This Is Home

Cavetown 10 September 2020

[ute]||[ute]|[ute] [ute]
[tqW]||[tqW]|[tqW] [tqW]
[uto]||[uto]|[uto] [uto]
[uto]||[uto]|[uto] [uto]
[tqe]||[tqe]|[tqe] [tqe]
[tqW]||[tqW]|[tqW] [tqW]
[uto]||[uto]|[uto] [uto]
[uto]||[uto]|[uto] [uto]
[tqfW]|s d [tqW] f|
[uto]| f [utof] ds|
[utoh]|f f [uto] d d|
[tsqe]||[tsqe] ss d
[tqfW] ff f[tqfW] gf|
[tqfW]|s d [tqW] f|
[uto]||[utof] f d s
[utoh]|f f [uto] d d|
[tsqe]||[tsqe] ss d
[tqfW] ff f[tqfW] gf|
[utof]||[uto]|s h
[uto] f|f [uto]||
[utof]||[uto]|s h
[uto] f|f [uto]||
[xuto]||[uto]|s h
[uto] f|f [uto] d s|
[tqfe] ff f [tqfe] ff f
[tqfW] ds|[tqW]||
[tqe]|f|[tqfe]| d
[tqfW]|s d [tqW] f|
[uto]||[utof] f d s
[utoh] f|f [uto] d d|
[tsqe]| s [tqfe] f d f
[tqW] g f f [tqW] d s|
[utoh]|f f [uto] d|f
[uto]||[uto]|s d
[tqfW]|f f [tqW] d|
[utof]| f [utof] ds|
[utoh] ff|[utof] dd|
[tsqe]| s [tqfe] f f d
[tqfW] h|f [tqW] d|s
[utof]||[uto]|s h
[uto] f|f [uto]||
[utof]||[uto]|s h
[uto] f|f [uto]||
[xuto]||[uto]|s h
[uto] f|f [uto] d s|
[tqfe] ff f [tqfe] ff f
[tqfW] ds|[tqW]||
[ute]|h j[utje] ff|
[ypI] hh j[ypjI] f|f
[ypI] f g f [ypI] d s|
[tqe]| h [tqje]| f
[tqfe] g|f [tqe] d s d
[utof] gf g[utof] ds d
[utof] gf g[utof]||
[ute]|h j[utje] ff|
[ypI] hh j[ypjI] ff|
[ypfI] g f|[ypfI] g f|
[tsqe]| s [tsqe] s s d
[tqfe]|g f [tqe]| f
[uto]|g f [uto]| d
f| d s||
[tqfe] df|f|d|
[tqfW] h|f|d d 80wtuosfhlxvm

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About This Music Sheet

This Is Home is a song by Cavetown. Use your computer keyboard to play This Is Home music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:04, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song This Is Home is classified in the genres: UK, Indie, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Folk.


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Other Songs By Cavetown

  • [qeu]||[eu]|e u
    [Wti]||[ti]|W i
    [wtu]||w [tu]|
    [qeu]||[eu]|e u
    [Wti]||[ti]|W i
    [Wtif]|s d [Wti]|f|
    [wtu]| d [wtuf] ds|
    [wtuh]|f f [wtu] s d|
    [etus]||[etus] ps d
    [Wtif] ff f[Wtif] gf|
    [wtu]||w [tu]|
    [Wtif]|s d [Wti]|f|
    [wtu]||[wtuf] fd s
    [wtuh] f|f[wtu] sd|
    [qeus]||[qeus] ss d
    [Wtif] ff f[Wtif] gf|
    w [tu]| [wtu]||
    [wufl]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wu]|t|
    [wufl]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu]||
    [wux]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu] d [ts]|
    [etuf] ff f[etuf] ff f
    [Wtif] ds|[Wti]||
    w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
    w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
    w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
    [etu]|[uf]|[etuf]|u d
    [Wtif]|[ts] d [Wti]|[tf]|
    [wtu]|u|[wtuf] f[ud] s
    [wtuh]|[uf] f [wtu] s [ud]|
    [etus]|u s [etuf] f [ud] f
    [Wtif]|[th] f [Wti] d [ts]|
    [wtuh]|[uf] f [wtu] d u f
    [wtu]|u|[wtu] s [ud]|
    [etuf]|u|[etu] f u|
    [Wtif]|[tf] f [Wti] d t f
    [wtu]|u f [wtuf] d[us]|
    [wtuh] f[uf] d[wtu] s[ud]|
    [etus]|u s [etuf] f[ud] s
    [Wtif] ht f [Wti] d t s
    [wtuf]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu]|t|
    [wtuf]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu]|t|
    [wtufx]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu] d [ts]|
    [etupf] f[tpf] f[etupf] f[tpf] f
    [etipf] [od][tos]|[eti]|t|
    [wtu]|t|[wtu]|[tp] o
    [etu]|h j[etuj] ff|
    [eyI] hh j[Ieyj] f|f
    [eyI] fg f[eyI] ds|
    [qet]| h [qetj]| f
    [qetf] g|f[qet] ds d
    [tuof] gf g[tuof] ds d
    [tuof] gf g[tuof]||
    [etu]|h j[etuj] ff|
    [eyI] hh j[Ieyj] ff|
    [Ieyf] gf|[Ieyf] gf|
    [qets]| s [qets] ss d
    [qetf]|g f [qet]| f
    [tuo]|g f [tuo]| d
    f| d f||
    f| d s||
    [ef] d[tf]|[uf]|[td]|
    [qeif] h|f[Wqi] s d

