03:45 -
-5 -
[qeu]||[eu]|e u
[Wti]||[ti]|W i
[wtu]||w [tu]|
[qeu]||[eu]|e u
[Wti]||[ti]|W i
[Wtif]|s d [Wti]|f|
[wtu]| d [wtuf] ds|
[wtuh]|f f [wtu] s d|
[etus]||[etus] ps d
[Wtif] ff f[Wtif] gf|
[wtu]||w [tu]|
[Wtif]|s d [Wti]|f|
[wtu]||[wtuf] fd s
[wtuh] f|f[wtu] sd|
[qeus]||[qeus] ss d
[Wtif] ff f[Wtif] gf|
w [tu]| [wtu]||
[wufl]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
w [tuf]|f [wu]|t|
[wufl]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
w [tuf]|f [wtu]||
[wux]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
w [tuf]|f [wtu] d [ts]|
[etuf] ff f[etuf] ff f
[Wtif] ds|[Wti]||
w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
[etu]|[uf]|[etuf]|u d
[Wtif]|[ts] d [Wti]|[tf]|
[wtu]|u|[wtuf] f[ud] s
[wtuh]|[uf] f [wtu] s [ud]|
[etus]|u s [etuf] f [ud] f
[Wtif]|[th] f [Wti] d [ts]|
[wtuh]|[uf] f [wtu] d u f
[wtu]|u|[wtu] s [ud]|
[etuf]|u|[etu] f u|
[Wtif]|[tf] f [Wti] d t f
[wtu]|u f [wtuf] d[us]|
[wtuh] f[uf] d[wtu] s[ud]|
[etus]|u s [etuf] f[ud] s
[Wtif] ht f [Wti] d t s
[wtuf]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
w [tuf]|f [wtu]|t|
[wtuf]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
w [tuf]|f [wtu]|t|
[wtufx]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
w [tuf]|f [wtu] d [ts]|
[etupf] f[tpf] f[etupf] f[tpf] f
[etipf] [od][tos]|[eti]|t|
[wtu]|t|[wtu]|[tp] o
[etu]|h j[etuj] ff|
[eyI] hh j[Ieyj] f|f
[eyI] fg f[eyI] ds|
[qet]| h [qetj]| f
[qetf] g|f[qet] ds d
[tuof] gf g[tuof] ds d
[tuof] gf g[tuof]||
[etu]|h j[etuj] ff|
[eyI] hh j[Ieyj] ff|
[Ieyf] gf|[Ieyf] gf|
[qets]| s [qets] ss d
[qetf]|g f [qet]| f
[tuo]|g f [tuo]| d
f| d f||
f| d s||
[ef] d[tf]|[uf]|[td]|
[qeif] h|f[Wqi] s d
About This Music Sheet
This Is Home (Cavetown) is a song by Cavetown. Use your computer keyboard to play This Is Home (Cavetown) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:45, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song This Is Home (Cavetown) is classified in the genres: Indie, Pop, Rock on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Cavetown
[ute]||[ute]|[ute] [ute] [tqW]||[tqW]|[tqW] [tqW] [uto]||[uto]|[uto] [uto] [uto]||[uto]|[uto] [uto] [tqe]||[tqe]|[tqe] [tqe] [tqW]||[tqW]|[tqW] [tqW] [uto]||[uto]|[uto] [uto] [uto]||[uto]|[uto] [uto] [tqe]|f|[tqfe]|| [tqfW]|s d [tqW] f| [uto]| f [utof] ds| [utoh]|f f [uto] d d| [tsqe]||[tsqe] ss d [tqfW] ff f[tqfW] gf| [uto]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [tqe]|f|[tqfe]|| [tqfW]|s d [tqW] f| [uto]||[utof] f d s [utoh]|f f [uto] d d| [tsqe]||[tsqe] ss d [tqfW] ff f[tqfW] gf| [uto]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [utof]||[uto]|s