Music Sheets
OO D S|| iO|| T| i| YY|
OO D S|| iO|| S| i| YY|
T I i Y TT|Level: 2Length: 00:16EasyDefying Gravity (Wicked)
Stephen Schwartz
3 7 0 Q e y Q w 3 8 0 w t o w|
3 7 0 Q e y Q w 3 8 0 w t o w|
6 0 [ua] [yp] [ua] 0 6 [to]
[4ua] [8yp] q 8 [4e] y e r
6 0 [ua] [yp] [ua] 0 6 [os]
[4od] 8 [qpf] w [eup] [wy] [qu] y
[5yo] 9 [od] [us] [od] y [5o] s
[9id] e [yp] e [4tp] 8 [qus]|
[6yua] 0 w w e y e r
6 [0t] [eua] [ryp] [tua] r e [0to]
[4ua] [8yp] q 8 [4e] y e r
6 0 [eua] [ryp] [tua] r [es] [od]
4 8 [qpf] w [eup] [wy] [qu] y
[5yo] 9 [od] [us] [9od] y [us] [id]
9 e p [tup] 4 8 [qus] e
[I3ypd] 7 0 Q e y I pLevel: 7Length: 00:43IntermediateNo One Mourns The Wicked (Wicked)
Stephen Schwartz
[tus] t t [tid] t t t t [tiod] t t t t [ta] t [to]
[tus] t t [tid] t t t t [tiod] t t t t a|o
[80] t|t [qt]|t|[wt] y| q r|w
[80] t|t [qt]|y|[wy]||q r|w
[80] t t t [7t]|y|[6wu] o| 0|u o
[9qp] o|s| u|[5q]|[to] [5qto]| u y
[80t]|t|[qt] t| [wt] y| q [ru]|y
[80t]| t u|o|[0rp] o| w|u o
[Eqyp]|P P|p|o [wtus]||[wt]|u o
[Eqyp] P|P| p|[wtyp] o o|r| o
[eos] s s [9is]|a|p [7yo] p o [0tu]| t|
[eos] s s [9is]|a|p [wtyo]| [wr]| i|
[8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
[80w]| [9q]||[5q]| [5q] g f s|
[80o]| [9q]||[5q]| [5q] g f s|
[80] t|t [9qt]|t|[5qt] y|[5q]|r|w
[80] u|o [9qt]|y|[5qy]| [5q]|r|w
[80] w t t [7t]|y|[6wu] o| 0||
[9qp] o|s| u|[5qy]| [5qto]| u y
[80t] t|t [9qt]|y|[5qy] t|[5q]| Y y
[80y] t|[7wt]| u|[0wyo]| [0w]||o
[^qyp] P|P|P|p [8wyp]|o|q t [0t] t
[^qyp] P|P| p|[5qto]| s a o o|
[6os] s s [9is]||[7ya] p o [0to]||
[6os] s s [9is]|i p|[5qto]| [5q]| [ri]|
[8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
[WT6u]||T|u [TO]||u|
[9TI] I I [eI] O I [r*I] u u|W| u
[9TI]|O p e O|I [r*I] u u|W||
[qup] a s s|a|p [0yp] a|o||
[9t] p a s|a|p [0yp] o o| o|o
[EY8o] p|[y(EP]|p|o [Eqto]|p [E9ti]| i|
[EY8o] p|[y(EP]|p|o [Eqt] o p [E9ti]| i|
[*WTi] o|O|o|i [8wtu]||t
[^WTi]| o O|i|[8wio]|s|u|s|
[eos] s s [9is]|a|p [7yo] p o [0tu]||
[eos] s s [9is]|a|p [wtyo]| [wr]| [ri]|
[8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
[6wt]| [9q]||[5qty] [ty] [ty] [5qry]||
[8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[4tp]| t i u tLevel: 6Length: 02:49IntermediateThe Wizard And I (Wicked)
Stephen Schwartz
[9d]| [eyd]d[9f] g [9f] [eyd] [9s]s4|
[8qs]d[4f] g [4f] [8qd] [4s]s8 oo[wto]
[8d]d^ i [Eqi] [^u]i[6e] op [6e] [6e]| [qig] [0uf] [9d]|
[eyd]d[9f] g [9f] [eyd] [9s]s4|
[8qs]d[4f] g [4f]d[8qd] [4h]h[8h] fg[wtg]
[8f]g[^g] fs[Eqs] [^o]i[6e] opp [6e] [6e]Level: 5Length: 00:26IntermediateI'm Just Ken (Ryan Gosling)
Ryan Gosling
[6eups] 0 [eps] t [ups]| |[6eups] 0 [eups]|
[4qips] 8 q e t|||
[18tuos] 5 [8tuos] 0 [wtuos]| |[8tuos] w [tuos]|
[5wyos] 9 w r [yd]| |[0ruo]|||
[6eups] 0 [ups] e [uf] e [oh] e
[4qp]sj 8 q e t| |[oh]|
[1osh] 8 0 w [tuof]| |
[5wyod] 9 w r y| |
[0ruo]| |f|||
[6eups] 0 [ups] e [uf] e [oh] e
[4qp]sj 8 q e t| |[ak]| [pj]|
[1osh] 8 0 w [uof]| |
[5y]od 9 w r yLevel: 8Length: 01:17ExpertLacrimosa (Battlefield 1 Epilogue)
Johan Söderqvist
sdf|h|f|dfds||f|h h j| l k|h f| gfd|
sdf|h|fd s dhs||
hf h h j| h|f hf||d| sds|||
sdf||f|f hjhd s d||
opa|a|s|p u| o y||o a
sdf|f||h hfd|s d a|asasdf||
jkl| k||h f| gfd|
fGHLevel: 2Length: 00:47EasyThe Shire
Howard Shore
6|0|e| t r|||
6|0 f [ek] l [tuk]|j h|[6f]|0 h [rf]|[yid]||
[6s]|0 f [es]|[tua]| p|[6O]|0|W|[ry]||
6|0 f [ek] l [tuk]|j h|[6f]|0 h [rf]|[yid]||
[6s]|0 g [ef]|[tud]| a|[3H]|7|W|r|t|y|
%|( O [Ws] d [ED]|d s|[%g]|( D [Ed]|[ts]||
4|8 O [qs] d [wD]|d s|[3a]|7|W|u| y u
jLevel: 5Length: 01:12IntermediateIn Bruges (Carter Burwell)
Carter Burwell
[8yuo] w t u t w 8 w t u t w
[8s] w [th] u t [ws]
[0a] r [yh] o y [rh]
[qj] t [ih] p [ig] t
[0h] t o t [oj] [tk]
[ql] t [pk] t [pj] t
[0h] t [ol] t [os] [td]
[9f] t I [uj] [pf] [ts]
[5wd] y [wid]fyg[roh]jyk[8sl] w [uhv] w u [wsl]
[0ak] r [yhv] o y [rhv]
[qjb] t [ihv] p [igc] t
[0hv] t y o [yjb] [tkn]
[elm] u [pkn] s [pjb] u
[0hv] t [ulm] o [ux] t
[9c] y [ijb] [ykn] [wrix] z
[8lm] w [tu] [uoh] [tsl] [wfx]
[5dlz] 9 [wrdkz] [9r] [wy] [9roh]
[8flx] w [tu] [wu] [uo] [wflx]
[8gjc] e [tigjc] e [tifhx] [egjc]
[8hkv] w [tu] w [tu] [whv]
[7hv] [QGC] [YIGC] Q [YIhv] [Qjb]
[C30jb] [7r] [wohxv] [7r] [5whv] [$7jb]
[30J]zvBr [yjb] u [ohv] E
[6g]hLc0 [efx] T [ugc] [Thv]
[9j]lzc[eb] [yhv] u [igc]|
[5f]gkx9 [wijkDZ] r [wdgjz]|
[8sl] w [thv] u t [wsl]
[0ak] r [yhv] o y [rhv]
[qjcb] t [ihxv] p [igzc] t
[0hxv] t o t [oxb] t
[8lv] [wu] [tplx] u [Wjzcb] [rkzvn]
[6elxbm] u [plxm] u [Wkxbn] [uzcb]
[5wlxvm] u [olxvm] u [Qzb] y
[4qxvm] t [9zcb] t [wxvm] [zcb] [8lxvm]Level: 8Length: 01:13ExpertReprise (Spirited Away)
Joe Hisaishi
t u t [80wr]||[70w]|
t u r [680e]|
e t e [580w]||
e [68u]|y|
e u|y|t|[26e]|||
t y t [579r]||[79]|
r y r [479w]|
w r w q||
[135]|0|q|w| e r|
s f s [tuoa]||[ruo]|
s f a [etup]|
p s p [wtuo]||
p [etf]|d|
p f|d|s|[9ep]|||
s d s [wrya]||[ry]|
a d a [qryo]|
o a o i||
[0wt]|u|i|o| p a|
