Verified Music Sheets

Verified Music Sheets

Verified Music Sheets are reviewed and approved by Virtual Piano Legends

Music sheets that have been carefully reviewed, refined and approved by Virtual Piano Legends are called Verified Music Sheets and denoted by the special tick icon. Getting better at playing Verified Music Sheets is the best way to improve your Virtual Pianist Rating. Verified songs also sound better when you play them by hand as well as in Auto Play mode.

  • p| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
    [4p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
    [6p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
    [4p]| f| p| f| p| f| p| f|
    [1p] 1 [1f] 1 [1p] 1 [1f] 1 [7p] 7 [7f] 7 7| |
    [68]0W| W 6 [6e]| e 6 [6r]| r 6 [6t]| t 6
    [48]qW| W 4 [4e]| e 4 [4r]| r 4 [4t]| t 4
    [18]0W| W 1 [1e]| e 1 [1r]| r 1 [1t]| t 1
    [29]QW| W 2 [2e]| e 2 [2r]| r 2 [2t]| t 2
    [68]0W| W 3 [6e]| e 36[6r]| r 36[6t]| t 3
    [48]qW| W 1 [4qe]| e 48[4qr]| r 8[4q][4qt]| t 8
    [18]0W| W 15[1e]| e 15[18r]| r 15[18t]| t 5
    [79]QW| W $7[7e]| e [$7][$7][7r]| r [$7][$7][$7t]| [$7t]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:18
    28 Days Later Theme

    John Murphy

  • [48ti]|e|[to]|e|[18wtu]| |
    [48ti]|e|[to]|e|[18wtu]| t|
    [48j]| j|h|[18f]| |
    [48p]|s|h|f|[18]| s|d|
    [48j]| j|h|[6f]| |
    [48j]| [59k]| [60f]||s
    [48s]|d|f|d|[59]| s|s|
    [18]| |[18]| |
    [18]| |[18]||o|
    [4s]| s| [8s]| p|o|
    [5a]| s| [6s]| o|
    4|o|s|s|[8s]| s|d|
    5| f|f|6||s|
    [4g]|g|g|f|[8f]| d|s|
    [5f]| d|
    [8s]|||8 8|8
    8| |8| [8f]|h|
    [4j]| j|[4h]|[8f]||8|
    [4p]|s|h|[4f]|8| s|[8d]|
    5||5|5| f|[5h]|
    [4j]| j|[4h]|[6f]||6|
    [4j]| [5k]| [6f]||6 s
    [4s]|d|f|[4d]|5| s|[5s]|
    [18]| |[18]| |
    [18]| |[18]||o|
    [4s]| s| [8s]| p|o|
    [5a]| s| [6s]| o|o
    [4s]| s| [8s]| s|s|
    [5d]| f|f|6||s|
    [4g]| g| [8f]|d|s|d|
    [7d]| f|
    [8f]| d s|||
    [wf]| d|
    [8s]|||8 8|8
    8| |8||o|
    [4s]| s| [8s]| p|o|
    [7a]| s| [8s]| o|o
    [4s]| s| [8s]| s|s|
    [5d]| f|f|8| |
    [qwg]| g| [ef]|d|s|d|
    [qd]| f|
    [6f]| d s|||
    [wf]| d|
    [8s]|||8 8|8
    8| |8| [8f]|h|
    [4j]| j|[4h]|[8f]||8|
    [4p]|s|h|[4f]|8| s|[8d]|
    5||5|5| f|[5h]|
    [4j]| j|[4h]|[6f]||6|
    [4j]| [5k]| [6f]||6 s
    [4s]|d|f|[4h]|5| h|[5h]|
    8||8|8| [8f]|h|
    [4s]|d|f|[4d]|5| s|[5s]|
    [6s]||6|6| 6|
    [4s]|d|f|[4d]|5| f|[5f]|
    [6f] g f|f|6|6| [6f]|d|
    [4s]|d|f|d|5| s|s|
    [48]| |[18]| |
    [7w]| |6|0|q|
    [48]| |[18]

    Level: 7
    Length: 04:16
    10.000 Reasons

    Matt Redman

  • x l f s u t

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:15
    1000 Doors (ibi)


  • P g g g d | s P o P s d d |
    o o P s g d | s P o P s d sP |
    P P g g g d | sP o P s d Dd |
    o o P s g d | s P o P P P P

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:00
    Super Easy
    10,000 Hours

    Justin Bieber

  • tyu yt[1t]5[8t]0|1580|
    w[1y]5[8y]0y [1t]5[8t]0|[5u]2[5y][7t][6t]3[6t]8|6368|
    w [6y]3[6y]8y [6t]3[6t]8ty[3u]7[3y][5t][4t]1[4t]6|[4y][1y][4y]6y|
    5257 w[5o]2[5u]7|ytt 1580|
    1580|yuo 1580|
    1580tyu yt[1t]5[8t]0|
    1580| w[1y]5[8y]0y [1t]5[8t]0ty[5u]2[5y][7t][6t]3[6t]8|6368|
    w [6y]3[6y]8y [6t]3[6t]8ty[3u]7[3y][5t][4t]1[4t]6|[4y]1[4y]6y|
    5257 w[5i]2[5u]7|ytt
    1580|1580| u6[3y][6y][8y]y [4t][1t][4t][6e]eee ww[1w]5[8u]0u 52[5w]7u u|
    [4o]1[4u][6o]|[4u]1[4o]6p| y 5257|[5t][2y][5u] t t t
    [4u]146e 15[8w]0|yyy
    [5y][2y][5t][7y]u [6t]3[6t]8|
    t w [4u][1u][4u][6u]uu[1u][5u][8y]0s u
    yy[5y][2y][5t][7y]u [6t]3[6t]8|
    [4p]1[4p][6p] o1[5o][8o][0s] u u o[5i]2[5u][7y] t[6u]368|
    [4u][1o]4[6o] o4[1o]4[6i] u u y5257|5257tyu yt[1t]5[8t]0|1580|
    w [1y]5[8y]0y [1t]5[8t]0ty[5u]2[5y][7t][6t]3[6t]8|6368|
    w [6o]3[6o]8o [6u]3[6i][8u]yu[3i]7[3u][5y][4y]1[4t][6e]|[4o]1[4u]6 yt y
    52[5u]7i [5u]257|
    ytt 1580|1580|
    yuo 1580|1580|
    u6[3y][6y][8y]y [4t][1t][4t][6e]eee ww[1w]5[8u]0u 52[5w]7u u|
    [48o] uo|u o p| y
    [59]| tyu t t t
    [4u]146e 15[8w]0|yyy
    [5y][2y][5t][7y]u [6t]3[6t]8|t w
    [8y]0s u yy[5y][2y][5t][7y]u [6t]3[6t]8|
    [4p]1[4p][6p] o1[5o][8o][0s] u u o[5i]2[5u][7y] t[6u]368|
    [4u][1o]4[6o] o4[1o]4[6i] u u y5257 t5[2t][5u]7ur rt 1580s 52[5d][7f]|s|
    [6d][3f]68 t4[1t][4u]6ur rt
    1580s 52[5d][7f]|s|
    [6d][3f]68|4146| u
    [60]yyyy [48t]tteeee ww[80w] u u [57] w u u|
    [48o] uo|u o p| y [579]|||
    u| yt|
    [4u]146e 15[8w]0|yyy
    [5y][2y][5t][7y]u [6t]3[6t]8|t w
    [4u][1u][4u][6u]uu[1u][5u][8y]0s u yy[5y][2y][5t][7y]u [6t]3[6t]8|
    [4p]1[4p][6p] o1[5o][8o][0s] u u o[5i]2[5u][7y] t[6u]368|
    [4u][1o]4[6o] o4[1o]4[6i] u u y5257 t5[2t][5u]7ur rt
    1580s 52[5d][7f]|s|
    [6d][3f]68 o4[1o][4o]6ou yy
    [1t]580s 52[5d][7f]|s|
    [6d][3f]68 t4[1t][4u]6ur rt 1580s 52[5d][7f]|s|
    [6d][3f]68 t4[1t][4y]6ty to [1u]580s 52[5d][7f]|s|
    [6d][3f]68 t4[1t][4y][6u]rr rr [468e]| w|

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:03
    2002 (Anne Marie)

    Anne Marie

  • [es]| |[qp]| |
    [tf]| |[wa]| |
    [es]| |[qp]| |
    [tf]| |[wa]|||
    [et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] [8p] [wo] i [wu] [5y]8w 7 [wy] 5
    [et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] 8 [wu] i [wo] [5y]8w 7 [wy] 5
    [et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] 8 [wo] i [wu] [5y]7w 7 [wu]y5
    [4qt] e [8qt] e8[qt] [qe] [qu] [8u]
    [5w] y [9w] r5w [wy] w [7y]
    [6t]| [0t] 8 [4qp]| [8qp] o
    [18o] i [8u] [9y] [5w]| [9y] w [6t]| [0t] [8t] [4qp]| [qp] [qp]4
    [18u] i [8o] [9y] [5w]| [wy]9t5[6t]| [0t] 8 [4qp]| [qp] [qo]4
    [18o] i [0u] [9y] w 95[7u][8y]75[4y] t| |e|
    [4qe]| [qe]| [4qe]| [5wr]|
    [1t] 1||[7u] [7i] o s 6 6 [0t]|
    [5o] [5u] [9t]8[5p]6[4q] [4q] [4qt] q4[18o] [18i] [0u]8[9u]w5 y|
    [5y]9[5a] s [5d] o5[18s] [18] [0t]| [7u] [7i] [wo] s 6 6 [0t]|
    [5o] [5u] [9t]6[8p]4[4q] q4[4qt] q4[18o] [8i]4[8u] u15
    [5y]9[5y] [5y]9[5a] s [9u][wy]95[4qy]
    [qo]4q [8t]4[8t] u58 [5t]8[59wyo]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:30
    21 Guns (Greeny Day)

