]||ppp
[6u]s[0s]d[es] 4sa[8u]s[qs]d[es] [qs]aa
5sa[9a]a[wa]a[6a]a[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [ep]p
[6a]s[0p] [ep]p[4a]s[8p] [qp]p[ea]s[qp]
[5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6p] [0a]a[ea] a[ta]s[ep]
[6a]s[0p] [ea]s[4d] [8a]a[qa]a[ea]s[qp]
[5a]s[9p] [wa]s[6p] [0a]a[es]s[ta]s[ep]
[6s] [0a]a[ea]s[4p] [8a]s[qa] [ea]s[qp]
[5a]s[9p] [wa]s[6p] [0s]a[ea]a[ta]s[ep]
[6a]s[0p]p[ea]s[4p] [8d]s[qa]a[ea]s[qp]
[5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6d] [0s]s[es]s[ts]d[ef] s
[5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]a[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [ea]s
[6p] [0a]s[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qa]a
[6a]a[0a]s[ep]p[4p] [8a]a[qa]s[ep]p[qp]p
[6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]a[ea]s[qa]s
[6p] [0p]p[ea]a[4a]s[8p]p[qp] p[ea]a[qa]a
6p[0a]s[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qp]p
[5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] [eu]
[6es] [0s]s[es] [4qd] [8s] [qa] [ea] [qu]u
[5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
[6ep] [0u]t[ey] [4qu]t[8y] [qu] [eu]u[qu]t
[5wy] [9u] [wt]r[6e] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]
[6eu] [0s] [es] [4qs]d[8s] [qa] [ea] qu
[5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
[6ep] [0u] [eu]t[4qy] [8u] [qu]t[ey] [qu]
[5wy] [9u]y[wt]r[6e] 0pep[ts]pe
[6a]a[0a]s[ed] 4a[8s]a[qa]s[ed] a[qa]a
[5a]a[9a]a[ws]p[6p]p[0p]p[ep]a[ts] p[ep]p
[6a] 0 [ea]a[4s]p[8p]s[qp]p[ep]a[qa]s
[5a]a[9s]p[wa]s6p[0s]a[ep]a[ts] [ep]p
[6s] 0p[ep]p[4a]a[8a]a[qa]s[ep] [qp]p
[6a]a[0a]s[ep]p4 [8s]p[qp]p[ep]p[qa]p
[5s]p[9p]p[wa]s[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] epp
[6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]a[es]pq
[5s]p[9p]p[ws]a[6p]a[0s] ep[tp]p[ep]p
[6p]p[0s]a[ep]a[4s] [8s]a[qp]a[es] [qp]p
[5a]a[9a]pp[wa]a[6a]p[0a]a[ea]p[ts] [ep]p
[5a]s[9p] [wp]p[6a]a[0a]a[ea]p[ts]pep
[6a]a[0a]s[ep] [4p]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep]p[qp]p
[5s]a[9p]a[ws]a[6p]a[0s] [ep]p[ts]a[ep]a
[6s]p0 s[ep]a[4s]p[8p]p[qa]a[ea]s[qp]p
[5a]a[9a]a[wa]s[6p] [0a]a[ea]a[ta]s[ep]p
[6a]a[0a]s[ep]p[4p]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep] q
[5p]p[9s]s[wp]p[6a]s[0p] ep[ta]s[ep]p
[6p]s[0a]p[ea]s[4a]p[8a]a[qa]s[ep] p[qp]p
[5a]a[9a]s[wp]p[6p]p[0a]a[ea]s[tp] e
6 [0s] [ep]p[4a]s[8p]pq [ep]a[qa]s
[5p] [9s]ap[wp]p[6a]s[0p] e [ta]aes
[6p] 0pp[ep]a[4s]p[8a] [qp]p[ep]a[qs]p
[5a]s9 [ws]p[6p]p[0a] a[ep]s[tp] [eu]
[6es] [0s]s[es] [4qd] [8s] [qa] [ea] [qu]u
[5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
[6ep] [0u]t[ey] [4qu]t[8y] [qu] [eu]u[qu]t
[5wy] [9u] [wt]r[6e] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]
[6eu] [0s] [es] [4qs]d[8s] [qa] [ea] qu
[5wa] [9a]a[ws]a[6ep] 0 [eu]u[tu]u[eu]u
[6ep] [0u] [eu]t[4qy] [8u] [qu]t[ey] [qu]
[5wy] [9u]y[wt]r[6e] 0 [ef]f[tf] [ek]l
[6esf]l[tl]l[ul] [4ql]z[el] [tk] [ik] t
[5wdhk] [rk]k[yl]k[6esfj] t [uf]f[pf]f[uf]f
[6esfj] [tf]f[uf]s[4qd] [ef]f[tf]s[id] [tf]
[5wad] [rf]f[ys]a[6eup] t uf[pf]f[uf]f
[6esf] [tfjl] [ufjl] [4ql]z[el] [tk] [ik] [tf]f
[5wdhk] [rdhk] [yl]k[6esfj] t [uf]f[pf] [uf]f
[6esfj] [tf]f[uf]s[4qd] [ef] [tf]f[if]f[tf]f
[5wad] [rf]f[ys]a[6eup]Level: 7Length: 04:06IntermediateMockingbird (Eminem)
4686[eo][qo][8o]6[eo]q[8u]6[eu]| ooo o u [yp]| [uo]|
[4f]68qs uu[15s][8o]0[wi]0[8u]0[wu][1s][8o]0[wi]0[8u]0[wu]
[6o]6[8tu]0[8o]6[8u][0ip]4[6s]8q868 [15]80w0[8o][0o][wo]
sLevel: 5Length: 02:20IntermediateRunaway (Kanye West)
Kanye West
[I$] * Q e T Q e T [y9] Q e y [6u] 0 e T [$I] * Q e T e p Op[9I] O u O[6p] aa[0a]a [QS] a pp S | a pp [9S]dS e aaa aaa [Qa]aa p aaa p [9a]p pa S e [ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [$uS] [ya]$ [Tp] [$uS] [ua]$ [Tp] [9pf] [pf] [pf]9 [uS] 6 [ua] [ua] [6ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [$ua] [ua] [$ua] [Tp] [$ua] [ua] [$ua] [Tp] [$yp] [yp] [yp] OI [6u] T
Level: 5Length: 02:15IntermediateAirplanes
[0D] [I0] [O0] [0D]|[0I] [0O] [D]|[I] [O] [D]|[S]|a[P%] [%T] [%Y] [P%]| [%T] [Y%] [O%]|[%r] [%Y] [%O]|Pa S [0D] [I0] [O03] [0D3]|[0I3] [0O3] [DT]|[IT] [OT] [DT]|[ST]|a[P%W] [%TW] [%YW] [P%W]| [%TW] [Y%W] [O%W]|[%rW] [%YW] [%OW]||a O [a0Wr]| a O a|a O [%7(a] a a S S|I O [WrYP] I O P|I O [%7a] a a aSa|a O [a0Wr]| a O a|a O [%7(a] a a S S|I O [WrYP] I O P|I O [%7a] a a S a|O a [pfSG] f D S a a S S [WrYO] a SS S |Y Y|O a [pfSG] f D S a a D|[ETuS]|| I[(wrf] D S D [0Wra] [I03] [O03] [0D3]|[0I3] [0O3] [DT]|[IT] [OT] [DT]|[SW]|a[P%W] [%TW] [Y%W] [%PW]|[T%W] [Y%W] [O%W]|[%rW] [%YW] [%OW]|Pa S [0D3] [I03] [O03] [0D3]|[0I3] [0O3] [DT]|[IT] [OT] [DT]|[ST]|a[P%W] [%TW] [%YW] [P%W]| [%TW] [Y%W] [O%W]|[%rW] [%YW] [%OW]||[eTu] G f G H GHG|[eTu] G f G H fD D|[WrY] G D S a da|[WrY] a S D f D Sa|[WTYS]S S a SSDS|[WTYS] S S a S S D fDS|[(wE] G D G H GDD|[(wE] D G H G D S
