04:20 -
-3 -
e u [ka] u [sl] p u [ka] u e [sl]| |
e u [ka] u [sl] p u [ka] u e [sl]| |
w y [pj] y [ka] o y [pj] y w [ka]| |
e u [ka] u [sl] p u [ka] u e [sl]| |
[sqpg]|[spg] [sof8]| |8 8|o s o f s
[sqpg] p sg[sof8]| |8 8|[so] [so] [sqpg]| |
q q|[spg]|[sjg]||
q q|s g s [sof8]| |
8 8 [sf] [gd] [sf] [sp6]|7|8| |
s f [s8] [whda]|||
6 f d f s f a f p|||
5 9 e 9 r w 9 e 9 5 r| |
6 0 r 0 t e 0 r 0 6 t| |
[tqie]|[tie] [wut8]| |
8 8|w t w u t
[tqie] e ti[wut8]| |
8 8|[wt] [wt] [tqie]| |
q q|[tie]|[tpi]||
q q|t i t [wut8]| |
8 8 [ut] [yi] [ut] [te6]|7|8| |
t u [t8] [ywro]|||
6 u y u t u r u e
5 9 e 9 r w 9 e 9 5 r| |
6 0 r 0 t e 0 r 0 6 t| |
[tqie]|[tie] [wut8]| |
8 8|w t w u t
[tqie] e ti[wut8]| |
8 8|[wt] [wt] [tqie]| |
q q|[tie]|[tpi]||
q q|t i t [wut8]| |
8 8 [ut] [yi] [ut] [te6]|7|8| |
t u [t8] [ywro]|||
6 u y u t u r u e|||
5 9 e 9 r w 9 e 9 5 r| |
6 0 r 0 t e 0 r 0 6 t| |
[tqie]|[tie] [wut8]| |
8 8|w t w u t
[tqie] e ti[wut8]| |
8 8|[wt] [wt] [tqie]| |
q q|[tie]|[tpi]||
q q|t i t [wut8]| |
8 8 [ut] [yi] [ut] [te6]|7|8| |
t u [t8] [ywro]|||
6 u y u t u r u e
5 9 e 9 r w 9 e 9 5 r| |
6 0 r 0 t e 0 r 0 6 t| |
[tqie]|[tie] [wut8]| |
8 8|w t w u t
[tqie] e ti[wut8]| |
8 8|[wt] [wt] [tqie]| |
q q|[tie]|[tpi]||
q q|t i t [wut8]| |
8 8 [ut] [yi] [ut] [te6]|7|8| |
t u [t8] [ywro]|||
6 x z x l x k x j
f d f s f a f p
[uf] [yd] [uf] [ts] [uf] [ra] [hfa5]|[sjf6]
About This Music Sheet
The Sound of Silence is a song by Simon & Garfunkel. Use your computer keyboard to play The Sound of Silence music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:20, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song The Sound of Silence is classified in the genres: USA, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Folk, 60s Songs.
