Music Sheet Difficulty Intermediate

Enjoy this range of intermediate piano songs for competent Virtual Pianists. Intermediate songs contain multiple octaves as well as fast and slow rhythms. They also require you to play 3-5 keys at the same time. Intermediate piano songs include Solfeggietto by Bach, All of Me by John Legend, Memories by Maroon 5 and Wiegenlied by Johannes Brahms. Practice these songs when you have mastered songs in the Easy category.

Music Sheets

  • [tuoh]|g|f|g|g|f|d|s d
    [tipf] d s|g| f| d|
    [tuoh]|g|f|g|g|f|d|s d
    [tipf] d s|g| f| d|
    8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
    q|t o [is]|t o [qs] d t f i d t s
    8|w s [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
    8|w o [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
    q|t o [is] s [ts] s [qs] d t f i d t s
    8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
    6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s]|[0s] s e d 0|
    6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s] s 0 s e d 0 a
    5|[9p]|w|[9o] o 5|9|[wg] f [9s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    q|[ts] a [is]|[ta] s q|t o [ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
    [qf]|t|[id]|t s q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    q|[ts] s i d t d q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
    8|w o [ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
    q|[ts]|[is]|t o [qs] d t f i d t s
    8|w s [ts] s [ws]|[8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
    8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wa] s t o w|
    q|t o [is]|t o [qs] d [tf] f i d t s
    8|w|[ts] s [ws] s [8s]|[wd] f t|[wo] p
    6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s]|0 s e d 0|
    6|0|[es] s [0s] s [6s] s 0 s e d 0 a
    5|[9p]|w|[9o] o 5|9|[wg] f [9s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    q|[ts] a [is]|[ta] s q|t o [ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
    [qf]|t|[id]|t s q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    q|[ts] s i d t d q|t|[ig] f [ts] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
    [80w]| t|t|o|o|i|u|
    [8qei]|u|t| |y|
    [80wy]| [80w]|8|[80w]| [80w]|[8y]|
    [79w]| [79w]|7|[79w]| [79wg] f [7s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    4|[8s] a [qs]|[8a] s 4|8 o [qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
    [4ipsf]|8|[qd]|8 [ips] 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    4|[8s] s q d 8 d 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
    [6psf]|0|e|0|[5oad]|9|[wg] f [9s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    4|[8s] a [qs]|[8a] s 4|8 o [qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|w|
    [4ipsf]|8|[qd]|8 [ips] 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws] a [ts]|[wa] s 8 o w o [tg] f [ws] s
    4|[8s] s q d 8 d 4|8|[qg] f [8s] s
    8|[ws]|[ts]|[wa] s 8 o w|t|[wo]|
    [4qpsf]| |[5woad]||[uos]|

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:24
    All I Want For Christmas Is New Year's Day (Hurts)


  • [9qro]
    [80to] [8wtu][8tuo] [8tuo] [8wtu][8tuo]
    [qtip] [qtp] [qwia] [qeis] [qeis] [8tip]
    [8tuo] [8wtu] [80to] [60to] [6wtu] [3eto]
    [4eyi] [5wtu] [5qry] [80wt]| [80w]
    [8wtu] [8wtu][8etu] [8wtu]| [8wtu][8wtu]
    [80to] [7wyi] [8wtu] [5wty] [59ri] [5w]
    [5wri] [5ryi][5eti] [wri]| [wryi][wruo]
    [5wip] [5wuo] [7wyi] [8wtu]| [8wtu]
    [80to] [80to][80to] [0wto] [9wri] [e8tu]
    [4etp] [4eyp] [8ytp] [8tup] [8tuo] [8wtu]
    [80to] [8qtp][80to] [8wtu] [8etu] [3eto]
    [4eyi] [5wtu] [5qry] [80t]| [8wtu]
    [5wry] [qwry] [0wtu] [9wri][9wri] [5wry]
    [8wtu] [8wtu] [9wri] [0to][0to] [0tuo]
    [qtip] [qtip] [qtip] [qeis] [qroa] [qtip]
    [8tuo] [8wtu] [6qt] [5qty] r [9qro]
    [80to] [8wtu][8tuo] [8tuo] [8wtu][8tuo]
    [qtip] [qtp] [qwia] [qeis] [qeis] [8tip]
    [8tuo] [8wtu] [80to] [60to] [6wtu] [3eto]
    [4eyi] [5wtu] [5qry] [80wt]| [80w]
    [8wtu] [8wtu][8etu] [8wtu]| [8wtu][8wtu]
    [80to] [7wyi] [8wtu] [5wty] [59ri] [5w]
    [5wri] [5ryi][5eti] [wri]| [wryi][wruo]
    [5wip] [5wuo] [7wyi] [8wtu]| [8wtu]
    [80to] [80to][80to] [0wto] [9wri] [e8tu]
    [4etp] [4eyp] [8ytp] [8tup] [8tuo] [8wtu]
    [80to] [8qtp][80to] [8wtu] [8etu] [3eto]
    [4eyi] [5wtu] [5qry] [80t]| [8wtu]
    [5wry] [qwry] [0wtu] [9wri][9wri] [5wry]
    [8wtu] [8wtu] [9wri] [0to][0to] [0tuo]
    [qtip] [qtip] [qtip] [qeis] [qroa] [qtip]
    [8tuo] [8wtu] [6qt] [5qty] r [9qro]
    [80to] [8wtu][8tuo] [8tuo] [8wtu][8tuo]
    [qtip] [qtp] [qwia] [qeis] [qeis] [8tip]
    [8tuo] [8wtu] [80to] [60to] [6wtu] [3eto]
    [4eyi] [5wtu] [5qry] [80wt]

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:33
    He Giveth More Grace


  • [wr]|y o p a
    [wro] y|[we]|
    [wt]|y [wro] p a
    [etp]| [er]|
    [ey]|u [etp] a s
    [wya] p|[Qy]|
    [0y]|y [Qya] d ap
    [wro]| [we]|
    [wt]|o [wrf] f f
    [tud] s|[ty]|
    [ti]|o [tus] d f
    [yid]| [yu]|
    [yo]|p [yid] f g
    [tof] d|[ro]|
    [eo]|o [rof] h fd
    [tus]| [ty]|
    [ti]|s [tuj] j jj
    [qeh] g|[qw]|
    [qE]|gg[qeg] h j
    [wrh]| [we]|
    [wt]|h [wrh] g f
    [9qd] d|[9q] 9 0
    [qe]|d d s a
    [80os]| [8qps]|
    [80os]| [15fl]

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:36
    So This Is Christmas (John Lennon)

    John Lennon

  • u|i [8o] p o [0wtI]|o
    [qp]| [etis]|
    [8f]| [0wto]|
    8| [0wt]|
    [8f]| [0wt]|f
    [5d]| [80w]|s
    [4p]| [68q]|
    4| [68qp]|a
    [4s] [8d] [qs] [ep]|P
    [5a] 9 w r|
    [5a] [9s] [wa] [ro]|O
    [6p] 0 e t|P
    [5a] 9 [ws] [rd]|f
    [5d] 9 [ws] [ra]|p
    [5d]| [79w]|
    5| u|i
    [8o] p o [0wtI]|o
    [qp]| [etis]|
    [8f]| [0wto]|
    8| [0wt]|
    [8f]| [0wt]|f
    [5d]| [80w]|s
    [4p]| [68q]|
    4| [68qp]|a
    [4s] [8d] [qs] [ea]|s
    [5a] 9 w [rp]|O
    [5o] 9 [wp] [rs]|f
    [6h] 0 e [to]|p
    [9g] e y i|
    [5a] 9 w r|
    [8s]| [0wt]|

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:48
    It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

    Meredith Willson

  • [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80s]|
    [9o]|i|[qeu]|y|[5et]| [9ry]|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80tos]|
    [9t]| [qe]| [5r]|t|[79y]|i|
    [8tu]| [0wo]| [6uos]| [80osf]|
    [9d]|s|[qea]|p|[5o]| [9i]|
    [0u]| [Wrs]|a|[6P]| [*0p]|
    9| [Qes]|a|[8P]| [0wp]|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80s]|
    [9o]|i|[qeu]|y|[5et]| [9ry]|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80tos]|
    [9t]| [57e]| [5r]|t|[79y]|i|
    [8tu]| [0wo]| [6uos]| [80f]|
    [9yid]|s|[qea]|p|[0yiO]| [Wra]|
    [6up]| [80up]|||
    [589tu]| [tu]| [8w]| |
    [Qtf]| f| [qtf]| d|s|
    [0ya]|s|d| [t(I]| s|a|
    [9tp]|a|s| [579u]| [Ya]|
    [Qes]| s| [7es]| a|p|
    [I0wo]|[up]|a| |[(wo]|p|
    [9wa]|s|d| 6| [80y]|
    [9ti]| [qe]| [5r]|t|[9y]|u|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80s]|
    [9o]|i|[qeu]|y|[5et]| [9ry]|
    [8t]| [0wu]| [6o]| [80tos]|
    [9t]| [qe]| [5r]|t|[79y]|i|
    [0wu]| o| [6ws]| f|
    [7eg]|f|d|s|[W0yia]| d|
    [680]|t|u|O|s| f|
    [qetips]| i| p| s|
    [9qef]|d|s|a|[5ip]| [O79ia]|
    [8uos]| |[0w]| |
    [adh]|[psg]|[oaf]|[ipd]|[8oaf]| [0w]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:10
    Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

    Judy Garland

  • [xvbm]|h|[zxvn]|h|
    [lzcb]|[hkzv]||u o
    [8p]|[0u]|5|[0u] o
    [8p]|[0p]|[o*]|[0o] r 9|q|5|q| [9a]|[qa]|[5a]|q p [9o]|[qo]|[5o]|q i [9o]|[qo]|[5i]|[qy]| [8u]|0|5|f d [8us]|[0us]|[5ua]|[0ua]| [8p]|[0u]|5|[0u] o [8p]|[0p]|[o*]|[0o] r
    [9a]|[qa]|[5a]|q p
    [9o]|[qo]|[5o]|q u
    [qetus]||p| s
    [0wrya]|o|u| a
    [9i]|q|[ei]| i
    [wo]|q|9|f d
    [8p]|[0u]|5|[0u] o
    [8p]|[0p]|[*o]|[0o] r
    [9a]|[qa]|[5a] p [qo] i

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:12
    Holly Jolly Christmas

    Johnny Marks

  • [6e] [680u]| [80u]
    [6Y]u[80i] 3 [80u]
    [2y] [9qep] 6 [qe]
    9 [qe] 6 [qe]
    [9p]y[qep] 6 [qep]
    [9O]p[qea] 6 [qep]
    [6s] [680] 3 [80]
    6 [80] 3 [80]
    [6d]f[80p] 3 [80p]
    [6a] [80s] [3a]sap[80]
    [2d] [9qep] 6 [qe]
    9 [qe] 6 [qep]a
    [9s] [qes]d[6a] [qea]s
    [9p] [qep]a[6O] [qeu]Y
    [6p] [etu] 7 [etu]
    [18] [etu] [30] [etu]
    [6d]f[80p] 3 [80p]
    [6a] [80s] [3a]sap[80]
    [2d] [9qep] 6 [qe]
    9 [qe] 6 [qep]a
    [9s] [qes]d[6a] [qea]s
    [9p] [qep]a[6O] [qeu]Y
    [6p] [etu] 7 [etu]
    [18] [etu] [30] [etu]
    [6e] [680u] 3 [80u]
    [6ep]| [30u]|

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:26
    The Game is On (Sherlock)

    David Arnold

  • l| l l||
    l| l l|l|
    [8tl] h z h [8tx] h z l
    [9yh] l z h [9yx] h z h
    [6el] h z h [6ex] h z l
    [6eh] l z h [5wx] h z h
    [8tl] h z h [8tx] h z l
    [9yh] l z h [9yx] h z h
    [6el] h z h [6ex] h z l
    [6eh] l z h [5wx] h z|
    [6etu]|e t [5wry]|t|
    [6etu]|e t [5wry]|t|
    [18to] t [8u] [to] [18t] u [8to] t
    [29yp] y [9i] [yp] [29y] i [9yp] y
    [6eu] e [6t] [eu] [6e] t [6eu] e
    [6eu] e [6t] [eu] [5w] r [5wy] r
    [18to] t [8u] [to] [18t] u [8to] t
    [29yp] y [9i] [yp] [29y] i [9yp] y
    [6eu] e [6t] [eu] [6e] t [6eu] e
    [6eu] e [6t] [eu] [5w] r [5wy] r
    [18to] t [8u] [to] [18t] u [8to] t
    [29yp] y [9i] [yp] [29y] i [9yp] y
    [6eu] e [6t] [eu] [6e] t [6eu] e
    [6eu] e [6t] [eu] [5w] r [5wy] r
    [18to] t [8u] [to] [18t] u [8to] t
    [29yp] y [9i] [yp] [29y] i [9yp] y

