Stressed Out

Twenty One Pilots 10 September 2020

uutt uurr e uutt t p o t r p o y u|
uutt uurr e uutt t p o t r p o y u|
p o y u|
p o y u

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About This Music Sheet

Stressed Out is a song by Twenty One Pilots. Use your computer keyboard to play Stressed Out music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Stressed Out is classified in the genres: USA, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative, Hip hop.

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    Other Songs By Twenty One Pilots

    • euu u y[4qey]| t| uu oo [579r]| e| uu oo
      [29eo]| I| u y| t [680] r e|
      ee e et[4qe] y| e e ee e t[579] y||uu u y[yf]t||
      [8wu] 8 [ts]ds 8 8 [ws]d[8s]a[0w] 0 [0ra]sa [ea] oaw s
      [8uo] 8 [8ws]ds 8 8o[ws]d[8s]a[0wuo] 0 [0r]| [Qa]aaa[wa] a
      [6eups] 6 [60]| 6 6 [eh]G6 [0wuoa]a0 [0rh]G [Qa]a aw a
      [8tuos] 8 [8w]| 8 8s[th]G8 [0wra] aa pff f
      d[4ipd] 4 [qs]| [4f]f4 [8h]h4
      [5yoa] 5 [wp]| [5f]f5 [9h]h5
      [2pdh] 2 [9G]| [2f] [2d] 9 [2s]
      [6up] [6a] [ep]| [6p]p6p0 [6p]s[4ip]
      [4d] q p [4p] [4p]p8p4s5 [5d] w|
      [5f]f5 [9f] 5d[8d]s||
      [8wu]| [80s]ds [8t] o[80s]dsa[0wuo]|
      [0r] o[$Qa]a a[5wa] s
      [8uo]| [8w] o[8td] d [80s] a
      [0wuo]| [0r]| [$Qa]aaa[5wa] a
      [6eups] 6 [60]| 6 6 [eh]G6
      [0wuoa]a0 [0rh]G [Qa]a aw a
      [8tuos] 8 [8w]| 8 8s[th]G8
      [0wra] aa pff f d[4yipd]84 [qs]| [4f]f4 [8h][4h]4
      [5ryoa]95 [wp]| [5uf]f5 [9h][5h]5
      [2pdh]62 [9G]| [2f] [2d] 92[2s]
      [6up]0[6a] [ep]| [6tp]p6p06[6p]s[4ip]8[4d] q p
      [4ip] [4p]p8[4p]4s59[5d] w|
      [5uf]f5 [9f]55d[I26pd]sp [29f] s[29a]| [29uf]|
      [4qip]| [48pf] s[4qa]| [4uf]|
      [5wryp]| [5wpf] s[5woa]| [5wuf]|
      [I29yp]| [29pf] s[I29a]| [29uf]|
      [6tup]| [6us]| [6u]u [68u]u
      [4ey] 6 [8t] q [8u]uq [8o]o4
      [5wr] 7r[9e] w [9u]uw [9o]o5
      [2eyo] 6 [9I] 6 [$yo] [2p] 9 [6p]
      [6tu] 8 0 e [0o]oeo0 [6u]o[4qet] [8p] [4q] [8o]
      [4qo] [8u]o[4q]u8u[5wr] [9y] [5w] 9
      [5wu]u9 [5wu] 9y[Q269y]te u tr| u|
      [680e]| t| uu u y[4ey]| u tr| u|
      [5e]| u t[ru]u u y[2ey]| u tr| u|
      [6e]| t| y| u

      Level: 7
      Length: 02:55
      The Line (Arcane, League of Legends, and Twenty One Pilots)

