01:52 -
-2 -
j| l| k|
[fe] u p a s a p u
i p [sj] g h s p g
[th] u o s d s o u
y i [pg] d f p i d
[fe] [us] [pf] j l u t u
[yk] i p d [kY] I p j
[uH] O a f H| |
6 0 [pe] 0 [sr] 0 t a
[u0] W r u I u O u
q e [tp] i o i t [ie]
[o8] 0 w t y t u t
9 q [yi] e [yu] e q y
[u6] 0 e y t e 0 8
[y9] q e t [rW] 0 7 r
[e6] 8 0 e r t u p
y i [pjg] d [jg] p i k
[lje] u [pjf] u a s a p
y i [pjg] d [jg] p i k
[lje] u p a s f s a
y i [pljg] d [lj] p i z
[th]lxu [ol] s [hf] o u o
[zy] i p d [lY] I p [sj]
[uk] O a O f| |
6 0 [pe] 0 [sr] 0 t a
[u0] W r u I u O u
q e [tp] i o i t [ie]
[o8] 0 w t y t u t
9 q [yi] e [yu] e q y
[u6] 0 e y t e 0 8
[y9] q e t [rW] 0 7 r
[e6] 8 0 e r t u p
9 q [pie] y [pi] e q a
[sp6] 0 [pe] 0 e t r e
9 q [jge] y [jg] e q [kg]
[ljf6] 0 e r t u t r
9 q [pie] y d e q a
[usp6] 0 e r [tp] r e 0
q e [tpi] s [woa] r y o
[pi9] q e y i u y e
i p [sj] [lf] [ok] a d h
[yj] i p d f g h g
[ji] p s l [ok] a d h k| |
[xpjf]| |6
About This Music Sheet
Rue’s Whistle (The Hunger Games) is a song by Bevani. Use your computer keyboard to play Rue’s Whistle (The Hunger Games) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:52, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Rue’s Whistle (The Hunger Games) is classified in the genres: Classical, Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Relaxing, Instrumental, Hunger Games.
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[eis] t [eis] t [wuos] t [wos] t
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[eipd] d [eipd] sf[wos]f f[wos] s
[WOad] d [WOad] sf[eps]f f[eps]|
[eipd] d [eipd] sf[wos]f f[wos] s
[roaf] d [roa]| [ruo]| [ruo]|
[eipd] d [eipd] sf[eip]f f[eip]dws
[ei] t [eip] t [etip]| |
[6psh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
[5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
[6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
[5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
[6eps]| [ps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rofh] f
[wosf] o [wsf] o [wsf] o [roa] u
[eps] u [eps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rafh] f
[wag] f [wad]s a[wo]| [woa]|
[5wkc] x zl k| |
[eipd] [td] [eipd] [ts]f[wos]ftf[wos] td
[WOa]drd[WOa]s[rs]f[eps]f[tf]f[eps] t
[eipd] [td] [eipd] [ts]f[wos]ftf[wos] ts
[roaf] [ud] [roa] u [ruo] w [ruo] w
[eipd] [yd] [eipd] [ys]f[eip]fyf[eip]d[wy]s
[ei] t [eip] t [etip]| |
[6psh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
[5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
[6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
[5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
[6eps]| [ps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rofh] f
[wosf] o [wsf] o [wsf] o [roa] u
[eps] u [eps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rafh] f
[wag] f [wad]s a[wo]| [woa]|
[5wkc] x [5z]l k[wh] r [whl] r
[egjl] 6 [egjl] 6 [wfhl] 5 [wfhl] 5
[WHfk] % [WHfk] [%l]x[ejl]x6x[ejl] 6
[egjx] [6z] [egjz] [6l]x[whl]x5x[whl] 5x
[rhkx] [0z] [rhk] 0 [rfh] 0 [rafh] 0
[eip] 9 [eipa] 9 [eips] 9 [eipd] 9
[eis] [qt] [eip] [qt] [etip]| |
[6epsh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
[5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
[6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
[5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
[6eps] s [ps] s [qesgj] hh[psh] f
[5wuo] s [sfh]h [%Wafh]g f[Oa]d f
[6eps] ssps [qesgj] hh[ps]h f
[5wos] s [sfh]h [%WOag] fd[Oa]d f
[eps]| 6| [6psh]| [epsh]f
[5wad]| [5woa]| [woa]| [woa] ss
[eip] q [eips] q [wuos] 8 [wuos] 8
[WOua] 0 [WOua] 0s[etup] 6 [etup] 6
[eips] q [eips] q [wosf] 8 [wosf] [8f]f
[roa] [0d] [roa] 0 [roa] 0 [roaf] 0
[6ei]pdd d sf f f d s
[qei]pLevel: 7Length: 02:45IntermediateThe Craving (Twenty One Pilots)
Twenty One Pilots
lz[xp] lj|[zp] [ok] hf|[ok] [ji] hs|[ih] [tf] o s df [yg]| l [yk]l [th]| g [tf]g [YG]|Gl [kY]j [uH] a f lz [xp] lj|[zp] [ok] hf|[ok] [ji] hs|[ih] [tf] o s df [yg]| h [yg]h [tf] h l [xt] [zo]|zz ol [tl] o s o f| sd[f6] [s0]pe d [a5] [o9]uw a [p4] [o8]tq o [u1] 5 8 yu [i2] 6 [s9] as [o3] 7 [i0] ui [I@] $I[s(] ap [O3] 7 0 sd [f6] [s0]pe [d0] [a5] [o9]uw [a9] [p4] [o8]tq [o8] [u1] 5 8 [y5]u [i2] 6 [o9] [i6]o [u1] [o5] [s8] [f5] [d5] 9d[wd] 9s [s8] w t w [qp4]|as [qa4]p [to8] f f [t8] [wd5]|fg [wf5]d [se6] d o [e6] [qi4]|op [qo4]i [ut8] s s [ts8] [wa5]| [wp5] a [ts8]| [wd5]fds [p4]s8 [qf]g[h8] [d8]sw [td]f[wd]s [p5]s9 [wf]g[h9] [d6]s0 [ed]f[d0]s [p4]s8 [qf]h8 [j8]hw [th]lw [k5]h9 [wf]h9 [d3] 7 [d0]f[d7]s [p4]s8 [qf]g[h8] [d8]sw [ts]s[wd]f [g4]fq [d5]aw [s6] 0 e sa [p4] [a8] [sq] [d8] [s8] [wo] [ut] [wo] [p4]dq [a5]sw [s6] 0 e sa [p4] [a8] [sq] [d8] [s8] [wo] [ts] [wd] [f4]gq [d5]aw [s8] w t w uLevel: 5Length: 01:29Intermediate
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[to] e [to] e [to] e [to] e [to] e [to] e [to] e [to] e [5to] e [to] e [to] e [to] e [92yi] e [yi] e [uo] e [uo] e [92ip] e [ip] e [uo] e [yi] e [5ri] w [ri] w [ri] w [ri] w [5ri] w [ri] w [ri] w [ri] [18tuo] w [tuo] w [30yO] r [yO] r [6tup] e [tup] e [29yui] e [yui] e [yi] e [yi] e [wri] 5 [eti] 5 [ryi] 5 [wryi] 5 [tuo] w [tuo] w [tuo] wLevel: 5Intermediate
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