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:48
    This Is Gospel (Panic! At The Disco)

    Panic! At the Disco

  • pps[9d]s[yid] [yi]
    e [yi]p[yip]a[6s]a[tus] [tu]
    e [tu]p[tup]s[5a] [ru] [ru]p[wp] [rup] [ru]o[4p] [et] [et]
    q [et]p[etp]s[9d]s[yid] [yi]
    ef[yid]s[yip]a[6s]a[tus] [tu]
    e [tus]s[tus]d[5a] [ru] [ru]p[wp] [rup] [ru]o[4p] [et] [et]
    [qa] [ey] [ey] [qs] [eu] [eu] [eu]|
    [9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]z[yil]k[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]k[ruj]h[4j] [et] [et] q [etf]j[etk]l[9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]x[yil]k[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]h[ruk]x[qj] [et] [et] [qk] [ey] [ey]
    [ql] [eu] [eu] [eu]|
    [9g] [yi] [yi]
    efg[yif]d[yis]d[6f] [tu] [tu]
    e [tu] [tus] [5a] [ru] [ruf]
    w [ru] [ru] [4p] [et] [et]
    qp[eta]s[etd]f[9g] [yi] [yi]
    efg[yif]d[yis]d[6f] [tu] [tu]
    e [tu] [tuf] [5h] [ru] [ruk]
    w [rul] [ru] [qj] [et] [et]
    [qk] [ey] [ey] [ql] [eu] [eu] [eu]|
    [9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]z[yil]k[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]k[ruj]h[4j] [et] [et]
    qkl[etk]j[etk]l[9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]x[yil]k[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]h[ruk]x[qj] [et] [et]
    [qk] [ey] [ey] [ql] [eu] [eu]
    [eu]| [pj][sl][9dz] [yi] [yi]
    e[fx][yidz][sl][yiak][pj][5ak] [ru] [ru]
    w [ruak][ak][ruak][ak][6sl] [tu] [tu]
    [8ak] [ru] [ru]
    [qpj] [et] [et]
    q [et][pj][etpj][sl][9dz] [yi] [yi]
    e[fx][yidz][sl][yiak][pj][5ak] [ru] [ru]
    w [ruak][ak][ruak][ak][6sl] [tu] [tu]
    [8dz] [ru] [rufx]
    [qpj] [et] [et]
    [qak] [ey] [ey]
    [qsl] [eu] [eu]
    [9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]zx[yiz]l[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]jk[ruj]h[4j] [et] [et]
    qkl[etk]j[etk]l[9z]j[yig]z[yij]g[ez]j[yig]zx[yiz]l[6l]k[tuf]l[tuk]f[el]k[tuf]l[tuk]j[5k]h[ruf]k[ruh]f[wk]h[ruf]h[ruk]x[4j] [et] [et]
    4 [et] [et]
    k| l

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:01
    Idea 10 (Gibran Alcocer)

    Gibran Alcocer

  • [8s] o s d [wa] o a s
    [tp] o o i i u y o
    [8s] o s d [wa] o a s
    [tp] o o i i u y o
    [8s] o s d [wa] o a s
    [8wf]|0|[8eg] f d s
    [58s] o s d [7wa] o a s
    [etp] o o i [ei] u y t
    [8wipd]|[epg]|[tsf] y t r
    [5wgk]|0 h [58sf]||
    [57dk]|w h [8wsf]||
    [59ry]|7 u [8tu]|7|
    6| t [48u]|[5o]|
    [59qod]| f [etosf]|r|
    [qeip] f [9qj] h [0wf]|f d
    [5wad]|0 f [9I]|p a
    [6qps]|e d [qes] a p f
    [9edG]| h [0wf] G d f
    [8sh]|[tsh]|[rsh]|[sh] w
    [80esh]|[sh] w [8wsh]|[sh]|
    [8sf] 0 [wd] 9 [79dg]|f|
    [5ad] 9 [eg]|[8wusf]|0|
    8|[5wsf]|[qeg]|w f
    [59od] f g f [8sf] 0 w|
    [0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
    [0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
    [79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
    [rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
    [79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
    [rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
    [ry] Q r Q [ry] w r w
    [eu] 0 e [0I] [79I]|[6]| 7|[9ad]|[5G]|[Gj]|
    [S6f]|9 G [9dG]|| [Q7a]|[9k] j [59dG]|[G] f
    [60of]|9 G [O37a]|[6a] S
    [59ad]|* f [9ed] S a S
    [0rad]|d f [Q7ed] S [Qa] S
    [5ad]|[7d] f [9ed] S [0a] p
    [5oa] p [9a] S [ed] f [9G] H
    [9ed] p d f [w*S] p S d
    [59a] p p o [!5o] I u y 2

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:46
    Flying Theme (How to Train Your Dragon)

    John Powell

  • [ej]|u|[ij]| k|l|
    [ek]|y|u| |
    [ej]|[tf]|[yg]| f|d|
    [ej]|u|[ij]| k|l|
    [wz]|u|y| |
    9 Q e y| |8|
    [6ep]|0|[qep]| [ra]|[ts]|
    [6ra]|9|0| |
    [6ep]|[80u]|[9qi]| [0u]|[9y]|
    [50u]|8|7| 5|
    [4ep]|8|[9ep]| [ra]|[ts]|
    [2yd]|6|9|0|q|[euf] [ig]
    2 5 7| 2| [57]|O|
    [6p]|9|0|9|0 a 9 s
    [5f]|7|9|w|[rh]| [ej]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:22
    Title Theme (Hollow Knight)

    Christopher Larkin

  • [is] gj gs [is] gj gs
    [oa] fh fa [oa] fh fa
    [up] fj fp [up] fj fp
    [oa] fh fa [oa] fh fa
    [is] gj gs [is] gj gs
    [oa] fh fa [oa] fh fa
    [up] fj fp [up] fj fp
    [oa] fh fa [oa] fh fa
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [esj]||h [sj] hg [pf]
    [wd]| s| [ad]||y
    [eps]| [pd]| [sf]| [sh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [esj]||h [sj] hg [pf]
    [wd]| s| [ad]||y
    [eps]| [pd]| [sf]| [sh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o fd
    p| |[ups]|
    [psf]| u| [pd]| u|
    p| |[ups]|
    [oaf]| u| [od]| u|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [esj]||h [sj] hg [pf]
    [wd]| a| |[ah] y
    [eps]| [pd]| [sf]| [sh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [esj]||h [sj] hg [pf]
    [wd]| a| |[ah] y
    [eps]| [pd]| [sf]| [sh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o fd
    p| |[ups]|
    [psf]| u| [pd]| u|
    p| |[ups]|
    [oaf]| u| [od]| u|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [qipf]| [ips]| [ipf] ds [ip]
    [wo]| a| [ad]||y
    [eup]| [oa]| [os]| [sfh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [tsj]||h [sj] hg [pf]
    [wd]| a| |[ah] y
    [eps]| [pd]| [sf]| [sh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o|
    [tsj]||h [sj] hg [pf]
    [wd]| a| |[ah] y
    [eps]| [pd]| [sf]| [sh]|
    [woaf]| o| [oad]| o fd
    p| |[ups]|
    [psf]| u| [pd]| u|
    p| |[ups]|
    [0oaf]| |[0od]||fd

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:42
    Call Me by Your Name (Mystery of Love)

    Sufjan Stevens

  • 8|w|t|u|f|
    8|w|t| [qwh] f g h
    [8s]|0|w| [5qp] a s
    [8o]|0|w|j|[5qh] f g h
    [8s]|0|w|d|[5qp] a s
    [8o]|0|w|o|[8eo] I o p
    [5a]|9|w| [qp] a d
    [9p]|q|e| p o p a
    [6s]|0|e| a s f
    [0a]|w|r| G d f G
    [6s]|0|e| h f G h
    [8J]|(|w| [9tk] s d G
    [wth]| 5| [5qh] f g h
    [8s]|0|w| [5qp] a s
    [8o]|0|w|j|[5qh] f g h
    [8s]|0|w|d|[5qp] a s
    [8o]|0|w|o|[8eo] I o p
    [5a]|9|w| [qp] a d
    [9p]|q|e| p o p a
    [6s]|0|e| a s f
    [0a]|w|r| G d f G
    [6s]|0|e| h f G h
    [8J]|(|w| [9tk] s d G
    [wth]| 5| [5qh] f g h
    [8s]|0|w| [5qp] a s
    [8s]|0|w| [5qe] w e

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:26
    Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini (Rachmaninoff)

    Sergei Rachmaninoff

  • 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8
    1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1t] [8t] [1t] [8t] [1u] 8 [1u] [8u]
    [1o] [8o] 1 [8f] 1 [8d] [1s] 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1t] [8t] [1t] [8t] [1u] [8u] [1u] [8u]
    [1o] [8o] [1o] [8o] [1f] [8d] [1s] 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [8ps] [ps] [ps] [ps] [o^P] [oP] [oP] [oP]
    [6ip] [ip] [ip] [ip] [5uo] [uo] [uo] [uo]
    [1t] [8t] [1E] [8t] 1 [8w] 1 [8w]
    [1t] [8i] [1u] [8t] 1 8 1 8
    [1uo] [8uo] [1uo] 8 [1yi] [8yi] [1yi] 8
    [1tu] [8tu] [1tu] 8 [1tu] 8 [1tu] 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [8et] [et] [et] [et] [w^E] [wE] [wE] [wE]
    [6qe] [qe] [qe] [qe] [50w] [0w] [0w] [0w]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
    E|E W E|E W
    E W E W Y|T|
    E|E W E|E W
    T E E W W|E|
    [1E] 8 [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] [8W]
    [1E] [8W] [1E] [8W] [1Y] 8 [1T] 8
    [1E] 8 [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] [8W]
    [1T] [8E] [1E] [8W] [1E] 8 [1E] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8t]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8Y] [1O] 8
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8t] [1Y] [8t] [1Y] [8i]
    [1i] 8 [1i] [8Y] [1i] [8i] [1W] 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] 1 8 1 8
    [1s] [8s] [1P] [8s] 1 [8o] 1 [8o]
    [1s] [8g] [1f] [8s] [%O]|[5o]|
    [4i] i Y i 1 [8t] 1 [8t]
    [4i] P p [4i]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:57
    Funky Town (Lipps Inc.)

    Lipps Inc.