[ETuS]|| I[(wrf] D S D[0Wra]|[ar0] O [ar0]|[ar0][ar0] O [Ta] [Ta] [Ta] [TS] [TS]| I O [OWP]| I O [OWP]| I O[OWa] [OWa] [OWa] [OWS] [OWa] a S [30] [30] I [30G] [30] [30] I [30G][30]|[I] [I] [IS] [ID] [If]| [ID] [Ia] [IS] [Ia] [IS][ID][IS]| [W%S] [W%D] [W%f] [W%S] [W%a] [W%S][W%S]|[ETuS]|| I[(wrf] D S D [0Wra] [0D] [I0] [O0] [0D]|[0I] [0O] [D]|[I] [O] [D]|[S]|a[P%] [%T] [%Y] [P%]| [%T] [Y%] [O%]|[%r] [%Y] [%O]|Pa S [0D] [I0] [O03] [0D3]|[0I3] [0O3] [DT]|[IT] [OT] [DT]|[*ST]|a[P%W] [%TW] [%YW] [P%W]| [%TW] [Y%W] [O%W]|[%rW] [%YW] [%OW]Level: 7Length: 03:50IntermediateCan't Help But Wait
Trey Songz
[wf80]| [wh80] hf[w80]f h[wj80]f|[wf70]| [wh70] hd[w70]|s[wh70]fdf[qd86]s|[sq86]d f[q86]|s[qh86]fdf[qd8%]s h[q8%]h f[q8%]| [qd8%]s|[wf80]| [wh80] hf[w80]f h[wj80]f|[wf70]| [wh70] hd[w70]|s[wh70]fdf[qd86]s|[sq86]d f[q86]|s[qh86]fdf[qd8%]s h[q8%]h f[q8%]| [qd8%]s|[wf80]| [wh80] hf[w80]f h[wj80]f|[wf70]| [wh70] hd[w70]|s[wh70]fdf[qd86]s|[sq86]d f[q86]|s[qh86]fdf[qd8%]s h[q8%]h f[q8%]| [qd8%]s|[wf80]| [wh80] hf[w80]f h[wj80]f|[wf70]| [wh70] hd[w70]|s[wh70]fdf[qd86]s|[sq86]d f[q86]|s[qh86]fdf[qd8%]s h[q8%]h f[q8%]| [qd8%]s
Level: 6Length: 01:04IntermediateDeath Bed
[ues]|[us]|[tod]|[od]|[wda]|[da]|[qpd]|[pd]|[ues]|[us]|[tod]|[od]|[wda]|[da]|[qpi] [pif] fff[spf6] d [utse] pp[f8][od] [sod][wt]ppo5 [oda] [wr] df[spi4] a [qiea]ppo[spf6] d [utse] pp[f8][od] [sod][wt]ppo5 [oda] [wr] df[spi4] a [qpie]ppp[upd6][f0][fe][d0][tspfe] 6 [us8][wd][td]s[utsod] w [yso5][d9][wd][so9][wsrod] [d5]s[pid4][s8][qd]f[qied]s[tpi8] [upd6][f0][fe][d0][tspfe] [u6] [us8][wd][td]s[utsod] w [yso5][d9][wd][so9][wsrod]s[p5]p[pid4][s8][qd]f[qied]s[tpi8] [spf6][pfe][pd6][ed][tspfe] [spj6] [sof8]t[sod8]t[ut]88 [ypo5][wp][yp5]w[ywrpo] [p5]w[pid4]q[si4]q[qiea]4[p4] [spf6][pfe][pd6][ed][tspfe] [spj6] [sof8]t[sod8]t[ut]88 [ypo5][wp][yp5]w[ywrpo] [p5]w[pid4]q[si4]q[qiea]4[p4] [upd6][f0][fe][d0][tspfe] [u6] [us8][wd][td]s[utsod] w [yso5][d9][wd][so9][wsrod]s[p5]p[pid4][s8][qd]f[qied]s[tpi8] [upd6][f0][fe][d0][tspfe] [u6] [us8][wd][td]s[utsod] w [yso5][d9][wd][so9][wsrod]s[p5]p[pid4][s8][qd]f[qied]s[tpi8] [spf6][pfe][pd6][ed][tspfe] [spj6] [sof8]t[sod8]t[ut]88 [ypo5][wp][yp5]w[ywrpo] [p5]w[pid4]q[si4]q[qiea]4[p4] [spf6][pfe][pd6][ed][tspfe] [spj6] [sof8]t[sod8]t[ut]88 [ypo5][wp][yp5]w[ywrpo] [p5]w[pid4]q[si4]q[qiea]4[p4] [spf6]0[ed]0[utse] [p6]p[f8][wod]t[sod][ut]p[wp]o59[woda]9[wr] [od5]f[spi4]8[qa] [qiea]p[p8]o[spf6]0[ed]0[utse] [p6]p[f8][wod]t[sod][ut]p[wp]o59[woda]9[wr] [od5]f[spi4]8[qa] [qpie]|[oe60] p o p [wto8]opps p [wo95]oppoopp[qo84] p [so] p [pfe60]ddsdsds[wtpd8]sdsf p [wof95]ddsdsds[qid84]sdf[si] p [pfe60] d dds[pf][wt8]d d ddp[wpf95] d [od]ds[oh][q84]d s ppp[se60] d dpp[pf][wt8][pd] [pd] ppp[w95] [oa]|ap[sqi84] a p[xjf][xjf][xjf][xjf6]0[zed]0[tsle] [pj6][pj][xjf8][zwd]t[zd][ut][pj][wpj][oh]59[zwhd]9[wr] [zhd5][xf][sl4]8[qka] [qkea][pj][pj8][oh][xjf6]0[zed]0[tsle] [pj6][pj][xjf8][zwd]t[zd][ut][pj][wpj][oh]59[zwhd]9[wr] [zhd5][xf][sl4]8[qka] [qpje]|[ues]|[us]|[tod]|[od]|[wda]|[da]|[qpd]|[pd]|[ues]|[us]|[tod]|[od]|[wda]|[da]|[qpd]
Level: 7Length: 02:33IntermediateOld Town Road (Intermediate)
Lil Nas X
[utqpe]|a|s [sp] [utohe]||f|u o [ha]|[ywr]|a|r| [ywr0]||y 0 [rp] o [utqpe]|a t s| [utokfe]||s|u| [of]|[ywr]|[ha]|r y [ywro0]||r[uf] d [s0] a [tp4]|[ta] 8 [tsq]| [sph6]||[spf] 0 t 6 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 w r| [p3] o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]| [sf6]||[shf] 0 t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]||7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [tp4] 8 [tqa4] e [ts]| [sph6]||[spf0] [te] 6 0 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 7 w 3 p o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]| [us6]||[sh0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]||7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [up4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [tsphe6]||[spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [30]| [73] 0 7 w 3 p [o3] [up4]|[uta] [84] [tsq4]| [usf6]||[shf0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uo30]||[73] [wuof] d [s73] a [usp4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [sphe6]||[spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [p3]||[o73]|w 7 [p3] o [utp92]|[uta] 6 [ts9]| [usfe6]||[shf0]|t 6 [uof]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uoa30]||[73] [wuof] d [s73] a [p840]||[uo]fd sa [woa60]|o o [ua] s [ua]|5 9 w r y|3|| 7 s [wf] f [h3]|[sp4] 8 q e t p [if4]|[d6] 0 e [uts] e| 6 as[oa5] 9 w r y|3| 7 0 w [rof] d [s3] a [tqpie]| [pi]f d s a [utoea]|o o a s a|[ywr]| r y w 0|| w s [rf] f [h0]|[utsqe]| t u [qp] f|[utoed]| s t u e as[ywra]| y r w 0|| w|r|y| [qe] [usj] a [sl] [utoe]|f u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[utqpe] [ka] [sl] [utoe]|h u [xf] [ywr] h| [ha] [ywr0]|[yxhf][zd][sl][ka][tqpje] [ka] [sl] [utokhe]|[hf] u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[qpe9] a [sl] [utofe]|t u [ofa] [ywr]| a [ywr0]Level: 7Length: 02:12Intermediate
Jocelyn Flores (Intermediate)
I p s d | s | i o o i p | p s d f d s p o o i o o p i | i p s d | s | i o o i p | p s d f i o p o i i i o o i i | i i o o i i
