00:22 -
-5 -
spk[pe]| |
Poj[wo]| |
spk[pe]| |
Poj[wo]| |
About This Music Sheet
Big Prophecy (The Adventure Zone) is a song by Griffin McElroy. Use your computer keyboard to play Big Prophecy (The Adventure Zone) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:22, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Big Prophecy (The Adventure Zone) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Griffin McElroy
[a7][QG][rk]|||[s8][wh][tl][vo]|||a wr wr ws wt wt ws wy w[yd] ws 0t 0t 0a wr wr ws wt wt wa wr wr w|9r 9r 9[daI] 5[w7] 5[ws7] a 5[sp] 5[ea8] 5[pe8] 5[da] 5[r9] 5[r9] 5s 5[e8] 5[e8] 5[daI] 5[w7] 5[ws7] a 5[sp] 5[ea8] 5[eI8] 5[oa] 5[w7] 5[w7] 5G 5[he8] 5[eD8] 5[daI] 5[w7] 5[ws7] a 5[sp] 5[ea8] 5[pe8] 5[da] 5[r9] 5[r9] 5[sG] 5[he8] 5[eD8] 5[daI] 5[w7] 5[ws7] a 5[sp] 5[ea8] 5[eI8] 5[oa] 5[w7] 5[w7] 5G 5[he8] 5[eD8] 5[rod7] 5[w7] 5[wsp7] [oa] 5[tslh8] 5[kfea8] 5[slhe8] 5[zjd7]y 5[r9] 5[r9] 5[tG8]lC 5[vhe8] 5[tZD8] 5[zrkG7] 5[w7] 5[wsl7] [ka] 5[tpjf8] 5[kfea8] 5[seIG8] 5[rohd7] 5[w7] 5[w7] 5[tIG8] 5[ohe8] 5[eD8]Z 5[rod7] 5[w7] 5[wsp7] [oa] 5[tslh8] 5[kfea8] 5[slhe8] 5[zjd7]y 5[r9] 5[r9] 5[tG8]lC 5[vhe8] 5[tZD8] 5[zrkG7] 5[w7] 5[wsl7] [ka] 5[tpjf8] 5[kfea8] 5[seIG8] 5[rohd7] 5[w7] 5[w7] 5[t8] 5[e8] 5[e8] 5[yQI7] 5[r9] 5[r9] 5[tQI8] 5[e8] 5[t8] 5[QI5]|||[QI]|||[QI]| |5555
Level: 7Length: 01:15IntermediateRefuge (The Adventure Zone)
Griffin McElroy
s|D|D| |h|g h l| |8|(|(| |w|q w t||w qwtwqwtwqwtwqwtwqwtwqwtwqwtwqwtwqwtwqwtwqwtwqwtw[q1]wtwqwtwqwtwqwtw[tq]wtw[qY]wtw[qY]wtwqwtw[t8310]wtw[u0]wtw[u0]wtw0wtw[t@8(]wtw[Y(]wtw[Y(]wtw(wtw[r954]wrw[y9]wrw[y9]wrw9wrw[tq]wtw[qY]wtw[qY]wtwqwtw[t8310]wtw[u0]wtw[u0]wtw0wtw[t@8(]wtw[Y(]wtw[Y(]wtw(wtw[r954]wrw[y9]wrw[y9]wrw9wrw[tq1]wtw[qgY]w[th]w[qlY]wtwqwtw[t8310]wtw[uf0]w[th]w[ul0]wtw0wtw[t@8(]wtw[YD(]w[th]w[lY(]wtw(wtw[r954]wrw[yh9]w[rk]w[zy9]wrw9wrw[tq1]wtw[qgY]w[th]w[qlY]wtwqwtw[t8310]wtw[uf0]w[th]w[ul0]wtw0wtw[t@8(]wtw[YD(]w[th]w[lY(]wtw(wtw[r954]wrw[yh9]w[rk]w[zy9]wrw9wrw[q1]wtw[q@]wtw[q@]wtwqwtw[10]wtw[30]wtw[30]wtw0wtw[1(]wtw[@(]wtw[@(]wtw(wtw[97]wrw[92]wrw[92]wrw9wrw[q1]wtw[q@]wtw[q@]wtwqwtw[10]wtw[30]wtw[30]wtw0wtw[1(]wtw[@(]wtw[@(]wtw(wtw[97]wrw[92]wrw[95]w[r4]w