  • 4 [8q]|[8q]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    [6tp] [0e]|[0e]
    [6u] [0e]|[0e]
    [4ti] [8q]|[8qo]i
    [8tu] [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4is] [8q]|[8qp]
    [6tuo] [0e]|[0e]
    [5ru] [9w]|[9wy]
    [8t] [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4ip] [8q]|[8qa]
    [6us] [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    [4ipf] [8qd]|[8qf]d
    [8us] [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4is] [8q]|[8qp]
    [6tuo] [0e]|[0e]
    [5ru] [9w]|[9wy]
    [8t] [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4p] [8qp] p [8qy]
    [6u] [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0et]
    [4i] [8qi] i [8qu]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4p] [8qp] p [8qy]
    [6u] [0e]|[0ey]
    5 [9w] r [9wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4p] [8qp] p [8qy]
    [6u] [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0et]
    [4i] [8qi] i [8qu]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4p] [8qp] p [8qy]
    [6u] [0e] o [0ey]
    5 [9w] r [9wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    4 [8qtp] [tp] [8qto]
    [8tu] [wt]|[wt]
    [6to] [0etu] [to] [0etu]
    [5ty] [9wry]|[9wt]
    4 [8qtp] [tp] [8qto]
    [8tu] [wt]|[wt]
    [6to] [0etu] [to] [0etu]
    [5ty] [9wry]|[9wt]
    4 [8qtp] [tp] [8qty]
    [8tu] [wt]|[wt]
    [6to] [0etu] [to] [0etu]
    [5ty] [9wry]|[9wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4tp] [8qtp] [tp] [8qto]
    6 [0ety] [tu] [0e]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0et]
    [4ti] [8q] [ti] [8qtu]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4ti] [8qti] [ti] [8qtu]
    [6tu] [0e]|[0ety]
    5 [9w] r [9wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4ti] [8qti] [ti] [8qtu]
    [6tu] [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e]|[0et]
    [4ti] [8qti] [ti] [8qtu]
    [8tu] [wt]|[wty]
    8 [wt] r [wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [4ti] [8qti] [ti] [8qtu]
    [6tu] [0e] [ty] [0ety]
    5 [9w] r [9w]
    [8t] [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    4 [8qtp] [tp] [8qto]
    [8tu] [wt]|[wt]
    [6to] [0etu] [to] [0etu]
    [5ty] [9wry]|[9wt]
    4 [8qtp] [tp] [8qto]
    [8tu] [wt]|[wt]
    [6to] [0etu] [to] [0etu]
    [5ty] [9wry]|[9wt]
    4 [8qtp] [tp] [8qty]
    [8tu] [wt]|[wt]
    [6to] [0etu] [to] [0etu]
    [5ty] [9wry]|[9wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt] [8t] [wt]
    [4tp] [8q]|[8q]
    4 [8q] [tu] [8qto]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [5ro] [9w]|[9w]
    5 [9w] [rp] [9wtu]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e] [5t] [0et]
    [4tip] [8q]|[8q]
    4 [8q] [tu] [8qtuo]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    8 [wt]|[wt]
    [5ryo] [9w]|[9w]
    5 [9w] [ryp] [9wtu]
    6 [0e]|[0e]
    6 [0e] 5 [0e]
    [4tip] [8q] 4 [8q]
    4 [8q] [4ia] [8quos]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    [5adh] [9w] 5 [9w]
    5 [9w] [5adj] [9wsf]
    6 [0e] 6 [0e]
    6 [0e] 5 [0e]
    [4sgj] [8q] 4 [8q]
    4 [8q] [4sf] [8qsfh]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    [5adh] [9w] 5 [9w]
    5 [9w] [5adj] [9wsf]
    6 [0e] 6 [0e]
    6 [0e] 5 [0e]
    [4tip] 8 q w
    e|[tu] [tuo]
    8 w t y
    [5ryo] 9 w e
    r|[ryp] [tu]
    6 0 e r
    [4tip] 8 q w
    e|[tu] [tuo]
    8 w t y
    [5ryo] 9 w e
    r|[ryp] [tu]
    6 0 e t
    6 [0e] 5 [0e]
    [4tip] [8q] 4 [8q]
    4 [8q] [4ia] [8quos]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    [5adh] [9w] 5 [9w]
    5 [9w] [5adj] [9wsf]
    6 [0e] 6 [0e]
    6 [0e] 5 [0e]
    [4sgj] [8q] 4 [8q]
    4 [8q] [4sf] [8qsfh]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    8 [wt] 8 [wt]
    [5adh] [9w] 5 [9w]
    5 [9w] [5adj] [9wsf]
    6 [0e] 6 [0e]
    6 [0e] 5 [0e]
    [4ips] [8q] 4 [8q]
    4 [8q] [4a] [8q]
    [8uos] [wt] 8 [wt]
    8 [wt] [8d] [wt]
    [5yos] [9w] 5 [9w]
    5 [9w] [5a] [9w]
    [6ups] [0e] 6 [0ed]
    [6s] [0ea] [5p] [0ea]
    [4ips] [8q] 4 [8q]
    4 [8q] [4a] [8q]
    [8uos] [wt] 8 [wt]
    8 [wt] [8d] [wt]
    [5yos] [9w] 5 [9w]
    5 [9w] [5a] [9w]

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:23
    Stubborn Love (The Lumineers)

    The Lumineers

  • [tus]||[rif]ds d f
    [tus]|l h h f f s
    [wyg]||[wtg]fd f g
    [wrd]|h j h f g d
    [ts] o u o [tf]d[Ps] [od] [Pf]
    [tg] p i p [tk]j[ih] [yj] [ik]
    [ul] h [ij] g [of] h [wg] d
    [rd] w r w [tg] [wf] [td] [wf]
    [yh] g z l k j h g
    [tf] w t w [yh] [wg] [yf] [wg]
    [uj] h x z l k j h
    [wyg]|z l k j [wrh] g
    [wtf]|l k j h [weg] f
    [wrd]|o p a s d f
    g|f g h g d f
    [tus]||[rif]ds d f
    [tus]|l h h f f s
    [wyg]||[wtg]fd f g
    [wrd]|h j h f g d
    [ts] o u o [tf]d[Ps] [od] [Pf]
    [tg] p i p [tk]j[ih] [uj] [ik]
    [ul] h [ij] g [of] h [wg] d
    [rd] w r w [tg] [wf] [td] [wf]
    [yh] g z l k j h g
    [tf] w t w [yh] [wg] [yf] [wg]
    [uj] h x z l k j h
    [wyg]|z l k j [wrh] g
    [wtf]|l k j h [weg] f
    [wrd]|o p a s d f
    g|f g h g d f
    [tus]||[rif]ds d f
    [tus]|l h h f f s
    [wyg]||[wtg]fd f g
    [wrd]|h j h f g d
    [ts] o u o [tf]d[Ps] [od] [Pf]
    [tg] p i p [tk]j[ih] [uj] [ik]
    [ul] h [ij] g [of] h [wg] d
    [wh] y i y [wh] y [ih] y
    [wh] t u t [wl] t [ux] t
    [wv] r y r [wv] r [yv] r
    [wx] t u t w t u t
    [wh] y i y [wh] y [ih] y
    [wh] t u t [wl] t [uc] t
    [wv] r y r [wk] r y r

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:29
    Sonatina in G major, Anh. 5 (Beethoven)

    Ludwig van Beethoven

  • 1| [wtu]| 5| 8|
    3| [ruo]| 7| 0|
    2| [tip]| 6| 9|
    [5iad]| 9 7 6| 5 w [1u]| |
    5 w [8u] y [7u]| |
    0 w [7u] y [^u]| |
    0 w [^u] y [6y]| T| 0| 6 e [2i]| |
    6 e [9i] u [2i]| |
    6 e [9i] u [5i]| |
    9 o [5y] y [1i]| u| 5| 8 I [1o]| |
    5 I [8o] p [1o]| |
    5 p [8u] o [4i]| |
    8 i [1i] u [4o]| i| 8| 4 i [1u]| |
    5 w [8i] u [5y]| |
    [9r] t5y [4y]| |
    4 3 2 [1t]| 5| 6| 7 w [1u]| |
    5 w [8u] y [7u]| |
    0 w [7u] y [^u]| |
    0 w [^u] y [6y]| T| 0| 6 e [2i]| |
    6 e [9i] u [2i]| |
    6 e [9i] u [5i]| |
    9 o [5y] y [1i]| u| 5| 8 I [1o]| |
    5 I [8o] p [1o]| |
    5 p [8u] o [4i]| |
    8 i [1i] u [4o]| i| 8| 4 i [1u]| |
    5 w [8i] u [5y]| |
    [9r] t5y [4y]| |
    4 3 2 [1t]| |
    [5u] i8o [1o]| |
    5 p [8o] I [1o]| |
    5 I [8o] p [4p]| |
    [8o] o [1p] o [4p]| |
    8 p [4a] s [2s]| |
    6 p [2s] p [5a]| |
    9 a [5s] d [3d]| |
    7 f [3a] d [6s]| |
    0 p [6a] s [2s]| |
    6 p [9s] p [5a]| |
    9 a [2s] d [5d]| |
    9| 5| [1s]| 5| 6| 7 w [1u]| |
    5 w [8u] y [7u]| |
    0 w [7u] y [^u]| |
    0 w [^u] y [6y]| T| 0| 6 e [2i]| |
    6 e [9i] u [2i]| |
    6 e [9i] u [5i]| |
    9 o [5y] y [1i]| u| 5| 8 I [1o]| |
    5 I [8o] p [1o]| |
    5 p [8u] o [4i]| |
    8 i [1i] u [4o]| i| 8| 4 i [1u]| |
    5 w [8i] u [5y]| |
    [9r] t5y [4y]| |
    4 3 2 [1t]| |
    [5u] i8o [1o]| |
    5 p [8o] I [1o]| |
    5 I [8o] p [4p]| |
    [8o] o [1p] o [4p]| |
    8 p [4a] s [2s]| |
    6 p [2s] p [5a]| |
    9 a [5s] d [3d]| |
    7 f [3a] d [6s]| |
    0 p [6a] s [2s]| |
    6 p [9s] p [5a]| |
    9 a [2s] d [5d]| |
    9| 5| [1s]| 5| 8| t

    Level: 5
    Length: 04:12
    My Way (Frank Sinatra)

    Frank Sinatra

  • [9eG]Ipd GdpI
    [wyh] o a d h G
    [ef] p S f jfSp
    [QG] I P S G f
    [rd] I a d GdaI
    [wg] o a d a o
    [8tf] u o s o u
    [qs] t i p o i
    [8u] w t t u o
    [wtip]| |
    t| u| o|
    [8us] 0 w t w 0
    [9id] q e y e q
    [5ya]| p| [wo]|
    [qip] t i a p|
    [8tuo]| |w|
    t| y| u|
    [3ryo] 7 0 w r 0
    [6tup] 0 e t u p
    [9tyo]||y y|
    [5ry]||9 w w
    r y r w t y
    o| u| o|
    [4is] 8 q e t i
    p| q| t|
    [8o] w u w [7y] w
    [6t]||w t u
    [2wy] 6 9 Q 9|
    [5ru]| y| u|
    [8o]| w t w 0
    [4tp] 8 q e q 8
    [59y] w u| 9 y
    [8f] u o s [tf]sou
    [qg] i p s g f
    [wd] o a d hdao
    [Wf] u O a f d
    [es] u p s fspu
    [wd] i o a d i
    [8s] w t i o y
    [us]| |
    t| u| o|
    [8us] 0 w t u|
    [9id] q e y i|
    [5yoa] w p| [wo]|
    [qip] t i a p|
    [8uo]| w t u o
    t| y| u|
    [3ryo] 7 0 w r|
    [6tp] 0 e t u|
    [9tyo]||y y|
    [5ry]| 9 w w r
    y r w r y|
    o| u| o|
    [4ip] 8 q e t|
    p| t i o t
    [8wo] t u| [7y]|
    [6tp] 0| w t u
    [2wy] 6 9 Q 9 w
    [5ru]| y| u|
    [8to]| w t u t
    [4tp] 8 q r t|
    [5y] 9 u| w y
    [8f] u i s [wtf]sou
    [qtg] i p s g s
    [0yd] o a d hdao
    [Wf] u O a f d
    [es] u p s fspu
    [QS] I P S G f
    [rd] I a G h j
    [wk] [ya] d h [oj] h
    [9j] e y e G p
    [ef] u o p d S
    [9od] e y o p u

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:49
    Morning Has Broken (Cat Stevens)

    Cat Stevens

  • j| x| k| H|
    [4p] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [6p] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [0p] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [qp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [qp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [ep] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [0p] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [qp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [qetp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [0etp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [0wrp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [qetp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [qetp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [0etp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [0wrp] a s f s a p a s f s a
    [qetp] a s f s a p a s f|
    [qetf] h j k|l k j h f d s
    [etud] f h dsd s d f h dsd s
    [wryd] f h dsd s a s f apa p
    [Q9ep] a s f s a p a s f|
    [qetf] h j l|l z x v zlz l
    [etuz] x v zlz l z x v zlz l
    [wryz] x v zlz l k l x kjk j
    [Iypk] l x kjk j k l x kjk j
    [ipsj] k l x l k j k l x l k
    [upsj] k l x l k j k l x l k
    [uoaj] k l x l k j k l x l k
    [ipsj] k l x l k j k l x l k
    [qetj] k l x l k j k l x l k
    [0etj] k l x l k j k l x l k
    [0wrj] k l x l k j k l x l k
    [qetj] k l x l k j k l x|
    6 0 e t u p p s f j H l
    x V b m x V b||