[wry]|o|p|a||[80ws]Level: 6Length: 00:51IntermediateMarried Life (Up) (Alternative)
Michael Giacchino
[7w]|y|y|y u [8w]||t||
[qe]|i|i|i u [8w]||t||
[7w]|y|y|y u [8w]||t||
[qet]|t t| t|[7wy]|y|y||
[7w]|y|y|y u [8w]||t||
[qe]|i|i|i o [8w]||u||
[7w]|y|y|y u [8w]|t|t||
[8wt]Level: 5Length: 00:30IntermediateThe Family Madrigal (Encanto)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0f]| s [0a]|r|a|
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|[eg] f d s [wad]|[yi]|
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0p]|a s [0o]|r| o
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|g f [wrd] s [8s]|0|w|t|u|
[of] g [th]|[uoh]|[uoh]|
[rh]|[yoh] j [yoh] g [ef]|[tuf]|[tuf]|
[wf]|[ruf] g [ruf] d [qs]|[ets]|[ets] a
[0p]|[eta]|[eta] s [9d]|[qed] f [qed] f
[wad]|q|[0f] g [8fh]|[0wdh]|[0wsh]|
[7ah]|[9wh] j [9wh] g [6sf]|[80af]|[80pf]|
[0f] g [wrf] d [wrs] a [qp]|[etp] a [ets] d
[0o]|[wts]|[wtd] f [9d]|[qe] d [wrd] s
[8s]|[0w]|[0w]|8|w|s d
[8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0f]| s [0a]|r|a|
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|[eg] f d s [wad]|[yi]|
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0p]|a s [0o]|r| o
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|
d f [9g]|g f [wrd] s [8s]|0|w|
t|u|[of] g [th]|[uoh]|[uoh]|
[rh]|[yoh] j [yoh] g [ef]|[tuf]|[tuf]|
[wf]|[ruf] g [ruf] d [qs]|[ets]|[ets] a
[0p]|[eta]|[eta] s [9d]|[qed] f [qed] f
[wad]|q|[0f] g [8fh]|[0wdh]|[0wsh]|
[7ah]|[9wh] j [9wh] g [6sf]|[80af]|[80pf]|
[0f] g [wrf] d [wrs] a [qp]|[etp] a [ets] d
[0o]|[wts]|[wtd] f [9d]|[qe] d [wrd] s
[os]|[sf]|[fh]|[8wf]hlLevel: 6Length: 01:45IntermediateAlways With Me (Spirited Away)
Joe Hisaishi
[8u] w y w i u
[7u] w y w i u
[^u] w y w i u
[4qe]| [5wr]| [6et]|
[8u] w y w i u
[7u] w r w i u
[^u] w y w i u
[4qe]| [5wr]| [6et]|
[7qeu]| |
[2qe]| |
[3wr]| [we]| [wr]|
[4qet]| |
4| |
[2qe]| |
[3wr]| [we]||[wr]
[4qet]| |s|
[14qeu] w y w i [14]u
[25ru] w y w i [25]u
[36etu] w y w i [36]u
[37wy] w t w [37wr] t
[14qeu] w y w i [14]u
[25ru] w y w i [25]u
[36etu] w y w i [36]u
[37wy] w t w [37wr] t
[14ipf] [8o] [qd] [8o] [eg] 8f
[25af] [9o] [wd] [9o] [rg] 9f
[36psf] [0o] [ed] [0o] [tg] 0f
[37sd] [7o] [0s] [7o] [woa] [7s]
[14i]pf[8o] [qd] [8o] [eg] 8f
[25af] [9o] [wd] [9o] [rg] 9f
[36psf] [0o] [ed] [0o] [tg] 0f
[37sd] [7o] [0s] [7o] [woa] [7s]
[48qip]||[48q]| [48q]
[59woa]| [op] [59w]| [oa]
[60eos]||[60e]| [60e]
[370]||[370]| [370]
[48qip]||[48q]| [48q]
[59woa]| [op] [59w]| [od]
[60eos]||[60e]| [60e]
[370]||[370]| [370]
[4ep] 1 4 1 6 [1ep]
[5ra] 2 [5ep] 2 7 [2ra]
[6ts] 3 6 3 8 [3yd]
[3uf] 7 [3yd] 7 5 [7ts]
[4ep] 1 4 1 6 [1ep]
[5ra] 2 [5ep] 2 7 [2yd]
[6ts] 3 6 3 8 3
3 7 3 7 5 8 l|||
[8u] w y w i u
[7u] w y w i u
[^u] w y w i|
u| |[1580wt]| |
1Level: 8Length: 02:00ExpertLit (A Silent Voice)
Kensuke Ushio
[6p] pp|||
[6p] pp| |
6s s[0es] p [0e] ss[0es] p
5 op[9wa] op[4a] oo[8qp] i|||
6s p[0es] p [0e] sp[0es] p
5 oo[9wa] oo[4a] oo[8qa] s| |
[30] [%W]
6 [pf]d[0epf] s [0e] [pf]d[0epf] s
[59w] [od]s[wod] ss[48qod] ss[qod] s
[370a]Op[0a]OO[0a]OO[0a]OO[%70a]OO[0a]Oa[30a]ss[0d]df6fd[0ef]g [0ef] 6fd[0ef]g [0ef]s[5d]
d[9w]ds[9wd]s[4d] d[8q]d [8qf]
6fd[0ef]g [0ef] 6 [0ed]gf[0es]
[5d]sd[9w]d [9wd]s[4d]sd[8q]d [8qf]
6fd[0ef][sj] [0ef] 6 [0ej]jj[0ej]j[5j]
f[9wj]jj[9wj]j[4j] f[8q] [8q]f[3f] [0d]f[0aH]
7[aH][0aH] [7aH][aH][0ak] 7k[%70k]k[0k]k[7x]
[0x] [30x]z[0x]z[0x] [%z]
[el]l[psl]ll l l lllk jq [ip]| jhw [oa]||
[el]l[psl]ll l l lklz xt [sf]| xzwl[oa]k|
[ej]l[psl]jl ljlz x z lql[ipl]ll l lz x z l8
[uoh] h f l h h fh[0k] [uO]jH| [30ak]j [aH] [%ak]
[6fjl][fl][0fl][fl][efl] [0fl] [tfl]
[0fl][fl][6fl]k0[sj]4 8 q [8sj]h5 9 w r
[6jl][jl][0jl][jl][el] [0l] [tl]
[0l]k[6l]z[7l]x8 w t [whx]z5l9[hk]w 7
[6j]l[0l]j[el] [0l]j[tl]z0x6z0
[4l]l[8l]j[ql] [el]j[tl][lv]i[hx]t[hz]ql8
[wh] [th] [wf] [ul] [wh] [8h] fh[3k] 0 [ak] [7pj] [30OH]| [%of] 0
6fd[0ef]g [0ef] 6sd[0es]d [0ed]s[5d] d[9ws]d [9ws]d[4d]sd[8qs]d [8qf]
6fd[0ef][sg] [0ef] 6 [0es]d [0ed]s[5d] d[9ws]d [9ws]d4sd[8q]d [8qf]
6fd[0ef][sj] [0ef] 6 [0ej]jj[0ej]j[5j] f[9wj]jj[9wj]j[4j] f[8q]
[8q]f[30f]f[30f]G[30H] [30]H[30H] [30H] [30][fk]7[fz][%W0fx]z[%W0fx]z[%W0fx]z[%W0fx]z[0rufx]z[0rufx]z[0rufx] f
[tux] o s| v z l
[rux] o a| v z l
[rux]zl[oz] a| zz l l[ei] j[pj] hsH[Wi] H[OH] [dl] [sh]
[tu]xo s| vz l
[rux]zl[oz] a| l zl l[ru]k o a| k z l
[eil] [pj] s [Wi] [Og] [dH] [sh]
[60eh] [60e]f[60e] [60e] [60e] [60e] [60ef] [60e]
[50wfl] [50w] [50wfk] [50w] [50w] [50w] [50wf] [5w]
[2gz] 9 [qgl] e y e [9f] e
[3fx] 0 [WHdkz] 7 [3gc] 0 [%fx] 0
[6fjl][fl][efl][fl][efl] [efl] [efl] [efl][fl][efl]kw[sj]q q q [qsj]hw w w w
[ejl]l[el]l[el] [el] [el] [el]j[el]ze[hx]t t t [thx]zwlwkw w
[6l]l[0l]l[el] [tl]j[ul][jz]px z l4l[8l]j[ql]j[el]j[tl]zix z
[tl]8h[wh]htf[uf]lt [wh] [8h]fwk0| [30]| |
[30ak][pj] [30OH] [%ak]JjHhGgfDdSsaP[6pfjl][fjl][0fjl][fjl][efjl] [0fjl] [tfjl] [0fl][fl][6fl][fk]0[sj]
