03:44 -
[e84] e e e e w w|
[we8] e e e e w w w [60]|||[84]||
y [u95] y u y u o u|
[w8]|t t t t y|
[w60] e t [60]e ty e
[w84] e t [84]e tyu
[w95] e t [95]e ty e
[w8] e t [w8]e tyu
[w60] e [t60] e t[y60] e
[w84] e [t84] e [t84]yuy[95]| [95]|
[t95]yuy[w8]| [w8]| [w8]|
[60]|f [60] p|[60]|
[p84] p p [p84] p o [o84]|
[95]|f [95] p|[95]|
[wp8] p p [wp8] p|[wo8] o
[84]| [84]| [84]|
[84]| [84]| [84] p
[a95] p a [p95] a p [s95]|
[60]|s [s60] s s [d60]|
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o5] [p9] [ws] 5p [s9]d [wp]
[o8] [wp] [ts] 8p w[ws]d[tf]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p 8sd[qf]d
5 9 w 5 9sd[wf]d8 w t 8 w t
[w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe]
[w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe]
[w5] [e9] [wt] 5e [t9]y [we]
[w8] [we] [wt] 8e wty[wu]
[w4] [e8] [tq] [t4]e [t8]y [qe]
[w4] [t8] [tq] 4e 8ty[uq]y5 9 w 5
9ty[wu]y8 w t 8 w t
[60]|u [60] e|[60]|
[qe6] e e [qe6] e w [wq6]|
[ywr6]| [w6]| [w6]|
[wut6]| [w6]| [w6]|
[60]|u [60] e|[60]|
[qe6] e e [qe6] e w [wq6]|
[ywr6]| [w6]| [w6]|
[wut6]| [w6]| [w6]|
[60]|i [60] u|[60]|
[yq6] y y [q6] y t [yq6]|
[ywr6]| [w6]| [w6]|
[wut6]| [w6]| [w6]|
[60]|u [60] e|[60]|
[qe6] e e [qe6] e w [wq6]|
[ywr6]| [w6]| [w6]|
[w6]| [w6]| [w6]|
[60]|f [60] p|[60]|
[p84] p p [p84] p o [o84]|
[95]|f [95] p|[95]|
[wp8] p p [wp8] p|[wo8] o
[84]| [84]| [84]|
[84]| [84]| [84] p
[a95] p a [p95] a p [s95]|
[60]|s [s60] s s [d60]|
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o5] [p9] [ws] 5p [s9]d [wp]
[o8] [wp] [ts] 8p w[ws]d[tf]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p 8sd[qf]d5 9 w 5
9sd[wf]d8 w t 8 w t
[w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe]
[w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe]
[w5] [e9] [wt] 5e [t9]y [we]
[w8] [we] [wt] 8e wty[wu]
[w4] [e8] [tq] [t4]e [t8]y [qe]
[w4] [t8] [tq] 4e 8ty[uq]y5 9 w 5
9ty[wu]y8 w t 8 w t
[60]|u [60] e|[60]|
[e84] e e [e4] e w [w4]|
[95]|u [95] e|[95]|
[we8] e e [we8] e w [w8] w
[60]| [60]| [60]|
[84]| [84]| [84] r
[95] tre [r95] t|[95]|
[w8]| [w8]| [w8]|
[60]|f [60] p|[60]|
[p84] p p [p84] p o [o84]|
[95]|f [95] p|[95]|
[wp8] p p [wp8] p|[wo8] o
[84]| [84]| [84]|
[84]| [84]| [84] p
[a95] p a [p95] a p [s95]|
[60]|s [s60] s s [d60]|
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o5] [p9] [ws] 5p [s9]d [wp]
[o8] [wp] [ts] 8p w[ws]d[tf]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p [s8]d [qp]
[o4] [p8] [sq] 4p 8sd[qf]d5 9 w 5
9sd[wf]d8 w t 8 w t
[w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe]
[w4] [e8] [tq] 4e [t8]y [qe]
[w5] [e9] [wt] 5e [t9]y [we]
[w8] [we] [wt] 8e wty[wu]
[w4] [e8] [tq] [t4]e [t8]y [qe]
[w4] [t8] [tq] 4e 8ty[uq]y5 9 w 5
9ty[wu]y8 w t 8 w t
About This Music Sheet
This Is What You Came For is a song by Calvin Harris. Use your computer keyboard to play This Is What You Came For music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:44, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song This Is What You Came For is classified in the genres: Dance, Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using DJ, EDM, Happy, House.