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:35
    Solas (Jamie Duffy)

    Jamie Duffy

  • [6u] [8u] [0u] [8t] [6y] 9 q 9
    [%y] [9y] [0y] [9r] [6t] [8t] [0y] [8u]
    [6t] [9t] [qt] [9e] [%r] [9y] [0t] [9r]
    [6u] [8t] [0r] [8e] [3r] % [7W] 0
    [6e] [8e] [0e] [8e] [6y] [9e] [qe] [9e]
    [6u] [8t] [0r] [8e] [%r] [9y] [0t] [9r]
    [6e] 8 0 [8e] [2y] 4 6 [9t]r
    [4t] 6 8 q [30] [%y] [7t] [9r]
    [6e] 8 0 [8e] [2y] 4 6 [9t]r
    [6u] 8 [0e] 8 3 %r[7e] [0W]
    [4q] [tip] [tip] [tip] ^ [yiP] [yiP] [yiP]
    6 [tup] [tup] [psf] [30] [ruO] [ruO] [ruO]
    [4q] [tip] [tip] [tip] [29] [ipd] [ipd] [ipd]
    [30] [Oud] [Oud] [Oud] [Ous]|a|
    4 [tip] [tip] [tip] ^ [yiP] [yiP] [yiP]
    6 [tup] [tup] [psf] 3 [ruO] [ruO] [ruO]
    4 [tip] [tip] [tip] 2 [ipd] [ipd] [ipd]
    3 [Oud] [Oud] [Oud] [Ous]|a|
    [6f] [8f] [0f] [8s] [6d] 9 q 9
    [%d] [9d] [0d] [9a] [6s] [8s] [0d] [8f]
    [6s] [9s] [qs] [9p] [%a] [9d] [0s] [9a]
    [6f] [8s] [0a] [8p] [3a] % [7O] 0
    [6p] [8p] [0p] [8p] [6d] [9p] [qp] [9p]
    [6f] [8s] [0a] [8p] [%a] [9d] [0s] [9a]
    [6p] 8 0 [8p] [2d] 4 6 [9s]a
    [4s] 6 8 q [3u] [%d] [7s] [9a]
    [6p] 8 0 [8p] [2d] 4 6 [9s]a
    [6f] 8 [0p] 8 3 [%a] [7p] [0O]

    Level: 5
    Length: 00:56
    Vois Sur Ton Chemin

    Bruno Coulais

  • [8w]| 8 8||
    [8w]| 8 8| o
    [8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
    [8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
    [8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
    [8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
    [8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
    [8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
    [8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
    [8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
    [8wu]| 8 [8i]||
    [8y]|i 8 [8u]||
    [8w]|u 8 [8i]||
    [8y]|i [8u] [8u]||
    [8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
    [8a]| [8o] [8u]||
    [8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
    [8a]| [8o] [8u]||
    [579y]| u [8tu]|7|
    [579y]| u [8tu]|7|
    [36p] u p o [37u]|u y
    [59ry]| u [$69e]|e r
    [48et]| y [8t] r e w
    [Q9e]| G f G d f
    h|[th]|[rh]|h w
    [eg]|f w [8d]|d|
    [8wtu]| 8 [8yi]||
    [8ry]|i [8u] [8tu]||
    [8w]|[tu] 8 [8yi]| u
    [8y] u i [8u] [8tu]||
    [8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
    [8a]|o 8 [8u]||
    [8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
    [8a]|p [8o] [8uo]||
    [%Y] [%u] [%i] [%I] [%o] [%O]
    [%p] [%P] [%a] [%s] [%S] [%d]
    [1PSG]||[1g] S1P
    [1o]|G|[1g] S1P
    [Spf]|1111 h G
    [Spf]|1111 j G
    [$hl]||%| io
    [@EYo] 4 5 [6tip] 7 8
    [9ed] p d [9f] [9S] p S d
    [9a] p p [9o] [9o] I u y
    [9ed] p d [9f] [9S] p S d
    [9a] p p [9o] [9o] I [eu] y
    [S60f]| G [9dG]||
    [S60f]| G [9dG]||
    [$7a] I a p [$I]|I u [60u]| I [%70r]|r T
    [579ry]| u y T r e
    [W0r]| f d S a p
    [9wa]| u y T r e
    d p d f S p S d
    a p p o o I u y
    w Q 0 9 2

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:24
    Test Drive (How To Train Your Dragon)

    John Powell

  • fjfkfhjflfzfklfjfkfhjfjfkfhjflfz

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:50
    Exorcist Theme

    Mike Oldfield

  • [6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u]i[80u]Y[3u] [80p] [6s] [80] 3 [80s]
    [%d] [90d]d[%d]s[90a]d[6s] [80] 6 [80p]s[7a] [(ea]a[7I] [(ea] [0rWO]| [30u]|
    [6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u] [80u]u[3u]i[80u]Y[6u] [80p]s[3f] [80j] [6l] [80] 3 [80l]
    [%z]l[90k]z[6l] [80] [7k]j[e(H]k[8j] [0e] [9g]f[qed]s[0a] [Wr]O[etup]| [6e]|
    [6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u]i[80u]Y[3u] [80p] [6s] [80] 3 [80s]
    [%d] [90d]d[%d]s[90a]d[6s] [80] 6 [80p]s[7a] [(ea]a[7I] [(ea] [0rWO]| [30u]|
    [6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u] [80u]u[3u]i[80u]Y[6u] [80p]s[3f] [80j] [6l] [80] 3 [80l]
    [%z]l[90k]z[6l] [80] [7k]j[e(H]k[8j] [0e] [9g]f[qed]s[0a] [Wr]O[etup]| [6e]|
    [9d] [qe]S[9d] [qef] [9g] [qe] 9 [qed] [8f] [0e] 8 [0es] [8f] [0e] 8 [0es]
    [7a] [(e] 7 [e(P] [7a] [(es] [7d] [(ea] [8s] [0e] 8 [0e] 8 [0e] [8s] [0es]
    [9d] [qe]S[9d] [qef] [9g] [qe] 9 [qed] [8f] [0e] 8 [0es] [8f] [0e] [8j] [0e]
    9 [qed] 9 [qeg] [8f] [0es] [7d] [9wa] [680p]| f j| [6e]|
    [6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u]i[80u]Y[3u] [80p] [6s] [80] 3 [80s]
    [%d] [90d]d[%d]s[90a]d[6s] [80] 6 [80p]s[7a] [(ea]a[7I] [(ea] [0rWO]| [30u]|
    [6u] [80u]u[3u] [80u]u[6u] [80u]u[3u]i[80u]Y[6u] [80p]s[3f] [80j] [6l] [80] 3 [80l]
    [%z]l[90k]z[6l] [80] [7k]j[e(H]k[8j] [0e] [9g]f[qed]s[0a] [Wr]O[etup]| [6e]|
    [9p] [qep]p[6p] [qep]p[9p] [qep]p[6p] [qep]p[9p]P[qep]O[6p] [qed] [9g] [qe] 6 [qeg]
    [*h] [weh]h[h*]g[wef]h[9g] [qe] 9 [qed]g[0f] [Wyf]f[0a] [Wyf] [euTS]| [6ep]|
    [9p] [qep]p[6p] [qep]p[9p] [qep]p[6p]P[qep]O[9p] [qed]g[6j] [qez] [9c] [qe] 6 [qec]
    [*v]c[wex]v[9c] [qe] [0x]z[yWL]x[qz] [ey] [wJ]j[Eyh]g[ef] [Tu]S[yipd]| [9y]|
    [wd] [Eyd]d[9d] [Eyd]d[wd] [Eyd]d[9d] [Eyd]d[wd]D[Eyd]S[9d] [Eyh] [wJ] [Ey] 9 [yEJ]
    [Ql] [tyl]l[Ql]J[tyj]l[wJ] [Ey] w [Eyh]J[ej] [Toj]j[ef] [Toj] [ypIG]| [9yd]|
    [wd] [Eyd]d[9d] [Eyd]d[wd] [Eyd]d[9d]D[Eyd]S[wd] [Eyh]J[9z] [Eyv] [wB] [Ey] 9 [yEB]
    [Qm]B[tyb]m[wB] [Ey] [eb]v[oTC]b[Ev] [yo] [tZ]z[Yol]J[yj] [Ip]G[Podh]|||

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:54
    Rush E (Intermediate)

  • [6ed] p [sf]| |d
    [8td] p [sf]| |p
    [qp] e t| s| |
    7 [ra] [ya]| |
    [8td] p [sf]| |d
    [9yd] p [sf]| |p
    [3p] e t| u| |
    2 r y| y| |
    [6ed] p [sf]| |d
    [8td] p [sf]| |p
    [qp] e t| s| |
    7 [ra] [ya]| |
    [8td] p [sf]| |d
    [9yd] p [sf]| |p
    [3p] e t| u| |
    2 r y| y| |
    [6ys] p [us]| |y
    [1yf] p [us]| |e
    [4eg] e t| t| |
    [7h] r [ry]| |
    [1yf] p [us]| |y
    [2yg] p [us]| |e
    [3ej] e t| 0| |
    [2d] r y| 9| e|
    [6rs] p [es]| |w
    [1rf] p [es]| |w
    [4rg] e [tp]| |w
    [7yh] [ru] y y| t| r
    [1f] p [ts]| |e|
    [2g] p [ws]| |q|
    [30j] e t 9 0| 8|
    [27d] r y| 9| |
    [6td] p [sf]| |d
    [1ud] p [sf]| |p
    [4ip] e t| s| |
    [7o] r [ya]| h| g|
    [1tuf] p s| |
    [2i] [pf] [sf] f| |d
    [3pd] [ef] [tp]| |
    [2yu] r y| y| |
    [6s] 0 t r [tp] u p o
    [upf] a s d [sf]| p|
    [yg] a s| [ad]| p|
    [ryh] u i| a u| y
    e| e u p s a p
    [rg]||a [ps]| p f
    [qj]| |[pd]| |
    [0d] g| f [Ora]| |
    [eps] 0 [to]| [ip] p [us]|
    [usf]| a| [ps]| o|
    [yg] a s| [ad]| p|
    [rh] u [ip]| [oa] u a y
    [ef]| p u p t a p
    [rg]||a [ps]| p f
    [qj]| |[pd]| |
    [0d] g| f [Ora]| |
    [6sd] p [sf]| |d
    [1df] p [sf]| |p
    [4pg] e t| s| |
    [7h] r [ya]| h| g|
    [1f] p s| |
    [2yg] [pf] [sf] f| |d
    [3dj] [ef] [tp]| |
    [2ud] r y| y| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:54
    Little One (Detroit Become Human)

    Philip Sheppard

  • [qeu]||[eu]|e u
    [Wti]||[ti]|W i
    [wtu]||w [tu]|
    [qeu]||[eu]|e u
    [Wti]||[ti]|W i
    [Wtif]|s d [Wti]|f|
    [wtu]| d [wtuf] ds|
    [wtuh]|f f [wtu] s d|
    [etus]||[etus] ps d
    [Wtif] ff f[Wtif] gf|
    [wtu]||w [tu]|
    [Wtif]|s d [Wti]|f|
    [wtu]||[wtuf] fd s
    [wtuh] f|f[wtu] sd|
    [qeus]||[qeus] ss d
    [Wtif] ff f[Wtif] gf|
    w [tu]| [wtu]||
    [wufl]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wu]|t|
    [wufl]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu]||
    [wux]|t|[wu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu] d [ts]|
    [etuf] ff f[etuf] ff f
    [Wtif] ds|[Wti]||
    w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
    w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
    w [tu]| [wtu]|t|
    [etu]|[uf]|[etuf]|u d
    [Wtif]|[ts] d [Wti]|[tf]|
    [wtu]|u|[wtuf] f[ud] s
    [wtuh]|[uf] f [wtu] s [ud]|
    [etus]|u s [etuf] f [ud] f
    [Wtif]|[th] f [Wti] d [ts]|
    [wtuh]|[uf] f [wtu] d u f
    [wtu]|u|[wtu] s [ud]|
    [etuf]|u|[etu] f u|
    [Wtif]|[tf] f [Wti] d t f
    [wtu]|u f [wtuf] d[us]|
    [wtuh] f[uf] d[wtu] s[ud]|
    [etus]|u s [etuf] f[ud] s
    [Wtif] ht f [Wti] d t s
    [wtuf]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu]|t|
    [wtuf]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu]|t|
    [wtufx]|t|[wtu]|[ts] h
    w [tuf]|f [wtu] d [ts]|
    [etupf] f[tpf] f[etupf] f[tpf] f
    [etipf] [od][tos]|[eti]|t|
    [wtu]|t|[wtu]|[tp] o
    [etu]|h j[etuj] ff|
    [eyI] hh j[Ieyj] f|f
    [eyI] fg f[eyI] ds|
    [qet]| h [qetj]| f
    [qetf] g|f[qet] ds d
    [tuof] gf g[tuof] ds d
    [tuof] gf g[tuof]||
    [etu]|h j[etuj] ff|
    [eyI] hh j[Ieyj] ff|
    [Ieyf] gf|[Ieyf] gf|
    [qets]| s [qets] ss d
    [qetf]|g f [qet]| f
    [tuo]|g f [tuo]| d
    f| d f||
    f| d s||
    [ef] d[tf]|[uf]|[td]|
    [qeif] h|f[Wqi] s d

