Michael Jackson

3 Music Sheets

About the Artist
  • Birth Name:

    Michael Joseph Jackson

  • Nationality:


  • Born:

    29th August 1958

  • Genres:

    Pop USA

Michael Joseph Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Dubbed the "King of Pop", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural figures of the 20th century and one of the greatest entertainers in the history of music. Through stage and video performances, he popularized complicated dance techniques such as the moonwalk, to which he gave the name. His sound and style have influenced artists of various genres, and his contributions to music, dance, and fashion, along with his publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades. Jackson is the most awarded artist in the history of popular music.Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

  • [2gjz] [4gjl] |
    [4gjl]|[5dhk]|[2sgj] 2
    [1tyip] 2 4 522 2
    1 2 452 22
    1 2 452 s2df[2g]
    1 2 4 5 [2d]sp2 [2p]
    [1s] [2d] [4d] [5s] [2d] s 2dg[2d]1s [2p] 4 5 2 2 2
    1 2 4 5 2 s2df[2g]
    1 2 4 5 [2d] s p 2 [2d]
    [1s] [2d] [4d] [5s] [2d] s 2 d g [2d]
    1 s [2p] 4 5 2 d 2 g j [2h]
    1 g [2d] 4 5 2 2 h 2
    [1h] [2g] [4g] [5f] [2f] d 2 d f [2g]
    1 d 2 4 5 2 2 2
    1 2 4 5 2 d 2 g j [2h]
    1 g [2d] 4 5 2 2 h 2
    [1h] [2g] [4g] [5f] [2f] d 2 d f 2
    [1g] 2 4 5 [2g] h 2 g j [2g]
    [1h] 2 4 5 2 j 2 l j 2
    [1z] 2 l 4 5 2 2 2
    [1l] 2 [4k] 5 [2j] 2 j 2
    [1j] [2h] [4h] g 5 g 2 d 2 g h 2
    [1j] [2h] [4h] [5g] h 2 j 2 l j 2
    [1z] 2 l 4 5 2 2 2
    [1l] 2 [4k] 5 [2j] 2 j 2
    [1j] [2h] [4h] g 5 g 2 d 2 g h 2
    g d 5 H g 1 l 2
    [1z] 2 4 l [5j] 2 h 2 g 2
    1 2 4 5 2

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:37

    Michael Jackson

  • t y u i | yte | et y y t y t y i yte |
    t y u i | yte | et y y t y t y i yte |
    y i o oiy | ooo i i u u y yu iy |
    y i o oiy | oo i i u u y yu i | i o i oio

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:00
    Super Easy
    Thriller (Super Easy)

    Michael Jackson

  • pp opaa d aa ss ssaoo p | pp opaa d aa ss ssaoo i | pppfdp pppfdp ppaoop | pppfdp ffffh f ffhfhj | llll kh kkjg jjhhkl | lll kh kkjg jjhhkl | lll kh kkjg jjhhkl | lll kh kkjg jjhhkl | pppfdp pppfdp ppaoop | pppfdp pppfdp ppaoop | fsdd oo fsdd o sf dsppopaa aa ss ssaoop

    Level: 2
    Smooth Criminal

    Michael Jackson


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