Waka Waka

Shakira 10 September 2020
  • TYPE
  • transposition

a aa s|a|
s sa p ps sa
p ps ss p|s||
a aa s|d|
s sa p ps sa
p ps ss p|s||
s d|s [of]||
a [oh]|[of]||
s d|s [of]||
s [oh]|[of]|
s ss ss d|s|
d dd dd f s d|
f ff ss p po o|
f s p p s s|
s ss ss|d s|
d d d d f s d|
f ff ss p po o|
f s p p s s|
[us] o [so]u [sh][sh] [sg]fd|
[ya] o [oa]y [ha][ha] [og]fd|
[pf] s [sf]p[jf] s [jf] s[sj]
gp pi [pg] s [pg] f|
[us] o [so]u [sh][sh] [sg]fd|
[ya] o [oa]y [ga]hhgfd
p[uf] p[pf]sp [jf] s [jf] s[sj]
gp pp sjahpgo

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About This Music Sheet

Waka Waka is a song by Shakira. Use your computer keyboard to play Waka Waka music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:56, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Waka Waka is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Fun, Female Artists, Latin.


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Other Songs By Shakira

  • ppOp pOp pOph g
    ppOp pOp pOpr e
    [yip] p [yO] p [yi] p h g
    [9yip] [9p][9yO] [9p][9yip][9O][9p][9r] e
    [tup] 6 [6s] [6f]|6d6[6s]|
    [6tup]|[es] f 6 d [6os] i
    [2yip]|[2d] g 9 f [9ag] p
    [2ip] 6 [2d] [6g] 9 f [2g]|
    [tup] 6 [6s] [6f]|6d6[6s]|
    [6tup]|[es] f 6 d [6os] i
    [2yip]|[2d] g 9 f [9ag] p
    [2ip] 6 [2d] [6g] 9 f [2g]|
    [6u]|[6tup] o [0p] o [6p]|
    [6u]|[0tup] o [ep] o [6p] o
    [2p]|[6yip] o [2p] o [9p] o
    [2p]|[6yip] p [9s] P [2p]|
    [6u]|[6tup] o [0p] o [6p]|
    [6u]|[0tup] o [ep] o [6p] o
    [2p]|[6yip] o [2p] o [9p] o
    [2yip]|[6u] u [9o] i [2u] ee
    [6e] ee[0etu] uu[6u] u [eu]u[6u]
    [6i]uu [0etu] u [ei] uu[0i] [6u]u[2y]yy [6ey] yy[2y] p [9yip] [2o]o[2p] pp[6yip] pp[9s] s[6a] [2p]
    [6t] tt[0etu] t [6t] tt[eu] [6t]t[6u] t [0u]uu [eu] uu[0u]i[6u]
    [2y] yy[6eu] uu[2y]|[9y] [2y]y[2y] yy[6y]yy [9p] pp[6p]p[2p]
    6|u u p p p p
    [6p] [0tup] 6 [0tu] [eu] [0tu] [6o] [0tu]
    [9y] [6ey] 2 [9ey] [6p] [9yip] [2p] [9yip]
    [2p] [6yip] 9 [6yi] [2y] [9eu] [2o] [9yi]
    [6u] [0etu] 6 [0psf] [ej] [0sfj] [6j] [0sfj]
    [6j] [0sfj] 6 [0sf] [ef] [0sf] [6h] [0sf]
    [9g] [6ipd] 2 [9ipd] [6j] [9dgj] [2j] [9dgj]
    [2j] [6dgj] 9 6 [2d] [9pf] [2h] [9pdg]
    [6g] [psf] [6p] o [0p] o [6p]|
    6|[0tup] o [ep] o [6p] o
    [2p]|[6yip] o [2p] o [9p] o
    [2p]|[6eu] u [9o] i [2u]|
    [6g] [psf] [6p] o [0p] o [6p]|
    6|[0tup] o [ep] o [6p] o
    [2p]|[6yip] o [2p] o [9p] o
    [2p]|[6eu] u [9o] i [2u] tt[6t] yy[0ey] yy[6y] yy[ey] [6y]
    [6t]yy [0ey] y [et]ty [0t] [6r]t[2y] yy[6qey] yy[2y] u [9y] [2t]t[2y]yy [6qey] y [9y] yy[6u] [2t]
    [6u] uu[0etu] uu[6u] uu[eu] [6u]
    [6u]uu [0tu] u [eu]uu [0d] 6
    [2i] t [6ey]yy [2y] y 9 [2t]
    [2t]tt [6t]tt [9y] y [6r] [2e]
    66 u u p p p p
    [6p] [0tup] 6 [0tu] [eu] [0tu] [6o] [0etu]
    [9y] [6ey] 2 [9ey] [6p] [9yip] [2p] [9yip]
    [2p] [6yip] 9 [6yi] [2y] [9eu] [2o] [9yi]
    [6u] [0etu] 6 [0f] [ej] [0sfj] [6j] [0sfj]
    [6j] [0sfj] 6 [0sf] [ef] [0sf] [6h] [0psf]
    [9g] [6pd] 2 [9pd] [6j] [9dgj] [2j] [9dgj]
    [2j] [dgj]|[dg]|y u y
    [6tup] O [6p] O [ep] O [6p] O
    [6tup] O [0p] O [ej] H [0j] [6H]
    [2dgj] H [2j] H [9j] H [2j] H
    [2dgj] H [6j] H [9p] O [6p] [2O]
    [tup] 6 [6s] [6f]|6d6[6os] i
    [6tup]|[es] f 6 d [6ps] p
    [2yip]|[2d] g 9 f [9og] i
    [2ip] 6 [2d] [6g] 9 f [2g]|
    [tup] 6 [6s] [6f]|6d6[6os] i
    [6tup]|[es] f 6 d [6ps] p
    [2yip]|[2d] g 9 f [9og] i
    [2ip] 6 [2d] [6g] 9 f [2g]|
    e u p o [up] o p|
    e|p o [up] o p o
    [yp]|p o [ep] o p o
    [qp]|u u [eo] i u|
    66 u u p p p p
    [6p] [0tup] 6 [0tu] [eu] [0tu] [6o] [0tu]
    [9y] [6ey] 2 [9ey] [6p] [9yip] [2p] [9yip]
    [4p] [8tip] q [8ti] [4y] [8tu] [5o] [9ryi]
    [6u] [0etu] 6 [0eti] [eu] [0etu] 6 [0eti]
    [8u] [0etu] 8 [0eti] [8u] [6etu] 8 [0eti]
    [9p] [epd] [9d][yia]e [qd] [eipd]ay [eip]
    u u o u i y

