Music Sheet Category Classical

Welcome to the classical music for piano category. Classical music encompasses a wide range of musical styles that all follow a sophisticated written notation. Famous classical composers include Frederic Chopin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Pachelbel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. You will find a range of classical music for piano on Virtual Piano. For example, Rondo All Turca, Lacrimosa, Waltz in A Minor, The Piano Sonata No.16 and The Gnossiennes.

Music Sheets

  • [6f]| |[9p] a s d [6f]||s [6f]||s [6f]||p [qs] p i s [6p]| |9 d s a [6f]| |[9p] a s d [6f]||s [6f]||s [6f]||p [qs] p i s [6p]| |p| [wa]| s| [qd]| f g [0h]||g [0f]| g h [9j]||h [8g]| h j [7k]||j [6f] s a p [wa]| s| [qd]| f g [0h]||g [0f]| g h [9j]||h [qg]| h j [^J]||g d| g J [7k]||G [0k]||f [6f]| |[9p] a s d [6f]||s [6f]||s [6f]||p [qs] p i s [6p]| |9 d s a [6f]| |[9p] a s d [6f]||s [6f]||s [6f]||p [qs] p i s [6p]| |p| [wa]| s| [qd]| f g [0h]||g [0f]| g h [9j]||h [8g]| h j [7k]||j [6f] s a p [wa]| s| [qd]| f g [0h]||g [0f]| g h [9j]||h [qg]| h j [0x] z k H f d a O u y r W 0 9 8 7 [6f]| |p a s d [6f]||s f||s f [60] s [60] p [60] u [60] s [60] p [60] u [60] t [60] [60f]| |p a s d [60f]||s f||s u| |e r t y u||t e
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:04
    Swan Lake

    Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

  • 6 0 e t u| | 4 8 q e t| | [f6] 0 e t [up] a s d [f6] 0 e [ts] [uf]||s [f4] 8 q [pe] [ts] p i s [p6] 0 e t u d s a [f6] 0 e t [up] a s d [f6] 0 e [ts] [uf]||s [f4] 8 q [pe] [ts] p i s [p6] 0 e t u| | [a5] 9 [ws] r [yd] r [wf] [g9] [h3] 7 0 [wg] [rf] w [g0] [h7] [j4] 8 q [he] [tg] e [qh] [j8] [k3] 7 0 [wj] [rf] [ws] [a0] [p7] [a5] 9 [ws] r [yd] r [wf] [g9] [h3] 7 0 [wg] [rf] w [g0] [h7] [j4] 8 q [he] [tg] e [qh] [j8] [^J] q E [yg] [id] y [gE] [qJ] [kaGD] Q r [YG] [kaGD] Y r Q
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:51
    Swan Lake Finale

    Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

  • a [ywa] a a pod [yw] [yw] ds[ywa] a a pod [yw] [yw] ds[ywa] sds a p y y a [ywa] a a pod [yw] [yw] ds[ywa] a a pod [yw] [yw] ds[ywa] sds a [ywp]| a [ywd] sas d f d [yw] a [ywd] sas d f d [yw] s f d [yw] s [ya] po[tp] p [wro]| a [ywd] sas d f d [yw] a [ywd] sas d f d [yw] s [ya] po[tp] p [wro]
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:52

    Antonio Vivaldi

  • j| l| k| [fe] u p a s a p u i p [sj] g h s p g [th] u o s d s o u y i [pg] d f p i d [fe] [us] [pf] j l u t u [yk] i p d [kY] I p j [uH] O a f H| | 6 0 [pe] 0 [sr] 0 t a [u0] W r u I u O u q e [tp] i o i t [ie] [o8] 0 w t y t u t 9 q [yi] e [yu] e q y [u6] 0 e y t e 0 8 [y9] q e t [rW] 0 7 r [e6] 8 0 e r t u p y i [pjg] d [jg] p i k [lje] u [pjf] u a s a p y i [pjg] d [jg] p i k [lje] u p a s f s a y i [pljg] d [lj] p i z [th]lxu [ol] s [hf] o u o [zy] i p d [lY] I p [sj] [uk] O a O f| | 6 0 [pe] 0 [sr] 0 t a [u0] W r u I u O u q e [tp] i o i t [ie] [o8] 0 w t y t u t 9 q [yi] e [yu] e q y [u6] 0 e y t e 0 8 [y9] q e t [rW] 0 7 r [e6] 8 0 e r t u p 9 q [pie] y [pi] e q a [sp6] 0 [pe] 0 e t r e 9 q [jge] y [jg] e q [kg] [ljf6] 0 e r t u t r 9 q [pie] y d e q a [usp6] 0 e r [tp] r e 0 q e [tpi] s [woa] r y o [pi9] q e y i u y e i p [sj] [lf] [ok] a d h [yj] i p d f g h g [ji] p s l [ok] a d h k| | [xpjf]| |6
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:52
    Rue's Whistle (The Hunger Games)


  • [x6]fj[x0]fj[xe]fj [x6]fj[z0]fj[le]fj [l6]sf[k0]sf[je]sf [j6]sf[l0]fj[xe]jl [b6]jz[b9]jz[eb]jz [b6]jz[v9]jz[ec]jz [c6]fj[x9]fj[ze]fj [z6]fj[x9]fj[ec]fj [x0]Hk[rc]Hk[xu]Hk [x0]Hk[rV]Hk[xu]Hk [x6]fj[z0]fj[le]fj [l6]sf[k0]sf[je]sf [k0]df[rk]df[uk]df [k0]df[rl]df[uk]df [je]sf[j0]sf[j8]sf[sjf6]
    Level: 7
    Length: 00:35
    Romance d'Amour

  • a p O p [se]|u| [ud] s [ua] s [fe]|u| [ug] f [uD] f [ke] j [uH] j [ke] j [uH] j [le]|u| [uj]|[ul]|[k0]|[rj]| [rh]|[rj]|[k0]|[rj]| [rh]|[rj]|[k0]|[rj]| [h7]|[rG]|[f0]|| a p O p [se]|u| [ud] s [ua] s [fe]|u| [ug] f [uD] f [ke] j [uH] j [ke] j [uH] j [le]|u| [uj]|[ul]|[k0]|[rj]| [rh]|[rj]|[k0]|[rj]| [rh]|[rj]|[k0]|[rj]| [h7]|[rG]|[f0]|| f|g|[h8]|[h8]| [j0] h [g0] f [wd]|| f|g|[h8]|[h8]| [j0] h [g0] f [wd]|| s|d|[f6]|[f6]| [g8] f [d8] s [a0]|| s|d|[f6]|[f6]| [g8] f [d8] s [a0]|| a p O p [se]|u| [ud] s [ua] s [fe]|u| [ug] f [uD] f [ke] j [uH] j [ke] j [uH] j [le]|Y| [jY]|[kY]|[l0]|[k0]| [j9]|[H9]|[j8]|[f8]| [g9]|[d9]|[se0]|[e0]| [aW0]|p a [p6]|| [sjf6]||[sjf6]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:05
    Rondo Alla Turca

