01:41 -
[e6] u s u s u e u
[92] e i e i e 9 e
[e6] u s u s u e u e|||
[e6] u s u s u e u
[92] e i e i e 9 e
[e6] u s u s u e u e|||
[e6] u s u s u e u
[r3] u O u O||
[w5] y i y i y w y
[e6] u p u p|||
[e6] u s u s u e u
[92] e i e i e 9 e
[q4] t u t u t q t
[70] r y r y|||
[e6] u s u s u e u
[30] u s u s||
[q4] t p t [81] t u t
[92] e i e i|||
[e6] u s u s u e u
[w5] u s u s||
[30] r o r o r 0 r
[q4] t p t p|||
[92] e i e i e 9 e
[81] w u w u||
[30] r y r y||[e60]|||
[je] u p s [jf]|p|
[j9] e [yh] i [pg]|[yf]|
[je] u p s [jf]|p|||
[je] u p s [jf]|p|
[j0] r [uH] I [aG]|[uf]|
[qj] t i t [j8] w t w
[j9] e y i p|y|||
[je] u p s [jf]|p|
[j0] r u I [aH]|u|
q t i p s|i|||
[je] u p s [jf]|p|
About This Music Sheet
Light Of The Seven (Game Of Thrones) is a song by Ramin Djawadi. Use your computer keyboard to play Light Of The Seven (Game Of Thrones) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:41, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Light Of The Seven (Game Of Thrones) is classified in the genre of Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Game of Thrones, Instrumental, Emotional.
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Other Songs By Ramin Djawadi
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6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 66666666
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[10u] [0u] [0u] [0u] [9y]|
[1qi] [qi] [qi] [qi] [0u]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [qi]|
[1qi] [qi] [qi] [qi] [0u]|
[1wo] [wo] [wo] [wo] [qi]|
[1EP] [EP] [EP] [EP] [ep]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ig]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [uf]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ig]|
[sl]|[sl]|[gc]Level: 4Length: 01:25EasyDaemon And Caraxes Leave Dragonstone (HOTD)
Ramin Djawadi
u e tyu e tyu e tyu e tyu e Tyu e Tyu e Tyu e Tyu| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer 0 w y| w| try| w|
tre 9 qwe 9 qwe 9 qwe 9 q u| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer 0 w y| w| try| w|
tre 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 e u| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer w r y| w| r| t r|
e e 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe e e p t
iop t ipo t uio t uoi e yui e uiu e tyu e tyt q ert q ert q t y t y u e
tyu e tyu e tyu i o p t iop t ipo t uio t u i e yui e uiu e tyu e r t q ert q er
t q t r 0 r e 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe u iop u iop u iopLevel: 2Length: 01:37EasyGame of Thrones Title Sequence (Easy)
Ramin Djawadi
