Music Sheet Difficulty Intermediate

Enjoy this range of intermediate piano songs for competent Virtual Pianists. Intermediate songs contain multiple octaves as well as fast and slow rhythms. They also require you to play 3-5 keys at the same time. Intermediate piano songs include Solfeggietto by Bach, All of Me by John Legend, Memories by Maroon 5 and Wiegenlied by Johannes Brahms. Practice these songs when you have mastered songs in the Easy category.

Music Sheets

  • 8 [wu] [to] [us] [of] h [uoak] [YIpj]
    [yiph] p P [wyia] h [Dw] d
    [8us] [wo] s s s [(YIis] a p
    [9tio] o o [5rio] p 5 o
    [8o] u [wo] s [tf] s o O p
    [Pw] d [5j] g [8h] f [ws] o
    [qpg] p s s o 8 p p [qsj] [pg] p
    [S6opf] P [0o] [S6opf] P 6 p
    [9pdg] [ei] [yp] d [9g] p P
    [5a] d j H [wagh] 5 o
    [8osfh] [psfj] [8u] [8osfh] p s o
    [9osgh] [psgj] [9o] [5osgh] o o
    [8sf] [sfh] [sfhl] [H8sfl] [sf] [H8flx] [sf]
    [sfjl] [dfjl] s [sfjl] [Hqsgl] [qsf] d
    [6sfjl] u [us] [ufjl] 6 f j l
    [edhk] d h k [6esfj] [5wp] a
    [qsgj] i [isgj] [0i] [9ipsg] u [ipsg] [oh]
    5 [5woh] [6eoh] [7roh]
    [8h] h [tuohxv] [GC] [gc] 9 [fx] [eyi] p
    [ws] [yia] [8d] s [tuov] x z l
    6 [ak] [etu] [pj] [WHuak] [wushjl]
    [G9sfjx] [Iypdz] [5psgjl] [oa] [wyik]
    [8sh] [sh] [tuoshxv] [GCs] [agc] 9 [pfx] [yip] p
    [0s] [Oua] [6d] [sl] [etudz] [sfx]
    q z [ipsx] j [qad] [ps] [ipasd] [sf]
    [Hq] [Ois] H [qd] f [Oisg] [fhv]
    8 [fh] [tuofh] [dhv] ^ f [Edg] [Shv]
    [6e] [S6epf] [7rpdg] [Tpfh] [9ypsgj] [sj] [9sj] [H9asdh] [0adh] [qsdgj] p [5ops] [oa] [5ioaf] [ioad] [uos] 8 w f h [0hk] f [(Gj] D [9gh] p p P [wa] h [D5] d [8wus] [os] s [YIs] ( [Ya] p [Io] 9 [to] [io] [rio] 5 p [5o] o [8u] u [wo] s [tf] s o [Pid] 5 i P d [8osf] [0osh] [qpsj] p p [qpg] P [qp] p [S6ej] p p [6eopf] P [6p] p [9ipdg] e [yp] d [9g] p P [5a] d j H [wagh] 5 o [8osfh] [psfj] [8u] [8osfh] p s o [9osgh] [psgj] [9o] [5osgh] o o [8sf] [sfh] [sfhl] [H8sfl] [Hsflx] 8 [sf] [sfjl] [sdfjl] [sfjl] [Hqsgl] [qsf] [sd] [6sfjl] u [us] [ufjl] 6 f j l [edhk] d h k [esfj] [wp] a [qsgj] i [isgj] [0i] [9psg] u i [9o] [5adh] [5woh] [6eoh] [7roh] [8h] h [tuohxv] [GC] [gc] 9 [fx] [eyi] p [ws] [yia] [8d] s [tuov] x z l 6 [ak] [etu] [pj] [WHuak] [wushjl] [G9sfjx] [Iypdz] [5psgjl] [oa] [wyik] [8sh] [sh] [tuoshxv] [GCs] [agc] 9 [pfx] [yip] p [0s] [Oua] [6d] [sl] [etudz] [sfx] q z [ipsx] j [qad] [ps] [ipasd] [sf] [Hq] [Ois] H [qd] f [Oisg] [fhv] 8 [fh] [tuofh] [dhv] ^ f [Edg] [Shv] [6e] [S6epf] [7rpdg] [Tpfh]
    [9ypsgj] [sj] [9sj] [H9asdh] [0adh] [qsdgj] p
    [5ops] [oa] [5ioaf] [ioad] [uos]
    [8uos] u [8o] s w o s [od]
    8 o [8d] [of] w o [fh] s
    [Hqdg] W [Htdg] i [Hdg] s [Hdg] a
    [tsfh] [wo] [tsfh] y [usfh] o [sfh] [0f]
    [qsfj] [dgj] q [wsgh] [agh] d
    [8s] f [wh] f [8uhlx] o [8s] [sfjlx]
    q d [%WHsglc] [%Wsf]
    [6eadhkz] [psfjl] [6epsfjl] [5woadhk]
    [qpsgj] a s [sgj] 0 [9sfj] [sfj] 8
    [7afgh] g h [agh] 7 [7agh] [6psgj] f
    [5adgh] 5 [8h] h [tuohxv] [GC] [gc]
    9 [fx] [eyi] p [ws] [yia]
    [8d] s [tuov] x z l 6 [ak] [etu] [pj]
    [WHuak] [wushjl] [G9sfjx] [Iypdz]
    [5psgjl] [oa] [wyik] [8sh] [sh] [tuoshxv] [GCs] [agc]
    9 [pfx] [yip] p [0s] [Oua]
    [6d] [sl] [etudz] [sfx] q z [ipsx] j
    [qad] [ps] [ipasd] [sf] [Hqx] [Ois] H
    [qd] f [Oisg] [fhv] 8 [fh] [tuofh] [dhv]
    ^ f [Edg] [Shv] [6e] [S6epf]
    [7rpdg] [Tpfh] [9ypsgj] [sj] [9sj] [H9psg] [0adh] [qsdgj] p [5ops] [oa] [5ioaf] [ioad] [uos] 8 o [ws] d [8sf] d [^sf] [dg] [S6fh] [6pf] [7pdg] [Sph] [9psgj] [sj] [9sj] [H9psg] [0adh]
    [qsdgj] p [5wpsghl] [oaghk]
    [ofhv] [od] [os] [tofl] f h l
    [YIDGl] k j h [yisg] [oh] [oh]
    [wisgh] [wdh] [8dghl] d [wdh] v
    [tflxv] w [8l] [wx] [tv] m

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:58
    Thank You For The Music


  • d a p o [ya] | y d a p o [ya] | d a p o [ya] p o | y u [ry] | d a p o [ya] p o | y u [ry] | y y d a p o [ya] | y d a p o [ya] | y y d a p o [ya] p o | y u [ry] | d a p o [ya] p o | y u y a p o [tp] | u | p a p o [tp] | u | u p a [tp] o p | o | p a o p | p a p o o | o p p p a o u y r e w | p p p a o u y r e w | p p p a o u y r e w | p a o | p a o | o p p p a o u y r e w | p p p a o u y r e w | p p p a o u y r e w | p a o | p a o | [suo] d o | [suo] d o | o o | [suo] d o | [suo] d o o p o | [yos] d o | [yos] d o | o o | o s d o | s | d | s
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:40
    Shake It Off

    Taylor Swift

  • o o o o o o o u t u o u o s [tuo] u t [tu] [tu] [tuo] u o [tus] [tu] [tuo] [wy] [0t] [wyo] o [tuo] [uo] [yi] [tuo] o [yio] [tu] [wy] [yio] o [tuo] [wy] [0t] [tuo] o [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wsh] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] [5wph] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] w w [180w] w w [180w] w w [180t] [180y] [180u] w w [180w] w w [180t] u u [579y] [579r] [579w] w w [180w] w w [180w] w w [180t] [180y] [180u] t u o [7qw] [7qw] [7qw] i u y [180t] [1wu] [180t] o o [180o] o o [180o] o o [180s] [180d] [180f] o o [180o] o o [180s] f f [579d] [579a] [579o] o o [180o] o o [180o] o o [180s] [180d] [180f] s f h [7qw] [7qw] [7qw] g f d [180s] [1wf] [180s] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] [ad] [6ps] [O9qa] [80p] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] j [29ah] [g9es] [29ah] [g9es] [9wah] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] [ad] [6ps] [O9qa] [80p] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] j [29ah] [g9es] [wah] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [tu] [yi] [5wy] 6 [7yi] [8tu] [9t] 0 [qtu] [wry] [5ry] [wry] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [tu] [yi] [5wy] 6 [7yi] [8tu] [9t] 0 [qtu] [wry] 5 w w w [180w] w w [180w] w w [180t] [180y] [180u] w w [180w] w w [180t] u u [579y] [579r] [579w] w w [180w] w w [180w] w w [180t] [180y] [180u] t u o [7qw] [7qw] [7qw] i u y [180t] [1wu] [180t] o o [180o] o o [180o] o o [180s] [180d] [180f] o o [180o] o o [180s] f f [579d] [579a] [579o] o o [180o] o o [180o] o o [180s] [180d] [180f] s f h [7qw] [7qw] [7qw] g f d [180s] [1wf] [180s] o a [18ws] [80ws] s [18ws] [80ws] [wo0f] [w80] [w180] [w80d] [18us] [w8a] [18es] [8qp] [180o] [180] a s [79i] o i o [79i] o p a [180u] i u i [180u] i o p [469y] u y u [469y] u y u [579y] u y u y o p a [18ws] [80ws] s [18ws] [80ws] [wo0f] [w80] [w180] [w80d] [18us] [w8a] [18es] [8qp] [180o] [180] a s [79i] o i o [79i] o p a [180u] i u i [180u] i o p [469y] u y u [579y] i u y [180t] r t r t o o o o o o o o [8ts] [9yd] [0uf] o o o o o o o o [0uf] [qig] [woh] [8ts] [9yd] [0uf] [30u] [4qi] [5wo] [18ts] [18ts] s [18ts] [18ts] [18ts] [5wo] o [5wo] [5wo] [8to] [30u] u [30u] [30u] [30u] [18t] t [18t] [18t] [18t] w [18t] w [30u] t [5wo] u [18s] o [18s] o [30f] s [5wh] f [18s] s s [18s] [18s] [18s] [18s] [18s] [18os] [18os] [150t] [150t]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:51
    William Tell Overture

    Gioachino Rossini

  • z x l j k h d f s p a o [9y] [0u] [8t] [6e] [7r] [6e] [%W] [5w] [5adh] y Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] w 8 f g G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8o] f [0wg] h [5j] h [0wf] g [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 0 h [(j] J [9k] k [wr] k 9 j [tQG] d [wrh] q 0 f [9g] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8s] [0w] 8 o [0wI] o [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [Q9tp] [Q9ts] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t w 0 x [9c] C [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8o] f [0wg] h [5j] h [0wf] g [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 0 h [(j] J [9k] k [wr] k 9 j [tQG] d [wrh] q 0 f [9g] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8s] [0w] 8 o [0wI] o [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [Q9tp] [Q9ts] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t w 8 y Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] w [18fhl] [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] [ti] [9g] [ey] [0f] H [yuk] x W z [yuk] l [etuj] [wtuPJ] 8 [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] q 0 9 [!*Og] g [8sj] l [qe] [Ph] t s [8d] f [qepg] a s d f g h [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] [ti] [9g] [ey] [0f] H [yuk] x W z [yuk] l [etuj] [wtuPJ] 8 [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] q 0 9 [!*Og] g [8sj] l [qe] [Ph] t s [8d] f [qepg] [4qjlc] [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [9tp] [9es] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t [18fhl] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [5d] f [0wd] s [5ad] [qwS] [ad] 9 S [qwad] 5 g [qwaj] g [9h] j [qwh] g [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsj] [0wsh] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [0d] f [wtd] s [qp] O [9p] h 0 g q s [wf] D [tuf] j [tQY] l [wtuh] f [I6es] [I9s] [5wif] [id] [7r] [us] [8t] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [5d] f [0wd] s [5ad] [qwS] [ad] 9 S [qwad] 5 g [qwaj] g [9h] j [qwh] g [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsj] [0wsh] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [0d] f [wtd] s [qp] O [9p] h 0 g q s [wf] D [tuf] j [tQY] l [wtuh] f [I6es] [I9s] [5wif] [id] [7r] [us] [8t] w [18fhl]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:21
    The Entertainer (Intermediate)

    Scott Joplin

  • [wr] t y u i [wry] u i o p [wri] o p a s [wrid] [9io] [io] [io] [wio] [io] [io] [8uo] [uo] [uo] [wuo] [uo] [uo] [9ya] [ya] [ya] [wya] [tp] [ya] [8us] [us] [us] [wus] [ya] [tp] [9io] [io] [io] [wio] [io] [io] [8uo] [uo] [uo] [wuo] [uo] [uo] [9ya] [ya] [ya] [wya] [tp] [ya] [8us] [wo] [8us] [sf] [9ad] w [wps] [9oa] w [wip] [8uo] w [wuo] [8uo] [wp] [wuo] [9yi] w [wyi] [9yi] [wo] [wyi] [8tu] w [wyi] [8uo] w [wsf] [9ad] w [wps] [9oa] w [wip] [8uo] w [wuo] [8uo] [wp] [wuo] [9yi] w [wya] [9ya] [wus] [wid] [8us] 0 [wo] [tus] [wra] s d f g [qrd] f g h j [9eg] h j k l [wgz] [dk] [sj] [5ah] [9gh] [qgh] [wgh] [5gh] [gh] [gh] [8fh] [0fh] [wfh] [5fh] [fh] [fh] [9dk] [qdk] [wdk] [5dk] [sj] [dk] [8fl] [fl] [fl] [wfl] [dk] [sj] [9gh] [qgh] [wgh] [5gh] [gh] [gh] [8fh] [0fh] [wfh] [5fh] [fh] [fh] [9dk] [qdk] [wdk] [5dk] [sj] [dk] [8fl] [5h] [8fl] [5gh] [8fl] [5gh] [8fl] [5gh] [5gh] [6fh] [7dh] [8fl]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:35
    Chopsticks (Intermediate)


  • [whg] [hg] [hg] [rhg] [hg] [hg] [whf] [hf] [hf] [thf] [hf] [hf] [wkd] [kd] [kd] [kid] [kd] [kd] [ul] l l [ul] [yk] [tj] [ihg] [hg] [hg] [whg] [hg] [hg] [uhf] [hf] [hf] [whf] [hf] [hf] [ykd] [kd] [kd] [wkd] [kd] [kd] [tl] l l [tl]| x [zr]| l [wk]| j [th]| [wl]| h [rg]| [zw]| g [tf]| [wl]| x [zr]| l [wk]| j [th]| [wl]| h [yg]| [zr]| k [tl]| r| e [whg] [hg] [hg] [rhg] [hg] [hg] [whf] [hf] [hf] [thf] [hf] [hf] [wkd] [kd] [kd] [ykd] [kd] [kd] [tl] l l [tl] [yk] [uj] [ihg] [hg] [hg] [whg] [hg] [hg] [uhf] [hf] [hf] [whf] [hf] [hf] [ykd] [kd] [kd] [wkd] [kd] [kd] [tl] [tl] [tl] [tl]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:00


  • [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sv] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sn] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fhv] [fhb]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [gb] [fv] [dc]
    [gx] c x
    [hz] l
    l h g

    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [8dk] [8fl]
    [4dk] [89] [8sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [5if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [5is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5uk] [0w] [5yj]
    [5tf] s
    $ [Qf] [4s]
    [5of] g f
    [59d] w 9
    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [8dk] [8fl]
    [4dk] [89] [8sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [5if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [5is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5fk] [0w] [5dj]
    [4sf] s
    [4s] $ [Qa] [5s]
    [5of] g f
    [5id] w [9x] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] t u
    q t [ux] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tm] [un]
    [qv] [tx] [uhz]
    [elx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tl] [uz]
    [qx] [tc] [uhv]
    [ejx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [9l] Q [tj]
    [Qx] t z [ul] x
    [wz] t y
    [wv] [kx]
    [9lc] w [zv] [txb]
    [rzv] t y
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [wh] [td] [ya]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    [yh] s d
    [9g] [qf] [es]
    [wo] s a
    [es] [ux] z [tl] z
    [wx] l z
    [gjc] x l
    h l k

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:59
    A Town Called Hometown (Deltarune) (Alternative)