4 8 q [8sj]h5 9 w 9
[6fl][fl][0fl][fl][efl] [0fl] [tfl] [0fl]j[6l][7z]l[8hx]
w t [whx]z5l9[hk]w 7
[6fj][fl][0fl][fj][efl] [0fl][fj][tfl][fjz]0[jx]6[jz]0[gl]4[gl][8gl]
[wh] [th] [wf] [ul] [wh] [8h] [wf]h[3k] 7 [0pj] 7 [0OH] 7 [%f] 7
[H3fkx] 0 7 0 [30ak][pj] [30OH] [%ak]
[6ak] [6pj]Level: 7Length: 03:18IntermediateSurface Pressure (from Encanto)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
[8f] 0 w t [0h] w r u
[qf] e t i [ws] r y [od]
[8f] 0 [wh] t [0z] w [rl] u
[qj] e t i q| |
[qj] e t i [wz] r [yl] [oj]
[0h] w r u [8s] w t f
[qg] e [th] i j| g|
[wd] r y o w| |
[8f] w 0 w [0h] r w r
[qf] t e t [ws] y r [yd]
[8f] w [0h] w [0z] r [wl] r
[qj] t e t q| |
[qj] t e t [wd] y [rf] [yg]
[0h] r w r [8s] w [0d] [wf]
[qg] t [ef] t [ws] y [rp] [ys]
[8s] w 0 w 8| s|
[4p] [6s] [8p] [qs] [5a] [7o] [9a] [wo]
[4p] [6i] [8p] [qi] [5o] 7 9 [ws]
[4p] [6s] [8p] [qs] [5d] [7a] [9d] [wa]
[4s] [6p] [8s] [qp] [5a] 7 9 [wd]
[%s] [8D] [(s] [WD] [^d] [9P] [qd] [EP]
[%s] [8O] [(s] [WO] [^P] 9 q [ED]
[%s] [8D] [(s] [WD] [^g] [9d] [qg] [Ed]
[9g] [qd] [eg] [yd] [wh] r y o a|||
[8sf] 0 w t [0fh] w r u
[qsf] e t i [wps] r y [oad]
[8sf] 0 [wfh] t [0kz] w [rjl] u
[qgj] e t i q| |
[qgj] e t i [woa] r [yps] [oad]
[0fh] w r u [qps] e [tps] [ioa]
[qip] e [tdg] i p| [ip]|
[woa] r [yfh] o a| [fh]|
[8f] [0h] [wf] [th] [9G] [Qd] [eG] [yd]
[8f] [0s] [wf] [ts] [9d] Q [es] y
[wyoa]Level: 6Length: 01:28IntermediateSomewhere Out There (James Horner)
James Horner
1 5 9 0| w r t
[2q] 6 8 q u i y u
[1t] 5 9 0| w r t
[2y] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
[1t] 5 9 0| w r t
[2q] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
[1t] 5 9 0| w r t
[2y] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
[1t] 5 9 0 t y u i
[3o] 7 0 7 [wo] i u y
[4t] 8 q 8 [ei] u y t
5 [2e] [7w] 8 [59t]| r|
[60][3e][6T]* 0 * [eT] [0u] [*O] [6p] [6y] 9 0 e [0p] O u r [6T] 0 e 0 [eT] u O p [6a] 9 w 9 [*S] a S f
[2p] 6 9 6 [Qp] O p S
[7y] $ 7 $ [0S] d a S
[6p] 3 6 3 * 3 6 3
6 3 6 3 [*p] a S d
[!f] % * % 0| p|
[2O] 6 9 6 [Qp] a S d
[!f] % * % 0| *|
[2I] 6 9 6 [Qp] a S d
[!f] % * % [0f] d S a
[2p] 6 9 6 [9d] S a p
[3u] 7 0 7 W| r|
6 0 e 0 [eT] u O p
[6y] 9 0 e [0T] u O p
[6a] 9 w 9 [*S] a S f
[2p] 6 9 6 [Qp] O p S
[7y] $ 7 $ [0S] d a S
[6p] 3 6 * 0 e T u
[eS] [ud] [pa] [uS] [ep] u p S
[eL] [uz] [pk] [uL] [6pb][*S][0f][ej]Level: 5Length: 01:48IntermediateBeauty And The Beast (Main Theme)
Alan Menken
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| u w
t u [rtuo] a
[euod] s a s [wuf]||
f [qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s [0rya]| e| [W0y]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wyi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s [wuf]| |
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [wtud] s a o [qtup]| |
[TQY] p a s [wtuo]| |
[wrio]| |
[8wyi]| |
[8wtu]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| u w
t u [rtuo] a
[euod] s a s [wuf]||
f [qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s
[0rya]| e| [W0Y]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wyi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s [wuf]| |
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [wtud] s a o [qtup]| |
[TQY] p a s [yupa]| |
[0yO]| 0|
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s
[wuf]| u|
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[ryuh] g f d [ets]||
s [wrd] s a o [qtp]| |
[Qt] p a s
[wto]| y t
[wto] r e r
[8s] w yd[wf]g[8h] w uj[wk]l[8k] w yj[wh]g[8h] w u w
[8k] w yj[wh]g[8h] w u w 7 d [ryij] h
[ryuh] g f d [etups]| u s
[eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s
[wtuo]| r t
[weio]| r|
[8s] w ud[wf]g[8h] [wj]k[ul]z[ox]v[tum][os]|||
[1wtu]Level: 7Length: 03:00IntermediateLove Theme (Cinema Paradiso)
Andrea Morricone
1 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1t]|
3 7 [0o] 7 [0I] 7 [3u]|
4 8 [qu] 8 [qy] 8 [4t]|
[10] 5 [8w] 5 [8t] 5 [9y]|
[6t] 0 [es] 0 [ea] 0 [6u]|
3 7 [0o] 7 [0I] 7 [3r]|
1 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1t]|
[5t] 9 [wr] 9 [5e] 9 [5w]|
[2q] 6 [9i] 6 [9u] 6 [2w] q
[10] 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1u]|
4 8 [qi] 8 [qu] [8y] [4u] i
[5p] 9 [wo] 9 [5i] 9 [5u]|
1 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1t]|
3 7 [0o] 7 [0I] 7 [3u]|
4 8 [qu] 8 [qy] 8 [4t]|
[10] 5 [8w] 5 [8t] 5 [9y]|
[6t] 0 [es] 0 [ea] 0 [6u]|
3 7 [0o] 7 [0I] 7 [3r]|
1 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1t]|
[5t] 9 [wr] 9 [5e] 9 [5w]|
[2q] 6 [9i] 6 [9u] 6 [2w] q
[10] 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1u]|
4 8 [qi] 8 [qu] [8y] [4u] i
[5p] 9 [wo] 9 [5p] 9 [5a]|
[1s] 5 [8a] 5 [8s] 5 [1u]|
[3o] 7 0 7 0 7 [3o]|
[4p] 8 [qo] 8 [qp] 8 [4t]|
[1u] 5 8 5 8 5 [1o]|
[6s] 0 [ea] 0 [es] 0 [6u]|
[3o] 7 0 7 0 7 [3o]|
[2i] 6 [9u] 6 [9y] 6 [2t]|
[1i] 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1t]|
[4i] 8 [qu] 8 [qy] 8 [4t]|
