e T T T e T T T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p S S a p [a7] u [eS] S a p [a0] u [TS] S a p [a6] u [TS] S a p [a9] u T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T [d7] d d d [ed] d d d [f0] S T [d6] d d d [dT] d d d [f9] S T [a7] p a p [ea] p a p [a0] T p [a6] p a p [aT] p a p a d d d d [f7] S S [eS] d S [a0] [dT] d d d [f6] d S [TS] d S [a9] [dT] d d d [f7] d S [eS] d S [a0] [dT] d d d [f6] d S [TS] d S [a9] T a p [a7] p [pe] [a0] p [pT] p [a6] S S S [TS] a p p [a9] p [pT] [a7] p [pe] [a0] p [pT] [a6] S S S [TS] a p p a p p S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p S S a p [a7] u [eS] S a p [a0] u [TS] S a p [a6] u [TS] S a p [a9] u T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T S a [S7] S e S a [S0] S T S a [S6] S a [TS] a S a [S9] S T S a [a7] u e S p [a0] u T S p [a6] a [aT] S a p [a9] u T S p [f7] S a e S S [f0] S a T S S [S6] S S [TS] S S f S a p [S7] a a p [ea] p a [a0] a p [aT] I [a6] S a p [aT] p a p [a9] p a p [aT] a p [a7] p [pe] [a0] p [pT] p [a6] S S S [TS] a p p [a9] p [pT] [a7] p [pe] [a0] p [pT] [a6] S S S [TS] a p p a p p S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a [a9] p T S [I7] e S [a0] p a T [f6] f f f [fT] S S a a p S S a p [a6] u [TS] S a p [a9] u [TS] S a p [a7] u [eS] S a p [a0] u T S [I6] T S [a9] p a T [f7] f f f [fe] S S a [a0] p T e T T T e T T T
About This Music Sheet
Roxanne (Easy) is a song by Arizona Zervas. Use your computer keyboard to play Roxanne (Easy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Roxanne (Easy) is classified in the genres: USA, Rap on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Hip hop, Virtual Piano Comp, Meme.
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Other Songs By Arizona Zervas
t| u| u| u| t| u| u| u|| f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s ffds[d9] o [tf]fds[wd] o [uf]fds[d8] o [uf]fds[qd] o u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u| [g9]ggg[tg]ggg[wh] f u| [g8]ggg[ug]ggg[qh] f u| [d9]sds[td]sds[wd]| u s[d8]sds[ud]sdsd| gggg[h9] ff[tf] gf[wd]| [ug]ggg[h8] gf[uf] gf[qd]| [ug]ggg[h9] gf[tf] gf[wd]| [ug]ggg[h8] gf[uf] gf[qd]| u ds[d9] s[ts]| [wd] s[us] s[d8]fff[uf]dss[qd] s[us]| [d9] s[ts]| [wd] s[us]| [d8]fff[uf]dssd ss f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s ffds[d9] o [tf]fds[wd] o [uf]fds[d8] o [uf]fds[qd] o u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u| fd[f9] f t fd[wf] f u fd[f8] fd[uf]dfd[qf] f u fd[d9] o t fs[wd] o u fs[d8] d [ud]fds[qd] o u fs[h9] fdt ff[wh] fdu ff[f8]ff [uf] ffh fd s [f9]dds[td]sd [wd] ds[ud] p[d8]fds[ud]sds[qd]sds[ud] ds[d9] s[ts]| [wd] s[us] s[d8]fff[uf]dss[qd] s[us]| [d9] s[ts]| [wd] s[us]| [d8]fff[uf]dssd ss f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffd[qd] s u f [p9]| t f [wd]sd u| [h8]hhh[uh]ffdd s ffds[d8] o [uf]fds[qd] o [uf]fds[d9] o [tf]fds[wd] o u f [p8]| u f [qd]sd u| [h9]hhh[th]ffd[wd] s u| t| u| u| u| t| u| u| uLevel: 5Length: 02:38Intermediate
Arizona Zervas
[se] a p a s d [wa]|a|o| [qp] a p|o|[o0]||u| [se] a p a s d [wa]|a|o| [qp]|s|d|[tf]| g [rf] d [se] a p a s d [wa]|a|o| [qp] a p|o|[o0]||o| [qp] a s|d|[wa] s a|o| [pe]|0|7|[p8]|| [wP] p o p P s [qp]|p|i| [o(] p o|i|[i9]||y| [wP] p o p P s [qp]|p|i| [o(]|P|s|[dE]| D [ed] s [wP] p o p P s [qp]|p|i| [o(] p o|i|[i9]||i| [o(] p P|s|[qp] P p|i| [wo]|9|6|[o^]|| [tD] d s|D|[dE]|P|| [sW] P O|s|[wP]|o|| [qO] o i|O|[P9]|O|i| [o(]| o O|[o9]|| [tD] d s|D|[gE]|d|P| [sW]|P|O|[wP]||o| [qp]|a|s|[sq]|a|p| [wa]||s|[wa]|| [se] a p a s d [wa]|a|o| [qp] a p|o|[o0]||u| [se] a p a s d [wa]|a|o| [qp]|s|d|[tf]| g [rf] d [se] a p a s d [wa]|a|o| [qp] a p|o|[o0]||o| [qp] a s|d|[wa] s a|o| [pe]|0|7|[p8]Level: 4Length: 01:35Easy