      Twenty One Pilots

    • [eis] t [eis] t [wuos] t [wos] t
      [WOa] u [WOa] u [eup] t [eup] t
      [eip] t [eip] t [wuos] t [wos] t
      [woa] y [woa] y [woa] y [woa] s
      [eipd] d [eipd] sf[wos]f f[wos] s
      [WOad] d [WOad] sf[eps]f f[eps]|
      [eipd] d [eipd] sf[wos]f f[wos] s
      [roaf] d [roa]| [ruo]| [ruo]|
      [eipd] d [eipd] sf[eip]f f[eip]dws
      [ei] t [eip] t [etip]| |
      [6psh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
      [5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
      [6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
      [5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
      [6eps]| [ps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rofh] f
      [wosf] o [wsf] o [wsf] o [roa] u
      [eps] u [eps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rafh] f
      [wag] f [wad]s a[wo]| [woa]|
      [5wkc] x zl k| |
      [eipd] [td] [eipd] [ts]f[wos]ftf[wos] td
      [WOa]drd[WOa]s[rs]f[eps]f[tf]f[eps] t
      [eipd] [td] [eipd] [ts]f[wos]ftf[wos] ts
      [roaf] [ud] [roa] u [ruo] w [ruo] w
      [eipd] [yd] [eipd] [ys]f[eip]fyf[eip]d[wy]s
      [ei] t [eip] t [etip]| |
      [6psh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
      [5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
      [6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
      [5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
      [6eps]| [ps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rofh] f
      [wosf] o [wsf] o [wsf] o [roa] u
      [eps] u [eps] [eh][esfj] [eh][rafh] f
      [wag] f [wad]s a[wo]| [woa]|
      [5wkc] x [5z]l k[wh] r [whl] r
      [egjl] 6 [egjl] 6 [wfhl] 5 [wfhl] 5
      [WHfk] % [WHfk] [%l]x[ejl]x6x[ejl] 6
      [egjx] [6z] [egjz] [6l]x[whl]x5x[whl] 5x
      [rhkx] [0z] [rhk] 0 [rfh] 0 [rafh] 0
      [eip] 9 [eipa] 9 [eips] 9 [eipd] 9
      [eis] [qt] [eip] [qt] [etip]| |
      [6epsh]hf [ps] hh[epsf]| [6upd]s
      [5osh]hf [os] hh[wosf]| [5uod]s
      [6ps]| [ps]| [esgj] h [sgj] f
      [5wos]| [osh]| [%WOag] f [Oad] f
      [6eps] s [ps] s [qesgj] hh[psh] f
      [5wuo] s [sfh]h [%Wafh]g f[Oa]d f
      [6eps] ssps [qesgj] hh[ps]h f
      [5wos] s [sfh]h [%WOag] fd[Oa]d f
      [eps]| 6| [6psh]| [epsh]f
      [5wad]| [5woa]| [woa]| [woa] ss
      [eip] q [eips] q [wuos] 8 [wuos] 8
      [WOua] 0 [WOua] 0s[etup] 6 [etup] 6
      [eips] q [eips] q [wosf] 8 [wosf] [8f]f
      [roa] [0d] [roa] 0 [roa] 0 [roaf] 0
      [6ei]pdd d sf f f d s

      Level: 7
      Length: 02:45
      The Craving (Twenty One Pilots)

      Twenty One Pilots

    • 1|[uos]||[uos]||
      1|u u u u u|
      u u o|[2u] o|u
      6| s s| a
      a| p [4p] o|
      1|u u u|o|
      u|o|[2u]|o u
      6| s s| a
      a| p [4p] o|
      [13]|u u [8u] u u u
      u|o|[26u]|o u
      [36]| s [6s]| a
      a| p [46s]||
      u o [0wtu] o u|[0wto]|
      o p [0wto] p o|[qeys]|
      u o[0wt] i u o[qet] i
      u o [0wtu] o u|[0wto]|
      o p [0wto] p o|[qeys]|
      u o i u o i
      8|5|[29eyp]|[6u] i
      [6u] o3 i [4eup] o1 i
      0|5|[26eyp]|[4u] y
      8|3|[46ep]|8 t
      [1t] t[580u] tttt[580u] t
      ttt[580t]tt[2t]tt[69qu] t
      [6t]tt[680u] tttt[680u] t
      [1u]uu[580u]uuyuy[580u] y|
      [6y] y[680y]yyy t[680t] t
      y y[680y]yy[4y] t[68qt] u
      [1u] u[580o]ouu u[580o]uu
      [1u] u [580u] o u|[580u] u
      u u [580u] o [2u] u [69qu]uo
      [6u] u [680u]uou u [680u]|
      u o [680u] o [4u]|[68q]|
      u o [0wtu] o u|[0wto]|
      o p [0wto] p o|[qeys]|
      u o[0wt] i u o[qet] i
      u o [0wtu] o u|[0wto]|
      o p [0wto] p o|[qeys]|
      u o i u o i
      8|5|[29eyp]|[6u] i
      [6u] o3 i [4eup] o1 i
      [80w]|d f f d d
      [79w]|d f f d d
      [9qe]|d f f d d
      [79w]|d f f d d
      [1358t]|d f f d d
      f|y u [246u] y y
      [257y]|d f f d d
      [246t]|d f f d d
      f|y u [136u] y y
      [257y]|d f f d d
      u o [0wtu] o u|[0wto]|
      o p [0wto] p o|[qeys]|
      u o[0wt] i u o[qet] i
      u o [0wtu] o u|[0wto]|
      o p [0wto] p o|[qeys]|
      [ts] [yd] [uf] [uf]||
      [6s] s3 d [4tps] s1 d
      [18u] o [5u] o [8u]|[5o]|
      [8o] p [5o] p [29o]|[6s]|
      [6u] o3 i [4u] o1 i
      [13u] o [5u] o [6u]|[5o]|
      [0o] p [5o] p [26o]|[4s]|
      [8u] o3 i [46u] o8 i
      y u [246u] y y
      y u [136u] y y
      [1358t]|d f f d d
      f|y u [246u] y y
      [257y]|d f f d d
      [246t]|d f f d d
      f|y u [136u] y y
      [257y]|d f f d d