    Green Day

  • [epfj] u| e u|
    [eph] i| e i|
    [epg] o| e o|
    [epf] i| e i|
    [epfj] u| e [us]|
    [eph] i| [ea] i|
    [epg] o| [ed] o|
    [epf] i| e i|
    6 e| 6 e|
    [6eo] e| 6 e|
    [6ua] e| 6 e|
    [6us] e| 6 [eud]|
    [6us] e| 6 e|
    [6ua] e| 6 e i
    [6u] e| [6t] e 9
    6 e| 6 e|
    6||[eo] t| |
    y| |
    i| |
    u| |
    [6t] e| 6 e|
    [6ey] e| 6 e|
    [6tu] e| 6 e|
    [6eti] e| 6 w 0
    [6eto] 6| 6 6|
    [6typ] 6| 6 6|
    [6roa] 6| 6 6|
    [6tos]| |
    [6shl] 3 [6e] 0 e|
    [4qdhjz] 8 q w e|
    [5wa]dhk9 [wpdj] 9 [rafk]|
    [30shl] 7 0 w [epfj]|
    [6sfhl] 0| 6 e|
    [7rdhjz] w| 7 [rfjx]|
    [4qfjlx] 8 q t y q
    [4qyod] 8 q 8 [4qdhz]|
    [3shl] 8 0 8 [0o]|
    3 8 [0afk]| |
    [6pfj] 6| 6 6|
    [6wo] 6| 6 6|
    [6qi] 6| 6 6|
    [6ep] 6| 6 6[ra][ts]
    [6ra] 6| 6 6 [ep]
    [6wo] 6| 6 [6qi]|
    [60u] 6| 6 6 8
    [69] 6| 6 6|

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:52
    2An (Attack on Titan)

    Hiroyuki Sawano

  • uuouytr| uuouytr| uuouytytr| oooo pppp
    Level: 1
    Length: 00:20
    Super Easy
    Seven Nation Army

    The White Stripes

  • h G f d [wrua] d a d [wrya] d h G f d [wtua] d a d a d h G f d [wrua] d a d [wrya] d h G f d [wtua] d [ta] d [ta] [70wf] d d a d p [9wro] u a d p [80wo] u a p p o p p p o [Q9ea] p o [70wf] d d a d p [9wro] h G f d [80wa] d a d a d [70w] o o p a p [Q9e] o [9wr] o o p [9wra] d p o [80w] o o p [80wa] p o p [80wa] p o p [Q9ea] d p o [70w] o p [70wa] p [Q9eo] p [9wra] p o p [9wra] d p o [80w] o p [80wa] p o p [80wa] p o p [Q9ea] d p o [70wf] d d d [70wa] d [Q9ep] [9wro] u [9wra] d p [80wo] u [80wa] p p o [80wp] p p o [Q9ea] p o [70wf] d d d [70wa] d [Q9ep] [9wro] a [9wro] a [80wo] a [80wo] s [80wo] d [Q9eo] f [70w] o o p a [Q9ep] o [9wr] o o o [9wra] a d p o [80w] o o p [80wa] p o p [80wa] p o p [Q9ea] d p o [70w] o o p [70wa] p [Q9ep] o [9wr] o o p [9wra] d p o [80w] o o p [80wa] p o p [80wa] p o p [Q9ea] d p o [70wf] d d [70wa] d [Q9ep] [9wro] u [9wra] d p [80wo] u [80wa] p p o [80wp] p p o [Q9ea] p o [70wf] d d [70wa] d [Q9ep] [9wro] [9wrh] G f d [80wa] d [80wa] d [80wa] d [Q9ea] f [70w] o o p a [Q9ep] o [9wr] o o o [9wra] d p o [80w] o o p [80wa] p o p [80wa] p o p [Q9ea] d p o [70w] o o p a [Q9ep] p [9wr] o o a [9wrd] p o [80wo] o o o p [80wa] p o p [80wa] p o p [Q9ea] d p o [70wf] d d [70wa] d [Q9ep] [9wro] u [9wra] d p [80wo] u u [80wa] a p p o [80wp] p p o [Q9ea] p o [70wf] f G [70wh] G [Q9ef] [9wrd] [9wrh] G f d [80wa] d [80wa] d [80wa] a [70wf] d d a d [Q9ep] [9wro] u u [9wra] d p [80wo] u [80wa] p p p o [80wp] p p o [Q9ea] p o [70wf] d d a d [Q9ep] [9wro] [9wrh] G f d [80wa] d [0a] d [0a] d a [70w] o o a a p o [9wr] o o o p a d p o [80w] o o p a p o p a p o p [Q9ea] d p o [70w] o o p a p o p [9wro] o o p a d p o [80w] o o p [80wa] p o p [80wa] p o p [Q79a] d p o [70wf] d d [70wa] d [Q9ep] [9wro] u [9wra] a d p p [Q9ep] p p o [Q9ep] p p a [Q79p] p p o [Q79a] p o [80w] o o p [80wa] p o p [Q9eo] o o p [0wra] p o [7(Q] d d d [(Q7d] a a a [(Q7a] a a a [(Q7p] o o [70wf] d d [70wa] d [Q9ep] [9wro] u u [9wra] d p p [80wo] u u [80wa] d p p [80wp] p p o [Q9ea] p o [70wf] f G [70wh] G [Q9ef] [9wrd] [9wru] I o p [80wa] d [80wa] d [80wa] d [Q9ea] d [70wf] f G [70wh] h [Q9eh] [9wrh] f f [9wrh] h h h [80wh] f f f [80wh] h h h [80wG] G G f [9eQG] h [70wf] f G [70wh] G [Q9ef] [9wrd] [9wra] d [80wa] d [80wa] d [80wa] h G f d [70wf] d d a d p [9wro] u a d p [80wo] u a p p o p p p o [Q9ea] p o [70wf] d d a d [Q9ep] [9wro] h G f d [80wa] d a d a d h G f d [70wf] d d a d [Q69p] [59wo]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:52
    7 Years (Intermediate)

    Lukas Graham

  • e r [t6] 0 r t 4 8 q w 1 5 8 0 5 9 w e 6 0 r t 4 8 q w 1 5 8 0 5 9 w e 6 0 r t 4 8 q w 1 5 8 0 5 9 w e 6 0 r t 4 8 q w 1 5 [p8] [a0] [usp5]| | 6 [p0] [ea] [srpi] 4 [p8] [qa] [wuso] 1 [pd5] [sp8] [yoa0] 5 [p9] [wa] [uspe] 6 [p0] [ea] [srpi] 4 [p8] [qa] [wuso] 1 [pd5] [sp8] [yoa0] 5 [so9] [wda] [spfe] 6 0 e [srpf] 4 8 q [ws] [sof1] [g5] [f8] [oda0] 5 [s9] [wd] [spfe] 6 [p0] [ea] [srpi] 4 [p8] [qa] [wuso] 1 [pd5] [sp8] [yoa0] 5 [p9] [wa] [uspe] 6 [p0] [ea] [srpi] 4 [p8] [qa] [wuso] 1 [pd5] [sp8] [yoa0] 5 [so9] [wda] [spfe] 6 0 e [srpf] 4 8 q [ws] [sof1] [g5] [f8] [oda0] 5 [s9] [wd] [spfe] 6 0 e [srpf] 4 8 q [ws]d [sof1] [g5] [f8] [oda0] 5 9 [whda][hda]e[hda]6 [sp0] e r 4 8 q w [sof1] [sof5][sof]8 [oda0][oda]5[oda][oda9]s[wda] [spfe] [shf6][shf]0[shf]e [srp] 4 8 q ws [sof1] [sof5][sof]8 [oda0][oda]5[oda][oda9]s[wda] [spfe] [shf6][shf]0[shf]e [srp] 4 8 q w [sof1] [sof5][sof]8 [oda0][oda]5[oda][oda9]s[wda] [spfe] [shf6][shf]0[shf]e [srp] 4 8 q w [sof1] [sof5][sof]8 [oda0][oda]5[oda][oda9]s[wda] [spfe] [shf6][shf]0[shf]e [srp] 4 8 q ws [sof1] [sof5][sof]8 [oda0][oda]5[oda][oda9]s[wda] [spfe] [shf6][shf]0[shf]e [srp] 4 8 q w [sof1] [sof5][sof]8 [oda0][oda]5[oda][oda9]s[wda] [spfe] [shf6][shf]0[shf][shfe] [srp] 4 8 q w 1 5 [so8] [oa0] 5 9 [woa] [upe] 6 0 e r 4 8 q w 1 5 8 0 5 9 w e
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:33
    9 Crimes

    Damien Rice

  • [9y] q [6e] y [2u] q [6e] u
    [9y] q [6e] y [2u] q [6e] u
    [9y] q [6e] y [1r] 0 [5w] r
    [8t] 0 [5w] t [1r] 0 [5w] r
    [8t] 0 [5w] t [2y]|6|
    9|6|2|6|9|6|2 y [6y] t
    [9t] r [6r] e [2e] y [6y] t
    [9t] r [6r] e [2e] g [6f] [dg]
    [9f] d 6 g [2f] [dg] [6f] d
    [9r] t6r [1r]|5|
    [8e] d [5s] [ad] [1s] a 5|
    [8e] r5t [2y] y [6y] t
    [9t] r [6r] e [2e] y [6y] t
    [9t] r [6r] e [2e] u [6u] y
    [9y] t [6t] u [2u] d [6s] [ad]
    [9s] a 6 g [1f] [dg] [5f] d
    [8y] t5y [1u]|5 d
    [8s] [ad] [5s] a s 5 % ^ 8 9 (qwW O O o
    [^E] Y y t [@(] o o i [%W] y t E [29i]||
    9|6|2|6|[8y] t5y [1Y]|5 D
    [8d] s 5|1 D [5d] s|
    [%(] [59] [4*] T T Y [4Y] T T t [4*T] T T Y Y T i t [4t]|8|
    ^ 8 * ^ 8 q w W [4E] t [8T] E [4t] q w W
    E t i P s|w|w|t|[9y] q [6e] y
    [2u] q [6e] u [9y] q [6e] y
    [2u] q [6e] u [9y] q [6e] y
    [2u] q [6e] u [9y] q [6e] y
    [1r] 0 [5w] r [8t] 0 [5w] t
    [1r] 0 [5w] r [8t] 0 [5w] t

    Level: 4
    Length: 01:14
    A Bicyclette (Yves Montand)