Lacie’s Melody (Pandora Hearts)
Yuki Kajiura
0 w y w Q [ey] | [wy] 8 w t y w 8 u y w [wy] | [ey] | Iuy e 0 w y w Q [ey] | [wy] 0 | [wu] u u [ey] | [wr] | w | o y 8 | [wt] t t t t t [wt] r | [ey] | Iuy 0 | [wu] u u [ey] | [wr] | w | o y 8 | [wt] t t t t t [wt] r | [ey] | Iuy [w0] | e | [wr] 8 y [wy0] y y t | r [e9] | r e | w w 0 | e | [wr] 8 y [wy0] y y t | r [e9] | r e | 0 w y w Q [ey] | [wy] | 0 w y w Q [ey] | [wy] 0 | [wu] u u [ey] | [wr] | w | o y 8 | [wt] t t t t t [wt] r | [ey] | Iuy 0 | [wu] u u [ey] | [wr] | w | o y 8 | [wt] t t t t t [wt] r | [ey] | Iuy [w0] | e | [wr] 8 y [wy0] y y t | r [e9] | r e | w w 0 | e | [wr] 8 y [wy0] y y t | r [e9] | r e | [s6up] s s [sup] | [atu] | [yp] p a [yp] | [yo] | [ay5o] a a d | o | [yo] 0pa | 5 % [s6up] s s [sup] | [atu] | [yp] p a [yp] | [yo] | [ay5o] a a d | o | [yo] 0pa | [yo] | u y | [e0] | [to] [to] [5to] [to] | I I o I | [wy] | [ro] [ro] [2ro] | I I I [wu] | [wu] | 5 | [eu] | [to] [to] [5to] [to] | I I o I | [wy] [ro] [ro] [ro] [ro] 2 [ey] | [wr] 0 | [ey] | [ru] | y w | u 0 | I | I o I | [eu] | y e | [eu] 9 I [eu] e | o | [ar] [wo] [QI] [wu0] 0 0 0 [ayo] 0 0 I 7 7 7 I | o I o [ay] y y y y y y y [ue] [ue] [ue] [ue] [ue] [ue] [ue] | [s6up] s s [sup] | [atu] | [yp] p a [yp] | [yo] | [ay5o] a a [dy] | o | [yo] 0pa [r0] [r0] [r0] [r0] [r0] w [s6up] s s [sup] | [atu] | [yp] p a [yp] | [yo] | y [ryo] o o [eyo] | y | [wr] 0 | 0 w | u y | [e0] | [to] [to] [5to] [to] | I | o I | 5 | [ro] [ro] [2ro] I I I I [wu] | [wu] | u y w e | [etu] [tu] [tu] [tu] | [ey] | [ru] I | [wy] [ro] [ro] [ro] [ro] | [ey] | [wr] 0 0 0 0 u y w | [wryu]Level: 6Length: 04:08Intermediate
Shallow (A Star Is Born)
Lady Gaga
Bradley Cooper
[ute6]| [ute]| [ute] 0 [ute] 0 [tqe4]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [tqe] 8 [ute6]| [ute]| [ute] 0 [ute] 0 [tqe4]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [ute] [o0] [o850] uu t o u y y [yq86] t| |t o [o850] uu t o u y y [tq86]| |t o [o850] uu t o u u| [qo86] u u t o u u| [o850] u [u850] t [o850] u [y850] y [975]| [975]| [975]| [s975]s d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [ti] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [da]| [ywoda]| [s8] w [th] w [tg] w [tf] [wg]f [s6] 0 e 0 e 0 [ed] 0 [f4] 8 [qh] 8 [qg] 8 [qf] [g8]f [s5] 9 w 9 w 9 [wt] [to] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] [ut] [y5] [y8] [yq84] t [q8]| [q8]| [tq] [to8] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] [ut] [y5] [y8] [tq84]| [q8]| [q8]| [tq] [to8] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] u [u5] 8 [tqo84] u [uq8] t [tqo8] u [uq] 8 [o851] u [ut85] t [o85] u [y5] [yr8] 5 9 w 9 w 9 [ws]s d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [tif] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [yoda]| [ywoda]| [wts8]os[th]sos[tg]sos[tf]so[wud8]o [sq84]os[qi]sis[qi]sis[qi]si[ed84]i [wtf8]os[th]sos[tg]sos[tf]so[wud8]o [sq84]os[qi]sis[qi]sis[qi]ss d [sf851]| [wt8] g f d [wts8] dd [e60] s [upe]| |[uspe]s d [sqf84]| [tqi] g f d [tsqi] dd [w95]| [ywo]||s [ywohf] [gd] [sf851]| [wt8] g f d [wts8] d [ed60]| [uspfe]||s [uspe] d [sqf84]| [tqi]| |[tqif] gf [wda95]| [ywo]| |[ywso] h [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf6]0e[ue] [ue] [ue][sg]| [sf] [ue] [spf4]8q[tq]| [oda5]9w[yw]ss d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [tif] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [yoda]| [ywoda]| [utso860]||u [o8]0w [u6]8[t0] [e4]68||[y5]79| y [u6]80| u [o8]0w [u6]8[t0] [e4]68t t [y5]79| y [u6]80Level: 7Length: 03:41Intermediate
Linkin Park