[1t] 5 8 5 1| y|
[3r] 7 0 7 3| w|
[1t] 5 8 5 1| y|
[3r] 7 0 7 3| w|
[1t] 5 8 5 1| y|
[3r] 7 0 7 3| |
1 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1t]|
3 7 [0o] 7 [0I] 7 [3u]|
4 8 [qu] 8 [qy] 8 [4t]|
[10] 5 [8w] 5 [8t] 5 [9y]|
[6t] 0 [es] 0 [ea] 0 [6u]|
3 7 [0o] 7 [0I] 7 [3r]|
1 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1t]|
[5t] 9 [wr] 9 [5e] 9 [5w]|
[2q] 6 [9i] 6 [9u] 6 [2w] q
[10] 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1u]|
4 8 [qi] 8 [qu] [8y] [4u] i
[5p] 9 [wo] 9 [5p] 9 [5a]|
[1s] 5 [8a] 5 [8s] 5 [1u]|
[3o] 7 0 7 0 7 [3o]|
[4p] 8 [qo] 8 [qp] 8 [4t]|
[1u] 5 8 5 8 5 [1o]|
[6s] 0 [ea] 0 [es] 0 [6u]|
[3o] 7 0 7 0 7 [3o]|
[2i] 6 [9u] 6 [9y] 6 [2t]|
[1i] 5 [8u] 5 [8y] 5 [1t]|
[4i] 8 [qu] 8 [qy] 8 [4t]|
[1t] 5 8 5 1| y|
[3r] 7 0 7 3| w|
[1t] 5 8 5 1| y|
[3r] 7 0 7 3| w|
[1t] 5 8 5 1| y|
[370r]Level: 6Length: 03:15IntermediateTennessee (Hans Zimmer) (Alternative)
Hans Zimmer
[8t] [0w] [0w]
[8o] [0w] [0w]t[7r] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W]rty[8t] [0w] [0w]
[8o] [0w] [0w]t[7r] [0W] [0W]
7 [0W] [0W]
[9y] [qe] [qe]
[9p] [qe] [qe]y[8t] [0e] [0e]
[8p] [0e] [0e]t[7r] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W]r[6e] [80] [80]r[6t] [80y] [80u]
[9y] [qe] [qe]
[9p] [qe] [qe]y[8t] [0e] [0e]
[8p] [0e] [0e]t[7r] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W]r[6e] [80] [80]
6 [80] [80]
[8t] [0w] [0w]
[8o] [0w] [0w][ts][7ra] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W][ra][8ts] [0w] [0w]
[8o] [0w] [0w][ts][7ra] [0W] [0W]
7 [0W] [0W]
[9yd] [qe] [qe]
[9pj] [qe] [qe][yd][8ts] [0e] [0e]
[8pj] [0e] [0e][ts][7ra] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W][ra][6ep] [80] [80][ra]
[6ts] [80yd] [80uf]
[9yd] [qe] [qe]
[9pj] [qe] [qe][yd][8ts] [0e] [0e]
[8pj] [0e] [0e][ts][7ra] [0W] [0W]
[7OH] [0W] [0W][ra][6ep] [80] [80]
6 [80] [80]
[6j]80e08[6u]80e[0s]8[6p]Level: 4Length: 01:51EasyLa Dispute (Yann Tiersen)
Yann Tiersen
Level: 5Length: 00:27IntermediateInside Out (Main Theme)
Michael Giacchino
[8wtu] u t [8t] u u [8t] t
[9wry] y t [9t] y y [9t] t
[0wtu] u t [0t] u u [0t] t
[qeti] i t [qt] i i [qt] t
[wtu] u t [wt] u u [wt] t
[wry] y t [wt] y y [wt] t
[6euo] u t [6t] u u [6t] t
[7wyo] y t [7t] y y [7t] t
[8wuo] u t [8t] u u [8t] t
[29yo] y t [2t] y y [2t] t
[3wuo] u t [3t] u u [3t] t
[4eio] i t [4t] i i [4t] t
[4eio] i t [4t] i i [4t] t
[4eio] i t [4t] i i [4t] t
[4ei] i t [4t] i i [4ts] t
[8wtus] u t [8t] u u [8td] [td]
[9wry] y t [9t] y y [9t] t
[0wtu] u [ts] [0t] [us] u [0t] [td]
[qetig] i t [qt] i i [qt] [tf]
[wtug] u t [wt] u uf[wt]dt
[wrys] y t [wt] [ys] y [wt] t
[6eu] u t [6t] u u [6t] t
[7wy] y t [7t] y y [7ta] t
[8wtus] u t [8t] u u [8t] t
[9wrys]dygt [9t] y y [9t] [tf]
[0wtug] u t [0t] u u [0t] t
[qetig] iftd[qt] [id] i [qt] [th]
[wtu] u t [wt] [uh] u [wt] t
[wry] y t [wt] y y [wt] t
[wry] [yh] tg[wt]f[yd] y [wt] t
[6qeu] u [ts] [6t] u u [6t] t
[7wy] y t [7t] [ya] y [7t] t
[60eus] u t [6t] u u [6t] t
[6usf] u t [6tsj] u u [6tfl] t
[4yipd] y t [4t] y y [4t] t
[4y] y t [4t] [yps] y [4t] t
[5yoa] y r [5r] y y [5r] r
[5yad] y r [5rof] y y [5rah] r
[6ups] u t [6t] u u [6t] t
[6u] u t [6t] [yoa] y [6r] r
[4etp] e q [4q] e e [4q] q
[4usf] u t [qtsj] u u [qtfl] t
[2yipd] y t [2t] y y [2t] t
[2y] y t [2t] [3yos] y [3t] t
[5yoa] y r [5r] y y [5r] r
[3rya] r w [3wtp] e e [3wro] w
[60etp] 0 0 [60t] 0 0 [60t] 0
[60tp] 0 0 [60u] 0 0 [60p] 0
[6upsf] 0 t [6psfj] 0 t [6sfjl] t
[4qyipd] y t [4qt] y y [4qt] t
[4qy] y t [4qt] [yips] y [4qt] yt
[5wryoa] y r [5wr] y y [5wr] r
[5yoad] 9 r [5uoaf] 9 r [5oadh] r
[6etups] u t [6et] u u [30t] t
[6eu] u t [6et] [yoa] y [5wr] r
[4qetip] t e [4qe] t t [4qe] e
[6upsf] 0 t [6psfj] 0 t [6sfjl] t
[29yipd] y t [29t] [2y] y [29t] t
[29y] y t [29t] [3tuos] 8 9 8
[5wryoa] y r [5wr] y y [5wr] r
[3ruoa] 7 w [3erup] 7 w [3wruo] w
[6etup] 0 e 0 [60]6666 6
[1wtuo]8181 8 18181 8
18181 8 18181 8
[1sfhl]818[1ak] [8pj] [1a]8[1oh]8[1oh] 8
[2idg]9[2ig]92 [9osh] [2oah]929[2s] 9
[3sfhl]030[3ak] [0pj] [3a]0[3oh]0[3oah] 0
[4idg]q[4ig]q4 [qusf] [4yad]q4q[4ts] q
[5sfhl]w5w[5ak] [wpj] [5a]w[5oh]w[5oh] w
[5idg]w[5ig]w5 [wosh] [5oah]w5w[5s] w
[6sfhl]e6e[6ak] [epj] [6a]e[6oh]e[6oah] e
[7idg]r[7ig]r7 [rusf] [7yad]r7r[7ts] r
[1sfhl]818[1ak] [8pj] [1a]8[1oh]8[1oh] 8
[2idg]9[2ig]92 [9osh] [2oah]929[2s] 9
[3sfhl]030[3ak] [0pj] [3a]0[3oh]0[3oah] 0
[4idg]q[4ig]q4 [qusf] [4yad]q4q[4ts] q
[5sfhl]w5w[5ak] [wpj] [5a]w[5oh]w[5oh] w
[5idg]w[5ig]w5 [wosh] [5oah]w5w[5s] w
[6sfhl]e6e[6ak] [epj] [6a]e[6oh]e[6oah] e
[7idg]r[7ig]r7 [rusf] [7yad]r7r[7ts] r
[4qtis]|[id] [pg]||f
[5wosg]| f [id] [us]|
[30wtu]||[us]| [id]
[4qpg]||t g [yi]fds
[59wty]||[ry] aa s
[7wy]||[ya] s
[29os][ad][pg]||[of] [sg]
[38w] s|a p|ofd
[7wy]| a[oa]| [is][us]
[18]|0|e|t [us]
[37w]|9|[0ps]|w [ad]
[48qpg]|t|[7y] g [6i]fds
[7wy]||a[ya] s
[38w]| [pg][of]|[pg]|
[5waf]|[id] [id]| [ps]|
[5w]||a[ya] s