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • t o s h h g f d r o a d d f g f e u [sp] s u d e f q d t s w a p [wo] [o8] w t o [wo] [ti] [wu] y 7 w r y [yw] [ur] [yi] u 6 0 t [te] 0 y [ut] i 4 u [te] y 5 t r t [t6] 0 e [ur]| t| e 6 0 e [ur]| t|| 8 w t [yuo] o s d d 7 [wf] t [yuo] f d s ds [p6] 0 t [oi]| e [pi] [ea] [s5] [d9] w [yra]| w [rp] o 8 w t [yuo] o s d [wd] 7 [wf] t [yuo] g f s ds [p6] 0 t [oi]| e [pi] [ea] [s5] [d9] w [yra]| w [se] [ys] 6 0 e [ur] s [ed] [tf] [ug] 5 q [fe] [ytsi]| ds[tp] r 6 0 e [ur] s [ed] [tf] [ug] 5 q [fe] [ytsi]| sp[yro] w [81] w t [wh] [uoh] g [utf] [wd] 7 w r [wd] [yrd] [wf] [yrg] [of] 6 0 [se] [uts] e [d0] [ut] [fe] 4 [qd] [te] s 5 [wa] [yrp] [wo] [81] w t [whf] [uohf] [gd] [utsf] [wda] 7 w r [wda] [yda] [wsf] [rgd] [wsf] 6 0 [use] [tid] e [of] t [pge] 4 [qof] [te] [id] 5 [wus] [yra] [us] [us6] 0 e [ur]| t| e 6 0 e [ur]| t|| 8 w t [yuo] o s d d 7 [wf] t [yuo] f d s ds [p6] 0 t [oi]| e [pi] [ea] [s5] [d9] w [yra]| w [rp] o 8 w t [yuo] o s d [wd] 7 [wf] t [yuo] g f s ds [p6] 0 t [oi]| e [pi] [ea] [s5] [d9] w [yra]| w [se] [ys] 6 0 e [ur] s [ed] [tf] [ug] 5 q [fe] [ytsi]| ds[tp] r 6 0 e [ur] s [ed] [tf] [ug] 5 q [fe] [ytsi]| sp[yro] w [81] w t [wh] [uoh] g [utf] [wd] 7 w r [wd] [yrd] [wf] [yrg] [of] 6 0 [se] [uts] e [d0] [ut] [fe] 4 [qd] [te] s 5 [wa] [yrp] [wo] [81] w t [whf] [uohf] [gd] [utsf] [wda] 7 w r [wda] [yda] [wsf] [rgd] [wsf] 6 0 [sie] [tid] e [of] t [pge] 4 [qof] [te] [id] 5 [wof] [ysri] [us] [ywspi5] q e [ywtpi]| [ro] [so] [wd] [of1] 8 [wg] [utof]| w [uro] p 4 8 e [ti]| [s8] [tse] [qd] [si5]p[qo] e [wti]| q e t [tie5] q e [ywti]| [ro] [so] [wd] [of1] 8 [wg] [utof]| w [uro] p [te4] 8 [sie] [tsi] 4 q [tshe] [sih] 5 4589qw59qwetyiopsdhjlz [xvlh83] w t [vuh] [vutoh] [wgc] [xutf] [zwd] 7 w r [zwd] [zyrd] [xwf] [yrgc] [xof] 6 0 [sle] [utsl] e [zd0] [ut] [xfe] 4 [zqd] [te] [sql] 5 [wka] [yrpj] [woh] [81] wtuo[thf][hf][uohf] [wgd] [utsf] [wda] 7 w r [wda][da][yrda] [wsf] [yrgd] [wsf] 6 0 [use] [tid] e [of] t [pge] 4 [qof] [te] [id] 5 [wus] [yra] [us] [us6] 0 e [ur] s [ed] [tf] [ug] 5 q [fe] [ytsi]| ds[tp] r 6 0 e [ur] s [ed] [tf] [ug] 5 q [fe] [ytsi]| sp[yro] w [83] w t [wh] [uoh] g [utf] [wd] 7 w r [wd] [yrd] [wf] [yrg] [of] 6 0 [se] [uts] e [d0] [ut] [fe] 4 [qd] [te] s 5 [wa] [yrp] [wo] [81] w t [whf] [uohf] [gd] [utsf] [wda] 7 w r [wda] [yda] [wsf] [rgd] [wsf] 6 0 [use] [tid] e [of] t [pge] 4 [qof] [te] [id] 5 [wof] [ysri] [us] t o s h h g f d r o a d d f g f e u [sp] s [us] d e f q d t s w a p [wo] [o8] w t o [wo] [ti] [wu] yu [y7] w r y [yw] [ur] [yi] u 6 0 t [ye] 0 u t i 4 u [te] y 5 t r t [wt10]
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:02
    Right Here Waiting

    Richard Marx

  • [se]|a|s|a| [sq]|o|s|i||| t u [se]|a|s|a| [sq]|o|s|i||| t u [se]|a s u t a s q t o s q t o i [u8]|i|o|[u8]|[yw]|| t r [t6]|0|t| t y [u4]|8|u| u i [o8]|w|t| i u [y5]|9|r| t u [se]|a s u t a s q t o s q t o i [ut]|i|o|f| [wd]|y df[rd]| s a [se]|u|s| s d [qf]|t|f| f g [th]|o|s| g f [wd]|y| s d s a [se] t o t s d s a [sq] t o t s d s a [s8] d f g [h0] f d s [wa]|| s d s a [se] t o t s d s a [sq] t o t s d s a [s8] d f g [h0] f d s [wa]|| s sds a [se] t o t s sds a [sq] t o t s sds a [s8] d f g [h0] f d s [wa]|| s sds a [se] t o t s sds a [sq] t o t s sds a [s8] d f g [h0] f d s [wa]|9|w|| [se]|a s u t a s q t o s q t o i [u8]|i|o|[u8]|[yw]|| t r [t6]|0|t| t y [u4]|8|u| u i [o8]|w|t| i u [y5]|9|r| t u [se]|a s u t a s q t o s q t o i [ut]|i|o|f| [wd]|y df[rd]| s a [se]|u|s| s d [qf]|t|f| f g [th]|o|s| g f [wd]|y| s d s a [se] t o t s d s a [sq] t o t s d s a [s8] d f g [h0] f d s [wa]|| s d s a [se] t o t s d s a [sq] t o t s d s a [s8] d f g [h0] f d s [wa]|| s sds a [se] t o t s sds a [sq] t o t s sds a [s8] d f g [h0] f d s [wa]|| s sds a [se] t o t s sds a [sq] t o t s sds a [s8] d f g [h0] f d s [wa]|9|w|| [se]|a|s|a| [sq]|o|s|i| [wu]|i|o|u|[yw]|| t r [t6]|0|t| t y [u4]|8|u| u i [o8]|w|t| i u [y5]|9|r||[t6]|0|s
    Level: 4
    Length: 02:53
    River Flows In You (Easy)


  • [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [t0] e [p0] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q 9 q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q 9 [qf] [g9] [qh] [g^] q [d9] q 9 q [d9] e [qp] e [qd] e [s8] e [p0] e [o0] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [t0] e [p0] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q 9 q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q [f9] q [g9] q [h^] q [g9] q [h9] q [j9] e q e q e [j8] e [h0] e [j0] e [j7] q [h9] q [j9] q [d^] q 9 q 9 q [G9] e Q [ed] [QG] [he] [j8] e [hQ] e [QG] e [G7] Q 9 [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G6] Q [d9] Q 9 [QG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [d9] e [pQ] e Q [je] [j5] 9 [h7] 9 [G7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e Q [eG] [G9] e Q [ed] [QG] [he] [j8] e [hQ] e [QG] e [G7] Q 9 [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G6] Q [d9] Q 9 [QG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [d9] e [pQ] e Q [je] [j5] 9 [h7] 9 [G7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e Q [eG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e [QG] e [f6] 0 * 0 * 0 6 0 * 0 * 0 [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [t0] e [p0] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q [d9] q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q 9 [qf] [g9] [qh] [j^] q [d9] q 9 [qj] [j9] e [qh] e [qj] e [j8] e [h0] e [j0] e [z7] q 9 [ql] [z9] [ql] [z^] q 9 q 9 q [G9] e Q [ed] [QG] [he] [j8] e [hQ] e [QG] e [G7] Q 9 [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G6] Q [d9] Q 9 [QG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e Q [eG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [d9] e [pQ] e Q e [G9] e Q [fe] [QG] [he] [j8] [he] [QG] [fe] [QG] [he] [G7] [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G9] [hQ] [G6] Q [d9] Q 9 [QG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [G9] e [dQ] e [dQ] [eG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [d9] e Q e Q [eG] [d5] 9 [a7] 9 [d7] 9 [j9] e [QG] e [jQ] e [j6] 0 * 0 * 0 [j6] 0 * 0 * 0 [g9] e [qd] e [qj] e [f8] e [s0] e [j0] e [j7] q 9 [qh] [g9] [qh] [j^] q [d9] q 9 q [g9] e [qd] e [qj] e [l8] e [j0] e [l0] e [z7] q 9 [ql] [z9] [ql] [z^] q 9 q 9 q z| l| z| [j8] e [z0] e [x0] e [c7] q [x9] q [z9] q [z^] q 9 q 9 q 9 e q e q e [z8] e [l0] e [z0] e [z7] q 9 q 9 q [z^] q 9 q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [t0] e [p0] e [i7] q 9 [uq] [y9] [uq] [i^] q [y9] q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q 9 q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q 9 [qf] [g9] [qh] [g^] q [d9] q 9 q [h9] e [qg] e [qh] e [j8] e [f0] e [j0] e [z7] q 9 [ql] [z9] [ql] [z^] q 9 q 9 q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [u8] e [tq] e [qp] e [p7] q 9 [qo] [i9] [qo] [p^] q [y9] q [a9] q [i9] e [yq] e [qp] e [s8] e [p0] e [s0] e [d7] q 9 [sq] [d9] [sq] [d^] q 9 q 9 q [d9] e [sq] e [qd] e [p8] e [d0] e [f0] e [g7] q [f9] q [d9] q [d^] q [p9] q 9 q [p9] e [qo] e [qp] e [u8] e [i0] e [o0] e [p7] q [o9] q [p9] q [y^] q 9 q 9 q
    Level: 5
    Length: 03:57

    Brian Crain

  • 6 0 e r t| 6 0 r t y| 6 0 t y u| 6 0 r y i| 6 0 e t u| 6 0 W r y| 6 0 e t r| 6 0 e| tr| | 6 0f[ke]l[utk] jh [f6] 0h[rf] [yid]|| [s6] 0f[se] [uta]| p [O6] 0 W [yr]|| 6 0f[ke]l[utk] jh [f6] 0h[rf] [yid]|| [s6] 0g[fe] [utd]| a [H3] 7 W r t y % (O[sW]d[ED] ds [g%] (D[dE] [ts]|| 4 8O[sq]d[wD] ds [a3] 7 W u| yui||| [pd]|| [fO]| | [spjf86]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:15
    Prologue - In Bruges

    Carter Burwell

  • I op p p IapoI u up | o o | I | I op p p IapoI u up | Tu y | u u | ooII | o oo oa a p | Ipd | SSaa | ppo | T u | y
    Level: 2
    Length: 00:26
    Mazurek Dabrowskiego (Polish National Anthem)