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:01
    Loca (Shakira)


  • p g f
    4 p [8a] [es] p p g f
    6 p [0a] [ts] p p g f
    5 o [9p] [ra] o o f d
    5 o [9p] [ra] sddd dp
    4 [8o]q| [et]||df
    [60g]fdgfdg [etf] s s a
    [5a] [9o]w| [ry]| ddf
    [59g]fdgfd g[wrf] s s|
    [4s] 8q s [etg]fgfgf
    [60f]||s [etg]fgfgf d
    [5h] 9w| [ry] d d|
    [59d]| |[wrd]h gf
    [4g] [6f] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
    [6g] [8f] [0d] ss 6s8[0s] e
    [5a] [7a] 9| [5o]o7[9o]o[ws]
    [5a] [7a] 9| d[5h] 7[9g]fw
    [4g] [6f] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
    [6g] [8f] [0d] ss 6s8[0s] e
    [5a] [7p]o9| [5o]o7[9o]o[ws]
    [5a] [7p]o9 p 5 79 w
    [48] fh h[qef] f h h
    [60s]ss ffg [etf] d||
    [59]oo ffgg[wrf] d||
    [59]oo ffgg[wrf] d| d
    [48s] h h hh[qeh]| ffg
    [60h] hhh h [eth]j||
    [59] hhh hh[wrh] f d f
    [59d] hhh h [wrh] j ddf
    [8qeg] f [8qed] f g ff[8qe] f
    [80ef]| [80ed] f g ff[80e]|
    [79w] d [79wd] f g f [79wd] f
    [79wg]fd [79wd] f g ff[79w]|
    [4j] [6f] [8h] [qd] [ef] [qs]
    [0et] d p p[0ets]| s|
    [5a][9p][wo]||[9r]| [9r]|
    [79wh]hh hfffh hhgf
    [4g] [6f] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
    [6g] [8f] [0d] ss 6s8[0s] e
    [5a] [7a] 9| [5o]o7[9o]o[ws]
    [5a] [7a] 9| d[5h] 7[9g]fw
    [4g] [6f] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
    [6g] [8f] [0d] ss 6s8[0s] e
    [5a] [7p]o9| [5o]o7[9o]o[ws]
    [5a] [7p]o9 p 5 79d[wd]f
    [48p] pp[qep] [qef]||ddf
    [60p] pp[etp] [etf]| f fff
    [59h]hh [wrh] [wrf]d||fff
    [59f]hh [wrh] [wrf]d||s
    4 h g f [8f] [es]| [8d]
    6 h g f [0f] [ts]| [0d]
    5 h g f [9f] [rs]| [9d]
    [59]||f [9rg] f s|
    4 p [8a] [es] p p g f
    6 p [0a] [ts] p p g f
    5 o [9p] [ra] o o f d
    5 o [9p] [ra] dh gf
    [4g] [6h] [8d] ss [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
    [6g] [8f] [0d] ss [8s] [es]|
    [5a] [7a] 9w 5 o [wo] s
    [5a] [7p]o 9[wp] 5 s| d
    4 h g f [8f] [es]| [8d]
    6 h g f [0f] [ts]| [0d]
    5 h g f [9f] [rs]| [9d]
    [59]||f [9rg] f s|
    4 h g f [8f] [es]| [8d]
    6 h g f [0f] [ts]| [0d]
    [5d] h g f [9f] [rs]| [9d]s
    [59d]| |[9r] h h gf
    4g f[8d] s [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
    6g f[0d] s s 8 e|
    [5a] [7p]o 9w 5 o [wo] s
    [5a] [7p]o 9[wp] 5 h h gf
    4g f[8d] s [4g] [6f][8d] [qs]
    6g f[0d] s s 8 e|
    [5a] [7p]o 9w 5 o [wo] s
    [5a] [7p]o 9[wp] 5| |
    [4d] [6s]||[8d] [qs]||
    [6g] [8f]||[0g] [ef]||
    [59f] dop o [9r] o o s
    [59a] o||[9r] h h gf
    [8qe]g f[8qed] s g f[8qed] s
    [80e]g f[80ed] s| s [80es]|
    [79wa] o [79w]||o [79wo] s
    [79wa] a [79w]||o o iu
    i uy t i uy t
    i uy t| t t|
    r w| |w w t
    r w

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:30
    Soltera (Shakira)