Level: 1Length: 00:50Super EasySee You Again (Fast and Furious 7) (Super Easy)
Charlie Puth
t t Y Y | Y Y t o i Y t o i Y |
t t Y Y | Y Y Y o i Y t o | Y |
Y Y Y P | Y Y Y | t Y t Y i i |
Y Y Y P | Y Y Y |
t Y t Y i i |
P | i | Y | o |
o P P P o P P P P | i | Y
| o |
o P P P o P s P P | i | Y | o |
o P P P o P P P P | i | Y |
i P P P P P | P P P sLevel: 1Length: 02:15Super EasySavage Love
Jason Derulo
[ypgd] [pgd] [spfe]||ds [wsod] [sof] [sqpi]| p o [yuto] yuosdf[ywoa]dop[yoa] p [tqoi] iopghjlghjlcvb cvbcv|| 9 9e| 9 e| 99 9e| 9 e| [zjc9]||[xlje]|| [zw] l [ql]|| [f8] d f [wkhd] j h [sqjg]||| [zjc9]||[xlje]|| [zw] l [ql]|| [f8] d f [wkhd] j h [sqjg]||| [zgc9]||[xlje]|| [zw] l [ql]|| [f8] d f [wkhd] j h [sqjg]||df [pgd9]||[spfe]|| [wd] s [sq]|| [u8] y u [ywoa] p o [tqpi]||df [pgd9]||[spfe]|| [wd] s [sq]|| [u8] y u [ywoa] p o [tqoi]||[slhg]|| [t8]ys|[t8]yp|[qW]et| [sf] [sf] [gd][hf] [hf][hf] d [t8]ys|[t8]yp|[qW]et| [sf] [sf] [gd][hf] [hf][hf] d [t8]ys|[t8]yp|[qW]et t [sf] [sf] [gd][hf] [lh] [zj] [lh] 8 [hf]|[t^]yp|[qW]et| [pf] [sf] [gd][hf] [hf][hf] [gd][sf] 8po|^|[gd] q [sf]||| [sqf]||| [ypgd]| e [spf]|| [woda]| q [spi]|| [soi8]||[ywoa]|| [tqpo]||i|| [t8]ys|[t^]yp|[qW]et| [sf] [sf] [gd][hf] [hf][hf] d [t8]ys|[t8]yp|[qW]et| [sf] [sf] [gd][hf] [lh] [zj] [lh] 8 [hf]|[t^]yp|[qW]et| [pf] [sf] [gd][hf] [hf][hf] [gd][sf] 8po|^|[gd] q [sf]||| [sqf]Level: 6Length: 01:42Intermediate
[is] s s s
[ys] s s s
[es] s s s
s s t s t t u y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t u y t r
[qts] y s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[9ts] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[ets] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[ts] s t s s e w
[qts] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[9ts] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[ets] t s t t [ts] y u u s y t
[ts] t s t s t t u y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r
[qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r
[ets] y s t t [ts] y [ts] r
[ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r
t yLevel: 5Length: 01:58IntermediateChanges (Alternative)
l x b l x b x k x b k x v x l x b l x b x k x b k x v x [6el] x b l x [7rb] x [30k] x b k x [30v] x [6el] x b l x [7rb] x [30k] x b k x [30v] x [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [30kxv] [kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [30kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [30kxv] [kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [6e] [6elxb] [6elxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [30kxv] [30kxv] [kxv] [30kxv] [kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [6e] [6elxb] [6elxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [30kxb] [kxv] [30] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] l x b l x b l x b l x b l x b x k x b k x b k x v k x v k x v x l x b l x b l x b l x b l x b x k x b k x b k x v k x v k x v x [6el] [6ex] [6eb] l [6ex] b l x b l x b [7rl] x b x [30k] [30x] [30b] k [30x] b k x v k x v [30k] x v x [6el] [6ex] [6eb] l [6ex] b l x b l x b [7rl] x b x [30k] [30x] [30b] k [30x] b k [30x] [30v] k [30x] v [30k] x [30v] x [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [30kxv] [kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [30] [30kxv] [30kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [6e] [6elxb] [6elxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [0kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [0kxv] [kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [6e] [6elxb] [6elxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [30kxb] [kxv] [30] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [6elxb] [7rkxb] [30kxv] [fx] [lm] [hv] [6elxb] [7rkxb] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [6elxb] [7rkxb] [30kxv] [fx] [lm] [hv] [6elxb] [7rkxb] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [30kxv] [6eb] [6ex] [6el] [6eb] [6ex] [6el] [7rb] [7rx] [30b] [30x] [30k] [30v] [30x] [30k] [30v] [30x] [6eb] [6ex] [6el] [6eb] [6ex] [6el] [7rb] [7rx] [30b] [30x] [30k] [30v] [30x] [30k] [30v] [30x] [6eb] x l b [6ex] l b [6ex] [6el] b [6ex] l [7rb] x l x [30b] x k b [30x] k v [30x] [30k] v [30x] k [30v] x k x [6eb] x l b [6ex] l b [6ex] [6el] b [6ex] l [7rb] x l x [30b] x [30k] b [30x] k [30v] x [30k] v x k v [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [30kxv] [kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [30] [30kxv] [30kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [30kxv] [kxv] [6elxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [lxb] [7rlxb] [lxb] [30kxb] [kxb] [kxb] [kxv] [kxv] [kxv] [30kxv]
Level: 7Length: 02:31IntermediateStill D.R.E. (Intermediate)
