01:09 -
5 -
[p6]|e|T| |y|u|||[ufe]|d f [tqp]|o p [wu8]|y u [e9]|eup|[e!]Tu3663[q4]eu68q86[e92]yu46964[q^]Ei24^42[e6]| |w e [yf0][pe][ur][pe][uf0][pe][ur][pe][f0][pe][ur][pe][f0][pe][ur][pe][f0][pe][ur][pe][sp]fjx[pd]f[sj]x[pa]fjx[po]fjx[up]fjx[yp]f[uj]x[pe]fjxpfjx[pe]yf[uj]x[tp]fjx[rp]fjx[wp]fjx[pe]fjxpfjxpfjxpfjx[uspe]fjx[pd]f[sj]x[ywpa]fjx[po]fjx[utqp]fjx[yp]f[uj]x[pe]fjxpfjx[wpe8]yf[uj]x[tp]fjx[rp]fjx[wp]fjx[wpe9]fjx[pQ]fjxpfjxpf[je]x[qpe8]f[uj]x[pe]fjx[wp9]fjx[rp]f[tj]x[e60]|||[sfe]| |a|[wp] o||h|a d[sqf]| |a|[wupo]| |j|a d[utpfe]|||[upe6]
About This Music Sheet
Ori, Lost In The Storm (Ori And The Blind Forest) is a song by Gareth Coker. Use your computer keyboard to play Ori, Lost In The Storm (Ori And The Blind Forest) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:09, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Ori, Lost In The Storm (Ori And The Blind Forest) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Gareth Coker
[pj] a [xs] a [uf] a [sk] a [ig] a [sl] a [oh]|[xa]|||[pj] a [xs] a [uf] a [sk] a [ig] a s [ha] [od]|j| |z| |x|[pjf]|x| |j|[xfe6]|j|j|x|f| |[uf]|[slg4] r t r [ztqd] r t [srl] [khda5] r y r [ywoha] r y r [ufa6] [ur] [ya] [ur] [ya0] [ur] [ya] [rd] [uda30] [ur] [ya] [ur] [ya0] [ur] [yda] [ur] [qpd4] [ie] [tp] [ife] [tsqp] [ie] [tp] [ie] [ia92] [yq] [ie] [yq] [oie] [yq] [i92] [y*!] [sp81] [ue] [tp] [ue] [tpd] [ue] [p8] [u1] [pd7] [i7] [qp] [i7] [rof] [wu] [uof7] 7 [slg4] t r t [zrqd] t r [tsl] [kda30] y r y [roha0] y r y [xkjf92] [yi] [ur] [yi] [ur] [yi] [ur] [yi] [zgd7] [yi] [ur] [yi] [urjgc] [yi] [ur] [yi] [xjf4] [ti] [ue] [ti] [ue] [ti] [usle] [ti] [zhd5] [ti] [wu] [ti] [wu] [ti] [wusl] [ti] [slkf6]|e u p s f j [pka]|||[uf]|||[pj] a [xs] a [uf] a [xs] a [ji] a [xs] a [oj]|a|||[pj] a [xs] a [uf] a [xs] a [ji] a [xs] a [oj]|a|||[uf]|[sl6] e [upka] [pje] [oh3] 0 [urf] 0 [sl4] q [kia] [tpj] [kda5] 5 [ywri] 5 [sl6] 6 [kea0] [pj6] [oh3] 3 [xf0] 3 [zgd4] q [ti] [sql] [zhd5] w [yo] w 5| |[us]|[ya]|[upf6] a s a u a s a
Level: 6Length: 01:57IntermediateTrailer Music (Ori and The Will of The Wisps)
Gareth Coker
[e60]|||r| |e|w|[q6]|||0|||[96]|||8| |7| |[e6] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [w5] r t r [pe63] r t r 0 r t r q r [ta] r [wp] r [to] r [pe63] r t r 0 r t r q r [ts] r [wa] r [to] r [ie63] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wo] r [t3] r [ue63] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wp] r t r [pj6]|6|0| |q|[ra]|[pe]|[wo]|[pie6]| |q| |0|s|[wa]|[o0]|[i96]| |6| |[60]| |[o9]|8|[u763]|||6| |t|r|[e6]| |0| |q| |w| |[pje6]| |0| |q| |u| |[se]| |[d0]|s|[qa]| |[wo]| |[ue]| |0| |[yq]| |w| |[ye]| |[u0]|t|[rq]| |w| |[e6]| |3| |4| |5|u|[s6]| |[d3]|s|[ia4]| |[o5]| |[ue2]| |3| |[ye4]| |[e5]| |[y7]| |[u1]|t|[re2]| |[w3]| |[e6] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pje60] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pje60] r t r [60] r t r q r t r [w3] r t r [uf63] t e t e t e t [ue7] t [ra] t [pe6] t [wo5] t [ype4] r e r [ye] r e r [ye3] r [ea] r [ype] r [oe] r [yie2] t e t [ge] t [he] t [g3] t e t [oh2] t [e1] t [uf7] r e r e r e r [ue6] r e r e r e r [pf63] t e t e t e t [ue7] t [ra] t [pe81] t [wo5] t [ype4] r e r [ye] r e r [ye3] r [ea] r [tse] r [ohfe] r [ig2] t e t e t [he] t [j3] t e t [upf2]|[yd1]|[usf5] t e t e t e t e r [se] r [a1]|[i7]|[up6]| |0| |q|p|[ut]|r|[ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ute] p|p [u0] o|o [uq] p|p [wo] a s a [pe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wuo] r t r [upe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wuo] r t r [upe] r t r 0 r t r e