[u63] e tyu e ty[u63] e tyu e ty[u63] e Tyu e Ty[u63] e Tyu e Ty[u63]| e| [te63]yu| e| ty[wr73] 0 wer 0 we[wr73] 0 wer 0 w [y52]| w| [wt52]ry| w| tr[qe62] 9 qwe 9 qw[qe62] 9 qwe 9 [q62] [u63]| [63] [e63]| [63] [te63]yu [63] [e63]| [t63]y[wr73] 0 [w73]e[r73] 0 [w73]e[wr73] 0 [w73]e[r73] 0 [w73] [y52]| [52] [w52]| [52] [wt52]ry [52] [w52]| [t52]r[qe63] 0 [q63]w[e63] 0 [q63]w[qe63] 0 [q63]w[e63] 0 [e63] [u6]3680 [e6]3680 [te6][y3][u6]80 [e6]368[t0]y[r3]707[w0][e7][r3]707[w0][e7][r3]707[w0][e7][r3]7[w0]7[r0]7[y5]9w9w9[w5]9w9w9[r5]9w9[wt]9[r5]9w9w9[e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e6]3[60]3[q6][w3][e630] [e630] [e630] [p84] t [i84]o[p84] t [i84]p[o51] t [u51]i[o51] t [u51]o[i62] e [y62]u[i62] e [u62]i[u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[t41] q [e41]r[t41] q [e41]r[t41] [q41] [t41] [y73] [t73] [y73] [u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[u63] e [t63]y[u51] i [o51] [p84] t [i84][o84][p84] t [i84][p84][o51] t [u51][i51][o51] t [u51][51][i62] e [y62][u62][i62] e [u62][i62][u63] e [t63][y63][u63] e [r63][63][t41] q [e41][r41][t41] q [e41][r41][t41] [q41] [t41] [r73] [730] [r73] [e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e63] 0 [q63][w63][e6] u iop u iop u iop
Level: 6Length: 01:38IntermediateGame of Thrones Title Sequence (Alternative)
Ramin Djawadi
[s8] w [tsh] w [sh8] w [tg] [wD] [h^] q E q ^ q E q [s%] ( [shW] ( [sh%] ( [gW] [D(] [sh^] q E q [^H] q [JE] q [l%] ( W t Y O s D H||| [tsoY1] @ [oh5] 8 [oh1] @ [ig5] [YD8] [ohPD@] 5 ^ ( @ 5 ^ ( [sigO4] % [oh8] q [OH4] % [oh8] [qOH] [ohdP5] ^ 9 w [ig5] ^ [YD9] [ywd] [ts1] @ 5 8 1 @ 5 8 1 @ 5 8 ( w t| w| W E t| w| W E t| w| W E 8(wtLevel: 7Length: 00:50Intermediate
I Have To Go North (Game of Thrones)
Ramin Djawadi
5||5 9 ( 9| 5| |[@8]| @| |^| |[8%]||| 5||w y Y y| w| |[t@]| (| |9qE||[(%]Wt||| [t1] 5 [ti8] 5 [tY1] 5 [y8] 5 [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^E] 4 ^ 4 [E%] @ % @ % [W@] [E%] [t@] [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^Y] 4 [y^] 4 [t1] 5 [ti8] 5 [tY1] 5 [y8] 5 [t^] 4 ^ 4 [^P] 4 ^ 4 [g%] @ % @ [D%] @ % @ [h^] 4 ^ 4 [g^] 4 ^ 4Level: 5Length: 00:52Intermediate
My Watch is Ended (Game of Thrones)
Ramin Djawadi
[te6] 60 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] p[a6][s0] [d8]D[utf8] 8[wd] so[yoe9]p 99 0 [tsqe] ds[a0] [s8][a7][tpe6] [o6][p0] 8o[uts8]p 8[ws] S[yed9] f9[d9] [s0] [tqea] p[p0] [o8]7[spfe6] [s6][s0] [sg8] [thf8] 8[wsf] p [ged9] 99 [sh0] [sqge] ap[ga0] [sf8][a7][tpe6] [pf][o6][pf0] 8o[tshf8]ph[ph8][wph] [sg][pf][yed9]s[gd]99 [hf0] [sqged] hf[uf0] [uf8][o7][te6] t[t6][t0] [t8]t[ut8]yu8[wu] yt[ye9]ui99 [i0]u[tqie]|[u0] [t8][t7][ute6] t6[e0] [u8] [ut8]io8w df[ged9] f[d9][gd9] [f0]d[sqge] g [s0]h[G8][g7][tfe6] s6[p0] 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] p[s6][sf0] 8d[uts8] f[g8][whf] gf[yped9]fg99 0 [tsqpe] fg[pf0] [o8][f7][fe6] [tp] [u0] [t8] [t8] u [wo] u [y9] i [p9] [i0] [qi] p [s0] [p8]7[pe6] [ts] [uf0] [ts8] [ts8] [uf] [woh] [uf] [yd9] [ig] [pj9] [ig0] [qig] [pj0] [sql0] [pj8][q7][pe60] [ts] [uf60] [ts80] [ts80] [uf8] [woh8] [uf]0[yqd9] [ig0] [pj9] [ig80] [qig7] [pj90] [sl0] [pj98]7[pe60] [ts] [uf0] [ts8] [ts8] [uf0] [woh0] [uf9]8[yd9] [ig] [pj9] [ig0] [qig4] [pj3] [sql4] [pj85]7[te6] p[a6][s0] [d8]D[utf8] g8[wf] ds[yed9] s[a9][p9] 