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:45
    This Is Home (Cavetown)



  • [to]| s| d| h| [h0]| a| |h| [he]| s| |h| [qh]| s| |p| [to]| [us]| [od]| [sh]| [roh0]| [uoa]| |h| [uhe]| s| |h| [utqph]| s| |p| [r5] 9 y w o| d| s| a| [ro730]| |s| a| [tpe60]| |d| s| [tqp84]| |a| | [ywro95]| [yod]| [ysro]| [ywa]| [wro730]| |[uts]| [ura]| [utpe60]| |[pd]| [us]| [ywoa95]| |[ypQI9$]| | [w81] 0 w 0 [w8] 0 w 0 [e6] 0 e 0 [e6] 0 e 0 [w7] 0 w 0 [w7] 0 w 0 [w5] 0 w 0 [w5] 0 w 0 [e6] 0 e 0 [e6] 0 e 0 [e3] 0 e 0 [e3] 0 e 0 [e4] 0 e 0 [e4] 0 e 0 [e2] 0 e 0 [e2] 0 e 0 [w952] 9 w [95] [w5] 9 w 9 [wt952] 9 w [95] [r975] 7 [r5] 9 [w730] 0 w [30] [w73] 0 w [30] [yw73] 0 w [30] [wr73] 0 [w3] 0 [e860] 8 0 [86] 6 [e60] 8 0 [86] [y60] 8 0 [86] [r60] 8 [60] 8 [qe84] 1 4 [84] [qe8] [84] [rqa] 4 8 w [tsie] q 4 8 [ypd6] 4 4 1 [sohf1]|[w8]|[wtslh0]|[to]|[uso]|[wt]|[xwvlh0]|[851]| [xvkh3]|0 w r [ukfa] o a h G f a o I u r w [vh0] 3 0 7 5 3 [vlh6]|[60]|[slfe80]|[utp] [utp] [utp] [utspjf]|[ute]|[ohe60]|[86]| [sohf4]|4 8 q [tsi] q e t u i p i u t e q [pj4] 8 q e t o [ohda1]|8|[zywd0]|8|[wtslh0]|8 0 w [rkfa]|[w0]| [ohfa3]|0 r u [ofa] I o a o u [srl] w r w 0 3 [kha0] 0 r u p s [spj6] 6 6 0 e t s a p u t u [ztd] e 6 0 e t [slf] u p s f j [pj4]|4 8 q [wte] q 8 4 8 q [ute] q 8 [tie] 4 8 [toe] 4 q [tpe]| [wto851]|1 5 8 [yod] 0 w t y o s o y t w 0 [ya8] 1 5 8 5 8 [wro3] 7 0 w r u u r w 0 7 3 [yd7] 0 w r t u [ra] u r 0 7 3 [e6] t p 6 6 [r0] [te] [u0] e 0 e 0 [r6] [t8] [yd0] e y e y e [ts] e t e t e [pe4] 8 q e r t u t r [qe] [r8] [tq] [u4] [t8] [rq] [e8] [rq] [t8] [uq] [t8] [rq] [e8] [r4] t [w1] [t5] [y8] [u0] [y8] [t5] [wo1] [t5] [y8] [u0] [y8] [t5] [w1] [t5] [y8] [u0] [y8] [t5] [wo1] [t5] [y8] [u0] [y8] [t5] [wo3] [r7] [t0] [u7] [t0] [r7] [r3] [w7] [r0] [u7] [t0] [r7] [w3] [r7] [t0] [u7] [t0] [r7] [wo3] [r7] [t0] [u7] [t0] [r7] [wo6] [r6] [t6] [u0] [t6] [r0] [te] [r0] [t8] [u6] [t6] [r6] [e6] [r6] [t6] [u0] [t6] [r0] [oe] [r0] [t8] [u6] [t6] r [wo4] [r4] [t4] [u8] [tq] [r8] [te4] [r8] [tq] [u4] [t8] [rq] [e4] [r8] [tq] [u8] [t4] r [pe2] 2 6 9 [ywo5] 5 7 9 7 [yroda] 9 e 9 w 9 [wts] 9 5 9 7 5 [ra5] 5 5 9 w 3 [wo3] 3 0 w r u 0 r u o a [sl0] r u o a f k a s [je] u p s f j k j f [za] p u [le] t u [sq] g j t u i p s [if] u t [qj] t i [ok]| [ywo] d h|w [zd] a p o [sol] w y [rka] w y [o0] a h r u I o a o I u 0 r [usl] o a [kf]| [se] f j u p s f s a s p u e u [vph] s f [hc]| [qh] l x t i [so] p o i| [tp]| [wto8]| s| d| [th]| [o0] a h|r a u a a o u [oh] r w [ph6] 0 e s e u o p s p o u t e [tph] u o [qo] s h t u p s i p u t e [yp9] q e [yo5] 9 w r y o [yod] w r y o s w y a r y o 3 7 0 w r u o I u r [s0] 3 7 [a0] w r [p6] 0 e t u r [utp] e 6 [ud0] r t [yus]| [t4] i p 8 w q e t o p s g p j i t [ke]| [h95]| [zd]| [sl]| [ka]| [oh73]| |[sl]| [ka]| [pje60]| |[zd]| [sl]| [p4] 8 s q f j| q e t u i p s f g [qj]|t|u|t|i|t|p
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:13
    Sextet (Cloud Atlas)