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:45
    This Is Home (Cavetown)


  • o|a oy
    [8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
    [7u] u y [0o] [0a] oy
    [6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
    [5o] o ou [0a]||
    [8o] owpP [9a] oe yu
    [5o] o9pP [0a] or u
    [8o] uow u [9o] uoe u
    [5s]a o9 u [0a]|r|
    [8o] owpP [9a] oe yu
    [5o] o9pP [0a] or u
    [8o] uow u [9o] uoe u
    [5s]a o9 p [5o]||
    8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
    5|9|0 [oP] [Ora]|
    8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
    5|9|0 [oa] [ruo]|
    8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
    5|9|0 [oP] [Ora]|
    8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
    5|9|5 [oa] [uo]|
    [8a] s [wa] s [9d]|[ea] s
    [5a] s [9d]|[0s]ds [ra] s
    [8a]o owou [9a]o oeou
    [5o] o9ou [0a]|r|
    [8a] s [wa] s [9d]|[ea] s
    [5a] s [9d]|[0d] s [ra] s
    [8a]o owou [9a]o oeop
    [5o] oo9oa [5o]||
    [5d]|[wa]|[5p]|[wa] pa
    [0p] o [rp] a 0|r a
    [8f]|[wa]|[8p]|[wo] oo
    [9o] p [ea] d 9|e|
    [5d]|[wa]|[5p]|[wa] pa
    [0p] o [rp] a 0|r a
    [5o]| 9 5| oy
    [8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
    [7u] u y [0o] [0a] oy
    [6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
    [5o] o ou [0a]| oy
    [8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
    [7u] u y [0a] [0o] oy
    [6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
    [5o] o oa o|hkv

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:28
    Renai Circulation (Bakemonogatari)

    Satoru Kosaki

  • l||k||h|||
    [1y]|5|5|[1u]|5|5|[15s]| a|[15o]| u|
    [3y]|7|7|[3u]|7|7|[37s]| a|[37o]| u|
    [3y]|6|6|[3u]|6|6|[36s]| a|[36o]| u|
    [16y]||[16u]| t|[%1u]||i||
    [358s]|u|u|[358u]| y|[358u]||[358o]| p|
    [357s]|u|u|[357u]| y|[357u]||[357o]| p|
    [136s]|u|u|[136u]| y|[136s]|u|u|[136u]|o|u|
    [1y]|5|5|[1u]|5|5|[15s]| a|[15o]| u|
    [3y]|7|7|[3u]|7|7|[37s]| a|[37o]| u|
    [3y]|6|6|[3u]|6|6|[36s]| a|[36o]| u|
    [16y]||[16u]| t|[%1u]||i||
    [358s]|u|u|[358u]| y|[358u]||[358o]| p|
    [357s]|u|u|[357u]| y|[357u]||[357o]| p|
    [136s]|u|u|[136u]| y|[136s]|u|u|[136u]|o|u|
    [358s]|u|u|u| y|[358u]||o| p|
    [357s]|u|u|u| y|[357u]||o| p|
    [136s]|u|u|u|y| [136s]|u|u|u|o|u|
    [146p]|u|u|u|y| [%14u]|i|o| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:18
    Heather (Alternative)

    Conan Gray

  • [8t]|[0wt] t
    [5t]|[0wr] t
    [7y]|[qw] r
    [7y]|[qwy] u
    [5i]|[qwu] y
    [8u]|[0w] y
    [8t]|[0wt] t
    [5t]|[0wr] t
    [7y]|[qw] r
    [7y]|[qwy] u
    [5i]|[qwu] y
    [8u]|[0w] y
    [5t]|[0w] u
    o|[80w] o
    [8qep] o i p
    o|[80w] o
    [8qep] o p a
    [80ws] o u p
    [79wo] i u y
    [8u]|[0w] i
    [5u] y [0wt]|
    [8o]|[0w] p
    [5o] i [0wu]|
    [8o]|[0w] o
    [9I]|[Qe] y
    [5o]|[9q] i
    [8u] y [0wt]|
    [8u]|[0w] i
    [5u] y [0wt]|
    [8o]|[0w] p
    [5o] i [0wu]|
    [8o]|[0w] o
    [9I]|[Qe] y
    [5o]|[9q] i
    [8u] y [0wt] u
    o|[80w] o
    [8qep] o i p
    o|[80w] o
    [8qep] o p a
    [80ws] o u p
    [79wo] i u y

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:46
    Campana Sobre Campana (Villancicos)

  • [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [5r] [5r][9y][wp]
    [5r] [5r][9y][wp]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [5r] [5r][9y][wp]
    [5r] [5r][9y][wp]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [9i] [9i][ep][yd]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [9i] [9i][ep][yd]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [0o] [0o][ra][uf]
    [9i] [9i][ep][yd]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6] [6][30][6e]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [4e] [4e][8t][qi]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [5r] [5r][9y][wp]
    [5r] [5r][9y][wp]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6t] [6t][0u][ep]
    [5r] [5r][9y][wp]
    [5r] [5r][9y][wp]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [9I] [9I][ep][yd]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [qp] [qp][ts][ig]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [6T] [6T][0u][ep]
    [0r] [oaf] [oaf]
    0r [oaf] [oaf]
    qt [psg] [psg]
    0r [oaf] [oaf]
    9e [ipd] ipd

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:10
    Suspirium (Thom Yorke)

  • [qetg] j l x|x|z
    [wry]||zx v z l
    [0wt]|l z [wry] x|l
    [0et]| j|l|g
    [qet] j l x|x|z
    [wry]||zx v z l
    [0wt]|x z [wry] x|l
    [0et]|p o p s|u
    [8qe] y|y|t y|
    [9wr]||t y|u
    [80w] o|o [9wr] o u p
    [0et] p o p|s|u
    [8qe] y|y|t y|
    [9wr] y t y|t|u
    [80w] o|o [9wr] o u p
    [0et]|y t||f
    [8qe] d d s s|f|
    [9wr] d s d|s|f
    [80w] d|d [9wr] s|s
    [0et] p|p|s|f
    [8qe] d|d|s d|
    [9wr] d s d|s|f
    [80w] d|d [9wr] s|f
    [0et]|d s|p|f
    [8qe] d d s s|f|
    [9wr] d s d|s|f
    [80w] d|d [9wr] s|s
    [0et] p|p|s|f
    [8qe] d|d|s d|
    [9wr] d s d|s|f
    [80w] d|d [9wr] s|f
    [0et]|d s|p|
    [qetg] j l x|x|z
    [wry]||zx v z l
    [0wt]|l z [wry] x|l
    [0et]| j|l|g
    [qet] j l x|x|z
    [wry]||zx v z l
    [0wt]|x z [wry] x|l

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:18
    Dancing In The Moonlight (Toploader)

  • [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8wy]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [0tu] [tu]0 [ry] 9[ry] [8wt]|
    8|8 t [8t] y [8t] [tu]
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8i] i
    [8q]|[8i] i [8i] u [8u] u
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8y] y
    [59]|5 t [5t] y [5t] [tu]
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8i] i
    [8q]|[8i] i [8i] i [8i] u
    [8w] o 8 r [59r] t 5|
    [8t] w 8 [wy] 8 [wu] 8 [wi]
    8 q 8 [qt] 8 [qe] 8 [qu]
    8 w 8 [wt] 8 w [8u] [wy]
    5 [9u] 5 9 5 9 5 9
    [8t] w 8 [wy] 8 [wu] 8 [wi]
    8 q 8 [qt] 8 [qi] 8 [qu]
    8 w 8 [wy] 5 9 [5t] [9t]
    8 w 8 w 8 t t y
    [80tu] w [80t] [wt] [80t] [wt] [80i] w
    [8q] w [8qu] [wi] [8qo] wi[8q] [wu]
    [80] [wu] [80u] [wo] [80o] [wo] [80] w
    [57] 9 [57] [9t] [57t] [9y] [57t] [9u]
    [80] w [80] [wu] [80u] [wu] [80u] [wu]
    [8qi] [wi] [8q] [wi] [8qi] [wi] [8qi] [wu]
    [80u] [wu] [80] [wr] [57r] [9t] [57] 9
    [80] w [80] w [80] [wt] [80t] [wy]
    [80tu] w [80t] [wt] [80t] [wt] [80i] w
    [8q] w [8qu] [wi] [8qo] wi[8q] [wu]
    [80] [wu] [80u] [wo] [80o] [wo] [80] w
    [57] 9 [57] [9t] [57t] [9y] [57t] [9u]
    [80] w [80] [wu] [80u] [wu] [80u] [wu]
    [8qi] [wi] [8q] [wi] [8qi] [wi] [8qi] [wu]
    [80u] [wu] [80] [wr] [57r] [9t] [57] 9
    [80] w [80] w [80] w [80] w
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8wy]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [0tu] [tu]0 [ry] 9[ry] [8wt]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:33
    Try Everything (Shakira)


  • [ij] s g j s j
    [uh] s f h s h
    [yg] p d g p g
    [tf] o s f o f
    [Edz] i P d i d
    [esl] i p s i s
    [wak] y o a [esl]|
    [8s] w [th] w [th] w
    [0h] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [qs] t [ij] t [ij] t
    [qj] t i t i t
    [0s] t [uh] t [uh] t
    [eh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [9g] e [yf] e [wd] y
    [8s] w t u o|
    [8os] w [th] w [th] w
    [0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
    [qpsj] t i t i t
    [0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
    [epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
    [8uos] w t u o|
    [Ed] i P d i d
    [es] i p s i s
    [wa] y o a [es]|
    [1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
    [3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
    [4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
    [4psj] 8 q e t e
    [3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
    [6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
    [1uos] 5 8 0 w|
    [1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
    [3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
    [4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
    [4psj] 8 q e t e
    [3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
    [6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
    [1uos] 5 8 0 w|
    [^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
    [6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
    [5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
    [1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
    [3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
    [4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
    [4psj] 8 q e t e
    [3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
    [6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
    [1uos] 5 8 0 w|
    [1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
    [3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
    [4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
    [4psj] 8 q e t e
    [3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
    [6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
    [1uos] 5 8 0 w|
    [^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
    [6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
    [5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
    [8os] w [th] w [th] w
    [0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
    [qpsj] t i t i t
    [0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
    [epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
    [8uos] w t u o|
    [8os] w [th] w [th] w
    [0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
    [qpsj] t i t i t
    [0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
    [epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
    [9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
    [8uos] w t u o|
    [qp] t i p t p
    [0o] t u o t o

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:10
    Lavender's Blue (Cinderella)