      Level: 8
      Length: 04:04
      Ride (twenty one pilots)

      Twenty One Pilots

    • p s f p s f p s f u a f u a d s
      i s g i s g i s g t s f t s d s
      p s f p s f p s f u a f u a d s
      i s g i s g i s g t s g h g f d
      p [0es] f [0ep] s [0ef] p [0es]
      f [70u] a [70f] u [70a] d [70s]
      i [8qs] g [8qi] s [8qg] i [8qs]
      g [0wt] s [0wf] t [9ws] d [9ws]
      [6p] [0es] f [0ep] s [0ef] p [0es]
      [3f] [70u] a [70f] u [70a] d [70s]
      [4i] [8qs] g [8qi] s [8qg] i [8qs]
      [8h] [0wt] s [0wg] [7h] [9wg] f [9wd]
      [6ep] s f p s f p s
      [30f] u a f u a d s
      [4qi] s g i s g i s
      [18g] t s f [7r] s d s
      [6ep] s f p s f p s
      [30f] u a f u a d s
      [4qi] s g i s g i s
      [18g] t s g [7h] g f d
      p [0es] f [0ep] s [0ef] p [0es]
      f [70u] a [70f] u [70a] d [70s]
      i [8qs] g [8qi] s [8qg] i [8qs]
      g [0wt] s [0wf] t [9ws] d [9ws]
      p [0es] f [0ep] s [0ef] p [0es]
      f [70u] a [70f] u [70a] d [70s]
      i [8qs] g [8qi] s [8qg] i [8qs]
      g [0wt] s [0wg] h [9wg] f|
      [6up] [0e]|[0e] t [0ey] u [0ei]
      [3u] [70y] ty[70]u [70y] y [70t]t4 [8q]|[8q] t [8qy] u [8qi]
      [8u] [0wy] ty[0w]u7 [9wy] y [9wt]t6 [0et]|[0e] t [0ey] u [0ei]
      [3u] [70y] t [70y] u [70]y [70y]t4 [8qt]|[8q] t [8qy] u [8qi]
      [8u] [0wy] ty[0w]u7 [9wy] y [9wt]
      [6p] s f p s f p s
      [3f] [3u] a [3f] u a d s
      [4i] s g [4i] s g i s
      [8g] t s [8g] h g [7f] d
      [6p] s f p s f p s
      [3f] [3u] a [3f] u a d s
      [4i] s g [4i] s g i s
      [8g] 8 8 7|0|
      6 [etu]|[etu]|[etu]|[etu]
      3 [Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]
      4 [eti]|[eti]|[eti]|[eti]
      [18] [wtu]|[wtu] 7 [wry]|[wry]
      6 [etu]|[etu]|[etu]|[etu]
      3 [Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]
      4 [eti]|[eti]|[eti]|[eti]
      [18] [wtu]|[wtu] 7 [wry]|
      [6up] [0e]|[0e] t [0ey] u [0ei]
      [3u] [70y] ty[70]u [70y] y [70t]t4 [8q]|[8q] t [8qy] u [8qi]
      [8u] [0wy] ty[0w]u7 [9wy] y [9wt]t6 [0et]|[0e] t [0ey] u [0ei]
      [3u] [70y] t [70y] u [70]y [70y]t4 [8qt]|[8q] t [8qy] u [8qi]
      [8u] [0wy] ty[0w]u7 [9wy] y [9wt] [6e]|||
      3 3|3||
      4| 4||
      8 8 8 7|0|
      [6p] s f p s f p s
      [3f] [3u] a [3f] u a d s
      [4i] s g [4i] s g i s
      [8g] u8s [8f] [7u] s|
      6 [etu]|[etu]|[etu]|[etu] 3 [W3ru]|[W3ru]|[Wru]|[Wru]
      4 [eti]|[4eti]|[eti]|[eti] 8 [wtu]8 [8wtu] 7 [wry] 0 [wry]|
      [etu]|[etu] s [etud] f [etug] f [Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|
      [eti]|[eti] s [etid] f [etig] f [wtu]|[wtu]|[wry]|[wry]|
      [etu]|[etu] s [etud] f [etug] f [Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|[Wru]|
      [eti]|[eti] s [etid] f [etig] f [wtu]|[wtu]|[wry]|[wry]