    Mark Fowler

  • 4 q @3 4% 4 4(834 q @4@% 48177@34 q4@3 % 4 4(87! * 29 @ 15 4q@([ig4]s[qO][oi]@3O4% 4 4(83[i4] qo@4[O@]% 48177@3[i4] q[o4]@3O% 4 4(87[u!] i29o@ 15 [sl4][qH][g@][s(][siO4] qo@3O4% [P4] [O4]([o8]3[siO4] qo@4[sO@]% 4[P8]1[sO7][sO7][o@]3[usO4] q[i4]@3o% 4O [o4]([i8]7[SO!][SO] 29[sO]@ 15 [slH4][sqlH]@([sigO4] q 4 q [sO4] q [sH4] q [ihSO!] * ! [iO] [g!] [O] [iSOH!][iO][g*] [soh5] w 5 w [g5] w [s5] w [slf1] [g8] [h1] [s8] [h1] [s8] [sl1]s[s8] [igOH4] [sq] [lH4] q [LJ4] q [lH4] q [kH!] * ! [iO*] [h!] * [iO!][iO][h*]H[PJ5] w [g5] w [H5] w [h5] [wg] [slf1] [g8] [h1] [s8] [h1] [s8] [sl1]s[s8] [tW4] q 4 q [E4] q [t4] q [iT!] * ! [iT] ! [W] [iTO!][iTO]* [uo5] w 5 w 5 [wt] [i5] w [uso1] [i8] [o1] [so8] [o1] [t8] [so1][so][t8] [ti4] q [t4] q [S4] q [s4] q [tiP!] * ! [tsi] [P!] [s] [tiP!][ti][i*] [sO5] w [o5] w 5 w [i5] w [us1] [i8] [o1] [s8] [o1] [t8] [so1]s[o8] [i4] q @3 4% 4 4(834 q @4@% 48177@34 q4@3 % 4 4(87! * 29 @ 15 4q@([ig4]s[qO][oi]@3O4% 4 4(83[i4] qo@4[O@]% 48177@3[i4] q[o4]@3O% 4 4(87[u!] i29o@ 15 [sl4][qH][g@][s(][siO4] qo@3O4% [P4] [O4]([o8]3[siO4] qo@4[sO@]% 4[P8]1[sO7][sO7][o@]3[usO4] q[i4]@3o% 4O [o4]([i8]7[SO!][SO] 29[sO]@ 15 [slH4][sqlH]@([sigO4] q 4 q [sO4] q [sH4] q [ihSO!] * ! [iO] [g!] [O] [iSOH!][iO][g*] [soh5] w 5 w [g5] w [s5] w [slf1] [g8] [h1] [s8] [h1] [s8] [sl1]s[s8] [igOH4] [sq] [lH4] q [LJ4] q [lH4] q [kH!] * ! [iO*] [h!] * [iO!][iO][h*]H[PJ5] w [g5] w [H5] w [h5] [wg] [slf1] [g8] [h1] [s8] [h1] [s8] [sl1]s[s8] [tW4] q 4 q [E4] q [t4] q [iT!] * ! [iT] ! [W] [iTO!][iTO]* [uo5] w 5 w 5 [wt] [i5] w [uso1] [i8] [o1] [so8] [o1] [t8] [so1][so][t8] [ti4] q [t4] q [S4] q [s4] q [tiP!] * ! [tsi] [P!] [s] [tiP!][ti][i*] [sO5] w [o5] w 5 w [i5] w [us1] [i8] [o1] [s8] [o1] [t8] [so1]s[o8] i