[18tus]Level: 8Length: 04:04ExpertNow We Are Free (Gladiator)
Hans Zimmer
[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[tp] o o i i u y o
[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[tp] o o i i u y o
[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[8wf]|0|[8eg] f d s
[58s] o s d [7wa] o a s
[etp] o o i [ei] u y t
[8wipd]|[epg]|[tsf] y t r
[5wgk]|0 h [58sf]||
[57dk]|w h [8wsf]||
[59ry]|7 u [8tu]|7|
6| t [48u]|[5o]|
[59qod]| f [etosf]|r|
[qeip] f [9qj] h [0wf]|f d
[5wad]|0 f [9I]|p a
[6qps]|e d [qes] a p f
[9edG]| h [0wf] G d f
[8sh]|[tsh]|[rsh]|[sh] w
[80esh]|[sh] w [8wsh]|[sh]|
[8sf] 0 [wd] 9 [79dg]|f|
[5ad] 9 [eg]|[8wusf]|0|
8|[5wsf]|[qeg]|w f
[59od] f g f [8sf] 0 w|
[0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
[0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
[79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
[rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
[79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
[rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
[ry] Q r Q [ry] w r w
[eu] 0 e [0I] [79I]|[6]| 7|[9ad]|[5G]|[Gj]|
[S6f]|9 G [9dG]|| [Q7a]|[9k] j [59dG]|[G] f
[60of]|9 G [O37a]|[6a] S
[59ad]|* f [9ed] S a S
[0rad]|d f [Q7ed] S [Qa] S
[5ad]|[7d] f [9ed] S [0a] p
[5oa] p [9a] S [ed] f [9G] H
[9ed] p d f [w*S] p S d
[59a] p p o [!5o] I u y 2Level: 7Length: 01:46IntermediateFlying Theme (How to Train Your Dragon)
John Powell
Q w W e|||
W w Q q|||
Q w W e|||
W w Q q|||
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||O
p a s g f [Wp] [ws] [Qf]
[qD]| |dspop| |
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||O
p a s g f [ws] [Wf] [ej]
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||
O p a s g f [Wp] [ws] [Qf]
[qD]| |dspop| |
Q w W e| j h f d s p
[qD]d| Dd| [0D]d| Dd|
[es]pop p|
W w Q
[qs]pop p| Q w W
[es]pop p| W w Q
[qs]pop p||[0f]|
[6j]Level: 4Length: 00:57EasyPink Panther (Main Theme)
Henry Mancini
[6u] [8u] [0u] [8t] [6y] 9 q 9
[%y] [9y] [0y] [9r] [6t] [8t] [0y] [8u]
[6t] [9t] [qt] [9e] [%r] [9y] [0t] [9r]
[6u] [8t] [0r] [8e] [3r] % [7W] 0
[6e] [8e] [0e] [8e] [6y] [9e] [qe] [9e]
[6u] [8t] [0r] [8e] [%r] [9y] [0t] [9r]
[6e] 8 0 [8e] [2y] 4 6 [9t]r
[4t] 6 8 q [30] [%y] [7t] [9r]
[6e] 8 0 [8e] [2y] 4 6 [9t]r
[6u] 8 [0e] 8 3 %r[7e] [0W]
[4q] [tip] [tip] [tip] ^ [yiP] [yiP] [yiP]
6 [tup] [tup] [psf] [30] [ruO] [ruO] [ruO]
[4q] [tip] [tip] [tip] [29] [ipd] [ipd] [ipd]
[30] [Oud] [Oud] [Oud] [Ous]|a|
4 [tip] [tip] [tip] ^ [yiP] [yiP] [yiP]
6 [tup] [tup] [psf] 3 [ruO] [ruO] [ruO]
4 [tip] [tip] [tip] 2 [ipd] [ipd] [ipd]
3 [Oud] [Oud] [Oud] [Ous]|a|
[6f] [8f] [0f] [8s] [6d] 9 q 9
[%d] [9d] [0d] [9a] [6s] [8s] [0d] [8f]
[6s] [9s] [qs] [9p] [%a] [9d] [0s] [9a]
[6f] [8s] [0a] [8p] [3a] % [7O] 0
[6p] [8p] [0p] [8p] [6d] [9p] [qp] [9p]
[6f] [8s] [0a] [8p] [%a] [9d] [0s] [9a]
[6p] 8 0 [8p] [2d] 4 6 [9s]a
[4s] 6 8 q [3u] [%d] [7s] [9a]
[6p] 8 0 [8p] [2d] 4 6 [9s]a
[6f] 8 [0p] 8 3 [%a] [7p] [0O]
[ep]Level: 5Length: 00:56IntermediateVois Sur Ton Chemin
Bruno Coulais
[8w]| 8 8||
[8w]| 8 8| o
[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8wu]| 8 [8i]||
[8y]|i 8 [8u]||
[8w]|u 8 [8i]||
[8y]|i [8u] [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]| [8o] [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]| [8o] [8u]||
[579y]| u [8tu]|7|
[579y]| u [8tu]|7|
[36p] u p o [37u]|u y
[59ry]| u [$69e]|e r
[48et]| y [8t] r e w
[Q9e]| G f G d f
h|[th]|[rh]|h w
[eg]|f w [8d]|d|
[8wtu]| 8 [8yi]||
[8ry]|i [8u] [8tu]||
[8w]|[tu] 8 [8yi]| u
[8y] u i [8u] [8tu]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]|o 8 [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]|p [8o] [8uo]||
[%Y] [%u] [%i] [%I] [%o] [%O]
[%p] [%P] [%a] [%s] [%S] [%d]
[1PSG]||[1g] S1P
[1o]|G|[1g] S1P
[Spf]|1111 h G
[Spf]|1111 j G
[$hl]||%| io
[@EYo] 4 5 [6tip] 7 8
[9ed] p d [9f] [9S] p S d
[9a] p p [9o] [9o] I u y
[9ed] p d [9f] [9S] p S d
[9a] p p [9o] [9o] I [eu] y
[S60f]| G [9dG]||
[S60f]| G [9dG]||
[$7a] I a p [$I]|I u [60u]| I [%70r]|r T
[579ry]| u y T r e
[W0r]| f d S a p
[9wa]| u y T r e
d p d f S p S d
a p p o o I u y
w Q 0 9 2Level: 6Length: 02:24IntermediateTest Drive (How To Train Your Dragon)
John Powell
kfjfkfhjLevel: 5Length: 01:50IntermediateExorcist Theme
Mike Oldfield
[ij] s g j s j
[uh] s f h s h
[yg] p d g p g
[tf] o s f o f
[Edz] i P d i d
[esl] i p s i s
[wak] y o a [esl]|
[8s] w [th] w [th] w
[0h] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qs] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qj] t i t i t
[0s] t [uh] t [uh] t
[eh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9g] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8s] w t u o|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[Ed] i P d i d
[es] i p s i s
[wa] y o a [es]|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
[6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
[5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