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Other Songs By Calvin Harris
[ue]|f [ue] p|[ue]|
[tqp] p p [tqp] p|[tqo]|
[yw]|f [yw] p|[yw]|
[wtp]|p [wtp] p|[wto] o
[ue]| [ue]| [ue]|
[tq]| [tq]| [tq] d
[ywf] d f [ywd] f h [ywf]|
[wt]|s [wts] s s [wtd]|
[utoe] p [utse] p s[uted]|
[tqoe] p [tsqe] p [tsqe]df
[ywro] p [ywsr] p s[ywrd]|
[wuto] p [wuts] p [wuts]df
[utoe] p [utse] p s[uted]|
[tqoe] p [tsqe] p [tsqe]dfd
[ywr]| [ywr]| [ywsr]dfd
[wut]| [wut]| [wut]|
[q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
[qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
[w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
[pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
[wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
[e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
[wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
[oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
[wd5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
[e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
[qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
[wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
[oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
[w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
[e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]|
[ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
[tpie] [tie]p [tpie] p[tie]o [toie]|
[ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
[wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
[ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
[tpie] [tie]p [tpie] p[tie]o [toie]|
[ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
[wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
[ute] [ute]g [ute] f[ute] [ute]|
[tied] s[tie]d [tie] d[tie]s [tied]|
[ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
[wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
[ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
[tpie] [tie]p [tie] p[tie]o [toie]|
[ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
[wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
[q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
[qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
[w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
[pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
[wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
[e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
[wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
[oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
[w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
[e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
[qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
[wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
[oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
[w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
[e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]|
[ue]|f [ue] p|[ue]|
[tqp] p p [tqp] p|[tqo]|
[yw]|f [yw] p|[yw]|
[wtp]|p [wtp] p|[wto] o
[ue]| [ue]| [ue]|
[tq]| [tq]| [tq] a
[yw]|p [ywa] s|[yw]|
[wut]| [wut]| [wut]|
[q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
[qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
[w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
[pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
[q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
[wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
[e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
[wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
[oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
[qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
[w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