  • [tuof]|||
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [8t]|hf h f h f
    [7rh] f h jf[0u]||
    [6e]|jk l k j h
    [5wf] d s ds[8t]||
    [4q]||ps s po
    [30] f f df[%W]|fdf
    [6e]||f s
    [8t]|hf[8t]h f [8th] f
    [7rh] f h jf[0u]||
    [6e]|jk[6e]l k [6ej] h
    [5wf] ds d s[8t]||
    [4q]| [4q] ps s[4q]po
    [30] f f df[%W]|f d
    [6ef]| [6e]| [6ef] s
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [wtud]fh [wtuh] h [wtu] f [wtu] f
    [eryH] H [eryH] H [Wu]|[Wu] f
    [euj] j [euj] l [eu] k [euj]|
    [0rd] f [0rg] f [Wr] d [Wrs]|
    [0etp] s[0et] f [0etj] k[0et] l
    [9q] e y e i j|j
    [0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
    e [ul] s u s||
    w y P|t o f|
    9 e i e i j|j
    [0l] rk[oj] r o|x z
    e [ul] s u s||
    8|[8h]f h8 f [8h] f
    [7h] f [7h] jf0|0|
    6|[6f]jk l6 k [6j] h
    [5f] d [5s] d [8f] d [8s]|
    4|4|[4p]ps s4po
    3 f [3f] df% f[%f] d
    [wtuf]| f||
    [eryd] f g f [Wu] d s d
    [eu] fsp||
    [wyf] d f [tug] f d
    [qtf]| f||s
    [0rd] f g f W d s d
    [0et] fsp| o|
    [wtud]fh h h|f|f
    [eryH] H H H [Wu]| f
    [euj] j j l|k j|
    [0rd] f g f W d s s
    [0et] dsp||
    [1x] v m m||
    [3n] V x||
    [4c] b m x||
    [5z]| xzn||
    [1x] v m m||
    [3n] V x||
    [4x]||z x z

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:59
    Love Of My Life (Harry Styles)

    Harry Styles

  • [tuoh] j f|||
    h j l j h f
    [ish] j f|||
    f d f h f d s
    [etud] s p| f|s
    [wryd] s|p f f|s
    [8wtd] s|s|||
    [80wo] p u|||
    o p s p o u
    [qeto] p u|||
    u y u o u y t
    [60y] t e| u|t
    [59wy] t|e u u|t
    [158y] t|t|||
    [80wo] p u|||
    o p s p o u
    [qeto] p u|||
    u y u o u y t
    [60y] t e| u|t
    [59wy] t|e u u|t
    [158y] t|t||s
    [etuf]||d f
    h|f|d f|
    [wryh]|f|d f|
    [8qef]||s d
    f j h f d s d|
    [wry]||o o o
    [wtuf]|d|s a|
    p||o o o
    [wryf]|d|s d|f|
    d|s d|
    [8qep]||o u y
    [9wr]||o o u
    [80wy] t t|||
    [80wo] p u|||
    o p s p o u
    [qeto] p u|||
    u y u o u y t
    [60y] t e| u|t
    [59wy] t|e u u|t
    [158y] t|t|||
    [80wo] p u|||
    o p s p o u
    [qeto] p u|||
    u y u o u y t
    [60y] t e| u|t
    [59wy] t|e u u|t
    [158y] t|t||s
    [etuf]||d f
    h|f|d f|
    [wryh]|f|d f|
    [8qef]||s d
    f j h f d s d|
    [wry]||o o o
    [wtuf]|d|s a|
    p||o o o
    [wryf]|d|s d|f|
    d|s d|
    [8qep]||o u y
    [9wr]||o o u
    [80wy] t t|||
    o p s
    [wry]||o p s
    [etu]| o o p s
    [9qef]|d| s f d
    [wry]| f f|d|
    o p s
    [wry]||o p s
    [etu]| o o p s
    [9qef]|d| s f d
    [wry]| f f|d|
    o o o
    [wtuf]|d|s a|
    p||o o o
    [wryf]|d|s d|f|
    d|s d|
    [9wr]||o o o
    [wtuf]|d|s a|
    p||o o o
    [wryf]|d|s d|f|
    d|s d|
    [9wro]||o o u
    [80wy] t t|||
    o o o
    [wtuf]|d|s a|
    p||o o o
    [wryf]|d|s d|f|
    d|s d|
    [8qep]||o u y
    [9wr]||o o u
    [80wy] t t

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:12
    Honeybee (The Head and the Heart)

    The Head and the Heart

  • s o u w a d s p
    a i y w p s a o
    p u t w p Y t w
    p y r w o Y r w
    [1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
    [2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
    [3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
    4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
    [5t]ua8 0 w [tup] o e t
    [2e]tio5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
    [1u] e [50r] t y r [50t] e
    [1y] w [50e] r t e [50r] e
    [1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
    [2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
    [3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
    4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
    [5t]ua8 0 w [tup] o e t
    [2e]tio5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
    [1t] w u y t w e 0
    9 0 8| 8| |
    [%t] [(Y] [Ws]| @ o [t(WP] O
    [%t] [8Y] [(o] W @ i [8(Y]qW
    [^Y]| [wT]| [6Y]| [Qt]|
    [^Y]| [wT]| @| [wT]|
    [%t] [(Y] [Ws]| @ o [t(WP] O
    [(W4t] Y [(o]| [%qr] i [qu] y
    [1u] e [50r] t y r [50t] e
    [1y] w [5qe] r t e [5qr] w
    [1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
    [2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
    [3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
    4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
    [5tua] 8 0 w [tup] o etu
    [2etio] 5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
    [1t] w u y t w e 0
    9 0 8| 8

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:45
    Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Jerome Kern)

  • p| [ef]| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu] D[Wf]| [ru]| [ru]|
    W| [ru]| [ru]| [wd]| [ru]| [ru]|
    w| [ru]| [ru] s[qd]| [ey]| [ey]|
    q| [ey]| [ey]| [0s]| [wt]| [wt]|
    0 a [wts] d [wtf] s [Es]| [yo]| [yo]|
    [EP]| [yo]| [yo]| [ep]| [ti]| [ti]|
    e| [ti]| [ti] o[WO]| [ti]| [ti] P
    [Ws]| [ti]| [ti] d [ef]| [tu]| [tu] s
    [ep]| [tu]| [tu]| [ej]| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu]| [ef]| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu] D[Wf]| [ru]| [ru]|
    W| [ru]| [ru]| [wd]| [ru]| [ru]|
    w| [ru]| [ru] s[qd]| [ey]| [ey]|
    q| [ey]| [ey]| [0s]| [wt]| [wt]|
    0 a [wts] d [wtf] s [Es]| [yo]| [yo]|
    [EP]| [yo]| [yo] sP[ep]| [ti]| [ti]|
    e| [ti]| [ti] o[WO]| [ti]| [ti] P
    [Ws]| [ti]| [ti] d [ef]| [tu]| [tu] s
    [ep]| [tu]| [tu] pe| [tu]| [tu] p
    e| [tu]| [tu] p[9f]| [ei]| [ei]|
    [9d]| [ei]| [ei]| [8d]| [wu]| [wu]|
    [8s]| [wu]| [wu]| [0s]| [ru]| [ru]|
    [0a]| [rud]| [ru] s [qa]| [ey]| [ey]|
    [qp]| [ey]| [ey] O[0p]| [et]| [et]|
    0| [et]| [et] O[(p]| [et]| [et] s
    [0a]| [ru]| [ruO]| [ep]| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu]| e| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu] p [ef]| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu] D[Wf]| [ru]| [ru]|
    W| [ru]| [ru]| [wd]| [ru]| [ru]|
    w| [ru]| [ru] s[qd]| [ey]| [ey]|
    q| [ey]| [ey]| [0s]| [wt]| [wt]|
    0 a [wts] d [wtf] s [Es]| [yo]| [yo]|
    [EP]| [yo]| [yo]| [ep]| [ti]| [ti]|
    e| [ti]| [ti] o[WO]| [tiP]| [tis]|
    [Wd]| [tiD]| [tig]| [ej]| [tuf]| [tus]|
    [ep]| [tu]| [tu]| [ef]| [tu]| [tu]|
    [ej]| [tu]| [tu] p[9f]| [ei]| [ei]|
    [9d]| [ei]| [ei]| [8d]| [wu]| [wu]|
    [8s]| [wu]| [wu]| [0s]| [ru]| [ru]|
    [0a]| [rud]| [ru] s [qa]| [ey]| [ey]|
    [qp]| [ey]| [ey] O[0p]| [et]| [et]|
    0| [et]| [et] O[(p]| [et]| [et] s
    [0a]| [ru]| [ru] O[ep]| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu]| e| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu]| [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f [Wk] f [rua] f [rua] f
    [Wk] f [rua] f [rua] f [Wk] f [rua] f [rua] f
    [Wk] f [rua] f [rua] f [wk] f [rua] f [rua] f
    [wk] f [rua] f [rua] f [wk] f [rua] f [rua] f
    [wj] f [rua] f [rua] f [qj] f [eys] f [eys] f
    [qj] f [eys] f [eys] f [qj] g [eys] g [eys] g
    [qj] g [eys] g [eys] g [0h] f [wts] f [wts] f
    [0h] f [wts] f [wts] f [0h] f [wts] f [wts] f
    [0h] f [wts] f [wts] f [Eh] d [yos] d [yos] d
    [Eh] d [yoP] d [yoP] d [Eh] d [yos] d [yos] d
    [Eh] d [yoP] d [yoP] d [eg] s [tip] s [tip] s
    [eg] s [tip] s [tip] s [eg] s [tip] s [tip] s
    [eg] s [tip] s [tip] s [Wi] o [tiO] P [tio] O
    [WP] s [tiO] P [tis] d [WP] s [tid] D [Ws] d
    [tiD] g [Wd] D [tig] h [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] p [9f]| [ei]| [ei]|
    [9d]| [ei]| [ei]| [8d]| [wu]| [wu]|
    [8s]| [wu]| [wu]| [0s]| [ru]| [ru]|
    [0a]| [rud]| [ru] s[qa]| [ey]| [ey]|
    [qp]| [ey]| [ey] O[0p]| [et]| [et]|
    0| [et]| [et] O[(p]| [et]| [et] s
    [0a]| [ru]| [ru] O[ep]| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu]| e| [tu]| [tu]|
    e| [tu]| [tu]| [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f
    [ej] f [tus] f [tus] f [ej]

    Level: 5
    Length: 04:14
    Etude (Joep Beving)

    Joep Beving

  • [57]|d|
    [8sl] w [tjb] w [uhv] t [wfx] t
    [7rak] w [rfx] [wgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
    [8sl] w [tjb] w [uhv] t [wfx] t
    [7rak] w [rfx] [wgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
    [8pj] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
    [9oa] [wps] [roa] [wip] [yo] w [ros] w
    [8t] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
    [9oa] [wps] [roa] [wip] [yo] w [ros] w
    [8sl] 0 [wjb] t [uhv] t [wfx] 0
    [7rak] 0 [wfx] [rgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
    [8sl] 0 [ejb] t [uhv] t [efx] 0
    [8t] 0 [Wfx] [tgc] [uhv] t [Wfx] 0
    [8pj] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
    [9ak] [wsl] [rak] [wpj] [yoh] w [rsl] w
    580twoux l|uosf

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:28
    The Owl House Credits Theme

  • [180] w t u t w 0 w t u t [5w]
    [180] w t u o s f| |
    [2q] e y i y [5e] [6q] e y [4i] y e
    [5w] r y o y [7r] [9w] r y [7o] y r
    [10] w t u t [3w] [50] w t [3u] t w
    [60] e t u t [1e] [30] e t [1u] t e
    [2q] e y i y [4e] [6q] e y [4i] y e
    [5w] r y o y [7r] [9w] r y [7o] y r
    [10] w t u t [3w] [50] w t [3u] t w
    [60] e t u t [1e] [30] e t [1u] t e
    [3u] o a [7uof] a [3o] [6s] p u [0psf]| 6
    [5o] a d [9oag] d [5a] [8f] s o [wosf]| 8
    [3u] o a [7uof] a [3o] [6p] s u [0psf]| 6
    [4etu]||[ety]| 4 [5eti]||[etu]| 5
    [1wtu]||[8wtu]| 1 [3ruo]||[0ruo]| 3
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [4wet] 8 q w t y
    [1wtu]||[8wtu]| 1 [3ruo]||[0ruo]| 3
    [6e]tup| 0 [etu] 6 [4eti] 8 q [wt] w 9
    [1wtu]||[8wtu]| 1 [3wru]||[0wru]| 3
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [8eti]||[eti]| 8
    [1wtu]||[8wtu]| 1 [3wru]||[0wru]| 3
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [4e]ti8 q [eti]||
    [180] w t u t w 0 w t u t [5w]
    [180] w t u o s f| |
    [2q] e y i y [5e] [6q] e y [4i] y e
    [5w] r y o y [7r] [9w] r y [7o] y r
    [10] w t u t [3w] [50] w t [3u] t w
    [60] e t u t [1e] [30] e t [1u] t e
    [2q] e y i y [4e] [6q] e y [4i] y e
    [5w] r y o y [7r] [9w] r y [7o] y r
    [10] w t u t [3w] [50] w t [3u] t w
    [60] e t u t [1e] [30] e t [1u] t e
    [3u] o a [7uof] a [3o] [6s] p u [0psf]| 6
    [5o] a d [9oag] d [5a] [8f] s o [wosf]| 8
    [3u] o a [7uof] a [3o] [6p] s u [0psf]| 6
    [4etu]||[ety]| 4 [5eti]||[etu]| 5
    [1wtu]||[8wtu]| 1 [3ruo]||[0ruo]| 3
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [4wet] 8 q w t y
    [1wtu]||[8wtu]| 1 [3ruo]||[0ruo]| 3
    [6e]tup| 0 [etu] 6 [4eti] 8 q [wt] w 9
    [1wtu]||[8wtu]| 1 [3wru]||[0wru]| 3
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [8eti]||[eti]| 8
    [1wtu]||[8wtu]| 1 [3wru]||[0wru]| 3
    [6etu]||[etu]| 6 [4e]ti8 q [eti]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:30
    Snowman (Sia)