h [uto] f|f [uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [utof]||[uto]|s h [uto] f|f [uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [xuto]||[uto]|s h [uto] f|f [uto] d s| [tqfe] ff f [tqfe] ff f [tqfW] ds|[tqW]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [utof]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [utof]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [xuto]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [utof]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [tqe]|f|[tqfe]| d [tqfW]|s d [tqW] f| [uto]||[utof] f d s [utoh] f|f [uto] d d| [tsqe]| s [tqfe] f d f [tqW] g f f [tqW] d s| [utoh]|f f [uto] d|f [uto]||[uto]|s d [tqfe]||[tqe]|f| [tqfW]|f f [tqW] d| [utof]| f [utof] ds| [utoh] ff|[utof] dd| [tsqe]| s [tqfe] f f d [tqfW] h|f [tqW] d|s [uto]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [utof]||[uto]|s h [uto] f|f [uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [utof]||[uto]|s h [uto] f|f [uto]|| [utle]||[utke]|| [tqkW]||[tqlW]|| [xuto]||[uto]|s h [uto] f|f [uto] d s| [tqfe] ff f [tqfe] ff f [tqfW] ds|[tqW]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [uto]||[uto]|| [ute]|h j[utje] ff| [uthe]|f|[ute]|| [ypI] hh j[ypjI] f|f [ypI] f g f [ypI] d s| [tqe]| h [tqje]| f [tqfe] g|f [tqe] d s d [utof] gf g[utof] ds d [utof] gf g[utof]|| [ute]|h j[utje] ff| [uthe]|f|[ute]|| [ypI] hh j[ypjI] ff| [ypfI] g f|[ypfI] g f| [tsqe]| s [tsqe] s s d [tqfe]|g f [tqe]| f [uto]|g f [uto]| d [utod]|f|[uto]|s|[utpe]||| [tsqe]||[tqdW]|| [utle]||k|| [tqkW]||l||[utof]||| f| d s|| [utle]||k|| [tqkW]||l|| [utof]|||h||f|| [le]|t|[uk]|t| [qk]|W|[tl]|W| [xt]|u|o|u| [utoh]||f|d| [tqfe] df|f|d| [tqfW] h|f|d d 80wtuosfhlxvmLevel: 6Length: 04:04Intermediate
This Is Home
[81] [92] [30] [w5] [t8] [y9] [u0] [wo] [ts] [yd] [uf] [oh] [sl] [zd] [xf] [vh] [ml] [vh] [xf] [zd] [sl] [oh] [uf] [yd] [ts] [wo] [u0] [y9] [t8] [w5] [30] [92] 6 7 [81] [30] [e6] [r7] [t8] [u0] [pe] [ra] [ts] [uf] [pj] [ka] [sl] [xf] [jb] [xf] [sl] [ka] [pj] [uf] [ts] [ra] [pe] [u0] [t8] [r7] [e6] [30] [81] 7 [81] [92] [30] [w5] [t8] [y9] [u0] [wo] [ts] [yd] [uf] [oh] [sl] [zd] [xf] [vh] [ml] [vh] [xf] [zd] [sl] [oh] [uf] [yd] [ts] [wo] [u0] [y9] [t8] [w5] [30] [92] 6 7 [81] [30] [e6] [r7] [t8] [u0] [pe] [ra] [ts] [uf] [pj] [ka] [sl] [xf] [jb] [xf] [sl] [ka] [pj] [uf] [ts] [ra] [pe] [u0] [t8] [r7] [e6] [30] [81] 7 6 [81] [q4] [w5] [e6] [t8] [qi] [wo] [pe] [ts] [ig] [oh] [pj] [sl] [gc] [vh] [jb] [vh] [gc] [sl] [pj] [oh] [ig] [ts] [pe] [wo] [qi] [t8] [e6] [w5] [q4] [81] 7 [92] [w5] [e6] [r7] [y9] [wo] [pe] [ra] [yd] [oh] [pj] [ka] [zd] [vh] [jb] [nk] [jb] [vh] [zd] [ka] [pj] [oh] [yd] [ra] [pe] [wo] [y9] [r7] [e6] [w5] [92] % [81] [@(] [w5] [W%] [t8] [Y(] [wo] [WO] [ts] [YD] [oh] [OH] [sl] [ZD] [vh] [VH] [vh] [ZD] [sl] [OH] [oh] [YD] [ts] [WO] [wo] [Y(] [t8] [W%] [w5] [@(] [81] ^ [92] [q4] [e6] [^E] [y9] [qi] [pe] [PE] [yd] [ig] [pj] [PJ] [zd] [gc] [jb] [JB] [jb] [gc] [zd] [PJ] [pj] [ig] [yd] [PE] [pe] [qi] [y9] [^E] [e6] [q4] [92] [uso8] 9 0 w t y u o s d f h l z x v [yoma] v x z l h f d [sid] o u y t w 0 9 [usp6] 7 8 0 e r t u p a s f j k l x [yb] x l k [tj] f s a [rp] u t r [ye] 0 8 7 [uso8] 9 0 w t y u o s d f h l z x v [yoma] v x z l h f d [sid] o u y t w 0 9 [upd6] 7 [f8] 0 [se] r t u p a s f j k l x [teb] x l k [yrj] f s a [utp] u t r [uoe] 0 8 7 [tpi6] 8 q w e t i o p s g h j l c v [yoeb] v c l j h g s [tpie] o i t e w q 8 [yoa7] 9 w e r y o p a d h j [ysok] z v b [ond] b v z k j h d [hda] p o y r e w 9 [gdP%] 8 ( w [WPD] t [dY] o [sYO] s D h H l Z v [tWV] v Z l [yHE] h D s [tYO] o Y t [YWO] w ( 8 [hd^P] 9 q e [gE] y [iD] p [idP] d g j J z c b B b c z J j g d P p i y E e q 9 [uso8] 9 0 w t y u o s d f h l z x v [yoma] v x z l h f d [sid] o u y t w 0 9 [usp6] 7 8 0 e r t u p a s f j k l x [yb] x l k [tj] f s a [rp] u t r [ye] 0 8 7 [uso8] 9 0 w t y u o s d f h l z x v [yoma] v x z l h f d [sid] o u y t w 0 9 [upd6] 7 [f8] 0 [se] r t u p a s f j k l x [teb] x l k [yrj] f s a [utp] u t r [uoe] 0 8 7 [tpi6] 8 q w e t i o p s g h j l c v [yoeb] v c l j h g s [tpie] o i t e w q 8 [yoa7] 9 w e r y o p a d h j [ysok] z v b [ond] b v z k j h d [hda] p o y r e w 9 [gdP%] 8 ( w [WPD] t [dY] o [sYO] s D h H l Z v [tWV] v Z l [yHE] h D s [tYO] o Y t [YWO] w ( 8 [hd^P] 9 q e [gE] y [iD] p [idP] d g j J z c b B b c z [jJ] j g d [gP] p i y [jdE] e q 9 [usof8] 9 0 w t y u o s d f h l z x v m v x z l h f d s o u y t w 0 9 [gdO%] 8 ( q W t Y i O s D g H l Z c [soh5] 8 9 q w t y i [oha] a d g h k z v u o s [tf8] 9 0 w t y u o s d f h l z x v m v c x z l k j g f d s p s g o a f i p d s a|| e t i w r u q e y t r e w r w 9 [w5] [t8] [y9] [qi] [wo] [ts] [yd] [ig] [w5] [r7] [y9] [qi] [wo] [ra] [yd] [oh] [sof81]Level: 6Length: 03:23Intermediate
Prelude (Final Fantasy VII)
Nobuo Uematsu
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0f]| s [0a]|r|a|
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|[eg] f d s [wad]|[yi]|
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0p]|a s [0o]|r| o
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|g f [wrd] s [8s]|0|w|t|u|
[of] g [th]|[uoh]|[uoh]|
[rh]|[yoh] j [yoh] g [ef]|[tuf]|[tuf]|
[wf]|[ruf] g [ruf] d [qs]|[ets]|[ets] a
