03:30 -
2 -
z z k|j|
[80e]|e po[ep] po[ep]|
[80e]|e p [ep] po[ep]|
[79wu]|w po[wp] p [wp]|
[79w]|w p [wp] po[wp]|
[469u]|9 po[9p] po[9p]|
[469]|9 p [9p] po[9p]|
[68q]|q p [qp] po[qp]|
[68qu]|q o [qo] a [qp]|
6 0 t p p f [ef]|
6 0 t d d h [eh]|
[5a] 9 r a a ap[wa]|
5 9 r a a|[wd]|
[2p] 6 q||9|
2 6 q|p|[9o] a
[4p] 8 e||q|
4 8 e s s f [qd] s
[60ed] d a|[0ts]|
[60ed] d a|[0ts]|
[59wd] d a|[9rs]|
[59wd] d a|s [9ra] p
[269p] ps d [6qd] f f|
[269] ps d [6qd] f f|
[48qd] d a|[8es]|
[48qd] d a|s [8ea] p
[80e]|e po[ep] po[ep]|
[80e]|e p [ep] po[ep]|
[79wu]|w po[wp] p [wp]|
[79w]|w p [wp] po[wp]|
[469u]|9 po[9p] po[9p]|
[469]|9 p [9p] po[9p]|
[68q]|q p [qp] po[qp]|
[68qu]|q o [qo] a [qp]|
6 8 [0d] [ef] [tf] f| [6d] [8f] [0f] e [th] f f d
5 7 [9s] [wd] [rd] d| [5s] [7d] [9d] [wf] [rg] f d s
2 4 [6d] [9f] [qf] f| [2d] [4f] [6f] 9 [qh] f p s
[48qd] d a|[8es]|
[48qd] d a|s [8ea] p
[60s] a [60p] a [0ts] a p a
[59s] a [59p] a [9rs] a p d
[26] p [26]|[6q]||
[26s] a [26p] o [6qu] o p a
[48p]|[48]|[8e]| a
6 0 t p p f [ef]|
6 0 t d d h [eh]|
[5a] 9 r a a ap[wa]|
5 9 r a a|[wd]|
[2p] 6 q||9|
2 6 q|p|[9o] a
[4p] 8 e||q|
4 8 e s s f [qd] s
[60ed] d a|s| d d a|s|
[59wd] d a|s| d d a|s a p
[269p] ps d d f f| ps d d f f|
[48qd] d a|s| d d a|s a p
[60ed] d a|s| d d a|s|
[59wd] d a|s| d d a|s a p
[269p] ps d d f f| ps d d f f|
[48qd] d a|s| d d a|s a p
6 0[ea] [0s]| k l
6 0[ea] [0s]| k l
5 9[wa] [9s]| k l
5 9[wa] [9s]| k l
[269p] ps d [6qd] f f|
[269] ps d [6qd] f f|
[48qd] d a|[8es]|
[48q]| s [8es] f d s
[60ed] d a|[0ts]|
[60ed] d a|[0ts]|
[59wd] d a|[9rs]|
[59wd] d a|s [9ra] p
[269p] ps d [6qd] f f|
[269] ps d [6qd] f f|
[48qd] d a|[8es]|
[48qd] d a|s [8ea] p
[80e]|e po[ep] po[ep]|
[80e]|e p [ep] po[ep]|
[79wu]|w po[wp] p [wp]|
[79w]|w p [wp] po[wp]|
[469u]|9 po[9p] po[9p]|
[469]|9 p [9p] po[9p]|
[68q]|q p [qp] po[qp]|
[68qu]|q o [qo] a [qp]|
6 8 [0d] [ef] [tf] f| [6d] [8f] [0f] e [th] f f d
5 7 [9s] [wd] [rd] d| [5s] [7d] [9d] [wf] [rg] f d s
2 4 [6d] [9f] [qf] f| [2d] [4f] [6f] 9 [qh] f p s
[48d] d a|s|
[48d] d a|s a p 6
About This Music Sheet
I Adore You (HUGEL) is a song by HUGEL. Use your computer keyboard to play I Adore You (HUGEL) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:30, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song I Adore You (HUGEL) is classified in the genre of Dance on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using EDM, Dance-Pop, Fun.
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6 0 w r| e y r 6 0 w r| 0 w|ert[u6] 0 w r| e y r 6 0 w 0 [r5] 0 [wt] 0 [we4] 8 q e| u y u [y5] 9 [ywro]| [ut1] 5 [80]| [u2] 6 [y9] q [te]| r t [yr3] 7 0 w [ur]| r| [we4] 8 q e| u y p [yo5] 9 [ywri]| [ut1] 5 [80]| [ue2] 6 [ye9] q [yie]| u i [yo3] 7 0 w [urp]| u| [ua6] [us0] [uta] [y0] [u4] 8 [yoe] 8 [p5] 9 [yr] 9 [ut1] 5 [80]| [ut2] [ti6] [utq] [e6] [r6] 0 [wte] 0 [yr4] 8 [ute] 8 [yo5] 9 [ur] [o9] [ua6] [us0] [uta] [y0] [u4] 8 [yoe] 8 [p5] 9 [yr] 9 [ut1] 5 [80]| [ut2] [ti6] [utq] [e6] [r6] 0 [wte] 0 [yr4] 8 [ute] 8 [yo5] 9 [wr] 9 [e6] 0 w r| e y r 6 0 w r| 0 w|ert[u6] 0 w r| e y r 6 0 w r| 0 w|||6 0 e
Level: 5Length: 01:42IntermediateSamidare (Naruto Shippuden)
Yasuharu Takanashi
[utso]| [utso]| [qpid]| [ywoa]||[wspo] [woda]| [tsof]| [spfe]| [qpgd]| [wsof]||[wida] [use]| [qpid]| [wuso]| [ywoa]| [utso]| | [tohf]| [uohf]| [ohf]| [tohf]||[togd] [tsof]| [wogd]| [rogd]| [yogd]| [wogd]||[wsof] [woda]| [tsof]| [tspg] [of] [tsid] [us] [tsof]||[yoga] [usoh]| [sji] [pgd] [sof]| [wida]| [uts8]Level: 6Length: 00:32Intermediate
My Country Tis of Thee
Samuel Francis Smith
[1y]|5|5|[1u]|5|5|[15s]| a|[15o]| u|
[3y]|7|7|[3u]|7|7|[37s]| a|[37o]| u|
[3y]|6|6|[3u]|6|6|[36s]| a|[36o]| u|
[16y]||[16u]| t|[%1u]||i||
[358s]|u|u|[358u]| y|[358u]||[358o]| p|
[357s]|u|u|[357u]| y|[357u]||[357o]| p|
[136s]|u|u|[136u]| y|[136s]|u|u|[136u]|o|u|
[1y]|5|5|[1u]|5|5|[15s]| a|[15o]| u|
[3y]|7|7|[3u]|7|7|[37s]| a|[37o]| u|
[3y]|6|6|[3u]|6|6|[36s]| a|[36o]| u|
[16y]||[16u]| t|[%1u]||i||
[358s]|u|u|[358u]| y|[358u]||[358o]| p|
[357s]|u|u|[357u]| y|[357u]||[357o]| p|
[136s]|u|u|[136u]| y|[136s]|u|u|[136u]|o|u|
[358s]|u|u|u| y|[358u]||o| p|
[357s]|u|u|u| y|[357u]||o| p|
[136s]|u|u|u|y| [136s]|u|u|u|o|u|
[146p]|u|u|u|y| [%14u]|i|o| |
[15wt]Level: 6Length: 03:18IntermediateHeather (Alternative)
Conan Gray