    Toby Fox

  • [qtip] f
    d j d [fb]
    d p d [wyoaf]
    d j d [fb]
    d p d [eupsf] u
    d j d [fb]
    d p d f
    d [tj] d [rf]
    d [wp] d [48qpf]
    [pf] d j d [fb]
    d p d [59waf]
    d j d [fb]
    d p d [60esf]
    d j d f
    d j d u p f s
    j k x
    s [qf]
    t i p s f [woad]
    y a d [oh] [0d]
    r k j u r H [ej]
    u u x u [qj]
    t j l [ix] p [wz]
    [yz] x z [ok] [ah] [epj]
    u p a s
    u p e f p s q f
    t i e p [ts] f [wad]
    y a d h o [0d]
    [Hr] [uj] [rk] [ef]
    l [ud] k s p j [as] u h [qj] x
    [tz] x [ij] x [pz] x [wj]
    x [yz] x [oj] x [az] x [epj]
    x [Lu] x [pj] x [La] x [Sj] x
    L x j f [6l]
    f [0k] f [rl] f [tz] f [0ak]
    f [rj] f [uoh] f h [qj] s
    [th] s [oj] s [pl] s [8h] s
    [wg] s [tuf] f h [9g]
    p [efh] p [id] p [yd] g p [8f] p
    [ed] p [ts] p [ef] p [7d] i
    [Ws] i [ra] i [Wp] i [OH0yuad]
    [qtp] u [Wrua] u u [6s]
    u [0a] u s r u [td] u [30a]
    u [7rp] u [wo] u o [4p] t
    [8o] [to] [wp] a [es] t o [to]
    [5i] t [80u] u o [2i]
    [6ig] f [qd] s [9a] f d
    [0f] g [tf] d [eps] a [qtp]
    f [OH0rya] f [6p]
    0 t p s [qf]
    t i p s f [woad]
    y a d [oh] [0d]
    r k [uj] j r H j [ep]
    u [pkx] u [qj]
    t j l [ix] p [wz]
    [yz] x z [ok] [ah] [epj]
    u p [an] v [sb]
    u p f p s q f
    t i p [tis] f [wad]
    y a d o h d 0
    [Hr] [uj] [rk] [epf] l
    [ud] k [ps] j [ua] h [qj]
    x [tz] x [ij] x [pz] x [wj]
    x [yz] x [oj] x z a x [epj] x
    [Lu] x [pj] x [La] x [Spj] x
    L x j f [4f]
    p [8s] d [qf] p [es] f [5d] a
    [9s] d [wosh] a [rs] h [3d]
    a [7k] [Wj] a H 0 a [6j]
    f [0j] k [tx] k [epj] f [4j] f
    [8j] k [qx] f [ej] [kx] [5z]
    z 9 x z [wk] [rh] [6j]
    [0n] b [epm] n r b x [tl] k
    [0j] f [es] a [ps] f [4f]
    p [8s] d [qsf] p [es] f [5d]
    a [9s] d [wh] a [rsk] h [3ad]
    a [H7] a W j a k 0 a [6f] l
    [0d] k [es] j [ak] r h 4 j
    x 8 z x [qj] x [ez] x [5j] x
    [9z] x [wj] x [rz] x [6j] x
    [L0] x [epj] x [Lr] x [Tj]
    x L x j f [6lm]
    0 [ekn] r [tlm] [ez] [3kn]
    7 [0jb] w h [rv] [0fx] [hv] [4tjb] 8
    [qhv] w [ejb] [4qlm] [hv]
    5 [8gc] 0 [wfx] [8fx] h v [2g]
    6 [9x] f q [epdz] g [6fx]
    q [epdz] [ra] [tsl] [eflx] [7dz]
    W [rsl] W [yak] [Wpj] [OH0yuadf]
    [qtpfj] [WHrafk] [uf] u [6sl] 0
    [eak] r [tsl] [edz] [3ak]
    7 [0pj] w [roh] [0u] [oh] 4 [pj] 8
    [qosh] w [epj] [eak] [qsl] [oh] 5
    [8ig] 0 [wuf] [8uf] [oh] [2ig]
    6 [9gc] [qfx] [edz] [sl] [9ak] [6fx] [0dz]
    [efx] [rg] [tfx] [dz] [wsl] k [qtpj]
    [fx] [OH0ryd] [fx] [6ep]
    0 t [ij] p
    s f [ij] p s f [ok]
    d f j [uk] d l k [pj]
    s l s [uk] s h s [ej]
    s h s [uf] s h s j i p
    s f [ij] p s f [ok]
    d f j [uk] d l k [pj]
    s l p s [uz] d x f [sz]
    d l s [uk] s h s [ij]
    p s f [ij] p s f [ok] d
    f j [uk] d l k [pj]
    s l s [uk] s h s [epj] s
    h s [uf] s h s [ij]
    p s f [ij] p s f [ok]
    d f j [uk] d l k [ej]
    u p a s
    u p j [qj] p
    t s f [ij] p [ts] f [wk]
    d [yf] j [ok] d [yl] k [ej] s
    [ul] s k p s [uh] s j p
    s h u s [wf] s [uh] s [qsj]
    p [ts] f [ij] p s t f [wk] d
    [yf] j [ok] d [yl] k [epj]
    s [ul] s u [pz] d [ux] e f z p d
    [ul] s [wk] s [uh] s [qj]
    p [ts] f [ij] p [ts] f [wk] d
    [yf] j [ok] d [yl] k [epj] s
    [ul] s [pk] s [uh] s [pj]
    s [uh] s w f s [uh] s [qsj] p
    [ts] f [ij] p [ts] f [wk]
    d [yf] j [ok] d [yl] k [epj]
    u p a s
    p u e e [4j] p
    [8s] f [etj] p [qis] f [5k]
    d [9f] j [wrk] d [9l] k [6j] s
    [0l] s [etpk] s [0uh] s [ej] t s
    [0h] s [5f] s [0h] s [4j] p
    [8s] f [etpj] [ep] [qis] f [5k]
    d [9f] j [rk] d l 9 k [6j] [sj]
    [0l] [sj] [etpz] d [0x] f e [tz]
    d [0l] s [5k] s [0h] [sk] [4j]
    p [8s] f [etpj] p [qs] f [5k]
    d [9f] j [ak] [wr] d [9l] k [6j] s
    [0l] s [etk] s [0h] s [etj] s
    [0h] s [5f] s [0h] s [4j]
    p [8s] f [ej] p [qs] f [5k]
    d [9f] j [wrk] d [9l] k [6j]
    0 e r t
    e 0 6 [4pj]
    p [qs] f j [et] p [qs] f [5k] [5d]
    [9f] [wrk] d [9l] k [6j] s
    [0l] s [etk] s [0h] s [pj] [et] s
    [0h] s [5f] s [5h] s [4pj]
    p [qs] f [etj] [qs] f [5k] d
    [9f] j [wrk] d 9 l k [6j] s
    [0l] s [etz] d [0x] f [etz] d
    [0z] d [5x] f [5v] h [4qb]
    [qjl] x [etb] j [ql] x [5kn]
    z n [9x] b [rn] z [9m] n [60b] l
    [0m] l [etn] l [0v] l [etb] l
    [0v] l [5x] l [5v] l 4 [jb]
    [ql] x [etb] x [qb] [59] z
    9 z [wr] z [9v] z [6b]
    0 e y u p d
    f z x b
    f l k j k H [6l]
    f [0k] f [etl] f [0z] f [3rk] f
    [0j] [uf] [wrh] [0f] h 4 s
    [qh] s [etpj] s [ql] [8h] s
    [8g] s [0wtf] [8f] h [29g]
    p [qf] p [ey] d p [qg] p [8f] p
    [0d] p [8es] p [0f] p [7d] i
    [9s] i [Wras] i [9p] i [Oyd] [H0u]
    [qtup] [Wrua] u [6s] u
    [0a] u [etps] u [0d] u [3ra]
    [30e] p [wro] [0u] o [48tp] [8t]
    [8qto] [8t] [etp] a [qts] t [8o] [8t]
    [8i] [8t] [0wu] [8u] o 9 [2i]
    [qi] g f [eyd] s [qas] [8f]
    d [0f] g [et] d [0s] a [4p]
    4 4 4 [4s]
    4 [4t] 4 [5yad]
    [5r] 5 [5r] 5 5 [5wro] 5
    [5r] 5 5 5 5 [4eu]
    y p [yd] u
    y e y [5ru]
    y p y u
    y e y [6tu]
    [yd] [jz] [px] y d u
    y e y u
    y [tp] y [ru]
    y [we] y [4eup]
    y p y u
    y e y [5ru]
    y p y u
    y e y [6tu]
    [yd] [jz] x p y u
    y p y
    0 e [tu] p a f

    Level: 7
    Length: 07:58
    Flower Dance

    DJ Okawari

  • [468] |
    |[8w0] |
    | [680] |
    |[579] |
    | [468] |
    |[8w0] |
    | [579] |

    |[468] |
    |[8w0] |
    | [680] |
    |[579] |
    | [468] |
    |[8w0] |

    |||||[468] |
    |||||[680] |
    |||||[8w0] |
    |||||[579] |
    ||||[468] |
    ||||[680] |
    ||||[8w0] |

    [468] |
    |[8w0] |
    | [680] |
    |[579] |
    | [468] |
    |[8w0] |
    | [579] |

    |[468] |
    |[8w0] |
    | [680] |
    |[579] |
    | [468] |
    |[8w0] |

    |||||[468] |
    |||||[680] |
    |||||[8w0] |
    |||||[579] |
    ||||[468] |
    ||||[680] |
    ||||[8w0] |

    [9qe] | [680] |
    |[8w0] | [579] |
    |[9qe] | [680] |
    |[8w0] | [579] |
    |[9qe] | [680] |
    |[8w0] | [579] |
    |[468] | [8w0] |
    | [579]| [579]| [579]| [579]

    |||||[468] |
    |||||[680] |
    |||||[8w0] |
    |||||[579] |
    ||||[468] |
    ||||[680] |
    ||||[8w0] |

    [468]|[8w0]|[8w0] |
    | [680]|[579]|[579] |
    | [468]|[8w0]|[579]

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:55
    Half a Man

    Dean Lewis

  • [80w]|||||[9wr]






    |[80w]|| 8 | 0 | w
    ||[9wr]|| 9 | w | r
    ||[80e]|| 8 | 0 | e
    ||[8qe]|| 8 | q | e



    Level: 5
    Length: 04:20
    Rise Up

    Andra Day

  • [0u] ( * ( [WY%] % % * ( [0u] ( * ( [WY%] % % * ( [0u] ( * ( [WY%] % % * ( [0u] ( * ( [WY%] % % * ( [0ru] ( * ( [O O I] % % % * ( [0ru] ( * ( [O O I] % % % * ( [0ru] ( * ( [O O I] % % % * ( [0ru] ( * ( [O O I] % % % * ( [0ru] ( * ( [H H G] % % % * ( [0ru] ( * ( [H H G] % % % * ( [0ru] ( * ( [H H G] % % % * ( [0ru] ( * ( [O O I] % % % * ( [uaf] Y T Y [H H G H] W W W T Y [uaf] Y T Y G H H H H H W W W T Y [uaf] Y T Y (H H G H) W W W T Y [uaf] Y T Y (H H G H) W W T Y [uaf] Y T Y (H H) W W W T Y [uaf] Y T Y [WOHV] [WOHV] Y T Y [uaf] Y T Y [WOHV] [WOHV] W T Y [uaf] Y T Y [WOHV] [WOHV] W T Y [uaf] Y T Y [wo] [wo] W * ( [0ur] ( * ( [wy%]% % * ( [0ur] ( * ( [wy%] % % * ( [0ur] ( * ( [wy%] % % * ( [0ur] ( * ( [wy%] % % * (
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:52
    Freedom (Despicable Me 3)

    Pharrell Williams

  • p [aw5] | I[pe6] I[ae6] | [IQ$]p [IQ$]p [ar7] |[pe6] |[ow5] |I[pe6] pp [ye6] |[$Q] r [$Q] r [ye7] |[Te6]|| p [a5] w 5 [Iw]p6 Iae 6e $[QI] p$I[Qp] [7a] r [p6] e [o5] w 5 [wI]p6ep [6e] e [r$]yQy$y[uQ] [7I] [ur] [u6] e [a5] w 5 [Iw]p6 Iae 6e $[QI] p$I[Qp] [7a] r [p6] e [o5] w 5 [wI]p6ep [6e] e [r$]yQy$y[uQ] [7I] [ur] [u6] e [j5]G[fw]G[5f]df[wd][5a]d[wa]p[wd]|[6p]apdea[6d]f[eG][f6]e ||[6a]e[7j]G[fr]G[f7]d[rf]d[7a]d[ra]p[7d]| [6p]a[ed]e[6d]f[eG][f6][ef][f6]fe[d6]| [3j]G[0f]Gf3d[0f]d[3a][da][0a]p[3d]7|[$j]G[Qf][$G][d$][aQ]d$[Qd][Qa]p[$f]Q|[5j]Gf[wG][f5][6e][f5]d[fw]d[5a][wd][aw]p[5d]w| [6p]a[de]a[d6][6f][eG][ef][f6]fe[6d][6e] p [aw5] | I[pe6] I[ae6] | [IQ$]p [IQ$]p [ar7] |[pe6] |[ow5] |I[pe6] pp [ye6] |[$Q] r [$Q] r [ye7] |[Te6]|| p [a5] w 5 [Iw]p6 Iae 6e $[QI] p$I[Qp] [7a] r [p6] e [o5] w 5 [wI]p6ep [6e] e [r$]yQy$y[uQ] [7I] [ur] [u6] e [a5] w 5 [Iw]p6 Iae 6e $[QI] p$I[Qp] [7a] r [p6] e [o5] w 5 [wI]p6ep [6e] e [r$]yQy$y[uQ] [7I] [ur] [u6] e [j5]G[fw]G[5f]df[wd][5a]d[wa]p[wd]|[6p]apdea[6d]f[eG][f6]e ||[6a]e[7j]G[fr]G[f7]d[rf]d[7a]d[ra]p[7d]| [6p]a[ed]e[6d]f[eG][f6][ef][f6]fe[d6]| [3j]G[0f]Gf3d[0f]d[3a][da][0a]p[3d]7|[$j]G[Qf][$G][d$][aQ]d$[Qd][Qa]p[$f]Q|[5j]Gf[wG][f5][6e][f5]d[fw]d[5a][wd][aw]p[5d]w| [6p]a[de]a[d6][6f][eG][ef][f6]fe[6d][6e]

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:14

    Cash Cash

  • [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sv] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sn] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fhv] [fhb]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [gb] [fv] [dc]
    [gx] c x
    [hz] l
    l h g

    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [80dk] [80fl]
    [4dk] [89] [89sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [%if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [%is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5ufk] [0w] [5ydj]
    [$tsf] s
    $ [Qf] [$s]
    [50of] g f
    [59id] w 9
    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [80dk] [80fl]
    [4dk] [89] [89sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [%if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [%is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5ufk] [0w] [5ydj]
    [$tsf] s

    $ [Qa] [$s]
    [50of] g f
    [59id] w [9x] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] t u
    q t [ux] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tm] [un]
    [qv] [tx] [uhz]
    [elx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tl] [uz]
    [qx] [tc] [uhzv]
    [ejlx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [9l] Q [tj]
    [Qx] t z [ul] x
    [wz] t y
    [wv] [kx]
    [9lc] w [zv] [txb]
    [rzv] t y
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [wh] [td] [ya]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    [yh] s d
    [9g] [qf] [es]
    [wo] s a
    [es] [ux] z [tl] z
    [wx] l z
    [gjc] x l
    h l k

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:59
    A Town Called Hometown (Deltarune)

    Toby Fox

  • [150t] y u
    [3tua] [80eup]
    [150] t y [50tu]
    [@W8to] i [^W49t] y
    [150t] y u
    [3tua] [80eup]
    [150] t y [50tu]
    [480eo] i t y
    [3wu] 7
    [28qe] u i u
    [E4y] ^ 9 q 9 q r y
    [5et] 9 q r [5wr] y [ro] [ya]
    [1tuos] 5 0 w [ryod] w [tuof]
    [asfk] 3 8 0 [epsfj] 0 8 6
    1 5 [8tuos] 0 [wyosd] 0 [tuosf]
    [Oosh] @ [8ig] @ [Otis] ^ [qyd] W
    [1tuos] 5 0 w [ryod] w [tuof]
    [asfk] 3 7 0 [epsfj] 0 8 6
    3 5 [8tuos] 0 [wyosd] 0 [tuosf]
    [4opsh] 8 q w [eipsg] [38tps]
    [2ipf] 8 q w e w [yipd]
    [5yips] 9 q e [wyioa] 5
    [8tus] w u w 5 0 t 0
    1 f g f
    [9f] [qd] [ed] [qf] [yg] e q e
    9 q e q y e [qf] [ed]
    [8s] [wd] [tf] w [ty] w [tu] w
    [8oa] w y w [tup] w 0 8
    [4psh] [8g] [wh] [qj] [tuos] q [wip] q
    [4oa] 8 w q [tips] q [wd] q
    [9uof] w t w [yips] w [qf] w
    [8ua] w [us] w 9 f g f
    [9f] [qd] [euod] [qf] [yig] e q e
    9 q [euo] q [yip] e [qf] [ed]
    [6us] [0ad] [esf] 0 [er] 0 [et] 0
    [6tup] 0 t e [5uoa] 0 [roaf]
    [4sjl] [8shk] [wshk] [esgj] [sgj] t [qya] [us]
    [4tp] 8 [qei] y j k j
    [5h] [9id] [qid] [tof] [pg] t [9tu] i
    [5y] 9 [et] [5qet] [wr]
    [10t] 5 0 5 [1ryo] 5 [0ruo] 5
    [tua] 3 8 3 [tup] 3 8 3
    1 5 [0t] 5 [1wy] 5 [0wtu] 5
    [@Wto] % [8i] q [W49t] ^ [qy] W
    [1tuos] 5 0 w [ryod] w [tuof]
    [asfk] 3 8 0 [epsfj] 0 8 6
    1 5 [8tuos] 0 [wyod] 0 [tuof]
    [4opsh] 8 q w [eipsg] [38tip]
    [2ipf] 8 q w e q [yipd]
    [5yips] 9 q e [wyioa] 5
    [1tus] 5 8 9 0 w t u
    8 w t y u o s d
    [D8] w t y Y o s h
    g D d s o Y t 1

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:40
    Final Fantasy VII Main Theme

    Nobuo Uematsu

  • d| f| d||s s u||i o| u| y||t|| y||u y| e| y u||i o| u| y||t|| y| u| y| t| t i| u| i| o| p| p| u|| o| u| y| t| r u||i o| u| y||t|| y| u| y||t [t84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [t84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e u||i o| u| y||t|| y||u y| e| y u||i o| u| y||t t|| y| u| y| t| t i| u| i| o| p||u| u| o| u| y| t| r u||i o| u| y||t|| y||t| [t84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [t84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e f|| g h| f| d||s|| d||f d| p| d u||i o| u| y||t t|| y| u| y||t t g| f| g| h| j||f|| h| f| d| s| a f||g h| f| d||s|| d||s| [s84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [t84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e f||g h| f| d||s|| d||f d| p| d u||i o| u| y||t t|| y| u| y||t t g| f| g| h| j||f|| h| f| d| s| a f||g h| f| d||s|| d||s| [s84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e [84]| [84]| [84]| [84]| [84] w [e84] r [95] u [r95] e
    Level: 5
    Length: 03:43
    In The Bleak Midwinter