[edh] z l [tfh] l z x z l z [ishl] z l [tofh] l z [wyokx] z l z [epfhlz] z l [tosfh] l z x z l z [qpsgh] z l [tosfh] t u o [6wtup] [8wtuo] p t [4qety] y t [8wtu] y u o [6tuop] a p [8wtuo] u y y t [4t] [qety] y u [80wt] t [5ryu] o [6tuop] o [8tyuo] p t [4qety] y y [8wtu] y [5wryu] o [6tuop] s d [8uosf] d s p s [4s] [ipsd] d s [8tuos] p s [4s] [ipsd] d s [8tuos] [6wtu] y u [8wt] y u [8wt] y u [5ryo] u y [4qet] e t [8wty] u y [8wtu] [59we] t e [60wt] e t [8wty] u y [8wtu] [59we] t e [4qet] e t [80wy] t [80wt] w [5wer] t y [6wtu] y u [8wt] y u [8wt] y u [5ryo] u y [4qet] e t [8wty] u y [8wtu] [59we] t e [60wt] e t [8wty] u y [8wtu] [59we] t e [4qet] e t [80wy] t [80wt] [5wry] [6wtu] [8wtu] [8wtu] [5wry] [4eti] [8wtu] [8wtu] [5wry] [6wtu] [8wtu] [8wtu] [5wry] [4eti] [8wtu] [8wt] u o [6tuop] [8tuo] p t [4qety] y t [8wtu] y u o [6tuop] a p [8wtuo] u y y t [4t] [qety] y u [80wt] t [5ryu] o [6wtup] o [8tyuo] p t [4qety] y y [8wtu] y [5y] [wryu] o [6tuop] s d [8uosf] d s p s [4s] [ipsd] d s [8tuos] p s [4s] [ipsd] d s [8tuos] s a [6tuop] [8tuo] [8wtu] s [5ryo] a [4tip] a p [8wtuo] u [8wt] o [5ryop] s d [6uosf] d f [8uos] d f [8uos] d f [5oadh] f d [4tips] p s [8uod] s [8uo] [6wtu] y u [8wt] y u [8wt] y u [5ryo] u y [4qet] e t [8wty] u y [8wtu] [59we] t e [60wt] e t [8wty] u y [8wtu] t [59w] e [4qet] e t [80wy] t [80wt] [5wry] [6wtu] y u [8wt] y u [8wt] y u [5ryo] u y [4qet] e t [8wty] u y [8wtu] [59wt] e [60wt] e t [8wty] u y [8wt] [59wt] e [4qet] e t [80wy] t [80w] [5wry] [6wtu] [8wtu] [8wtu] [5wry] [4eti] [8wtu] [8wtu] [5wry] [6wtu] [8wtu] [8wtu] [5wry] [4eti] [8wtu] [8wtu] i o [4tiop] o [8tu] t [5wry] u t [qeto] [ep] [ip] [op] p [8tu] o w [to] u o [5wrty] p [6etu] t y u [qeti] d s [8tuop] [8d] [osf] [7oad] [6uops] [5p] [yoa] [4etip] e p t [ra] e o s t d [etos] p s f h [edhj] [tfh] j s [isdh] d s [osfh] d f h [eshj] k j [tsh] f d d s [qs] [pdh] d f [tsh] s f h [6esdhj] h [8tosfh] j s [qisdfh] d d [wosfh] d [woadfh] h [6sfhj] l z [8thlx] z l j l [qil] [dhlz] z l [8tsfhl] j l [qil] [hjlz] z l [8tfhlx] d d [6tuos] [8wtup] [8tuo] S d [5yoa] [4tips] [8uosd] f d [8uos] o [5ryop] s d [6uosf] d f [8uos] d f [8uos] d f [5yoah] f d [4tips] p s [8uod] s [8uosf] f d [6uosd] [8uos] [8uos] s [5wry] a [4tip] a p [8wtuo] u [8wt] o [5ryop] s d [6uosf] d f [8uos] d f [8uos] d p [5ryo] s [4s] [ipsd] d s [8tuos] [8tuo]
Level: 8Length: 03:50ExpertSee You Again (Fast and Furious 7) (Expert)
Charlie Puth
7 [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [pi] sd[d9] [je] [yh] h 6 0g[fe]gd [g7] qd[rg] g qd[tg] [ig]| [g9]h[je]h[yg]hj [h8] w t d [g7] qd[rg] g qd[tg] [ig] d[g9]h[je]h[yg]hj [h8] [wj] [th] g [d7] qg[rj]hg [qg]d[tg] [ig] h9 eg[yj]hgd[g8] [wg] [th] d7 qg[rg]gg [qg]g[tg]d[ig]gg [g9]g[ge] [yg] g [h6] 0 eghj[k7] [qk] [rk] jh[qj] [th] [ig] gd[g9] [ed]gydh 8 w t hj[k7]k[qk] [rk] jh[qj]h[tg] [ig] gg[l9] [je]jyhj [h6] 0g[je]hg 7 [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [pi] sd[d9] [je] [yh] h [h8] wg[tf]gd [g7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [ig] jl[z9]l[he] [yj]| 8 [wh] [tj]hgf[d7] [qg]f[rd]| [sq] t [id]ddd[d9] [je] [yh] h 6 0 e| [rgda7]Level: 5Length: 01:01Intermediate
Whatcha Say
Jason Derulo
[p9]| |[a0]| | [qf]| |[wa]| | [p9]| |[a0]| | [qf]| |[wa]| | [u9] t t y [y0] y ioiu[uq] t t y [yw] y ioiu [u9] t t y [y0] y ioiu[uq] t t y [yw] y ioiu [u9] t t y [y0] y ioiu[uq] t t y [yw]| | 9uuuuyyt[y0]| e| quuuuyyt[yw]| e| [i9] u y t [y0]| uuu [qi] u y t [yw]| uuu [i9] u y t [y0]| uou [qo] u y t [wt] o uyyt[u9] t t y [y0] y ioiu [uq] t t y [yw] y ioiu[u9] t t y [y0] y ioiu [uq] t t y [yw]| o| [ye9]| |[ur0]| | [tqi]| |[ywo]Level: 5Length: 00:57Intermediate
[6u] u y y u [i4] t | i u y t [t8] t u y y t [y5] | u y [t6] | u y y u [i4] | t p o i [u1] | t u u o o | t a t a [p6] | y y y t 4 y y y t 1 y y y t 5 y y y tLevel: 4Length: 00:25Easy
Written In The Stars
Tinie Tempah
t| u| u| u| t| u| u| u|| f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s ffds[d9] o [tf]fds[wd] o [uf]fds[d8] o [uf]fds[qd] o u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u| [g9]ggg[tg]ggg[wh] f u| [g8]ggg[ug]ggg[qh] f u| [d9]sds[td]sds[wd]| u s[d8]sds[ud]sdsd| gggg[h9] ff[tf] gf[wd]| [ug]ggg[h8] gf[uf] gf[qd]| [ug]ggg[h9] gf[tf] gf[wd]| [ug]ggg[h8] gf[uf] gf[qd]| u ds[d9] s[ts]| [wd] s[us] s[d8]fff[uf]dss[qd] s[us]| [d9] s[ts]| [wd] s[us]| [d8]fff[uf]dssd ss f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s ffds[d9] o [tf]fds[wd] o [uf]fds[d8] o [uf]fds[qd] o u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u| fd[f9] f t fd[wf] f u fd[f8] fd[uf]dfd[qf] f u fd[d9] o t fs[wd] o u fs[d8] d [ud]fds[qd] o u fs[h9] fdt ff[wh] fdu ff[f8]ff [uf] ffh fd s [f9]dds[td]sd [wd] ds[ud] p[d8]fds[ud]sds[qd]sds[ud] ds[d9] s[ts]| [wd] s[us] s[d8]fff[uf]dss[qd] s[us]| [d9] s[ts]| [wd] s[us]| [d8]fff[uf]dssd ss f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffdd s ffds[d8] o [uf]fds[qd] o [uf]fds[d9] o [tf]fds[wd] o u f [p8]| u f [qd]sd u| [h9]hhh[th]ffd[wd] s u| t| u| u| u| t| u| u| uLevel: 5Length: 02:38Intermediate
Arizona Zervas
x x x f| Z Z Z D| L L L S| j j H xLevel: 1Length: 00:18Super Easy
Kanye West
