
Billie Eilish 5 September 2020

[sup] s s a p | we [sup] s s a p |
y [etu] y u o y | yyu e t [et] |
u uyu o y | ytyty t e | yyy t e | o o u
[ryo] u[tuo] | [ryo] | [tup] | oopoou[ryo] [etu] [ryo] [tu] |
ttouuy[qey] | tyu e | ouou[ryo] uo [ryo] | [tup] |
oopoou[ryo] [etu] [ryo] [tu] | ttouuy[qey] | tyu e | ouou[ryo] |
popoou[ryo] [etu] [ryo] [tu] y | ttouuy[qey] | tyu e | t i u |
t r t r e | w et | r t r e |
y u | yu o y | tyu | e t [stup] |
s[ayo] | yu | yu o y | tyuyty | t t [etup] |
yyy | t | t e o o u [etu]u u[tu] | u u [tu]yyt
e e e e e e e [er] 9 9 9 9 9 9 [r9] 9 q q q q q q qiO
[tup] oo | [etu] [ey] | tyuyty[etu] y t e | eettt r | ert e | ouou[ryo] u[tuo] | [ryo] | [tup] |
pppopoou[ryo] [etu] [ryo] [tu] y | ttouuy[qey] | tyu e | t i u |
[etu] [ry]y | [etu] yy | t [ry] | uyuy[etu] yy | u yy | t e |
[qey]uuyuyu [qey]uuyuyuyu yy | u yy | t [ry] |
uyuyu yy | u yy | t e [eyi] | e e | p | p

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About This Music Sheet

Burn is a song by Billie Eilish. Use your computer keyboard to play Burn music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song Burn is classified in the genres: Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Female Artists, Alternative.


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Other Songs By Billie Eilish

  • [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| |[qj]|[wh]|[ef]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| |[tf]|[uh]|[qp]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| d|s| [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| d|s|d|[tf]|[uh]|[qp]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| d|s| [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| d|s|d|[tf]|[uh]|[qp]| |
    d|[tf]|[uh]|[qj]||z|l|q|w|e| |z l [qz] l|w|e||
    j j j [qx] x x [wz]|z [el]|
    j j j l j l [tx]|[uv]|[qj]||
    z|l|q|w|e| |z l [qz] l|w|e||
    j j j [qx] x x [wz]|z [el]|
    j j j l j l [tx]|[uv]|[qj]| |l|[qx]|[wv]|[eb]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| d|s| [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| d|s|d|[tf]|[uh]|[qp]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| d|s| [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| |
    [qj]|[wh]|[ef]| d|s|d|[tf]|[uh]|[qp]| |d|
    [tf]|[uh]|[qj]||z|l|q|w|e| |z l [qz] l|w|e||
    j j j [qx] x x [wz]|z [el]|
    j j j l j l [tx]|[uv]|[qj]||
    z|l|q|w|e| |z l [qz] l|w|e||
    j j j [qx] x x [wz]|z [el]|
    j j j l j l [tx]|[uv]|[qj]| |l|[qx]|[wv]|[eb]

    Level: 4
    Length: 02:11
    Ocean Eyes (Billie Eilish) (Alternative)

    Billie Eilish

  • a s u o||
    a s u o i |
    a s u o||
    a s u o i|
    y u i i|u

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:19
    Super Easy
    What Was I Made For (Billie Eilish)

    Billie Eilish

  • j l j l j l j l j l j l j l j|[sqpf]|||h| |[sjfe]|||[uoka]| |h| |[qpjid]|||g [xf]|d [sfe]|||[uo][fa]|l|k| |[sqpgd] f f d d|||[wsfd] f f d d|d|[upofa] a p o|ua s [spid] f f d d|||a s [spfed] f f d d|s|[uofa]|d f d|s|[spg4]| |a| |s| |d|f|[sphf6] j||[hf]| |[ofa0]|d f d|s|[spi4]| |a| |s| |d|f|[shfe6] j||h| |[uofa0]|d f d|s|[sqp4]| |a| |s s|sd|f|[shfe6] jj|jh| |[ofa0]|d f f|s|[spi4]| |a| |s| |d|f|[shfe6] j||h| |[ofa0]|||[xsqpi]||zlk|j| |zlk| |[xspfe]||zlk|j|[uoka]|j|l| |[xsqpi]||zlj|j| |zlk| |[sfe]|k l k| |[uokfa]|j| |l|[wspid] f f d d|f|||[sfe] f f d d d s|[upofa] a p o u|a s [sqpd] f f d d|||a s [spfed] f f d d|s [uf][oa]|d f d|s|[sqp4]||[q4][q4]a| |s| |d|f|[sphf6] j||h| |[ofa0]|d f d|s|[spi4]| |a| |[us]| |d|f|[shfe6] j||[hf]| |[ofa0]|d f d|s|[spi4]| |a| |s| |d|f|[shfe6] j||h| |[ofa0]|d f d|s|[sqp4]| |a| |s| |d|f|[sphfe6] j||h| |[ofa0]|||[sqpi]||zlk|j| |zlk| |[spfe]||zlk|j k[uofa]|j|l| |[sqpi]||zlk|j| |zl[zk]| |[sfe]|k l k| |[uokfa]|j| |l|[sqpi]|||h j|||[shfe]| |g f d a [uofa]| |p| |[sqpki] l k l k| |j|c|x|[spfe]| |l| |[uokfa]|||[sqpi]||zlk|j| |zl[zk]| |[sfe]||zlk|j [kfa][uo]|j|l| |[sqpi]||zlk|j| |zl[zk]| |[sfe]|k l k| |[uokfa]|j|l j j h [je]