    Gustav Holst

  • [pi9]|[sp] [sf]|[sp]|[pi] [ri] [ri] [ri]| |[uW] [ie9] [pi] [sp] [sf]|[sp]|[pi] [roha]||[PIGE] [pige]| |[a8]|[uof] p|[wf]|[ta]|[uof]|[PE] [pe]|[uo]|[oeY4] [oeY4] [oeY4]| |[oeY4] [oeY4] [oeY4]| |[yrI]|[iTE]|[ute]|[sp] [sf]|[sp9]|[pQI] [wroi] [wroi] [wroi]|[ha] [ha] [ha]|2 [pi] [sp] [sf9]|[sp2]|[pi] [wofa5]| |[qpid4]| |[wd5] P [yiE] [u8]|[utd] P u [sq4] p [teY] [y^]|[yOE] i y [ywuo8] [ywuo8] [ywuo8]| |[SE] [rd] [fT] [yg] [ji] [lP]|||t|T|[yw5]|[wE] [T9] y [wE]|0 8 [wE] t [wT] y p [yE] u [yq4]|[te] [T8] y [te]|0 q [te]|8 y|[teY]|[ur7]|[yQ] [Y0] u [T0]|% 6 [T0] u [Y3] u a [T0] I [ue6]|[te] [I9] y [te]|u [wi5] [sp]|i [yuoa] [yuoa] [yuoa]|[pi9]|[sp] [sf]|[sp]|[pi] [ri] [ri] [ri]| |[uW] [ie9] [pi] [sp] [sf]|[sp]|[pi] [roha]||[PIGE] [pige]| |[a8]|[uof] p|[wf]|[ta]|[uof]|[PE] [pe]|[uo]|[oeY4] [oeY4] [oeY4]| |[oeY4] [oeY4] [oeY4]| |[yrI]|[iTE]|[ute]|[sp] [sf]|[sp9]|[pQI] [wroi] [wroi] [wroi]|[ha] [ha] [ha]|2 [pi] [sp] [sf9]|[sp2]|[pi] [wofa5]| |[qpid4]| |[wd5] P [yiE] [u8]|[utd] P u [sq4] p [teY] [y^]|[yOE] i y [ywuo8] [ywuo8] [ywuo8]| |[SE] [rd] [fT] [yg] [ji] [lP]|||t|T|[yw5]|[wE] [T9] y [wE]|0 8 [wE] t [wT] y p [yE] u [yq4]|[te] [T8] y [te]|0 q [te]|8 y|[teY]|[ur7]|[yQ] [Y0] u [T0]|% 6 [T0] u [Y3] u a [T0] I [ue6]|[te] [I9] y [te]|u [wi5] [sp]|i [yuoa] [yuoa] [yuoa]

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:45
    Mii Channel

  • w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [u8] y 8t|[y8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [u8] y 8t|[y8] [w8] [yq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] 8 [wq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] [w8] [y0] [t8] [w0] [r8] 0r8 [t0] 8 [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [w8] [yq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] 8 [wq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] [w9] [yw] [t9] w [r9] wr9 [wt] 0 [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [yd8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [ts8] [y0] [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [wo8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [oh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[pj8] [tq] [oh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrd9] wr9 [wt] [ts0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [yd8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [ts8] [y0] [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [wo8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [oh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[pj8] [tq] [oh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrd9] wr9 [wt] [tse60] l k h f d s o [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yod8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [tso8] [y0] [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [roa8] qr8 [tq] [soh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[spj8] [tq] [soh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wt] [tso0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yod8] q [t8] q [rd8] [qf]r[d8] [tsq] [tso8] [y0] [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [a8] [s0] [f8] [j0] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [yrda8] qr8 [tq] [soh8] q [t8] q [sr8] [qa]r[spj8] [tqd] [sohf9] [yw] [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wts] [tso0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yqod4] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto30] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [roa8] qr8 [tq] [sqoh4] q [t8] q [r8] qr[spj8] [tq] [wsoh5] w [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wt] [tsoe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yqod4] q [t8] q [rd8] [qf]r[d8] [tsq] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto30] [w0] [t8] [u0] [a8] [s0] [f8] [j0] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [yrda8] qr8 [tq] [sqoh4] q [t8] q [sr8] [qa]r[spj8] [tqd] [wsohf5] w [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wts] [tsoe60] l k h f d s o [qo]| |h|f|[qd]|s|a|s|[wd]| |k||Jj[th]|||[qp]| |h|f|[qd]|s|d|f|[wa]| |d| |[ed]|s|[wa]|s|[toe]|q|[the]|[qf]|[red]|[sq]|[rea]|[sq]|[yrd]|w|[yrk]|w Jj[uth]|w|[ut]|w|[tpe]|q|[the]|[qf]|[red]|[sq]|[rea]|[sq]|[yra]|w|[yrd]|w|[utd]|[se]|[yra]|[ws]|[wqo4] q [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [ywd5] w [t9] w [r9] wr9 [wt] [ts30] 0 [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [woe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wqo4] q [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [woh5] w [t9] w [r9] wr[pj9] [wt] [oh30] 0 [t8] 0 [yrd8] 0r8 [t0] [tse6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [ywod5] w [t9] w [sroh9] wr[spj9] [wt] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [wto0] [wtoe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [yf0] [ge]t[f0] [yed] [tsqo4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [wsoh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh30] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tsoe6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [wto4] q [ts8] q [sroh8] qr[d8] [tq] [yod5] w [tp9] w [yroa9] wr[so9] [wt] [tso3] 0 [th8] 0 [sroh8] 0r[s8] [t0] [wto6] [wfe] [tk0] [ule] [yx0] [ze]t[l0] [yhe] [wto4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [soh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh3] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tso6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [wto4] q [ts8] q [sroh8] qr[d8] [tq] [yod5] w [tp9] w [yroa9] wr[so9] [wt] [tso3] 0 [th8] 0 [sroh8] 0r[s8] [t0] [wto6] [wfe] [tk0] [ule] [yx0] [ze]t[l0] [yhe] [wto4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [soh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh3] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tso6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [o81] d s o [ta8]|a|s [w5] o s o [a30]|a[q4] s [wo5] d s o [wa5]|a[q4] s [30] o s f [td8]|s[y9] d [tqoe8] d s o [tea8]|a[ue0] s [ywr9] o s o [wta8]|a[yw9] s [wo750] d [wus0] o [ywa9]|a[wt8] s [te80] o s f d|s|d [o81] d s o [ta8]|a|s [w5] o s o [a30]|a[q4] s [wo5] d s o [wa5]|a[q4] s [30] o s f [td8]|s[y9] d [tqoe8] d s o [tea8]|a[ue0] s [ywr9] o s o [wta8]|a[yw9] s [wo750] d [wus0] o [ywa9]|a[wt8] s [te80] o s f d|s|d

    Level: 6
    Length: 05:07
    Undertale (Undertale)

    Toby Fox

  • [tof8]||[of]||[of]||[rod7]||
    [of5]||[of]||[od]||s a o
    [tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tqfe]d s
    [wts0]||[wts0]||[wts0]||[wth0] gf
    [utse]p|[uthe] gf [yrod]|f [uroa]|s
    [tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tsqe]|s [tqfe]d s
    [wts0]||[wts0]||[wts0]||[wth0] gf
    [utse]p|[uthe] gf [yrod]|f [utoa]|s
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tqfe]d s
    [wth0] gf [utse]p|
    [uthe] gf [yrod]|f [utoa]|s
    [tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tsqe]|s [tqfe]d s
    [wts0]||[wts0]||[wts0]||[wth0] gf
    [utse]p|[uthe] gf [yrod]|f [utoa]|s
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [ute]||[ute]||[ywr]||[ywr]||[tqe]| |[tqe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:16
    A Thousand Years (Twilight) (Alternative)

    Christina Perri

  • hlz[zt] [xo] [xd] o s|lzx[zuh] [va] [vf] a h|vbn[vpnl] [mf] [mk] f j [zf] [zxk]xzm[xon] f [kh] f [xh] m n v [vli] [sb] [lhb] s [jg] s [lh] vc[zuhc] [vs] [vf] s h s f lz[yxg] [pc] [dc] p [sg] [pj] [vd] c [xwjg] y s y [za] h l z [zh8] [xw] [xuh] w y w [th]l[z8]x[zh0] [vr] [voh] r [ha] r [ok]v[b0]n[vnk6] [m0] [rml] 0 t [z0] [xe]z0[ml][nk5] 0 [ra] u [of] [uml] [onk] [vh] [vqh] [tjb] [ojb] t [pi] t [so] [vq]c[zhc0] [vt] [vuh] t o t [uh] lz[xtg9] [ec] t [j9] [lg5] 9 [rk] w [ylg8] w y i u s f h [sqj] t [po] t [si] [ta] [so] [qj] [hd0] [to] [us] [ta] [us] a [us] [h0] [tph9] [ge] [tg] [f9] [pif5] [d9] [tpid] [ws] [yod8] [wf] [uf] w y [ws] [tf] [h8] [usjfQ] t [up] [sQ] [aY7] [kQ] [kYD] [jQ] [ha0] r [oa] fg[hed] [uS] [pg] f [tsg9] e [ih] e [tj] eky [l9] [xjg5] 9 t 9 [zr] [wh] [rl] z [zh8] [xw] [xuh] w y w [th]l[z8]x[zh0] [vr] [voh] r [ha] r [ok]v[b0]n[vnk6] [m0] [rml] 0 t [z0] [xe]z0[ml][nk5] 0 [ra] u [of] [uml] [onk] [wvh] [vqh] [tjb] [ojb] t [pi] t [so] [vq]c[zhc0] [vt] [vuh] t o t [uh] [l0]z[xtg9] [ec] [tc] e [ti] [pe] [vt] [c9] [xjg5] 9 t 9 [zr] [wh] [rl] [zw] [zh8] [xw] [xuh] w y w [th]l[z8]x[zh0] [vr] [voh] r [ha] r [ok]v[b0]n[vnk6] [m0] [rml] 0 t [z0] [xe]z0[ml][nk5] 0 [ra] u [of] [uml] [onk] [wvh] [vqh] [tjb] [ojb] t [pi] t [so] [vq]c[zhc0] [vt] [vuh] t o t [uh] [l0]z[xtg9] [ec] t [j9] [lg5] 9 [rk] w [ylg8] w y i u s f h [sqk] t [oj] t [pi] [ta] [si] [qj] [jd0] [tk] [uh] [to] [us] [ta] [us] [h0] [tph9] [ge] [tg] [f9] [pif5] [d9] [tpid] [ws] [yod8] [wf] [uf] w y [ws] [tf] [h8] [usjQ]tup[tp]aQs[Y7]osQ[aY]I[kaD]paj[jG0]raohafg[hed] [uS] [pg] f[tsg9] e [ih] e [tj] eky [l9] [xjg5] 9 t 9 [zr] [wh] [rl] [zw] [zh8] [xw] [xuh] w y w [th]l[z8]x[zh0] [vr] [voh] r [ha] r [ok]v[b0]n[vnk6] [m0] [rml] 0 t [z0] [xe]z0[ml][nk5] 0 [ra] u [of] [uml] [onk] [wvh] [vqh] [tjb] [ojb] t [pi] t [so] [vq]c[zhc0] [vt] [vuh] t o t [uh] [l0]z[xtg9] [ec] t [j9] [lg5] 9 [rk] 5 [LG%] ( [WT]I(P[P%][sY] [H(] [tL] [Z(] [ZTH] [cO] [cD] O [gS] O [HD]LZc[iZH] [sV] [lgV] s H s [lg]VBm[mcP] [gL] [lcL] g L [gZ] [lcZ]cZgL[mcO] g [lH] g [cH] L l H [SQH] [TJ] [OJ] T P T [SO] [QH]G[qGD] [TH] [OH] T [iS] T O [qS]D[gTI(] [GE] T [P(] [SI%] ( [ts] W [SI*] W Y I [iW*]|Z c [cYSG] [PC] S J [OLG] D l|[LG*] W Y O *SWiSLL[L*!]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:40
    Kiss the Rain (Expert)


  • [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k| [he]fds|||[yp]||| h[qj] xzl k l z [wj] xzl k l|z [je] xzl k l z [je] xzl z v z [qj] xzl k l z [wj] xzl k l|z [je] xzl k l z [je] xzl z v z [qj] xzl k l z [wj] xzl k l|z [je] xzl k l z [je] xzl z v z [qj] xzl k l z [wj] xzl k l|z [je] xzl k l z [je] xzl z v z j| [pj]| [pje]| [pje6]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:49
    From Here To Eternity (Devilman Crybaby) (Alternative)

    Kensuke Ushio

  • eq09eq09Wq09Wq09tq09tq09rq09rq09eq09eq09Wq09Wq09tq09tq09rq09rq09[e6]q09eq09Wq09Wq09[t5]q09tq09rq09rq09[e4]q09eq09Wq09Wq09[t2]q09tq09rq09rq09[e6]q09eq09eq09eq09Wq09Wq09Wq09[W7]q[80]9[t5]q09tq09tq09tq09rq09rq09rq09[r4]q[30]9[e4]q09eq09eq09eq09Wq09Wq09Wq09[W3]q[20]9[t2]q09tq09tq09tq09rq09rq09rq09[r2]q[30]9[e6]q09[e6]q09[e6]q09[e6]q09[W6]q09[W6]q09[W6]q09[W%]q09[t6]q09[t6]q09[t6]q09[t6]q09[r6]q09[r6]q09[r6]q09[r7]q09[e6]q09[e6]q09[e6]q09[e6]q09[W6]q09[W6]q09[W6]q09[W%]q096 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 [e6]t6 [u6] [t6]e6 [y6]t[r6]t[r%]t[e6]t6 [u6] [t6]e6 [O6]i[u6]i[u7]i[e6]t6 [u6] [t6]e6 [t6]e[y6]t[r%]t6t6 [u6] [t6]e6 [p6]e[o6]i[u3]y[e6]t6t[u6] [t6]e6 [y6]t[r6]t[r%]t6t6 [u6] [t6]e6 [O6]i[u6]i[u7]i[e6]t6 [u6] [t6]e6 [t6]r6 [t%] 6 6e[u6] [t6]e6 [p6]e[o6]i[u3]y[e6][tq][60][t9][ue6]q[t60][e9][W6]q[y60][t9][rW6][tq][r0%][t9][t6][tq][60]9[ut6]q[t60][e9][r6]q[O60][i9][ur6][qi][u70][i9][e6][tq][60]9[ue6]q[t60][e9][W6]q[t60][r9][W6]q[t0%]9[t6]q[60][e9][ut6]q[t60][e9]6 [p6]e[o6]i[u6]y

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:43
    Enter Pony (Pony Island)

    Jonah Senzel

  • [if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uf]| |[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [if] s a o [if] s [ha] k [ulf] s [ka] [oh] [uf] g h k [if]l sk aj oh if| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w 0 y||[uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w [to0] [yi] u y [uq] t [yr] wh[tqk]ly k [th][rl][rl0] t [yrk] [wh] [f0] [yg] h k [uql] [tk] [yrj] [wh] [tqf] y|tr[rk0] t [yrl] w [zto0] [yi] [xu] [yh] [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [qh]u|j|[f0] t [rg] w [oh0] i u y [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [tqh]u r [je] w [f0] t [rg] w [a0]fh||[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uf]| |[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [if] s a o [if] s [ha] k [ulf] s [ka] [oh] [uf] g h k [if]l sk aj oh if| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w 0 y||[uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w [to0] [yi] u y [uq] t [yr] wh[tqk]ly k [th][rl][rl0] t [yrk] [wh] [f0] [yg] h k [uql] [tk] [yrj] [wh] [tqf] y|tr[rk0] t [yrl] w [zto0] [yi] [xu] [yh] [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [qh]u|j|[f0] t [rg] w [oh0] i u y [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [tqh]u r [je] w [f0] t [rg] w [a0]fh

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:48
    Library Stroll (OneShot)

    Casey Gu

  • [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:33
    Video Outpost Too (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [30]| |YuiIoO[p6]|6666| |[s6]| |[p6]| |6| |[s6]| |[p2] 3 1|[o6]| |[sp6]||6 [up2] 3 5|6| |[s6]||6 [p2] 3 5|[f3]| |[u30]|[u30]|[y92] [t81] [e6]|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[s6]|0e0[s6]|[f0] 8 [d5] s [wa] 9 [p4]|48i[qp]s[d9]|[yd] e [ws] a [wp] 0 [p6]|ewe[s6]|[fe] 0 [d5] s [wa] 9 [ype]|[te]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [s6]|0e0[s6]|[sf0] 8 [da5] [sp] [woa] 9 [pi4]|4[i8][qp][gd9]|[ygd] e [wsf] [da] [wsp] 0 [p6]|[ue][wo][pe][s6]|[se] 0 [a5] p [wo]|[p2]|[ye]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e60]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[e6]||yu[pe6]|e|[y92] [u30] [wo1]|[pe6]||yu[pe6]||[yw]6[oe][ts2] [ra3] 5[pe][wo][pe6]| |[60]|[pe]|[y92] [u30] [wo5]|[u30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[of4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[lh4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[uof4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[slh4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]1 t| |e| |[s6]| |[p6]| |6| |[s6]| |[p2] 3 1|[o6]| |[sp6]||6 [up2] 3 5|6| |[s6]||6 [p2] 3 5|[f3]| |[u30]|[u30]|[y92] [t81] [e6]|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[s6]|0e0[s6]|[f0] 8 [d5] s [wa] 9 [p4]|48i[qp]s[d9]|[yd] e [ws] a [wp] 0 [p6]|ewe[s6]|[fe] 0 [d5] s [wa] 9 [ype]|[te]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [s6]|0e0[s6]|[sf0] 8 [da5] [sp] [woa] 9 [pi4]|4[i8][qp][gd9]|[ygd] e [wsf] [da] [wsp] 0 [p6]|[ue][wo][pe][s6]|[se] 0 [a5] p [wo]|[p2]|[ye]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e60]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[e6]||yu[pe6]|e|[y92] [u30] [wo1]|[pe6]||yu[pe6]||[yw]6[oe][ts2] [ra3] 5[pe][wo][pe6]| |[60]|[pe]|[y92] [u30] [wo5]|[u30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[of4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[lh4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[uof4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[slh4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]1 [s6]| |[p6]|[s6]|p|h|[j6]|[f6]| |6|[d6]|[f6]66[o6]|[p6]|l|616[j6]|6|m| |b

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:14
    Title (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [ype] d G j G j [yok] h d [ywra]| [tsf] [sof][gd][thf][gd][sof] [wda] [oda][sf][wgd][sf][oda] [tsf] [sof][gd][thf][gd][sof] [qpi] [usf] [yod] [ywo] [ut8] [wut][yi][uo8][yi][wut] [yr5] [ywr][ut][yi5][ut][ywr] [te6] [ut0] [yr5]|[wt][wt80]| 1

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:14
    The Map Room (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [qe8] [sf]|[qe8][qe8][sf][qe8]|[sf] [ysfeI]||[ysfeI][yeI]|[wr9]|[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [s8] [u60] [s6] a [s6] d [s6] [a6] [o9] [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [ws8] [to] [wrf] s[w8]s[to] [wrf] [tg]h[sq] [tp] [fe] tsqs[tp] [fe] t [yeIG] gf ds a|[95] 9 [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][woa] [qpi] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [tsf] [tsf] [raD][tsf] [raD] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][woa] [qpi] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [uO0] [uO0] [uO0][qpi] [woa] [uO0][uO0] [qpi] [woa] [tsf] [tsf] [raD][tsf] [raD]