    Yves Montand

  • 8 [w0]| [w0]
    7 [w0]| [w0]
    6 [w0]| [w0]
    7 [w0]| [w0]
    8 [w0]| [w0]
    7 [w0]| [w0]
    % [q9]| [q9]
    5 [w9]|
    [u8] [w0] u [w0]i[o7]
    [w0] i [w0]u[p6] [w0]|
    [wo0] [u7] [w0]| [w0]
    [u8] [w0]iuy[wu0]i[o7]
    [w0] i [w0]u[i%] [q9]|
    [q9] 5 [97] w [97]
    [u6] [80] u [80]i[o5]
    [w8] i [wu8] [p4]
    [96] a [96] [s$] [e9]|
    [p5] [o80] u [80]i[y5]
    [97]| [u97] [t6] [80]
    [e64] [r75] [t2] [Q9]|
    [p5] [o80] u [80]i[y5] [q9]| u [te0]|
    [te0]yuioI[oe0]pPasS[d9]| [eQ9]|||
    [uts]fj h fg[yrd]|
    [f5] [wtf8] [ut0] w[ut0][t6] [i8] q
    [t5] [uo0] w[uo][t4] [y9] e [t1] w t

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:30
    A Butterfly's Wings (Jojo Rabbit)

    Michael Giacchino

  • [sh] j f k| | [ha] j f z| |lk[ji] [sh] [jf] k|| h fd[uf] adfhklk|||u| a| [qp]tiopsf| | df[wd]yospa| | asaou60etyodohdhjlkhfwod| | s 0wtuoa|||[ure0]| | p d f 6 0 [se] t [yp] p d f 5 0 [wh] e [rf] p s d 4 [s8] [qp] [wd] e s p a 5 [s9] [wa] [to]pr| | [a6][p0][ue][tp] y u u[ywra]sau[a4][p8][uq][wp] e r u[ywr0]| [spkhf]jf[ojfa]| | f[oka]lzx[tqihe]jhls f [ge9]| | [o7]pod| 3 [e70] y u 48qw[se]wq8[p4]8[qp]w[ed] f wyop[ha]poy[wf]y[oh]p[sj]a[ok]y 9eyipiye[uof2]6[oh9]q[pje]q[ka9]q370wetrt[yr5] u u o [p4]8qwe0etu f h j [w5]ruoa [we]| r| u [ur3]70ereryu| | [urW30]70ru||| [up] d upf 6 e [u0]ps e [yup0] [pe] [d0] [to]sf 4 8 [qoh] w [ofe] [wp] [se] [wd] 1 [u5]os [p8] [u5]od 0 [u5]os [p8] [y5]oa 7 [s5] [a7] [o9][ypo]w [p9] [wod] [u9]pf 6 0 [ue]ps 0 [yutp] [p0] [ed] [o0]sf 5 0 [wo]sfh e [rf] [ed] [rf] [he]dfj$ 9 e 9 y [f9]jl[uk] y [spjf2] 6 9 6 9 [e6] [y9] [u6] 4 8 [tq] 8 [qe] [p8] [qd] [f8] 5 0 [ws] e [ro] [se] [ra] [ue]opa 6 3 [s6]h 3 [p8]sg 3 [pf6] 3 [og3] 8 [wof] 8 [wof] 8[od]3 [s8] [so4] 8 q 8 e 8 q| [s5] [a9] [ws] [ed] r o| p 6 0 e t y| | 6 0 e
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:40
    A Contract (Death's Gambit)

    Kyle Hnedak

  • 1[50]5[50]8[50]([50]w[50]t[750]Y[750][4Wi][5625]Y[5625]i[375][^yi][375]i[375]P[375]O[375][@Eo][1875]i[375]o[4825]2[375][1Yo][750]P[750][4Os][5625]i[5625]Y[375][^yP][375]P[375]o[375]P[375][%YP][5625]s[24375]t[1175]W[1175]([1175]8[470][8Yos][235]t[235][8osD][235]t[235][4etg][235]q[1175][4etD][235]q[1175][4g][235][^Pdg][235][Eg][235][^PdJ][235][EH][235][(PDh][1175]g[1175]Y[1175][(PDh][235]Y[1175]([235][8sDh][235]t[235][8sDJ][235]t[235][4gHl][235]q[1175][4Osg][235]q[1175][4D][235][^PdJ][235][EPdJ][235][^Pdh][235][EPdJ][235][8dgJ][3525][tDhl][235][29][235][@(][470][oD][235][(P][1175][EP][1175]Y[235]E[235]([235]D[235][^sD][3525][dg][3525][^yP][1175]q[1175][EyP][235]q[235]^[235]P[235][18sDh][235]8[1175][tH][235]w[1175][8h][235][^Pdg][235]^[1175][ED][235]q[1175][^g][235][%WsDh][3525]H[3525][Wh][1175]Y[1175][Os][235]Y[235]W[235]s[1175]d[1175][^EiPD][3525][iPD][3525][^iPd][1175]q[1175][EiPd][235]q[235]^[235]D[1175]g[1175][(YPDH][3525][(YPh][3525][9yPg][235][8toD][235]8[1175]w[1175]t[235][8h][235][9ypsh][3525]g[3525][9f][1175]e[1175][ypsg][235]w[1175]h[1175]9[235]s[235][5wps][470]w[235][wad][1175]y[1175][oad][235]y[235]w[470][@(][470][YoD][235][(P][1175][EYoP][1175]Y[235]E[235]([235]D[235][^YsD][3525][idg][3525][^EyP][1175]q[1175][EyP][235]q[235]^[235][EP][235][18oDh][235]8[1175][tOgH][235]w[1175][8oDh][235][^idg][235]^[1175][EYsD][235]q[1175][^idg][235][%WsDh][3525][OsH][3525][WEh][1175]Y[1175][tOs][235]Y[235]W[235]s[1175]d[1175][^EiPD][3525][iPD][3525][^iPd][1175]q[1175][EiPd][235]q[235]^[235]D[1175]g[1175][(YPDH][3525][(YPh][3525][9yPg][235][8toD][235]8[1175]w[1175]t[235][8oh][235][9yosh][3525][ig][3525][9uf][1175]e[1175][yisg][235]e[1175][oh][1175]9[235][OH][235][5woadh][470][5wk][783]h[783]d[783]a[783]d[783]h[783][5wl][783]j[783]g[783]s[783]g[783]j[783][5wdhkz][470][WsD][235]t[1175][OsD][235]t[1175][Wd][235][WsD][235]t[1175][OsD][235]t[1175][Wd][235][wPg][235]E[1175][oPg][235]E[1175][Dw][235][8id][235]w[1175][tYs][235]w[1175][8d][235][qOD][235]t[1175][iOD][235]t[1175][qd][235][^Og][1175]q[235][Ei][1175]d[235][^Ys][235][^ETiP][470][^EoDh][470][@(OgH][470][@(PhJ][470][WsD][1175]Y[1175]O[1175][sD][1175]O[1175]Y[1175][Wd][1175]Y[1175][WsD][1175]Y[1175]O[1175][sD][1175]O[1175]Y[1175][Wd][1175]Y[1175][wPg][1175]y[1175]o[1175][Pg][1175]o[1175]y[1175][wD][1175]y[1175][8id][1175]w[1175]t[1175][YoD][1175]t[1175]w[1175][8g][1175]w[1175][9Osh][1175]W[1175]y[1175][iH][1175]y[1175]W[1175][9h][1175]W[1175][9Osg][1175]W[1175]y[1175][iD][1175]y[1175]W[1175][9g][235][wyosh][235]o[1175]s[1175][wyd][1175]h[1175]J[1175]z[1175][5whkv][3525][5wjlb][3525][5wkzn][235][18lZm][235]8[1175]w[1175][tDhZ][235]8[235][4qgHc][235]q[1175][tiDZ][235]q[1175][tigc][235][^EgHc][235][Egc][1175]i[1175][PJB][235][EHV][235][@(hJv][1175][gc][1175]([1175][EYhZv][235]([1175][EY][235][18hZv][235]8[1175]w[1175][tJB][235]8[235][4qlVm][235]q[1175][tigc][235]q[1175][tiDZ][235][^Edgz][235][Edgz][1175]i[1175][PsDl][235][Edgz][235][@(gHc][1175][DhZ][1175]([1175][EYDhZ][3525]2[235][8tYs][235]8[1175]w[1175][toY][235]8[235][4qOg][235]q[1175][ioY][235]t[1175][qOg][235][^Edg][235][^dg][1175]q[1175][EdJ][235][^dH][235][(YDh][1175][dg][1175]([1175][YDh][235]E[1175]([235][8tDh][235]8[1175]w[1175][tDJ][235]8[235][4qHl][235]q[1175][ig][235]t[1175][qD][235][^EdJ][235][^dJ][1175]q[1175][EPh][235][^dJ][235][8tdJ][3525][8tDl][3525]w[235][18sDl][235]8[1175]w[1175][tDhZ][235]8[235][4qgHc][235]q[1175][tiDZ][235]q[1175][tigc][235][^Egzc][235][Egc][1175]i[1175][PJB][235][EHV][235][@(hZv][1175][gc][1175]([1175][EYhZv][235]([1175][EY][235][18hZv][235]8[1175]w[1175][tJB][235]8[235][4qlVm][235]q[1175][tigc][235]q[1175][tiDZ][235][^EJzB][235][^EJzB][235][5whJv][235][^EJzB][235][^EJzB][3525][8tlZm][1175]

    Level: 9
    Length: 02:55
    A Cruel Angel's Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

    Yoko Takahashi

  • [e60]|t|[y96] t y [yw975] y o i [ut80]y u|[ue60]|o|[qpe9] u y [wro97] o u o [utoe0] p|e| |[e60]|t 6 [y96] t [y6] [yw975] y o [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ue60]|o 6 [qpe9] u [y9] [ro5] o u [o5] [utoe6] p|5 [81] t ww 1 8 [t1] [t5] y [w5] [w5]||[w5] [u860] i u [y750] t y [u6] 8i u e 8 4 er[t5] 7t9 [r7] [r5]||ty[i6] 6u y t 6 6 [u6] [u92] y T y|e|[e6] 3 6 [r5] [r92]| |5 [81] t ww 1 8 [t1] [t5] y [w5] [w5]||[w5] [u860] i u [y750] t y [u6] 8i u e 8 4 er[t5] 7t9 [r7] [r5]||ty[i6] 6u y t 6 6 [u6] [u2] 9y2 [T9] [y92] [92]u[92] [i92] [ue63] 3 [w53] 3 [e63] 3 [r73] 3 [tqe40] [q4]t[q4] [rq4] [tq4] [q4]t[q4] [rq4] [ywr3] 0y3 [t0] [wr60] 6e6 [r6] [tqe2] 9t2 [r9] [ywqe5] [w5]r[w5] [we5] [ywE5] 5 [ut9] * [yi8] 8 [uo5] 4 [tqe2] 9[te]2 [wr9] [tqe92] [92][te][92] [wr92] [ywr3] 0[yr]3 [te0] [wr60] 6[te]6 [yr6] [ute5] w[yi]5 [wut] [ywr5] [w5][te][w5] [ywr5] [wur20]| |[wur30] [yeI30] [urO30] [qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [yw975] [y5] [yo5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ute60] 6 [uo6] 6 [qpie9] u [y9] [wr75] r r [t7] [ywr8]t t 7 [qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [yw975] [y5] [yo5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ue60]|o 6 [qpe9] u [y9] [ro5] [o5] [u5] [o5] [utoe6] p|[qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [ywr975] [yr5] [yro5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ute60] 6 [uo6] 6 [qpie9] [ut] [yr9] [uro53] [uo3] [ut3] [uo53] [utoe63] [p6]

