01:46 -
[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[tp] o o i i u y o
[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[tp] o o i i u y o
[8s] o s d [wa] o a s
[8wf]|0|[8eg] f d s
[58s] o s d [7wa] o a s
[etp] o o i [ei] u y t
[8wipd]|[epg]|[tsf] y t r
[5wgk]|0 h [58sf]||
[57dk]|w h [8wsf]||
[59ry]|7 u [8tu]|7|
6| t [48u]|[5o]|
[59qod]| f [etosf]|r|
[qeip] f [9qj] h [0wf]|f d
[5wad]|0 f [9I]|p a
[6qps]|e d [qes] a p f
[9edG]| h [0wf] G d f
[8sh]|[tsh]|[rsh]|[sh] w
[80esh]|[sh] w [8wsh]|[sh]|
[8sf] 0 [wd] 9 [79dg]|f|
[5ad] 9 [eg]|[8wusf]|0|
8|[5wsf]|[qeg]|w f
[59od] f g f [8sf] 0 w|
[0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
[0wdk]|r h [8sf]|0|
[79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
[rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
[79d] p d f [eQS] p S d
[rya] p p o [0wo] I u y
[ry] Q r Q [ry] w r w
[eu] 0 e [0I] [79I]|[6]| 7|[9ad]|[5G]|[Gj]|
[S6f]|9 G [9dG]|| [Q7a]|[9k] j [59dG]|[G] f
[60of]|9 G [O37a]|[6a] S
[59ad]|* f [9ed] S a S
[0rad]|d f [Q7ed] S [Qa] S
[5ad]|[7d] f [9ed] S [0a] p
[5oa] p [9a] S [ed] f [9G] H
[9ed] p d f [w*S] p S d
[59a] p p o [!5o] I u y 2
About This Music Sheet
Flying Theme (How to Train Your Dragon) is a song by John Powell. Use your computer keyboard to play Flying Theme (How to Train Your Dragon) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:46, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Flying Theme (How to Train Your Dragon) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By John Powell
[8w]| 8 8||
[8w]| 8 8| o
[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8ws] o s [8d] [8a] o a s
[8p] o o [8i] [8i] u y t
[8wu]| 8 [8i]||
[8y]|i 8 [8u]||
[8w]|u 8 [8i]||
[8y]|i [8u] [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]| [8o] [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]| [8o] [8u]||
[579y]| u [8tu]|7|
[579y]| u [8tu]|7|
[36p] u p o [37u]|u y
[59ry]| u [$69e]|e r
[48et]| y [8t] r e w
[Q9e]| G f G d f
h|[th]|[rh]|h w
[eg]|f w [8d]|d|
[8wtu]| 8 [8yi]||
[8ry]|i [8u] [8tu]||
[8w]|[tu] 8 [8yi]| u
[8y] u i [8u] [8tu]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]|o 8 [8u]||
[8w]|p 8 [8p]|a|
[8a]|p [8o] [8uo]||
[%Y] [%u] [%i] [%I] [%o] [%O]
[%p] [%P] [%a] [%s] [%S] [%d]
[1PSG]||[1g] S1P
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[Spf]|1111 h G
[Spf]|1111 j G
[$hl]||%| io
[@EYo] 4 5 [6tip] 7 8
[9ed] p d [9f] [9S] p S d
[9a] p p [9o] [9o] I u y
[9ed] p d [9f] [9S] p S d
[9a] p p [9o] [9o] I [eu] y
[S60f]| G [9dG]||
[S60f]| G [9dG]||
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[579ry]| u y T r e
[W0r]| f d S a p
[9wa]| u y T r e
d p d f S p S d
a p p o o I u y
w Q 0 9 2Level: 6Length: 02:24IntermediateTest Drive (How To Train Your Dragon)
John Powell
a S f GfD G [rIaD] [QS] [rIa] D [rQ]
[QS] [rD] [QG] [WOaDHk]
k L Z [EIL]
[IG] [YH] k [raH] [uG] [aG]
D [Wa] [YS] [OS] O
G [rD] [uS] [aS] [CB]a S P f I [rD] I a G D [QIS] [7Qra] D [7Q]