      Level: 6
      Length: 02:48
      Fall Away

      Twenty One Pilots

    • [te] u t u [wr]| |[qe] t e t [w8]| |[te] u t u [wr]| |[qe] t e t [w8]| |[te] u t u [wr]| |[qe] t e t [w8]| |[te] u t u [wr]| |[qe] t e t [w8]| |[te] u t u [wr]| |[qe] t e t [w8]| |[te] u t u [wr]| |[qe] t e t [w8]| |[te6] u t u [wr5]| |[qe4] t e t [w81]| |[te6] u t u [wr5]| |[qe4] t e t [w81]| |[te6] u t u [wr5]| |[qe4] t e t [w81]| |[te6] u t u [wr5]| |[qe4] t e t [w81]| |[wur3] 3 3 [tie4] 4 4 4 4 4 [ute6] 6 6 [ywr5] 5 5 5 5 5 [wur3] 3 3 [tie4] 4 4 4 4 4 [ute6] 6 6 [ywr5] 5 5 5 5 5 [wur3] 3 3 [tie4] 4 4 4 4 4 [ute6] 6 6 [ywr5] 5 5 5 5 5 [wur3] 3 3 [tie4] 4 4 4 4 4 [ute6] 6 6 [ywr5]| |[te] u t u [wr]| |[qe] t e t [w8]| |[te] u t u [wr]| |[qe] t e t [w8]| |[te6] u t u [wr5]| |[qe4] t e t [w81]| |[te6] u t u [wr5]| |[qe4] t e t [w81]| |[te6] u t u [wr5]| |[qe4] t e t [w81]| |[te6] u t u [wr5]| |[qe4] t e t [w81]| |[wur3] 3 3 [tie4] 4 4 4 4 4 [ute6] 6 6 [ywr5] 5 5 5 5 5 [wur3] 3 3 [tie4] 4 4 4 4 4 [ute6] 6 6 [ywr5] 5 5 5 5 5 [wur3] 3 3 [tie4] 4 4 4 4 4 [ute6] 6 6 [ywr5] 5 5 5 5 5 [wur3] 3 3 [tie4] 4 4 4 4 4 [ute6] 6 6 [ywr5] 5 5 5 5 5 [wur3] [wur3] [wur3] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [ute6] [ute6] [ute6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [wur3] [wur3] [wur3] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [ute6] [ute6] [ute6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [wur3] [wur3] [wur3] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [ute6] [ute6] [ute6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [wur3] [wur3] [wur3] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [tie4] [ute6] [ute6] [ute6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [r3] r r [r4] r r r r r [r6] r r [r5] r r r r r [r3] r r [r4] r r r r r [r6] r r [r5] r r r r r [r3] r r [r4] r r r r r [r6] r r [r5] r r r r r [r3] r r [r4] r r r r r [r6] r r [r5]|||[tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [ure6] [ure6] [ure6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [wur3] [wur3] [wur3] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [ure6] [ure6] [ure6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [wur3] [wur3] [wur3] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [ure6] [ure6] [ure6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [wur3] [wur3] [wur3] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [tri4] [ure6] [ure6] [ure6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] 5 5 5 [ute6] [ute6] [ute6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [tqe4] [tqe4] [tqe4] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [ute6] [ute6] [ute6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [tqe4] [tqe4] [tqe4] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [ute6] [ute6] [ute6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [tqe4] [tqe4] [tqe4] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [wt810] [ute6] [ute6] [ute6] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [tqe4] [tqe4] [tqe4] 8

      Level: 7
      Length: 04:01

      Twenty One Pilots


    • y P P p p P P [wo] | y y I I o | y P P p p P P o | y y I I o | [wo] [wo] | [EP] [EP] | y y I I o
      Level: 2
      Length: 00:20
      Go Down Moses
    • h j h g f g h|
      d f g|
      f g h|
      h j h g f g h|
      d|h|f s
      h j h g f g h|
      d f g|
      f g h|
      h j h g f g h|
      d|h|f s

      Level: 1
      Length: 00:35
      Super Easy
      London Bridge is Falling Down


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      Level: 6
      Length: 02:51
      Play Date

      Melanie Martinez