    Level: 8
    Length: 01:33
    A Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (Expert)

    Yoko Takahashi

  • [tpe]||s|| [qed]| s| d| [wrd]||h|g| [wtf] d|f|| [tfe]||h|| [qje]| d| s| [wrh]|h|f|h| [qhe]| j||| [je][wh][f0][d9][f0][d9][s8][o5] [tp6] 0 [utse] 0 [id2] 9sq [d9] [da5] [da9] [wh] [g9] [f1]dw[of][ut] w [pf6] 0 [thfe] 0 [jg2] 9d[qe] [s9] [woh5] [woh5] [uf30] [woh5] [woh5] [pje6]| 1 w [uts] [wo]o[ut] w [ut] [ws] [so5] 9d[wr] [o9] [wro] 9 [wr] [o9] [sf6] 0g[te] [f0] [da5] 9s[wr] [d9] [pf4] 6g[qe] [f6] [qpe] 6 [qe] [p6]a [sp2] q[sp][te] [qa] [a5] 9 [wr] [s9]d [sg1] 5f[w0] [d5] [s6] 6 [e0] [f6] [fa7] Qd[yr] [SQ] [yrd] Q [yrp] Q [up3] 0 [rW] [aO0] [raWO] 0 [rW] 0 1 w [uts] [wo]o[ut] w [ut] [ws] [so5] 9d[wr] [o9] [wro] 9 [wr] [j9]h [sf6] 0g[te] [f0] [da5] 9s[wr] [d9] [pf4] 6g[qe] [f6] [qpe] 6 [qe] [p6]a [sp2] q[sp][te] [qa] [a5] 9 [wr] [s9]d [sg1] 5f[w0] [d5] [s6] 6 [e0] [f6] [fa7] Qd[yr] [SQ] [yrda] Qf[yr] [gQ] [fa3] 0 [raWO] 0 [srpW] 0 [rdaW] 0 [tsqpe] [tsqpe] a s s[tqe] a [wrd0] [wrd0] s a p[wr0] a [tsq9] [tsq9] a d a[ywr] p [todP8]|[srf7]|[gd^E]|[hfe6]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:38
    A Cruel Angel's Thesis

    Yoko Takahashi

  • d d | h h | j j | k k | d d | G | G h | h h j j |
    h l | k k | j j j | h h | j f |
    d d | h h | j j | k k | d d | G | G h | h h j j |
    h l | k k | j j | h | h j h

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:10
    Super Easy
    A Million Dreams (Chorus)

    Benj Pasek

  • a a | s d | s a | s d | s a | s d | s u | s a | o p a | d | u |
    a | s d | a | s d | a | s d | d | u | s a |
    o p a | p | o |
    p p p | o p a | a p | o u o |
    p p p | o p a | a p | a o |
    p p p | o p a | a p | o u o |
    d | d d a a a s | a p o o

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:55
    Super Easy
    A Million Dreams (The Greatest Showman)

    Benj Pasek

  • [^E]|^|[T*]|[i^]|^|[Y*] i [^I]|(|[YQ]|[i^]|*|q| [^Y]|8|[T(] Y [i^]|(|[TQ]| [t8] 6 $ 6 [QI]| [qi]|e|t| [^E]|^|*| [^P]|^|[O*] P [s^]|(|[QO]| [i^]|*|q| [^Y]|* ( [qi] [QI] [qi]|*|[^T]| [t6]|4|[pe8]| [^PE]|4|^
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:24
    A Perfect World (Fable 2)

    Russell Shaw

  • u u u y t t | t o [ro] | [tp] | t u [to] | i u u y t [ry] | u u u y t t | t u [ro] | [yp] | t u [to] | i u u y t [ry] | t t r | t | o | t r r | t | o | t | t | t s p | o | [yp] | p a [su] | p | p a [sp] | p a [su] | d [fo] | [ay] | p a [su] | p | p a [sp] | p a [su] | [fo] | [ay] | o o i u [tu] | yt | i i i u o | t t | [fo] | d [ad] | d d d f [sf] | f d d s [sp] q | s s s d f [fo] | d s [ad] | o | q | s s s d f [fo] | gfd | p a [su] p | p a [sp] | p a [su] | d [fo] | [ay] | p a [su] | p | p a [sp] | p a [su] | [fo] | [ay] | s a p a [su] | p a [sp] | p | p a [su] | d [fo] | [ay] | o o i u [tu] | yt | i i i u o | t t | t | o | u | [ry] | [ro] | a | [su] | [sp] | a | [ip] | o o u y y | [tu] | [ay] | [so] | [ad] | [tp] | [au] | [sp] | [sp] | i o p | o uo | u yt | y | u y t | e | a | s | [sp] | i o | u | y y | [tu] | [ay] | [so] | [ad] | [tp] | [au] | [sp] | [sp] | [su] | [do] | [sf] | [ay] | [so] | [ad] | [tp] | [au] | [sp] | [sp] a p o i | [su]
    Level: 4
    Length: 02:55
    A Place In This World

    Taylor Swift

  • d f[ypg] [ush] [ypj]sdf[spg] [oka]l[uka] [usj] [uha] [yd]j[ygd] [sf] [pid] s [ypd] f[ysg] [ush] [ypj]| [ys] [uka]l[uka] [sj] [yjd] [ufH] [usj] [id]o[pfS]| d f[ypg] [ush] [ypj]sdf[spg] [oka]l[uka] [usj] [uha] [yd]j[ygd] [sf] [pid] s [ypg] sg[uhd]g[fa]ds [ypj] [usf] [oa]h[ypg] [sf] [of] [ufS] [yda] poI| [zyp]| [usj] [zid] [usl] [id]k[ypj] [ha] [yjd] gh[pji] [kaO] [usl]| [plf]| [zyp]| [usj] [zid] [usl] [id]k[ypj] [ha] [pig] [yj] [ufa] [upd]S[ypd]| [ypd]| [zyp]| [usj] [zid] [usl] [id]k[ypj] [ha] [yjd] gh[pji] [kaO] [usl]| [plf]| [zyp]| [usj] [zid] [usl] [id]k[ypj] [ha] [pig] [yj] [ufa] [upd]S[ypdI]
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:54
    A Place To Call Home (Final Fantasy IX)

    Nobuo Uematsu

  • y ui o p||
    asa p o pi u y t y ui o p||
    asa p p O p| |
    y ui o p||
    asa p o pi u y t i ioiuyt p u oi u u u y| |
    d| p d s ap o p iop a s| s|
    d| p d s ap o i p u yTy| y|
    d| p d s ap o p iop a s| s|
    d| p d s ap o i p u yTy|||
    o f| f d s| s a p a s do||
    o p a s p po s f g f s f d||
    f h||
    j hg g f f d d fg||
    fds||o ps||
    d| f| g d|||
    o f| f d s| s a p a s d o||
    o p a s p po s f g f s fd||
    f h h h jhg g f f d d fg||
    fds||o ps| d fd s|||
    g f d s asd|||
    f h g f d S df| |
    g| f| d| |
    f g fd s a s f| |
    h g d| |
    o s| d f a| |
    a s a o p| |
    g f f d d s| p a sd| |
    s| d f h||fap|||
    g f f d d| |
    h gg ff d| fgh|||
    f g f| add s|||
    o f| f d s| s a p a s d o| |
    p a s p po s f g f s fd||
    f h||j h g f f d d fg||
    fds||o s| sdf d s|||
    g f d s asd|||
    f h g f d S df| |
    g| f| d| |
    f g fd s a s f| |
    h g d| |
    o s| d f a| |
    a s a o p| |
    g f f d d s| p a sd| |
    s| d f h| f a p|||
    g f f d d| |
    h gg ff d| fgh|||
    f g f| add s s| d f a||
    a a s a o p||
    p g f f d d s|
    p a sd| |
    s| d f h||fap|||
    g f f d d||
    g h gg ff d| fgh|||
    f g f| add| s

    Level: 2
    Length: 05:01
    A Place to Call Home (Melodies of Life)

    Nobuo Uematsu

  • [gSO] D g J H g||[sHD]||[sOJ]|| [gSP] D g J H g|| g|[sHD]||[sgO]||D| [gPI]HJ[lS]|[gJ]| [lJ]|S g [LJ]| [qWL]|t [YJ] [iH] O s D G j l Z [gSP$] [iD] [gP] [IH] P i [gS$] [iD] [gP] [JI] P i [sg%] [YD] [sg] [lO] s i [LJ%] Y [sl] O [sH] i [g^S] [iD] [gP] [IH] P i [g^S] [iD] [gP] [JI] P i [sigPO]
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:28
    A Rainy Morning (Garden of Words)

    Kashiwa Daisuke

  • [ef] t [up] t e t u t
    e t u [tf] [wd] [rf] [yg] [rh]
    [tf] u [os] u t u o u
    [rf] u [Oa] u r u O u
    [es] t [up] t e t u t
    e t u t e t u t
    [efx] t [upj] t e t u t
    e t u [tfx] [wdz] [rfx] [ygc] [rhv]
    [tfx] u [osl] u t u o u
    [rfx] u [Oak] u r u O u
    [esl] t [upj] t e t u t
    e t u t e t u t

    Level: 5
    Length: 00:28
    A Serious Game (Main Theme)