    Jozef Wybicki

  • [u1]|3|[w8]|0| [y2]|5|[w7]|9| [t4]|[y6]|[wuq8]|i| [y4]|[we0]|[qo975]|| [u1]|3|[w8]|0| [y2]|5|[w7]|9| [t4]|[y6]|[wuq8]|i| [yqe98]|[wr0]|[qo975]|| [p1]34 s|[wsr0]|s| [d1]|5|[sE86]|a| [p1]|[s5]|[wsqe6]|s| [d1]|5|[seQ98]|| [wtf0]|o|[wrd9]|o| [sqe8]|o|[wa70]|o| [u1]|5|[w8]|0| [y2]|5|[r7]|9| [t4]|[y6]|[uq80]|i| [y4]|[we0]|[qo975]|| [u1]|5|[w8]|0| [y2]|5|[r7]|9| [t4]|[y6]|[uq80]|i| [yqe98]|[wr0]|[wo975]|| [p1]34 s|[wsr0]|s| [z1]|5|[sE80]|a| [p4]|[s6]|[wsq8]|s| [d1]|5|[sqE98]|a| [p1]|[s5]|[wsqe98]|s| [z4]|6|8|l| [qp]|w|e|i| [qo975]||| u|[u1]|3|y| [y8]|9|u|[i2]| 6|o|[wu]|e|y|[so85]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:07
    Phantom of the Opera (Theme)

    Andrew Lloyd Webber

  • e r t u e r t u e r t u e r t u [fe] r t u e r t [ud] [se] r t [ua] [pe] r t [ud] [f0] w e u a|u r 0 w r t r w 0 w [se] r t u e r t [ua] [pe] r t [ua] [se] r t [ud] [f0] w r u I u o u a w r u I u o [us] [d5] 7 9 w r w 9 [wf] [g2] 6 9 q [he] 9 q e [j6] 8 0 e r t u e [d3]k 7 0 W r u [uk] lkjk [f4]l 8 q w e q 8 q [zg2] 6 9 q [lfe] 9 q e [kd5] 7 9 w r w 9 w [f3]l 7 0 W [zrG] W u| [x6] 8 0 e r t u [zr] [le] r t [uk] [je] r t z [x3] 7 0 Q [wk] r 0 u r 0 w r t r w 0 [l6] 8 0 e r t u [rk] [je] r t [uk] [rl] t u z [h3]x 7 0 Q w r u r [I0] Q w [aQ] w Q 0 s [od5] 7 9 w r w 9 [wf] [pg2] 6 9 q [hea] 9 q e [s6]j 8 0 e r t u t [d0]k W r W 0 7 [k%]lk3jk [f4]l 8 q w e q 8 q [zg2] 6 9 q [lfe] 9 q e [kd5] 7 9 w r w 9 w [f3]l 7 0 W [rd]k W u| [lj6] 8 0 e r t u r e||u|u [zk] [lj6] 8 0 e r t u a p r t e u|u [zk] [lj6] 8 0 e r t u a [pe]||u|u| [xe] r t u e r t [zu] [le] r t [uk] [je] r t [zu] [x0] w r u k r u r 0 w r t r w 0 w [le] r t u e r t [uk] [je] r t [uk] [le] r t [zu] [x0] w r u I u o u a w r u I u o [ul] [zw] r y o a o y [xo] [g9] e y i [ph] i y i [je] r u p a s f p [d0]k r u O a O [uk]lkrjk [qf]l t i o p i t i [g9]z e y i [pf]l i y i [wd]k r y o a o y o [lf0] W r u [zrG] W 0 r [lf3] 7 0 W [rkd] u u h k [sj4] 8 q w t i o s h l| g||f|| [l4] 8 q w [yue]|||i||o
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:05
    One Man's Dream


  • f f g h h g f d s s d f f dd | f f g h h g f d s s d f d ss | d f s d f g f s d f g f d s d o | f f g h h g f d s s d f d ss
    Level: 1
    Length: 00:40
    Super Easy
    Ode To Joy

    Ludwig van Beethoven

  • [ute]||[tqie]|| [wut]||[ywr]|| [ute]||[tqie]|| [wto]||[wro]|| [ued] s|s|s d s|s|s [tqd] s|s|s d s|s|s [tog] f|f|f g f|f|o [ywf] d|d|o g f|d|o [ued] s|s|s d s|s|s [tqa] p|p|p a p|p|p [to] f|f|f g f|f|o [ywf] d|d|o g f|d|o [ued] s|s|s d s|s|s [tqd] s|s|s d s|s|s [tog] f|f|f g f|f|o [ywf] d|d|o g f|d|o [ued] s|s|s d s|s|s [tqa] p|p|p a p|p|p [to] f|f|f g f|f|o [ywf] d|d|o g f|d|o [use]||o d f d s [tq]||o d f d s [tof]||o d f d s [ywd]||o d f d s [ued] s o||o d f d s [tq]|||d f d s [tof]|||d f d s [ywd]|||o| [tqj]|||hgf g [toh]| f|d [yw]| s|s [tq]|||hgf g [toh]| f|f [ywg] f d|s| [tsq]|||dsa s [ywd]|||d f d s [upe]|d f d s p s d f d s [tqp]|||d f d s [tof] s d f d s f s d f d s [ywd]|||s d s [uhe] s d f d s h s d f d s [tqh] s d f d s h s d f d s [toh] s d f d s h s d f d s [ywh] s d f d s h s d h s d [use] a p s a p f p a s a p [tsq] a p s a p g p a s a p [tof] d s f d s h s d f d s [ywd] s a d s a h a s d s a [use] a p s a p f p a s a p [tsq] a p s a p g p a s a p [tof] d s f d s h s d f d s [ywd] s a d s a h a s d s a [ule]| k| [tqj]| h|g [toh]| h| [ywh]| h| [ule]|k|j|[tqj]| h|g [toh]| h| [ywh]| h| [ule]| k| [tqj]| h|g [toh]| h| [ywh]| h| [ule]|k|j|[tqj]| h|g [toh]| h| [ywh]| h
    Level: 5
    Length: 03:20
    Nuvole Bianche

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • o|[f8]|0|w| 8|[qd]|f|[d8]| 0|w|[s7]|0| [wo]|[f6]|0|w| [j*]||f|[h9]| q|e|[g9]|q| [fe]|[da5]|7|9| [fa%]|7|[a9]|[sp6]| 8|0|[p$]|| [o5]|k|j| [h5] g f g p a [s8]| 0|w|t|a| s|[wd]|r|y| [wf]|r|[yd]|[dQ]| e|y|[pQ]|e| y|[sq]|[se]|[ts]| [sq]|[aW] s [td] s [s0]| w|t|[o0]|w| t|[h0]|E|T| G||f|[dQ]| e|y|[a0]|w| r|[s6]|0|e| [a9]|[pQ]|[ea]|[wo]| [QO]|[qO]|[p0]|[p9]| [wa]|[f8]|0|w| 8|[qd]|f|[d8]| 0|w|[s7]|0| [wo]|[f6]|0|w| [j*]||f|[h9]| q|e|[g9]|q| [fe]|[da5]|7|9| [fa%]|7|[a9]|[sp6]| 8|0|[p$]|| [o5]|k|j| [h5] g f g p a [s8]| 0|w|[iO8]|q|W|[uo8]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:28
    Nocturne in C

    Frederic Chopin

  • [utso]| [utso]| [qpid]| [ywoa]||[wspo] [woda]| [tsof]| [spfe]| [qpgd]| [wsof]||[wida] [use]| [qpid]| [wuso]| [ywoa]| [utso]| | [tohf]| [uohf]| [ohf]| [tohf]||[togd] [tsof]| [wogd]| [rogd]| [yogd]| [wogd]||[wsof] [woda]| [tsof]| [tspg] [of] [tsid] [us] [tsof]||[yoga] [usoh]| [sji] [pgd] [sof]| [wida]| [uts8]
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:32
    My Country Tis of Thee

    Samuel Francis Smith

  • [uth] f d s d f [uth] f d s d f [uth] f h [tje] f j [uth] f d s|| [o80] u y t y u [o80] u y t y u [o80] u o [pe] u p [aW0] O I u|| [aW0] O I u I O [aW0] O I u I O [aW0] O a [s8] O s [aW0] O I u|| [aW0] O I u I O [aW0] O I u I O [aW0] O a [se] p s [wrd] a p o|| [wrd] a p o p a [wrd] a p o p a [wrd] a o y r w d a o [wri]|| [uth] f d s d f [uth] f d s d f [uth] f h [tje] f j [yji] g f d|| [qp9] i u y u i [qp9] i u y u i [p9] i p [wa] i a [a0] o a [s8] o s [sq] p s [d9] p d [f0] W r 0 W r [qd] e t [sq] e t [a0] W r 0 W r [wa] r y w|| [o80] u y t y u [o80] u y t y u [o80] u o [pe] u p [o80] y t|| [h8] f d [se] d f [h8] f d [se] d f [h8] f d [se] d f [sh80]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:38
    Morning Mood