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:05
    Robot Builder (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [l6] [k0] [he] d a s d h [l6] [k0] [he] d a s d a [j4] [h8] [qj] f a s d h [j4] [h8] [qj] f a s d a [l6] [k0] [he] d a s d h [l6] [k0] [he] d a s d a [j4] [h8] [qj] f a s d h [j4] [h8] [qj] f a s d a [sl6] [k0] [hea] d a [sq] [d0] [h8] [l6] [k0] [he] d a [sq] [od0] [a8] [ja4] [h8] [qpj] f a [s9] [d8] [h7] [pj4] [h8] [yqj] f a [s9] [d8] [a7] [sl6] [k0] [hea] d a [sq] [d0] [h8] [l6] [k0] [he] d a [sq] [od0] [a8] [ja4] [h8] [qpj] f a [s9] [d8] [h7] [pj4] [h8] [tqj] f a [s9] [d8] [a7] [xl6] [k0] [xhe] d a [sq] [xd0] [zh8] [xl6] [k0] [lhe] d [la] [sq] [kd0] [a8] [lj4] [h8] [qlj] f a [s9] [ld8] [kh7] [lj4] [h8] [qj] f [ja] [s9] [hd8] [a7] [xl6] [k0] [xhe] d a [sq] [xd0] [zh8] [xl6] [k0] [lhe] d [la] [sq] [kd0] [a8] [lj4] [h8] [qj] f a [s9] [jd8] [kh7] [lj4] [h8] [qj] f a [s9] [hd8] [a7] [sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]| |[yw95]|o|[u730]| |[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]| |[yw95]|||[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]||t[yw95]|o|[u730]| |[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuof8]| |[wod95]| |5| |[h6] 0 [he]||q [h0] [g8] [h6] 0 [fe]|f q [d0] 8 [g4] 8 [qg]||9 [g8] [f7] [g4] 8 [sq]|s 9 [a8] 7 [h6] 0 [he]||q [h0] [g8] [h6] 0 [fe]|f q [d0] 8 [g4] 8 [qg]||9 [g8] [f7] [g4] 8 [sq]|s 9 [a8] 7 [sl6] [k0] [hea] d a [sq] [d0] [h8] [l6] [k0] [he] d a [sq] [od0] [a8] [ja4] [h8] [qpj] f a [s9] [d8] [h7] [pj4] [h8] [yqj] f a [s9] [d8] [a7] [sl6] [k0] [hea] d a [sq] [d0] [h8] [l6] [k0] [he] d a [sq] [od0] [a8] [ja4] [h8] [qpj] f a [s9] [d8] [h7] [pj4] [h8] [tqj] f a [s9] [d8] [a7] [sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]| |[yw95]|o|[u730]| |[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]| |[yw95]|||[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]||t[yw95]|o|[u730]| |[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuof8]| |[wod95]| |5| |[q4] 8 q [e4] [r4] s [ta8] [o7] [q4] 8 q [e4] [r4]|[ti8] [o7] [u60] 8 0 [e6] [r6] s [ta0] [o9] [u50] 8 0 [ye5] [r5]|[ut9] [i8] [q4] 8 q [e4] [r4] s [ta8] [o7] [q4] 8 q [e4] [r4]|[ti8] [o7] [u60] 8 0 [e6] [r6] s [ta0] [o9] [y5]|y [wt5] [r5]|[w9] 8 [qj4] [p8]a[sqh] [pe] [rj] 4 [tsf8] 7 [qj4] [p8]a[sqh] [pe] [rj] 4 [tkf8] 7 [j60] [p8]a[sh0] [pe] [rj] 6 [th0] [s9] [ja50] [o8] [h0] e [urf] 5 [tod9] 8 [qj4] [p8]a[sqh] [pe] [rj] 4 [tsf8] 7 [qj4] [p8]a[sqh] [pe] [rj] 4 [tkf8] 7 [lf60] [g8] [kf0] [ed] [rlf] 6 [tsjf0] 9 [ywha] s [yhd] [wt] [wrjd]|[woh9] 8 [pb]|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|[vo]|v|v|v|[xu]|x|x|x g[ib]|b|b|b|b|b|b|b h[vo]|v|v|v f[xs]|x|x|[zd]|[l6] [k0] [he] d a s d h [l6] [k0] [he] d a s d a [j4] [h8] [qj] f a s d h [j4] [h8] [qj] f a s d a [l6] [k0] [he] d a s d h [l6] [k0] [he] d a s d a [j4] [h8] [qj] f a s d h [j4] [h8] [qj] f a s d a [sl6] [k0] [hea] d a [sq] [d0] [h8] [l6] [k0] [he] d a [sq] [od0] [a8] [ja4] [h8] [qpj] f a [s9] [d8] [h7] [pj4] [h8] [yqj] f a [s9] [d8] [a7] [sl6] [k0] [hea] d a [sq] [d0] [h8] [l6] [k0] [he] d a [sq] [od0] [a8] [ja4] [h8] [qpj] f a [s9] [d8] [h7] [pj4] [h8] [tqj] f a [s9] [d8] [a7] [xl6] [k0] [xhe] d a [sq] [xd0] [zh8] [xl6] [k0] [lhe] d [la] [sq] [kd0] [a8] [lj4] [h8] [qlj] f a [s9] [ld8] [kh7] [lj4] [h8] [qj] f [ja] [s9] [hd8] [a7] [xl6] [k0] [xhe] d a [sq] [xd0] [zh8] [xl6] [k0] [lhe] d [la] [sq] [kd0] [a8] [lj4] [h8] [qj] f a [s9] [jd8] [kh7] [lj4] [h8] [qj] f a [s9] [hd8] [a7] [sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]| |[yw95]|o|[u730]| |[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]| |[yw95]|||[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]||t[yw95]|o|[u730]| |[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuof8]| |[wod95]| |5| |[h6] 0 [he]||q [h0] [g8] [h6] 0 [fe]|f q [d0] 8 [g4] 8 [qg]||9 [g8] [f7] [g4] 8 [sq]|s 9 [a8] 7 [h6] 0 [he]||q [h0] [g8] [h6] 0 [fe]|f q [d0] 8 [g4] 8 [qg]||9 [g8] [f7] [g4] 8 [sq]|s 9 [a8] 7 [sl6] [k0] [hea] d a [sq] [d0] [h8] [l6] [k0] [he] d a [sq] [od0] [a8] [ja4] [h8] [qpj] f a [s9] [d8] [h7] [pj4] [h8] [yqj] f a [s9] [d8] [a7] [sl6] [k0] [hea] d a [sq] [d0] [h8] [l6] [k0] [he] d a [sq] [od0] [a8] [ja4] [h8] [qpj] f a [s9] [d8] [h7] [pj4] [h8] [tqj] f a [s9] [d8] [a7] [sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]| |[yw95]|o|[u730]| |[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]| |[yw95]|||[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuo8]||t[yw95]|o|[u730]| |[sq84]|[wa95]|[wuof8]| |[wod95]| |5| |[q4] 8 q [e4] [r4] s [ta8] [o7] [q4] 8 q [e4] [r4]|[ti8] [o7] [u60] 8 0 [e6] [r6] s [ta0] [o9] [u50] 8 0 [ye5] [r5]|[ut9] [i8] [q4] 8 q [e4] [r4] s [ta8] [o7] [q4] 8 q [e4] [r4]|[ti8] [o7] [u60] 8 0 [e6] [r6] s [ta0] [o9] [y5]|y [wt5] [r5]|[w9] 8 [qj4] [p8]a[sqh] [pe] [rj] 4 [tsf8] 7 [qj4] [p8]a[sqh] [pe] [rj] 4 [tkf8] 7 [j60] [p8]a[sh0] [pe] [rj] 6 [th0] [s9] [ja50] [o8] [h0] e [urf] 5 [tod9] 8 [qj4] [p8]a[sqh] [pe] [rj] 4 [tsf8] 7 [qj4] [p8]a[sqh] [pe] [rj] 4 [tkf8] 7 [lf60] [g8] [kf0] [ed] [rlf] 6 [tsjf0] 9 [ywha] s [yhd] [wt] [wrjd]|[woh9] 8 [pb]|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|[vo]|v|v|v|[xu]|x|x|x g[ib]|b|b|b|b|b|b|b h[vo]|v|v|v f[xs]|x|x|[zd]

    Level: 7
    Length: 07:06
    Rainy Day (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [t1] 1y8 u8t 4 8 w [t6] 6y6 u6t 4 8 w [t1] 1y8 u8t 4 8 e [y5] 5 9 9 0 9 w [t1] 1y8 u8t 4 8 w [t6] 6y6 u6t 4 8 w [t1] 1y8 u8t 4 8 e [y5] 5 9 9 0 q 0 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84][e4] [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84] 4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84][e4] [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84] 4 [d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8]d[f5]d5 5 [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8] 5a[a5] [o5] [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8]d[f5]d5 5 [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] 1 [h1] [h8] 5d[o5] [a5] [a5]s[d2] [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] [d1] [f85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [yo5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4[ti][84][e4] [yo5] [i5] [yu95] 5u[i4]u4[ti][84] 4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] [d1] [f85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [yo5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4[ti][84][e4] [yo5] [i5] [yu95] 5u[i4]u4[ti][84] 4 [d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8]d[f5]d5 5 [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8] 5a[a5] [o5] [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] [s1] 1 [s8]d[f5]d5 5 [o5]p[s2]p[d2] 2 [d2] 2f[d6]s6 [p6] [s3] 1 [h1] [h8] 5d[o5] [a5] [a5]s[d2] [g4]jl|||[j6]lx||[h5]kz||[d2]gj|||[j6]lx||[k5]zv||[g4]jl|||[j6]lx||[h5]kz||[d2]gj|||[j4]lx||[k5]zvw e t [tg]jl| |e t jlxe|o hkzp|u dgj| |e [tj]lx e|[ok]zvp|s gjl| |e|[tj]lx e|[oh]kzp|u dgj||y| |jlx r t kzvy||[s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84][e4] [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84] 4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [s1] 1 [85] [a1]s[a4] 4o[q8]u4 [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[84][e4] [y5] 5 [y95] 5u[i4]u4t[t84] [y4] [i4] 4 [u4]||4 [t4] y [i8] 1u[81] 1 1 [t81] y [i9] 2 [u92] 2t 2t[92] t 6 6 6 6 5 [t5] y [i4] 4 [u4] 4 4 [t4] y [i8] 1u[81] 1 1 [t81] y [i9] 2 [u92] 2t 2t[92] t 6 6 6 h6j [h5] [ts5] [yd] [ig4] 4 [uf4] 4 4 [ts4] [yd] [ig8] 1[uf][81] 1 1 [ts81] [yd] [ig9] 2 [uf92] 2[ts] 2[ts][92] [ts] 6 6 [l6] k6h [f5] [ts5] [yd] [ig4] 4[uf]4 4 4 [ts4] [yd] [ig8] 1[uf][81] [oh]1 1 [ts81] [yd] [ig9] 2 [uf92] 2[ts] 2[ts][92] [ts] 6 6 6 6[ra] 5 5|[pi4]|p|p [ph]|[pf5] o|[pf]|[of] d|67[sof8]|h| |[da5]| |h| |[pjg4]|[jg]|[jg] h $ [f5] o|[sf]|[sf] [da]|67[sf8] o [sh] d f||[da6] o a a s d s a|[pi4]| |[uo30]||i [ypi92]| |dg| |[o5]adg|||[wa]dhk||9|5|[tlh] t s [ok]l[ki]lihsfis[tlh] t s k[sl][ki]lihsfis[od] o d of[ig]fis pio[od] o d of[ig]fis is[so1]|1 a[s3][a4][s4]4o4u43[so1]|1 a[s3][a4][s4]4o4u43[yw5]|[y5] [u3][i4][u4]4t4e43[yw5]|[y5] [u3][i4][u4]4t4 43[lh1]|[sh1] 3[ga4][fa4]4[fa][ga4] [sh4]3[lh1]|[sh1] 3[ga4][fa4]4[fa][ga4] [sh4]3[kh5]|[hd5] 3[sg4][sf4]4[sf][sg4] [hd4]3[so5]|[so5] d3[sg4]4[f4] [yo4] 43[lh1]|[sh1] 3[ga4][fa4]4[fa][ga4] [sh4]3[lh1]|[sh1] 3[ga4][fa4]4[fa][ga4] [sh4]3[kh5]|[hd5] 3[sg4][sf4]4[sf][sg4] [hd4]3[so5]|[so5] d3[sg4]4[f4] [yo4] 43[q4] w e|[w5] e r|[t81] y u|[q2]| |[q4] w e|[w5] e r|[t81] y u|[i2]| |[q4] w e|[w5] e r|[t81] y u|[q2]| |[o4] i u|[y5]|w

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:50
    Possum Springs (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmc[vq]mmcvmmc0 mcvmmc[v7]mmcvmmz[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]| |y t|r [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]||o [yw5]|y t r| |[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s a [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s d [ywa5]| |y t o r [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s d [sqp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]|f o [ywd5]|y t r| |[qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [86] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [l8] [k8]|[h8] [qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [t6] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [x8] [c8]|[x8] [81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmc[vq]mmcvmmc0 mcvmmc[v7]mmcvmmz[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]| |y t|r [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]||o [yw5]|y t r| |[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s a [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s d [ywa5]| |y t o r [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s d [sqp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]|f o [ywd5]|y t r| |[qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [86] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [l8] [k8]|[h8] [qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [t6] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [x8] [c8]|[x8]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:24
    Lori M. (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [s4] 4 [sq] df8 [so8] [tso] [wda][sf]5 [da5] [wda] [sf9] [up2] [up2] [oa9] [sp8] 4 4 [sqp] [da][sf]8 [so8] [tso] [wh] 5 [k5] [wha] [hd9] 2[pd][sf2][gd]9[sf][da8][sp][sp4] 4 [sqp] [da][sf]8 [so8] [tso] [wda][sf]5 [da5] [wda] [sf9][up]2 [up2] [oa9] [sp8] 4 4 [sqp] [da] [sf8] 8 [thf] [wk] 5 [hd5] [whd] [hd9] 2[pd][sf2][gd]9[sf][da8][sp][sp4] 4 q q [k8] [l8] [th] w [h5] [a5] [wa] [s9] 2 [p2] [p9] 8 4 4 q w [k8] [l8] [th] w [h5] [j5] w [s9] [d2] [f2] [g9] 8 4 4 q q [k8] [l8] [th] [wh] 5 [a5] [ws] [d9] [f2] [d2] [s9] 8 [p4]|q w[k8] [l8] [th] [wh] 5 [o5] [o5]|[o5] 5 [o5] 5 [ut6]|w [te] [yr5] 5 w 9 6 [ut] w [te] [yr5] 5 [wte] 78[wr3] 3[wr]0 [te8] 4 4 q|[wr3] 3[wr]0 [te8] 4 [e4] [r8]ty 6 [pf6] e [wpd] 5 [o5] [wp] [sp9] 6 [pf6] e [wpd] 5 [o5] [wo]p[s9]d6 [f6] e [wp] [pd5] 5[pd]w [pi9] 4 4 q i [o4] 4 q|[pi2] 2 [q9] i [o2] 2 [q9]|[f4] 4 [sq] qw[f8] 8 t [wd] 5 5 [wd] [f9] [p2] 2 9 [a8] [sp4] 4 [sqp] d [sf8] 8 [th] [wo] [kh5] [hd5] [whd] [ha9] 2d[f2][gd]9[sf]8[sp][sp4] 4 [sqp] [da][sf]8 [so8] [tso] [wda][sf]5 [da5] [wda] [sf9] [up2] [up2] [oa9] 8 [sp4] 4 [sqp] [pd][sf]8 8 [tsh] w [k5] [ha5] [wha] [hd9] 2[pd][pf2][pg]9[pf]8[sp][sp4] 4 q i [f8] [d8] [to] [wd] 5 5 w [f9] [p2] [p2] [a9] 8 [sp4] 4 q [ti] [sf8] [da8] [tsp] [wda] 5 [da5] [wh] [h9] 2 [gd2] [sf9] [da8] [sp4] 4 [sqp] [qda] [sf8] 8 [tso] w [oa5] 5 w [pi9] 2 2 [uo9] 8 [pi4] 4 [sqp] q [sf8] 8 [th] [wk] 5 [h5] w [gd9] 2 f d s p s d f g f d s p s p o [s4]|q p 2 2 [h9] [qj] [of8] 8 t w [od5] 5 w 9 [sp4] 4 q [p8]9[s2] [p2] [h9] [qj] [lj6] 6 e w [d8] [f8] [to] [pe] [sq] q t p [s9] [p9] y jk8 [g8] [th] [wf] [d5] 5 [woa] 9 [pf4] [pf]0 [pd] [up4] 4 [uo0]|[pf4] [pf]0 [pd] [up4] 4 0|[of4] [of]0 [od] [so4] 4 [o0]|[so4]|[od5]

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:40
    Longest Night (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [le]| j| |B b L m|||[le]| j| |B b L m|||[le]| j| |[sB] b L [pm]||s|p| o| [ple]| j| |[sB] b L [pm]||s|d| f| f|6|d|6|p|6 6 6 6|6|f|6|d|6|o|5 5 5 5|5|f|6|d|6|p|6 6 6 6|6|h|5|o|5|[ywd9]||l|[jge60] f d f d s d s a s a p a p O p i u i O a p i u [sq84] a p a p o p o i o i u i u y u y t y t r [tl] o P [jge60] f d f d s d s a s a p a p O p i u i O a p i u [sq84] a p a p o p o i o i u i u y u y t y t r t o P [le]| j| |B b L m|||[le]| j| |B b L m|||[le]| j| |[sB] b L [pm]||s|p| o| [ple]| j| |[sB] b L [pm]||s|d| f| f|6|d|6|p|6 6 6 6|6|f|6|d|6|o|5 5 5 5|5|f|6|d|6|p|6 6 6 6|6|h|5|o|5|[ywd9]||l|[jge60] f d f d s d s a s a p a p O p i u i O a p i u [sq84] a p a p o p o i o i u i u y u y t y t r [tl] o P [jge60] f d f d s d s a s a p a p O p i u i O a p i u [sq84] a p a p o p o i o i u i u y u y t y t r t o P [le]| j| |B b L m