[@9]w[r2]w[tq81][w5][t8][w5][qY4][w5][t8][w5][qY4][w5][t8][w5][q4][w5][t8][w5][t8310][w5][t8][w5][u30][w5][t8][w5][u30][w5][t8][w5][30][w5][t8][w5][t@8(][w5][t8][w5][Y@(][w5][t8][w5][Y@(][w5][t8][w5][@(][w5][t8][w5][r95][w5][r7][w5][y92][w5][r7][w5][y92][w5][r7][w5][92][w5][r7][w5][tq81][w5][t8][w5][qY4][w5][t8][w5][qY4][w5][t8][w5][q4][w5][t8][w5][t8310][w5][t8][w5][u30][w5][t8][w5][u30][w5][t8][w5][30][w5][t8][w5][t@8(][w5][t8][w5][Y@(][w5][t8][w5][Y@(][w5][t8][w5][@(][w5][t8][w5][r95][w5][r7][w5][y92][w5][r7][w5][y92][w5][r7][w5][92][w5][r7][w5][ts1]585[YD4]585[YD4]5854585[oh831]585[ig3]5[oh8]5[sl3]5853585[ts@8]585[YD@]585[YD@]585@585[oh5]575[ig2]5[oh7]5[ka2]5752575[ts1]585[YD4]585[YD4]5854585[oh831]585[ig3]5[oh8]5[sl3]5853585[ts@8]585[YD@]585[YD@]585@585[ra5]57525[ts7]5[yd2]57525[YD7][yd5][ts1]585[YD4]585[YD4]5854585[oh831]585[ig3]5[oh8]5[sl3]5853585[ts@8]585[YD@]585[YD@]585@585[slh1]5854585[sl4][ka5][oh8][ig5][oh4]5[PJ8]5[ohf831]58535[igd8]5[usf3]58535[s8][d5][D@81][d5][s8][o5][s@][d5][D8][g5][h@][g5][D8][d5][D@]5[sD8]5[da5]5752575[oh5] [ig4] [YD@] [yd2] [slhD1]5854585[Z4][z5][l8][h5][g4]5[D8]5[sf831]5853[gd5][sf8][gd5][sh3]5853585[ts1%]585[YD@]585[YD@]585@585[oh5]575[ig2]5[oh7]5[ka2][ka][ka][ka][ka]5[ka][ka][ka][ka]7[ka][ka][ka][ka]5[ka][ka][ka][ka]2[ka][ka][ka][ka]5[ka][ka][ka][ka]7[ka][ka][ka][ka]5[ka][ka][ka][slhf1]wtwqwtwqwtwqwtw0wtw0wtw0wtw0wtw(wtw(wtw(wtw(wtw9wrw9wrw9wrw9wrw[tq]wtw[qY]wtw[qY]wtwqwtw[t0]wtw[u0]wtw[u0]wtw0wtw[t(]wtw[Y(]wtw[Y(]wtw(wtw[r9]wrw[y9]wrw[y9]wrw9wrw[tq]wtw[qY]wtw[qY]wtwqwtw[t0]wtw[u0]wtw[u0]wtw0wtw[t(]wtw[Y(]wtw[Y(]wtw(wtw[r9]wrw[y9]wrw[y9]wrw9wrw[t8]qwt|Y|Y| |[t8]0wt|u|u| |[t8](wt|Y|Y| |[s1]fhl
Level: 7Length: 04:53IntermediateVoidfish Duet (The Adventure Zone)
Griffin McElroy
i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sf lh d| i sf lh| i sg lj f| i sg lj hg f[id] fg lj f| [id] fg lh| i sg lj f| i sg lh| i sf lh d| i sf lh| i sg lj f| i sg lj gs p[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|8|[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|8|[iE] sf lh d| i sf lh| [ie] sg lj f| [iE] sg l[tj] hg f[idE] fg lj f| [id] fg lh|w|[qi] sg lj f| i sg lh|0|[i9] sf