    Edvard Grieg

  • [utoh]| s d [yf] g [uh]| s| s| [ji]| gfgh j k [ul]| s| s| [yg]fg h g f d [tf]| g f d s [oa]| [us] d [tf] s [of]| w i [ud] y [uh]| s d [yf] g [th]| [us]| [ts]| [ji]| gfgh j k [ul]| [si] u [ys] t [yg]fg h g [rf] d [tf]| g f [ud] s [id]| [of] d [ws] a [ts]| |8| [xt]| l z x l [zr]| h j k h [le]| [tj] k [le] h [yG]| f G [d9]| [yd] f G h j k [ul]| [ok]| [jI]| [ok]| [rd]| [yG]| [oh]| w| i| [uh]| [so] a [us]| [ji]| [sp] a [si]| [uh]| [yg]| [tf]| [od] s a s d| [wo] p a s [rd] f [ge]| [tf]gf [rd]| [tf] h [s0]| [wa]| [utso]| w| 8
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:57
    Minuet in G Major

    Christian Petzold

  • 8 w u| w u 8 w u| w u 8 w u| w u 8 w u| w u [l8] w u l w u 8 [wk] [ul] z [wl] [uj] [l6] 0 t l 0 t 6 [k0] [tl] z [l0] th [j4] 8 e j 8 e 4 [g8] [he] j [h8] [ge] [f3] 7 w| 7 w 3 7 w [rf] w [h0] [h9] q e [yd] e [qf] [g9] [he] [yj] [ke] [l6] [k0] [je] [th] e 0 6 0 e [tf]| s [a5]dh9 w r y o [we]ti| p p| s [s8] w u| w u 8 w u| w u [f8]hlw u fhl w u 8 [wk] [ul] z [wl] [uj] [f6]jl0 t fjl 0 t 6 [k0] [tl] z [l0] th [s4]gj8 e sgj 8 e 4 [g8] [he] j [h8] [ge] [o3]af 7 w| 7 w 3 7 w [ur] w [o0] [o9] q e y e [uq] [i9] [oe] [yp] [ea] [s6] [a0] [pe] [to] e 0 6 0 e [tf]| s [a5]dh9 w r y o [we]ti| p p| s [s8] w u| w u 8 w u| w u [s8] w u s w u 8 [wa] [us] d [ws] [up] [s6] 0 t s 0 t 6 [a0] [ts] d [s0] to [p4] 8 e p 8 e 4 [i8] [oe] p [o8] [ie] [u3] 7 w| 7 w 3 7 w [ur] w [o0] [o9] q e y e [uq] [i9] [oe] [yp] [ea] [s6] [a0] [pe] [to] e 0 6 0 e [tf]| s [a5]dh9 w r y o [we]ti| p p| s [s8] w u| w u 8 w u| w u [s8] w u s w u 8 [wa] [us] d [ws] [up] [s6] 0 t s 0 t 6 [a0] [ts] d [s0] to [p4] 8 e p 8 e 4 [i8] [oe] p [o8] [ie] [u3] 7 w| 7 w 3 7 w [ur] w [o0] [o9] q e y e [uq] [i9] [oe] [yp] [ea] [s6] [a0] [pe] [to] e 0 6 0 e [tf]| s [a5]dh9 w r y o [we]ti| p p| s [s8]0w
    Level: 5
    Length: 04:00
    Memory (Cats)

    Andrew Lloyd Webber

  • 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0j[j6]k[k0]l[tl]k[k0]j[tj]f[f0]s[ts]p[p0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge] i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[qj]k[rk]h[h9]d[rd]g[g5]f[f8]d[wf]g[yfW0]| | [f6]| [p0] s [tf] d [f6]| [p0] s [tf] d [f6]| [p0] s [tg] f [g9]| [pe] s [tig] f [g9]| [ge] f [tig] G [h5]| [qh] j [wrh] j [f8]| t| [r7]| [x6]| [j0] l [xt] z [x6]| [j0] l [xt] z [x6]| [j0] l [tc] x [c9]| [je] l [tic] x [c9]| [ec] x [tic] C [v5]| [vq] b [wvr] b [x8]| t| [r7]| [l5]| 0 f [tf] g [g9]| t d [ki] j [k5]| [rq] d [wd] f [f8]| [wus] s [j7] h [j6]| 0 s [ts] d [d7]| q a [fe] d [f0]| r| O| [l6]| 0 l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [f8]| t| [r7]| [l6]| [l0] l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [j6]| 0| t| [l6]| 0 l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [f8]| t| [r7]| [l6]| [l0] l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [j6]| 0| t| 6 0 t 0 t 0 t 0j[j6]k[k0]l[tl]k[k0]j[tj]f[f0]s[ts]p[p0]h[h9]g[ge]f[ig]h[ge] i e 5g[g9]h[rh]j[qj]k[rk]h[h9]d[rd]g[g5]f[f8]d[wf]g[yfW0]| | [f6]| [p0] s [tf] d [f6]| [p0] s [tf] d [f6]| [p0] s [tg] f [g9]| [pe] s [tig] f [g9]| [ge] f [tig] G [h5]| [qh] j [wrh] j [f8]| t| [r7]| [x6]| [j0] l [xt] z [x6]| [j0] l [xt] z [x6]| [j0] l [tc] x [c9]| [je] l [tic] x [c9]| [ec] x [tic] C [v5]| [vq] b [wvr] b [x8]| t| [r7]| [l5]| 0 f [tf] g [g9]| t d [ki] j [k5]| [rq] d [wd] f [f8]| [wus] s [j7] h [j6]| 0 s [ts] d [d7]| q a [fe] d [f0]| r| O| [l6]| 0 l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [f8]| t| [r7]| [l6]| [l0] l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [j6]| 0| t| [l6]| 0 l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [f8]| t| [r7]| [l6]| [l0] l [tl] z [z9]| e l [tki] j [h5]| 9 h [rj] h [j6]| 0| t| [ml6]| 0 [ml] [tml] z [z9]| e [ml] [tnki] [jb] [vh5]| 9 [vh] [rjb] [vh] [xf8]| t| [r7]| [ml6]| [ml0] [ml] [tml] z [z9]| e [ml] [tnki] [jb] [vh5]| 9 [vh] [rjb] [vh] [j6]| 0| t| u| p| s| [ji]lx
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:39
    Mariage d'amour

    Richard Clayderman

  • [l8] w [tk] w [uf] w [j8] w [th] w [us] w [d9] e y e i [fe] [g9] e y e i e [p9] e y e [ia] [se] [d5] [wf] [rg] [wh] [ji] [wk] [x8] w t w u w 8 w t w u w [l8] w [tk] w [uf] w [j8] w [th] w [us] w [D7] Q r Q Y [fQ] [G7] Q r Q Y Q [a7] Q r [SQ] [YD] [fQ] [G7] [hQ] [rj] [kQ] [YL] [ZQ] [v0] r u r o r 0 r u r o r [v8] w [xt] w [ul] w [jQ] t [kY] t [pl] t [h5] w r w i [wj] [k5] w r w i w [c^] E [zy] E [iJ] E [h^] E [jT] E [oJ] E [g8] e t e [ig] [he] [j8] e Y e i e [j^] E [yd] E [if] E [g9] e y e [ih] [je] [k5] w r w i w [j9] e y e i e [j^] E [yd] E [if] E [G9] e y e [hI] [je] [wJ] y o y P y [k5] w r w i w [l8] w [tk] w [uf] w [j8] w [th] w [us] w [d9] e y e i [fe] [g9] e y e i e [p9] e y e [ia] [se] [d5] [wf] [rg] [wh] [ji] [wk] [x8] w t w u w 8 w t w u w [x8] w [zt] w [uj] w [l8] w [tk] w [ug] w [j9] e [yh] e [si] e [d9] e [yf] e [si] e [f8] w t w u w [g8] w [th] w [uf] w [j9] e y e i e [j5] w [rk] w [ih] w [l8] w t w u w 8 w t w u w 8 w t w u w
    Level: 4
    Length: 01:43
    Le Cygne

    Camille Saint-Saens

  • euiueuiueuiueuiueuoueuoueuoueuou euiueuiueuiueuiueuoueuoueuoueuou [e6]uiu[e6]uiu[e6]uiu[e6]uiu [e8]uou[e8]uou[e8]uou[e8]uou [e9]uiu[e9]uiu[e9]uiu[e9]uiu [qe]uou[qe]uou[qe]uou[qe]uou [e60]uiu[e60]uiu[e60]uiu[e60]uiu [we8]uou[we8]uou[we8]uou[we8]uou [e62]uiu[e62]uiu[e62]uiu[e62]uiu [e84]uou[e84]uou[e84]uou[e84]uou [e63]uiu[e63]uiu[e63]uiu[e63]uiu [e51]uou[e51]uou[e51]uou[e51]uou [e62]uiu[e62]uiu[e62]uiu[e62]uiu [e84]uou[e84]uou[e84]uou[e84]uou [e63]uiu[e63]uiu[e63]uiu[e63]uiu [e851]uou[e851]uou[e851]uou[e851]uou [e962]uiu[e962]uiu[e962]uiu[e962]uiu [qe84]uou[qe84]uou[qe84]uou[qe84]uou etupljfsetupljfstupsljfstupsljfs ispgcljgispicljgryiazkgdryiazkgd tupsljfstupsljfsyipdczjgyipdczjg upsljfspupsljfspyipdzjgdyipdzjgd [ye]tup[uf]spuetupsp[yu]p [yt]osf[uh]fsutuosfs[oe]u [qe]tipspit[tq]etipitiriad[rg]dayryiadaiy [yt]osf[uh]fsotuosfs[yo]a [yi]pdg[uj]gdpyipsgs[pe]i [e0]tipfspi[60]etuputu7qryiyry[94]7qryq72 [d6]368[f0]etupute08[d6]2 [d6]580[wf]tuosoutw0[p8]5 [p4]8qeq8eqsiteq8646479[qa]0ryiyrq9742 [d1]680[fe]0etute0e0[d8]5 [d2]69q[fe]qeyiyeq96[p4]6 [p2]80e80eu0e0806367479q97487424274 [r6]136[e8]086e08686[w3]1 [r1]358[e0]w08tw0808[w5]3 [r2]469[qe]96496q964[w2]6 [y7]4[u7]9q9[y7]437[t9]w97[r5]3 [r6]368[t0]eteute0[e8]636 [e2]69qwq969269q962 [60]3636896836386317479[y7]4273%70wruO
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:21
    Kara's Theme (Detroit: Become Human)