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:16
    Little Joe (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [81] [t1] [wo] 1 1| 1| [81] [t1] [qi] 1 [u10]| [r5]| [81]t[s1]o[wI] [o1] 1| 1| [81]t[s1]o[QI7] [o1]o[ut810] tT[yr5]Tr [s81]s[o1]oa [i1] [u1]ui [T1] y [s81]s[o1]o[a7] [i1] [u81]ui [t5]| [s81]s[o1]o[wa] [i1] [u1]ui [T1] y [s81]s[o1]o[a7] [i1] [u81]ur [t5]| [81] [t1] [wo] 1 1| 1| [81] [t1] [qi] 1 [u10]| [r5]| [81]t[s1]o[wI] [o1] 1| 1| [81]t[s1]o[QI7] [o1]o[ut810] tT[yr5]Tr [ts81]s[o1][to][ta] [ti1] [ut1]uit[tT1] [yt] [ts81]s[o1][to][tqa] [ti1] [ut10]uit[t5] [wr] [ts81]s[o1][to][ta] [ti1] [ut1]uit[tT1] [yt] [ts81]s[o1][to][ta7] [ti1] [ur81]urw[t5]|Dh[tl8]h[YD] [so] [YD] [rk7] [yh] [od] yDh[tl8]h[YD] [so] [lY] [rl7] [zy] [ok] y [W%] [tZ]l[YH] Z [zw5] [rk] [yh] rk[ql4] [WH] [tg] [WH] [@(] [wh] [ED] wh[j92] [QG] [ed] j [QG][je][zy]| 34$[zw5] [rk] [yh] [z5] [rh][zy][vo]|w| [81] [t1] [wo] 1 1| 1| [81] [t1] [qi] 1 [u10]| [r5]| [81]t[s1]o[wI] [o1] 1| 1| [81]t[s1]o[QI7] [o1]o[ut810] tT[yr5]Tr [s81]s[o1]oa [i1] [u1]ui [T1] y [s81]s[o1]o[a7] [i1] [u81]ui [t5]| [s81]s[o1]o[wa] [i1] [u1]ui [T1] y [s81]s[o1]o[a7] [i1] [u81]ur [t5]| [81] [t1] [wo] 1 1| 1| [81] [t1] [qi] 1 [u10]| [r5]| [81]t[s1]o[wI] [o1] 1| 1| [81]t[s1]o[QI7] [o1]o[ut810] tT[yr5]Tr [ts81]s[o1][to][ta] [ti1] [ut1]uit[tT1] [yt] [ts81]s[o1][to][tqa] [ti1] [ut10]uit[t5] [wr] [ts81]s[o1][to][ta] [ti1] [ut1]uit[tT1] [yt] [ts81]s[o1][to][ta7] [ti1] [ur81]urw[t5]|Dh[tl8]h[YD] [so] [YD] [rk7] [yh] [od] yDh[tl8]h[YD] [so] [lY] [rl7] [zy] [ok] y [W%] [tZ]l[YH] Z [zw5] [rk] [yh] rk[ql4] [WH] [tg] [WH] [@(] [wh] [ED] wh[j92] [QG] [ed] j [QG][je][zy]| 34$[zw5] [rk] [yh] [z5] [rh][zy][vo]

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:12
    Grocery Shopping (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [pe6] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6666 6 6 6 6 6 6 [ts6][ra6][u60][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 4 [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[e6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p5]i[f5]g[s5] [ts5][ra5][u50][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 [p4] [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[u60] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [y95] 5 5 555[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [e86] [t6][r6][60][t40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [wo4] [tpe4][r4][94][u30] 3 [e83] 3 [t310] 3 [q32] [30]33[e86] 6 6 6 6 6 6 666[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [e84] [t4][r4][40][t30] 3 [e83] 3 [31] 3 [wo32] [tpe3][r3][93][u60] 6 [e86] 6 [t60] 6 [q6] [60]66[te6] 6 6 6 5 5 5 [pe5]55[tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] 3 [86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[54] 4443o[i3]u[86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[w3] 3333o[i3]u[pe6] 6 6 6 6 6 6 6666 6 6 6 6 6 6 [ts6][ra6][u60][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 4 [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[e6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p5]i[f5]g[s5] [ts5][ra5][u50][qi4] 4 4 4 4 4 [p4] [ts4][ra4][y94][u30] 3 3 3 [t83] 3 [y93] 333[u60] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [p6]i[f6]g[s6] 6666 [p6]i[f6]g[s6] [y95] 5 5 555[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [e86] [t6][r6][60][t40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [wo4] [tpe4][r4][94][u30] 3 [e83] 3 [t310] 3 [q32] [30]33[e86] 6 6 6 6 6 6 666[t60] 6 [e86] 6 6 6 [wo6] [pe6]66[u40] 4 [e84] 4 4 4 [e84] [t4][r4][40][t30] 3 [e83] 3 [31] 3 [wo32] [tpe3][r3][93][u60] 6 [e86] 6 [t60] 6 [q6] [60]66[te6] 6 6 6 5 5 5 [pe5]55[tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] [e3] [tq6] 5 [e4] 336 5 [o4] [pe3] [u60] 5 [e4] 336 5 [t4] 3 [86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[54] 4443o[i3]u[86] 6666 6 [^9] ^^^^o[i81]u[e86] 6666 6 [w1] 1111o[ie^]u^[e86] 6666 6 [^0] ^^^[^9]s[a5]p[e86] 6666 765[w3] 3333o[i3]u

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:06
    Ghost Hunt (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [h4] 61[v1] [z4][x1]1161[h4] [h4]1[h1] 35[v1] [l1][z5]1535[k1] [l1] [h4] 61[v4] [z4][x1]4161[l4] [z4]1[j2] 26[z2] [C$]v5 52[h5] [h5] [s4]s[p6][o1][s4]s[p4][s1]4[s1][p6][s1][d4]f4[s1]1s[p3][o5][s1]s[p1][s5]1[s5][a3][s5][a1]o1s4s[p6][o1][s4]s[p4][s1]4[s1][p6][s1][d4]f41[d2] [d2]6[d2]p$a5o5[p2][a5]p[o5] [s4]s[p6][o1][s4]s[p4][s1]4[s1][p6][s1][d4]f4[s1]1s[p3][o5][s1]s[p1][s5]1[s5][a3][s5][a1]o1s4s[p6][o1][s4]s[p4][s1]4[s1][p6][s1][d4]f41[d2] [d2]6[d2]p$a5o5[p2][a5]p[o5] [spi5] [i4] [si3] 2 [pi1] 7 [sp6] [pi7] [g4]s[p3]O[p2]s1[g4] [s4][p3]O[p2]s1f3s[o1]I[o5]s1[f3] [s3][o2]I[o1]s5g4s[p3]O[p2]s1[g4] [s4][p3]O[p2]s1 [f1][f1] [f1][g2] [G@] [h3]| [o5]| [g4]s[p3]O[p2]s1[g4] [s4][p3]O[p2]s1f3s[o1]I[o5]s1[f3] [s3][o2]I[o1]s5g4s[p3]O[p2]s1[g4] [s4][p3]O[p2]s1 [f1][f1] [f1][g2] [G@] [h3]| [o5]| [w5][w5][e6][e6][^E][^E][t1][t1][y2][y2][t1][^E] [^E][e6] [w5][w5][e6][e6][^E][^E][t1][t1][y2][y2][I$][y2]| [y2][o5] [i4] [Y@][i4][Y@][y2][t1][^E][t1][y2][w5]| [w5][^E][w5][^E][w5][y2][w5][T!][y2]| [92][30][Q$] [w5][w5][e6][e6][^E][^E][t1][t1][y2][y2][t1][^E] [^E][e6] [w5][w5][e6][e6][^E][^E][t1][t1][y2][y2][I$][y2]| [y2][o5] [i4] [Y@][i4][Y@][y2][t1][^E][t1][y2][w5]| [w5][^E][w5][^E][w5][y2][w5][T!][y2]| [92][30][Q$] [wt5] [wt5][wt5][wt5][wt5] [we5] [wr5] 5 [w5][e6][r7] [si8] [si8][si8][si8][si8] [ys8] [us8]| [t5]yu [i4] q84 q84 q84[i4][qi]u8y[u8] [t0][w8]8 088 088[w8][w0]e8t[t4] q84 q84 q84[i4][qi]u8y[u5] [wt][w9]5 w92o[qo][i9][u2][y2]q9[i3] [wu]0[y3]tw[y0]4ue[qi]4[u4]e[yq][wr]| [d5]| [a5]| [o5]| [h4] 61[v1] [z4][x1]1161[h4] [h4]1[h1] 35[v1] [l1][z5]1535[k1] [l1] [h4] 61[v4] [z4][x1]4161[l4] [z4]1[j2] 26[z2] [C$]v5 52[h5] [h5] [s4]s[p6][o1][s4]s[p4][s1]4[s1][p6][s1][d4]f4[s1]1s[p3][o5][s1]s[p1][s5]1[s5][a3][s5][a1]o1s4s[p6][o1][s4]s[p4][s1]4[s1][p6][s1][d4]f41[d2] [d2]6[d2]p$a5o5[p2][a5]p[o5] [s4]s[p6][o1][s4]s[p4][s1]4[s1][p6][s1][d4]f4[s1]1s[p3][o5][s1]s[p1][s5]1[s5][a3][s5][a1]o1s4s[p6][o1][s4]s[p4][s1]4[s1][p6][s1][d4]f41[d2] [d2]6[d2]p$a5o5[p2][a5]p[o5] [spi5] [i4] [si3] 2 [pi1] 7 [sp6] [pi7] [g4]s[p3]O[p2]s1[g4] [s4][p3]O[p2]s1f3s[o1]I[o5]s1[f3] [s3][o2]I[o1]s5g4s[p3]O[p2]s1[g4] [s4][p3]O[p2]s1 [f1][f1] [f1][g2] [G@] [h3]| [o5]| [g4]s[p3]O[p2]s1[g4] [s4][p3]O[p2]s1f3s[o1]I[o5]s1[f3] [s3][o2]I[o1]s5g4s[p3]O[p2]s1[g4] [s4][p3]O[p2]s1 [f1][f1] [f1][g2] [G@] [h3]| [o5]| [w5][w5][e6][e6][^E][^E][t1][t1][y2][y2][t1][^E] [^E][e6] [w5][w5][e6][e6][^E][^E][t1][t1][y2][y2][I$][y2]| [y2][o5] [i4] [Y@][i4][Y@][y2][t1][^E][t1][y2][w5]| [w5][^E][w5][^E][w5][y2][w5][T!][y2]| [92][30][Q$] [w5][w5][e6][e6][^E][^E][t1][t1][y2][y2][t1][^E] [^E][e6] [w5][w5][e6][e6][^E][^E][t1][t1][y2][y2][I$][y2]| [y2][o5] [i4] [Y@][i4][Y@][y2][t1][^E][t1][y2][w5]| [w5][^E][w5][^E][w5][y2][w5][T!][y2]| [92][30][Q$] [wt5] [wt5][wt5][wt5][wt5] [we5] [wr5] 5 [w5][e6][r7] [si8] [si8][si8][si8][si8] [ys8] [us8]| [t5]yu [i4] q84 q84 q84[i4][qi]u8y[u8] [t0][w8]8 088 088[w8][w0]e8t[t4] q84 q84 q84[i4][qi]u8y[u5] [wt][w9]5 w92o[qo][i9][u2][y2]q9[i3] [wu]0[y3]tw[y0]4ue[qi]4[u4]e[yq][wr]| [d5]| [a5]| [o5]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:33
    Donut Wolf (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [81]| |4 f s o [d92]|||[81]| |4 f s o [h95]|||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[d9] e y|d f||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[wd] y o p [ed] s|p [f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[id9] e y|d f||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[d5] i|u [ed6] [us]|a [p84]|||[o51]| |[s8]|[a7]|[p84]|||[o51]| |[f95]|d|[p84]|||[o51]| |[s8]|[a7]|[d96]|||[a5]| |s|d|[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[d9] e y|d f||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[wd] y o p [ed] s|p [f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[id9] e y|d f||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[d5] i|u [ed6] [us]|a [p84]||f d s a s [o51]||f [d8] s [a7] s [pf84]||f d s a s [o51]| |[fa95]|[sd]|[p84]||f d s a s [o51]||f [d8] s [a7] s [hd96]| |g||f [da5]| |s|d|[81]| |4 f s o [d92]|||[81]| |4 f s o [h95]|||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[d9] e y|d f||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[wd] y o p [ed] s|p [f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[id9] e y|d f||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[d5] i|u [ed6] [us]|a [p84]|||[o51]| |[s8]|[a7]|[p84]|||[o51]| |[f95]|d|[p84]|||[o51]| |[s8]|[a7]|[d96]|||[a5]| |s|d|[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[d9] e y|d f||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[wd] y o p [ed] s|p [f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[id9] e y|d f||[f8] w t s [qd] e [tp]|[d5] i|u [ed6] [us]|a [p84]||f d s a s [o51]||f [d8] s [a7] s [pf84]||f d s a s [o51]| |[fa95]|[sd]|[p84]||f d s a s [o51]||f [d8] s [a7] s [hd96]| |g||f [da5]| |s|d

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:12
    Church Hill (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9]t[y9] [uqe]y[t8] [yw0]t[wr5]t[yr9] [yr92] [yr9]u[yi9] [uqe]y[ut8] [wi0]u[yw5] [r9] [yr92]t[yr9]u[yi9] [qoe]i[ut8] [wo0]p[wo5] [yra9] [yra92] [r9]t[y94] [qe] [t85] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9]t[y94] [uqe5]y[t85] [yw0]t[wr5]t[yr9] [yr92] [yr9]u[yi94] [uqe]y[ut85] [wi0]u[yw5] [r9] [yr92]t[yr9]u[yi94] [qoe5]i[ut85] [wo0]p[wo5] [yra9] [yra92] [r9]t[yp9] [qoe] [to8] [wi0] [wu5]y[yr9]u[yr92] [r9] [yi9] [qoe]i[to8] [wp0] [wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [r9] [yp9] [qpe]a[ts8]a[wp0]o[wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [r9]i[yi9] [qoe] [to8] [w0] [wo5] [r9] [r92] [r95]4[y96] [qe5] [t85] [w0]4[w5] [r92] [r92] [r93] [y94] [qe3]2[t83] [w50] [w75] [r95] [r952] [r9] [yp9] [qe] [to8] [w0] [yw5] [r9] [r92] [rp9]a[yp9] [yqe] [ut8] [wi0]o[wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [yq9]u[i6]u[yq9] [u8] [wt0] [y9] [qe9] [i9] [qi9]u[y6] [qi9] [wu8]i[wo0] [qi9]|[i9]u[yq9]u[i6]u[yq9] [u8]i[wo0] [i9] [yq9] [pi9] [qpi9] [pi6] [qpi9] [wuo8] [wuo0] [qpi9]|[y94] [yq94][u3][i62]u[yq94] [u83] [wt20]3[y94] [qe92] [i94] [qi95]u[y64]3[qi92] [wu83]i[wo30] [qi94] 23[i94]u[yq95]u[i6]u[yq95]4[u85][i4][wo30] [i94] [yq96] [pi96]^[qpi98]^[pi6]5[qpi94]6[wuo85]4[wuo30]4[pi92] 2 [y9] [yqie] [t8] [wut0] [w5] [yro9] [r92] [yro9] [y9] [yqie9] [t80] [wut0] [w95] [yro9]0[r92] [yro9] [yi9] [yqie]o[tp8] [wuto0]i[wi5]o[yro9] [ro92] [yro9]i[y9]i[yqpie] [t8] [wuts0]u[wo5] [yroa9] [ra92] [yroa9]t[y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9]t[y9] [uqe]y[t8] [yw0]t[wr5]t[yr9] [yr92] [yr9]u[yi9] [uqe]y[ut8] [wi0]u[yw5] [r9] [yr92]t[yr9]u[yi9] [qoe]i[ut8] [wo0]p[wo5] [yra9] [yra92] [r9]t[y94] [qe] [t85] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9]t[y94] [uqe5]y[t85] [yw0]t[wr5]t[yr9] [yr92] [yr9]u[yi94] [uqe]y[ut85] [wi0]u[yw5] [r9] [yr92]t[yr9]u[yi94] [qoe5]i[ut85] [wo0]p[wo5] [yra9] [yra92] [r9]t[yp9] [qoe] [to8] [wi0] [wu5]y[yr9]u[yr92] [r9] [yi9] [qoe]i[to8] [wp0] [wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [r9] [yp9] [qpe]a[ts8]a[wp0]o[wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [r9]i[yi9] [qoe] [to8] [w0] [wo5] [r9] [r92] [r95]4[y96] [qe5] [t85] [w0]4[w5] [r92] [r92] [r93] [y94] [qe3]2[t83] [w50] [w75] [r95] [r952] [r9] [yp9] [qe] [to8] [w0] [yw5] [r9] [r92] [rp9]a[yp9] [yqe] [ut8] [wi0]o[wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [yq9]u[i6]u[yq9] [u8] [wt0] [y9] [qe9] [i9] [qi9]u[y6] [qi9] [wu8]i[wo0] [qi9]|[i9]u[yq9]u[i6]u[yq9] [u8]i[wo0] [i9] [yq9] [pi9] [qpi9] [pi6] [qpi9] [wuo8] [wuo0] [qpi9]|[y94] [yq94][u3][i62]u[yq94] [u83] [wt20]3[y94] [qe92] [i94] [qi95]u[y64]3[qi92] [wu83]i[wo30] [qi94] 23[i94]u[yq95]u[i6]u[yq95]4[u85][i4][wo30] [i94] [yq96] [pi96]^[qpi98]^[pi6]5[qpi94]6[wuo85]4[wuo30]4[pi92] 2 [y9] [yqie] [t8] [wut0] [w5] [yro9] [r92] [yro9] [y9] [yqie9] [t80] [wut0] [w95] [yro9]0[r92] [yro9] [yi9] [yqie]o[tp8] [wuto0]i[wi5]o[yro9] [ro92] [yro9]i[y9]i[yqpie] [t8] [wuts0]u[wo5] [yroa9] [ra92] [yroa9]t[y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:06
    Wynn's Shining Fortress (Wynncraft)


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    Level: 6
    Length: 04:07
    Unfamiliar Lands (Wynncraft)


