[ep] [us] [ta] [qa] [td] [se]| [6e] ee [6e] ee [4e] ee [4e] ee [5w] ww [5w] ww [6e] ee [6e] ee [680e] ee [680e] ee [468e] ee [4e] ee [579w] ww [579w] ww
[680e] ee [680e] ee [60t] tt [60t] tt [46t] tt [46t] tt [579r] rr [59r] rr [68e] ee [680e] ee [680t] tt [60t] tt [26y] yy [26y] yy [60e] [680e] [680e] [680e]||[680e] [680e] [680e]||[680e] [680e] [680e]| [60u] e u [60e] u e [60u] i [48u] e u [48e] u e
About This Music Sheet
The Road To Masyaf (Assassin’s Creed) is a song by Lorne Balfe. Use your computer keyboard to play The Road To Masyaf (Assassin’s Creed) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song The Road To Masyaf (Assassin’s Creed) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Instrumental.
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[sx] [fh] [fh]
[sk] [fh] [fh]
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[2of] [68] g [2f]
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[6us] [0w] [0wa]
[5is] [qw] d [qwf]
[5uk] [0w] [5yj]
[5tf] s
$ [Qf] [4s]
[5of] g f
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[6fl] [80] [80]
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[5fk] [0w] [5dj]
[4sf] s
[4s] $ [Qa] [5s]
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[5id] w [9x] z
[el] t [uh]
[wx] t c [uz] l
[ql] t u
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[9l] Q [tj]
[Qx] t z [ul] x
[wz] t y
[wv] [kx]
[9lc] w [zv] [txb]
[rzv] t y
0 [wh] [th]
[yh] g f g
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[yh] g f g
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[yh] g f g
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[9g] [qf] [es]
[wo] s a
[es] [ux] z [tl] z
[wx] l z
[gjc] x l
h l kLevel: 5Length: 01:59IntermediateA Town Called Hometown (Deltarune) (Alternative)
Toby Fox
[8to]||wt[8wy] r t
[6wt]||wt[6wy] r t
[3wt] r t| r t r
[4wt] e| |wet
[8t] we t 8| wet
[6t] we w 6| wet
[3wt] r t| r t r
[4wt] e| |[4w]e[5t]
[8t] ty u [8y]| wet
[6t] we w 6| wet
[5wt] r [5t]| r t r
[4wt] r [4t]| r t u
[4wu] y [4u]| y u y
[1to]||iui uy[6tu] u[ru]
5 y y u||[3w] tt
[2qy] u t| |[3w] tt
[4ey] u t| w| 4|
[1to]||iui uy[6tu] u[ru]
5 y y u| t[3wt] t
[2qy] ut e||[3w] tt
[4ey] ut| q| u i
[8i]ut| t 8| t u
[6wt]||wt[6wy] r t
[3wt] r t| r t r
[4wt] e| |wet
[8t] we t 8| wet
[6t] we w 6| wet
[3wt] r t| r t r
[4wt] e| |[4w]e[5t]
[8t] ty u [8y]| wet
[6t] we w 6| et
[5wt] r [5t]| r t r
[4wt] r [4t]| r t u
[1to]||iui uy[6tu] u[ru]
5 y y u||[3w] tt
[2qy] u t| |[3w] tt
[4ey] u t| w| 4|
[1to]||iui uy[6tu] u[ru]
5 y y u| t[3wt] t
[2qy] ut e||[3w] tt
[4ey] ut| q| u i
[8i] ui ui ui ui u
[6i] ui uiut||t
[3w] y u||y| t
[4wy] t| |w t
[8p] o u| p o oiu
6||ttp o u o
[5o] y| ttu y y t
4 tttttu u o|
4| 4 p 4| [4t]|
[8i]ut| |t u
[6wt]||wt[6wy] r t
[3wt] r t r t r
[4wt] eLevel: 5Length: 02:53IntermediateEasy On Me (Adele)
[680u] e t e u e t u
[80w] w t w u i u y
[579] w r w y w r i
[469] e t e i u y u
[680] e t e u e t u
[80w] w t w u i u y
[579] w r w y w r i
[246] e t e i u y w
[80wt]||t t t
[579r]| r r|r r
[246] t||ww
[80wt]ew||t t t
[579r] r r| w w w
[246] e||w
[80wt]||t r
[579r]| w w e ew0
[680t]||y y t
[80w]||t t r
[579]| w w e e|
[246]||e e r
[468e]| r e|e r
[246t] r e t r e e e
[680e]| r e|e r
[680t] r e t r e e e
[468e]| r e|e r
[579t] r e t r e r|
[680u]|y|t| uy
[80wu]||o o y
[579]|t t|o o y
[246] u||u e t
[246] e e t|e e t
[468] e|t|e e t
[468e]||t ew
[579e] t|y||wwLevel: 6Length: 01:18IntermediateSet Fire To The Rain (Adele)