Level: 6Length: 03:38IntermediateAsh and Bone (Ori and the Will of the Wisps)
Gareth Coker
[gTSQOI]|||[sYWOD]|||[tsqiOD]|||[q^E] T i P S g J L c J L c J|||[S(] E Y i [SI] H [qg] t i [IG] [OH] S [sQ] T [SI] O [PD]|[gW] Y [OG] P [sH]|[J(] E Y i [IB] V [qc] t [iC] I [VO]|[QPJ] T [slI] O [SPL]|[ZWD] Y O s D H l Z V m Z|[YWOH]lZV|||[P$] * E * E * [i$] * E * E * [Y%] ( t ( t ( % ( t ( [tY] [Y(]iY[O4] 8 W 8 W 8 [Y4] 8 W 8 W 8 [^T] q E t T|[^E]| |Y i [I@] [i^] [T(] [qI] [iQ] T [I4] [i8] [qT] [QI] [iW] T [I$] [i*] [TQ] [WI] [iE] T [t%] ( [WT] E [tY]|[i^] q [YE] q [TE] q [^P] q [tE] q [TE] q [ts%] ( W ( W ( [TS%] ( [YWD] ( [igW] ( [PJ$] * [igE] * [igE] * [ig$] * E * E * [YD%] ( t ( t ( % ( t ( [tY] [Y(]iY[H4] 8 W 8 W 8 [sl4] 8 W 8 W 8 [^SL] q E t T|[^E]| |Y i [I@] [i^] [T(] [qI] [iQ] T [I4] [i8] [qT] [QI] [iW] T [WQ$]|||[tW(%]| |E t [WTQ$]|||OH|||HV
Level: 7Length: 02:04IntermediateKujikesou ni Naru Watashi wo Sasaete Kudasai (Kimiuso)
Masaru Yokoyama
[8tl]||[8tk]|j[8th]||g [8tf]|[5wd]|[18s]|| h [4sj]||[8sj] [5dk]||[9dk] [8fl] wetewe8 l [8tl] k [8tj] h [8th]|gf l [8tl] k [8tj] h [8th]|gf f [8tsf] f [8tsf] fg[8tsh] | gf [5wad] d [5wad] df[5wag] fd [8ts]|l||j|[8th]||gf| g [8tf]||[5wod]||[8tus] [8tl]||[8tk]|j[8th]||g [8tf]|[5wd]|[18s]|| h [4sj]||[8sj] [5dk]||[9dk] [8fl] wetewe8 l [8tl] k [8tj] h [8th]|gf l [8tl] k [8tj] h [8th]|gf f [8tsf] f [8tsf] fg[8tsh] | gf [5wad] d [5wad] df[5wag] fd [8ts]|l||j|[8th]||gf| g [8tf]||[5wod]||[8tus]Level: 6Length: 00:58Intermediate
Joy to the World
Lowell Mason
j k [le]|u|p|l|[wk]|y|a|k| [qj]|t|i|h g [th]|o|t s d f [yg]|i|p|g|[tg]| [of]|i| [wd]|y|o|s|a| w| [tf]|s|o|[uf]|[yg]|d|p|[gd]| [uh]|s|f|s|[se]|u|p s d f [yg]|d|p|[gd]|[tg]|u|[sf]|o| [wd]|y|o|s|a|y|r|w| [qp]|t|[sp]|i|[wd]|o|a o h g [th]|s|f|o|[se]|u|p s d f [yg]|d|i|g d [wg]|i|a|f d [tf]|o|s|o|s| a| [qp]|t|[sp]|i|[wd]|o|a o h g [th]|s|f|o|[se]|u|p s d f [wd]|y|o|a|d|a|o a s d [ts]|o|s|f|h| a h G [h3] 7 0 w r a h G [h3] 7 0 w r a h G [h8] w t u [tj] w 8 w [k5] 9 w r y d k j [k5] 9 w r y d k j [k5] 9 w r y d k j [k5] 9 w r [lj6] 0 e t [jG9] e y I p j z l [zr] I a o G| [h8] w t u o h j k [l6] 0 e t [zyj] e [lj9] 6 [lh5] 9 w r [yk] a [wh] G [h$] 7 0 w r a h G [h7] 0 w r|a h j [k8] w t [uj] o u [th] 0 [k8] w t [uj] t w [h8] [wj] [kh5] 9 w r 9 d [wk] [j9] [kh5] 9 w r 9 d [wk] [l9] [jG2] 6 9 Q 9 [p6] [j9] [h6] [jG2] 6 9 Q 9 [p6] [k9] [j6] [hf1] 5 8 0 t o [h9] [G5] [hf1] 5 8 0 [jf8] w 0 8 [hd5] 2 5 7 9 w r y o| d k j [h8] 0 w t u|h G [h8] w t u [jf]| [hd5]|9|w|e|r| | 5|9|w|e|r||p a [s6]|0|e|s|[a5]|9|w|a| [a$]|*|Q|p|[o0]|r|u|o| [i6]|q|t|i|[u5]|0|r|u| [u7]|Q|r| Y||r| [u7]|Q|r| Y||r| [u7]|Q|r| ILevel: 5Length: 02:33Intermediate
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