[fe]|[ts]|[up]|[tf]| [wd]|[ra]|[yo]|[rd]| [qf]|[se]|[tp]|| q|e|[th] g f d [fe]|[ts]|[up]|[tf]| [wd]|[ra]|[yo]|[rd]| [qf]|[se]|[tp]||q|e|t|| [p9]|[qi]|[ye]|[qp]| [o8]|0|w|[i0] u [y7]||| u|i|[O3]|%|7|0|W|r|u|I|O||| [63]|[63]|[63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[63]|[63]| [64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[64]|[64] [62] [63]|[63]|[63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[63]|[63]| [64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[64]|[64] [62] [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64] [62] [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[ti64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [64]|[64]|[si64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[64] [62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [s64]|[p64]|[f64] d [s64] [a62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[s63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[t64] [u62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [s64]|[p64]|[f64] d [s64] [a62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[sp63]|[s63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[t64] [u62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[utp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [s64]|[p64]|[f64] d [s64] [a62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [utp63]|[63]|[utp63]|[63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[ywr64]|[t64] [u62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [63]|[63]|[utp63]|[63]| [usp64]|[64]|[si64]|[64]| [s64]|[p64]|[f64] d [s64] [a62] [utp63]|[63]|[sp63]|[63]| [utp63]|[63]|[utp63]|[63]| [tie64]|[64]|[64]|[64]| [ywr64]|[64]|[64]|[u64] [t62] [e631]Level: 7Length: 02:09Intermediate
Lose Yourself
[ye9] u s||[ro0]|[tqp]||| [d60] s p|| [s95] a o|| [ye9] u s||[ro0]|[tqp]||| [d60] s p|| [s95] a o p f g f d 2 5 9||s 4 8 q|p|s| [f1] 5 [f8]|f g f d 5 9 w|f g f d 2 5 9||f s 4 8 q|p|s f 1 5 [f8]|f g f d 5 9 w d d|f g 2 5 [f9] d s| g 4 8 [qf] d s|p f 1 5 8| g f d 5 9 w y [yp] [yp] [yo]| [ypi92]||[yp]|[yo] [yp] [q4]| d [jd] [jd] [gd]| [hd81]|[hd]|[hd]|[jd] [hd] [w5]| d [jd] [jd] [hd]| [jgd92]||[jd]|[hd] [gd] [q4]| [gd] [jd] [jd] [gd]| [81] d [hd]|[hd]| d [wj5]|h|g|f d [ye9] u s||[ro0]|[tqp]||| [d60] s p|| [s95] a o p f g f d 2 5 9||s 4 8 q|p|s| [f1] 5 [f8]|f g f d 5 9 w|f g f d 2 5 9||f s 4 8 q p p|s f 1 5 [f8]|f g f d 5 9 w d d|f g 2 5 [f9] d s| g 4 8 [qf] d s|p f 1 5 8| g f d 5 9 w d d|f g 2 5 [f9] d s| g 4 8 [qf] d s|p f 1 5 8| g f d 5 9 w y [yp] [yp] [yo]| [ypi92]||[yp]|[yo] [yp] [q4]| d [jd] [jd] [gd]| [hd81]|[hd]|[hd]|[jd] [hd] [w5]| d [jd] [jd] [hd]| [jgd92]||[jd]|[hd] [gd] [q4]| [gd] [jd] [jd] [gd]| [81] d [hd]|[hd]| d [wj5]|h|g|f [pgd] [92]||[pf]|[qpi4]||| [so81]||[od]|[wo5]||| [pgd92]||[pf]|[qpi4]||| [so81]||[od]| [wo5]| d d|f g 2 5 [f9] d s| g 4 8 [qf] d s|p f 1 5 8| g f d 5 9 w y [yp] [yp] [yo]| [ypi92]||[yp]|[yo] [yp] [q4]| d [jd] [jd] [gd]| [hd81]|[hd]|[hd]|[jd] [hd] [w5]| d [jd] [jd] [hd]| [jgd92]||[jd]|[hd] [gd] [q4]| [gd] [jd] [jd] [gd]| [81] d [hd]|[hd]| d [wj5]|h|g|f d [y92] u s||o|[qp4]||| [81] d [hd]|[hd]| d [wj5]|h|g|f [jgd] [92]||[sh]|[q4]||| [81] d [hd]|[hd]| d [wj5]|h|g|f d [ye9] u s||[ro0]|[tqp]||| [d60] s p|| [s95] a o|| [ye9] u s||[ro0]|[tqp]||| [d60] s p|| [s95] a oLevel: 7Length: 03:06Intermediate
Burn It Down
Linkin Park
6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a| 4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s| 8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f h f| 5 9 w a| d a| [wda95]|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0 [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8 8 w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] w [of8] w [tof] w [uod] w [tso] w 5 [od9] [wod] [od9] [rod] 9 [wod] [od9] [od5] 9 [wof] 9 [rod] 9 [wso] 9 6 [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] 6 [pf0] [pfe] 0 [tph] 0 e 0 4 [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] 4 [pf8] [qpf] 8 [phe] 8 [qpd] 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9 [us6] 0 e [o0] t 0 [use] 0 [us6] 0 e 0 t 0 [use] 0 [si4] 8 q [o8] e 8 [sqi] 8 [si4] 8 q 8 e 8 [sqi] 8 [so8] w t [wo] u w [tod] w [so8] w t w u w [tso] [wso] [oa5] 9 [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 w [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9 [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0] [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0 [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w [w5] [oa] [oa] [oa] [oa]| [oa5] [oa9] w [oa9] [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 [wso] 9 [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0] [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0 [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9 [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0 [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 9 [wsh] [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9 [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y| | [pf]| [pf] [pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0] [pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8] [of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof] [of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] [wof] 5 [od9] w 9 [rof] 9 [wof] [of9] 5 [od9] w 9 r [pf9] w [pf9] [pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0] [pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8] [of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof] [of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tpj] w [ka5] 9 w 9 r 9 w 9 5|| [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vple]| | [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vl]| | [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vqli]| | [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| | [vl] [vl] [vl] [vtsl]||[vl]| | [vl] [vl]| [vl]| [vl]| [ml] z [wo]||| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [utshe]| | [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsqhe]| | [tsqhe] [sh] [sh] [sh8] w t [ush]| o u [sh] [utsoh]| [sh] [uto] [sh]| [sl] [zd] 5 9 w r| y r w| | [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| 6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a| 4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s| 8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f| [lf]| [kd5] 9 w a| d a| [wda95]|| [w95] [w95]| [w95]| [te60]Level: 6Length: 06:26Intermediate
Just a Dream
[utqpe]|a|s [sp][utohe]||f| u o[ha]|[ywr]|a|r|[ywr0]|| y 0 [rp] o [utqpe]|a t s|[utokfe]|| s|u|[of]|[ywr]|[ha]|r y [ywro0]|| r[uf] d [s0] a [tp4]|[ta] 8 [tsq]|[sph6]|| [spf] 0 t 6 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 w r| [p3] o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]|[sf6]|| [shf] 0 t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]|| 7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [tp4] 8 [tqa4] e [ts]|[sph6]|| [spf0] [te] 6 0 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 7 w 3p o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]|[us6]|| [sh0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]|| 7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [up4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [tsphe6]|| [spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [30]| [73] 0 7 w 3 p [o3] [up4]|[uta] [84] [tsq4]|[usf6]|| [shf0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uo30]|| [73] [wuof] d [s73] a [usp4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [sphe6]|| [spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [p3]|| [o73]|w 7 [p3] o [utp92]|[uta] 6 [ts9]|[usfe6]|| [shf0]|t 6 [uof]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uoa30]|| [73] [wuof] d [s73] a [p840]||[uo]fdsa [woa60]| o o [ua] s [ua]|5 9 w r y|3|| 7 s [wf] f [h3]|[sp4] 8 q e t p [if4]| [d6] 0 e [uts] e|6 as[oa5] 9 w r y|3| 7 0 w [rof] d [s3] a [tqpie]| [pi]f d s a [utoea]|o o a s a|[ywr]| r y w 0|| w s [rf] f [h0]|[utsqe]| t u [qp] f|[utoed]| s t u e as[ywra]| y r w 0|| w|r|y| [qe] [usj] a [sl] [utoe]| f u|[ywr] [ha]|[wr0]| 0 po[utqpe] [ka] [sl] [utoe]| h u [xf] [ywr] h|[ha] [ywr0]| [yxhf][zd][sl][ka][tqpje] [ka] [sl] [utokhe]|[hf] u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[qpe9] a [sl] [utofe]|t u [ofa] [ywr]| a [ywr0]Level: 8Length: 02:12Expert
Jocelyn Flores
[e6]|u|u|t| [r75]|r|r|r t [e84]|u|u|t| [r75]|r|r|r t [e6]|u|u|t| [r75]|r|r|r t [e84]|u|u|t| [r75]||t| [r6] 8 0| 0 8 0 [u5] 7 9||t| [r4] 6 8| 8 6 8 [e5] 7 9||t| [r6] 8 0| 0 8 0 [u5] 7 9||t| [r4] 6 8| 8 6 8 [e5] 7 9||t| [r6] 8 0| 0 8 0 [u5] 7 9||t| [r4] 6 8| 8 6 8 [e5] 7 9||t| [r6] 8 0| 0 8 0 [u5] 7 9||t| [r4] 6 8| 8 6 8 [e5] 7 9|| [ut6] 8 0| 0 8 [ut0] [yr5] 7 9| 9 7 9 [te4] 6 8| 8 6 [ut8] [yr5] 7 9| 9 7 9 [ut6] 8 0| 0 8 [ut] [yr5] 7 9| 9 7| [te4] 6 8| 8 6 [ut] [yr5] 7 9| 9 7| [ue6] 8 [us0]|[us] 0 [tp8]| [ro5] 7 [ro9]|[ro] 9 [r7] t [e4] 6 [us8]|[us] 8 [tp6]| [ro5] 7 [ro9]|[ro] 9 [r7] t [e6] 8 [us0]|[us] 0 [tp8]| [ro5] 7 [ro9]|[ro] 9 [r7] t [e4] 6 [us8]|[us] 8 [tp6]| [ro5] 7 9 u o 9 [p7]| [a6] 8 0 a a 0o8 o 5 7 9| u[o9] [p7] a 4 6 8 p ap[a8] [s6] a [p5] [p7] 9 u o 9 [p7]| [a6] 8 0 a a 0o8 o 5 7 9| u[o9] [p7] a 4 6 8 p ap[a8] [p6] s 5 [a7] [p9] o|[p9]o[u7]| [e6] 8 [u0]|u 0 [t8]| [r5] 7 [r9]|r 9 [r7] t [e4] 6 [u8]|u 8 [t6]| [r5] 7 [r9]|r 9 [r7] t [e860]Level: 5Length: 01:46Intermediate
In The End
Linkin Park
[spf6] s [spf] s [spf6] sa[pf] [si] [pg4] s [pig] [si] [pig4] [so] [spg] [sa] [of8] [sa] [ofa] [sa] [ofa8] sp[of] [ys] [od7] a [od] a [pod7] a [pod] [sa] [id4] p [id] p [pid4] [pa] [pid] [sp] [si4] p [si] p [spi4] [pa] [spi] [pa] [ua] O [uoa] a| O| u s s| s| a pLevel: 6Length: 00:27Intermediate
I Need A Doctor