  • 9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q q e t e w r y r 9 q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq]u[ie] [uq] [y9] [tq] [ye] q [u9] q e [uq]i[u9] [yq] e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wr] r [r9] ty[wt] r [r9] r [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wo] r 9 [ri] [wu] r [y9] r [ue] T 0 T e T 0 T [ie] T 0 T [ue] T 0 T [y92][u0][qi][wo][pe6] q [92] q [e6] [q4] [wa5] r [92] r [w5] r [92] [r5] [d94] q [e6] q [s94] q [ea6] q [wp5] r [97] r [wo5] r [97] r [pe6] T [0*] T [e6] T [0*] T e T 0 T [e6] T [30] T [y92] [yq]u[ie6] [uq] [y92] [tq] [ye6] [q4] [u92] q [e6] [uq]i[u92] [yq] [e6] [q4] [tqi8] e [t4] [tie][ur][ywe7] r [y5] [tri] [ye92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [tqi4] e [t8] [tie][ur][ywe5] r [y9] [troi7] [ype92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [tq4] e t e [yw5] r y r [92] q e q [92] q e q [tqi4] e [tq] e [ywo5] r [yw] r [y92]y[yq]y[ye9]y[yqi][yp][yd92][yd][yqd][yd][yed9][yd][yqd][yd][y92] q e q [u92] q e q [i92] q e q [o92] q e q [qp4] [oe] [ti] e [wo5] [ri] [yu] r [y92] q e q [92] q [ype] q [sqp4] [oea] [tpi] e [woa5] [rpi] [yuo] rt[yp92] q e q [92] q e q [yi92] [q2] [e6] q [uo92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [pi92] [q2] [e6] q [oa92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpo8] [pe] [wia5] [urp5]y[yoi9] [ur] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [tq]y[u92] [qi2] [uoe6] [yqp4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpoa8] [spe] [wia5] [urp5]y[ypoi9] [ura] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [yq]u[i92] [qo2] [pe6] [qT4] [y9] q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q q e t e w r y r 9 q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq]u[ie] [uq] [y9] [tq] [ye] q [u9] q e [uq]i[u9] [yq] e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wr] r [r9] ty[wt] r [r9] r [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wo] r 9 [ri] [wu] r [y9] r [ue] T 0 T e T 0 T [ie] T 0 T [ue] T 0 T [y92][u0][qi][wo][pe6] q [92] q [e6] [q4] [wa5] r [92] r [w5] r [92] [r5] [d94] q [e6] q [s94] q [ea6] q [wp5] r [97] r [wo5] r [97] r [pe6] T [0] T [e6] T [0] T e T 0 T [e6] T [30] T [y92] [yq]u[ie6] [uq] [y92] [tq] [ye6] [q4] [u92] q [e6] [uq]i[u92] [yq] [e6] [q4] [tqi8] e [t4] [tie][ur][ywe7] r [y5] [tri] [ye92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [tqi4] e [t8] [tie][ur][ywe5] r [y9] [troi7] [ype92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [tq4] e t e [yw5] r y r [92] q e q [92] q e q [tqi4] e [tq] e [ywo5] r [yw] r [y92]y[yq]y[ye9]y[yqi][yp][yd92][yd][yqd][yd][yed9][yd][yqd][yd][y92] q e q [u92] q e q [i92] q e q [o92] q e q [qp4] [oe] [ti] e [wo5] [ri] [yu] r [y92] q e q [92] q [ype] q [sqp4] [oea] [tpi] e [woa5] [rpi] [yuo] rt[yp92] q e q [92] q e q [yi92] [q2] [e6] q [uo92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [pi92] [q2] [e6] q [oa92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpo8] [pe] [wia5] [urp5]y[yoi9] [ur] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [tq]y[u92] [qi2] [uoe6] [yqp4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpoa8] [spe] [wia5] [urp5]y[ypoi9] [ura] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [yq]u[i92] [qo2] [pe6] [qT4] [y9]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:39
    Triumphant Citadel (Wynncraft)


  • [e60] e t e u e t e [w5] w r w y w r w [e60] e t e u e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wr5] w r w [yr] w r w [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te60]|3|6 6 6 66[t6] [te0] [u3] [te0]u[o6] [ie0]3u [e60]i[o5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[u4] [tqe] [t8] [rqe] [t4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [tp6] [tpe0] [us3] [te0][up][so6] [pie0]3[up] [e60][si][oa5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [yo5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[uo3] [wt0] [t8] [wri0] [to3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[up4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0]3u [te60] [r5] [wr] [y9] [wr] [o5] [wr]9y [wr7] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0] [u3] [te60] [u8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [i9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ut6] [te0] [up3] [te0] [oa6] [te0]3[us]d[te60] [uf5] [wr] [yd9] [wsr] [od5] [wr]9[ya] [wr7] [tp6] [ute0] [uo3] [tpe0] [so6] [te0] [ua3] [te60] [up8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [ia9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ue60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[ue60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3] [yr] [ute60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3]|[ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[wr9] [te] [ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[w9]|[u6] [e0] [y3] [e0] [u6] [e0]3t [e60] [y5] [wr] [u9] [wr] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][us4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [ts6] [tse0] [uf3] [te0][us][of6] [ied0]3[us] [e60][id][oa5] [wr] [ia9] [wusr] [ya5] [wr]9 [wtrp7][ya][us3] [wtp0] [tp8] [wro0] [tp3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][uso4] [utqpe] [utp8] [yrqoe] [utp4] [qe] [yro8] [qe6] [up6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [a6] [e0]3sd[e60] [o5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [up6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0]3 [e60] [yo5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [e60] e t e u e t e [w5] w r w y w r w [e60] e t e u e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wr5] w r w [yr] w r w [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te60]|3|6 6 6 66[t6] [te0] [u3] [te0]u[o6] [ie0]3u [e60]i[o5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[u4] [tqe] [t8] [rqe] [t4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [tp6] [tpe0] [us3] [te0][up][so6] [pie0]3[up] [e60][si][oa5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [yo5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[uo3] [wt0] [t8] [wri0] [to3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[up4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0]3u [te60] [r5] [wr] [y9] [wr] [o5] [wr]9y [wr7] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0] [u3] [te60] [u8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [i9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ut6] [te0] [up3] [te0] [oa6] [te0]3[us]d[te60] [uf5] [wr] [yd9] [wsr] [od5] [wr]9[ya] [wr7] [tp6] [ute0] [uo3] [tpe0] [so6] [te0] [ua3] [te60] [up8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [ia9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ue60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[ue60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3] [yr] [ute60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3]|[ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[wr9] [te] [ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[w9]|[u6] [e0] [y3] [e0] [u6] [e0]3t [e60] [y5] [wr] [u9] [wr] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][us4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [ts6] [tse0] [uf3] [te0][us][of6] [ied0]3[us] [e60][id][oa5] [wr] [ia9] [wusr] [ya5] [wr]9 [wtrp7][ya][us3] [wtp0] [tp8] [wro0] [tp3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][uso4] [utqpe] [utp8] [yrqoe] [utp4] [qe] [yro8] [qe6] [up6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [a6] [e0]3sd[e60] [o5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [up6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0]3 [e60] [yo5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [e60]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:53
    The Forest Lives On (Wynncraft)


  • 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 8 [wt] 5 [wt] 8 [wt] 5 [wt] 9 [ye] 6 [ye] 9 [ye] 6 [ye] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 3 [wr] [p6] [e0] [u3] [oe0] [p6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [o8] [wts] [s5] [wtd] [f8] [wt] [d5] [wts] [d9] [ye] [p6] [ye] [p9] [ye] [a6] [ye] [s4] [qea] [p8] [qea] [s4] [qe] [a3] [wro] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [yoe0] [up6] [e0] [up3] [e0] [uo8] [wtso] [so5] [wtpd] [sf8] [wt] [pd5] [wtso] [pd9] [ye] [pi6] [ye] [pi9] [ye] [oa6] [ye] [sp4] [qoea] [pi8] [qoea] [sp4] [qe] [oa3] [wuro] [p6] [e0] [e3]w[e0]r[t6] [e0] [y3] [te0] [u8] [wt] [o5] [wt]p[o8] [wt] [i5] [wut] [i9] [yoe] [i6] [yue] [y9] [ye] 6 [ype][ua][si4] [qoed] [si8] [uqea] [tp4] [qe] [ua3] [wr] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [yoe0] [up6] [e0] [up3] [e0] [uo8] [wtso] [so5] [wtpd] [sf8] [wt] [pd5] [wtso] [pd9] [ye] [pi6] [ye] [pi9] [ye] [oa6] [ye] [sp4] [qoea] [pi8] [qoea] [sp4] [qe] [oa3] [wuro]W[e6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 1 [wt] 5 [wt] 1 [wt] 5 [wt] 2 [ye] 6 [ye] 2 [ye] 6 [ye] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 3 [wr] 6 [pe0] [pe3]o[pe0] 6 [pe0] [ue3] [e0] [o1] [wt] [ts5] [wta] [o1] [wt] [t5] [wtO] [p2] [yoe] [yi6] [yoe] [i2] [ye] [yi6] [yoe] [p4] [qoe] [ie8] [qoe] [p4] [qe] [ro3] [wur] [p6] [e0] [u3] [oe0] [p6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [o1] [wts] [s5] [wtd] [f1] [wt] [d5] [wts] [d2] [ye] [p6] [ye] [p2] [ye] [a6] [ye] [s4] [qea] [p8] [qea] [s4] [qe] [a3] [wro] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [yoe0] [up6] [e0] [up3] [e0] [uo8] [wtso] [so5] [wtpd] [sf8] [wt] [pd5] [wtso] [pd9] [ye] [pi6] [ye] [pi9] [ye] [oa6] [ye] [sp4] [qoea] [pi8] [qoea] [sp4] [qe] [oa3] [wr] [p6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 8 [wt] 5 [wt] 8 [wt] 5 [wt] 9 [ye] 6 [ye] 9 [ye] 6 [ye] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 3 [wr] [p6] [e0] [u3] [oe0] [p6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [o8] [wts] [s5] [wtd] [f8] [wt] [d5] [wts] [d9] [ye] [p6] [ye] [p9] [ye] [a6] [ye] [s4] [qea] [p8] [qea] [s4] [qe] [a3] [wro] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [yoe0] [up6] [e0] [up3] [e0] [uo8] [wtso] [so5] [wtpd] [sf8] [wt] [pd5] [wtso] [pd9] [ye] [pi6] [ye] [pi9] [ye] [oa6] [ye] [sp4] [qoea] [pi8] [qoea] [sp4] [qe] [oa3] [wuro] [p6] [e0] [e3]w[e0]r[t6] [e0] [y3] [te0] [u8] [wt] [o5] [wt]p[o8] [wt] [i5] [wut] [i9] [yoe] [i6] [yue] [y9] [ye] 6 [ype][ua][si4] [qoed] [si8] [uqea] [tp4] [qe] [ua3] [wr] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [yoe0] [up6] [e0] [up3] [e0] [uo8] [wtso] [so5] [wtpd] [sf8] [wt] [pd5] [wtso] [pd9] [ye] [pi6] [ye] [pi9] [ye] [oa6] [ye] [sp4] [qoea] [pi8] [qoea] [sp4] [qe] [oa3] [wuro]W[e6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 1 [wt] 5 [wt] 1 [wt] 5 [wt] 2 [ye] 6 [ye] 2 [ye] 6 [ye] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 3 [wr] 6 [pe0] [pe3]o[pe0] 6 [pe0] [ue3] [e0] [o1] [wt] [ts5] [wta] [o1] [wt] [t5] [wtO] [p2] [yoe] [yi6] [yoe] [i2] [ye] [yi6] [yoe] [p4] [qoe] [ie8] [qoe] [p4] [qe] [ro3] [wur] [p6] [e0] [u3] [oe0] [p6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [o1] [wts] [s5] [wtd] [f1] [wt] [d5] [wts] [d2] [ye] [p6] [ye] [p2] [ye] [a6] [ye] [s4] [qea] [p8] [qea] [s4] [qe] [a3] [wro] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [yoe0] [up6] [e0] [up3] [e0] [uo8] [wtso] [so5] [wtpd] [sf8] [wt] [pd5] [wtso] [pd9] [ye] [pi6] [ye] [pi9] [ye] [oa6] [ye] [sp4] [qoea] [pi8] [qoea] [sp4] [qe] [oa3] [wr] [p6]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:51
    The Binding Alliance (Wynncraft)


  • e [te]|[te] w [wr]|[wr] q [qe]|[qe] w [wr]|[wr] e [ut]|[ut] w [yr]|[yr] q [te]|[te] [rW0]|0 5[e6] [te]|[te6] [w5] [wr]|[wr5] [q4] [qe]|[qe4] [w5] [wr] 0 [wr] [e6] [ut] 0 [ut6] [w5] [yr] 7 [yr7] [q8] [te] 6 [te] [rW70]|0 [o5][pe6] [tse] p [ute6] [wo5] [wr] y [wr5]o[qi4] [qpe] o [qie4] [wo5] [wr] [f0] [wr] [fe6] [ut] [s0] [ut6] [wa5] [yr] 7 [yrp7]a[sq8] [tea] [p6] [tse] [raW70]|[u0] [y5]t[ue6] [tpe] a [tpe6] [wa5] [wr] p [wr5] [qa4] [qe]|[qpe4] [ws5] [wr] [a0] [wr] [se6] [utp] [u0] [ut6] [wa5] [yro] [y7] [yur7] [qi8] [te] [p6] [te] [rWO70]|[s0] [a5][pe6]o[tpe]|[te6]8[w50] [wrf]ds [wf75] [qd4] [sqe] s [qe4] [ws5] [wra] [a0] [wr] [pe6]a[utp] 0 [ut6]3[w52] [ysr] [d7] [yra7] [sq8] [te] [d6] [te] [raW70] O [a0] 5 [pe6]8[te0]|[te6] [wo5]7[wr9]|[wr5] [qi4]6[qe8]|[qe4] [wo5]7[wr9] [a0] [wr] [se6]8[ut0] [a0] [utp6] [wa5]7[yr9] 7 [yrp7] [qa84]6[tpe8] [p6] [ute] [raO730] % [70] f[a2][30] [w0] 7 [w0] [Q2] [eQ] 6 [eQ] [w3] [r0] 7 [r0] [e2] [tQ] 6 [rQ] [30] [w0] 7 [w0] [Q2] [eQ] 6 [rQ] [30] [w0] 7 [w0] [w30]|7|3|7|3|[uo3] [uo5] [pe6] [te] s [tea6]s[wd5] [wr] a [wr5] [sq4] [qea] p [qea4] [s5] [wr] [a0] [wro] [pe6] [ut]o[p0] [uta6] [wo5] [yr]d[s7] [yr7]d[sq8] [tea] [p6] [te] [rWO70]|[f0] 5 [spe6] [te] u [te6] [yw5] [wr] u [wr5] [qi4] [qe] y [qe4] [t5] [wr] [u0] [wr] [pe6] [ut] 0 [ut6] [w5] [yr] 7 [yr7] [q8] [te] 6 [te] [rW70]|0|e [te]|[te] w [wr]|[wr] q [qe]|[qe] w [wr]|[wr] e [ut]|[ut] w [yr]|[yr] q [te]|[te] [rW0]|0 5[e6] [te]|[te6] [w5] [wr]|[wr5] [q4] [qe]|[qe4] [w5] [wr] 0 [wr] [e6] [ut] 0 [ut6] [w5] [yr] 7 [yr7] [q8] [te] 6 [te] [rW70]|0 [o5][pe6] [tse] p [ute6] [wo5] [wr] y [wr5]o[qi4] [qpe] o [qie4] [wo5] [wr] [f0] [wr] [fe6] [ut] [s0] [ut6] [wa5] [yr] 7 [yrp7]a[sq8] [tea] [p6] [tse] [raW70]|[u0] [y5]t[ue6] [tpe] a [tpe6] [wa5] [wr] p [wr5] [qa4] [qe]|[qpe4] [ws5] [wr] [a0] [wr] [se6] [utp] [u0] [ut6] [wa5] [yro] [y7] [yur7] [qi8] [te] [p6] [te] [rWO70]|[s0] [a5][pe6]o[tpe]|[te6]8[w50] [wrf]ds [wf75] [qd4] [sqe] s [qe4] [ws5] [wra] [a0] [wr] [pe6]a[utp] 0 [ut6]3[w52] [ysr] [d7] [yra7] [sq8] [te] [d6] [te] [raW70] O [a0] 5 [pe6]8[te0]|[te6] [wo5]7[wr9]|[wr5] [qi4]6[qe8]|[qe4] [wo5]7[wr9] [a0] [wr] [se6]8[ut0] [a0] [utp6] [wa5]7[yr9] 7 [yrp7] [qa84]6[tpe8] [p6] [ute] [raO730] % [70] f[a2][30] [w0] 7 [w0] [Q2] [eQ] 6 [eQ] [w3] [r0] 7 [r0] [e2] [tQ] 6 [rQ] [30] [w0] 7 [w0] [Q2] [eQ] 6 [rQ] [30] [w0] 7 [w0] [w30]|7|3|7|3|[uo3] [uo5] [pe6] [te] s [tea6]s[wd5] [wr] a [wr5] [sq4] [qea] p [qea4] [s5] [wr] [a0] [wro] [pe6] [ut]o[p0] [uta6] [wo5] [yr]d[s7] [yr7]d[sq8] [tea] [p6] [te] [rWO70]|[f0] 5 [spe6] [te] u [te6] [yw5] [wr] u [wr5] [qi4] [qe] y [qe4] [t5] [wr] [u0] [wr] [pe6] [ut] 0 [ut6] [w5] [yr] 7 [yr7] [q8] [te] 6 [te] [rW70]|0

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:55
    Sun Stained Stones (Wynncraft)


