01:33 -
[oG]k G C G x z Lzk [fI]j f x f z L kLj [ud]h d z d L k jkjh[ypfG] e y u I p d f [oG]k G C G x z Lzk [fI]j f x f z L kLj [ud]h d z d L k jhGh[pjfSI]||T Q * $ 6 [yaI5] 9 [wdaI] e [upS6] 0 [jeS] 0 [upS$] * [e*] aS[d7] [SQ] [ra] [yI] [o3] 7 0 [pQ]a[upT6] 0 [ue] r [u2]I[I6] 9 0 Q e y u [wuro] * 0 pa[uaTP] [aW] [SE] [TI] [rpd] Q 9 fG[faO0] r [ua] S [d5] [S9] [wa] [rI] [uT6] 0 [pe] 0 [a7] Q r u Y||df[rpdG] I S d b||df[dPGE] I P d x||df[pedG] I S d b||Gj[ykdaG] G d a I y r Q [a5] 9 [wp] [ro] [ye$] 9 [ypQ] e [ure3] 7 Q e [W0]|r T [ywr5] 9 [wu] I [ueT6] 0 [eT]|[rQ97] Q r r [r60*]|e|[rQ7(] 7 * ( Q r T Y I a S D G k L Z LC
About This Music Sheet
Nakama (High School DxD Born) is a song by Ryosuke Nakanishi. Use your computer keyboard to play Nakama (High School DxD Born) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:33, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Nakama (High School DxD Born) is classified in the genres: Manga, Songs From TV, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime.
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Other Songs By Ryosuke Nakanishi
[30] q w [40] q t w [w5] e r [e6] 0 t w [30] q w [40] q t w [w5] e r [e6] 0 t w [850] q [w8] 0 8 q [t8] w [w7] [e8] [r9] [e8] 0 [t6] w [850] q [w8] 0 8 q [t0] [w8] [w7] [e8] [r9] [e8]|[woh5] [s30] [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [w5] [wo5] [ws5] [oe6] [fe6]d[ea6] [se6] [oe6] [30] [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [wa5] [ws5] [wd5] [se6] [e6] [oe6] [he6] [e6] [s30] [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [w5] [wo5] [ws5] [oe6] [fe6]d[ea6] [se6] [oe6] [30] [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [wa5] [ws5] [wf5] [se6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [wt80] t t [wt80] t [w80] t [w80] y t [w80]|[w80] t [tqe8] r [qe8] e [rqe8] t [w80] 6 7 [w80] t [wo80] o [w80] t o [wo80] t [wo80] o [w80] o p [wt80]|[w80] tt[tqe8] y [qe8] e [rqe8] e [wr80] t 6 3 5 6|[wt80] t [wt80] t t [wt80] t [wt80] y t [w80]|[wt80] t [tqe8] r [qe8] e e [rqe8] t [w80] 6 7 [w80] t [wo80] o [w80] t o [wo80] t [wo80] o [w80] o p [wt80]|[w80] tt[tqe8] y [qe8] e [rqe8] [wt80]| [te6] u o [p9]| [wu0] y [t8]|t y t r t [e6] [r7] [t51] t y t [u850] y [O8(%] [o97]|w w w w [w5] [w5] [o1] 1 [s1] [a1] 1 [s1] 1 [o1] 1 1 1 [o1] [o1] [i1] [u1] [i1] [o5] 5 [s5] [a5] 5 [s5] 5 [p5]o5 5 5 5 5 5 5 [o5] [p6] 6 [t6] [r6] 6 [t6] 6 [o6] 3 3 3 [t3] [t3] [y3] [u3] [i3] [u4] 4 4 [i4]u[y4] 4 4 [t4] p a p o| [o1] [o8] [s1] [a8] 1 [s8] 1 [o8] 1 8 1 [o8] [o1] [i8] [u1] [i8] [o5] 5 [s5] [a5] 5 [s5] 5 [s5] [f5] 5 5 [s5] [s5] 5 5 [p5]a[s6] 6 [p6] [o6] 6 [i6] 6 [i6]u6 6 6 [u6] [t6] [y6] [u6] [i6] [u4] [y4] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t r t u t t|[o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [w5] [wo5] [ws5] [oe6] [fe6]d[ea6] [se6] [oe6] [30] [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [wa5] [ws5] [wf5] [se6] [e6] [e6] [t8531] t t [t8531] t t [t8531] t [8531] y t [8531]|[8531] t [t8641] r [8641] e [r8641] [t8531] 6 7 8 t [o8531] o [8531] t o [o8531] t [o8531] o [8531] o p [t8531]|[8531] tt[t8641] y [8641] e [r8641] [t8531] [86] 3 [75] [86]|[ts8531] [ts] [ts] [8531] [ts] [ts] [ts8531] [ts] [ts8531] [yd] [ts] [8531]|[8531] [ts] [ts8641] [ra] [pe8641] [ra] [8641] [ts] [8531] 6 7 8 s [h8531] h [8531] s h [h8531] s [h8531] h [8531] h j [s8531]|[8531] [ts][ts][ts8641] [yd] [8641] [pe] [ra8641] [ts8531]| [se6] f h [j9]| [wf0] d [s8]|s d s a s [p6] [a7] [s51] s d s [f850] d [OH8(%] [oh97]|w w w w [w5] [w5] [o81] [o81] [s81] [a81] [81] [s81] [81] [o81] [81] [81] [81] [o81] [81] [i81] [u81] [i81] [o5] [o5] [s5] [a5] 5 [s5] 5 [p5]o5 5 5 5 5 5 5 [o5] [p6] [t6] [t6] [r6] 6 [t6] 6 [o6] 3 3 3 [t3] [t3] [y3] [u3] [i3] [u4] 4 4 [i4]u[y4] 4 4 [t4] p a p o| [o851] o [s851] a [851] s [851] o [851] [851] o [o851] i [u851] i [o52] [s52] a [52] s [52] s [f52] [52] s [s52] [52] pa[s63] [p63] o [63] i [63] iu[63] [63] u [t63] y [u63] i [u41] y [41] [41] [41] [41] t r t u t t|[tqpi4] [q4] [q4] [tie4] 4 4 [yro5] 5 5 [wt810] [81] [81] [ts] [yd] [ts] [i4] 4 [u4] 6 [i8] [qo] 8 [t6] 1 [w1] [e1] [t3] [y5] [t8] 5 [i3] 2 [u2] 2 [i4] [o6] 9 [i6] 1 [u1] 1 [t3] 5 [y8] 5 [u8531]|u [8531] i u [o8531] u p [o8531] s [s6] [s6] [d6] [s6] [f6] [s6] [p6] [o52]| [oh] [ka] [sl] [zd] [o851] s a [851] s o [851]|o [o851] i u i [o52] s a [52] s po[52]| [52]|p [63] t r [63] t o [73]|t [t73] y u i [u41]|iu[y41]|t [p41] a p o| [h1] [h85] [l1] [k85] 1 [l85] 1 [h85] 1 [85] 1 [h85] 1 [g85] [f1] [g85] [h5] [52] [l5] [k52] 5 [l52] 5 [l52] [x5] [52] 5 [l52] [l5] [52] 5 [j52]k[l6] [63] [j6] [h63] 6 [g63] 6 [g63]f6 [63] 6 [s63] 6 [d63] [f6] [g63] [f4] [d41] 4 [41] 4 [41] 4 [41] 4 s a s f s s 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 [t6] [p6] [o6] 3 3 3 4 4 [i4] [u4] [y4] 5 [t5] [r5] [t6] 6 6 [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [w5] [wo5] [ws5] [oe6] [fe6]d[ea6] [se6] [oe6] [30] [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [wa5] [ws5] [wd5] [se6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [30] [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [w5] [wo5] [ws5] [oe6] [fe6]d[ea6] [se6] [oe6] [30] [o30] [s30] [qo4] [qd4]s[qa4] [sq4] [qo4] [wa5] [ws5] [wf5] [se6]