p p p s a p o [ua84]|o|| t [us] a p o [yua0]||o||u| r [us] a p o [ua84]|o 8 0|| r [us] a [qp] o [yua0]| r o||u| s h h [h0] f [sh40] [sh] [sj] t u|| t [us] f [d4] s [od93] [od] [of] 7 9||3| 7 [h9] h [h3] f [sh40] [sh] [sj] 8 0||4| 8 [s0] f [d4] s [od93] [od] [of] 7 9|| h f h f h f h f [spj4] 8 q w e|| [pif] f f f [g8] f d s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|| [ofa] f f f [g7] f [d3] s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|| [pif] f f f [g9] f d s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|| s h f h f h f h f [spj4] 8 0 q w e t u [pif] f f f g f [d8] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r 0 w r [uofa] f f f g f d s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9| [pife] f f f [g9] f d s [od3] 7f[od0] w r 0 w r u p p p s a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4| t [us] a [qp] o [yua0]| r o||u| 7 [ys] a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4|| t [us] a p o [yua0]| r o| r u| s h h h f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4| 8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0|3| 7 [oha0] [oha] [oh3] f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e||4| 8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0| [oha3] f [oha] f [oh] f [oh] f [oh] f [pj4] 8[ka]0 [qoh] w|4| [of] [f8] [qg] f [d4] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0|3| [of] [f7] [oga0] f [d3] s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9|2| f [f6] [pig9] f [d2] s [od1] 5 [od8] 0 w|8| [soh1] f [soh] f [soh] f [soh] f [spj4] 8 q w e|8|4 h g [f8] [qd] s [d4] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0| [ofa3] f f [f7] [oga0] f [d3] s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9| [pif2] f f [f6] [pig9] f [d2] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0|3 p p p s a p o [uoa4] 8 [qo] w e|4| 8 [usq] a [p4] o [uoa3] 7 0 w [ro]|0|[u3]| 7 [s0] a [p3] o [uoa4] 8 [o0] q w|8|4| 8 [usq] a [p4] o [uoa3] 7 0 w [ro]|0|[u3]| [s7] [h0] h [h3] f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4| 8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0|3| 7 [oha0] [oh] [oh3] f [oh4] [oh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4| 8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0| [oha3] f [oh] f [oh] h [oh] f [pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd| [oga93] g g g g f f d [of]|d|d fd| [pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd| [93] h s s d f d|[sh] [sh] s s d fd| [pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd| [oga93] g g g g f f d [of]|d|d fd|[92]||| h s s d f d| [ha93] [ha] s s d fd| p p p s a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4| t [us] a p o [yua0]| r o||u| r [ys] a [p3] o [ua84]|o 8 0||4| 8 [us] a [p4] o [ua93]| r o| r u| s [rh] h [h0] f [usqh] [sh] [sj] t u|q|| t [us] f [qd] s [yod0] [od] [of] r y|0|| r [yh] h [h0] f [usqh] [sh] [sj] t u|q|| t [us] f d s [yod0] [od] [of]Level: 7Length: 04:28Intermediate
Hotline Bling
8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8 8 88 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8 8 89 8 8 w 0|0|9|8| 8 8|8 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8|8|8 8 8 8|8 9|9 w|| w w w e|e r|w t||| r e [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe] [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]| 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8 8 88 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8 8 89 888 w 0|0|9|8| 8 8 98 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8|8|8 8 8 8|8 9|9 w|| w w w e|e r|w t||| r e [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe] [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe]| w w w w|r t||e| t t t t|t t| r|e|w|| w w w|r t||e| t t t t|t t| r|e| w w u|y y|t t|| w w e|w u|y y|t t y|| r r r w w|| t r r w e|| t t t t t t|t t t|e| t t t t t| t t t|t t t||| [ute] [ute] [wur]|[wur]| [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe]| [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr]|[yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe] [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe] [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe]Level: 6Length: 03:09Intermediate
Taio Cruz
s uu ss uu ss uiu iuy ss uu ss uiu | s uu ss uu ss uiu iuy ss uu ss uiuLevel: 1Length: 00:28Super Easy
Dance With The Devil
Immortal Technique
[is] | s | s | s | [ys] | s | s | s | [es] | s | s | s | s | s | s u s s f d s a [qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [ets] y s [t t] [ts] y [ts] r [ts] y s t s [t t] [us] y t r [qts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [9ts] y s r [ts] y [ts] r [ets] y s [t t] [ts] y [ts] r [ts] y s t s t t u y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] s t s s e w [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] t s t s t t u y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qts] y s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [9ts] t s [t t] [ts] y u u | y y [ets] t s [t t] [ts] y u u s y t [ts] y s t s t t [us] y t r [qst] | s | s | s | [sqy9] | s | s | s | [sue] | s | s | s | [sute] | s | s | sLevel: 5Intermediate
