02:50 -
4 -
[spe80]| |[sqpe8]| |
[ws80]| |[wa80]| |
[spe80]| |[sqpe8]| |
[ws80]| |[wa80]| s|
[ue80] o oop [qe8] o o u
[wu80]| |[wr80]| t|
[ue80] o o u [qpe8] ooo y
[wu80]yt||[w80]| we t
[e80]| we t[qe8]tu e t
[w80]| s o [w80]| ttyu
[qie9]| u| [tqe9] t w we
[e80]| |[e80]| sapo
[e80]| u o [qpe8] ooo t
[wu80]| |[yw97] w u w
[ue80] o o u [qpe8] o ot u
[w80]| y t [w97]| we t
[e80]| we t[qe8]etu et
[w80]| s o [w80]| tttt
[qe9] u| t [yqe9] t| yt
[e80]| |[e80]| t t
[wo80] uu y [yw80] u| tt
[wo97] u u y [te80]||tt
[wo80] uu y [yw80] u| tt
[wo97] u u y [te80]| ttt
[wo80] uu y [yw80] u ttt
[wo97] u u y [te80]| ttt
[wo80] uu y [yw80] u ttt
[wo97] u u y [te80]| |
[e80] e t y [te80] e t u
[pe80]| |[e80]| |
[ue80] o oo p[qe8]o ot u
[w80]| |[yw97] w u w
[ue80] o o u [qpe8] o ot u
[w80] y t| [w97]| we t
[e80]| we t[qe8]etu et
[w80]| s o [w80]| yu i
[qe9] u y t [tqe9] t t r
[e80]| |[e80]| t t
[wo80] uu y [yw80] u| tt
[wo97] u u y [te80]||tt
[wo80] uu y [yw80] u| tt
[wo97] u u y [te80]| ttt
[wo80] uu y [yw80] u ttt
[wo97] u u y [te80]| ttt
[wo80] uu y [yw80] u ttt
[wo97] u u y [te80]| |
[w80]| u u [wo80] u||
[w97]| u y [te80]| |
[w80] t u o [wp80]| o|
[w97]| u y [te80]| |
[w80]| |[ws97]| |
[ue80] o oo p[qoe8]| |
[w80] w t w [wu97] w u y
[te80] 0 w 0e[qe8] q e r
[wt80] w u w [wu97]| we t
[e80]| we t[qe8]etu et
[w80]| |[w97]| we t
[e80]| we t[qe8]etu et
[w80]| |[w97]| |
[e80] 0 t r [qe8] q e y
[wu80] w twtu[w97] w y r
[e80] 0 e0et[qe8] q e q
[w80] w t w [wu80]| |
[yw975]| |[wt850]
About This Music Sheet
Skinny Love is a song by Birdy. Use your computer keyboard to play Skinny Love music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:50, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Skinny Love is classified in the genres: Indie, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs.
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Other Songs By Birdy
[4o]oo [6u]uu [8o]oo [8u]uyt [4o]oo [6u]uu [8o]oo [8u]uyt [o4]o4tt[o4] [6o]o6tt[t6] [o8]po888888 [4u]u[4y]uy[4u]y [6u]yu6uu[6p]u [8u]888888 [4u]u[y4]uy[4u]y [t6]ty6tt[y6] [8u]u[y8]u[8t]t[t8]t[r8]r[t8]r [4u]u[4y]uy[4u]y [6u]yu6uu[6p]u [8u]888888 44t[t4]t [t6]t[t6]t[e6] u[8u]w8w8oo[o8]o[u8]p [4o]4u4u[u6]u[i6]u[6y]55y5y[5y]y[5u]y[5t] 4o4t[4o] [t6]o6[t6]tt [8o]po888888 [4u]u[4y]uy[4u]y [6u]yu6uu[6p]u [8u]888888Level: 4Easy
[t4] 8 [tq] [o8] [t4] [r5] [t9] [wo] [t6] 0 [te] 0 [t6] [o5] [t9] [wt] [t4] 8 [tq] [o8] [t4] [r5] [t9] [wo] [t6] 0 et[t0] [t6] [t5] [t9] [wt] [q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [y9] [wr] [t6] 0 e [w0] [r6] [t5] [t9] [wt] [q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [u9] [wr] [t6] 0 e 0 [y6] [u5] [u9] [wu] [i4] 8 q [w8] [i4] [y5] [y9] [wu] [u6] 0 e 0 6 [t5] [t9] [wu] [u4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [y9] [wt] [t6] 0t[te] [t0] [u6] [o5] [o9] [wo] [pi4] 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi] [ut6] 0 [ue] [u0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wo] [to4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu] [ut6] 0 e [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [wpi] 4 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi] [ut6] 0 e [w0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wi] [i4] 8yq [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu] [u6] 0 [te] [u0] [u6] [y5] [y9] [yw] 4 [t8] q [t8]y[u4] [t5]y[u9] w 6 0 e [t0]y[u6] [y5] 9 [wt] 4 8 q [t8]y[u4] [t5]y[u9] w 6 [e0] [te] [u0] [u6] [y5] [y9] [yw] 4 [t8] q [s8]d[f4] [s5]d[f9] w 6 0 e [s0]d[f6] [d5] 9 [ws] 4 8 q [s4]d[f5] [s9]d[wf] 5 6 [tpe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5] [utoe6] 60[utoe] [utoe6] [utoe6] [ywro5] [ywro5] [ywro] [toie4] 