One Kiss

Dua Lipa 17 November 2020

u y t t y y | t tt t y y |
t t t y y | u y t u y t u y t t y y |
t tt t y y | t t t y y | u y t u y t t

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About This Music Sheet

One Kiss is a song by Dua Lipa. Use your computer keyboard to play One Kiss music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song One Kiss is classified in the genres: UK, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Happy, Electro House.

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    • 3 y
    • 11 m
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    Other Songs By Dua Lipa

    • rap yu[eyo] I | III I [up] I | [ru] y | eryuI ee III I [up] I | [ru] y | eeryuI ee | yT[wr] r T r yT[wr] r u y Iu[wry] y u yuI | pa | ra[ryp] y u[wyo] I eeep[wyo] I ya[ryp] yu[eyo] I eeey[eyo] I III I [up] I | [ru] y | eryuI ee III I [up] I | [ru] y | eeryuI ee | yT[wr] r T r yT[wr] r u y Iu[wry] y u yuI | pa | ra[ryp] y u[wyo] I eeep[wyo] I ya[ryp] yu[eyo] I eeey[eyo] I u u [wru] | u u u | u u [wru] u u | u u [eyu] | u u [wru] | u u u | u u [wru] u u | u u [eyu] | uIuIu uu | u uu | uIuI d d d a | uIuIu uu | Iuy y u yuI | pau | uIuI uu u u u I f f
      Level: 5
      Length: 01:30
      Don’t Start Now

      Dua Lipa

    • [0et] [0et] [0et] [0et] [0et] [wry] [wryo] [qet] [qet] q [qt] t y [qo] [qet] [qet] q [9wr] [9wr] | [0ets] a p a [0ets] a p | s a p a [wrd] | [s] | [qet] | [qet] u e e [qet] w [qet] u e e [qet] w | [0ets] a p a [0ets] a p | s a p a [wrd] | [fwry] | [qet] | [qet] u e e [qet] w [qet] u e e [qet] w | [0eu] [0o] | [0o] i u [0ey] t e | [u i u] | e | [u i] [qtu] [qt] y u [eu] | [euo] | [eu] | [0o] i u [0ey] t e | [u i u] | e | [u i] [qtu] | y | [eo] [etu] [e u] y [y y] | t | [eto] y y y [eyu] y t e y [y y] [wy] [qet] [qt] u y [y y] | e [qy] e [qy] e y [y y] | [eo] [etu] [e u] y [y y] | t | [eu] o o o [uo] o o o y [y y] | u [qet] [qt] e e u y [y y] | [qy] e [qy] e [qy] | [qy] e | e r t u t r e [etu] [et] [etu] | e r t u t r e | [qt] [qtu] | [qtu] | e r t u t [r e] t [etu] [et] [etu] | e r t u t r e | [qt] [qtu] | [qtu] | e r t u t [r e] t
      Level: 6
      Length: 01:50
      New Rules

      Dua Lipa

    • [qeto] | q q | q q | q [qo] | q [etu] y | u y | u y | u y | e [qeto] | q q | q q | q [qo] | q [etu] y | u y | u y | u y | [qey] y y [qy] [qy] y y [qy] [qey] y y [qy] [qy] y y [qy] [0ey] y y [ey] [ey] u t | [0wt] | e e | e [qey] y y [qy] [qy] y y [qy] [qey] y y [qy] [qy] y y [qy] [0ey] y y [ey] [ey] u t | [0wt] | e [uos] a p o [qeto] | p | [qetu] | u [ips] a p o [tuo] | p | [etu] | [os] a p o [eto] | [ips] a p o [eto] | [ips] a p o [tup] | p | [tup] | [ryo] | s a [tup] p p | s a [tup] p [ryp] | s a [etu] u u | s a [etu] u [uoa] | s a [tup] p p | s a [tup] p [ryp] | s a [etu] u u | [ups] a [wtu] u [yoa] | p | [ups] a [wtu] u [yoa] | p o o o u o q p | u y | [eo] o e [eo] oow p u y t i | u | y t i | u o o o u o q p | u y | s a p oo[ryo]p u y t i [eti] u | p p [tup] a | [uf] | [upd] | [up] [up] [up] s f | [upd] | [up] [yos] p | [upd] | d d [upd] [psf] [uod] | s [adj] | [adh] | [isdj]
      Level: 6
      Length: 02:20
      Last Dance