    Philip Sheppard

  • [u0] [u0] [u0] [xf] [xf] [xf] [u0] [u0] [u0] [xf] [xf] [xf] [u0] [xf] [xf] [u0] [xf] [xf]|f x x z [ul] l k [uj] H j [ukO] f f [gO] f d [sp] s a [pYI] O p [uaO]|f x x z [ul] l k [uj] H j [ukO] f f [gO] f d [se] s a [pe] O p [aW0] u u [iW] u y p jlx [uO] Hkx e u f x x z [pl] [pl] k j H j [ukO] [ufO] f g f d [sp] [sp] a p O p [uaO]|f x x z [pl] [pl] k [pj] [pH] j [ukO] [ufO] f [ugO] [ufO] d [se] s a [pe] O p [aW0] u u [iW] u y p jlx [uO] Hkx [xspljf]|||f x x z [ul] l k [uj] H j [ukO] f f [gO] f d [sp] s a [pYI] O p [uaO]|f x x z [ul] l k [uj] H j [ukO] f f [gO] f d [se] s a [pe] O p [aW0] u u [iW] u y p jlx [uO] Hkx e u f x x z [pl] [pl] k j H j [ukO] [ufO] f g f d [sp] [sp] a p O p [uaO]|f x x z [pl] [pl] k [pj] [pH] j [ukO] [ufO] f [ugO] [ufO] d [se] s a [pe] O p [aW0] u u [iW] u y p jlx [uO] Hkx [xspljf]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:12
    La Campanella

    Franz Liszt

  • [yqed]|||s[utea]||p| [yqed]||fdsas[utea]||p| [tsqe]|||a[wut0]||| [tsqe]||dsasa[wut0]||| [yqed]|||s[utea]||p| [yqed]||fdsas[utea]||p| [tsqe]|||a[wut0]||| [tsqe]||dsasa[wut0]||| [d9]|[qe]|[qe]| [d9]|[qe] s [qe]| [a6]|[80]|[80]| [p6]|[80]|[80]| [d9]|[qe]|[qe]| [d9]|[qe] s [qe]| [a6]|[80]|[80]| [p6]|[80]|[80]| [sq]|[te]|[te]|q|[te]|[te]| [s8]|[w0]|[w0]|8|[w0]|[w0]| [sq]|[te]|[te]|q|[te]|[te]| [s8]|[w0]|[w0]|8|[w0]|[w0]| [d9]|[qe]|[qe]| [f9]|[qe] s [qe]| [a6]|[80]|[80]| [p6]|[80]|[80]| [d9]|[qe]|[qe]| [f9]|[qe] s [qe]| [a6]|[80]|[80]| [p6]|[80]|[80]| [sq]|[te]|[te]| [sq]|[te] a [te]| [u8]|[w0]|[w0]|8|[w0]|[w0]| [sq]|[te]|[te]|[sq]|[te] a [te]| [u8]|[w0]|[w0]|8|[w0]|[w0]| [d9]|[qe]|[qe]|9 f g f g f [p6]|[80]|[80]|6|a| s [d9]|[qe]|[qe]|9 f g f g f [p6]|[80]|[80]|6| o| [qp]|[te]|[te]|q a s a s a [u8]|[w0]|[w0]|8|i| o [qp]|[te]|[te]|q a s a s a [u8]|[w0]|[w0]|8|[w0]|[w0]| [d9]|[qe]|[qe]|9 f g f g f [p6]|[80]|[80]|6|a| s [d9]|[qe]|[qe]|9 f g f g f [p6]|[80]|[80]|6| o| [qp]|[te]|[te]|q a s a s a [u8]|[w0]|[w0]|8|i| o [qp]|[te]|[te]|q a s a s a [u8]|[w0]|[w0]|8|[w0]|[w0]| [yqed]|||s[utea]||p| [yqed]||fdsas[utea]||p| [tsqe]|||a[wut0]||| [tsqe]||dsasa[wut0]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:29
    La Valse D'Amelie (Amelie) (Alternative)

    Yann Tiersen

  • [pb] f j [xl]||x C [vu] a f h|f x v [ic] s g j|g x z [xt] o [sc] [xf] [xu] [za] [xf] [vh] [pb] f j [xl]||x C [vu] a f h|f x v [ic] s g j|g x z [xt] o [sc] [xf] [xu] [za] [lf] h [kf]| |j| [je] u p [sf] p u [fe] [uG] [h0] r u o u r [f0] [uh] [qg] t i p i t [qf] [td] [f8] w [tg] [uf] [f0] [rd] [uf] [og] [je] u p [sf] p u [fe] G [h0] r u o u r [f0] h [qg] t i p i t [qf] [td] [sf8] w [th] [uj] [k0] [rl] [zu] [xr] [xe] u p s [xp] [uc] [xe] [uc] [x0] r u o [xu] [rc] [x0] [zu] [ql] t i p [li] [zt] [ql] [zt] [xl8] w [tc] [xu] [x0] [zr] [ul] [zr] [xe] u p s [xp] [uc] [xe] [uc] [x0] r u o [xu] [rc] [v0] [ub] [qb] t i p [ib] [tn] [qb] [tn] [m8] w [zt] [um] [n0] r [ub] r [V0]| |p u [pe] u a p s u d u [sf0] r d u s r a upa [qp] t a i s t d t [sf8] w [tgd] [usf] [sf0] [rd] [us] [ra] [pe] u a p s u d u [sf0] r d u s r d usd [qf] t d i f t h i [l8] w [tl] [zu] [l0] [rk] [uj] [rl] [x0]| |g| [xe] u p s [xp] [uc] [xp] c [x0] r u o [xu] [rc] [xu] [zr] [ql] t i p [li] [zt] [ql] [zt] [x8] w [tc] [xu] [x0] r [zu] [xr] [xe] u p s [xp] [uc] [xe] [pc] [x0] r u o [xu] [rc] [v0] [ub] [qb] t i p [ib] [tn] [qb] [tn] [m8] w [zt] [um] [m0] [rn] [ub] [rm] [xr]| |m| [le] f [uj] k [pl] f [sj] l [k0] f [rh] j [uk] f [ha] k [qj] f [tg] h [ji] f [pg] j [H8] s [wf] h [g0] f [rd] f [le] f [uj] k [pl] f [sj] l [k0] f [rh] j [uk] f [ha] k [qj] f [tg] h [ji] f [pg] j [h8] s [wf] h [g0] [rf] d s [pe]|[up]|p p [ua] s [s0]|[sr]|[ua]|[up] pa [qp]|[tp]|[pi] p [ta] s [f8]|[wf] g [f0] d [sr] d [fe]|[uf]|[pf] f [sh] j [j0]|[rj] k [ul]|[ok] j [qj]|[tj]|[ji] j [pk] l [x8]|[xw] c [x0] z [ul] x b [pb] f j [xl]||x C [vu] a f h|f x v [ic] s g j|g x z [xt] o [sc] [xf] [xu] [za] [xf] [vh] [pb] f j [xl]||x C [vu] a f h|f x v [ic] s g j|g x z [xt] o [sc] [xf] [xu] [za] [lf] h [kf]| |j| [je] u p s f j f x j| [xeb]
    Level: 5
    Length: 03:43
    It's Hard To Say Goodbye

    Michael Ortega

  • u|o| [d8]|[w0]|[w0]|[s5]|[w0]|[wf0]| [a8]|[w0]|[w0]|[p5]|[w0]|[w0]| [a8]|[w0]|[w0]|[p5]|[w0]|[wu0]| [a9]|[wq]|[wq]|[a5]|y|u| [o9]|[wq]|[wq]|[o5]|y|u| [p9]|[wq]|[wq]|5|y|u| [o9]|[wq]|[wqi]|5|o|[wq]| [u8]|[w0]|[w0]|[y9]|u|o| [d8]|[w0]|[w0]|[s5]|[w0]|[wf0]| [a8]|[w0]|[w0]|[p5]|[w0]|[w0]| [a8]|[w0]|[w0]|[p5]|[w0]|[wo0]| [p9]|[tq]|[tq]|[y4]|i|o| [wqp]|a|s|[wqd]|f|g| [wh0]|f|s|[peQ]|s|f| [o5]|[w0]|i| [u4]|y|[wq]| [t8]|[w0]|[w0]|8
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:50
    Je Te Veux