[0p]|[eta]|[eta] s [9d]|[qed] f [qed] f
[wad]|q|[0f] g [8fh]|[0wdh]|[0wsh]|
[7ah]|[9wh] j [9wh] g [6sf]|[80af]|[80pf]|
[0f] g [wrf] d [wrs] a [qp]|[etp] a [ets] d
[0o]|[wts]|[wtd] f [9d]|[qe] d [wrd] s
[8s]|[0w]|[0w]|8|w|s d
[8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0f]| s [0a]|r|a|
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|d f
[9g]|[eg] f d s [wad]|[yi]|
s d [8f] s [wh]| f [7d]|[wh]|d|
[6s] p [0p]|a s [0o]|r| o
[qp]|[ta]|s d [8o]|[ws]|
d f [9g]|g f [wrd] s [8s]|0|w|
t|u|[of] g [th]|[uoh]|[uoh]|
[rh]|[yoh] j [yoh] g [ef]|[tuf]|[tuf]|
[wf]|[ruf] g [ruf] d [qs]|[ets]|[ets] a
[0p]|[eta]|[eta] s [9d]|[qed] f [qed] f
[wad]|q|[0f] g [8fh]|[0wdh]|[0wsh]|
[7ah]|[9wh] j [9wh] g [6sf]|[80af]|[80pf]|
[0f] g [wrf] d [wrs] a [qp]|[etp] a [ets] d
[0o]|[wts]|[wtd] f [9d]|[qe] d [wrd] s
[os]|[sf]|[fh]|[8wf]hlLevel: 6Length: 01:45IntermediateAlways With Me (Spirited Away)
Joe Hisaishi
8|[wu]|8|f d
[8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
[8of] d [of] d [8of] [of]|[of]
0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
6|[0s] p| 0|
[5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
4 [ps] 8||8|
4|8||[8f] d
[8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
[8of] d [of] d [8of] h|[of]
0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
6|[0s] p| 0|
[5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
4 [ps] 8||8|
9|[pg]|9|[pg] s
[9pg] [pg]|[ah] 9 [sj]|[ah]
0 [of] [wr]||[wr]|
0|[wr]||[wrf] [pg]
q [of]|[id] q s|[pg]
q [of]|[id] q s|[ad]
f f|
[0h]|[wr] a a|[wrya]|
[5ro]|9| s 9 [pg]
4 [of] 8 [id]|s 8 [pg]
4 [of] 8 [id]|[id] 8 [us]
8|[0w]||[0w] s
8 d [0w] f|l [0w] k
0|[wr]||[wr] s
0 d [wr] f|k [wr] [sj]
[5af]|9||[9f] d
[8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
[8of] d [of] d [8of] [of]|[of]
0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
6|[0s] p| 0|
[5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
4 [ps] 8||8|
4|8||[8f] d
[8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
[8of] d [of] d [8of] h|[of]
0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
6|[0s] p| 0|
[5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
4 [ps] 8||8|
9|[pg]|9|[pg] s
[9pg] [pg]|[ah] 9 [sj]|[ah]
0 [of] [wr]||[wr]|
0|[wr]||[wrf] [pg]
q [of]|[id] q s|[pg]
q [of]|[id] q s|[ad]
f f|
[0h]|[wr] a a|[wrya]|
[5ro]|9| s 9 [pg]
4 [of] 8 [id]|s 8 [pg]
4 [of] 8 [id]|[id] 8 [us]
8|[0w]||[0w] s
8 d [0w] f|l [0w] k
0|[wr]||[wr] s
0 d [wr] f|k [wr] [sj]
[5ah]|9| s [9d] [pg]
4 [of]|[id] 4 s|[pg]
4 [of]|[id] 4 [id]|
[8us]Level: 5Length: 04:00IntermediateCount on Me (Intermediate)
Bruno Mars