    Matti Bye

  • p P p [stip] | p P p [sip] | P p o | p P p [sip] | P p o | p P p [sip] | p P p [sip] | d [sip] o [wtu] | p P p [sip] | P [tip] o | dd s g | s d s [sgp] | g h f | dd s g | h j h | [sgp] j [sfh] | h J [sgj] | p P p [ips] | p P p [sip] | P p o | d g d [sgo] | [sgp] | l j J | j h g | d g d [sgo] | l j J | j h g | ss s d | d [suo] s | s [dip] f | g [sgp] g g [sgp] | g | l j J | j h g | g g g g g [sgp] | g | l [dgj] J | j h g | i | p | [syi] | P p | [tu] | p | [suo] | o p | [ti] | p | [sti] | P p | [ti] | p | [sti] | P p [eti]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:30
    A Sky Full Of Stars


  • [ro0] [ro0] [ro0]|[yp9]|[yp9] [ywa8] [ywa8] [ywa8]|[ywa8]|[ywa8] [ywa5] [ywa5] [ywa5]|[ywa5]|[ywa5] [ypQ7] [ypQ7] [ypQ7]|[ypQ7]|[ypQ7] [ro0] [ro0] [ro0]|[yp9]|[yp9] [ywa8] [ywa8] [ywa8]|[ywa8]|[ywa8] [ywa5] [ywa5] [ywa5]|[ywa5]|[ywa5] [ypQ7] [ypQ7] [ypQ7]|[ypQ7]|[ypQ7] [yro0] [yro0] [yro0]|[ra0] s [ra0] [wsd8] [wo8] [wo8]|[wa8] s [wa8] [wod9] [wo9] [wo9]|[ws9] a [wp9] [yeQI] [yeQI] [yeQI]|[yeQI]|[eQ] [yro0] [yro0] [yro0]|[ra0] s [ra0] [wsd8] [wo8] [wo8]|[ws8] a [wp8] [ywr9] [ywr9] [ywr9]|[ywr9]|[w9] [yeQI] [yeQI] [yeQI]|[yeQI]|[eQ] [yo0] [yro0] [yro0]|[f0] [rd] h 8|[wto] [to8][to8] [d8] [wf] d [wh9] [woa] [woa]|h j G [Q7] [aQI7] [aQI7]|[yQI7]|[yI] [uo0]|[uo] 0[uo] [yp9] 9 [yp] [yto8]|[yto] w[yto] [yto8] w [yto] [ywr]|[yr] w[yr] [ywr] w [yr] [ypQ]|[yp] Q[yp] [ypQ] Q [yp] [yro0] [yro0] [yro0]|[ra0] s [ra0] [wsd8] [wo8] [wo8]|[wa8] s [wa8] [wod9] [wo9] [wo9]|[ws9] a [wp9] [yeQI] [yeQI] [yeQI]|[yeQI]|[eQ] [yro0] [yro0] [yro0]|[ra0] s [ra0] [wsd8] [wo8] [wo8]|[ws8] a [wp8] [ywr9] [ywr9] [ywr9]|[ywr9]|[w9] [yeQI] [yeQI] [yeQI]|[yeQI]|[eQ] [yo0] [yro0] [yro0]|[f0] [rd] h 8|[wto] [to8][to8] [d8] [wf] d [wh9] [woa] [woa]|h j G [Q7] [aQI7] [aQI7]|[yQI7]|[yI] [uo0]|[uo] 0[uo] [yp9] 9 [yp] [yto8]|[yto] w[yto] [yto8] w [yto] [ywr]|[yr] w[yr] [ywr] w [yr] [ypQ]|[yp] Q[yp] [ypQ] Q [yp] [wto] o a [to] d o [ts] a [ye] o a [yo] d o [yp] a [r0] o a [yo] d o [ys] a y o a o [wd] o s a [wto] o a [to] d o [ts] a [ye] o a [yo] d o [yp] a [r0] o a [yo] d o [ys] a y o a o [wd] o s a

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:36
    A Sky Full Of Stars (Alternative)


  • [sh] l [sk] ljs l [sk]| x[sh] l [sj] lks x [sj]| [sjf]|syuIpfGj| [piS]|eTipSg| fgG[sh] l [sk] ljs l [sk]| x[sh] l [sj] lks x [sj]| [pjf]|tuopsflj| [piS]|eTipSg| hgf[OD] J [gO] JhO J [gO]| J[OD] J [gO] JhO J [gO]| [ofPJ]khHfgS|||[pID]ghjkLZ|nLZc| [sh] l [sk] ljs l [sk]| x[sh] l [sj] lks x [sj]| [sjf]|syuIpfGj| [piS]|eTipSg| hgf[OD] J [gO] JhO J [gO]| J[OD] J [gO] JhO J [gO]| [ofPJ]khHfgS|||[pID]ghjkLZ|nLZc
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:14
    A Small Giant (Detective Conan)

    Katsuo Ōno

  • s a o y s a o y o y o y o y o y
    s a o y s a o y o y o y o y o y
    [8s] a o y s a o y o y o y o y o y
    y o a s y o a s y o a s y o a s
    [4uf]| 8| w| |[oh]|||
    [ts] a o y s a o y o y o y o y o y
    [6uf]| 0| t| |[oh]|||
    [tys] o a s y o a s y o a s s| |
    [4usf] [0a] [8o] [9y] w| |[oh]| |s| |
    [dz] a o y o y o y o y o y h| |
    [6usf] a [wo] y t| |[oh]| |s| |
    [5sfx] a o y o y s|
    [shv] a o y o s d h
    [30oh] y t w [ts] y t w
    [4qyod] y t w [tos] y t w
    [6ehv] y t w [osl] y t w
    [odz] y t w [osl] y t w
    [30oh] y t w [tos] y t w
    [29yod] y t w [tos] y t w
    [4qoh] y t w [osl] y t w
    [odz] y t w [ofx] y t w
    [30hv] y t w [ol] y [tk] w
    [4qo] y t w [oh] y t w
    [6oz] y t w [3ok] y t w
    [5wol] y t w o y t w
    [6s] a o y s a o y
    [os] a o y s a o y
    s a o y s a o y s a o y s a o y
    [30o] y o y o y o y o y o y o y o y
    [4y] o a s y o a s y o a s y o a s

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:45
    A Spring Without You (Your Lie in April)

    Masaru Yokoyama

  • u p a [peS] u p f [aWO] u O f [pQI] T I||p d f [ydG] p d j [faT] p S S [rda] I [ya] S [rdI] S [eaT] p [yeI]|e|I O p a [aO0] r u|a S d f [d6] 0 [eS]|u| |[uI9] [ye] u I [uO0] 0 e r [eT6] 0 e u [rW%] 0 W u [eQ$] * Q W e e y u [e9]yI I p [ur]||T [yr7] Q [r9] T [yQ7] T [r6] e [Q96] e y u I O p a [d3] 7 0 Q W|[rS]|[a6] 0 e r [pT] y u y T 0 e r [pT] e [ra] W [S$] * [aQ] [pe] [O7] Q [rI] Y [I0] 7 [u6] 7 % 7 [p0] [aW] [upS$] * [aQ] [pe] [aO7] Q [raD] Y [fa9] e y p d f j|[z7] [kQ] [rG] d e y u I [up3] 7 0 Q [uaW]| |[uf]jkx| |f j k [pLH] j f x [fO]Hkf|x [jIG] S G j|j z x [yj]zCp [jd] b [xkS] j L L [aG]kzG [kd] L [za]dGL [pk]Sfj [pG]d| |G H j k [zu] a f G [xH]| |e u p f j k L f| |xLkj

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:54
    A Tender Feeling (Sword Art Online)


  • [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]||[qf] ds [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]||[qf] ds [qf]ds[wf]ds[h0]||[qd]| [tqh]hh[ywh] d d[t0] [tqf] d d [tq] [ywf] d d[t0]ds[tqf] s [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [tqh] h[ywh] ddd[t0]s [tqf] ddd [tq] [ywf] ddd[t0] [tqd] d [qd] [wd] [s0] hshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y ss f d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y ss h d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y|s f d [tsqe]| |[wra]||a [rqa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t a [roa0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t a [roa0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] h [wr] gt f [rg0] [tf] d [rq] dts a [tsqe]||[wtf]|[ywrd]|| [yr]| |as [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [tqh] h[ywh] d d[t0]sd[tqf] d d [tq]sd[ywf] d d[t0]d [tqd] d [qd] [wa] [s0]hshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [tqh] h[ywh] d d[t0]sd[tqf] d d [tq] [ywf] d d[t0]d [tqd] d [qf] [wf] [f0] hshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y ss f d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y ss h d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y|s f d [tsqe]| |[wra]||a [rqa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t a [roa0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t a [roa0] [ts] p [rq] ftd a [rqoa] [ts] h [wr] gt f [rg0] [tf] d [rq] dts a [tsqe]||[wtf]|[ywrd]|| [yr]| |[sa]| [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [qf]ds[wf]ds[h0]||[qd]| [qea] [ts] [ia]s[qe]s t i [w0] ata [us] [wd0] [tf] [ud] [qea] [ts] i [qea] [ts] i [w0] ata [us] [wd0] [tf] [uf] [qea] [ts] i [qea] [ts] i [w0] ata [us] [wd0] [tf] [us] [qea] [ts] i [qea] [ts] [id] [tqied]ss| | [tqh]hh[ywh] d d[t0] [tqf] d d [tq] [ywf] d d[t0]ds[tqf] s [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [tqh] h[ywh] ddd[t0] [tqf] ddd [tq] [ywf] ddd[t0] [tqd] d [qd] [wd] [s0] hshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]yas s f d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]yss s h d [wtq][wtq][wtq][ut][ut][ut]y|s f d [tsqe]| |[wra]||a [rqa] [ts] h [wr] t a [ra0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqa] [ts] h [wr] t a [ra0] [ts] p [rq] t a [rqa] [ts] h [wr] gt f [rg0] [tf] d [rq] dts a [tsqe]||[wtf]|[ywrd]|| r| |adfds [rqa] [ts] j [wrha] t f [rl0] [tk] h [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] [ha] [wr] t f [rl0] [tk] h [rq] t a [rqoa] [ts] h [wr] gt f [rg0] [tf] d [rq] dts a [tsqe]||[wtf]|[ywrd]|| r| |f d a [tsqe]||[wth]|[ywrd]|| [wr]| |as [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]||[qf] ds [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]shshsfgfs [ql]sl[wk]sk[h0]||[qf] ds [qf]ds[wf]dsh0|dq
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:41
    A Thousand Miles