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:20
    Lovely (Alternative)

    Billie Eilish

  • [tqe4]| |[wr95]|[te60]| |[wr95]|[wt80]| |[wr95]|[tqe4]|||[tqe4]| |[ywr5]|[ute6]| |[ywr5]|[uto8]| |[ywr5]|[tqe4]|||[84]| |[95]|[60]| |[95]|[80]| |[95]|[40]|w|||w|[e4]| |[w5]|[e6]| |[w5]|[e8]| |[w5]|[e4]|t|||[tqe4]| |[ywr5]|[wut6]| |[yrq5]|[wut8]| |[yrq5]|[ute4]|[utoe]|||t|[tpi4]| |[yro5]|[utp6]| |[yro5]|[utp8]| |[yro5]|[utp4]|[utsp]|||[s0] [a9] [p8] [a9] [p8] o [u0]| |[yro5]|[ut8]| |[wt50]|[qe4]| |[t8]|[y9]|[u0]|[tie92] u i|u y [ute6] y u|t|[wut81] y u|t|[qe84]| |[t8]|[y9]|[u0]|[tie92] u i|u y [ute6] y u|t|[wut81] y u|t|[qe84]| |[tqe]| |[tqe]||4 4|[rqe4] t||e|[84]| |[95]|[60]| |[95]|[80]| |[95]|[40]|w| |[ute]||y t y [re4] t||w|[e4]| |[w5]|[e6]| |[w5]|[e8]| |[w5]|[e4]|t|4|[tqe]| |4|[rqe] t||[e4]|[tqe4]| |[ywr5]|[wut6]| |[yrq5]|[wut8]| |[yrq5]|[ute4]|[utoe]| |[utoe]|[utoe]|[utoe]| |t|[tpi4]| |[yro5]|[utp6]| |[yro5]|[utp8]| |[yro5]|[utp4]|[utsp]|||[s0] [a9] [p8] [a9] [p8] o [u0]| |[yro5]|[ut8]| |[wt50]|[qe4]| |[t8]|[y9]|[u0]|[tie92] u i|u y [ute6] y u|t|[wut81] y u|t|[qe84]| |[t8]|[y9]|[u0]|[tie92] u i|u y [ute6] y u|t|[wut81] y u|t|[qe84]| |4 8 [tqe]|[tqe4]|[te30]|[q2]|[te]||r [t60] e||w|[w10]| |1|[tqe4]|[tqe4]|[te30]|[qe2]|t|e|[tq6]|e|i|[wut1]||y|t [ye4]||[te]|q [te4]|4 q 4|[ywr5]||[ywr]|2 [ywr5]||2 [ywr5] t [wr4]|[qe]| |[tqe4]|[tqe4]|[teQ$]|[yrq5]||[wut]||[wt50]| |[wr9]|[qe4]| |e|[tqe4]| |[tqe4]| |[tqe4]| |[s4] a p a p o [u860]| |o|[wu80]| |u|[tqe]|u| |[tqe]|y|u|[qge9] f g|f d [f860] d f|s|[wf80] d f|s|[tqpe]| |s|d|f|[qge9] f g|f d [f860] d f|s|[wf80] d f|s|p

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:57
    When The Party’s Over (Alternative)

