Adore You (Harry Styles)

Harry Styles 30 December 2023

[8qe]| |[9wr]| |
[0et]| f| s| d|
[0wtp]| o| s| d s
[qet]op||s| d s
[8qe]op||[9wr]| |
[0et]| f| s| d|
[0wtp]| o| s| d s
[qet]op||s| d s
[8qe]op||[9wr]| |
[0et]| h| f| d|
[0wtg]| f| d f ds
[qetp]| |sdff
[8qe]d||[9wr]| |
[0ets]a s s d dd s
[0wts]a s s d dd s
[qets]a s s d| d|
[8qep]s||[9wr]| sd
[0etf]| [0et] l [0et]| [0etj] h
[0wt]| [0wt] h[0wt]f fd f
[qet] d [qet] h[qet]f fd f
[8qe] d [8qe]| [9wr] s [9wrs]d
[0etf]| [0et] l [0et]| [0etj] h
[0wt]| [0wt] h[0wt]f fd f
[qet] d [qet] h[qet]f fd f
[8qe] d [8qes]dff[9wr]d d s d
[0et] sp[0eto]| [0et]| [0et]|
[0wt]| [0wtf]fhh[0wt]g g f d
[qet] s[qets] p [qet]| |
[8qe]| |[9wr]| |

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About This Music Sheet

Adore You (Harry Styles) is a song by Harry Styles. Use your computer keyboard to play Adore You (Harry Styles) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:16, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Adore You (Harry Styles) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative.


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Other Songs By Harry Styles

  • 8 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
    4 wrt q a q o q
    5 wrt w f w a w
    4 wrt q a q o q
    1 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
    4 wrt q a q o q
    5 wrt w f w a w
    4 wrt q [8f]||
    1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
    4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
    5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
    4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
    1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
    4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
    5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
    4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
    [1d] [8f]f0d[wd] [us]swa[ta] [wp]p
    4o[8o] q [8u] [eo] 8oq [8u]
    [5p] 9uw [9u] [ro] 9 w 9
    4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
    1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
    4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
    5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
    [1y] [8u] [0u]ywuu w t w
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
    [5y]u9u[wy] [9u] r 9 w 9y
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
    [1y]u8u[0y] [wu] u w t wy
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] q [8t]
    [5s] [9p] w [9o] [rp] 9tw [9t]
    4r[8e] q 8 e [8t] [qy] [8u]
    1 wrt 8 f 8 a 8
    4 wrt q a q o q
    5 wrt w f w a w
    4 wrt q a q o|
    1 8 [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
    4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
    5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
    4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
    1 [8o] [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
    4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
    5 [9o] w [9o] [rp] 9 w [9o]i
    [4u] 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
    [1d] [8f]f0d[wd] [us]swa[ta] [wp]p
    4o[8o] q [8u] [eo] 8oq [8u]
    [5p] 9uw [9u] [ro] 9 w 9
    4 8 q 8 e 8 q 8
    1 8 [0s] [wp] u [wo] [ts] [wp]
    4 [8o] [qs] [8p] e [8o] [qs] [8p]
    5 [9o] w [9o] ri[9u] w 9
    [1y] [8u] [0u]y u||
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o i u t y
    [5y]u9u[wy] u||y
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o i u t y
    [1y]u8u[0y] u||y
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o i u|t
    [5s] [9p] w o p t t
    [1y] [8u] [0u]ywuu w t w
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
    [5y]u9u[wy] [9u] r 9 w 9y
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] [qt] [8y]
    [1y]u8u[0y] [wu] u w t wy
    [4y] [8u] [qu]o8ie [8u] q [8t]
    [5s] [9p] w [9o] [rp] 9tw [9t]
    4r[8e] q 8 e 8 q 8
    [qu]||p p o
    p o u u o u
    [qu]||s s p
    s s p s d d
    [8f]||h f||
    8 [wf] [th]|f
    f h|f
    d s p
    [8o]||0 w t
    [0s] d||f d
    [uf] [ig] [uf] [yd]|[ts]|o
    [uf] [ig] [uf] [yd]|[ts]|h
    [ql] k j h|f|d
    [8f]| d|s|o
    [0y] u uy u||
    y u uo i u t y
    [8y]u uy u||
    [0y] u uo i u t y
    [0y]u uy u||y
    y u uo i u|t
    [8s] p|o p t t
    [0y] u uy u||
    y u uo i u t y
    [8y]u uy u||
    [0y] u uo i u t y
    [0y]u uy u||y
    [0y] u uo i u t|

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:51
    Matilda (Harry Styles)