    Erik Satie

  • s d [sf] h g [sg] j [hd] [sh] l [kd] [lf] h f s d f [pg] h [ja] [sh] g f [pd] f s [oa] s d o a d [ga] f d [sf] s d f h g [sg] j [hd] [sh] l [kd] [lf] h f s d f p h g f d s o s [ia] [us] f h l h f s f h [tl8] u| r| [ie]| [ro]| e| [wuo]| [ie]| r| [ut]| [yw] o p [yoa] d [ws] [wda] g [wf] g d a o a d [ga] f d [sf] s d f h [ga] [sg] j [hd] [sh] l [kd] [lf] h f s d f p h g f d s o s a s f d f h g [sg] j [hd] [sh] l [kd] [lf] h f s d f [pg] h [ja] [sh] g f [pd] f s [oa] s d o a d [ga] f d [sf] s d f h g [sg] j [hd] [sh] l [kd] [lf] h f s d f p h g f d s o s [ia] [uts]| r| [ie]| [ro]| e| [wuo]| [ie]| r| [ut]| [yw] o p [yoa] d [wsp] [wda] g [wf] g d a o a d [ga] f d [sf] s d f h g [sg] j [hd] [sh] l [kd] [lf] h f s d f p h g f d s o s [ia] [us] f d [sf] h g [sg] j [hd] [sh] l [kd] [lf] h f s d f [pg] h [ja] [sh] g f [pd] f s [oa] s d o a d [ga] f d [sf] s d f h g [sg] j [hd] [sh] l [kd] [lf] h f s d f p h g f d s o s [ia] s f h l h f [so] f [pG] [ha] o p [oa] d S S f d [pd] g f g d p i o p p h g h f S p a S [pd] g f [gd] j h [hd] J j [jg] z [fL] [zg] j g [dP] f g [dJ] j h [ga] f d p d S d g j z
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:06
    Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

    Johann Sebastian Bach

  • [f3]||| [e6] r [t3] y [u6] t [u3]| [Y6] r [Y3]|[y6] E [y3]| [e6] r [t3] y [u6] t [u3] p [o1] u [t5] u [o1]|5| [e6] r [t3] y [u6] t [u3]| [Y6] r [Y3]|[y6] E [y3]| [e6] r [t3] y [u6] t [u3] p [o1] u [t5] u [o1]|5| [u3] I [O7] p [a3] O [a7]| [s1] O [s%]|[a3] O [a7]| [u3] I [O7] p [a3] O [a7]| [s1] O [s%]|[a3]|7| [u3] I [O7] p [a3] O [a7]| [s1] O [s%]|[a3] O [a7]| [u3] I [O7] p [a3] O [a7]| [s1] O [s%]|[a3]|7| [p6] a [s3] d [f6] s [f3]| [D6] a [D3]|[d6] P [d3]| [p6] a [s3] d [f6] s [f3] j [h1] f [s5] f [h1]|5| [p6] a [s3] d [f6] s [f3]| [D6] a [D3]|[d6] P [d3]| [p6] a [s6] d [f5] s [f4] j [f3] s [f2] j [p1]|7
    Level: 4
    Length: 02:16
    In the Hall of the Mountain King (Easy)

    Edvard Grieg

  • [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o t [qa] t [po] t o t q|| p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o t [qp] t o t o t q| a p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o [ts] [qa]s[ta] [po] t o t q|| p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t [od] t [so] [ta] [qp] t o t o t q|| s d [fe] t o t o t [wd] t o t o [tf] [qd] t [so] t o t q|| s d [fe] t o t o t [wd] t o [th] o t [sq] t o t o t q| p a p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o [ts] [qa]s[ta] [po] t o t q|| p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t [od] t [so] [ta] [qp] t o t o t q| s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] 9 w d s a [a4] 8 [wp] 8 w 8 4 8 w s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] [d9] [ws] [d9] [ws] [a9] [p4] 8 w 8 w 8 4| s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] 9 w d s a [a4] 8 [wp] 8 w 8 4 8 w s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] [d9] [ws] [d9] [ws] [a9] [p4] 8 w 8 w 8 4| u i u i [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] 9 [wu] [i9] [wu] [i9] [o6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [te] [u0] [i4] 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [y9] 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [i9] [o6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [te] [u0] [i4] 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [y9] 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] i u y [t81] u o t u o 5 t u i u y 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] i u y [o81] w t o w t [o5] w t i w t [i6] w t u w t [u4] w t i w t [s81] t o s t o [s5] t i s t i [s6] [t0] [ue] [s0] [te] [u0] [s4] [t8] [ie] [s8] [te] [i8] [s8] [wu] [to] [ws] [ut] [wo] [s5] [y9] [wi] [s9] [yw] [i9] [s6] [t0] [ue] [s0] [te] [u0] [s4] [t8] [ie] [s8] [te] [i8] [s8] [wu] [ts] [wu] [ts] [wu] [si5] [y9] [wsi] [y9] [wsi] [y9] [us6] [t0] [use] [t0] [use] [t0] [si4] [t8] [sie] t [si] t [wus8] t [us] t [us] t [yws95] t [ys] t [ys] t [t1][u5][s8]|| [wf86]|p|g| [wh85]|a|s| [wj84]|f|d|s|a|o| [wf86]|p|g| [wh85]|a|s| [wj84]||| [wf86]|p|g| [wh85]|a|s| [wj84]|f|d|s|a|o| [wf86]|p|g| [wh85]|a|s| [wp84]|||t [tsoe]|| [wtoa]|| [tqoa]|p|||p a [tsoe]|| [wtoa]|| [tqpo]|||a p a [tsoe]|| [wtoa]||s [tqoa]sa p|||p a [tsoe]|| [wtoa]|d|s a [tqpo]|||s d [fe] t o t o t [wd] t o t o [tf] [qd] t [so] t o t q|| s d [fe] t o t o t [wd] t o [th] o t [sq] t o t o t q| p a p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o [ts] [qa]s[ta] [po] t o t q|| p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t [od] t [so] [ta] [qp] t o t o t q| s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] 9 w d s a [a4] 8 [wp] 8 w 8 4 8 w s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] [d9] [ws] [d9] [ws] [a9] [p4] 8 w 8 w 8 4| s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] 9 w d s a [a4] 8 [wp] 8 w 8 4 8 w s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] [d9] [ws] [d9] [ws] [a9] [p4] 8 w 8 w 8 4| u i u i [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] 9 [wu] [i9] [wu] [i9] [o6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [te] [u0] [i4] 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [y9] 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [i9] [o6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [te] [u0] [i4] 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [y9] 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] i u y [t81] u o t u o 5 t u i u y 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] i u y [o81] w t o w t [o5] w t i w t [i6] w t u w t [u4] w t i w t [s81] t o s t o [s5] t i s t i [s6] [t0] [ue] [s0] [te] [u0] [s4] [t8] [ie] [s8] [te] [i8] [s8] [wu] [to] [ws] [ut] [wo] [s5] [y9] [wi] [s9] [yw] [i9] [s6] [t0] [ue] [s0] [te] [u0] [s4] [t8] [ie] [s8] [te] [i8] [s8] [wu] [ts] [wu] [ts] [wu] [si5] [y9] [wsi] [y9] [wsi] [y9] [us6] [t0] [use] [t0] [use] [t0] [si4] [t8] [sie] t [si] t [wus8] t [us] t [us] t [yws95] t [ys] t [ys] t [t1]5[u8]os||| f g f g [wth8]| f g f g [wh95]| f g f g [th60]||[e84]| f g f g [wth8]| f g f g [wh95] j h g f d [t60]|s||[e84]| f g f g [wth8]| f g f g [wh95] j h g f g [th60]||[e84]| f g f g [wth8]| f g f g [wh95] j h g f d [ts60]||[e84]| f g f d [wts8]|f|h|[w95]|f g f d [t60]|s||[e84]| f g f d [wth8] o s h o s [wh95] o s g o s [tg60] o s f o s [fe84] i o s i o [wth8] o s h o s [wh95] o s g o s [tg60] o s f o s [fe84] o s g o s [wth8] o s l s h [wl95] s g l s g [tl60] s f l s f [le84] s g l s g [wtl8] s h l s h [wl95] s g l s g [tl60] s f l s f [le84] s g l s g [lh8] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [lh5] [s9] [wlg] [s9] [wlg] [s9] [lg6] [s0] [tlf] [s0] [tlf] [s0] [lg4] [s8] [lfe] [s8] [lge] s [lh8] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [lh5] [s9] [wlj] [s9] [wlj] [s9] [lj6] [s0] [tlh] [s0] [tlh] [s0] [lh4] [s8] [lge] [s8] [lge] s [lh8] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [lh5] [s9] [wlg] [s9] [wlg] [s9] [lg6] [s0] [tlf] [s0] [tlf] [s0] [lg4] [s8] [lfe] s [lg] s [wlf8] s [lf] s [lf] s [wld95] s [ld] s [ld] s [t1][u5][o8]s
    Level: 6
    Length: 06:03
    I Giorni