    Billie Eilish

  • [tqpi]| |[ywoa]|[uspe]| |[ywoa]|[wus8]| |[ywro]|[tqpi]|||[tsqp]| |[ywda]|[usfe]| |[ywda]|[whf8]| |[ywda]|[tsqp]|||hfdspoutew08[te4] q 8 6 [yr5]|[ut6] 6 1 3 [yr5]|[ut8] 1 3 5 [yr0]|[ue4] 6 [o0] q 0 8 6|||o|[pi9] y e q [ro975]|[up860] u t e [wro0]|[up864]| |[ro75]|[pi4]||[sp]||8 4 8 4 7 8 8 4 8 4 7 8 [sp4] 6 8 q [daW] q [tsf] w 0 8 [da5] 3 [sf4] 6 8 q [rda]|[wf]|[hPE]|u|o|u|yuy| |s s h [jg4] 6 8 q [wha5] 9 [sje6] 0 8 6 [wha5] 9 [jf4] 6 8 q [woha] r [jig]|[lj]|||l k j k j h [sf6]| |[fa5] h [of8]| |[ys5]|[tp4]| |[ts]|[yd]|[uf]|[pgd2] [f6] [pgd9] q [pfe] [d9] [spf6] [d3] [spf6] 8 [sp0] 6 [sof1] [d5] [sof8] 0 [wso] 8 [tp4]| |[ts8]|[yd9]|[uf0]|[pgd2] [f6] [pgd9] q [pfe] [d9] [spf6] [d3] [spf6] 8 [sp0] 6 [sof1] [d5] [sof8] 0 [wso] 8 [tp4]|4|4|[sp4]|4|4|[qe4]|4|4 4 [rq] t|[qe]||[te4] 6 8 q [yr5] 7 [ut6] 8 0 e [ywr5]|[ut1] 3 5 8 [yr0] w [ue4] 6 [o0] q 0 8 [u6]||y t y [rq] t e|[to] p [pi9] y e q [ro975]|[up860] u t e [wro]975[up864]| |[ro75]|[pi4]||[sp]||[i84] u y t [e4] w [rq4] t 4 [qe] 4|[sp4] 6 8 q [daW] q [tsf] w 0 8 [da5] 3 [sf4] 6 8 q [rda]|[wpf]|[shE]|u|[oE] [wu] [y0] [t8] [e4]| |s s h [jg4] 6 8 q [wha5] 9 [sje6] 0 8 6 [wha5] 9 [jf4] 6 8 q [wha] r [jg4] 6 [lj8] q ertyuiopasdfgh|||[lj] [kh] [jg] k [jd5] h [sf6]| |[fa5] h [of8]| |[ys5]|[tp4]| |[tsq]|[yd8]|[uf4] f [pgd2] [f6] [pgd9] q [pfe] [d9] [spf6] [d3] [spf6] 8 [sp0] 6 [sof1] [d5] [sof8] 0 [wso] 8 [tp4]| |[tsq] 4 [yqd] 4 [uqf] 4 [pgd2] [f6] [pgd9] q [pfe] [d9] [spf6] [d3] [spf6] 8 [sp0] 6 [sof1] [d5] [sof8] 0 [wso] 8 [tp4]|4 q [te4] q [te4] q [te4] q [uso3] 0 [pi2] s||a [sp6] p||o|[uo8]| |[sqi]|[sqi4]|[us30]|[pi2]|s|p|[sp6]|p|f|[sf8]||d|s [pd4]||q [sp4] q [te4]|4 q 4 [sq] [oda5]||[oda]|9 [ofa5]||d [so]|[si4]|[tp] q 4 q [te4]|4|$ s [oda5]||[ofa]||[yso]||[yoa]||[tp4]| |p|[si]| |[si]| |s| |[sp4] a p a p o [ut6]||u o|[ut8]| |u|[te4]|u| |t|y|u|[pg2] f [pg]|f d [pf6] d [pf]|s|[of1] d [of]|s|[tp4]| |s|d|f|[g4] f g|f d [f8] d f|s|[f3] d f|s|[p6]| |jfspoutew08653176

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:10
    When The Party’s Over