  • [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8wy]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [0tu] [tu]0 [ry] 9[ry] [8wt]|
    8|8 t [8t] y [8t] [tu]
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8i] i
    [8q]|[8i] i [8i] u [8u] u
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8y] y
    [59]|5 t [5t] y [5t] [tu]
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8i] i
    [8q]|[8i] i [8i] i [8i] u
    [8w] o 8 r [59r] t 5|
    [8t] w 8 [wy] 8 [wu] 8 [wi]
    8 q 8 [qt] 8 [qe] 8 [qu]
    8 w 8 [wt] 8 w [8u] [wy]
    5 [9u] 5 9 5 9 5 9
    [8t] w 8 [wy] 8 [wu] 8 [wi]
    8 q 8 [qt] 8 [qi] 8 [qu]
    8 w 8 [wy] 5 9 [5t] [9t]
    8 w 8 w 8 t t y
    [80tu] w [80t] [wt] [80t] [wt] [80i] w
    [8q] w [8qu] [wi] [8qo] wi[8q] [wu]
    [80] [wu] [80u] [wo] [80o] [wo] [80] w
    [57] 9 [57] [9t] [57t] [9y] [57t] [9u]
    [80] w [80] [wu] [80u] [wu] [80u] [wu]
    [8qi] [wi] [8q] [wi] [8qi] [wi] [8qi] [wu]
    [80u] [wu] [80] [wr] [57r] [9t] [57] 9
    [80] w [80] w [80] [wt] [80t] [wy]
    [80tu] w [80t] [wt] [80t] [wt] [80i] w
    [8q] w [8qu] [wi] [8qo] wi[8q] [wu]
    [80] [wu] [80u] [wo] [80o] [wo] [80] w
    [57] 9 [57] [9t] [57t] [9y] [57t] [9u]
    [80] w [80] [wu] [80u] [wu] [80u] [wu]
    [8qi] [wi] [8q] [wi] [8qi] [wi] [8qi] [wu]
    [80u] [wu] [80] [wr] [57r] [9t] [57] 9
    [80] w [80] w [80] w [80] w
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8wy]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [0tu] [tu]0 [ry] 9[ry] [8wt]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:33
    Try Everything (Shakira)



  • [sYW] [sY] [rSI] [SI] [SQP] [SP] [SO0] [SO] [sYW] [sY] [rSI] [SI] [SQP] [SP] [uO0] [uOD] D D D [aOD%] S [raYW] O O [D7] [SI] [aSI] [rQ] O O I $ [SPI] [QE] S D [uaO3] P [uWP0] O O I [aOD%] S [raYW] O O [D7] [SI] [aSI] [rQ] O O I $ [SPI] [QE] S D [uaO3] P [uWO0] O O O [YSO%] [D(] [WD] [S(] [raWOD] % [aY7] [SQ] [rS] a [raYSI] Q [aTI$] [S] [SQ] [aI] [aSQIE] [S$] a [uSO3] [a7] [S0] D [uWS0] a [urO7] [YSO%] [D(] [WD] [S(] [raWOD] [Y%] [aY7] [SQ] [rS] a [raYSI] Q [aTI$] [S] [SQ] [aI] [aSQIE] a [O$] O [uSO3] [a7] [S0] D [uWS0] a [urO7] [aOD%] [WOD] [SO%] [WS] [raWOD] [aOH%] [aID7] r [aSI7] r [rY] 7 7 [TOI$] [QO] [TO$] Q [TQOIE] [O$] Q [uSO3] 0 [ua3] 0 [uWP0] 3 [O3] [aOD%] [WOD] [SO%] [WS] [raWOD] [aOH%] [aID7] r [aSI7] r [rY] 7 7 [TOI$] [QO] [TO$] Q [TQOIE] [O$] Q [uSO3] 0 [ua3] 0 [uWP0] 3 [O3] [YSO%] [D(] [WD] [S(] [raWOD] [Y%] [aY7] [SQ] [rS] a [raYSI] Q [aTI$] [S] [SQ] [aI] [aSQIE] a [O$] O [uSO3] [a7] [S0] D [uWS0] a [urO7] [YSO%] [D(] [WD] [S(] [raWOD] [Y%] [aY7] [SQ] [rS] a [raYSI] Q [aTI$] [S] [SQ] [aI] [aSQIE] a [O$] O [uSO3] [a7] [S0] D [uWS0] a [urO7] [aOD%] [WOD] [SO%] [WS] [raWOD] [aOH%] [aID7] r [aSI7] r [rY] 7 7 [TOI$] [QO] [TO$] Q [TQOIE] [O$] Q [uSO3] 0 [ua3] 0 [uWP0] 3 [O3] [aOD%] [WOD] [SO%] [WS] [raWOD] [aOH%] [aID7] r [aSI7] r [rY] 7 7 [TOI$] [QO] [TO$] Q [TQOIE] [O$] Q [uSO3] 0 [ua3] 0 [uWP0] 3 [O3] [aOD%] ( [WS] ( [raYW] [O%] O [D7] [SQI] r [aSI] [rY] O [QO] I $ [SQPI] [QE] [SI$] D [uaO3] 7 [P0] [uWP0] O [O7] I [aOD%] ( [WS] ( [raYW] [O%] O [D7] [SQI] r [aSI] [rY] O [QO] I $ [SQPI] [QE] [SI$] D [uaO3] 7 [P0] [uWO0] [WI(%] O I O [rQI7] I O O a O [QI$] I O O I I O O [I730] O [aI] O [WOD(%] S S a S a S a [rSQO7] a S a D O [QID$] S S a S a S a [uS730] a S D [ua] O [WOD(%] S S S a [OD] [rQ7] S S S S O [QOD$] S [SI] S a [IG] [730] S a O O O [aW(%] S S O O [OD] [rQ7] [SO] [SO] O O O [Q$] [PI] P O [ua730] P O [ZHD] [ZHD] [ZHD] [ZHD%] ( [WSL] ( [rkaW] [OH%] [OH] [ZHD7] [SQL] r [SL] [rY] [OH] [QOH] [IG] $ [SQLG] [QE] [SLG$] [ZD] [ka3] 7 [PJ0] [WPJ0] [OH] [OH7] [IG] [ZHD%] ( [WSL] ( [rkaW] [OH%] [OH] [ZHD7] [SQL] r [SL] [rY] [OH] [QOH] [IG] $ [SQLG] [QE] [SLG$] [ZD] [ka3] 7 [PJ0] [WOH0] [sYW] [sY] [rSI] [SI] [SQP] [SP] [SO0] [SO] [sYW] [sY] [rSI] [SI] [SQP] [SP] [SO0]
    Level: 8
    Old Town Road (Expert)