wtr [e4]| wtr [w8]| t r[e6] ee tr [w5]| t r[e4]| t r[w8]| t r[e6] e t r[w5]| wty u| t y[w8]| wt yu y t yr w tr [e4]| wtr [w8]| t r[e6] ee tr wtr [e4]| wtr [w8]| t r[e6] ee tr [w5]| t r[e4]| t r[w8]| t r[e6] e t r[w5]| wty u| t y[w8]| wt yu y t yr w tr [e4]| wtr [w8]| t r[e6] ee tr|wLevel: 4Length: 00:48Easy
Coming Home
s f j s| f j f
a f j a| f h f
s f j s| f j f
a f j a| f h f
[s6] f j s| f [j7] f
[a3] f j a| f [h3] f
[s6] f j s| f [j7] f
[a3] f [j3] a3 [f3] [h3] [f3]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa3] [hfa]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa3]||[hfa3]|
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf]6[sjf6] [sjf6] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa] [hfa3] [hfa]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf]6[sjf6] [sjf6] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa3] [hfa]3[hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa3]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa3] [hfa]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa]3[hfa3] [hfa3]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf]6[sjf6] [sjf6] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa3] [hfa]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf]6[sjf6] [sjf6] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa3] [hfa]3[hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa3]
[sjf6]| |[jfa7]| [hfa3]| |[uf] [sl] [oh]
[sjf6]| |[jfa7]| [hfa3]| [hfa3] [hfa3][hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa3]
[sjf6]| |[jfa7]| [hfa3]| |[uf] [sl] [oh]
[sjf6]| |[jfa7]| [hfa3]| [hfa3] [hfa3][hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa3] [hfa3]
[j6] [f6] [s6] [j6] [f6] [s6] [j7] [f7]
[j3] [f3] [a3] [h3] [f3] [a3] [h3] [f3]
[j6] [f6] [s6] [j6] [f6] [s6] [j7] [f7]
[j3] [f3] [a3] [h3] [f3] [a3] [h3] [f3]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa3] [hfa]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa]3[hfa3] [hfa3]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa3] [hfa]
[sjf6] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf] [sjf7] [sjf]
[jfa3] [jfa] [jfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa] [hfa3]Level: 6Length: 02:45IntermediateStill D.R.E
e T T T e T T T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p S S a p [a7] u [eS] S a p [a0] u [TS] S a p [a6] u [TS] S a p [a9] u T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T [d7] d d d [ed] d d d [f0] S T [d6] d d d [dT] d d d [f9] S T [a7] p a p [ea] p a p [a0] T p [a6] p a p [aT] p a p a d d d d [f7] S S [eS] d S [a0] [dT] d d d [f6] d S [TS] d S [a9] [dT] d d d [f7] d S [eS] d S [a0] [dT] d d d [f6] d S [TS] d S [a9] T a p [a7] p [pe] [a0] p [pT] p [a6] S S S [TS] a p p [a9] p [pT] [a7] p [pe] [a0] p [pT] [a6] S S S [TS] a p p a p p S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p S S a p [a7] u [eS] S a p [a0] u [TS] S a p [a6] u [TS] S a p [a9] u T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T S a [S7] S e S a [S0] S T S a [S6] S a [TS] a S a [S9] S T S a [a7] u e S p [a0] u T S p [a6] a [aT] S a p [a9] u T S p [f7] S a e S S [f0] S a T S S [S6] S S [TS] S S f S a p [S7] a a p [ea] p a [a0] a p [aT] I [a6] S a p [aT] p a p [a9] p a p [aT] a p [a7] p [pe] [a0] p [pT] p [a6] S S S [TS] a p p [a9] p [pT] [a7] p [pe] [a0] p [pT] [a6] S S S [TS] a p p a p p S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a a p S S a p [a6] u [TS] S a p [a9] u [TS] S a p [a7] u [eS] S a p [a0] u T S [I6] T S [a9] p a T [f7] f f f [fe] S S a [a0] p T e T T T e T T T
Level: 4EasyRoxanne (Easy)
Arizona Zervas
GHkL ZL kkLHG | GHkL ZL kkkLH[QG] | kkkkkkkkkkkk [12][ks] [WO]GGHGG | kkkkkkkk[QH] 8[ks] | GHkL ZL kkLHG | GHkLZL kkkLH[QG] | kkkkkkkkkkkk [12][ks] | [WO]GGGHGG | kkkkkkkk[QO] G GsaaLevel: 3Easy
Super Bass
Nicki Minaj
[sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [afj] [afj] [afj] [afh] [afh] [afh] [afh] [afh]Level: 3Easy
Still D.R.E. (Easy)
g l J d JlzlJlg l J d JlzlJlg l J d JlzlJlg l J d E y i o [yi] Et t ty yio p o i y t E wt t E E yio [yi] E t t E ty y i o P s d s P o o s s P P i o s s P P y yty yt y ytE y yty ytE y yty yty ytE E y yty ytE y yty yty ytE y yty ytE y yty yty ytE E y yty ytE yEEEEEEE EEEw yEEEEEtE EEEw yEEEEEEE EEEw yEEEE tE E y i o yi Et t t y yio p o i y t E w t t E E yio [yi] E t t E ty y i o P s d s P o o s s P P i o s s P PLevel: 4Easy
See You Again (Fast and Furious 7)
Charlie Puth
o o i d o i d o i | Y Y Y y y Y Y y y t t | o o i d o i d o i | Y Y Y y y Y Y y y t t | Y y E ELevel: 2Easy
Love The Way You Lie
m n x bb c| x m n x bb c| x l k f jj g| f l k f jj g| fLevel: 2Easy
I'm Different
2 Chainz
[0etu] [ye9] [5wy] [wt8u] [yrw7] [etu0] [ye9] [wry] [utw8] [yrw7] [fso] f x l k [jd] h G h [dwoy] d k j [hf] G f [dpy] [sf] f l k [jd] G h j [dwyo] d k j [hf] G f [dpy] [sft] t [tl] [tk] [yjd] y y y [dwo] [wd] [wdk] j [hfa] G f [dpy] [fst] t [tl] k [jdy] y y y [dyw] [wd] [wdk] j [hfu] G [fu] [du] [tof]fsp pdddGGhj hhhds fffdd f d [tof]fsp pdddGGhj hhhds fffdd f dLevel: 6Intermediate
Feel This Moment