[6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
[5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[qp] t i p t p
[0o] t u o t o
[8tus]Level: 6Length: 02:10IntermediateLavender's Blue (Cinderella)
a s u o||
a s u o i |
a s u o||
a s u o i|
y u i i|uLevel: 1Length: 00:19Super EasyWhat Was I Made For (Billie Eilish)
Billie Eilish
S s P|
P s S s P O O|
P s S s P O O|Level: 1Length: 00:11Super EasyI’m Just Ken (Barbie)
Mark Ronson
[80osf]|[0w] d [0wf]|
o||p o
s||s s
d| f d|
f| d f|
[8o]||[9p] [0o]
[es]||[es] [es]
[qd]| [wf] [ed]|
[uf]| [yd] [tf]|
[18tuo]||p o
[6eups]||s s
[4qipd]| f d|
[18osf]| d f|
[8tuo]|[0w]|[0wp] o
[6ups]|[80]|[80s] s
[qipd]|[ey] f [eyd]|
[8osf]|[0w] d [0wf]|
[6psf]|[80] s [80] f
[9ipd]|[qe] p [qe] d
[6ups]|[80] p [80] s
[8psf]|[80] s [80] f
[9ipd]|[qe] p [qe] d
[6ups]|[80] p [80] s
[6etup]|e 6 e|
[18tuo]||p o
[6eups]||s s
[4qipd]| f d|
[18osf]| d f|
[18tuo]||[18p] o
[6eups]||[6es] s
[4qipd]| f [4qd]|
[18osf]| d [18f]|
[18fhl]Level: 7Length: 01:45IntermediateOutlander (The Skye Boat Song)
Bear McCreary
[8wtu] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8ts] 8 8 8
[8oh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8ts] 8 8 8
[8oh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8tos] 8 8 8
[8osh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
[1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
[1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
[1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
[1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
[1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
[1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
[1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
[1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
[1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8uos] 8a8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 [8t] 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [8uos] 8a8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [5eti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 [8t] 8 [5eti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1Level: 6Length: 03:24IntermediateChariots of Fire (Main Theme)
p f [sj]| |
u a [fh]| |
p f [sj]| |
u a [fh]| f h [esj] u p| j h
[0af] r o| f h [esj] u p l k h
[0adf] r o| f h [9sgj] e y i [os] t
[qps] e t i [td] e [8of] [wh] t u t w
[5ypa] 9 [wo] r [wu] [9o]
[6tp] 0 e t [ep] [0o]
[3wu] 7 0 w [0u] [7o]
[4tp] 8 q [ws] [ed] qg
[8odf] w [ts] u [thx] [wgz]
[2dgl] q e [yhk] [egj] q
[3sh] 8 [wof] t [ws] 0
[4shj] 8 q w e t tip| |s d
[5f] 0 w [td] [us] w
[4p] 8 [ws] e t q
[1s] 5 8 9 0 w wtu| |
o P [8s] w Y t s P
[8o] w y E o P
[8s] ( t [WD] d P
[^o] 9 E w o P
[%Es] ( [8W] ( [8Y] %
[w^Y] 4 [9q] 8 [^i] 4
[1o] [5t] [0t] 9 8 5
[1w] 5 [0t] 9 8 5
[3r] 7 [wu] Q 0 7
[1w] 5 [0t] 9 8 5
[3r] 7 W Q [0O] [7a]
[u!S] % * 0 [*S] [%a]
[r%O] % 7 ( [7O] [%a]
[6uS] 0 e [rf] [TG] 0j
[3aGH] 7 [0f] W [0aH] [7pG]
[$Ipf] * Q [eaD] [pQS] *
[%ua] 7 [0O] r [Wu] 0
[6S] 0 e r T| u I
[3O] 7 0 I u|
[6T] 0 e| [ru]| [W3ru]Level: 6Length: 01:27IntermediateShrek (Fairytale)
Harry Gregson-Williams
[tu]osf f o[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws]
tuos [os] y[oa] [wid] [8us]|
[8uo] ss s s[wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
[8uo] ss ss [wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of] d|s[qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] [id]|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf]|d[es] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [0s] s[tf] f o
[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws] tuos [os] y
[oa] [wid] [8us]|
[8uo] ss s s[wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
[8uo] ss ss [wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of] d|s[qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] [id]|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf]|d[es] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of] d|s[qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of]|d[0s] [qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] d|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf] d|s[qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [0s] s[tf] f o
[wad] [wg] [8sf] [es] [wa]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] s [wia]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] o [qip]p p[es] [qp]
[8uo]o o[0s] s [wia]a a[wd] a
[8us] w 8 s [wa]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] s [wia]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] o [qip]p p[es] [qp]
[8uo]o o[0s]|o[wia] a [wd] a
[8us]| [wf] [qd][0s][qip]| 8 q
[80o]| [wf] [qd][0s][wad]| 9 w
[80]| [wf] [qd][0s][qep]| f [qd]s
[wa] o 9 w [80o] ps|w
[8uo] w tfds[qep] ss p[qd]
[woa]| 9o[wa]d[tpf]| [rd] [es]
[Qtp]| fd[es] [qep] i fd[es]
[qrp] o| [qrp] [0s]os[tf] f o
