Soltera (Shakira)

Shakira 30 December 2024
  • TYPE
  • transposition

p g f
4 p [8a] [es] p p g f
6 p [0a] [ts] p p g f
5 o [9p] [ra] o o f d
5 o [9p] [ra] sddd dp
4 [8o]q| [et]||df
[60g]fdgfdg [etf] s s a
[5a] [9o]w| [ry]| ddf
[59g]fdgfd g[wrf] s s|
[4s] 8q s [etg]fgfgf
[60f]||s [etg]fgfgf d
[5h] 9w| [ry] d d|
[59d]| |[wrd]h gf
[4g] [6f] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
[6g] [8f] [0d] ss 6s8[0s] e
[5a] [7a] 9| [5o]o7[9o]o[ws]
[5a] [7a] 9| d[5h] 7[9g]fw
[4g] [6f] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
[6g] [8f] [0d] ss 6s8[0s] e
[5a] [7p]o9| [5o]o7[9o]o[ws]
[5a] [7p]o9 p 5 79 w
[48] fh h[qef] f h h
[60s]ss ffg [etf] d||
[59]oo ffgg[wrf] d||
[59]oo ffgg[wrf] d| d
[48s] h h hh[qeh]| ffg
[60h] hhh h [eth]j||
[59] hhh hh[wrh] f d f
[59d] hhh h [wrh] j ddf
[8qeg] f [8qed] f g ff[8qe] f
[80ef]| [80ed] f g ff[80e]|
[79w] d [79wd] f g f [79wd] f
[79wg]fd [79wd] f g ff[79w]|
[4j] [6f] [8h] [qd] [ef] [qs]
[0et] d p p[0ets]| s|
[5a][9p][wo]||[9r]| [9r]|
[79wh]hh hfffh hhgf
[4g] [6f] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
[6g] [8f] [0d] ss 6s8[0s] e
[5a] [7a] 9| [5o]o7[9o]o[ws]
[5a] [7a] 9| d[5h] 7[9g]fw
[4g] [6f] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
[6g] [8f] [0d] ss 6s8[0s] e
[5a] [7p]o9| [5o]o7[9o]o[ws]
[5a] [7p]o9 p 5 79d[wd]f
[48p] pp[qep] [qef]||ddf
[60p] pp[etp] [etf]| f fff
[59h]hh [wrh] [wrf]d||fff
[59f]hh [wrh] [wrf]d||s
4 h g f [8f] [es]| [8d]
6 h g f [0f] [ts]| [0d]
5 h g f [9f] [rs]| [9d]
[59]||f [9rg] f s|
4 p [8a] [es] p p g f
6 p [0a] [ts] p p g f
5 o [9p] [ra] o o f d
5 o [9p] [ra] dh gf
[4g] [6h] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
[6g] [8f] [0d] ss [8s] [es]|
[5a] [7a] 9w 5 o [wo] s
[5a] [7p]o 9[wp] 5 s| d
4 h g f [8f] [es]| [8d]
6 h g f [0f] [ts]| [0d]
5 h g f [9f] [rs]| [9d]
[59]||f [9rg] f s|
4 h g f [8f] [es]| [8d]
6 h g f [0f] [ts]| [0d]
[5d] h g f [9f] [rs]| [9d]s
[59d]| |[9r] h h gf
4g f[8d] s [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
6g f[0d] s s 8 e|
[5a] [7p]o 9w 5 o [wo] s
[5a] [7p]o 9[wp] 5 h h gf
4g f[8d] s [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
6g f[0d] s s 8 e|
[5a] [7p]o 9w 5 o [wo] s
[5a] [7p]o 9[wp] 5| |
[4d] [6s]||[8d] [qs]||
[6g] [8f]||[0g] [ef]||
[59f] dop o [9r] o o s
[59a] o||[9r] h h gf
[8qe]g f[8qed] s g f[8qed] s
[80e]g f[80ed] s| s [80es]|
[79wa] o [79w]||o [79wo] s
[79wa] a [79w]||o o iu
i uy t i uy t
i uy t| t t|
r w| |w w t
r w

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About This Music Sheet

Soltera (Shakira) is a song by Shakira. Use your computer keyboard to play Soltera (Shakira) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:30, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Soltera (Shakira) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Latin, Female Artists, Dance-Pop, Fun.