  • f s f s f s
    f s f s f s
    f s f s f s
    f s f s f s
    [pf] s f s f s
    f s f s f s
    [uh] d h d h d
    h d h d h d
    [if] s f s f s
    f s f s f s
    f d f d f d
    f d f d f d
    [dh]jhzklkh jhzhjhzklkh jhz
    [9yx] z x z x z
    [wox] z x z x z
    [tuo]podasao podopodasao pod
    [qto]podasao podopodasao pod
    [eto]podasao podopodasao pod
    [wro]podasao pod[uo]podasao pod
    [59wo]podasao pod[5o]podasao pod
    [249o]podasao pod[7qro]podasao pod
    [80to]podasao pod[wuo]podasao pod
    [wtuo]podasao podopod[ra]saowpod
    [4qeto]podasao podopodasao pod
    [58wo]podasao pod[7wro]podasao pod
    [8wto]podasao pod[wto]podasao pod
    [5wtuo]podasao podopodasao pod
    [6etuo]podasao pod[0eo]podasao pod
    [50wo]podasao pod[7wro]podasao pod
    [8wto]podasao pod[wto]podasao pod
    [0tuo]podasao podopod[ra]saowpod
    [180to]podasao pod[7wro]podasao pod
    [18wto]podasao pod[7ro]podasao pod
    [59wo]podasao podopodasao pod
    [7wro]podasao podopodasao pod
    [57wro]podasao podopodasao pod
    [dh]jhzklkh jhzhjhzklkh jhz
    hjhzklkh jhzhjhzklkh jhz

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:20
    Spring's Melody (Your Lie in April)

    Masaru Yokoyama

  • [80osf]|[0w] d [0wf]|
    o||p o
    s||s s
    d| f d|
    f| d f|
    [8o]||[9p] [0o]
    [es]||[es] [es]
    [qd]| [wf] [ed]|
    [uf]| [yd] [tf]|
    [18tuo]||p o
    [6eups]||s s
    [4qipd]| f d|
    [18osf]| d f|
    [8tuo]|[0w]|[0wp] o
    [6ups]|[80]|[80s] s
    [qipd]|[ey] f [eyd]|
    [8osf]|[0w] d [0wf]|
    [6psf]|[80] s [80] f
    [9ipd]|[qe] p [qe] d
    [6ups]|[80] p [80] s
    [8psf]|[80] s [80] f
    [9ipd]|[qe] p [qe] d
    [6ups]|[80] p [80] s
    [6etup]|e 6 e|
    [18tuo]||p o
    [6eups]||s s
    [4qipd]| f d|
    [18osf]| d f|
    [18tuo]||[18p] o
    [6eups]||[6es] s
    [4qipd]| f [4qd]|
    [18osf]| d [18f]|

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:45
    Outlander (The Skye Boat Song)

    Bear McCreary

  • [18wtu]|||
    [8wtu] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8ts] 8 8 8
    [8oh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8ts] 8 8 8
    [8oh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [8tos] 8 8 8
    [8osh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
    [1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
    [1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8sl] 8 [8ak] 8[pj]8[oh]8 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7pj] [5oh] 9 w 9
    [1ts] 5 [8sl] 5 [1ak] 5[pj]8[oh]5 [3ak] 7 0 [7oh] [4pj] 8 q [8ig]
    [1oh] 5 [8uf] 5 [5ig] 2[uf]5[ts]2 [1ts] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [1sfh] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8s] 8 [8psg] 8h8j8 [8sfh] 8 8 8 [8osf] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8f] 8 [5osg] 5f5s5 [1uos] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8u] 8 [5wti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8eti] 8o8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8uos] 8a8p8 [1tuo] 8 8 8 [8t] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [8uos] 8a8p8 [8tuo] 8 8 8 [8wtu] 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [5eti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 [8t] 8 [5eti] 5u5t5 [10wt] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
    8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:24
    Chariots of Fire (Main Theme)


  • p a s [9g]|||
    w o p a [8f]|||
    q i o p [7d]|||
    0 u I O [6s]|||
    6 p a s [9g]|||
    w o p a [8f]|||
    q i o p [7d]|||
    0 a d s [6p]|||
    0 p O p [7a] u a|
    0 a p a [6s]|||
    8 s a s [9d]| o
    [5h]| g| [6f]|||
    q| D f [7g] g d d [0a]| g
    [6f]| f| 5| [8p]| [4d]| s
    [7a]| [0s] u [6p]|||
    p a s [2g]| 6|
    5 o [2p] a [1f]| 5|
    4 i [8o] p [7d]| 4|
    3 u [7I] O [6s]| 3|
    6 p [3a] s [9g]| 6|
    5 o [9p] a [8f]| 5|
    4 i [8o] p [7d]| 4|
    3 a [7d] s [6p]| 3|
    6 p [0O] p [ra] u [qa]|
    0 a [rp] a [es]| 0|
    e s [ua] s [qd]| e o
    [wh]| [9g]| [8f]| w|
    q| [8D] f [7g] g [4d] d
    [3a]| 7 g [6f]| [9f]| 5| [1p]|
    [4d]| 1 s [7a]| [3s] u [6p]| 3| 6|||
    p a s [9tg]|||
    [wr] o p a [8rf]|||
    [qe] i o p [7ed]|||
    [0W] u I O [6ws]|||
    [6Q] p a s [9tg]|||
    [8r] o p a [8rf]|||
    [qe] i o p [7ed]|||
    [0W] a d s [Q6p]|||
    [6Q] p O p [7ea] u a|
    [0W] a p a [6ws]|||
    [6q] s a s [9td]| o
    [wrh]| g| [8rf]|||
    [qe]| D f [7eg] g d d
    [W0a]| g [6wf]| [Q9f]|
    [5q]| [80p]| [29d]| s
    [7ea]| [W0s] u [Q6p]|||
    p a s g| [9t]|[wr]|
    o p a f| [8r]|[qe]|
    i o p d| [7e]|[0W]|
    uIuO s| [6Q]|[60]
    p|a s g| [9t]|[wr]|
    op af| [8r]|[qe]
    i io p d| [7e]|[0W]|
    adasp| [6Q]|[60]|
    p O p [7ea] u a|
    0|a[Wyp] a [6s]| 0|
    6|s[0a] s [9d]| [qt] o
    [wh]| [rig]| [8f]| w|
    q| [8D] f [7g]|[ey]|d
    [0a]| [Wy] g [6f]| %|
    5| 7 p [7d]|[ey] s a
    7|[W0y]s up [W0y][W0y][60]|||
    p a s [9qetg]|||
    [wryi] o p a [80wrf]|||
    [qetu] i o p [79qed]|||
    [W0ry] u I O [680ws]|||
    [0wet] p a s [9qetg]|||
    [wryi] o p a [80wrf]|||
    [qetu] i o p [79qed]|||
    [W0ry] a d s [680wp]|||
    p O p [W79qa] u a|
    [W0ry] a p a [680ws]|||
    [0wet] s a s [9qetd]| o
    [wryih]| g| [80wrf]|||
    [qetu]| D f [79qeg] g d d
    [W0rya]| g [680wf]| [Q9etf]|
    [579q]| [E80wp]| [4680d]| s
    [79qea]| [W0tys] u [680wp]|||
    p a s [tg] e q 9
    i [yo] [rp] [wa] [rf] w 0 8
    u [ti] [eo] [qp] [7d] 9 q e
    y [ru] [WI] [0O] [6s] 8 0 w
    0 [wp] [ea] [ts] [9g] q e t
    w [ro] [yp] [ia] [8f] 0 w r
    q [ei] [to] [up] [7d] 9 q e
    0 [Wa] [rd] [ys] [6wp] 0 8 w
    [680] p O p [7a] [9u] [qa] W
    y [ra] [Wp] [0a] [0a] [ws] [es] t
    t [es] [qa] [9s] [9d] q e [to]
    [ih] y [rg] w [8f] 0 w r
    u t [eD] [qf] [7g] [9g] [qd] [ed]
    [ya] r W [0g] [6f]80w[uf]tQ95^9qpEw08[ud] t e [qs]
    [79qea]| [W0tys] u [680wp]

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:20
    Autumn Leaves (Edith Piaf)

    Edith Piaf

  • 1 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    1 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    1 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    1 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [10t] 5 [8t] 5 [0t] 5 [8y] [5r]
    [60r] [0t] [et] 0 t 0 [ey] [0r]
    [4qr] [8t] [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 [5w]
    [10t] 5 [8t] 5 [0t] 5 [8y] [5r]
    [60r] [0t] [et] 0 t 0 [ey] [0r]
    [4qr] [8t] [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 5
    1 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [6e] [0t] [ey] [0u] t 0 e 0
    [4e] [8t] [qy] [8u] e 8 q 8
    [5wry] 9 w 9 [wry] 9 w 9
    [1wtu] 5 8 5 [8wtu]|[7wry]|
    [6e] [0t] [ey] [0u] [to] 0 [ep] 0
    [4ey] [8u] [qy] [8t] e 8 q 8
    [5wry] 9 [wy] 9 r [9y] [wt] [9y]u
    [5wry] 9 [wy] 9 w 9 w|
    [10t] 5 [8t] 5 [0t] 5 [8y] [5r]
    [60r] [0t] [et] 0 t 0 [ey] [0r]
    [4qr] [8t] [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 [5w]
    [10t] 5 [8t] 5 [0t] 5 [8y] [5r]
    [60r] [0t] [et] 0 t 0 [ey] [0r]
    [4qr] [8t] [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 5
    1 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [6e] [0t] [ey] [0u] t 0 e 0
    [4e] [8t] [qy] [8u] e 8 q 8
    [5wry] 9 w 9 [wry] 9 w 9
    [1wtu] 5 8 5 [8wtu]|[7wry]|
    [6e] [0t] [ey] [0u] [to] 0 [ep] 0
    [4ey] [8u] [qy] [8t] e 8 q 8
    [5wry] 9 [wy] 9 r [9y] [wt] [9y]u
    [5wry] 9 [wy] 9 w 9 w|
    [10t] 5 [8t] 5 [0t] 5 [8y] [5r]
    [60r] [0t] [et] 0 t 0 [ey] [0r]
    [4qr] [8t] [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 [5w]
    [10t] 5 [8t] 5 [0t] 5 [8y] [5r]
    [60r] [0t] [et] 0 t 0 [ey] [0r]
    [4qr] [8t] [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [4et] 8 [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10w] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 5
    1 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [5@^E] Y [^49y] Y [%(8t] Y
    [5@^E] Y [^49i] y [%(8t] Y
    [5@^E] Y [^49y] Y [%(8t] Y
    [5@^E] Y [^49i] y [%(8t] Y [2y]|
    [1t] 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    1 5 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [10t] 5 [8t] 5 [0t] 5 [8y] [5r]
    [60r] [0t] [et] 0 t 0 [ey] [0r]
    [4qr] [8t] [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 [5w]
    [10t] 5 [8t] 5 [0t] 5 [8y] [5r]
    [60r] [0t] [et] 0 t 0 [ey] [0r]
    [4qr] [8t] [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [4qet] 8 [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10w] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [4qet] 8 [qt] 8 e 8 [qy] [8r]
    [10w] [5t] 8 5 0 5 8 5
    [10w] 5 8 [5u] [0y] [5u] [8y] [5t]
    [10w] 5 8 [5u] [0y] [5u] [8y] [5t]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:21
    Only Time (Enya)