      Dua Lipa

    • 0 ro 9 eI | w ya t wu y y r e y y r w ryy y y u r r | y y r | y y r [er] | r | w | 9 | wy y r | wy y r w y yyyyy u r r 0 r t y rty rty t r e | r | w | yyyyo | yy u yy | w ryyyyu yy | yy o | yy u yy | yy y y y u | yy y o | yy u Iy r w yyyy u yy tr | y y tt r t rwe | y p o 0 a p ssa o u | y p o 0 a p s a | y p o 0 a p ssa o u y p o a p | s a oa a ouo oo | oa a ouo p P p | p o | a p | s a | a a ouo op | ouo d P p | o | p o | a p | I o I u y yy d a p | yuI p oy | [0p] p p [9p] p p p p [rp] p o P p yyyuo d a p | p a s a p o u | [0p] p p [9p] p p p p [rp] p u o | y y I u | [wty]
      Level: 4
      Length: 02:00

      Dua Lipa


    • f | f | d d f d s s | p o f | f | d d f d s s | p o f | o o f | d d d f d s s | o d |
      ssd s f | d s s | a s | s s s s s s s | o s s s s o | d d s d | s d d f f f | d s | f | f | d d f d s s | o d | ssd s f | d s s | a | p | a | s

      Level: 1
      Length: 01:25
      Super Easy
      The Other Side (The Greatest Showman)

      Zac Efron

    • o [ws]d yf[og] [wd] y [wo] [wd] y [oa]
      [qa]s [ta] [uo] [9i] e [yi]ui[8o] wo[tp] [5o] 9 w|
      h [8f] wd[ts] [wd] yf[og] [9g]h eg[yf]
      [wd] y [og]h [9g] ef[yd] [8s] [wo] [tp] [qi] t u i|
      h [8f] wd[ts] [wd] yf[og] [9g]h eg[yf]
      [wd] y [og]h [9g] ef[yd] [8s] [wo] [tp] [qi] t u i|
      o [ws]d yf[og] [wd] y [wo] [wd] y [oa]
      [qa]s [ta] [uo] [9i] e [yi]ui[8o] wo[tp] [5o] 9 w|
      h [wl]z yx[oc] [wz] y [wh] [wl]z y [ok]
      [qk]l [tk] [uh] [9g] e [yg]fg[8h] wh[tj] [5h] 9 w|
      v [8x] wz[tl] [wz] yx[oc] [9c]v ec[yx]
      [wz] y [oc]v [9c] ex[yz] [8l] [wh] [tj] [qg] t u i|
      v [8x] wz[tl] [wz] yx[oc] [9c]v ec[yx]
      [wz] y [oc]v [9c] ex[yz] [8l] [wh] [tj] [qg] t u i|
      h [wl]z yx[oc] [wz] y [wh]gh[wz] y [ok]
      [qk]l [tk] [uh] [9g] e [yg]fg[8h] wh[tj] [5h] 9 w|
      o [wyd]|fg [wyd]|
      o [wyd]| a [qts] a o [9ei]|
      ui[8wo]| p [59o]| w|
      h [8wf]|ds [wyd]|
      fg [9eh]|gf [wyd]|
      h [9eg]|fd [8ws] o p [qti]| i|
      h [8wf]|ds [wyd]|
      fg [9eh]|gf [wyd]|
      h [9eg]|fd [8ws] o p [qti]| i|
      o [wyd]|fg [wyd]|
      o [wyd]| a [qts] a o [9ei]|
      ui[8wo]| p [9wo]| [59]

      Level: 5
      Length: 01:48
      Lough Erin Shore

      The Corrs

    • [sof81]||| [pgd92]||| [usp6]||| [spi4]||| [f81]osofosofosofodf [g92]pdpgpdpgpfpdfdsa [s6]upusupusupusdsa [s4]ipisipi[s4]i[p6]i[s8]a[p9]o[sof81]||| [pgd92]| |9q09 [usp6]| |63[spi4]||| [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips| 8765 [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg dfgfds [s6] ups ups upsdsa [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [sof81]||| [pgd92]||| [usp6]||| [spi4]||| [sof81]||| [pgd92]||| [usp6]||| [spi4]||| [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg dfgfds [s6] ups ups upsdsa [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81]osofosofosofodf [g92]pdpgpdpgpfpdfdsa [s6]upusupusupusdsa [s4]ipisipi[s4]i[p6]i[s8]a[p9]o [f81]osofosof h g fd [g92]pdpgpdpj h dfdsa [s6]upusupupasdsapu[o4]| |p| |s| |432 [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5][ut81]
      Level: 7
      Length: 04:35