[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws] tuos [os] y
[oa] [wid] [8us]|
8 w [8of][9d][0s]
[qip]|8e q [8uo] 0 [wf][qd][0s]
[wid]|9w 9 [8uo]| [wf][qd][0s]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[8of]| t w [8E] [of]|d[0s]
[qep] ss p[qd] [wrio] d [id]|s
[etf] fd fd [Qtps] f|ds
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf]d[ws]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf]d[ws]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[etp] of d[es] [Qtp] of d[Qs]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws]
tuos s o[ia] [wid] [8us] [8us]Level: 5Length: 03:18IntermediateUnder The Sea (Intermediate)
Alan Menken
[ef] t [up] t e t u t
e t u [tf] [wd] [rf] [yg] [rh]
[tf] u [os] u t u o u
[rf] u [Oa] u r u O u
[es] t [up] t e t u t
e t u t e t u t
[efx] t [upj] t e t u t
e t u [tfx] [wdz] [rfx] [ygc] [rhv]
[tfx] u [osl] u t u o u
[rfx] u [Oak] u r u O u
[esl] t [upj] t e t u t
e t u t e t u tLevel: 5Length: 00:28IntermediateA Serious Game (Main Theme)
Matti Bye
p a s f k l [Ox]||
p a s f k l [Ij]||
p a s f k l [Ox]||
o a s f k l [ij]|p|d|
[pk] a [sx]|f x [Ox] a s|f|
[ox] a [sc]|f x [Idz]|p|d|
[iz] p [dx]| z [ul] p [sz]|l|
[Yk] p [sJ]|k|[ux]|a|d|
[ep]|[uf]| f [Wf] u [Os]||
[wf] u [og]| f [Qd] y [Ip]||
[qd] y [if]| d [0s] t [ud]| s
[0a]|[ys]| a [ep] u p|f j
[ygj] p [fh]|[dg]|[esfj] u [psf]||
[0aH]|[sj]|[dk]|e| p [sf]|
[0dg]|[sf]|[ad]|e|[sf] p [sf]|
[0dg]|[sf]|[ad]|[ed] u [sf]| f
[Wsf] t u|p|[wf] t [uosg]| f
[Qd] e [Iyp]|d|[qd] e [yif]|d|
[0s] e [tu]|d s [(a] Q [rYP]|a|
[uf] i u y t 8 [ep] u [sf]| f
[Wf] t [usf]| f [wf] t [uog]|f|
[Qd] e [Iyp]|p|[qgj] e [yfh]|g|
[0gj] t [usf]|f|[0aH]|[Qsj]|[Wdk]|
[ep]|[sf] p [sf]|[dg]|[sf]|[ad]|
[ep]|[sf] p [sf]|[0dg]|[Qsf]|[Wad]|
e|[sf] p [sf]|[0dg]|[Qsf]|[Wad]|
[ep] t u a s f j p f j k l xLevel: 5Length: 01:22IntermediateChim Chim Cher-ee (Mary Poppins)
Sherman Brothers
e t i t u t p|c|x|
e t i t u t u O p a s d
[ef] t u t [pg]|
[rf] u O u a|
[Th] u p u [pg]|
[yd] i p i p|
g|d p [id] y
[tf] u [ps]|u p
[id] y e|q|
[ef] t u t [pg]|
[rf] u O u a|
[Tf] u p u [pj]|
[yd] i p i p|
g|d p [id] y
[tf] u p [us] [tp] e
[2o] e [6y] e [qyi] e
[6o] e [9y] e [qyi] e
[6i] e [qt] e [0tu] e
[8u] r t y t r
[7ei] q 9 8 [7u] 6
[6ti] q 0 9 [8u] 7
[T6u] 0 e|w|
w e u e [qy] e
w e u e [qy] e
q e y e [0t] e
0 t p t [8u] t
7 e i e [8u] e
7 e y e [8Y] e
0 e r t y i [3i] u O a fLevel: 5Length: 00:50IntermediateOnce Upon a December (Stephen Flaherty)
Stephen Flaherty
p| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
[4p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
[6p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
[4p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
[1p] 1 [1f] 1 [1p] 1 [1f] 1 [7p] 7 [7f] 7 7| |
[68]0W| W 6 [6e]| e 6 [6r]| r 6 [6t]| t 6
[48]qW| W 4 [4e]| e 4 [4r]| r 4 [4t]| t 4
[18]0W| W 1 [1e]| e 1 [1r]| r 1 [1t]| t 1
[29]QW| W 2 [2e]| e 2 [2r]| r 2 [2t]| t 2
[68]0W| W 3 [6e]| e 36[6r]| r 36[6t]| t 3
[48]qW| W 1 [4qe]| e 48[4qr]| r 8[4q][4qt]| t 8
[18]0W| W 15[1e]| e 15[18r]| r 15[18t]| t 5
[79]QW| W $7[7e]| e [$7][$7][7r]| r [$7][$7][$7t]| [$7t]Level: 5Length: 01:18Intermediate28 Days Later Theme
John Murphy
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]||d [8d]||
g [8g]| |8|
f s [wd]||a o| [8f] s [wd]| |w|
h s [eg]||[wf] [wf]||d [wd]| |w|
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]| o| [8h]|
g f [8g]| |8|
h d [8g]||f [wd]|
h d [Eg]| |E| [wh] d [eg]||[wf] [qd]|
g j [wk]| |w|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [qJ]| |q|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [wl]| |[wk]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
s a [8s]| o| [qi]|
s a [8a] s||[8g]| d|
[wgl]| |w| |
[whk]| |w| |
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |w| |8Level: 4Length: 01:18EasyJurassic Park Theme
John Williams
u s a
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 0 [6f] 8 [0g]
[6f] 9 q [6d] 9 q [6d] 9 [qf]
[6d] 8 0 [6s] 8 0
6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0o]
[6i] 9 q [6u] 9 q [6y] 9 [qu]
[6y] 8 0 [6t] 8 0 6 8 0Level: 4Length: 00:18EasyIn Noctem (Harry Potter)
John Williams
5|5|^ 8
5|5|4 $
5|5|^ 8
5|5|4 $
[5P]oy5|^ 8
[5P]oT5|4 $
[5P]ot5|^ 8
[5E]t 5|4 $
5|5|^ 8
5|5|4 $
[5P]oG5|^ 8
[5P]og5|4 $
[5P]of5|^ 8
[5D]d 5|4 $
[5o]|[5o]|[^P] [8s]
[5o]|[5o]|[4i] [$I]
[5o]|[5o]|[^P] [8s]
[5o]|[5o]|[4i] [$I]
[5o]Level: 4Length: 00:42EasyMission Impossible Theme (Easy)
Lalo Schifrin
q w W|
[WY] t Y t Y y 9 r|||
[WY] t Y t Y i 9 y||
[wo]Yo o Y [WY]||
[9i]YiYi o [qi] o o O
[5o] P|O [5o] i| r|W|wLevel: 4Length: 00:19EasyWe Don't Talk About Bruno (Encanto)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
e| r| t| u|o|||
iu| yYu p up u|
Yyty o yo t|
r| e| r| t| u|o|||
iu| yYu p up u|
Yyty o yo t| r|
e w ep o|i op u|||
y|t y|Y|t Y|u|||
u e| r| t| u|o|||
iu| yYu p up t| r| eLevel: 2Length: 01:00EasyHerman's Habit (La La Land)