  • [qtp]|||
    [5e] r||
    [qt] e [qt] e [qt] e [qt] e
    [qt] e [qt] e [qt] e [qt] e
    [8qep] t [8qep] t [8qep] t [8qep] t
    [8qep] t [8qep] t [8qep] t [8qep] t
    [8wa] t [ua] t [ua] t [ua] t
    [wa] t [ua] t [ua] t [ua] t
    [qes] t [is] t [is] t [is] t
    [qes] t [is] t [qis] t [is] t
    [wo] t [wuo] t [wuo] t [wuo] t
    [wuo] t [wuo] t [wuo] t [wuo] t
    [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r
    [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r
    [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q
    [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w
    [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w
    [0to] w [0to] w [0to] w [0to] w
    [9e] r||
    [8qp] t [ep] t [ep] t [ep] t
    [ep] t [ep] t [ep] t [ep] t
    [8wa] t [ua] t [ua] t [ua] t
    [es] t [is] t [is] t [is] t
    [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r [9yo] r
    [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q
    [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q [8ep] q
    [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ta] w
    [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ra] w [8ta] w
    [qts] e [qts] e [qts] e [qts] e
    [qts] e [qts] e [qts] e [qts] e
    [8eg] s [8eg] s [8eg] s [8eg] s
    [8eg] s [8eg] s [8eg] s [8eg] s
    [8rh] s [8rh] s [8rh] s [8rh] s
    [8rh] s [8rh] s [8rh] s [8rh] s
    [8eg] s [8eg] s [8tg] s [8tg] s
    [9tg] s [9tg] s [9tg] s [9tg] j
    [8wl] h [8wl] h [8wl] h [8wl] h
    [9ws] a [9wp] o [9ws] a [9wp] u
    [9ws] a [9wp] o [9ws] a [9wp] u

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:09
    To Build A Home (The Cinematic Orchestra)

    The Cinematic Orchestra

  • [18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
    [18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| |
    [380w]| |[48qe]| |
    [59wr]| |[180]| |
    [380]| |[48q]| |
    [59w]| |[180]| |
    [380]| |[48q]| |
    [59w]| |[180]| |
    [380]| |[48q]| |
    [59w]| |
    [18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| |
    [580w]| |[59w]| |
    [60w]| |[48qw]| |
    [59w]| |
    [18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
    [30o]| |[4qi]| |
    [5wo]| |[18u]| |
    [30o]| |[4qi]| |
    [5wo]| |[18u]| |
    [30o]| |[4qi]| |
    [5wo]| |[18u]| |
    [30o]| |[4qi]| |
    [5wo]| |
    [18w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w|
    [18wto]| i| u| |
    [4qwto]| i|||
    [60wto]| i| u| |
    [5wu]| |[wy]| |
    [18wto]| i| u| |
    [4qwto]| i| i| |
    [60wtu]| |[48qwtu]| |
    [5wy]| |
    [ig]| [uf]| [ts]| [wo]|
    [eosf]| |[qosg]| |
    [woad]| |[8osf]| |
    [eosf]| |[qosg]| |
    [woad]| |[8os]| |
    [6eosf]| |[4qosg]| |
    [5woad]| |[18osf]| |
    [6eosf]| |[4qosg]| |
    [5woad]| |[18os]| |
    [30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
    [5wosd]| |[18os]| |
    [30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
    [5wosd]| |[18os]| |
    [30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
    [5wosd]| |[18os]| |
    [30oh]|[og]|[of]|[od] [4q] f s||
    [5wosd]| |
    [18o]|s|s|o|o|d|d|f|g| f| s| o|
    [18osh]| g| f| s|
    [4qosh]| g| g| |
    [60osh]| g| f| s|
    [5wosf]| |[od]| |
    [18osh]| g| f| s|
    [4qak]| [sl]| [isg]| |
    [60osf]| |[4qisf]| |
    [5wod]| |[18os]| |
    [etu]| u| [qtu]|y|t|u|
    [wty]| |
    [8w]|t|t|w|w|y|y|u|i| u| t| w| [18]

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:10
    King Of Kings (Hillsong Worship)

    Hillsong Worship

  • 8| |f d s d
    7| |f d s p
    4| |f d s|
    [5ad]| [sf]| [dg]| [gj]|
    8| |f d s d
    7| |f d s p
    4| |f d s|
    [5ad]| [sf]| [dg]| [gj]|
    8||o f g f d
    7 h| |
    4||s g g f f
    5| d d| |
    8||o f g f d
    7 h| |
    4||s g g f f
    5| d d| |
    4| |j j j h
    5 d| |
    8| f f [7f] h| s
    6| |s d f
    [4g]| |g| f
    [5d] d| fd[5s]| pos
    8| |f d s d
    7| |f d s p
    4| |f d s|
    [5ad]| [sf]| [dg]| [gj]|
    8||o f g f d
    7 h| |
    4||s g g f f
    5| d d| |
    8||o f g f d
    7 h| |
    4||s g g f f
    5| d d| |
    4| |j j j h
    5 d| |
    8| f f [7f] h| s
    6| |s d f
    [4g]| |g| f
    [5d] d| fd[5s]| pos
    f| h|
    [4j]| j j| |s
    [5h] h| h||g g
    8| f f 7 h||
    [6s]| |g h
    [4j] j| |j s h
    5| |d d f
    [4g]| f d d s s d
    5| f| fds s s
    8| f| f d s d
    7| |f d s p
    4| |f d s|
    [5ad]| [sf]| [dg]| [gj]|
    8||o f g f d
    7 h| |
    4||s g g f f
    5| d d| |
    8||o f g f d
    7 h| |
    4||s g g f f
    5| d d| |
    4| |j j j h
    5 d| |
    8| f f [7f] h| s
    6| |s d f
    [4g]| |g| f
    [5d] d| fd[5s]| pos
    [8s]| |7| |
    6| |5 d| f
    [4g] g| |g| f
    [5d] d| fd[5s]| pos
    8| f| f d s d
    7| |f d s p
    4| |f d s|
    [5ad]| [sf]| [dg]| [gj]|

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:10
    Wonderful Tonight (Eric Clapton)

    Eric Clapton

  • d sp f d s p f
    d p fds|p d|
    d sp f d s p f
    d p fds|p d|
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etu] p
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etup]|
    [qet] s a [qetp] a p [qetu] p
    [qetp] s a [qetp] a|[qetp]|
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etu] p
    [etu] s a [etup] s s [etua]|
    [qet] s a [qetp] a|[qetp]|
    [qet] s a [qetp] s s [qeta]|
    [etuf]|d [etus] d s [etup] o
    [etup]|s [etud] f u [etup] a
    [qets] ssp [qetp] a|[qeto] o
    [qetp] p p|[qet]|[qet]|
    [etuf]|d [etus] d s [etup] o
    [etup]|s [etud] f u [etup] a
    [etus] s p p a a o o
    p||s s s s
    [etus]|p [etu]| [etu] s
    [qets]|p [qet]|s [qet] s
    [80w]|o [80wu]| [80ws] a
    [9wr]|u [9wru] i i [9wrs] s
    [etuo]|u [etu] u u [etus] s
    [qeto]| [qet]|s [qet] s
    [80w]|o [80wu]| [80ws] a
    [9wr]| [9wr] p p [9wrp] p
    [etud] s p [etuf] d s [etup] s
    [qet] p s [qet] p|[qet] p
    [80wd] s p [80wf] d s [80wp] s
    [9wr] p s [9wr] p|[9wr] p
    [etud] s p [etuf] d s [etup] s
    [qet] p s [qet] p|[qet] p
    [80wd] s p [80wf] d s [80wp] s
    [9wr] p s [9wr] p|[9wr]|
    [etud] sp f d s p f
    d p fds|p d|
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etu] p
    [etu] s a [etup] s s [etua]|
    [qet] s s [qets] s s [qeta] s
    [qets] s s [qet] s s [qeta]|
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etu] p
    [etu] s s [etu] s|[etua]|
    [qet] s a [qetp] a p [qetp]|
    [qet] s s [qet] s|[qeta]|
    [etuf]|d [etus] d s [etup] o
    [etup]|s [etud] f u [etup] a
    [qets] ssp [qetp] a|[qeto] o
    [qetp] p p|[qet]|[qet]|
    [etuf]|d [etus] d s [etup] o
    [etup]|s [etud] f u [etup] a
    [etus] s p p a a o o
    p||s s s s
    [etus]|p [etu]| [etu] s
    [qets]|p [qet]|s [qet] s
    [80w]|o [80wu]| [80ws] a
    [9wr]|u [9wru] i i [9wrs] s
    [etuo]|u [etu] u u [etus] s
    [qeto]| [qet]|s [qet] s
    [80w]|o [80wu]| [80ws] a
    [9wr]| [9wr] p p [9wrp] p
    [etud] s p [etuf] d s [etup] s
    [qet] p s [qet] p|[qet] p
    [80wd] s p [80wf] d s [80wp] s
    [9wr] p s [9wr] p|[9wr] p
    [etud] s p [etuf] d s [etup] s
    [qet] p s [qet] p|[qet] p
    [80wd] s p [80wf] d s [80wp] s
    [9wr] p s [9wr] p|[9wr]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:19
    Immortals (Fall Out Boy)

    Fall Out Boy

  • u|||i|t|t|y|u y||t y y|||
    [36t]t eeewww q q
    [46q] q q||q
    [38e]eew w000000
    [250] 0 0||0
    [46q] q q||q
    [38e]eew w000 00
    [250]0 0 0||
    [36] t u|e e t|
    [38t] y y y y t t t
    [25t] y u|r|e|
    [36] t u|e|t|
    [38t] y y y y y u|
    [25r]| w i u y t
    [36y] y y y y|
    [46]||i u y t
    [38t] y t y r|
    [25]| w i u y t
    [36y] y y y y|
    [46]| t i u y t
    [38t] y t y r|
    [25] w u|r|t|
    [38u] y[38]|[38]|[38]|
    [36t]t e ewww q q
    [46q] q q||q
    [38e]eew w000000
    [250] 0 0||0
    [46q] q q||q
    [38e]eew wwww et
    [36] t u|e e t|
    [38t] y y y y t t t
    [25t] y u|r|e|
    [36] t u|e|t|
    [38t] y y y y y u|
    [25r]| w i u y t
    [36y] y y y y|
    [46]||i u y t
    [38t] y t y r|
    [25]| w i u y t
    [36y] y y y y|
    [46]| t i u y t
    [38t] y t y r|
    [25] w u|r|t|
    [38u] y[38]|[38]|[38]|
    [257]|[257]|[257]rr[257] e
    [36] t|e||w
    [46]||rrrr e
    [38] t|r||t
    [25]||rrrr e
    [36] t|e|t|q
    [46]||rrrr e
    [38] t|y|tr|
    [25]| w i u y t
    [6y] y y y y|
    [46]||i u y t
    [38t] y t y t|
    [25]| w i u y t
    [36y] y y y y|
    [46]| t i u y t
    [38t] y t y r|
    [25w] u|r|t|
    [38u] y||t y

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:40
    You Broke Me First (Tate McRae)

    Tate McRae

  • 680808680808
    [30u]| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 06:50
    Achilles Come Down (Gang Of Youths)

    Gang Of Youths

  • [9y]| [qep]| |o|i|
    [8p]| [qe]|||
    [9y]| [qes]| [9wra]|P|[9p]|
    [qe]| |
    [7o]| [9wy]| |u|
    [9i]| [qe]|||
    [7o]| [9wy]| |u|
    u| y|
    [tj]| [ip]|||
    [yd]| [ipl]| [yoak]|J|[yj]|
    [ip]| |
    [rh]| [yod]| |f|
    [yg]| [ip]|||
    [7o]| [9wy]| |u|
    u| y|

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:09
    Go Tomorrow (The Haunting of Hill House)

    The Newton Brothers

1 2 3 4 5 6 28 29 30