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • [te60]||r||[wt80]||u||[ywt95]||r||[qe962]||| [te60]||y||[wut8]||o||[ywt95]||r||[qe962]||| [te60]||r||[wt80]||u||[ywt95]||r||[qe962]||| [tqe84]||y||[re730]|||[730]||| 6 66 6 0 6 6 8| 8w 8 w 8 8 8 5 55 5 9 5 5 2| 26 2 6 2 4 3 6 66 6 0 6 6 8| 8w 8 w 8 8 8 5 55 5 9 5 5 2| 26 2 6 2 4 3 6 0 [pe] 0 [ra] 0 [se] 0 8 w [ts] w [yd] w [tf] w 5 9 [wa] 9 [se] 9 [wd] 9 [g2] 6 [f9] 6 [d0] 6 [s9] 6 6 0 [pe] 0 [ra] 0 [se] 0 8 w [ts] w [yd] w [tf] w [a5] 9 [w5] 9 [se] 9 [wa] 9 [p2] 6 9 6 [i0] 6 [o9] 6 6 0 [upe] 0 [ura] 0 [use] 0 8 w [tso] w [yod] w [tof] w [oa5] 9 w 9 [soe] 9 [wod] 9 [pg2] 6 [pf9] 6 [pd0] 6 [sp9] 6 6 0 [upe] 0 [ura] 0 [use] 0 8 w [tso] w y w [tod] w [oa5] 9 w 9 [soe] 9 w 9 [pd2] 6 9 6 [pf0] 6 9 6 2 6 [zd9] 6 [xf0] 6 [gc9] 6 4 8 [qgc] 8 [wvh] 8 [qjb] 8 1 5 [xf8] 5 [gc9] 5 [vh8] 5 [JB5] 9 [wjb] 9 [vhe] 9 [wgc] 9 2 6 [zd9] 6 [xf0] 6 [gc9] 6 4 8 [qgc4] 8 [wvh] 8 [qjb] 8 [xf1] 5 8 5 [gc9] 5 [xf8] 5 [zd5] 9 w 9 [ePJ] 9 [wsl] 9 2 6 [zd9] 6 [xf0] 6 [gc9] 6 4 8 [qgc] 8 [wvh] 8 [qjb] 8 1 5 [xf81] 5 [gc9] 5 [vh8] 5 [JB5] 9 [wjb] 9 [vhe] 9 [wgc] 9 2 6 [zd9] 6 [xf0] 6 [gc9] 6 4 8 [qgc] 8 [wvh] 8 [qjb] 8 [xf1] 5 8 5 [gc9] 5 8 5 [h5] 9 [wj] 9 [eJ] 9 l|e| [uj]|[pk]|l|t| [ol]|[zp]|x|w| [yk]|[ol]|z|[yc]| [xp]|[zd]|l|e| [uj]|[pk]|l|t| [ol]|p|z|[wk]| y|[ol]||[zy]| [xp]|[dc]|v
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:55
    Heart of Courage (The Chronicles of Narnia)

    Two Steps From Hell

  • [s8]|w|[tf]|w| [h8]|w|[tl]|w| [z8]|w|[tk]|w| [l8]|w|[th]|w| [s8]|w|[tf]|w| [h8]|w|[tl]|w| [z8]|w|[tk]|w| [l8]|w|[th]|w| [wh]||[wh]||[wh]||[wh] a s a [f8] a [ws] a [tf] a [ws] a [f8] a [ws] a [tf] a [ws] a [f6] a [s0] a [fe] a [s0] a [f6] a [s0] a [fe] a [s0] a [f4] a [s8] a [qf] a [s8] a [f4] a [s8] a [qf] a [s8] a [d5] a [s9] a [wd] a [s9] a [d5] a [s9] a [wd] f [g9] f [l6] f [g0] f [le] f [g0] f [l6] f [g0] f [le] f [g0] f [j4] f [g8] f [qj] f [g8] f [j4] f [g8] f [qj] f [g8] f [d5] f [d9] f [wd] f [d9] f [d5] f [d9] f [wd] f [d9] g [h5] a [d9] g [wh] a [d9] g [h5] a [d9] g [wh] a [s9] a [f8] a [ws] a [tf] a [ws] a [f8] a [ws] a [tf] a [ws] a [f6] a [s0] a [fe] a [s0] a [f6] a [s0] a [fe] a [s0] a [f4] a [s8] a [qf] a [s8] a [f4] a [s8] a [qf] a [s8] a [d5] a [s9] a [wd] a [s9] a [d5] a [s9] a [wd]|| [f6]|[f0]|[le]|[f0]| [f6]|[f0]|[le]|[f0]| [d5]|[f9]|[wd]|[f9]| [d5]|[f9]|[wd]|[f9]| [f6]|[f0]|[le]|[f0]| [f6] g [f0]|[le]|[f0]| [d5]|[f9]|[wd]|[f9]| [d5]|[f9]|[wd]|[f9]| [s6]|0|[se]|0| [s6]|0|[se]|[a0]| [s4]|8|[sq]|8| [x4]|[l8]|[qj]|[g8]| [s8]|w|[ts]|w| [s8]|w|[ts]|[wa]| [s5]|9|[ws]|9| [z5]|[k9]|[wh]|[f9]| [p4]|8|q|8|4|8|q|8|4|8| [qp]|8|[s4]|8|[qd]|8| [p4]|8|q|8|4|8|q|8|4|8| [qp]|8|[s4]|8|[qd]|8|[p4]||q
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:58
    Goodbye (Hachi: A Dog's Tale)

    Jan A.P. Kaczmarek

  • o| ooo| ooo oooooo oo [o5] [ywia]s[ywida] [o8] [wuts]d[wutsf] [o7] [ywid]f[ywigd] [hfP8] [wuE] [hfP*][hfP] [hfP9] [yqj]h[pg4] [gO5] [th0]g[tof0] [of5] [rg9]f[wrid] [id8] [wtf]d[wuts] [o5] [ywia]s[ywida] [o8] [wuts]d[wutsf] [o7] [ywid]f[ywigd] [hfP8] [wuE][hf][P*][hf] [P9]h[yqj]h[pg4] [O5]g[th0]g[tof0] [o5]f[rg9]f[wrid] [wuts8] oooo [o5] [ywia]s[ywida] [o8] [wuts]d[wutsf] [o7] [ywid]f[ywigd] [hfP8] [wuE] [hfP*][hfP] [hfP9] [yqj]h[pg4] [gO5] [th0]g[tof0] [of5] [rg9]f[wrid] [id8] [wtf]d[wuts] [o5] [ywia]s[ywida] [o8] [wuts]d[wutsf] [o7] [ywid]f[ywigd] [hfP8] [wuE][hf][P*][hf] [P9]h[yqj]h[pg4] [O5]g[th0]g[tof0] [o5]f[rg9]f[wrid] [us8] [ts0]s[sE80]s [s4]s[sqe8]s[sqe8]s [d4]s[qpe8]i[tqe8]T [y4]y[yqW7]y[yqW7]y [t4]i[qpe8]s[qge8]S [d7]d[yqdW]d[yqdW]d 8 [tie] [tied]fd [zs8]g[utljE]J[utfE] [qh] [tige]s[tpie] [s4]s[sqe8]s[sqe8]s [d4]s[qpe8]i[tqe8]T [y4]y[yqW7]y[yqW7]y [t4]i[qpe8]s[qge8]S [d7]d[yqdW]d[yqdW]d [d8]fd[tsie]g[tjie] [z8] [utlE]J[utfE] [qg] [ie] [ypi]aapappOappa [wo5] [ywia]s[ywida] 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[idPJE]| d [d5]D[ED9]S[SE9]d [d$]D[teD9]S[teS9]d [d5]J[wJE9]j[wjE9]H [H8]h[wheY]G[weYG]g [g9]f[ywfE]D[ywED]d [d9]S[ytSQ]s[ytsQ]p [p5]P[PE9]I[IE9]o [o5]P[PE9]s[sE9]S [S5]D[ED9]S[SE9]d [d$]D[teD9]S[teS9]d [d5]z[zwE9]J[wJE9]h [h8]D[weYD]s[wseY]p [D9]d[ywdE]S[ywSE]s [s9]a[ytaQ]P[ytQP]p [ywpE]OOooI IiiuuY [yi^] [q^W] [yqi^W] [i^]o[yi][q^W][tY][yqi^W] [oY@] [w^(] [wo^P(] [oD@] [w7] [w8] [id4] [qe8]s[sqeY8] [id4] [qe8]s[sqeY8] [id4] [qe8]s[sqeY8] [p^T] [qE]P[yqPE] [gd^] [iOE][gd][igdOE] [g^]h[gd][iOE][sD][igdOE] [hD(] [oYE] [ohYJE] [hZ(] [ro] [to] [zqg] [tpi]l[tpliD] [zqg] [tpi]l[tpliD] [zqg] [tpi]l[tpliD] [idPJE]| PP [P5]s[PE(]p[PE(]a [d%] [tq(] [tsq(] [i^]o[iW9]u[iW9]I [o@] [w^Y]o[w^O]p [P5]ssPPp[PE(]h[gE(]D [d%] [tq(] [tsq(] [i^]oi[uW9]i[WO9]o [Y@]e[w^E]y[w^Y]o [P5]s[PE(]p[PE(]a [a%] [td0] [tsq] [i^]o[iW9]ooiiu[iW9]I [o@] [w^Y]o[w^O]p [P5]ssPPp[PE(]Hh[hE(]gD [d%] [tq(] [tsq(] [i^]oi[uW9]i[WO9]o [Y@] [w^] oo [o5]| [ywqo]o [woT0]| [wto(]o [wro9] [oh5][oh5][oh5] [oh5][oh5][oh5] [oh5][oh5] 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    Level: 10
    Length: 05:14
    Grande Valse Brillante Op 18