lh d| i sf lh| [qi] sg lj f| [ti] sg l[j0] gs p[qpi] sg lj f| [pi] sg lh|8|[qpi] sg lj f| [pi] sg l[sh]|8|[idE] sf lh d| [id] sf lh| [sie] sg lj f| [ifE] sg l[tjg] hg f[jidE] fg lj f| [ihd] fg lh|w|[qig] sg lj f| [if] sg l[hg]|0|[ji9] sf lh d| [ih] sf lh| [qig] sg lj f| [tif] sg l[sj0] gs p[pi] sg lj f| [pi] sg lh| [pi] sg lj f| [pi] sg l[sh]| [id] sf lh d| [id] sf lh| [si] sg lj f| [if] sg l[jg] hg f[jid] fg lj f| [ihd] fg lh| [ig] sg lj f| [if] sg l[hg]| [ji] sf lh d| [ih] sf lh| [ig] sg lj f
Level: 4Length: 02:21EasyAmnesty Lodge (The Adventure Zone)
Griffin McElroy
6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0 6j[j0]k[tk]l[l0]k[tk]j[j0]f[f6]s[s0]p[tp]s[s0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge]f[g9] e i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[j9]k[rk]h[h9]d[d5]g[g9]d[g8]f[wf]d[tf]g[f0]d[f0] W r 0 6j[j0]k[tk]l[l0]k[tk]j[j0]f[f6]s[s0]p[tp]s[s0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge]f[g9] e i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[j9]k[rk]h[h9]d[rd]g[g9]d[g8]f[wf]d[tf]gfd[f0] r [uc]x[xO]z[xa]c[xf]z[xH] k f|[xe]u[pj][la][zs][xf]zl[xe]t[uj][pl][za][xs][zf]l[c9]e[yj][zu][xi][pc]xz[c9]e[yj][zu][xi]pc [k5]9[wv][rb][yv]oa[db]vhdaoavb[x8]wtutux[rc][x0][zy][rl][yk][rj][yH]j[k0][x6]0[je][rl][zt][xu][zp][ul][xe]r[tj][ul][zp][xu][zt][le][c9]e[yj][zu][xi][pc][xd]z[c9]e[yj][zu][xi]pc [v5]9w[rb][yv]oabvdhda vbvb[x8]wtutux[rc][x0][zy][rl][kW][yj][rH][ul][zy][x0]ruOadfHk x||6b[b0]n[tn]m[m0]n[tn]b[b0]x[x6]l[l0]j[tj]l[l0]v[v9]c[ec]x[ic]v[ec]x[c9] e i e 5c[c9]v[vr]b[b9]n[wn]v[vr]z[zy]c[rc]z[c8]x[xw]z[xt]c[x0]z[x0] r u W 6j[j0]k[tk]l[l0]k[tk]j[j0]f[f6]s[s0]p[tp]s[s0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge]f[g9] e i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[j9]k[wk]h[rh]d[yd]g[rg]d[g8]f[wf]d[uf]g[wf]d[f0] r y W [x6] [je][rl][zt][xu][zp][ul][xe] [uj][pl][za][xs][zf][sl][c9] [je][zy][xu][ic][xp]z[c9]e[yj][zu][xi]pc [k5]zv9w[rb][yv]oabvdhda vbvb[x8]wtutuxc[x3][z7][l0][kW][rj][yH]j[H0][f6]0[pe][sr][td][rf]d[us][fe]r[tp][us][td][uf]d[se][g9]e[yp][ud][if][pg]f[ed][g9]e[yp][ud][if]pg [wa]dhry[oj][yh]ry[oj][ha]dhda hjhj[tf]uosouzc[x0][zW][xr][uc][xO]afHkzxVnxx| |[l6] f [f0] g [g9] d [qd] kj[k5] d [rd] g [f8] s [ts] jh[j6] s [s8] d [d7] a [rf] d [f3]|a d f H k x [m6] x [x0] c [c9] z [zq] nb[n5] [zw]r[zy] c [x8] l [wl] bv[b6] l [l0] z [z7] k x z [x0]ruOafHkxVnzxVnxVnx 6b[b0]n[tn]m[m0]n[tn]b[b0]x[x6]l[l0]j[tj]l[l0]v[v9]c[ec]x[ic]v[ec]x[c9] e i e 5c[c9]v[vr]b[b9]n[wn]v[vr]z[zy]c[rc]z[c8]x[xw]z[xt]c[x0]z[x0] r u W 6j[j0]k[tk]l[l0]k[tk]j[j0]f[f6]s[s0]p[tp]s[s0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge]f[g9] e i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[j9]k[wk]h[rh]d[yd]g[rg]d[g8]f[wf]d[uf]g[wf]d[f0] r y W [x6] [je][rl][zt][xu][zp][la][xe] [tj][ul][zp][xa][zs][lf][yc]i[pj][zd][xp][dc][xp][zd][yc]u[ji][zp][xd]f[gc]j[wv]ryb[va]dhbvdhdaovb[x8]wtutu[xr]c[x0][zW][rm][yn][rb][yV][rn][WV][xO]cxzxc[xe]t[uj][pl][za][xs][zf]l[xe]r[tj][ul][zp][xs]z[pl][yc]u[ji][zp][xd][pc][xd]z[c9]e[yj][zu][xi]p[dc] [wv]ryb[vo]a bvdhda vbvb[x8]wtutuxc[x0][zy][rl][kW][yj][rH][uj]k[f0]OadHkxfxfx||[l6] f [tf] g [g9] [qd] [ed] kj[k5] d [rd] g [f8] [ws] [ts] jh[j6] s [ts] d [rd] a [yrpa] fd[f0] OafHkzxVnxnVx[me] x [xu] c [yc] [zi] [zp] nb[wn] [zo] [za] c [xt] [ul] [sl] bv[eb] l [tl] [zu] [zr] k [ypk] xz[xuH0] u|a f H k x n V x| |6j[j0]k[tk]l[l0]k[tk]j[j0]f[f6]s[s0]p[tp]s[s0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge]f[g9] e i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[j9]k[wk]h[rh]d[yd]g[rg]d[g8]f[wf]d[uf]g[wf]d[f0] r u W 6j[j0]k[tk]l[l0]k[tk]j[j0]f[f6]s[s0]p[tp]s[s0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge]f[g9] e i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[j9]k[wk]h[rh]d[yd]g[rg]d[g8]f[wf]d[tf]gfd[f0] ru[cO][xa][xf][zH][xk][xc]xz[xu]afHkxVnzxVxnV[xu] [uH]V|[j6]b0etupasx [jb][ml][zx][xj][zx][ml][xb]bmxbnmz[pjb]mxb
Level: 4Length: 04:44EasyMariage d’Amour (Easy)
Paul de Senneville
[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5
Level: 5Length: 03:33IntermediateVideo Outpost Too (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka
upu [2o] ii 5 y o y [6u] upu [2o] ii 5 y o y [6u] 0 e t [2u] y y 5 y o y [6u] u [6p] o i u y t r e W q q 0 [60]Level: 3Easy
Learn to Be Lonely (Phantom of The Opera)
Andrew Lloyd Webber