48[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5] [utoe6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5] [te6] 60[te] [te6] [te6] [wr5] [wt5] [wr] [te4] 48[tqe] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5] [te6] 60et[t6] [t6] [t5] [t5] t [q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [y9] [wr] [t6] 0 e [w0] [r6] [t5] [t9] [wt] [q4] 8 q [t8] [t4] [t5] [u9] [wr] [t6] 0 e 0 [y6] [u5] [u9] [wu] [i4] 8 q [w8] [i4] [y5] [y9] [wu] [u6] 0 e 0 6 5 9w[wu] [ue4] [ye8] [yqe] [ye8] [ye4] [yr5] [yr9] [wt] [te6] 0 [te] [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [ywo] [pi4] 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi] [ut6] 0 [ue] [u0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wo] [to4] [y8] [yq] [y8] [y4] [y5] [i9] [wu] [ut6] 0 e [t0] [ut6] [yo5] [yo9] [wpi] 4 8 q [p8] [pi4] [yo5] [yo9] [wi] [ut6] 0 e [w0] [u6] [u5] [u9] [wi] [i4] 8yq [y4] [y5] [y9] [wi] [u5] [u6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5] [utoe6] 60[utoe] [utoe6] [utoe6] [ywro5] [ywro5] [ywro] [toie4] 48[tqoie] [toie4] [ywro5] 59[ywro] [ywro5] [utoe6] 60[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [toie4] [tsi4]8[tqoie] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5] [te6] 60[te] [te6] [te6] [wr5] [wt5] [wr] [te4] 48[tqe] [toie4] [ywr5] 59[ywr] [ywr5] [te6] [tpe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod] [tqe] s| f g [ywro] s d [utfe] o s f f [ywro] s d [tsqe] o s f g [ywro] s d [utfe] o s f f [ywro] s d [s4] [o8] [sq] f g [o5] [s9] [wd] [f6] [o0] [se] f f [o5] [s9] [wd] [s4] [o8] [sq] [f8] [g4] [o5] [s9] [wd] [f6] 0 e 0 [o6] [oa5] [oa9] [woa] [tsi4] 8 q [s8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wf] [upf6] 0 [fe] [f0] [f6] [d5] [d9] [ws] [si4] [si8] [sqi] [si8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wof] [upf6] 0 e [a0] [oa6] [oa5] [oa9] [wsi] 4 8 q [s8] [id4] [od5] [od9] [wf] [upf6] 0 e [o0] [pf6] [od5] [od9] [wod] [id4] 8[si]q [pf8] [pf4] [od5] [od9] [wso] [sp6] 0 [utse] [upf0] [upf6] [yod5] [yod9] [ywod] [ti4] [tsi8] [sq] [s8] [s4] [od5] [d9] [wd] [pf6] [f0] [fe] [f0] [f6] [f6] [od5] [pf6] [sig4] [g8] [qg] [g8] [g4] [sof81] [wf] [tf] [wf] [oda5] [wd] [sof81] [wf] [oda5] [d9] [wd] [uts3] [us8] [us0] [us8] [us3] [yod5] [od9] [wod] [upf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] [pf6] [ohd5] [pjf6] [slg4] [sg8] [sqg] [sg8] [sg4] [slf81] [wsf] [tsf] [wsf] [wo5]9[wtso] [uof9] [uof5] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [tpie4] [tsi4]8[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso5] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] 60[urea] [uts6] [usf6] [roa5] [roa5] [tso] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] [upe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod5] [tpie4] [tsi4]8[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5] [utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5] [utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa5] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [pie4] [yrp5]o[u5]9[ywrp]o[ur5] [utp6] 6[p0][utpe] [utp6] [utp6]o[u5] [tso5] [roa] [tpie4] 48[qpie] [ria4] [yroa5] 59[wroa] [tso5] [utsp6] [upe6]0[utse] [upf6] [upf6] [yod5] [yod5] [yod] [81] [tso]Level: 7Length: 03:58Intermediate
Something Just Like This
The Chainsmokers
