04:28 -
5 -
p p p s a p o [ua84]|o||
t [us] a p o [yua0]||o||u|
r [us] a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||
r [us] a [qp] o [yua0]| r o||u|
s h h [h0] f [sh40] [sh] [sj] t u||
t [us] f [d4] s [od93] [od] [of] 7 9||3|
7 [h9] h [h3] f [sh40] [sh] [sj] 8 0||4|
8 [s0] f [d4] s [od93] [od] [of] 7 9||
h f h f h f h f
[spj4] 8 q w e||
[pif] f f f [g8] f d s
[od3] 7 [od0] w r||
[ofa] f f f [g7] f [d3] s
[id2] 6 [id9] q e||
[pif] f f f [g9] f d s
[od3] 7 [od0] w r||
s h f h f h f h
f [spj4] 8 0 q w e t
u [pif] f f f g f [d8]
s [od3] 7 [od0] w r 0 w
r [uofa] f f f g f d
s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9|
[pife] f f f [g9] f d
s [od3] 7f[od0] w r 0 w
r u p p p s a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4|
t [us] a [qp] o [yua0]| r o||u|
7 [ys] a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4||
t [us] a p o [yua0]| r o| r u|
s h h h f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4|
8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0|3|
7 [oha0] [oha] [oh3] f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e||4|
8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0|
[oha3] f [oha] f [oh] f [oh] f [oh] f [pj4] 8[ka]0 [qoh] w|4|
[of] [f8] [qg] f [d4] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0|3|
[of] [f7] [oga0] f [d3] s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9|2|
f [f6] [pig9] f [d2] s [od1] 5 [od8] 0 w|8|
[soh1] f [soh] f [soh] f [soh] f [spj4] 8 q w e|8|4
h g [f8] [qd] s [d4] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0|
[ofa3] f f [f7] [oga0] f [d3] s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9|
[pif2] f f [f6] [pig9] f [d2] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0|3
p p p s a p o [uoa4] 8 [qo] w e|4|
8 [usq] a [p4] o [uoa3] 7 0 w [ro]|0|[u3]|
7 [s0] a [p3] o [uoa4] 8 [o0] q w|8|4|
8 [usq] a [p4] o [uoa3] 7 0 w [ro]|0|[u3]|
[s7] [h0] h [h3] f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4|
8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0|3|
7 [oha0] [oh] [oh3] f [oh4] [oh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4|
8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0|
[oha3] f [oh] f [oh] h [oh] f
[pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd|
[oga93] g g g g f f d [of]|d|d fd|
[pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd|
[93] h s s d f d|[sh] [sh] s s d fd|
[pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd|
[oga93] g g g g f f d [of]|d|d fd|[92]|||
h s s d f d|
[ha93] [ha] s s d fd|
p p p s a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4|
t [us] a p o [yua0]| r o||u|
r [ys] a [p3] o [ua84]|o 8 0||4|
8 [us] a [p4] o [ua93]| r o| r u|
s [rh] h [h0] f [usqh] [sh] [sj] t u|q||
t [us] f [qd] s [yod0] [od] [of] r y|0||
r [yh] h [h0] f [usqh] [sh] [sj] t u|q||
t [us] f d s [yod0] [od] [of]
About This Music Sheet
Hotline Bling is a song by Drake. Use your computer keyboard to play Hotline Bling music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:28, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Hotline Bling is classified in the genres: Pop, USA, Rap on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, Hip hop, R&B.
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9 | u I | T y | uI I | p I | uI | r e | uI | T y | uI I yp I | u I | r e | y [up] | I | y y [ry]y | p | I | [wy] yy | p | I | y yy | [ey] u | I | y u | I | yp | I | y yyy p | I | yy y | [ry] p | I | yp | I | y I I I I oI u[ey] yyI | I IuIu I | yI IoIu y | yIp[ary] p Iuy [ry] y | u I uIuI uI IuIu I | yI I IoIu y | [ry] I p a dS p I uy | yp | I uy | p | I uy uI | I uIu y | a | p | a | p I a | d |a | poI p | y y | yp | I uy | y p | o | I I | y | y y | u | yILevel: 4Length: 01:45Easy
The A Team
Ed Sheeran
[uto8]| [ute6]|
[wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
[tqe] [84] [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]|
[tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
[uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
[tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
[ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84]
[tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [uto] w
[uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]| [tqe] [84]
[tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]| [uto] w
[uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]| [tqe] [84]
[tqe864]| |[uto8]| [ute6]|
[wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
[tqe] [84] [uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]|
[tqe4]| [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84]
[uto8]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
[tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
[uto] w [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]|
[tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [tqe] [84] [uto8]|
[uto] w [uro7]| [uro] w [tqe84]|
[tqe] [84] [tqe864]| |[ywr95]|
[ywr] [95] [ywr] [95] [ywr] [95] [tie84]|
[tie] [84] [ywr975]| [ywr975]| [tqe84]|
[tqe] [84] [ywr95]| [ywr] [95] [ute60]|
[ute] [60] [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [tqe84]|
[tqe] [84] [wr950]| [wr0] [95] [ute60]|
[ute] [60] [ute60] [ywr95] [ute60] [tqe84]|
[tqe] [84] [ywr975] [ywr975]||[ute860]|
[ute] [60] [ute] [60] [ute] [60] [tqe84]|
[tqe] [84] [ywr95]| [ywr] [95] 8 [uto]
7 [uro] 6 [ute] 5 [wut] 4 [ute]|
[ute]| [ute]| [ute] [ywr975]|||
8 [uto]
7 [uro] 6 [tie] 5 [wut] 4 [tqe]
4 [tqe]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [uto]
7 [uro] 6 [ute] 5 [wut] 4 [tqe]
u [ute]| [ute]| |
[uto81]| [ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]|
[tqe] 4 [tqe]| [tqe] 4 [uto81]|
[ute6]| [wr30]| [tqe4]| [tqe] 4
[tqe]| [tqe] 4 [ywr5]| [ywr] 5
[ywr5]| [ywr] 5 [tie4]| [tie] 4
[wo5]| [wo5]| [upT6]| [upT6]Level: 8Length: 02:21ExpertAll I Want
Olivia Rodrigo
GGda a f f fHHjkjjjf d G G GffGf GGda a f f fHHjkjjjf d G G GffGf GGda a f f fHHjkjjjf d G G GffGf d|d Sa| SSSS p|G GGf d|d Sa| aS dS a p a Sa p d|dddd|| ppppp p OO I e||u||I|ffG f e||u|I | fffG f T||O||p|| uu fLevel: 3Length: 00:50Easy
Take On Me