[e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
[qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
[wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
[oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
[qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
[w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
[e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]Level: 6Length: 03:38IntermediateThis Is What You Came For (Alternative)
Calvin Harris
u u u uo a |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa |
u u u u oa |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa |
u u u uo a |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa
u u u u oa |
u u u u o a |
pp p o p oy | aa | o uLevel: 1Length: 01:30Super EasyPromises
Calvin Harris
[tqi] s s p p|p| [ye9] p p o p g f| [upe] f f s s|s| [ywo] d d a a|a| [q84] t [to] [pe] [se]|[fe]| [d962] e e w e i u| [e60] t [tp] e [se]|e| [wf95] [yd] [ys] [ra] r p [ro]| [q84] t [to] [pe] [se]|[fe]| [d962] e e w e i u| [e60] u [up] t [ts]|t| [wf95] [yd] [ys] [ra] r p [ro]| [q84] t [tj] e [he]|[fe]| [d962] e e w e i u| [e60] u [uj] t [th]|[tf]| [wd95] [yd] [yf] [rd] r s [rp]| [q84] t [to] [pe] [se]|[ea]| [a962] [pe] [oe] w e i [uo] p [se60] [us] [up] t [ts] spt p [ws95]s[ys]s[yp] [rp] [sr] spr d [sq84] s s p p|p| [962] p p o p g f| [ed60] d d f d s s| [wd95] d d f d s s| [qp84] s s p p|p| [962] p p o p g f| [ed60] d d f d s s| [wd95] d f d s|hLevel: 6Length: 00:55Intermediate
Calvin Harris
EPOoO[o%] i t [i^] | EYioO[o5] Y [E5] [YE8] | E[^P]OoO[to%] i t [i^] | EYioO[P8]| d| D 5 | g | [o%] Y t o[^Y] E i Y| [P5] i [E5] [P8]i E i^ Y [o%] Y t [o^]Y E EYioO[P5]| d| D 8 | ^ | [Y4]| EP Y 5 | oOo [OE%]oY | [Y4(]| EP Y 5 | sdD[g%]| D | [t6] | [vE]ZJvZJvZJvZJvZJv[zE]JvzJvzJvzJvzJvz[cW]lHclHclHclHclHc[wZ]JhZJH[ZW]JHZJHZJHZB | PJHhH[h%] [qg] [wsE] g ^ qP[wED]ghH[h5] [qD] [PE] [wPD8] | P[w^J]HhH[sh%] [qg] [ws] [wtgP] ^ qP[wPED] g[PD]8| [wP][tPD] [gYP][PJ]5| P[iJE]H[hY]H[sh%] [qg] [wsE] hg^PqP[wED]ghH[dJ5] l [zg5] [hZE8] | J [^H] h [D6] q w t | w t o [w^Y] E o Y E o Y E [y9] E o y | P [JE]HhH[sh%] [qg] [wsE] g ^ qP[wED]ghH[hD5] [qD] [zJE] [wJD8] | P [w^J]HhH[h%] [qg] [ws] [wtgP] ^ qP[wPED] g[PD]8| [wP][tPD] [gYP][PJ]5| P[iJE]H[hY]H[sh%] [qg] [wslE] hg^PqP[wED]ghH[dJ5] l [zg5] [hZE8] | c [v^] | [Z6] q w t | [Z%] q w [to] | i | [YP5] | [Y%] | i [^YE] | q [iE] | J | [oPD5(] | [iP(%] | D | [d^J] | q E Y E | D g [ohW] g s [igE] | P | [WJ] | [wPD]
Level: 6Length: 02:29IntermediatePresence (Kimiuso)
Masaru Yokoyama
[8d] D s d [8d] D s d
[7d] D a d [7d] D a s
[%d] D h s [%d] D h a
[$s] D G a [$s] D G d
[8d] D s d [8d] D s d
[7d] D a d [7d] D a s
[%d] D h s [%d] D h a
[$s] D G a [$s] D G d
[(8wd] D s [(8wd] d D [(8ws] d
[(Q7d] D a [(Q7d] d D [(Q7a] s
[%(8d] D h [%(8s] d D [%(8h] a
[$(Q8s] D G [$(Q8a] s D [8$(QG] d
[(8wd] D s [(8wd] d D [(8ws] d
[(Q7d] D a [(Q7d] d D [(Q7a] s
[%(8d] D h [%(8s] d D [%(8h] a
[$(Q8s] D G [$(Q8a] s D [8$(QG]|
[pk] l j k k l j k
[Ok] l H k k l H k
[ik] l x j k l x H
[Yj] l Z H j l Z k
[pk] l j k k l j k
[Ok] l H k k l H k
[ik] l x j k l x H
[Yj] l Z H j l Z k
[1od] D [@58s] d d [5D] [1s] [5d]
[@I7d] D [(Qra] d d [7D] [Qa] [(s]
[%Od] D [@%(8h] s d [@D] [%h] [@a]
[$Is] D [tQYIG] a s [$D] [tQYIG] [18d]
[1od] D [@58s] d d [5D] [1s] [5d]
[@I7d] D [(Qra] d d [7D] [Qa] [(s]
[%Od] D [@%(8h] s d [@D] [%h] [@a]
[$Is] D [tQYIG] a s [$D] [tQYIG] d
d D sLevel: 7Length: 02:09IntermediateWelcome To The Game II (Main Theme)
Jonathan Wandag
YYYYYY | YYYYYY | YYYYYY | YYYYYY | YYYYYY | YYYYYY | YY | soPPo ssoPPo YYYY YYYY soPPo ssoP YYY YYY YYYY | oOOO OOooiii Y o i YY oooo P s i o | oOOO OOooiii Y o i YY oooo s P i Y | tyYiYoiYyoYtiyE | tyYiYoiYyoYtiyE | tsttOo tsttOo tsttOo tstOLevel: 3Easy
Lady Gaga