01:37 -
u e tyu e tyu e tyu e tyu e Tyu e Tyu e Tyu e Tyu| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer 0 w y| w| try| w|
tre 9 qwe 9 qwe 9 qwe 9 q u| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer 0 w y| w| try| w|
tre 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 e u| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer w r y| w| r| t r|
e e 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe e e p t
iop t ipo t uio t uoi e yui e uiu e tyu e tyt q ert q ert q t y t y u e
tyu e tyu e tyu i o p t iop t ipo t uio t u i e yui e uiu e tyu e r t q ert q er
t q t r 0 r e 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe u iop u iop u iop
About This Music Sheet
Game of Thrones Title Sequence (Easy) is a song by Ramin Djawadi. Use your computer keyboard to play Game of Thrones Title Sequence (Easy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:37, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Game of Thrones Title Sequence (Easy) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano.
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[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ig]|
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[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ig]|
[sl]|[sl]|[gc]Level: 4Length: 01:25EasyDaemon And Caraxes Leave Dragonstone (HOTD)
Ramin Djawadi
[u63] e tyu e ty[u63] e tyu e ty[u63] e Tyu e Ty[u63] e Tyu e Ty[u63]| e| [te63]yu| e| ty[wr73] 0 wer 0 we[wr73] 0 wer 0 w [y52]| w| [wt52]ry| w| tr[qe62] 9 qwe 9 qw[qe62] 9 qwe 9 [q62] [u63]| [63] [e63]| [63] [te63]yu [63] [e63]| [t63]y[wr73] 0 [w73]e[r73] 0 [w73]e[wr73] 0 [w73]e[r73] 0 [w73] [y52]| [52] [w52]| [52] [wt52]ry [52] [w52]| [t52]r[qe63] 0 [q63]w[e63] 0 [q63]w[qe63] 0 [q63]w[e63] 0 [e63] [u6]3680 [e6]3680 [te6][y3][u6]80 [e6]368[t0]y[r3]707[w0][e7][r3]707[w0][e7][r3]707[w0][e7][r3]7[w0]7[r0]7[y5]9w9w9[w5]9w9w9[r5]9w9[wt]9[r5]9w9w9[e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e630] [e630] [e630] [p84] t [i84]o[p84] t [i84]p[o51] t [u51]i[o51] t [u51]o[i62] e [y62]u[i62] e [u62]i[u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[t41] q [e41]r[t41] q [e41]r[t41] [q41] [t41] [y73] [t73] [y73] [u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[u51] i [o51] [p84] t [i84][o84][p84] t [i84][p84][o51] t [u51][i51][o51] t [u51][51][i62] e [y62][u62][i62] e [u62][i62][u63] e [t63][y63][u63] e [r63][63][t41] q [e41][r41][t41] q [e41][r41][t41] [q41] [t41] [r73] [730] [r73] [e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e6] u iop u iop u iop
Level: 6Length: 01:38IntermediateGame of Thrones Title Sequence (Alternative)
Ramin Djawadi
[s8] w [tsh] w [sh8] w [tg] [wD] [h^] q E q ^ q E q [s%] ( [shW] ( [sh%] ( [gW] [D(] [sh^] q E q [^H] q [JE] q [l%] ( W t Y O s D H||| [tsoY1] @ [oh5] 8 [oh1] @ [ig5] [YD8] [ohPD@] 5 ^ ( @ 5 ^ ( [sigO4] % [oh8] q [OH4] % [oh8] [qOH] [ohdP5] ^ 9 w [ig5] ^ [YD9] [ywd] [ts1] @ 5 8 1 @ 5 8 1 @ 5 8 ( w t| w| W E t| w| W E t| w| W E 8(wtLevel: 7Length: 00:50Intermediate
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5||5 9 ( 9| 5| |[@8]| @| |^| |[8%]||| 5||w y Y y| w| |[t@]| (| |9qE||[(%]Wt||| [t1] 5 [ti8] 5 [tY1] 5 [y8] 5 [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^E] 4 ^ 4 [E%] @ % @ % [W@] [E%] [t@] [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^Y] 4 [y^] 4 [t1] 5 [ti8] 5 [tY1] 5 [y8] 5 [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^P] 4 ^ 4 [g%] @ % @ [D%] @ % @ [h^] 4 ^ 4 [g^] 4 ^ 4Level: 5Length: 00:52Intermediate
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p a s d s g fd g D s d s asd a s d f d h gf d k j hGhLevel: 2Easy
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oPoPoiPsdspP | oPoPoiPsdspP | oPoPoiPsdspP | ids | oPoPoiPsdspP | oPoPoiPsdspP | oPoPoiPsdspP | ids Ppo | ooiiyio ii | Ppo | ooiiyio iio Pd P P P oPoPPo P P P oPoPPo PPP oPoP dsPP odsPPLevel: 3Easy
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