    Harry Styles

  • [tuof]|||
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [8t]|hf h f h f
    [7rh] f h jf[0u]||
    [6e]|jk l k j h
    [5wf] d s ds[8t]||
    [4q]||ps s po
    [30] f f df[%W]|fdf
    [6e]||f s
    [8t]|hf[8t]h f [8th] f
    [7rh] f h jf[0u]||
    [6e]|jk[6e]l k [6ej] h
    [5wf] ds d s[8t]||
    [4q]| [4q] ps s[4q]po
    [30] f f df[%W]|f d
    [6ef]| [6e]| [6ef] s
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [wtud]fh [wtuh] h [wtu] f [wtu] f
    [eryH] H [eryH] H [Wu]|[Wu] f
    [euj] j [euj] l [eu] k [euj]|
    [0rd] f [0rg] f [Wr] d [Wrs]|
    [0etp] s[0et] f [0etj] k[0et] l
    [9q] e y e i j|j
    [0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
    e [ul] s u s||
    w y P|t o f|
    9 e i e i j|j
    [0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
    e [ul] s u s||
    8|[8h]f h8 f [8h] f
    [7h] f [7h] jf0|0|
    6|[6f]jk l6 k [6j] h
    [5f] d [5s] d [8f] d [8s]|
    4|4|[4p]ps s4po
    3 f [3f] df% f[%f] d
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [wtud]fh h h|f|f
    [eryH] H H H [Wu]| f
    [euj] j j l|k j|
    [0rd] f g f W d s s
    [0et] dsp||
    [1x] v m m||
    [3n] V x||
    [4c] b m x||
    [5z]| xzn||
    [1x] v m m||
    [3n] V x||
    [4x]||z x z

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:59
    Love Of My Life (Harry Styles)

    Harry Styles

  • [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [0Wr] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [6*0] | [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] [pSf] | [pSf] | [pSf] | [*0Q] | [rYI] | [rYI] | [rYI%] | [rYI] [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [0Wr] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [*0Q] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [rYI%] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0] Q Q W Q Q Q 0 [6*0]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:25

    Harry Styles

  • [w80]||[w80]||[w80]||[w80]|| [860]||[860]||[860]||[860]|| [975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] t t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e [r975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]|| [860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]|| [860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] t t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| e [r975] e r e [r975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]|| [860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [w80] o u o [wu80] y y t [wt80] y u|[w80]|| [860] o u o [u860] y y t [t860] y u|[860]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]| o u [y975]||[975]||[975]||[975]|| [81]|[of]|[w80] [od]| [wso80]| [tp] [w80]|[to]| 6|[pf]|[860] [pd]| [sp860]| [tp] [860]|[to]| 5|[of]|[975] [od]| [so975]| [yp] [975]|[yo]| [q4] 0 q w [e864] w e r [t864] r t y [u864] y u i [o81]|[of]|[w80] [od]| [wso80]| [tp] [w80]|[to]| 6|[pf]|[860] [pd]| [sp860]| [tp] [860]|[to]| 5|[of]|[975] [od]| [so975]| [yp] [975]|[yo]| [qe4]||[864]|[qe]|[864]||[qe864]|| [w80]|t|[wt80]|t t [w80]|t t [wt80] t y r [860] e| [860]||[860]||[r860] e r e [r975]|w|[w975]||[975]| u [i975] i i [i4]|o|[e864]||[864]| u [o864] o ou [o81]|u|[w80]||[w80]| u [o80] o ou [o6]|u|[860]||[860]| u [o860] o ou [o5]|u|[y975]||[975]||[975]|| 5||[975]| i [i975] i i [i975] i i [u8]||[80]| i [i80] i i [i80] i i [u6]||[860]| i [i860] i i [i860] i i [u5]||[75]||[u75]|y|[y75]||[wut81]
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:42
    Sign Of The Times

    Harry Styles


  • i [tp] [pi] [tp] [pi] [tp] [pi] [ts] u t u [to] u t u [ti] [yo] t y [ts] y t y t u t u t u t u t i [tp] [pi] [tp] [pi] [tp] [pi] [tP] [us] t u [th] u t [ug] t [ys] t y t y t y t [ut]| |y u [i^] q t [yi] i [qo] [tp] [yP] [p8] w t [yo]| w t y [i6] q t [yi] i [qo] [tp] [yP] [s9] [ge] [tf] [ys] i u t w [i^] q t [yi] i [qo] [tp] [yP] [s8] w t [ys] s [wd] [tf] [ys] [ph92]| g| [ph!]| g| [ph81]| j| [od7]| |[i^] q t [yi] i [qo] [tp] [yP] [p8] w t [yo]| w t y [i6] q t [yi] i [qo] [tp] [yP] [s9] [ge] [tf] [ys] i u t w [soig^] q t [ysi]| q [tg] y 8 [ws] t y h [wg] [tf] [yg]| [i92]| [uT!]| i o [pT81]| o p [d7]| |[igd^] q t [yig] [ig] [qoh] [tpj] [yPJ] [pj8] w t [yoh]| w t y [ig6] q t [yig] [ig] [qoh] [tpj] [yPJ] [sl9] [gec] [xtf] [ysl] i u t w [ig^] q t [yig] [ig] [qoh] [tpj] [yPJ] [slf8] w t [yl] l [zw] [xt] [yl] [zvj92]| c| [hf*!]| g| [hd81]| p| [d7]| o| [igd^] q t [yig] [ig] [qoh] [tpj] [yPJ] [pj8] w t [yoh]| w t y [ig6] q t [yig] [ig] [qoh] [tpj] [yPJ] [sl9] [gec] [xtf] [ysl] i u t w [tsi^] q t [yod] t q t q [uf^] q t q y q t q [ig^] q t q y q t q [yoh] q u q y q u q [pjE]| |i t i t i t i t i t i t i t i t i| |i o p P [so]| |[sp]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:50
    Friend (Kimiuso)