    Billie Eilish


  • 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]y[t8] [rqe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [W3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] [y9] [yqe]u[i6] [qoe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] [e9] [qe]W[e6] [tqe] [r3] [W0] 7 [W0] [W30] ui[u7] o [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [e0] [ute3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [te4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ute6][ro][pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [te4][ri][qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qoe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [yre0] [te3] [e0] [e6]r[te0][yr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [tqe]y[u8] [yqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qea] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [yre0] [tsp3] [e0] [e6]r[tsp0][yra][tsp3] [roea0] [qpe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [ut6][yr][te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [qe6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [rW3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [pi9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [ye9] [yqe][ur][yi6] [uqoe] [up6][yi][ute0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [p9] [tqpe][rO][tp6] [sqpe] [ra3] [W0] [O7] [W0] [uaWO30]|7|[p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]y[t8] [rqe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] 3 [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [W3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] [y9] [yqe]u[i6] [qoe] [u6]y[te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [y9] [qe] [e6] [qe] [e9] [qe]W[e6] [tqe] [r3] [W0] 7 [W0] [W30] ui[u7] o [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [up6] [e0] [ut3] [e0] 6 [ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qe] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [e0] [ute3] [e0] 6 [te0][wr][ute3] [wre0] [tqe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [e6]u[pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [e4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [te4]i[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ute6][ro][pe0] 3 [e0] [ut6] [e0] [te3] [e0] [te4][ri][qpe] 8 [qe] [te4] [qe] [qe8] [qe] [e60][uq][pe0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0] [ut3] [yre0] [ie4]o[qpe] 8 [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [uqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qoe] [ti8] [qe] 4 [utqe][yi][ut8] [yrqe] [ut6] [yre0] [te3] [e0] [e6]r[te0][yr][te3] [wre0] [qe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [tqe]y[u8] [yqoe] [up6] [yoe0] [ut3] [e0] [e6]r[ute0][yi][ut3] [uoe0] [pi4] [qea] [tsi8] [qe] 4 [utsqe][yia][uts8] [yrqea] [utp6] [yre0] [tsp3] [e0] [e6]r[tsp0][yra][tsp3] [roea0] [qpe4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [qoe] [p9] [qe] [i6] [qe] 9 [yqe]u[i6] [yqe] [ut6][yr][te0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [qe6] [qe] 9 [tqe]r[t6] [qe] [rW3] [W0] 7 [W0] 3 [uW0]i[u7] [WO0] [pi9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [ye9] [yqe][ur][yi6] [uqoe] [up6][yi][ute0] 3 [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [te0] [ye9] [qe] [yi6] [qe] [p9] [tqpe][rO][tp6] [sqpe] [ra3] [W0] [O7] [W0] [uaWO30]|7|[p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe] [p6] [e0] [u3] [e0] 6 [ue0]i[u3] [oe0] [p4] [qe] [i8] [qe] 4 [uqe]i[u8] [yqe] [u6] [e0] [t3] [e0] 6 [te0]r[t3] [re0] [e4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 06:19
    Gray Skies, Dark Days (Wynncraft)