Level: 7Length: 03:53IntermediateFuture Line (Kuroko no Basuke)
Ryosuke Nakanishi
u [p60]||sa[s84]||pa[ws8] d f [d95] s a [p60]||sa[s84]||ap[wo8]||sd[d95]|u|[p6] 0 e [s0]a[s4] 8 q [p8]a[s8] wdt [wf] [d5] 9sw [a9] [p6] 0 e 0 4 8 q [p8]a[s8] wdt [wf] [d5] 9fw [h9] [pjf6] [e0] 6 [le0]k[slh4] [q8] 4 [qj8]k[slh8] [wt][zd]8 [xwtf] [zjd5] [w9][sl]5 [wka9] [pjf6] [e0] 6 [le0]k[slh4] [q8] 4 [qk8]j[ohd8] [wt] 8 [wtl]z[zjd5] [w9] [uf5] [w9] [pjf6] [e0] 6 [le0]k[slh4] [q8] 4 [qj8]k[slh8] [wt][zd]8 [xwtf] [zjd5] [w9][sl]5 [wka9] [pjf6] [e0] 6 [e0] 4 [q8] 4 [qj8]k[slh8] [wt][zd]8 [xwtf] [zjd5] [w9][sl]5 [wka9] [pjf6] e 6 e [wkga95]||[oh] [pjfe60]
Level: 7Length: 02:53IntermediateThe Strength Of The Hero And The Devil (Hataraku Maou-sama!)
Ryosuke Nakanishi
48qetipspiteq848qetipspiteq8 48qetipspiteq848qetipspiteq84 [8t] [9y] [0u] [qi] [wo] [ep] [ra] [ts] [yd] [uf] [ig] [oh] [pj] [ak] [sl] [ak] [pj] [oh] [ig] [uf] [yd] [ts] [ra] [ep] [wo] [qi] [0u] [9y] [8t] [8t] [9y] [0u] [qi] [wo] [ep] [ra] [ts] [yd] [uf] [ig] [oh] [pj] [ak] [sl] [dz] [fx] [gc] [hv] [jb] [kn] [lm] [kn] [jb] [hv] [gc] [fx] [dz] [sl] [ak] [pj] [oh] [ig] [uf] [yd] [ts] [ra] [ep] [wo] [qi] [0u] [9y] [8t] [18] [29] [30] [4q] [5w] [6e] [7r] [8t] [9y] [0u] [qi] [wo] [ep] [ra] [ts] [yd] [uf] [ig] [oh] [pj] [ak] [sl] [dz] [fx] [gc] [hv] [jb] [kn] [lm] [kn] [jb] [hv] [gc] [fx] [dz] [sl] [ak] [pj] [oh] [ig] [uf] [yd] [ts] [ra] [ep] [wo] [qi] [0u] [9y] [8t] [7r] [6e] [5w] [4q] [30] [29] [18] [8t] [9y] [0u] [9y] [0u] [qi] [0u] [qi] [wo] [qi] [wo] [ep] [wo] [ep] [ra] [ep] [ra] [ts] [ra] [ts] [yd] [ts] [yd] [uf] [yd] [uf] [ig] [uf] [ig] [oh] [ig] [oh] [pj] [oh] [pj] [ak] [pj] [ak] [sl] [ak] [sl] [dz] [sl] [ak] [pj] [ak] [pj] [oh] [pj] [oh] [ig] [oh] [ig] [uf] [ig] [uf] [yd] [uf] [yd] [ts] [yd] [ts] [ra] [ts] [ra] [ep] [ra] [ep] [wo] [ep] [wo] [qi] [wo] [qi] [0u] [qi] [0u] [9y] [0u] [9y] [8t] [8l] [9k] [0j] [9k] [0j] [qh] [0j] [qh] [wg] [qh] [wg] [ef] [wg] [ef] [rd] [ef] [rd] [ts] [rd] [ts] [ya] [ts] [ya] [up] [ya] [ts] [rd] [ts] [80tu] [9wyo] [80tu] [9wyo] [9qyi] [0eup] [9qyi] [0eup] [0wuo] [qria] [0wuo] [qria] [qeip] [wtos] [qeip] [qtos] [wroa] [eypd] [wroa] [eypd] [etps] [ruaf] [etps] [ruaf] [ryad] [tisg] [ryad] [tisg] [tusf] [yodh] [tusf] [yodh] [yodh] [tusf] [yodh] [tusf] [tisg] [ryad] [tisg] [ryad] [ruaf] [etps] [ruaf] [etps] [eypd] [wroa] [eypd] [wroa] [wtos] [qeip] [wtos] [qeip] [qria] [0wuo] [qria] [0wuo] [0eup] [9qyi] [0eup] [9qyi] [9wyo] [80tu] [9wyo] [80tu] t [eu] [ry] [wi] [eu] [qo] [ry] [wi] [eu] [qo] [wi] [0p] [eu] [qo] [wi] [0p] [qo] [9a] [wi] [0p] [qo] [9a] [0p] [8s] [qo] [9a] [0p] [8s] [9a] [7d] [0p] [8s] [9a] [7d] [8s] [6f] [9a] [7d] [8s] [6f] [7d] [5g] [8s] [6f] [7d] [5g] [6f] [4h] [8s] [8t] y 9 u [0i] o q p [wa] s e d [rf] g t h [yj] k u l [iz] x o c [pv] b a n [sm] n a b [pv] c o x [iz] l u k [yj] h t g [rf] d e s [wa] p q o [0i] u 9 y [8t] [18] 9 2 0 3 q [4w] e 5 r 6 t [7y] u 8 i 9 o [0p] a q s w d [ef] g r h t j [yk] l u z i x [oc] v p b a n [sm] n a b p v [oc] x i z u l [yk] j t h r g [ef] d w s q a [0p] o 9 i 8 u [7y] t 6 r 5 e [4w] q 3 0 2 9 [18]Level: 6Length: 03:11Intermediate
Piano Scales
[r0]|||[usoa]| u| u| u|
[t30]uoasaoutuoasaoutuoasaoutuoasaou[r3]Level: 6Length: 01:08IntermediateStranger Things Intro
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
j|j j l| k x Z x l j|| j|j j l| k x Z x l j [tolh] [rkha]| [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z[xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] t q e [tj] u [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [uk] [xw] [rZ] [yx] [wl] [rj] y w r [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z[xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] t q e [tj] u [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [zu] [xw] [rZ] [yx] [wl] [rj] y w r [ute]|j [utje] f f [utfe] f [tqpe] p f [tqfe] g f [tqe] f [utoj] j f [utof] s s [utof] f [ywrp] p f [ywrf] g f [ywr]| [utje] j f [utfe] s s [fe] [tf] [tqpe] p f [tqfe] g f q e [utoj]|f [utof] s|[tf] [uf] [ywrp] p f [ywrf] g f w r e t [us]ses[ts]aup[se] t q e [ts]sqs[se]atp[sq] e t u [so]sts[us]aop[ts] [ua] w r [ys]sws[sr]ayp[ws] [rp] e [tp] [us] [pe] t [up] [se] [tp] q [pe] [ts] [qp] e [tp] [sq] [pe] t [up] [so] [tp] u [po] [ts] [up] w [rp] [ys] [wp] r [yp] [ws] [rp] [ute]||f d s p [tqed]||s d [utof] f f f d f [ywrg] g g g f d [ute]||[utfe] d s p [tqed]||[tqe]|s d [utof] f f [uto] d d f [ywrg] g g [ywrf]|d| [ute]| [ute] s d[ute] s [tqed] d [tsqe] d p[tqe] p [utso] d [utso] d p[uto] s [ywrf] d d [ywsr] d|[ywsr]| [ute]| [ute] s d[ute] s [tqed] d [tsqe] d|[tqfe]| [utoj]|h [uto] f f [utod] d [ywsr] s s [ywsr] ss [ywra]a [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z [xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] [tl] [ql] [le] [tlj] u [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [uk] [wl] [rl] [yl] [wl] [rl]ly [wk]kr [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z [xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] [tl] [ql] [ze] [zt]l[uj] [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [ul]z x Z x l j|| [usp] [usp] [usp] [usp] [usp] [usp] [usp] [uspe] [uspe] [uspe] [uspe]|[tsp] [srp]| e t [us]a[pe]a[ts]a[up]a[se]pt q [se] [ts] [sq] [se] [ts] [sq]pe t u [po]p[ts] [up]o[po]p[tp]p[up]s [wp] [rp] [ys] [wo] [rp] y [wp] [sr] [fe] [ts] [ua] [se] [ts]a[up]a[se]a[tp]a [sq]a[pe]a[ts]a[qp]a[se] t [qp] e [tf] [us] [oa] [ts] [us]a[po]a[ts]a[up]a [ws]a[rp]a[ys]a[wp]a[sr] y [wp] r [ute]||f d s p [tqed]||s d [utof] f f f d f [ywrg] g g g f d [ute]||f d [utse] p [tqed]||[tsqe] d [utof] f f|d [utod] f [ywrg] g g f|[ywrd]| [ute]| [ute] s d[ute] s [tqed] d [tsqe] d p[tqe] p [utso] d [utso] d p[uto] s [ywrf] d d [ywsr] s|[ywrf]| [ute]|[ute]|[utse] d[ute] s [tqed] d[tqe] s [tqed]|[tqfe]| [utoj] [uto] [utoh] [uto] [utof] [utof] [utod] [utod] [ywsr] [ywsr] [ywsr] [ywsr] [ywsr]s [ywra]a [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z [xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] [tl] [ql] [le] [tlj] u [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [uk] [wl] [rl] [yl] [wl] [rl]ly [wk]kr [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z [xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] [tl] [ql] [ze] [zt]l[uj] [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [ul]z [xw] [rZ] [yx] [wl] [rj] y w r [utje] j j [utje] j f[ute] f [tqge] g [tqhe] g f[tqe] f [utof]| [uto]| [uto] g [ywrf]| [ywr]| [ywr]| [utje] j j [utje] j f[ute] f [tqge] g [tqhe] g f[tqe] f [utof]| [uto]| [uto] d [ywrf] lll [ywrl]ll ll[ywrk]| [pe] t u [je] t u e [tl]z [xq] [ze] [xt] [ql] [je] t q [le]z [xt] [zu] [xo] [tl] [uj] o t u w [rl]l[yl] [wl]l[rl] [yl]l[wk] r [pe] t u [je] t u e [tl]z [xq] [ze] [xt] [ql] [je] t q [le]z [xt] [zu] [xo] [tl] [uj] o t u w r y w r [ylh] [wkha] r [utje]|j [utje] J j [utje] J [tqje] j j [tqfe] J j [tqje] x [utoj]|j [utoj] J j [utoj] J [ywrj] j j [ywrf] J j [ywrj] x [xute] xlj [xute] xlj [utje] k [xtqe] xlj [xtqe] xlj [tqje] k [xuto] xlj [xuto] xlj [utoj] k [ywr] lll [ywrl]ll ll[ywrk] k [uje]|j p J j [pj] J [tqj] j j [pf] J j [pj] x [utj]|j p J j [pj] J j [tj]t[tj] [tf]t[tJ] [tj]t[rj] x [le] lkj [pl] lkj [pj] k [tql] lkj [pl] lkj [pj] k [xut] xlj [xp] xlj [pj] k [tle] [tle] [tle] [tle] [tl][tl] [rk][rk] [tspjfe0]Level: 7Length: 03:56Intermediate