  • e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 0 e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 0 [se] [uta]s[d0] [uta] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [sfe] [utda][sf][gd0] [utda] [sfe] [ut] 0 [utha] [sje] [ut] [sj0] [utpf] [wha] [yr] [ha9] [yrod] [qpg] [ti] 8 [ti] q [ti] 8 [tqi] [se] [uta]s[d0] [uta] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [sfe] [utda][sf][gd0] [utda] [sfe] [ut] 0 [utha] [sje] [ut] [sj0] [utpf] [wha] [yr] [ha9] [yrod] [qpg] [ti] [fa0] [ur] [spe]|0|[ts] [uta]s[wd] [uta] [ts] [ut] w [ut] [tsf] [utda][sf][wgd] [utda] [tsf] [ut] w [uta] [tso] [ut] [wso] [utp] [roa] [yr] [woa] [yro] [upe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [uta] [tso] [ut] [wso] [utp] [roa] [yr] [woa] [yro] [upe] [ut] 0 [ut] [qpi] [ti] [woa] [yo] [spe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 0 [se] [uta]s[d0] [uta] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [sfe] [utda][sf][gd0] [utda] [sfe] [ut] 0 [utha] [sje] [ut] [sj0] [utpf] [wha] [yr] [ha9] [yrod] [qpg] [ti] 8 [ti] q [ti] 8 [tqi] [se] [uta]s[d0] [uta] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [sfe] [utda][sf][gd0] [utda] [sfe] [ut] 0 [utha] [sje] [ut] [sj0] [utpf] [wha] [yr] [ha9] [yrod] [qpg] [ti] [fa0] [ur] [spe]|0|[ts] [uta]s[wd] [uta] [ts] [ut] w [ut] [tsf] [utda][sf][wgd] [utda] [tsf] [ut] w [uta] [tso] [ut] [wso] [utp] [roa] [yr] [woa] [yro] [upe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [uta] [tso]|[wso] [up] [roa]|[woa] [yo] [upe]|0|[qpi]|[woa]|[spe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 [a0] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [se] [ut] [p0] [ut] [ea] [ut] 0 [ut] [utea] 0 [o8] 0 [upe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 0 e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 0 e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 0 [se] [uta]s[d0] [uta] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [sfe] [utda][sf][gd0] [utda] [sfe] [ut] 0 [utha] [sje] [ut] [sj0] [utpf] [wha] [yr] [ha9] [yrod] [qpg] [ti] 8 [ti] q [ti] 8 [tqi] [se] [uta]s[d0] [uta] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [sfe] [utda][sf][gd0] [utda] [sfe] [ut] 0 [utha] [sje] [ut] [sj0] [utpf] [wha] [yr] [ha9] [yrod] [qpg] [ti] [fa0] [ur] [spe]|0|[ts] [uta]s[wd] [uta] [ts] [ut] w [ut] [tsf] [utda][sf][wgd] [utda] [tsf] [ut] w [uta] [tso] [ut] [wso] [utp] [roa] [yr] [woa] [yro] [upe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [uta] [tso] [ut] [wso] [utp] [roa] [yr] [woa] [yro] [upe] [ut] 0 [ut] [qpi] [ti] [woa] [yo] [spe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 0 [se] [uta]s[d0] [uta] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [sfe] [utda][sf][gd0] [utda] [sfe] [ut] 0 [utha] [sje] [ut] [sj0] [utpf] [wha] [yr] [ha9] [yrod] [qpg] [ti] 8 [ti] q [ti] 8 [tqi] [se] [uta]s[d0] [uta] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [sfe] [utda][sf][gd0] [utda] [sfe] [ut] 0 [utha] [sje] [ut] [sj0] [utpf] [wha] [yr] [ha9] [yrod] [qpg] [ti] [fa0] [ur] [spe]|0|[ts] [uta]s[wd] [uta] [ts] [ut] w [ut] [tsf] [utda][sf][wgd] [utda] [tsf] [ut] w [uta] [tso] [ut] [wso] [utp] [roa] [yr] [woa] [yro] [upe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [uta] [tso]|[wso] [up] [roa]|[woa] [yo] [upe]|0|[qpi]|[woa]|[spe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 [a0] [se] [ut] 0 [ut] [se] [ut] [p0] [ut] [ea] [ut] 0 [ut] [utea] 0 [o8] 0 [upe] [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] e [ut] 0 [ut] [ute] 0 8 0 e

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:10
    Standing on Thin Air (Wynncraft)


  • 9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6][y9]t[ye9][p6]y[ype6][o9]u[te9][y6] [ype6]p[p9] [yea9][s6] [yea6][o9] [yea9][p6] [ye6][s9] [yea9][p6] [yie6][o9]p[yea9][p6] [yie6][yo9]p[yea9][p6]o[yie6][u9] [te9][y6] [ye6]7[98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][95] [ye9]6 [ype6][a7][ys98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][s98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][s98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][o95][u3][te91][y62] [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye90][96] [ye86]909[ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]t[y9]t[ye9][qp6]o[ype6]i[o90]p[yoe9][i96] [ype6]o[p9]0[yqea9][wp6]q[yse60][a90]p[yoe9][p96] [ye6][se9]a[ype9][ea6]p[ywoe6][pe9]a[ywpe9]o[qp6] [ype6]a[se9]a[ype9][oe6][pe][ywoe6][ie9] [yue9]t[y6] [ye6]7[98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][95] [ye9]6 [ype6][a7][ys98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][s98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][s98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][o95][u3][te91][y62] [ye6][ype9]|9|[ype9]|[ype9][ype0][yqpe][wo] [yoE][P9] [yPE][i9] [yie][p6] [ye][^P] [yPE][id9] [yidE][ueS]|wq0[wo] [yoE][P9] [yPE][i9] [yie][p6] [yie]o[p6] [yoe][i6][u7][eT][y9]|[y9]0q[wo] [yoE][P9]9[yPE0][i9]9[yie8][p96] [ye]8[e^P9]9[yPE9]8[idE9]0[yidE9][ufe0]|6%6%6[wo9]9[yoE][P9] [yPE8][i9] [yie6][p64]6[yie^][o8][pe96] e[yp96][a7][eS][d9]|[wo][qi][u0][y9] [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9|[p6][a7][S][yd9] [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye96]q9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6][y9]t[ye9][p6]y[ype6][o9]u[te9][y6] [ype6]p[p9] [yea9][s6] [yea6][o9] [yea9][p6] [ye6][s9] [yea9][p6] [yie6][o9]p[yea9][p6] [yie6][yo9]p[yea9][p6]o[yie6][u9] [te9][y6] [ye6]7[98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][95] [ye9]6 [ype6][a7][ys98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][s98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][s98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][o95][u3][te91][y62] [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye90][96] [ye86]909[ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]t[y9]t[ye9][qp6]o[ype6]i[o90]p[yoe9][i96] [ype6]o[p9]0[yqea9][wp6]q[yse60][a90]p[yoe9][p96] [ye6][se9]a[ype9][ea6]p[ywoe6][pe9]a[ywpe9]o[qp6] [ype6]a[se9]a[ype9][oe6][pe][ywoe6][ie9] [yue9]t[y6] [ye6]7[98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][98] [ye98][86]7[ye6][95] [ye9]6 [ype6][a7][ys98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][s98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][s98] [yse98][s86][a7][ype6][o95][u3][te91][y62] [ye6][ype9]|9|[ype9]|[ype9][ype0][yqpe][wo] [yoE][P9] [yPE][i9] [yie][p6] [ye][^P] [yPE][id9] [yidE][ueS]|wq0[wo] [yoE][P9] [yPE][i9] [yie][p6] [yie]o[p6] [yoe][i6][u7][eT][y9]|[y9]0q[wo] [yoE][P9]9[yPE0][i9]9[yie8][p96] [ye]8[e^P9]9[yPE9]8[idE9]0[yidE9][ufe0]|6%6%6[wo9]9[yoE][P9] [yPE8][i9] [yie6][p64]6[yie^][o8][pe96] e[yp96][a7][eS][d9]|[wo][qi][u0][y9] [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9|[p6][a7][S][yd9] [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye6]9 [ye9]6 [ye96]q9

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:38
    Spirited Sailing Stories (Wynncraft)


  • ipspipspipspipspipspipspipspipsp[y9]ipiyip[i9][qi]pspip[s8]p[y9]ipiyi[p8][i9][qi]pspi[wp][sq]p[y9]i[pg][ih][yg]i[pd][ig9][qig][ph][sg][sp]ip[s8]p[y9]i[pg][ih][yg]i[pd8][si9][sqi][pg]spi[wp][sq]p[y9]i[pg][ih][yg]i[pf8][id9][sqi][pd]spi[wp][s8]p[^PE]yiyEy[i8][y9][E9]yiy[t8][wu][qo][u0][y9]i[pg8][ih9][yqg]i[pd][ig9][qig][ph9][sg8][sp]ip[s6][p8][y8][i9][pg][ih][yg][i9][qpd][wsi][sqi][pg8]sp[i8][p^][s6][p5][y4]i[pg][ih][yg]i[qpf][qid][sqi][pd8]spi[qp][s8]p[^PE]yiyEy[i8][y9][E9]yiy[th8][wug][qof][ug0][yd9]ipiyip[i9][yq]ipiyi[p8]i[t8]uoutuo[u9][t0]uoutu[o9][u8][y9]i[pd]i[yf]i[pg][i9][yq]i[pd][if][yg]i[pf8][id][tsf8][ug][oh]utuo[u9][t0]uoutu[o9][u8]yi[pd]i[yf]i[pd]i[yg]ipi[yf]i[pd]i[ts][uo][so][ud][ts]uoutuoutu[so]u[yd]ipiyipiyipi[yd]i[pf]i[tshf]uoutuoutuou[tp][us][od][us][yd9]i[pg8][ih9][yqg]i[pd][ig9][qig][ph9][sg8][sp]ip[s6][p8][y8][i9][pg][ih][yg][i9][qpd][wsi][sqi][pg8]sp[i8][p^][s6][p5][y4]i[pg][ih][yg]i[qpf][qid][sqi][pd8]spi[qp][s8]p[^PE]yiyEy[i8][y9][E9]yiy[h8][wg][qof][g0][y9]i[pg8][id9][yqd]i[sp][id9][qig][ph9][sg8]pi[tsi][yod][pig6][yod8][tsi][y8][i9][pg][id][yg][ih9][qpg][wi][qig][p8]sp[i8][tsi^][yod][pig6][yod5][tsi][yqg][ig][pg][id][yg][ih][qpg][qih][qig][p8]s[pd][si][tsqi][yod][pig8][yod][tsi][d^E]yiyEy[i8][y9][E9]yiy[t8][wu][qo][u0][i9]pspipspipspipspipspipspipspipsp[y9]ipiyip[i9][qi]pspip[s8]p[y9]ipiyi[p8][i9][qi]pspi[wp][sq]p[y9]i[pg][ih][yg]i[pd][ig9][qig][ph][sg][sp]ip[s8]p[y9]i[pg][ih][yg]i[pd8][si9][sqi][pg]spi[wp][sq]p[y9]i[pg][ih][yg]i[pf8][id9][sqi][pd]spi[wp][s8]p[^PE]yiyEy[i8][y9][E9]yiy[t8][wu][qo][u0][y9]i[pg8][ih9][yqg]i[pd][ig9][qig][ph9][sg8][sp]ip[s6][p8][y8][i9][pg][ih][yg][i9][qpd][wsi][sqi][pg8]sp[i8][p^][s6][p5][y4]i[pg][ih][yg]i[qpf][qid][sqi][pd8]spi[qp][s8]p[^PE]yiyEy[i8][y9][E9]yiy[th8][wug][qof][ug0][yd9]ipiyip[i9][yq]ipiyi[p8]i[t8]uoutuo[u9][t0]uoutu[o9][u8][y9]i[pd]i[yf]i[pg][i9][yq]i[pd][if][yg]i[pf8][id][tsf8][ug][oh]utuo[u9][t0]uoutu[o9][u8]yi[pd]i[yf]i[pd]i[yg]ipi[yf]i[pd]i[ts][uo][so][ud][ts]uoutuoutu[so]u[yd]ipiyipiyipi[yd]i[pf]i[tshf]uoutuoutuou[tp][us][od][us][yd9]i[pg8][ih9][yqg]i[pd][ig9][qig][ph9][sg8][sp]ip[s6][p8][y8][i9][pg][ih][yg][i9][qpd][wsi][sqi][pg8]sp[i8][p^][s6][p5][y4]i[pg][ih][yg]i[qpf][qid][sqi][pd8]spi[qp][s8]p[^PE]yiyEy[i8][y9][E9]yiy[h8][wg][qof][g0][y9]i[pg8][id9][yqd]i[sp][id9][qig][ph9][sg8]pi[tsi][yod][pig6][yod8][tsi][y8][i9][pg][id][yg][ih9][qpg][wi][qig][p8]sp[i8][tsi^][yod][pig6][yod5][tsi][yqg][ig][pg][id][yg][ih][qpg][qih][qig][p8]s[pd][si][tsqi][yod][pig8][yod][tsi][d^E]yiyEy[i8][y9][E9]yiy[t8][wu][qo][u0][y9]

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:00
    Snowdrifts Billowing (Wynncraft)


  • [ut8][u0][wo]||[wro][ra][yd]||[pe][TS][uf]||[yd][ig][pj] [id][yf][ig][th8]utu[t0][uj][th][ug][rd7]yry[r9][yd][rf][yg][fe6]T[ed]T[eS0]T[fe]T[yd9]iyi[ye][id][yf][ig][th8]utu[t0][uj][th][ug][rd7]yry[r9][yd][rf][yg][fe6]T[ed]T[eS0]T[fe]T[yd9]iyi[ye]iyituo||oad||pSf||dgj jgfdtuo||oad||pSf||dgj jgfg[th8]utu[t0]u[th]u[rg7]yry[r9]y[rg]y[fe6]TeT[e0]T[fe]T[yd9]iyi[ye]iyi[ut8] [ut][ut][ut0] [ut] [yr7] [yr][yr][yr9] [yr] [eT6] [eT][eT][eT0] [eT] [yr9] [yr][yr][yre]d[rf]g[th80] [ut][ut][ut0]j[th]g[rd97] [yr][yr][yr9]d[rf]g[fe6*] d[eT][eT][eTS0] [fe] [yqd9] [yi][yi][yie]d[yf]g[th8]utu[t0][uj][th][ug][rd7]yry[r9][yd][rf][yg][fe6]T[ed]T[eS0]T[fe]T[yd9]iyi[ye]iyi[ut8][u0][wo]||[wro][ra][yd]||[pe][TS][uf]||[yd][ig][pj] [id][yf][ig][th8]utu[t0][uj][th][ug][rd7]yry[r9][yd][rf][yg][fe6]T[ed]T[eS0]T[fe]T[yd9]iyi[ye][id][yf][ig][th8]utu[t0][uj][th][ug][rd7]yry[r9][yd][rf][yg][fe6]T[ed]T[eS0]T[fe]T[yd9]iyi[ye]iyituo||oad||pSf||dgj jgfdtuo||oad||pSf||dgj jgfg[th8]utu[t0]u[th]u[rg7]yry[r9]y[rg]y[fe6]TeT[e0]T[fe]T[yd9]iyi[ye]iyi[ut8] [ut][ut][ut0] [ut] [yr7] [yr][yr][yr9] [yr] [eT6] [eT][eT][eT0] [eT] [yr9] [yr][yr][yre]d[rf]g[th80] [ut][ut][ut0]j[th]g[rd97] [yr][yr][yr9]d[rf]g[fe6*] d[eT][eT][eTS0] [fe] [yqd9] [yi][yi][yie]d[yf]g[th8]utu[t0][uj][th][ug][rd7]yry[r9][yd][rf][yg][fe6]T[ed]T[eS0]T[fe]T[yd9]iyi[ye]iyiy

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:56
    Luxury of the Cease Fire (Wynncraft)


  • [te6] 60 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] p[a6][s0] [d8]D[utf8] 8[wd] so[yoe9]p 99 0 [tsqe] ds[a0] [s8][a7][tpe6] [o6][p0] 8o[uts8]p 8[ws] S[yed9] f9[d9] [s0] [tqea] p[p0] [o8]7[spfe6] [s6][s0] [sg8] [thf8] 8[wsf] p [ged9] 99 [sh0] [sqge] ap[ga0] [sf8][a7][tpe6] [pf][o6][pf0] 8o[tshf8]ph[ph8][wph] [sg][pf][yed9]s[gd]99 [hf0] [sqged] hf[uf0] [uf8][o7][te6] t[t6][t0] [t8]t[ut8]yu8[wu] yt[ye9]ui99 [i0]u[tqie]|[u0] [t8][t7][ute6] t6[e0] [u8] [ut8]io8w df[ged9] f[d9][gd9] [f0]d[sqge] g [s0]h[G8][g7][tfe6] s6[p0] 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] p[s6][sf0] 8d[uts8] f[g8][whf] gf[yped9]fg99 0 [tsqpe] fg[pf0] [o8][f7][fe6] [tp] [u0] [t8] [t8] u [wo] u [y9] i [p9] [i0] [qi] p [s0] [p8]7[pe6] [ts] [uf0] [ts8] [ts8] [uf] [woh] [uf] [yd9] [ig] [pj9] [ig0] [qig] [pj0] [sql0] [pj8][q7][pe60] [ts] [uf60] [ts80] [ts80] [uf8] [woh8] [uf]0[yqd9] [ig0] [pj9] [ig80] [qig7] [pj90] [sl0] [pj98]7[pe60] [ts] [uf0] [ts8] [ts8] [uf0] [woh0] [uf9]8[yd9] [ig] [pj9] [ig0] [qig4] [pj3] [sql4] [pj85]7[te6] p[a6][s0] [d8]D[utf8] g8[wf] ds[yed9] s[a9][p9] 0 [tsqe] ds[a0] [s8][d7][sfe6] 6[s0] 8o[uto8]p 8[ws] p [yed9] 9[f9] [d0] [tqed] fd[sp0] [oa8]7[tspe6] 60 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] 60 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] p[a6][s0] [d8]D[utf8] 8[wd] so[yoe9]p 99 0 [tsqe] ds[a0] [s8][a7][tpe6] [o6][p0] 8o[uts8]p 8[ws] S[yed9] f9[d9] [s0] [tqea] p[p0] [o8]7[spfe6] [s6][s0] [sg8] [thf8] 8[wsf] p [ged9] 99 [sh0] [sqge] ap[ga0] [sf8][a7][tpe6] [pf][o6][pf0] 8o[tshf8]ph[ph8][wph] [sg][pf][yed9]s[gd]99 [hf0] [sqged] hf[uf0] [uf8][o7][te6] t[t6][t0] [t8]t[ut8]yu8[wu] yt[ye9]ui99 [i0]u[tqie]|[u0] [t8][t7][ute6] t6[e0] [u8] [ut8]io8w df[ged9] f[d9][gd9] [f0]d[sqge] g [s0]h[G8][g7][tfe6] s6[p0] 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] p[s6][sf0] 8d[uts8] f[g8][whf] gf[yped9]fg99 0 [tsqpe] fg[pf0] [o8][f7][fe6] [tp] [u0] [t8] [t8] u [wo] u [y9] i [p9] [i0] [qi] p [s0] [p8]7[pe6] [ts] [uf0] [ts8] [ts8] [uf] [woh] [uf] [yd9] [ig] [pj9] [ig0] [qig] [pj0] [sql0] [pj8][q7][pe60] [ts] [uf60] [ts80] [ts80] [uf8] [woh8] [uf]0[yqd9] [ig0] [pj9] [ig80] [qig7] [pj90] [sl0] [pj98]7[pe60] [ts] [uf0] [ts8] [ts8] [uf0] [woh0] [uf9]8[yd9] [ig] [pj9] [ig0] [qig4] [pj3] [sql4] [pj85]7[te6] p[a6][s0] [d8]D[utf8] g8[wf] ds[yed9] s[a9][p9] 0 [tsqe] ds[a0] [s8][d7][sfe6] 6[s0] 8o[uto8]p 8[ws] p [yed9] 9[f9] [d0] [tqed] fd[sp0] [oa8]7[tspe6] 60 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6]