[$QS] [7QrD] [QIG] [WaDHk] [Ya] [OD] [Ya] [aH] Y
[0afHk] r [uSL] r O [rDZ] [QSkL] T I
J [QIG] [QH] I [Ok] a [0kxV] [rC] [uC] r [OkZ] r [kW] Y O [OL] [DC]
[0fZ] [rL] [uL][3Q] [7W] [0W]
[YaDGC] [uafHV] [uafHV]
[YakZC] [Dn] [uafkxV]
[0uk] L 0[29]u[107]0[18]u[112]0[10]u [YDZ]
[WOHZV] D H [DZ] [HV] [JB] [YDhJv] D H [DZ] [hv] [HV] [TgHc] O S
[DZ] [gc] [YDZ] [DZ] [SL] [SL] [sl] [PJ] [OH] [WOPJ] [OH] [QTPJB] [HV] [HV]
[GC] [GC] [SL] [PCB] [OZV] [OZV] [IJC] [IJC] [TL] [QTPJLCB] [OSH] [OSH] [IPG] [IPG] [TS] J H [TSH] S [YD] s [!ISG] % [TiOg] q W [TOH] [!ig] % T W i % [%DZ] Y [!SL] % [Tgc] q [WO] S g S H S [WYOHDZ] [TOSgHc] [tisHlV] [EiPLc] g J g L g [EiPLc] i [PZ] i P [gc] [WDZ] Y O [sl] [WOH] T [OPJ] T [OSL] T [QPJLCB] [TV] [OV] T [OJLc] T [iPJL] [Ei] P [iZ] [PV] [QGJLc] [TZ] [IZ] O P g [!TiOSg] W [Og] T [Og] T [Tg] [OD] S [OD] S [OS] [TgL] O S O S O [!g] [%D] [TS] [%O] [TP] [%S] [4Wti] 8 q [WiO] [QIPS] T I [!%Ti] O S a O a O [!T] i [TO] a [TG] g [TS] O [TS] g [TH] k [TL]Level: 8Length: 01:55ExpertRomantic Flight (How To Train Your Dragon)
John Powell
s d g h g f h [ftos] [dw] [sto] f [ot] [dw] [ft] [hro] [seflup] [lgti] z l z x [zhro] [ho] j [lt] k [jsq] [ht] [hi] f [se] [du] [dp] p h [fq] [dt] [zi] v t [yr] [iw] [u8] w t o u [y5w] [t158] u [w158] [y5w] [u8t] [o7r] [tups6] 0 e 0 t 0 [ts4] 8 [ydq] 8 e [f8] [yad59w] [o5] [p9] [sw] [js4] [h8] [hq] [fsq] [s6] 0 e dLevel: 3Easy
Romantic Flight (How To Train Your Dragon)
John Powell
[p63] j|||[e0] T u|||[630]|q|0|9|| 6|7|[84]|1|[64]|||[630]|q|0|9|| 0|q|[w864]| q|||[630]|q|0|9||6|9|0|[q962]| 6| 2| [q2]|w|[e6]| 0| |e|r|[q2]| e| 2| e|r|[eT60]|[y0]|T|r|e|6|[ue30]|r|[t40]|1|[e40]|6|8|6|4|6|[eT30]|[y6]|[T3]|[r6]|[e3]|6|3|[u6]|[uqe2]|2|[yqe6]|9|0|q|e|y|[ueT6]|[ye]|[T6]|[r3]|[e6]||y|u|[ie2]|2|[e6]|2|6| [i9]|o|[pT6]|6|[u3]|6||0|p|a|[yi2]|6|[p9]|0|q|e|r| [TS6]|[yd6]|[TS6]|[ra3]|[pe6]|7|[pe*]|[ra0]|[ts4]|1|[pe4]|6|8|q|8|4|[TS3]|[yd]|[TS6]|[ra6]|[pe]|3|6|[uf3]|[uf^]|4|[yd^]|4|^|q|^|q|[uTS6]|[yd]|[TS6]|[ra6]|[pe3]|6|6|[yd3] [uf] [ig2]|6|[pe2]|6|2|6|[ig9]|[oh]|[pj6]|[u0]|[uf]| 0| [pj]|[ka]|[rqkea9]| [pj]| r| |[63]| [t6]|6|[r0]|6|[e0]|6|[q962]| 2|6|9|q|[q62]|[30]|[84]| [t4]| [r84]| [e4]| [w975]|2|5|7|9| [u0]|2|[ue863]| [ut0]|6|[r0]|6|[ue0]|6|[q962]|2|6|9|[q6]|2|[q96]|[630]|[84]|4|t|4|r|4|[e4]| [w975]|2|5|7|9|5|[w2]| [e86]|3|[ts6]|6|[ra6]|3|[pe6]|3|[qi2]|2|6|2|[u6]|9|[qi2]|[u0]|[t84]|1|[ts4]|4|[ra8]|q|[pe8]| [wo3]|7|[u30]|7|3|7|[wo0]|7|[pe6]| [ts6]|6|[ra3]|6|[pe6]|3|[qi2]|2|6|2|6|9|[qi2]|[u30]|[t84]|1|[ts4]|1|[ra4]|4|[pe8]|q|[wo3]|7|[u0]|7|0| |[86] [30] [e6] t
Level: 7Length: 02:38IntermediateMain Theme (The Outer Worlds)
Justin E. Bell
uy uy y uy uy y uy ru u u y |
uy uy y uy uy y uy ruu uy | Iu u
uy Iu u uy Iuuyu I uIuy | I u u
uy Iu u u yIu u u y | r u u u yLevel: 1Length: 00:50Super EasyYoung and Beautiful (The Great Gatsby)
Lana Del Rey
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| [680]|[579]|[579] |
| [468]|[8w0]|[579]Level: 5Length: 02:55IntermediateHalf a Man
Dean Lewis