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Other Songs By Simon & Garfunkel
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e t r [wy] e
[9ip] [eip] w e 0 [qp]
[8u] w 8 [9i] [0u] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 w
q e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ip] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e [0d] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qp] e [0o] w [9i] q
[8u] w t w q w
0 w 9 w 8 w
[9y] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wyp] e [0yp] q
[8tu] w [9yi] w [8tu] w
[9yi] e [tu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qe] e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9d] e [wd] e [0d] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wd] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qtp] e [0yo] w [9yi] q
[8tu] w t w [qt] w
[0t] w [9y] w [8t] w
[9y] q [ey] q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9yi] e [wu] e [qi] e
[0o] e [9i] e [8u] e
[9i] e [0u] e [qt] e
[9y] q w e w q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wyp] e [0yp] q
[8tu] w [9yi] w [8tu] w
[9yi] e [tu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qe] e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9od] e [wd] e [0pd] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wi] q
[9i] e [yi] e [9o] e
[qp] e t e [to] e
[qi] e [0o] w [9ip] q
[8us] w t w [qo] w
[0s] w [9s] [wo] [8s] [wa]
[9yd] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9yi] e [wu] e [qi] e
[0o] e [9i] e [8u] e
[9i] e [0u] e [qt] e
[9y] q w e w q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wp] e [0p] q
[8u] w [9i] w [8u] w
[9y] e [tyu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qy] e [etip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9d] e [wd] e [0d] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wi] q
[9i] e [yi] e [9i] e
[qp] e [ts] e [tos] e
[qis] e [0op] w [9is] q
[8uo] w t w [qo] w
[0t] [wy] [9u] w [8i] w
[9y] q [ey] q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e t r [wy] e
[9ip] [eip] w e 0 [qp]
[8u] w 8 [9i] [0u] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 w
q e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ip] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e [0d] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qp] e [0o] w [9i] q
[8u] w t w q w
0 w 9 w 8 w
[9y] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
[9o] e w e 0 w
[9i] q e q [wu] t
[9ey] [dj]Level: 5Length: 3:11IntermediateScarborough Fair (Alternative)
Simon & Garfunkel
e u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u o I [yp] u [sfe] [usf] y u r [tf] [wa] y w [se] [ra] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r y t u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [sfe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u [rj] t [sje] u p u [sje] u [thf] u o u [of] u [tf] u [rd] y [se] t [wa] y o y t y r y e y w y [pe] t u t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [ypf] u [rpf] t [woa] y [spe] y [woa] y [spe] u [oa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [ut] u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [je] u [yj] u [rj] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [yj] t [sje] u p u [sje] u [thf] u o u [of] u [tof] u [rpd] y [spe] t [woa] y o y [to] y [ro] y [pe] y [wo] y [pe] t [up] t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [spe] u [ya] u [ts] u [rd] u [se] u [wa] u [se] u [ra] u [to] u [pe] t y u y t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [ypf] u [rpf] t [woa] y [spe] y [woa] y [spe] u [oa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [ut] u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [jed] u [yj] u [rjf] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [ys] t [se] u [sp] u [ed] u [tf] u o u [od] u [ts] u [rd] y [sfe] t [wha] y o y [td] y [rh] y [he] [yd] [wh] [yG] [pje] t u t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [spe] u [ya] u [ts] u [rd] u [se] u [wa] u [se] u [ra] u [to] u [pe] t y u y t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [yf] u [rf] t [wa] y [se] y [wa] y [pe] u [poa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [tp] u [usof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [je] u [yj] u [rj] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [ys] t [se] u [sp] u [se] u [tf] u [oh] u [ohd] u [tsh] u [rfd] y [she] t [wda] y o y [td] y [ro] [yp] [ea] y [ws] y [pe] t [up] t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u o I y u [ed] u y u r y [se] t u t [ya] o [upe]|[xj]Level: 6Length: 02:36Intermediate
Scarborough Fair
Simon & Garfunkel
Tuo[O*][W0] *[W0][T*][uW0]o [O*][W0]S[O*][W0][S*][WO0]u [o(][wE]|[wE] [wE] [eQ][eQ] [wE] ETu [I(][eQ] ([eQ][E(][eTQ]u [I(][eQ]u[t(][eQ][Y(][teQ]WT* *7 7 5 5% Tuo[O*][W0] *[W0][T*][uW0]o [O*][W0]S[O*][W0][S*][WO0]u [o(][wE]|[wE] [wE] [eQ][eQ] [wE] ETu [I(][eQ] ([eQ][E(][eTQ]u [I(][eQ]u[t(][eQ][Y(][teQ]W T[*!] [*!]7 7 5 5% OSD [f%] * 0f[D*]fDS [s%] [^S]D7O8 [f*] [S0]fQ [kW][QJ]| 0 (J[k*]J[j6] * 0j[jQ][kW]HGHGwfQf[G(] [H0] [QD] [aW]O[a0][QD]S[QO][p*]PQO[S0]D [f%] * 0f[D*]fDS [s%] [^S]D7O8 [f*] [S0]fQ [kW][QJ]| 0 (J[k*]J[j6] * 0j[jQ][kW]HGHGwfQf[G(] [H%] H H H [WSO]fkLevel: 6Length: 00:49Intermediate
Lancer (Deltarune)
Toby Fox
[vpe] [um] [pn] [vs] o|b|[yxwo]| |dhk| |[xtqi] c x z [pml]fj[nk] [ml] z [vuh0] t u s [nk]|[ml]|[zqi] t y d [nk]|z|[vu0] r o [da] z| |[xr7]| |[ZI]aG| |[xu0]| |udf| |[ypjg9]|[kgd]|[tslf8]|[soh]|[tsqj]|k|l|z|[xtQI]|||[zur0]| |f|g|[sh4] [j8] [qh] [le] [tk] [uh] [qf] [j0] [hda5] 9 w y [oida] p [ygda] w [spf6] [g0] [fe] [tj] [uh] [ysp] [sphe] [pig0] [kfa5] 9 w y [si] p [yda] w [ph4] [sj8] [qph] [tsl] [uka] [tph] [ed] [qj] [oha5] 9 [wsl] r [zykd] o [zvrkh] w [slj6] [pe] [uf] [sl] [zkd5] [yd] [oh] [ka] [slj4] [ig] [pj] [sl] [khda5]|||vv| |[vphe] [sl] [ka] [vh]||[jb]|[yxwof]| |hk| |[xtqlif] [gc] [xf] [zd] [slj] [ka] [sl] [zd] [ush0]| |[ka]|[sl]|[zyqid]| |[ka]|[zd]|[vurh0]| |[zd]| |[xrfQ7]| |[rZGD(]| |[ufO0] a d f O|[xf] [gc] [sph4][qd][jb8][ze][vqh][tl][mle][uc][tnk][xp][vulh][sk][xqf][tj][jb0][ze][vh5][wj][k9][le][zw][xu][yl][pj][zihd][fa][yj][pg][zwgc][uj][wl][he][xf6][je][gc0][xt]eu[tjb][zo][vuh]a[yxlf][zp][vlhe][ug][gc0]t[xf5][wg][j9][rl]w[ukh][yk]p[lihd][sd][pk]f[ykda][pf][wh][ys][sphg4][qd][jb8][ze][vqh][yl][tml][oc][unk][xa][vth][ok][zed][uh][qjb][zt][zvh5][wh][k9][ze][wsl][yg][rj][li][zykd][pf][oh][kd][zvrkh][id][wg][yj][slj6] [pe] [uf] [le] [zkd5] [wd] [yh] [wk] [sljg4] [ig] [pj] [sl]| |[ih] s a h||j|k| |l| |islzv
Level: 7Length: 01:57IntermediateLost My Pieces (Toradora!) (Intermediate)
Yukari Hashimoto
3 7 0 Q e y Q w 3 8 0 w t o w|
3 7 0 Q e y Q w 3 8 0 w t o w|
6 0 [ua] [yp] [ua] 0 6 [to]
[4ua] [8yp] q 8 [4e] y e r
6 0 [ua] [yp] [ua] 0 6 [os]
[4od] 8 [qpf] w [eup] [wy] [qu] y
[5yo] 9 [od] [us] [od] y [5o] s
[9id] e [yp] e [4tp] 8 [qus]|
[6yua] 0 w w e y e r
6 [0t] [eua] [ryp] [tua] r e [0to]
[4ua] [8yp] q 8 [4e] y e r
6 0 [eua] [ryp] [tua] r [es] [od]
4 8 [qpf] w [eup] [wy] [qu] y
[5yo] 9 [od] [us] [9od] y [us] [id]
9 e p [tup] 4 8 [qus] e
[I3ypd] 7 0 Q e y I pLevel: 7Length: 00:43IntermediateNo One Mourns The Wicked (Wicked)
Stephen Schwartz