    Vanessa Carlton

  • [tof] [of] [of] [rodh]
    [eof] [of] [of] [wodh]
    [qpg] [pg] [pg] s
    [wof] [of] [wod] s a o
    [qets] s [qets] f d s
    [0wts] s [0wts] h g f
    [etus] p h g f [ryod] f [tuoa] s
    [qets] t e [ts] e t [qets] t e [tf] d e [ts]
    [0wts] t w [ts] w t [0wts] t w [th] [wg] [tf]
    [etus] p u t [uh] [tg] [uf] [ryod] y [of] [tuoa] u [os]
    [9qetp] t e t e t [9qetsj] t e [tdk] e t
    [etufl] u t u t u [wrydk]
    [8f] [wh] f t [wf] [th] f w [8j] w [th] [7d] w s r
    [6f] [0h] f e [tf] [eh] f 0 [6j] 0 [eh] [5d] 0 s [ws] f
    [4g] 8 q e [qf] [8p] 4 8 q p [es] d q s 8 d
    [5g] w t [uf] t w [5o] w t y t w
    [8us] [9ya] [480to]
    [qets] t e [ts] e t [qets] t e [tf] d e [ts]
    [0wts] t w [ts] w t [0wts] t w [th] [wg] [tf]
    [etus] p u t [uh] [tg] [uf] [ryod] y [of] [tuoa] u [os]
    [qets] t e [ts] e t [qets] t e [tf] d e [ts]
    [0wts] t w [th] w t [0wtf] t w [th] [wg] [tf]
    [etus] p u t [uh] [tg] [uf] [ryod] y [of] [tuoa] u [os]
    [9qetp] t e t e t [9qetsj] t e [tdk] e t
    [etufl] u t u t u [wrydk]
    [8f] [wh] f t [wf] [th] f w [8j] w [th] [7d] w s r
    [6f] [0h] f e [tf] [eh] f 0 [6j] 0 [eh] [5d] 0 s [ws] f
    [4g] 8 q e [qf] [8p] 4 8 q p [es] d q s 8 d
    [5dg] w t [usf] t w [5ad] w r y r w
    [8f] [wh] f t [wf] [th] f w [8j] w [th] [7d] w s r
    [6f] [0h] f e [tf] [eh] f 0 [6j] 0 [eh] [5d] 0 s [ws] f
    [4g] 8 q e [qf] [8p] 4 8 q p [es] d q s 8 d
    [5dg] w t [usf] t w [5dh] w r y r w
    [8fh] w t [wsl] t w [8ak] w t [7oh] w r
    [6uf] 0 e [tsl] e 0 [6ak] 0 e [5uf] 0 w
    [4ig] 8 q [edz] q 8 [4sl] 8 q [eoh] q 8
    [5oh] w t [ufx] t w [5sl] w r [yoh] r w
    [9qetp] t e t e t [9qets] t e [td] e t
    [etuf] u t u t u [wryd] y r y r y
    [9qetp] t e t e t [9qetsj] t e [tdk] e t
    [etufl] u t u t u [wryhz]
    [wtuf] h f f h f [wtuj] h [rd] s
    [etuf] h f f h f [etuj] h [wd] s s f
    [qetg] f p [qet] p s d s d
    [wtudg] [wtusf] [wryad] y r w
    [8f] [wh] f t [wf] [th] f w [8j] w [th] [7d] w s r
    [6f] [0h] f e [tf] [eh] f 0 [6j] 0 [eh] [5d] 0 s [ws] f
    [4g] 8 q e [qf] [8p] 4 8 q p [es] d q s 8 d
    [5dg] w t [usf] t w [5o] w r y r w
    q e t [ig] t e [qf] e t [id] t e
    0 w t [uh] t w [0g] w t [uf] t w
    q e t [ig] t e [qf] e t [id] t e
    [es] t u [of] u t w r y [od] y r [qet]

    Level: 8
    Length: 04:47
    A Thousand Years (Twilight)

    Christina Perri

  • [tof8]||[of]||[of]||[rod7]||
    [of5]||[of]||[od]||s a o
    [tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tqfe]d s
    [wts0]||[wts0]||[wts0]||[wth0] gf
    [utse]p|[uthe] gf [yrod]|f [uroa]|s
    [tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tsqe]|s [tqfe]d s
    [wts0]||[wts0]||[wts0]||[wth0] gf
    [utse]p|[uthe] gf [yrod]|f [utoa]|s
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tqfe]d s
    [wth0] gf [utse]p|
    [uthe] gf [yrod]|f [utoa]|s
    [tsqe]||[tsqe]||[tsqe]|s [tqfe]d s
    [wts0]||[wts0]||[wts0]||[wth0] gf
    [utse]p|[uthe] gf [yrod]|f [utoa]|s
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [utof] hf [utof] hf [utoj]|h [yrod] s|
    [utfe] hf [utfe] hf [utje]|h [ywrd] s sd
    [tqge]||[tqe] f p [tqe]|s[tqed] s d
    [ute]||[ute]||[ywr]||[ywr]||[tqe]| |[tqe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:16
    A Thousand Years (Twilight) (Alternative)

    Christina Perri

  • 6 3 8 3 8 [p3] [s8] [a3] [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] [u7] [p4] 8 e 8 e 8 [pe] 8 [d2] 6 q 6 q 6 q 6 [a3] 7 w 7 w 7 [wu] 7 [s6] 3 8 [a3] [p6] [o3] [s6]a3p [o3] 7 w 7 w 7 w 7 [p6] 3 8 3 6 [p3] [s8] 3a [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] 7u [p4] 8 e 8 e [p8] [oe] 8i [o3] 7 w 7 w [o7] [wi] 7u [y2] 6 q 6 q [u6]y[tq] [y6] [u6] 3 8 3 8 [p3] [s8] 3a [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] 7u [p4] 8 e 8 e 8 e [p8] [d2] 6 q 6 q 6 q [d6] [a3] 7 w 7 w 7 w [u7] [s6] 3 8 [a3] [p8] [o3] [s8]a3p [o3] 7 w 7 w 7 w [oh7] [pj6] 3 8 6 [e6]tup| | [uf6] [ts0] [utfe] 0 [te] [uf0] [utfe] [qig] [ig6] q [te] q [te] q [te] [qig] [oh3] [uf0] [wroh] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] [oh0] [oh62] [qpj] [ypje] q [ye] q [ye] [qpj] [pj84][oh]q[ig][utfe] q [te] q [yted] q [uf6] 0 [te] 0 [te] [jb0] [tmle] 0[nk] [xf0] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [vuoh] r[xf] [jb8] t [pi] t [pi] [tjb] [vpih] t[gc] [vh7] r [uo] r [uo] [vrh] [uogc] r[xf] [zd96] e [yi] e [yi] [xfe][zd][ysli] [zed] [xf60] e [ut] e [ut] [jeb] [utml] e[nk] [xf73] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [vuoh] r[xf] [qjb] t [pi] t [pi] t [pi] [tjb] [z62] e [yi] e [yi] e [yi] [ze] [nk73] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [ml60] e [ut] [nke] [utjb] [vhe] [utml][nk]e[jb] [vh0] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] r [e6] [u8] [p0] [se] [tf] [uj] [pl] [xs] [pj]sfj
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:14
    A Time For Us

    Henry Mancini

  • 6 3 8 3 8 [3p] [8s] [3a]
    [3u] 7 w 7 w [7u] [wo] [7u]
    [4p] 8 e 8 e 8 [ep] 8
    [2d] 6 q 6 q 6 q 6
    [3a] 7 w 7 w 7 [wu] 7
    [6s] 3 8 [3a] [6p] [3o] [6s]a3p
    [3o] 7 w 7 w 7 w 7
    [6p] 3 8 3 6 [3p] [8s] 3a
    [3u] 7 w 7 w [7u] [wo] 7u
    [4p] 8 e 8 e [8p] [eo] 8i
    [3o] 7 w 7 w [7o] [wi] 7u
    [2y] 6 q 6 q [6u]y[qt] [6y]
    [6u] 3 8 3 8 [3p] [8s] 3a
    [3u] 7 w 7 w [7u] [wo] 7u
    [4p] 8 e 8 e 8 e [8p]
    [2d] 6 q 6 q 6 q [6d]
    [3a] 7 w 7 w 7 w [7u]
    [6s] 3 8 [3a] [8p] [3o] [8s]a3p
    [3o] 7 w 7 w 7 w [7oh]
    [6pj] 3 8 6 [6e]tup||
    [6uf] [0ts] [etuf] 0 [et] [0uf] [etuf] [qig]
    [6ig] q [et] q [et] q [et] [qig]
    [3oh] [0uf] [wroh] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] [0oh]
    [26oh] [qpj] [eypj] q [ey] q [ey] [qpj]
    [48pj][oh]q[ig][etuf] q [et] q [etyd] q
    [6uf] 0 [et] 0 [et] [0jb] [etlm] 0[kn]
    [0fx] r [uo] r [uo] [rfx] [uohv] r[fx]
    [8jb] t [ip] t [ip] [tjb] [iphv] t[gc]
    [7hv] r [uo] r [uo] [rhv] [uogc] r[fx]
    [69dz] e [yi] e [yi] [efx][dz][yisl] [edz]
    [60fx] e [tu] e [tu] [ejb] [tulm] e[kn]
    [37fx] r [uo] r [uo] [rfx] [uohv] r[fx]
    [qjb] t [ip] t [ip] t [ip] [tjb]
    [26z] e [yi] e [yi] e [yi] [ez]
    [37kn] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] [rfx]
    [60lm] e [tu] [ekn] [tujb] [ehv] [tulm][kn]e[jb]
    [0hv] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] r
    [6e] [8u] [0p] [es] [tf] [uj] [pl] [sx]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:10
    A Time For Us (Richard Clayderman)