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:32
    Jewel of the Desert (Wynncraft)


  • 9 [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] 9 [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] w [oa] [oa] 9 [oa] [oa] w [oa] [oa] 9 [oa] [oa] 9 [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] 9 [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi8] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] 9 [yi] [yid]f[g6] [yif] [yid] 9 [yi] [yi] [g6] [yif] [yig] [wh] [oa] [oa] [d9] [oa] [oa] [wh] [oa] [oa] [h9] [oga] [ofa] [d9] [yi] [yi] [g6] [yi] [yif] [g9] [yif] [yid] 6 [yi] [yif8] [g^]f[ydE]f[ydE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] [g9] [yif] [yid] [96]9[yi9]9[yi9] 9 [yi] [yi] [qd6] [yi0] [yqi] [wh] [oa9] [oa9] 9 [oa] [oa9]8[w9] [oa] [oa] [h9] [oga] [ofa] [wd9] [yqi] [yi0] [96] [yi] [yi]89 [yi] [yid]f[g6] [yif] [yid8] [q^] [yE] [yE] [q0] [yE] [yqE] [^9] [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] q [pi] [pi] 8 [pi] [pi8]6[q8] [pi6] [pi6]8[86] [pi] [pi6]565[yE4] [yE]5[q4] [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] q [pi] [pi] 8 [spi] [pid] [qg] [pi] [pi] [f8] [pi] [pi]g[f^] [ydE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] q [pi] [pi] 8 [pi] [pi8]6[q8] [pi6] [pi6]8[86] [pi] [pi6]89 [yE] [yE8] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] q [pi] [pi] 8 [spi] [spi] [sq] [pi] [pi] [p8] [pi] [pi] [o^]p[yoE]i[yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE]s[d9] [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] [g9] [yif] [yid] [g6] [yif] [yid] [ws]d[oda] [ofa] [s9] [oa] [oa]s[wd] [oa] [oa] 9 [oa] [oa]h[g9] [yid] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi]h[g9] [yid] [yi]h[g6] [yid] [yi8]h[g^] [ydE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] [y92]pdypd[y6]pdypd[y92]pdypd[y6]pdypd[wo5]dhodh[o92]dhodh[wo5]dhodh[o92]dhodh[e92]ypeyp[e6]ypeyp[e92]ypeyp[e6]ype[y81]p[^E]iPEiP[qE4]iPEiP[^E]iPEiP[qE4]iPEiP[y9]p[yid] [yid]f[g6] [yi] [yih] [g9] [yif] [yid] [p6] [ysi] [yif] [wd]f[oda]s[oda] 9 [oa] [oa] w [oda] [oda]s[d9] [oa] [oa] [d9] [yi] [yi] [p6] [yi] [yig] [d9] [yi] [yi] [p6] [yi] [yid8] [^P] [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] [sq] [yPE] [ypE] [d9] [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] 9 [yi] [yi] [d6] [ysi]P[ypi] [wa] [oa] [oa] 9 [oa] [oa] w [oa] [oa] [s9] [oda]g[oha]g[d9] [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] 99[yi9]9[yi9] [q6]q[yqi]q[yqi8] [^9]9[yE9]9[yE9] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE]i9 [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] 9 [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] w [oa] [oa] 9 [oa] [oa] w [oa] [oa] 9 [oa] [oa] 9 [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] 9 [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi8] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] 9 [yi] [yid]f[g6] [yif] [yid] 9 [yi] [yi] [g6] [yif] [yig] [wh] [oa] [oa] [d9] [oa] [oa] [wh] [oa] [oa] [h9] [oga] [ofa] [d9] [yi] [yi] [g6] [yi] [yif] [g9] [yif] [yid] 6 [yi] [yif8] [g^]f[ydE]f[ydE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] [g9] [yif] [yid] [96]9[yi9]9[yi9] 9 [yi] [yi] [qd6] [yi0] [yqi] [wh] [oa9] [oa9] 9 [oa] [oa9]8[w9] [oa] [oa] [h9] [oga] [ofa] [wd9] [yqi] [yi0] [96] [yi] [yi]89 [yi] [yid]f[g6] [yif] [yid8] [q^] [yE] [yE] [q0] [yE] [yqE] [^9] [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] q [pi] [pi] 8 [pi] [pi8]6[q8] [pi6] [pi6]8[86] [pi] [pi6]565[yE4] [yE]5[q4] [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] q [pi] [pi] 8 [spi] [pid] [qg] [pi] [pi] [f8] [pi] [pi]g[f^] [ydE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] q [pi] [pi] 8 [pi] [pi8]6[q8] [pi6] [pi6]8[86] [pi] [pi6]89 [yE] [yE8] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] q [pi] [pi] 8 [spi] [spi] [sq] [pi] [pi] [p8] [pi] [pi] [o^]p[yoE]i[yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE]s[d9] [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] [g9] [yif] [yid] [g6] [yif] [yid] [ws]d[oda] [ofa] [s9] [oa] [oa]s[wd] [oa] [oa] 9 [oa] [oa]h[g9] [yid] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi]h[g9] [yid] [yi]h[g6] [yid] [yi8]h[g^] [ydE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] [y92]pdypd[y6]pdypd[y92]pdypd[y6]pdypd[wo5]dhodh[o92]dhodh[wo5]dhodh[o92]dhodh[e92]ypeyp[e6]ypeyp[e92]ypeyp[e6]ype[y81]p[^E]iPEiP[qE4]iPEiP[^E]iPEiP[qE4]iPEiP[y9]p[yid] [yid]f[g6] [yi] [yih] [g9] [yif] [yid] [p6] [ysi] [yif] [wd]f[oda]s[oda] 9 [oa] [oa] w [oda] [oda]s[d9] [oa] [oa] [d9] [yi] [yi] [p6] [yi] [yig] [d9] [yi] [yi] [p6] [yi] [yid8] [^P] [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] [sq] [yPE] [ypE] [d9] [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] 9 [yi] [yi] [d6] [ysi]P[ypi] [wa] [oa] [oa] 9 [oa] [oa] w [oa] [oa] [s9] [oda]g[oha]g[d9] [yi] [yi] 6 [yi] [yi] 99[yi9]9[yi9] [q6]q[yqi]q[yqi8] [^9]9[yE9]9[yE9] q [yE] [yE] ^ [yE] [yE] q [yE] [yE]

    Level: 5
    Length: 04:16
    Gylia Shanty (Wynncraft)


  • 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]y[t8] [rqe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [W3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] [y9] [yqe]u[i6] [qoe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] [e9] [qe]W[e6] [tqe] [r3] [W0] 7 [W0] [W30] ui[u7] o [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [e0] [ute3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [te4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ute6][ro][pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [te4][ri][qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qoe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [yre0] [te3] [e0] [e6]r[te0][yr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [tqe]y[u8] [yqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qea] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [yre0] [tsp3] [e0] [e6]r[tsp0][yra][tsp3] [roea0] [qpe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [ut6][yr][te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [qe6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [rW3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [pi9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [ye9] [yqe][ur][yi6] [uqoe] [up6][yi][ute0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [p9] [tqpe][rO][tp6] [sqpe] [ra3] [W0] [O7] [W0] [uaWO30]|7|[p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]y[t8] [rqe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] 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[te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [te4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ute6][ro][pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [te4][ri][qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qoe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [yre0] [te3] [e0] [e6]r[te0][yr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [tqe]y[u8] [yqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qea] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [yre0] [tsp3] [e0] [e6]r[tsp0][yra][tsp3] [roea0] [qpe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [ut6][yr][te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [qe6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [rW3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [pi9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [ye9] [yqe][ur][yi6] [uqoe] [up6][yi][ute0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [p9] [tqpe][rO][tp6] [sqpe] [ra3] [W0] [O7] [W0] [uaWO30]|7|[p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 06:19
    Gray Skies, Dark Days (Wynncraft)


  • y i y i y i y i t u t u t u t u w r w r w r w r w r w r y r w y y i y i y i y i t u t u t u t u w r w r w r w r w r w r y r w y [yg9] [pid]g[yd9] [pig] [yh9] [pih] [yg9] [pi] [td8] [uod] [tf8] [uog] [th8] [uoh] [th8] [uo] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5]g[yrh] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5] [ysr] [wg5]h[yrf] [wg5] [yrd] [wf5]f[yrh]f[wg5] [yrd] [yg9] [pid]g[yd9] [pig] [yh9] [pih] [yg9] [pi] [td8] [uod] [tf8] [uog] [th8] [uoh] [tg8] [uo] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5]g[yrh] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5] [ysr] [wg5]h[yrf] [wg5] [yrd] [wf5]f[yrh]f[wg5] [yrh] [yg9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[tf8]s[uof]s[tg8]s[uog]s[th8]s[uog]s[tg8]s[uog] [wa5]o[yra]o[wd5]o[yra]o[ws5]o[yra]o[wd5] [yro] [wo5] [yra] [wd5] [ysr]a[w5] [ysr] [wa5] [ysr] [yg9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[tf8]s[uof]s[tg8]s[uog]s[th8]s[uoh]s[th8]s[uog] [wa5]o[yra]o[wd5]o[yra]o[ws5]o[yra]o[wd5] [yro] [wo5] [yra] [wd5] [ysr]d[w5] [ysr] [wa5] [yrp] y i y i y i y i t u t u t u t u w r w r w r w r w r w r y r w y [y9] [qi] [y9] [qi] [y9] [qi] [y9] [qi] [t8] [u0] [t8] [u0] [t8] [u0] [t8] [u0] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [y9] [r7] [w5] [y9] [yd] i y i y [ig] [yd] i [ts] u t u t u [ts] u [wa] r w r w r w r w r w [ro] [ya] [sr] w [yS] [yd] i y i [yd] [ig] [yh] [ig] [th] u t [ug] [tf] u [tg] [uh] [wg] r w r w [rh]g[wh] [rg] [wf] r w [rd] [ys] r [wd] y 9|9|9 * 9 * [yg9] [pid]g[yd9] [pig] [yh9] [pih] [yg9] [pi] [td8] [uod] [tf8] [uog] [th8] [uoh] [th8] [uo] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5]g[yrh] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5] [ysr] [wg5]h[yrf] [wg5] [yrd] [wf5]f[yrh]f[wg5] [yrd] [yg9] [pid]g[yd9] [pig] [yh9] [pih] [yg9] [pi] [td8] [uod] [tf8] [uog] [th8] [uog] [th8] [uo] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5]g[yrh] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5] [ysr] [wg5]h[yrf] [wg5] [yrd] [wf5]f[yrh]f[wh5] [yrh] [yg9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[tf8]s[uof]s[tg8]s[uog]s[th8]s[uog]s[tg8]s[uog] [wa5]o[yra]o[wd5]o[yra]o[ws5]o[yra]o[wd5] [yro] [wo5] [yra] [wd5] [ysr]a[w5] [ysr] [wa5] [ysr] [yg9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[tf8]s[uof]s[tg8]s[uog]s[th8]s[uoh]s[th8]s[uog] [wa5]o[yra]o[wd5]o[yra]o[ws5]o[yra]o[wd5] [yro] [wo5] [yra] [wd5] [ysr]d[w5] [ysr] [wa5] [yrp] y i y i y i y i t u t u t u t u w r w r w r w r w r w r y r w y y i y i y i y i t u t u t u t u w r w r w r w r w r w r y r w y [yg9] [pid]g[yd9] [pig] [yh9] [pih] [yg9] [pi] [td8] [uod] [tf8] [uog] [th8] [uoh] [th8] [uo] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5]g[yrh] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5] [ysr] [wg5]h[yrf] [wg5] [yrd] [wf5]f[yrh]f[wg5] [yrd] [yg9] [pid]g[yd9] [pig] [yh9] [pih] [yg9] [pi] [td8] [uod] [tf8] [uog] [th8] [uoh] [tg8] [uo] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5]g[yrh] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5] [ysr] [wg5]h[yrf] [wg5] [yrd] [wf5]f[yrh]f[wg5] [yrh] [yg9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[tf8]s[uof]s[tg8]s[uog]s[th8]s[uog]s[tg8]s[uog] [wa5]o[yra]o[wd5]o[yra]o[ws5]o[yra]o[wd5] [yro] [wo5] [yra] [wd5] [ysr]a[w5] [ysr] [wa5] [ysr] [yg9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[tf8]s[uof]s[tg8]s[uog]s[th8]s[uoh]s[th8]s[uog] [wa5]o[yra]o[wd5]o[yra]o[ws5]o[yra]o[wd5] [yro] [wo5] [yra] [wd5] [ysr]d[w5] [ysr] [wa5] [yrp] y i y i y i y i t u t u t u t u w r w r w r w r w r w r y r w y [y9] [qi] [y9] [qi] [y9] [qi] [y9] [qi] [t8] [u0] [t8] [u0] [t8] [u0] [t8] [u0] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [w5] [r7] [y9] [r7] [w5] [y9] [yd] i y i y [ig] [yd] i [ts] u t u t u [ts] u [wa] r w r w r w r w r w [ro] [ya] [sr] w [yS] [yd] i y i [yd] [ig] [yh] [ig] [th] u t [ug] [tf] u [tg] [uh] [wg] r w r w [rh]g[wh] [rg] [wf] r w [rd] [ys] r [wd] y 9|9|9 * 9 * [yg9] [pid]g[yd9] [pig] [yh9] [pih] [yg9] [pi] [td8] [uod] [tf8] [uog] [th8] [uoh] [th8] [uo] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5]g[yrh] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5] [ysr] [wg5]h[yrf] [wg5] [yrd] [wf5]f[yrh]f[wg5] [yrd] [yg9] [pid]g[yd9] [pig] [yh9] [pih] [yg9] [pi] [td8] [uod] [tf8] [uog] [th8] [uog] [th8] [uo] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5]g[yrh] [wg5] [yrf]d[wf5] [ysr] [wg5]h[yrf] [wg5] [yrd] [wf5]f[yrh]f[wh5] [yrh] [yg9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[tf8]s[uof]s[tg8]s[uog]s[th8]s[uog]s[tg8]s[uog] [wa5]o[yra]o[wd5]o[yra]o[ws5]o[yra]o[wd5] [yro] [wo5] [yra] [wd5] [ysr]a[w5] [ysr] [wa5] [ysr] [yg9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[yh9]d[pig]d[tf8]s[uof]s[tg8]s[uog]s[th8]s[uoh]s[th8]s[uog] [wa5]o[yra]o[wd5]o[yra]o[ws5]o[yra]o[wd5] [yro] [wo5] [yra] [wd5] [ysr]d[w5] [ysr] [wa5] [yrp]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:30
    Forest Dance (Wynncraft)


  • e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t w r y r q e t e [pe] t [us] [td] [fe] [tf] [ud] [ts] [pe] [tp]p[us] [td] [fe]g[tf]s[ud] [ts] [pe] t [us] [td] [ge] [tf] [ud] [ts] [wa] [rd] [ys] [ra] [qp] e t e [ue6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [yw] [ue6] t [u0] t [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywf] [use6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [ywa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywa] [tqp4] e [to8] [tqp] [ywa5] r [ya9] [sr] [wa5] [rp] [yo9] [rp] [wuo7] r [uo0] [rp] [wa7] [sr] [ua0] [rp] [uea6] t [us0] [tp] [ue6] t [ut0] t [pe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [ywo] [upe6] [tp] [ud0] [tf] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywof] [uspe6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [woa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywoa] [qpi4] e [ts8] [tqpi] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [w5] r [y9] r [q4] e [t8] e [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [te6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro] [tpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wrf] [tse6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pe4] [qe]8o [qpe] [oa5]|[oa9] [sp] [oa5] [pi] [uo9] [pi] [uo0]|[uo7] [pi] [oa0] [sp] [oa7] [pi] [ua6]|[si0] [up] [u6]|[t0]|[pe6]|0|6|5 % [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [f6] [tfe]0d [wsr] [tpe6] [tpe]p[s0] [ted] [f6]g[tfe][s0]d [wsr] [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [g6] [tfe]0[d0] [tse] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pie4] [qe]8 [qe] [utpe6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro5] [utpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wof5] [utspe6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe6] [wroa5]s[wrd]9s [wroa5] [qpie4] [qe]8 [qe4] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t w r y r q e t e [pe] t [us] [td] [fe] [tf] [ud] [ts] [pe] [tp]p[us] [td] [fe]g[tf]s[ud] [ts] [pe] t [us] [td] [ge] [tf] [ud] [ts] [wa] [rd] [ys] [ra] [qp] e t e [ue6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [yw] [ue6] t [u0] t [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywf] [use6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [ywa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywa] [tqp4] e [to8] [tqp] [ywa5] r [ya9] [sr] [wa5] [rp] [yo9] [rp] [wuo7] r [uo0] [rp] [wa7] [sr] [ua0] [rp] [uea6] t [us0] [tp] [ue6] t [ut0] t [pe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [ywo] [upe6] [tp] [ud0] [tf] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywof] [uspe6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [woa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywoa] [qpi4] e [ts8] [tqpi] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [w5] r [y9] r [q4] e [t8] e [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [te6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro] [tpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wrf] [tse6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pe4] [qe]8o [qpe] [oa5]|[oa9] [sp] [oa5] [pi] [uo9] [pi] [uo0]|[uo7] [pi] [oa0] [sp] [oa7] [pi] [ua6]|[si0] [up] [u6]|[t0]|[pe6]|0|6|5 % [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [f6] [tfe]0d [wsr] [tpe6] [tpe]p[s0] [ted] [f6]g[tfe][s0]d [wsr] [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [g6] [tfe]0[d0] [tse] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pie4] [qe]8 [qe] [utpe6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro5] [utpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wof5] [utspe6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe6] [wroa5]s[wrd]9s [wroa5] [qpie4] [qe]8 [qe4] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e e

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:26
    Epic Wynn (Wynncraft)


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