    Masaru Yokoyama

  • 6 e t u|t e t 6 e t u|t e t 4 q e t|e q e 4 q e t|e q e 6 e t u|t e t 6 e t u|t e t 4 q e t|e q e 4 q e t|e q e [j6] [fe] t [uj]|t e t [l6] [je] t [uj]|t 5|[j4] [qg] e [tl]|e q e [z4] [xq] e [tj]|e 5|[j6] [fe] t [uj]|t e t [l6] [je] t [uj]|t e t [j4] [qg] e [tl]|e q e [z4] [xq] e [tj]|e 5|[spf6] e t u|t e t 6 e t u [spd] t 5|[spi4] q e t|e q e 4 q e t [sjg]|5|[spjf6] e t u j t [le] t [skf6] e t u j t [he] t [spif4] q e t|e q e 4 q e t||5|[x6] [ze] t [ul]|[tj] e [th] 6 [fe] t u|t 5|[x4] [zq] e [tl]|[je] q [le] 4 q e t|e 5|[x6] [ze] t [ul]|[tj] e [th] 6 [fe] t u|t e t [x4] [zq] e [tl]|[je] q [le] 4 q e t|e 5|[f6] [ed] [tf] [up] s t [ed] t [f6] [ed] [tf] [up] s t [d5]|[f4]d[sq] [pe] t|e q e [f4]d[sq] [pe] t|e 5|[x6] [ze] [xt] [uj] l t [ze] t [x6] [ze] [xt] [uj] l t [ze] t [x4]z[ql] [je] t|e q e [x4]z[ql] [je] t|e 5|[utp6]|||[s7]|8|[f0]|w|[spjg4]| |6|[g8]|q|[fe]|t|[uspf6]| |8|[s0]|q|[ea]|t|[spig4]| |6|[yoa7]| |[fa]| |[usp6]|||[urf]| |[tjie]|||h|[uro]|[utpf]|||[sl]|[skd]|[sh]|[shf4]|||t| |a| |[utpje]| |z| |l| |[rhe0]| |[qje86]| |z| |l| |[wqj8]| |[utje]| |z| |l| |[utph]| |[tspji]| |z| |l| |[spjif]| |[utplje]| |z| |[lj]| |[zrhe0]| |[qjec86]| |z| |[xl]| |[wqj8]| |[utlje]| |z| |[lj]| |[xutph]| |[tsplji]| |z| |l| |[spjif]| |[j6] e [tj] u [zk] t [le] t [zl6] e [xt] u [vh] [xt] e [zt] [j4] q e t [zl] e q e [l4] q e t j e q e [j6] e [tj] u [zk] t [le] t [zl6] e [xt] u [zh] [tl] e [tj] [j4] q e t z e q e [lk4] q e t j e q e 6 e t u|t e t 6 e t u|t e t 4 q e t|e q e 4 q e t|e 5|6 e t u|t e t 6 e t u|t 5|4 q e t|e q e 4 q e t|e 5|[l6] e t u|t e t [k6] e t u|t e t [l4] q e t|e q e [j4] q e t|e q e [l6] e t u|t e t [k6] e t u|t e t [h4] q e t|e q e [g4] q e t|e q e [j6] e t u z t e t [l6] e t u h t e t [j4] q e t z e q e [l4] q e t j e 5|[xj6] [ze] [xt] [uj] [zl] t [ze] t [xl6] [ze] [xt] [uj] [lh] t [z5]|[xj4]z[ql] [je] t z e q e [xl4]z[ql] [je] t j e 5|6 e t u

    Level: 7
    Length: 05:07
    Dreaming on Sea (RAFT)

    Jannik Schmidt

  • [8s] o p u [8s] o p u
    [5ryo][ryo] [ryo][ryo] [ryo] [5ryo]| 5|
    o[8u]i[wo] [8o] wo[qp]a[es] [qs] e [8u]i[wo] [8o] [wo]
    [qp]o[ei] [qi] W [8u] [0o] [6t] [0u] [9y] [qi] 5 [9r]
    [8t] 0 5 0 8| [580]|
    o[8u]i[0wo] [8o] [0w]o[qp]a[ets] [qs] [et]
    [8u]i[0wo] [8o] [0wo] [qp]o[eti] [qi] [Wt]
    [8u] [0o] [6t] [0u] [9y] [qi] 5 [9r] [8t] 0 5 w 8|
    [80w] s [80wd] s [80wa] s [8qep] p [8qe] s [8qed] s [8qea] s [8qep]|
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    Level: 6
    Length: 02:05
    Santa Claus Is Coming to Town

    J. Fred Coots