    Richard Clayderman

  • u o [6t]up 0 e u p s [3u]oa7 0|
    u o [6t]up0 e u p s [3u]oa7 0|
    u o [4t]ip8 q t i p [5id] 9 [wus]||
    [ya] [6yp] 0 e u r| [6tp]| |
    u o [6t]up 0 e u p s
    [3u]oa 7 0 d s a
    [6t]up 0 e u p s
    [3u]oa 7 0 w u o
    [2y]ip 6 9 y i p
    [3id] 7 [0us] w r [ya]
    [6yp] 0 e i u y
    [6tp] 0 e t u p
    [4i]ps 8 q [ts] a s
    [1y]uo 5 8 w t o
    [2e]yi 6 9 i [W3u] y
    [6tu] 0 e t u p
    [4i]ps 8 q s a s
    [1t]yuo5 [8i] w u|
    [3e]ru7 0 e r e
    [3W]ru7 0|
    f h [es]fju p f j l [0d]hkr u d
    f h [es]fju p j k l [0f]hkr u d
    f h [9d]gje y d g j [0g]jzr [uf]jl| [dk]|
    [qsj] t i s g j [wd]hky o l [kz]|
    [ex]kjf u p

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:28
    A Tiny Love (Sword Art Online)

    Yuki Kajiura

  • [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sv] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sn] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fhv] [fhb]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [gb] [fv] [dc]
    [gx] c x
    [hz] l
    l h g

    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [8dk] [8fl]
    [4dk] [89] [8sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [5if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [5is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5uk] [0w] [5yj]
    [5tf] s
    $ [Qf] [4s]
    [5of] g f
    [59d] w 9
    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [8dk] [8fl]
    [4dk] [89] [8sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [5if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [5is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5fk] [0w] [5dj]
    [4sf] s
    [4s] $ [Qa] [5s]
    [5of] g f
    [5id] w [9x] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] t u
    q t [ux] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tm] [un]
    [qv] [tx] [uhz]
    [elx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tl] [uz]
    [qx] [tc] [uhv]
    [ejx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [9l] Q [tj]
    [Qx] t z [ul] x
    [wz] t y
    [wv] [kx]
    [9lc] w [zv] [txb]
    [rzv] t y
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [wh] [td] [ya]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    [yh] s d
    [9g] [qf] [es]
    [wo] s a
    [es] [ux] z [tl] z
    [wx] l z
    [gjc] x l
    h l k

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:59
    A Town Called Hometown (Deltarune) (Alternative)

    Toby Fox

  • [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sv] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fh] [fh]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [sn] [gh] [gh]
    [sx] [fh] [fh]
    [sk] [fhv] [fhb]
    [sj] [gh] k [ghl]
    [gb] [fv] [dc]
    [gx] c x
    [hz] l
    l h g

    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [80dk] [80fl]
    [4dk] [89] [89sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [%if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [%is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5ufk] [0w] [5ydj]
    [$tsf] s
    $ [Qf] [$s]
    [50of] g f
    [59id] w 9
    [8of] [0w] [0wd]
    [7of] [0w] g [0wh]
    [6fl] [80] [80]
    5 [80dk] [80fl]
    [4dk] [89] [89sj]
    [3ah] [9w] [9wg]
    [2of] [68] g [2f]
    [5od] [%if]
    [6us] [0w] [0wa]
    [%is] [qw] d [qwf]
    [5ufk] [0w] [5ydj]
    [$tsf] s

    $ [Qa] [$s]
    [50of] g f
    [59id] w [9x] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] t u
    q t [ux] z
    [el] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tm] [un]
    [qv] [tx] [uhz]
    [elx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [ql] [tl] [uz]
    [qx] [tc] [uhzv]
    [ejlx] t [uh]
    [wx] t c [uz] l
    [9l] Q [tj]
    [Qx] t z [ul] x
    [wz] t y
    [wv] [kx]
    [9lc] w [zv] [txb]
    [rzv] t y
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [wh] [td] [ya]
    0 [wh] [th]
    [yh] g f g
    [qh] e [tl]
    [yh] s d
    [9g] [qf] [es]
    [wo] s a
    [es] [ux] z [tl] z
    [wx] l z
    [gjc] x l
    h l k

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:59
    A Town Called Hometown (Deltarune)

    Toby Fox

  • [80u]| [80]| [70]| [70]|
    [60] y [60t] r [50t] y [50u] t
    [qep]| [qe]| [0e]| [0ea] s
    [9ei]ui [9e]| [8e]| [8ey]|
    [wra]| [wr]| [qr]| [qrs] d
    [0ro]io [0r]| [9r] i [9ru] i
    [8wi] u y t [qet] y u i
    [wr] t y u [6i] u [7i] y
    [80u]| [80] o [70f] d [70f] d
    [60d] s [60]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qep] s [0ed] s [0es] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r]| [9r]|
    [80]| [80] o [70f] d [70s] p
    [60f]| [60]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qe] s [0ed] s [0ed] p
    [9es] d [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r] a [9rs] d
    [80f] d [80f] d [70h] h [70] f
    [60j]| [60]| [50f]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qe] s [0ed] s [0ed] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [wraf] [af] [ah]
    [80sj]| [80]| [70h]| [70] f
    [60f] d [60s]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qep] s [0ed] s [0es] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r]| [9rp] s
    [80ws]| [80wp] o [8qe]| [8qep] s
    [80wf] d [80ws]| q 0 q 9
    [80u]| [80]| [70]| [70]|
    [60] y [60t] r [50t] y [50u] t
    [qep]| [qe]| [0e]| [0ea] s
    [9ei]ui [9e]| [8e]| [8ey]|
    [wra]| [wr]| [qr]| [qrs] d
    [0ro]io [0r]| [9r] i [9ru] i
    [8wi] u y t [qet] y u i
    [wr] t y u [6i] u [7i] y
    [80u]| [80] o [70f] d [70f] d
    [60d] s [60]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qep] s [0ed] s [0es] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r]| [9r]|
    [80]| [80] o [70f] d [70s] p
    [60f]| [60]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qe] s [0ed] s [0ed] p
    [9es] d [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r] a [9rs] d
    [80f] d [80f] d [70h] h [70] f
    [60j]| [60]| [50f]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qe] s [0ed] s [0ed] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [wraf] [af] [ah]
    [80sj]| [80]| [70h]| [70] f
    [60f] d [60s]| [50]| [50]|
    [qe]| [qep] s [0ed] s [0es] p
    [9es] p [9e]| [8e]| [8e]|
    [wr]| [wr] ap[qra]| [qr] p
    [0rp] o [0r]| [9r]| [9rp] s
    [80ws]| [80wp] o [8qe]| [8qep] s
    [80wf] d [80ws]| q 0 q 9
    [80u]| [80]| [70]| [70]|
    [60] y [60t] r [50t] y [50u] t
    [qep]| [qe]| [0e]| [0ea] s
    [9ei]ui [9e]| [8e]| [8ey]|
    [wra]| [wr]| [qr]| [qrs] d
    [0ro]io [0r]| [9r] i [9ru] i
    [8wi] u y t [qet] y u i
    [wr] t y u [6i] u [7i] y
    [8wi] u y t [wr]| w t
    [8qwt]| 0 9 [80w]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:55
    A Whiter Shade Of Pale (Procol Harum)

    Procol Harum

  • u y i u t w| u y i u t u y| y T u y r y t r t e t y t w| u y i u t w| u y i u t u y| y T u y r y t r t e t y t u| u i p o| u i p o y i u u| u i o a p o| t a s o| t u y t y i u t r t
    Level: 2
    Length: 01:00
    A Whole New World (Aladdin) (Easy)

    Alan Menken

  • ipsfgj| | yipsdg| | uoadhk| | psfhjl| | yipsgj| | uoadkz| | upsfj| | [jdG2]| | [utqp]| |pasd[tfa9] o o| | [yrp0]| |pasd[tofe] s s| | [tsphe9]| |hgfs[yrod0] f a| o| [utp4] 8 w e t u [ypeI3] 9 e y j| [h4] 8 w 8 [s3] [d7] [fW] [g7] [h6] 0 t 0 [sq5] d [fE8] j [shf4] 8 w [g8] [f3] [d7] [sW] [a0] [oda6] 0 [tso] 0 [sq5] d [fE8] g [shf4] 8 w 8 [s3] [d7] [fW] [g7] [shf6] 0 [tl] 0 2 6 [x9] [qc] [x4] [l8] [qh] [ge] [utsqpfe]| [wqd5]| [sYO@] ^ ( W E Y P D [P%]DgJ( E ( [D5] [g9] [rh] [H9] [PJD8] w Y w [^WD] g [hT(] l [PJD%] ( t [H(] [hda5] [g9] [rD] [d9] [gP8] w [YD] w [^WD] g [hT(] H [PJD%] ( E ( [D5] [g9] [rh] [H9] [P8]DgJw [yD]JZY D| | [D%] ( [gW] Y [wih]| H| [G$] * E T [PLI]| | [ji] f s| jklz[yxk] [sh] h| | [uj] d a| jklz[xph] [sl] l| | [yvj]l s p| vcxl[zuh] [xd] [ka]| h| [sjf4] 8 w e t u [pjdG3] 9 e y jb| [tsqpi]| |g j l| [uraO0]| |H k z| [utpe8]| |j l x| [ywoa9]| |[jd] [kh] [zk]| [ywp5][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [yqp4][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [yp30][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [yp][oa] [dI2]$69QeIpdGj|| [h4]8484848[s3]7[d3]7[f30]7[g30]7 [h6]0ertre0[sql^95] [zd] [yxqfE8] [jb] [xvlh4] 8 w [gc8] [xkfH3] [zd%] [slW0] [kaW9] [zkhd6] 0 [tslh] 0 [sl5]9[zd]q[xf8]E[gc]y [xvlh4] 8 w 8 [sl3] [zd%] [xfW0] [gcW9] [xvlh6] 0 [tml] 0 2 6 [f9] [qg] [f4] [s8] [qo] [ie] [utqe]| [ywq5]| [yuo8] w t y [ut] o s d fhl||1
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:42
    A Wish (Final Fantasy XIII)

    Masashi Hamauzu

  • uIop[wro] u | uIopa | popo[tup] oa | p p o u | y yyry yry u | uIop[wro] u | uIopa | popo[tup] oa | p p o u | y yyry yry u | yus asa pap pp o p I ra aaa aaa a a a a | fdsapoIra aaa aaa a a a a | yuo u yuo u u o p a | a | pop po p o a pou | y y uI I | yuo u u yuo u o p a | a | pop [wtu] po po [ato] pp ou yI II | r[wtu] uu uI II I[ruo] I [wrtu] | r[wtu] uu yuI II uIo I [wtu] | p pI I p p a | yuo u yuo u u o p a | a | pop [wtu] po p o [ato] pou | y y uI yuo u u yuo u o p a | a | pop po po a pp ou yI II u u [ru] [ru] | y y [ey] [ey] | u u [ru] [ru] | y y [ey] [ey] | ryuo[ruo] [ruo] [ruo] [ruo] | I I I I | [ruo] [ruo] [ruo] [ruo] | I I I I | ryuou | I | [wtu] | I | ad f
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:55
    A Woman's Worth