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Other Songs By Shakira

  • [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8wy]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [0tu] [tu]0 [ry] 9[ry] [8wt]|
    8|8 t [8t] y [8t] [tu]
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8i] i
    [8q]|[8i] i [8i] u [8u] u
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8y] y
    [59]|5 t [5t] y [5t] [tu]
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8i] i
    [8q]|[8i] i [8i] i [8i] u
    [8w] o 8 r [59r] t 5|
    [8t] w 8 [wy] 8 [wu] 8 [wi]
    8 q 8 [qt] 8 [qe] 8 [qu]
    8 w 8 [wt] 8 w [8u] [wy]
    5 [9u] 5 9 5 9 5 9
    [8t] w 8 [wy] 8 [wu] 8 [wi]
    8 q 8 [qt] 8 [qi] 8 [qu]
    8 w 8 [wy] 5 9 [5t] [9t]
    8 w 8 w 8 t t y
    [80tu] w [80t] [wt] [80t] [wt] [80i] w
    [8q] w [8qu] [wi] [8qo] wi[8q] [wu]
    [80] [wu] [80u] [wo] [80o] [wo] [80] w
    [57] 9 [57] [9t] [57t] [9y] [57t] [9u]
    [80] w [80] [wu] [80u] [wu] [80u] [wu]
    [8qi] [wi] [8q] [wi] [8qi] [wi] [8qi] [wu]
    [80u] [wu] [80] [wr] [57r] [9t] [57] 9
    [80] w [80] w [80] [wt] [80t] [wy]
    [80tu] w [80t] [wt] [80t] [wt] [80i] w
    [8q] w [8qu] [wi] [8qo] wi[8q] [wu]
    [80] [wu] [80u] [wo] [80o] [wo] [80] w
    [57] 9 [57] [9t] [57t] [9y] [57t] [9u]
    [80] w [80] [wu] [80u] [wu] [80u] [wu]
    [8qi] [wi] [8q] [wi] [8qi] [wi] [8qi] [wu]
    [80u] [wu] [80] [wr] [57r] [9t] [57] 9
    [80] w [80] w [80] w [80] w
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8wy]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [0tu] [tu]0 [ry] 9[ry] [8wt]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:33
    Try Everything (Shakira)


  • sssd|s| a aa s|a| s sa p ps sa p ps ss p|s|| sssd|f| a aa s|d| s sa p ps sa p ps ss p|s|| s d|s [of]|| a [oh]|[of]|| s d|s [of]|| s [oh]|[of]| s ss ss d|s| d dd dd f s d| f ff ss p po o| f s p p s s| s ss ss|d s| d d d d f s d| f ff ss p po o| f s p p s s| [us] o [so]u [sh][sh] [sg]fd| [ya] o [oa]y [ha][ha] [og]fd| [pf] s [sf]p[jf] s [jf] s[sj] gp pi [pg] s [pg] f| [us] o [so]u [sh][sh] [sg]fd| [ya] o [oa]y [ga]hhgfd p[uf] p[pf]sp [jf] s [jf] s[sj] gp pp sjahpgo
    Level: 4
    Length: 00:56
    Waka Waka



  • [579]| w| w r||y r w r| [579] y|
    [(Q7r]| Y| r Y||u||Y| [7(Q] Y|
    [80w] t u||u||i||u| [80w] u|
    [(8w] Y t w Y t w t w Y t w Y t w|
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579a]| |asa| o| y| r||
    [7(QD]| |DfD| a| I| Y||
    [80wf]| |fgf| s| o| u||
    [(8w] Y t w Y t w t w Y t w Y t w|
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579a]| |asa| o| y| r||
    [7(QD]| |DfD| a| I| Y||
    [80wf]| |fgf| s| o| u||
    [(8w] Y t w Y t w t w Y t w Y t w|
    [579ro]| |[ro] [ro]|||
    [(QI7a]| |[Ia] [Ia]|||
    [80wus]| |[us] [us]|||
    [579]| [wr]||[wr]||[wt]||[wr]||[wr]|
    [7(Q]| [rY]||[rY]||[ru]||[rY]||[rY]|
    [80w]| [tu]||[tu]||[ti]||[tu]||[tu]|
    [(8w]| [tY]||[tY]||[ti]||[tY]||[tY]|
    [579a]| |asa| o| y| r||
    [7(QD]| |DfD| a| I| Y||
    [80wf]| |fgf| s| o| u||
    [(8w] Y t w Y t w t w Y t w Y t w| [579]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:31
    Creep (Radiohead)