Justin Hurwitz
o| d s|
a|poio| t
a|poio| t y|||
u t| o u|yt| o u|
yt u o sa| pap|
op| o| d s|
a|poio| t
a|poio| t y|||
u t| u| o s| d| s o|||
apoio| tapoio| t| i y|||u t|||
o| d s|
a|poio| t
a|poio| t y|||
u t| o u|yt| o u|
yt u o sa| pap|
op| o| d s|
a|poio| t
a|poio| t y|||
u t| u| o s| d| s o|||
apoio| tapoio| t| i y|||u t|||tLevel: 2Length: 01:54EasyMoon River (Easy)
Henry Mancini
t t t w t u y| u|
w| 0| 8|
t| t w t u y||
t t w t u i u t|
w i u t|
t t w t u o||
o o i u i o t|
t y| u| t|
u y| t y| u| p|
t t t w t u y| u| w| 0|
t t t t t w t u y| t|
l| k| lLevel: 2Length: 00:31EasyDo You Want to Build a Snowman? (Easy)
Kristen Bell
[wo]|d|d|s a
[ws] a p|p|o p
[wa]|p a s|a o
[wo]|d|d|s a
[ws] a p|p|o p
[wa]|p a s|a o
[8s]|h|h|g f
[8g] f d|d|s d
[8f]|d f g|f s
[8s]|h|h|g f
[8g] f d|d|s d
[8f]|d f g|f d
[wd]|[8s]Level: 4Length: 00:36EasyTop Gun Anthem
Harold Faltermeyer
[ef] d [us] d [pf] g [ef]|u|p|e|u|p|
[ef] d [us] d [pf] g [ed]|i|p|e|i|p|
[ed] s [ia] s [pd] f
[ef] d [us] d [pf] g [ef]|u|p|e|u|p|
[ef] d [us] d [pf] g [ed]|i|p|e|i|p|
[ed] s [ia] s [pd] f
[ef] d [us] d [pf] g [ef]|u|p|e|u|p|
[ef] d [us] d [pf] g [ed]|i|p|e|i|p|
[ed] s [ia] s [pd] f
[ef] d [us] d [pf] g [ef]|u|p|e|u|p|
[ef] d [us] d [pf] g [ed]|i|p|e|i|p|
[ed] s [ia] s [pd] f
[px] z [sl] z [fx] c [px]|s|f|
p|s|f|x z l z x c
z l k l z x
[pjb] v c x [OHz] l k j [oh] g f d
[sOH] a p|a|s a [60ep]||
6|p|6Level: 6Length: 02:32IntermediatePans Labyrinth Lullaby
Javier Navarrete
[4f]gglgglgLg[6l]gglgglgLg[3k]ffkffkflf[3k]ffkffkflfLevel: 4Length: 00:32EasyHalloween Theme (John Carpenter)
John Carpenter
0ru [uO]
u p s [9p]sft [psf]
[0d] [ys] a [es] t|
e upsf[9j] t j
[wj] [yh] g [th] u|
[waf] [ru]afh[Qk] t j
[rh] [YG] h
[0j] r h
[9G] w f
[8d] [ws] d
[7f] [Qd] p
[0a] eupa[0rip]|
kzl|k [W0r]| zlkjHgf|
e [tu] [tu]
0 [tu] [tu]
e [tu] [tu]
[0u] [tup] [tus]
[9f] [qe] [qef]
[0d] [Wys] [Wya]
[es] [tu] [tu]
[ep] [tus] [tuf]
[9j] [et] [etj]
[wj] [ryh] [ryg]
[8h] [wr] [wr]
[wa] [rf] [rh]
[qk] [et] [etj]
[7h] [q(G] [(qh]
[0j] [wr] [wrh]
[9G] [wr] [wrf]
[8d] [ws] [wd]
[7f] [Qd] [Qp]
[0a] r r
0ru [uO] u p s
[9p]sft [psf]
[0d] [ys] a [es] t|
e upsf[9j] t j
[wj] [yh] g [th] u|
[waf] [ru]afh[Qk] t j
[rh] [YG] h
[0j] r h
[9G] w f
[8d] [ws] d
[7f] [Qd] p
[0a] eupa[0rip]|
kzl|k [W0r]| zlkjHgf|
e [tu] [tu]
0 [tu] [tu]
e [tu] [tu]
[0u] [tup] [tus]
[9f] [qe] [qef]
[0d] [Wys] [Wya]
[es] [tu] [tu]
[ep] [tus] [tuf]
[9j] [et] [etj]
[wj] [ryh] [ryg]
[8h] [wr] [wr]
[wa] [rf] [rh]
[qk] [et] [etj]
[7h] [q(G] [(qh]
[0j] [wr] [wrh]
[9G] [wr] [wrf]
[8d] [ws] [wd]
[7f] [Qd] [Qp]
[0a] r rLevel: 5Length: 02:03IntermediateMerry Go Round of Life
Joe Hisaishi
1| [yuo]| |t 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1| [yuo]| |t 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1| [yuo]| |t 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
[4r] 8 q 8 e 8 q [48]
[4t] 8 q 8 e 8 [qr] [48]
[1w] 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |[5e]|
[4r] 8 q 8 e 8 q [48]
[4t] 8 q 8 e 8 [4qe] 8
[1w] 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |[5e]|
[48qw] 8 q [8qe] 1| 8|
[48qw] 8 q [8qe] 1| 8|
[48qw] 8 q [8qe] 1| 8|
[48qe]| |1| 4 e
[59we] 9 w [9wr] 2| 9|
[59we] 9 w [9wr] 2| |
[5wr]| |[et]| |
[ry]| |[tu]| [yi]|
[1o] 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1| [yuo]| |t 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
[4r] 8 q 8 e 8 q [48]
[4t] 8 q 8 e 8 [qr] [48]
[1w] 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |[5e]|
[4r] 8 q 8 e 8 q [48]
[4t] 8 q 8 e 8 [4qe] 8
[1w] 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |[5e]|
[48qw] 8 q [8qe] 1| 8|
[48qw] 8 q [8qe] 1| 8|
[48qw] 8 q [8qe] 1| 8|
[48qe]| |1| 4 e
[59we] 9 w [9wr] 2| 9|
[59we] 9 w [9wr] 2| |
[5wr]| |[et]| |
[ry]| |[tu]| [yi]|
[1o] 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |[5e]|
[4o] e t e i e t [4e]
[4u] e t e y e t [4e]
[4o] e t e i e t [4e]
[4u] e t e [ey] q e [4q]
[1w] 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |[5e]|
[4o] e t e i e t [4e]
[4u] e t e y e t [4e]
[4o] e t e i e t [4e]
[4u] e t e [ty] e [4ei] q
[1o] 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5
1 5 [8yuo] 9 0 9 [8t] 5
6| [rtu]| |e 5Level: 6Length: 03:54IntermediateTwin Peaks Theme
Angelo Badalamenti
[48qi]|u|i|t|[ei]|u|[ti] t e|
[48qi]|u|i|t|[ei]|u|[ti] u t e
[48qi]||t|[59wo]|||u||p|o|[158u]Level: 6Length: 01:10IntermediateThe Avatar's Love (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Leona Lewis
[ih][js]x | uadhl | ypsgJ | Tafjz
[qeru] f f f f d f j f dd | [eyo] d d d d s d h d s a s
pa[wtis] s s s s | pa[qrus] s s s a s | pa[0eys] s s s s h | s [9wtd] 0ey
[4 q e r u] f f f f d f j [5f] [0d]d q w y
[150ey] d d d d s d h [8d] [es] [ya] [os]
pa[9eios] s s s [ys] | pa[0yuos] s s s [ta] s
pa [qtYos] s s s [is] h gD [wtyid]Level: 7IntermediateOne Summer's Day (Spirited Away)
Joe Hisaishi