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:47
    Deep Sea Bass (Crypt of the Necrodancer)

    Danny Baranowsky

  • [pi9]|[sp] [sf]|[sp]|[pi] [ri] [ri] [ri]| |[uW] [ie9] [pi] [sp] [sf]|[sp]|[pi] [roha]||[PIGE] [pige]| |[a8]|[uof] p|[wf]|[ta]|[uof]|[PE] [pe]|[uo]|[oeY4] [oeY4] [oeY4]| |[oeY4] [oeY4] [oeY4]| |[yrI]|[iTE]|[ute]|[sp] [sf]|[sp9]|[pQI] [wroi] [wroi] [wroi]|[ha] [ha] [ha]|2 [pi] [sp] [sf9]|[sp2]|[pi] [wofa5]| |[qpid4]| |[wd5] P [yiE] [u8]|[utd] P u [sq4] p [teY] [y^]|[yOE] i y [ywuo8] [ywuo8] [ywuo8]| |[SE] [rd] [fT] [yg] [ji] [lP]|||t|T|[yw5]|[wE] [T9] y [wE]|0 8 [wE] t [wT] y p [yE] u [yq4]|[te] [T8] y [te]|0 q [te]|8 y|[teY]|[ur7]|[yQ] [Y0] u [T0]|% 6 [T0] u [Y3] u a [T0] I [ue6]|[te] [I9] y [te]|u [wi5] [sp]|i [yuoa] [yuoa] [yuoa]|[pi9]|[sp] [sf]|[sp]|[pi] [ri] [ri] [ri]| |[uW] [ie9] [pi] [sp] [sf]|[sp]|[pi] [roha]||[PIGE] [pige]| |[a8]|[uof] p|[wf]|[ta]|[uof]|[PE] [pe]|[uo]|[oeY4] [oeY4] [oeY4]| |[oeY4] [oeY4] [oeY4]| |[yrI]|[iTE]|[ute]|[sp] [sf]|[sp9]|[pQI] [wroi] [wroi] [wroi]|[ha] [ha] [ha]|2 [pi] [sp] [sf9]|[sp2]|[pi] [wofa5]| |[qpid4]| |[wd5] P [yiE] [u8]|[utd] P u [sq4] p [teY] [y^]|[yOE] i y [ywuo8] [ywuo8] [ywuo8]| |[SE] [rd] [fT] [yg] [ji] [lP]|||t|T|[yw5]|[wE] [T9] y [wE]|0 8 [wE] t [wT] y p [yE] u [yq4]|[te] [T8] y [te]|0 q [te]|8 y|[teY]|[ur7]|[yQ] [Y0] u [T0]|% 6 [T0] u [Y3] u a [T0] I [ue6]|[te] [I9] y [te]|u [wi5] [sp]|i [yuoa] [yuoa] [yuoa]

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:45
    Mii Channel