0 [tsqe] ds[a0] [s8][d7][sfe6] 6[s0] 8o[uto8]p 8[ws] p [yed9] 9[f9] [d0] [tqed] fd[sp0] [oa8]7[tspe6] 60 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] 60 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] p[a6][s0] [d8]D[utf8] 8[wd] so[yoe9]p 99 0 [tsqe] ds[a0] [s8][a7][tpe6] [o6][p0] 8o[uts8]p 8[ws] S[yed9] f9[d9] [s0] [tqea] p[p0] [o8]7[spfe6] [s6][s0] [sg8] [thf8] 8[wsf] p [ged9] 99 [sh0] [sqge] ap[ga0] [sf8][a7][tpe6] [pf][o6][pf0] 8o[tshf8]ph[ph8][wph] [sg][pf][yed9]s[gd]99 [hf0] [sqged] hf[uf0] [uf8][o7][te6] t[t6][t0] [t8]t[ut8]yu8[wu] yt[ye9]ui99 [i0]u[tqie]|[u0] [t8][t7][ute6] t6[e0] [u8] [ut8]io8w df[ged9] f[d9][gd9] [f0]d[sqge] g [s0]h[G8][g7][tfe6] s6[p0] 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6] p[s6][sf0] 8d[uts8] f[g8][whf] gf[yped9]fg99 0 [tsqpe] fg[pf0] [o8][f7][fe6] [tp] [u0] [t8] [t8] u [wo] u [y9] i [p9] [i0] [qi] p [s0] [p8]7[pe6] [ts] [uf0] [ts8] [ts8] [uf] [woh] [uf] [yd9] [ig] [pj9] [ig0] [qig] [pj0] [sql0] [pj8][q7][pe60] [ts] [uf60] [ts80] [ts80] [uf8] [woh8] [uf]0[yqd9] [ig0] [pj9] [ig80] [qig7] [pj90] [sl0] [pj98]7[pe60] [ts] [uf0] [ts8] [ts8] [uf0] [woh0] [uf9]8[yd9] [ig] [pj9] [ig0] [qig4] [pj3] [sql4] [pj85]7[te6] p[a6][s0] [d8]D[utf8] g8[wf] ds[yed9] s[a9][p9] 0 [tsqe] ds[a0] [s8][d7][sfe6] 6[s0] 8o[uto8]p 8[ws] p [yed9] 9[f9] [d0] [tqed] fd[sp0] [oa8]7[tspe6] 60 8 [ut8] 8w|[ye9] 99 0 [tqe]|0 87[te6]
Level: 7Length: 02:32IntermediateJewel of the Desert (Wynncraft)
[63] 3 3 [63] 3 3 [63] 3 [63] 3 3 [63] 3 3 [63] 3 [63] [p3]a[s3] [d63] 3 [p3]a[s63] [f3] [63] [p3]a[s3] [h63] [G3] [f3]d[f63] [s3] [63] [p3]a[s3] [d63] 3 [p3]a[s63] [f3] [63] [p3]a[s3] [h63] [G3] [f3]d[f63] [f3]h [sjg4] 4 [q8] 4[q8] [q8][j4]l[wk9] [h5] [pdG2] 2 [96] 2[96] [96]2 [96]2pa [spi4] 4 [q8] 4[q8] [q8][s4]f[wd9] [a5] [ypI2] 2 [96] 2[96] [96]2 [96]2 [sjg4] 4 [q8] 4[q8] [q8][j4]l[wk9] [h5] [pdG2] 2 [96] 2[96] [96]2 [96]2pa [spi4] 4 [q8] 4[q8] [q8][s4]f[wd9] [h5] [jfd6] 0 e [60] [pfS] 6 [e0] 6 6 [p0]u[pe] [ra] [ts] a [pe] u 2 [I6]y[I9] [o0] [pQ] o [I9]| 4 [i8]t[qi] [wo] [pe] o [qp] s [a3] [O%] [u7] [r0] [u30] [y92] [t81] [r7] 6 [p0]u[pe] [ra] [ts] a [pe] u 2 [I6]y[I9] [o0] [pQ] o [I9]| ^ [qP]i[PE] [ts] [yd] P [dE] g [f3] [d%] [a7] [O0] [uW] [yQ] [r0] [W7] ! [uT][YT][uT] [YT] [uT*!][YT][uT%] % % ! [uT][YT][uT] [YT] [uT30][YT][uT%] % % [wYE@] [hP][gP][hP] [gP] [hP][gP][hP] [@(] ^ @ [hP][gP][hP] [gP] [hP][gP][hP] [@(] ^ ! [uT][YT][uT] [YT] [uT30][YT][uT%] % % [*!] [uT][YT][uT] [YT] [uWT%][YT][uT%] % % [wYE@] [hP][gP][hP] [gP] [hP][gP][hP] [@(] ^ [@(] [hP][gP][hP] [gP] [hP][gP][hP] [@(] 6 [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [ts853] 8 [wo853] 8 [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [^PE4*] * [^4*] * [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [ts853] 8 [uf853] 8 [IG6*$] * [TS6*$] * [ra7] @ $ 7 [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [ts853] 8 [wo853] 8 [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [^PE4*] * [^4*] * [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [ts853] 8 [uf853] 8 [ig864] 8 [sl864] 8 [ka7] @ $ 7 [xf73] 7 7 [73] [Z7] 7 [73] 7 [PJ73] 7 7 [73] [k7] 7 [73] 7 [h^PD@] [^@] [62] [62] [^@] [^@] [84] [84] [^@] [^@] [62] [62] [^@] [^@] [84] [84] [xf73] 7 7 [73] [Z7] 7 [73] 7 [PJ73] 7 7 [73] [k7] 7 [73] 7 [h^PD@] [^@] [62] [62] [^@] [^@] [84] [84] [^@] [^@] [62] [62] [^@] [^@] [84] [84] [73(]0[w7]r[7(]0[w73]r[7(]0[w7]r[73(]0[w7]r [Y73]u[o7]a[Y7]u[o73]a[Y7]u[o7]a[Y73]u[o7]a [63] [p3]a[s3] [d63] 3 [p3]a[s63] [f3] [63] [p3]a[s3] [h63] [G3] [f3]d[f63] [s3] [63] [p3]a[s3] [d63] 3 [p3]a[s63] [f3] [63] [p3]a[s3] [h63] [G3] [f3]d[f63] [f3]h [sjg4] 4 [q8] 4[q8] [q8][j4]l[wk9] [h5] [pdG2] 2 [96] 2[96] [96]2 [96]2pa [spi4] 4 [q8] 4[q8] [q8][s4]f[wd9] [a5] [ypI2] 2 [96] 2[96] [96]2 [96]2 [sjg4] 4 [q8] 4[q8] [q8][j4]l[wk9] [h5] [pdG2] 2 [96] 2[96] [96]2 [96]2pa [spi4] 4 [q8] 4[q8] [q8][s4]f[wd9] [h5] [jfd6] 0 e [60] [pfS] 6 [e0] 6 6 [p0]u[pe] [ra] [ts] a [pe] u 2 [I6]y[I9] [o0] [pQ] o [I9]| 4 [i8]t[qi] [wo] [pe] o [qp] s [a3] [O%] [u7] [r0] [u30] [y92] [t81] [r7] 6 [p0]u[pe] [ra] [ts] a [pe] u 2 [I6]y[I9] [o0] [pQ] o [I9]| ^ [qP]i[PE] [ts] [yd] P [dE] g [f3] [d%] [a7] [O0] [uW] [yQ] [r0] [W7] ! [uT][YT][uT] [YT] [uT*!][YT][uT%] % % ! [uT][YT][uT] [YT] [uT30][YT][uT%] % % [wYE@] [hP][gP][hP] [gP] [hP][gP][hP] [@(] ^ @ [hP][gP][hP] [gP] [hP][gP][hP] [@(] ^ ! [uT][YT][uT] [YT] [uT30][YT][uT%] % % [*!] [uT][YT][uT] [YT] [uWT%][YT][uT%] % % [wYE@] [hP][gP][hP] [gP] [hP][gP][hP] [@(] ^ [@(] [hP][gP][hP] [gP] [hP][gP][hP] [@(] 6 [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [ts853] 8 [wo853] 8 [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [^PE4*] * [^4*] * [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [ts853] 8 [uf853] 8 [IG6*$] * [TS6*$] * [ra7] @ $ 7 [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [ts853] 8 [wo853] 8 [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [^PE4*] * [^4*] * [ra753] 7 [wo753] 7 [ts853] 8 [uf853] 8 [ig864] 8 [sl864] 8 [ka7] @ $ 7 [xf73] 7 7 [73] [Z7] 7 [73] 7 [PJ73] 7 7 [73] [k7] 7 [73] 7 [h^PD@] [^@] [62] [62] [^@] [^@] [84] [84] [^@] [^@] [62] [62] [^@] [^@] [84] [84] [xf73] 7 7 [73] [Z7] 7 [73] 7 [PJ73] 7 7 [73] [k7] 7 [73] 7 [h^PD@] [^@] [62] [62] [^@] [^@] [84] [84] [^@] [^@] [62] [62] [^@] [^@] [84] [84] [73(]0[w7]r[7(]0[w73]r[7(]0[w7]r[73(]0[w7]r [Y73]u[o7]a[Y7]u[o73]a[Y7]u[o7]a[Y73]u[o7]a [63] 3 3 [63] 3 3 [63] 3 [63]Level: 7Length: 03:48Intermediate
Battle Music (Clash Royale)
Supercell Ltd
t y [u8]|u|t|[y^]|| o i [u8]|u|t| [y^]|t|t y [u8]|u|t| [y^]|u|i|[y$]|t|E| [t4] 8 q 8 w 8 e 8 w 8 q 8 4 8 q 8 w 8 e|| t y [u8]|u|t|[y^]|| o i [u8]|u|t|[y^]|t| t y [u8]|u|t| [y^]|u|i|[y$]|t|E| [t4] 8 q 8 w 8 e 8 w 8 q 8 4 8 q 8 w 8 eLevel: 4Length: 00:34Easy
Lullaby Set (Braid)
Shira Kammen