  • f l k h f q t o f l k h d w y p d l k h s e u a s e u a s e u a f l k h f q t o f l k h d w y p d l k h s e u a s e u a s e u a f l k h f q t o f l k h d w y p d l k h s e u a s e u a s e u a f l k h f q t o f l k l z w y p|l|k l e u p s d a|s 6|6 f [l6] k [h6] f q ff[if] [qf] [qf]ff [if] [qd] w dd[od]dws[ws]dd [od] [wf] e ff[pf]fed[ed]ff [pf] [ed] e as[sp]sep[se]ss [sp] [pe] [qf]|[if] q [qf]|[if] [qf] [wd] d [od] [wj] w h o w [fe]fffp [fe] [ed]f f[pg] [fe] e s p [se] [se]|p e q ff[if] [qf] [qd]fffifqf [wd] d [od] [wf] [wp]|[so] w e f [pf] [fe]f[ed]fffpfef [ed]dd [pd] [fe] [ge] f [pd] [se] q ff[if] [qf]f[qd]fffifqf [wd] d [od] [wd] [wj] f [oh] w e f [pf] [fe]f[ed]fffpf[ed] [ed]ds [pa] [se] e ppp [pe] [qf] [tf] [if]fg [wd] [yd] [of] p [ed] [ud] [pd]df p p ddfs [qf] [tf] [if] gdw [yd] [od] s [ed] [ud] [pd] fg f d s [xqj] t i x [zw] [yx] [vo] l e [uf] [ph] l [kf]|[lhf]| [xqj] t i x [zw] [yl] [ok] [ljfe]| u p 6 [h6] [h6] [j6] [k6] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [k5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wl] 6 [xe] 6 [je] 6 e [j6] [ke] [lg4] [qlg] [lg4] [qlg] [kg5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [kd5] w [h5] [wsjf] 6 e 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [zkh5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [ljfe] 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [xjg4] q [xjg4] q [zkh5] w [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 e [lf6] ek6 [he] 4 [sqjg] 4 [qj] [h5] [wf] [f5] [wlf] 6 j 6 h 6 j 6| [xqj] t i x [zw] [yx] [vo] l e [uf] [ph] l [kf]|[lhf]| [xqj] t i x [zw] [yl] [pk] [ljfe]| u p f l k h f q df[if] [qf] [qd]f fi [qf]f [wd] d [od] [wf] [wp]|[so] w e p [pf] [fe] [ed]f fp [fe]f [ed] d [pd] [fe] [ge] f [pd] [se] q hj[ji] [qh] [qh] f [id] [sq] [wd] s [od] [ws] [wda] [sf] [ogd] [wsf] e ss[pd] [se] [ed] s [pd] [se] [fe] f [pf] [lfe] e [jf] p [fe] [qh] [if] [qh]h[if]hqf[ih] [qh] [if] [wh] [of]g[wh]h[of]f[wh] [oj] [wh] [of] [he] [pf]f[he] [pf]hef[ph] [he] [xp] [he] [ph]h[he] [pf]hef[ph] [he] [pf] [qh] [ih]h[qh] [ih]h[qh] [si] [sq] [ih] [wh]h[oh]h[wh] [oh]h[wh] [ok] [wh] [oh] [WOH] [WOH] [WOH] [WOH] [woh] [pje] [rka] [tsl]||[wh] [oh] [wj] [ok] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [k5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wl] 6 [xe] 6 [je] 6 e [j6] [ke] [lg4] [qlg] [lg4] [qlg] [kg5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [kd5] w [h5] [wsjf] 6 e 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [zkh5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [ljfe] 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [xjg4] q [xjg4] q [zkh5] w [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 e [lf6] ek6 [he] 4 [sqjg] 4 [qj] [h5] [wf] [f5] [wlf] 6 j 6 h 6 j 6| q t [ol] j l z k w y p h h j k l e u [lja] [lj] [xj] [xj] [lj] e u a h h j l q t o h h [xh] [zh] w y p l z x z l e u a j||h [he] [uh] [ha] j|l l| q [th]h[oj] h j h j h [wk] ylp k|h h h [zfe] u a [lf]||[jf] e u a s|f g h q [tj] [oj] h j h j h [zwh] y[kh]p h|h h h [xje] c [xe] z [lje] z [xe] x 6 6 [h6] [h6] [h6] [h6] [j6] [k6] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [k5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q 4 [ql] [z5] [wl] [k5] [wl] 6 [xe] 6 [je] 6 e [j6] [ke] [lg4] [qlg] [lg4] [qlg] [kg5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [sjfe] 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [kd5] w [h5] [wsjf] 6 e 6 e [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [ljg4] q [ljg4] q [zkh5] [wl] [k5] [wk] 6 [ljfe] 6 [he] [h6] [he] [j6] [ke] [xjg4] q [xjg4] q [zkh5] w [k5] [wljf] 6 e 6 e [lf6] ek6 [he] 4 [sqjg] 4 [qj] [h5] [wf] [f5] [wlf] 6 j 6 h 6 j 6| [xqh] t i h [zwk] y [vo] [lh] e u p f [lhf]|[zhf]| [xqh] t i x [zw] [yl] [ok] [khf] e u [pjf]|[kf]|[lf]| [xqh] t i x [zwh] [yx] [vo] [lh] e [uf] [ph] l [kf]|[lf]| [xqjg] t i x [zw] [yl] [ok] [ljfe6]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:13
    Haru Haru

    Big Bang

  • [k8]|[w0]| |[k9]lkJ [keQ] x z k [j7]|[eQ]| |3 h [wG0] h fGhj[k8]|[te] j H j [l9]|[eQ]|k|[H0]|[rW]|j|[k0]|[rW]|f|[k8]|[w0]| |[k9]lkJ [keQ] x z k [j7]|[eQ]|z|[k3]|[w0] f G h [k8]|[jQ(]||f [h7]|[Q(]|G|[f3]|[w0]| |3|[w0]| |a|[s6]|[utk]||l [j9]|[eQ]| |7 j [eQH] j l k [h3]|[w0]| |6 h [wG0] h l k [G9]|[feQ]||d [G5]|[Q9]| |[d5]sa [Q9]|a|[s6]|[utk]||l [j9]|[eQ]| |7 j [eQH] j l k [h3]|[w0] f G h [k8]|[jeQ]| |[f7]h|[Q(]|G|[f3]|[w0]| |3|[w0]| |[a8]|[ws0]||f [k9]|[eQ]|j|[j3]|[e0]| |[H3]|[W0]| |[h8]|[E0]| |[f8]|[g9]|[eG]|[k5]|[wr]| |[a5]saP [qa9] s d D [f8]|[e0]|p|[f8]|[e0]|G|[rh]|[uo] G h j [k9]|[wr]| |0 k [zye] l j g [f0]|[ur]|[QD]|[f0]|0| |x

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:12
    Water Lily (Nice Guy)

    Choi Seong-wook