  • [yoa5]|i|[sof8] w u w [oda7] w [ya] w [usp6] 0 [tf] 0 [hda5] 0 [rj] 0 [spg4] 8 [se] 8 [sof3] 8 w 8 [tpi4] 8 [se] 8 [yus5] 9 [sr] [a9] [s8] [wa] [us] w [o7] w [ya] w [s6] 0 [tf] 0 [h5] [f0] [rh] [j0] [g4] [f8] [ed] [g8] [f3] [d8] [ws] [a8] [p4] [o8] [pe] [s8] [s5] 9 [sr] [a9] [s8] [wa] [us] w [o7] w [ya] w [s6] 0 [tf] 0 [h5] [f0] [rh] [j0] [g4] [f8] [ed] [g8] [f3] [d8] [ws] [a8] [p4] [o8] [pe] [s8] [s5] 9 [ra] [s9]d[f8] w [uf]d[ws]d7 [wf] [yg]f[wd]s6 0 [ts] [a0]s[a5]o0ur [i0]o[p4] 8ae [s8] [o3] 8 w 8 [p4] 8 ei[p8]s[s5] 9 [ra] [s9]d[f8] w [uf]d[ws]d7 [wf] [yg]f[wd]s6 0 [ts] [a0]s[a5]o0ur [i0]o[p4] 8 [se] [g8] [f3] [d8]sw [o8] [p4] 8 ei[p8]s[a5] 9 [sr] [d9]s[hf8] [wf]g[uhf] [wf]g[hf7][uo][wpi][oa][ysp][da][wsf][gd][sf6] [s0]d[tsf] [u0]i[o5]p[o0]i[ro]u[i0]o[p4] [s8]a[pe] [o8]i[o3]i[u8]i[wo]p[a8]s[p4] [s8]a[se] [a8]s[a5]p[oa9][sp][rda][sf][gd9][hf][hf8] [wf]g[uhf] [wf]g[hf7][uo][wpi][oa][ysp][da][wsf][gd][sf6] [s0]d[tsf] [u0]i[o5]p[o0]i[ro]u[i0]o[p4] [s8]a[pe] [o8]i[o3]i[u8]i[wo]p[a8]s[p4] [s8]a[se] [a8]s[a5]p[oa9][sp][rda][sf][gd9][hf][hf8] [wf]g[uhf] [wf]g[hf7][uo][wpi][oa][ysp][da][wsf][gd][sf6] [s0]d[tsf] [u0]i[o5]p[o0]i[ro]u[i0]o[p4] [s8]a[pe] [o8]i[o3]i[u8]i[wo]p[a8]s[p4] [s8]a[se] [a8]s[a5]p[oa9][sp][rda][sf][gd9][hf][hf8] [wf]g[uhf] [wf]g[hf7][uo][wpi][oa][ysp][da][wsf][gd][f6] [j0]k[tl] [s0]d[f5]g[f0]d[rf]l[k0]l[j4] [l8]k[je] [h8]g[h3]g[f8]g[wh]j[k8]l[j4] [l8]k[le] [k8]j[k5]l[z9]l[rk]l[j9]k[l81] o s f 5 o a d 6 u p s 3 u o a 4 t i p 1 t u o 4 t i p 5 y o a 8 [wsf][gd][uhf] [wsf] 7 [woa][sp][yda] [woa] 6 [sp0][da][tsf] [sp0] 5 [sf0][da][srp] [oa0] 4 [pi8][oa][spe] [pi8] 3 [uo8][pi][wso] [uo8] 4 [pi8][oa][spe] [pi8] 5 [oa9][sp][rda] [oa9] 8 [wsf][gd][uhf] [wsf] 7 [wda][sf][ygd] [wda] 6 [sp0][da][tsf] [sp0] 5 [hf0][gd][srf] [hf0] [jg4] [jg8][hf][ged] [jg8] 3 [hf8][gd][wsf] [hf8] [sj4]h[g8]j[he]g8 5 [j9]h[ra]s[d9] [f8] w [uf]d[ws]d7 [wf] [yg]f[wd]s6 0 [ts] [a0]s[a5]o0ur [i0]o[p4] 8ae [s8] [o3] 8 w 8 [p4] 8 ei[p8]s[s5] 9 [ra] [s9]d[f8] w [uf]d[ws]d7 [wf] [yg]f[wd]d6 0st [a0]s[u5]o[a0]d[rf]h[k0]l[k4]j[h8]g[he]g[f8]d[f3]d[s8]a[ws]a[p8]o[p4]o[i8]o[pe]o[p8]s[s5] 9 [ra] [s9]d[f8] w [uf] [wg] [h7] [wj] [yh] [wg] [f6] 0 [ts] [d0] [f5] [g0] [rf] [d0] [s4] 8 [pe]a[s8] [o3]s[a8]s[wo]s[a8]s[p4]s[a8]s[pe]s[a8]s[a5] 9 [sr] [d9] [sf8] w [usf] [wgd] [hda7] [wjda] [yhda] [wgda] [spf6] 0 [tsp] [da0] [ofa5] [oga0] [rofa] [oda0] [spi4] 8 [pe]a[s8] [o3]s[a8]s[wo]s[a8]s[p4]s[a8]s[pe]s[a8]s[oa5] 9[sp]r [da9] [sf8]wtu[tsf]u[tgd]w[hda7]w[rjda]y[rhda]y[rgda]w[spf6]0et[spe]t[eda]0[ofa5]0[woga]r[wofa]r[woda]0[spi4]8qe[qp][ea][sq]8[o3][s8][a0][ws][o0][ws][a0][s8][p4][s8][qa][se][qp][se][qa][s8][oa5]9w[srp]wr[wda]9[sf8]wtu[tsf]u[tgd]w[hda7]w[rjda]y[rhda]y[rgda]w[spf6]0et[spe]t[eda]0[ofa5]0[woga]r[wofa]r[woda]0[spi4]8qe[qp][ea][sq]8[o3][s8][a0][ws][o0][ws][a0][s8][p4][s8][qa][se][qp][se][qa][s8][oa5]9w[srp]wr[wda]9[x8]xxx[xw]xxx[xu]xxx[xw]xxx[z7]zzz[zw]zzz[zy]zzz[zw]zzz[l6]mlm[l0]mlm[tl]mlm[l0]mlm[k5]nkn[k0]nkn[rk]nkn[k0]nkn[j4]bjb[j8]bjb[je]bjb[j8]bjb[h3]vhv[h8]vhv[wh]vhv[h8]vhv[j4]bjb[j8]bjb[je]bjb[j8]bjb[k5]nkn[k9]nkn[rk]nkn[k9]nkn[f8]f[wf]f[uf]f[wf]f[d7]d[wd]d[yd]d[wd]d[s6]s[s0]s[ts]s[s0]s[a5]a[a0]a[ra]a[a0]a[p4]p[p8]p[pe]p[p8]p[o3]o[o8]o[wo]o[o8]o[p4]p[p8]p[pe]p[p8]p[a5]a[a9]a[ra]a[a9]a[wtf80]hl