269qey269qey269qey269q[pje]y[PJ2]69[qpj][eOH][ypj][gc4]69[zqd][eSL][zyd][xf3]^0[wOH][pjE][yPJ][pj6]0e[TOH][upj][TPJ][pj2]69[qgc][xfe][ygc][jb4]69[qgc][xfe][ygc][vh3][gc^][xf0][zwd][SLE][zwd][ZD6]0e[xfT]u [pj2]69q[eOH][ypj][PJ@]^([qoh][IGE][ohY][sl4]8q[pje][tOH][pji][gc5]9w[zdE][ySL][zod][gc6]0[eOH]T[uPJ]T[pj6]0[ufe]T[uig]T[uf2]69qey[ypid2]6[pj9]q[pje]y[pj5]9[wPJ]E[yvh]i[gc5]9wE[yxf]u[zd4]69q[ePJ]y[pj4]69q[pje]y[PJ3]^[OH0]w[pjE]u[PJ6]0[xfe]TuT[pj2]6[OH9]q[pje]y[PJ2]6[SL9]q[zed]y[PJ@]^[jb(]q[vhE]Y[PJ!]5[gc]0[xwf]0[pj2]6[xf9]q[zed]y[pj4]6[OH9]q[pje]y[PJ3]^[OH0]w[pjE]u[PJ6]0[gec]Tu[xof][xf2]69q[eSL]y[zd2]6[gc9]q[jeb]y[zjb5]9wE[yvh]i[gc5]9wE[yxf]u[xf4]69q[eSL]y[zd4]6[gc9]q[jeb]y[jb3]^0w[vhE]u[gc6]0eT[xuf]o[xf2]69q[eSL]y[zd4]6[gc9]q[jeb]y[zjb@]^(q[vhE]Y[gc!]50[xwf]0[xf2]6[OH9]q[pje]y[PJ4]6[OH9]q[pje]y[PJ3]^[OH0]w[pjE]u[PJ6]0[gec]Tu[xof][xf2]69qey[zjgd2]69qey269qqeye269qqeye269qqeye[q2][e6][y9]
Level: 5Length: 00:52IntermediateMain Theme (The Great Seducer)
Fara Effect
6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]5[86] [ut5] 6 [ut] [83] [ut8] [86] [ut] 8 [ut] [q8] [tig] [qg7]8[tig7] [f6] [ted] [f8]d[tfe] [f6] [tse] [p3] [te]a[s6] [tse] 8 [te] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [86] [ut7] [83] [ut9] [60] [ut9]08 [utq] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [w8] [utq] [60] [ut8]63 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [ut8] [qg8] [tig7]8[qg] [tig] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [s6] [uta] [s3] [utd] [f6] [utd]f8 [ut] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [h8] [utg] [f6] [uts]p3 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [uts] [sqg] [tiga]s[qg] [tig] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] [p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] q [ti] q [ti] [f6] [tse] [p8] [te] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qi] [ti] [qi] [toi] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tih8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]78 [ut7] 6 [ut] [83] [ut7] [86]7[ut6] [86] [ut] [qg6] [tig] [qg] [ig5] [86]7[ut6] [t8][r7][ute6] [86]7[ut6] [63] [ut7] 6 [ut6]78 [ut6] [qg] [tqig]0[qg]0[tqig]0[p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] [f6] [tse] [tp8][r7][te6] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qig] [tig] [qig] [toig] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tihg8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8][r7][te60] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8]56 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]5[86] [ut5] 6 [ut] [83] [ut8] [86] [ut] 8 [ut] [q8] [tig] [qg7]8[tig7] [f6] [ted] [f8]d[tfe] [f6] [tse] [p3] [te]a[s6] [tse] 8 [te] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [86] [ut7] [83] [ut9] [60] [ut9]08 [utq] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [w8] [utq] [60] [ut8]63 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [ut8] [qg8] [tig7]8[qg] [tig] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [s6] [uta] [s3] [utd] [f6] [utd]f8 [ut] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [h8] [utg] [f6] [uts]p3 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [uts] [sqg] [tiga]s[qg] [tig] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] [p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] q [ti] q [ti] [f6] [tse] [p8] [te] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qi] [ti] [qi] [toi] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tih8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]78 [ut7] 6 [ut] [83] [ut7] [86]7[ut6] [86] [ut] [qg6] [tig] [qg] [ig5] [86]7[ut6] [t8][r7][ute6] [86]7[ut6] [63] [ut7] 6 [ut6]78 [ut6] [qg] [tqig]0[qg]0[tqig]0[p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] [f6] [tse] [tp8][r7][te6] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qig] [tig] [qig] [toig] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tihg8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8][r7][te60] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8]56
Level: 6Length: 04:07IntermediateUnfamiliar Lands (Wynncraft)