    Lil Nas X

  • w|h o G o g|
    [8f]| s|d f|
    [qd]| p||
    q|s s|d s|
    [8f]|o o|p o s
    [qd]| d D d s d
    [8s]|Ppou y t|
    9|I I o o p p [wa]|p o||
    [8u]oo[wo]|8|[wp] o [8u]|[wo]|8|w|
    [8u]oo[wo]|8|[wp] o [8u]|[wt]|8|w|
    [8u]oo[wo]|8|[wp] o [8u]|[wo]|8|w|
    [8u]oo[wo]|8|[wp] o [8u]|[wt]|8|w|
    [8o] u [wy] t [4e] t [8w]|
    [8o] u [wy] t [4e] t [8w]|
    [4e] t [8w]|[4e] r [8t] i
    [2u] u [6y] t [5y]|9 w
    [8o] u [wy] t [4e] t [8w]|
    [8o] u [wy] t [4e] t [8w]|
    [4e] t [8w]|[4e] r [8t] i
    [$u] t [5y] y [80]

    Level: 4
    Length: 00:55
    One Piece (Binks Sake)

    Kohei Tanaka

  • G H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] k j H [HWr] G [GWr] H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f Y [rY] G H [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] L k j [HTu] G [jTu] H G f [GeT] f G f H [SeT] S [GrY] f G f H [GrY] f [GTu] G G G H G [Tu] f S f G [Wr] f [jWr] H G f [GeT] f G f H [SeT] S [GrY] G k [HrY] G [GTu] G G H G [Tu] f S f G [Wr] [Wr] a S D [feT] S D f [eT] D S a a [GrY] S f G [rY] G f D S S [HTu] j [Tu] H f S a [Wr] [Wr] a S D [GwT] f S D f [eT] D S a a [GrY] S f G [rY] G f D S S [GTu] j [Tu] H f S a [Tu] S a G H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] k j H [HWr] G [GWr] H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] G H [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] L k j [HWr] G [jTu] H G f [SeT] a [jeT] H G f [SrY] a [jrY] H G f [STu] a f [STu] a O [IWr] [jWr] H G f [SeT] a [jeT] H G f [SrY] r [jrY] H G f [STu] a f [STu] a O I [Wr] [GWr] H H G f S
    Level: 5
    We Don’t Talk Anymore

    Charlie Puth

    Selena Gomez