    Alicia Keys

  • p| uo p| u| ry u| y| et y| p| uo p pasds p| upasdf d| dsdsd sf dd s p o oo o oo p pasds p| pasdf d| dsdsd sf dd p| o oo o oo p opg fgf dfd dds d a| opg fgf dfd d ssdda| opg fgf dfd d s d a| u f fff fff f f f f f d s a pops p ops p p s d f f| dsd d s d s f d s o o pa p ops p p ops p s d f f| dsd s s f d d p oa aa| p p p p| o o o o| p p p p| o| pasds p| upasdf d| dsdsd sf dd s p o oo o oo p pasds p| pasdf d| dsdsd sf dd p| o oo o oo p opg fgf dfd dds d a| opg fgf dfd d ssdda| opg fgf dfd d s d a| u f fff fff f f f f f d s a pops p ops p p s d f f| dsd d s d s f d s o o pa p ops p p ops p s d f f| dsd s s f d d p oa aa| u p p p p a a a a s a p| u p p p ppa a a pas a p| p u u O O a a d d f f d s a pops p ops p p s d f f| dsd d s d s f d s o o pa p ops p p ops p s d f f| dsd s s f d d p oa aa| p p p p| o o o o| p p p p| o o o o| p| uo p| u| ry u| y| et y| u| uo p

    Level: 2
    Length: 02:36
    A Woman's Worth (Alternative)

    Alicia Keys

  • [8wtu]| |[8wtu]| [7wry]|
    [60rt]| e| [38to]| |
    [48ep]| [48eo]| [59ro]| [59ri]|
    [8wtu]| |[9eti]| [0wto]|
    [qetp]| |[0wto]| |
    [9eyi]| [7wry]| [8wtu]| [9eyI]|
    [59to]| |r| |
    [8wtu]| |[8wtu]| [7wry]|
    [60et]| |[30to]| r|
    [48eo]| [48ei]| [6qti]| [T60u]|
    [9qey]| |8| |
    [7wry]| |[60tu]| [59ri]|
    [80tu]| [7wry]| [60et]| [2eti]|
    [5wtu]| |[5wry]| q|

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:45
    Abide With Me (William Henry Monk)

    William Henry Monk

  • Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I Y Yu u u| TYu u u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I a Yu u u| SDf f f| u T TYua p O a O u Iu|y T Y ut Y u I I u IO|u T TYua p O f D a O au|y T|u Yu I u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I Y Yu u u| TYu u u| Opap O u T|u T T u Op O I a Yu u u| SDf f f| u T TYua p O a O u Iu|y T Y ut Y u I I u IO|u T TYua p O f D a O au|y T|u Yu I u| Op

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:04
    Accumula Town (Pokemon)

    Junichi Masuda

  • [0etp]|p||p a
    [8p]0e| 6||
    [6i]|q|9|[qy] u
    [6i]9q| o|i|
    [680u] y t||t|
    [6u]|[8p]|[0p]|e a
    [5p]|[7o]|[9o]|w o
    [5o]|[7a]|[9a]|w a
    [6u]|[8p]|[0p]|e a
    [0wts]||[qwyd]| u
    [6u]|[8p]|[0p]|e a
    [5p]|[7o]|[9o]|w o

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:07

    Abie Rotenberg

  • 680808680808
    [30u]| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 06:50
    Achilles Come Down (Gang Of Youths)

    Gang Of Youths

  • t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t [t8] ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y [r7] ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y [e6] ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y [q4] yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t [t8] ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y [r7] ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y [e6] ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y [q4] yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t [t8] [us][t8] [us][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [r7] [us][r7] [us][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [e6] [us][e6] [us][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys] [q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts] [t8] u[t8] u[t8] y[t8] y [t8] y[t8] y[t8] y[t8] y [r7] u[r7] u[r7] y[r7] y [r7] y[r7] y[r7] y[r7] y [e6] u[e6] u[e6] y[e6] y [e6] y[e6] y[e6] y[e6] y [q4] y[q4] y[q4] y[q4] y [q4] t[q4] t[q4] t[q4] t [t8] [us][t8] [us][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [r7] [us][r7] [us][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [e6] [us][e6] [us][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys] [q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts] t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t [t8] [us][t8] [us][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [r7] [us][r7] [us][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [e6] [us][e6] [us][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys] [q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts] [t8] [us][t8] [us][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [r7] [us][r7] [us][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [e6] [us][e6] [us][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys] [q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts] t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y q yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t [t8] ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y [r7] ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y [e6] ue ue ye ye ye ye ye y [q4] yq yq yq yq tq tq tq t [t8] [us][t8] [us][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys][t8] [ys] [r7] [us][r7] [us][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd][r7] [yd] [e6] [us][e6] [us][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys][e6] [ys] [q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys][q4] [ys] [q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts][q4] [ts] t ut ut yt yt yt yt yt y r ur ur yr yr yr yr yr y e|||u ye ye ye ye y q yq yq uq uq iq iq oq o t ot ot ft ft dt dt dt d r or or fr fr dr dr dr d e|||f fe de de de d q dq dq dq dq sq sq sq st
    Level: 5
    Length: 04:37
    Addict With A Pen

    Twenty One Pilots

  • p t|[qp84] t e t [o0] t [qi84] t e t i o [qp84] t e t [o0] t [qi] t r t i o [p630*] u T u p a [eS60] u T u S u [WS60] u Y u a u [pe60] u T u e|[qp84] t e t [o0] t [qi84] t e t i o [qp84] t e t [o0] t [qi] t r t i o [p630*] u T u p a [eS60] u T u S u [WS60] u Y u a u [qp4] i t i p a [s30] o u o t s [i92] y e y i o [p81] u t u e p [y^] E q E y u [i6] t [u5] t [i4] t [uo3] t [oP1] t [pi4] [t6] [uo81] t r t uy t [qp84]| |t|e|t|[o0] t [qi84]| |t|e|t|i o [qp84]| |t|e|t|[o0] t [qi84]| |t|r|t|i p [s4]8e||i|u|i|[seY84]|i|[ys^E] i [yP] i [o^E] y [ie8] t [oE] t [uE1] t [ie4]|4| |[s30] o u o t s [i92] y e y i o [p81] u t u e p [y^] E q E y u [i6] t [u5] t [i4] t [uo3] t [oP1] t [pi4] [t6] [uo81] t r t uy t [qp84]| |t|e|t|[o0] t [qi84]| |t|e|t|i o [qp84]| |t|e|t|[o0] t [qi84]| |t|r|t|i p [s4]8e||i|u|i|[seY84]|i|[ys^E] i [yP] i [o^E] y [ie8] t [oE] t [uE1] t [ie4]|4

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:25
    Adieu To The Piano (Alternative)

    Ludwig van Beethoven

  • u w| [u851] w 0 w [y7] w [t851] w 0 w t y [u851] w 0 w [y7] w [t8] w Q w t y [u73] r W r u I [O730] r W r O r [O73] r E r I r [u730] r W r 0| [u851] w 0 w [y7] w [t851] w 0 w t y [u851] w 0 w [y7] w [t8] w Q w t y [u73] r W r u I [O730] r W r O r [O73] r E r I r [u81] t w t u I [o7] y r y w o [t6] e 0 e t y [u5] r w r 0 u [e4] q 8 q e r [t3] w [r2] w [t1] w [yr7] w [yi5] w [ut1] [w3] [yr5] w Q w re w [u851]||w|0|w|[y7] w [t851]||w|0|w|t y [u851]||w|0|w|[y7] w [t851]||w|Q|w|t u [o1]50| t|r|t|[oE510]|t| [qoe4] t [ie] t [yq4] e [t50] w [yq] w [rq5] w [t10]|1|| [u81] t w t u I [o7] y r y w o [t6] e 0 e t y [u5] r w r 0 u [e4] q 8 q e r [t3] w [r2] w [t1] w [yr7] w [yi5] w [ut1] [w3] [yr5] w Q w re w [u851]||w|0|w|[y7] w [t851]||w|0|w|t y [u851]||w|0|w|[y7] w [t851]||w|Q|w|t u [o1]50| t|r|t|[oE510]|t| [qoe4] t [ie] t [yq4] e [t50] w [yq] w [rq5] w [t10]|1|o| [t80]uow 5 w [s80] w [qoia9] w 5 w [utso80] w [yd97]iow [a5] w [o97] w [i80] w 5 w [u80]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:25
    Adieu to the piano, Anh. No. 15

    Ludwig van Beethoven

  • [0et]|||
    [8qe]| |[9wr]| |
    [0et]| f| s| d|
    [0wtp]| o| s| d s
    [qet]op||s| d s
    [8qe]op||[9wr]| |
    [0et]| f| s| d|
    [0wtp]| o| s| d s
    [qet]op||s| d s
    [8qe]op||[9wr]| |
    [0et]| h| f| d|
    [0wtg]| f| d f ds
    [qetp]| |sdff
    [8qe]d||[9wr]| |
    [0ets]a s s d dd s
    [0wts]a s s d dd s
    [qets]a s s d| d|
    [8qep]s||[9wr]| sd
    [0etf]| [0et] l [0et]| [0etj] h
    [0wt]| [0wt] h[0wt]f fd f
    [qet] d [qet] h[qet]f fd f
    [8qe] d [8qe]| [9wr] s [9wrs]d
    [0etf]| [0et] l [0et]| [0etj] h
    [0wt]| [0wt] h[0wt]f fd f
    [qet] d [qet] h[qet]f fd f
    [8qe] d [8qes]dff[9wr]d d s d
    [0et] sp[0eto]| [0et]| [0et]|
    [0wt]| [0wtf]fhh[0wt]g g f d
    [qet] s[qets] p [qet]| |
    [8qe]| |[9wr]| |

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:16
    Adore You (Harry Styles)

    Harry Styles

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