    Level: 6
    Length: 05:19
    Canon in C (Alternative)

    Johann Pachelbel

  • [tsof]| [to]| [to]| [tsog]hgf[toda]| [to]| [to]| [toda]hhs[tspi]| [ti]| [ti]| [tspi]dfs[toda]| [to]| [to]| | 8| [sf]g[f8]d[d8]s ioiu[y5]| [da] 5s[a5]po yoot[tp4]|| [a4] [sp4]| fds [da5]||5 5| [sf] g[sf8]ds| 8 8| [da] s [oa5]po| 5 5||o [pi4]| [ia] 4 [si4]| g| [sf5]ds| [d5] [da5]||f [pg9]| [pg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]||9 9||f [pg9]| [pg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]||9 9| [sf] g [sf8]ds| 8 8| [sg]hgf[da5]|| 5 5 o[of] [of] [id8] [us]| 8 8| |8||8 8| |8| [tsf]g[f8]d[d8]s [ti]oiu[y5]| [wda] 5s[oa5]po [yw]oot[tp4]| [qa] 4 [s4]| [qpg] f[da5]| w 5 5| [wsf]gfd[d8]s t 8 8| [thf] fd[f5]d w 5 5| w oo[pi4]| [qia] 4 [si4]| [qjg] g [sf5]| [ws] [d5] [da5]| w f [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]| y 9 9| y f [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]| y 9 9| [yf] g [sf8]ds t 8 8| [tsg]hgf[da5]| w 5 5 o[wof] [of] [id8] [us] t 8 8| t| 8| t 8 8| [ts]| [d^P]| [dPE] ^ ^| [dPE]| [oD(]| [oYD] ( (| [oYD] g [g^P]| [dPE] ^ ^| [dPE] g [pg4]| [sqp] 4 4| [qpg] [pg][sg8]| [tsf] 8 8| [tsf] h [ha5]| [wda] 5 5| [wha] [ha][ha9] [pG] y [dI9] 9| [yjG] k[sj5] [ha] w [sj5] 5 [ha] w| | [id] [if] [pi] [sp4]| [sqf] 4 4| q| 4 ff[qd]s[p4] [id4] [if]q[pi] [uo8]| t 8 8| tpss8| t 8 [sf8][sh][sh][sh]t s [s4]| [sqj] 4 4| q l [sj4]| q 4 [id4] [if]q[pi] [o8] jht [j8][sf]8| t| [d8]s t 8 [sh8]| [tsh] [sh] [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [yh] f [da5]| w 5 5| [wh] h [jg9]hg [ypg] 9g[jg9] h [yh] f [da5]| w 5 5| [wg] g [og8]| [tof] [of8] 8| t h [ha5]| [wda] [da5] 5| [wha] j[ph4]| [qpg] [pg4] 4| [qh] g [sg4]| [sh]| [sH]||| shg[sf5]||5 5| ghgf[da5]||5 5| f ds[sp4]|| 4 4 o f f [ud8] s
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:56
    Everything I Do

    Bryan Adams