    Frederic Chopin

  • 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [j6]| [utp]| | [h8]| [utpg]| f| [d5]| [yofE]| g| [f2]| [yied]| s| [f6]| [ute]| | [h3]| [wur]| h| [d5]| [wrpi9]| | 2| [tie]| | [d5]| [wrpi9]| | 2| [tsie]| g| [h5]| [uro]| j| [d5]| [tife]| g| [a5]| [utpe]| o| [p2]| [tie]| | [y5]| [tie]| | 5| [uro]| | [f1]| [utp]| | [g3]| [uroh]| g| [f1]| [utpd]| f| 3| [uro]| | 1| [utpd]| s| [a3]| [usro]| a| [p6]| [tie]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [j6]| [utp]| | [h8]| [utpg]| f| [d5]| [yofE]| g| [f2]| [yied]| s| [f6]| [ute]| | [h3]| [wur]| h| [s3]| [tiea]| p| [a3]| [wur]| s| [d2]| [tie]| | [f2]| [utp]| | 2| [ute]| | 2| [tie]| | [h5]| [uro]| j| [d5]| [tife]| g| [a5]| [utpe]| o| [p2]| [tie]| | [y5]| [tie]| | 5| [uro]| | [f1]| [utp]| | [g3]| [uroh]| g| [f1]| [utpd]| f| 3| [uro]| | 1| [utpd]| s| [a3]| [usro]| a| [p6]| [tie]| | 2| [uro]| | 6| [utp]| | 2| [uro]| | [utsp63]
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:45
    Gymnopedie No. 3

    Erik Satie

  • 8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e 6 8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e [u6] [o8] w [to] [uo] t [o7] [p6] [p0] [pe] t e [u6] [o8] w [to] [uo] t [o7] [p6] [p0] [pe] t e [o6] [p4] 8 [qp] e [qp] [p4] [p5] 9 [wo] [ro] w [i5] [o8] w t [uo] t 8 5 9 w r w [u9] [uo8] w [uto] [uo] t [uo8] [i4]p 8 [qi]p [oa5] 9 [wo] [us6] 0 [use] [uts] e [us6] [us4] 8 [usq] [ed] q [s4] [pd5] 9 [wd] r w [d5] [d0]f r u [faO]|d [d6] 0 e [tsp] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o6] [p4] 8 q [pe] q 8 4 8 q [pe] q [o4] [u6] 0 e [ut] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o6] [p4] 8 q [pe] q 8 4 8 q [pe] q [o4] [u1] 5 [i8] 0 [u8] [y5] 5 9 w r [wt] [r5] [e6]| | 8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e [u6] [o8] w [to] [uo] t [o7] [p6] [p0] [pe] t e [u6] [o8] w [to] [uo] t [o7] [p6] [p0] [pe] t e [o6] [p4] 8 [qp] e [qp] [p4] [p5] 9 [wo] [ro] w [i5] [o8] w t [uo] t 8 5 9 w r w [u9] [uo8] w [uto] [uo] t [uo8] [i4]p 8 [qi]p [oa5] 9 [wo] [us6] 0 [use] [uts] e [us6] [us4] 8 [usq] [ed] q [s4] [pd5] 9 [wd] r w [d5] [d0]f r u [faO]|d [d6] 0 e [tsp] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o6] [p4] 8 q [pe] q 8 4 8 q [pe] q [o4] [u6] 0 e [ut] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o6] [p4] 8 q [pe] q 8 4 8 q [pe] q [o4] [u1] 5 [i8] 0 [u8] [y5] 5 9 w r [wt] [r5] [pf] j k l x jlxb
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:54

    Leonard Cohen

  • 8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e 7 8 w t u t 7 6 0 e t e [u0] [o8] 0 [wo] [to] w [o0] [p6] 8 [p0] [pe] 0 [u8] [o8] 0 [wo] [to] w [o0] [p6] [p8] [p0] e 0 [o8] [p4] 6 [p8] q [p8] [p6] [p5] 7 [o9] [wo] 9 [i7] [o8] [u0] w [ut] [wi] [u0] [y5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uo8] 0 [wuo] [uto] w [uo0] [pi4] 8 [qpi] [oa5] 9 [wp] [us6] 0 [use] [uts] e [p0] [si4] 8 [sqi] [ed] q [si8] [od5] 9 [wod] r w [d9] [fa0] r u [faO]| d [pd6] 0 e [tsp] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o0] [pi4] 8 q [pie] q 8 4 8 q [pie] q [o8] [ut6] 0 e [ut] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [o0] [pi4] 8 q [pie] q 8 4 8 q [pie] q [o8] [ut1] 5 8 [i0] 8 [u5] [yr5] 7 9 w [t9] [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [u0] [uo8] 0 [wo] [uto] w [o0] [up6] 8 [p0] [upe] 0 [u8] [uo8] 0 [wo] [uto] w [o0] [up6] [p8] [up0] e 0 [o8] [pi4] 6 [pi8] q [p8] [p6] [ypo5] 7 [o9] [ywo] 9 [i7] [uo8] [u0] w [ut] [wi] [u0] [yr5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [tpi4] 8 [tqpi] [yoa5] 9 [ywp] [uts6] 0 [utse] [uts] e [up0] [tsi4] 8 [tsqi] [yed] q [tsi8] [yod5] 9 [ywd] r w [yd9] [ufa0] r u [ufaO]| [ypd] [ypd6] 0 e [utsp] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [uo0] [tpi4] 8 q [tpie] q 8 4 8 q [tpie] q [o8] [ut6] 0 e [ut] e 0 6 0 e [ut] e [uo0] [tpi4] 8 q [tpie] q 8 4 8 q [tpie] q [o8] [ut1] 5 8 [i0] 8 [u5] [yr5] 7 9 w [t9] [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [u0] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [utp6] 8 [utp0] [utpe] 0 [ut8] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [utso] w [uoa0] [uoa6] 8[uso][a0] [utpe] 0 [uo8] [tpi4] [tpi6] 8 q [pi8] [pi6] [ypo5] 7 [yo9] [ywo] 9 [ri7] [to8] [ut0] w [ut] [wti] [ut0] [yr5] 7 9 w 9 [u7] [uto8] 0 [wuto] [uto] w [uto0] [tpi4] 8 [tqpi] [yoa5] 9 [ywp] [uts6] 0 [utse] [uts] e [up0] [tsi4] 8 [tsqi] [yed] q [tsi8] [yod5] 9 [ywd] r w [yd9] [ufa0] r u [ufaO]| [ypd] [ypd6] 0 e [utsp] e 0 6 0 e [utf] e [oh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [oh8] [usf6] 0 e [utsf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [oh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [oh8] [usf1] 5 8 [ig0] 8 [uf5] [yd5] 7 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [ts8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [sf0] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tshf] w [hf0] [sjf6] 8 [jf0] [sjfe] 0 [sf8] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tshf] w [hf0] [sjf6] [sjf8] [sjf0] e 0 [hf8] [sjg4] [sjg6] 8 q [jg8] [jg6] [jhd5] 7 [hd9] [whd] 9 [gd7] [sh8] [sf0] w t [wsg] [sf0] [da5] 7 9 w 9 [fa7] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjg4] 8 [sqjg] [khd5] 9 [wjhd] [slf6] 0 [slfe] [tslf] e [sjf0] [slg4] 8 [sqlg] [zjed] q [slg8] [zhd5] 9 [zwhd] r w [zhd9] [xkf0] r u [xkfO]| [zjd] [zjd6] 0 e [tljf] e 0 6 0 e [tsf] e [shf0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [soh8] [usf6] 0 e [utsf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [soh0] [spj4] 8 q [spje] q 8 4 8 q [spje] q [soh8] [usf1] 5 8 [ig0] 8 [uf5] [yd5] 7 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [ts8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [r7] [t8] w t u t [r7] [e6] 0 e t e [sf0] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjf6] 8 [sjf0] [sjfe] 0 [sf8] [shf8] 0 [whf] [tlhf] w [khf0] [khf6] 8[lhf][k0] [sjfe] 0 [shf8] [sjg4] [sjg6] 8 q [sjg8] [sjg6] [jhd5] 7 [hd9] [whd] 9 [gda7] [sh8] [sf0] w t [wsg] [sf0] [oda5] 7 9 w 9 [fa7] [shf8] 0 [wshf] [tshf] w [shf0] [sjg4] 8 [sqjg] [khd5] 9 [wjhd] [slf6] 0 [slfe] [tslf] e [sjf0] [slg4] 8 [sqlg] [zjed] q [slg8] [zhd5] 9 [zwhd] r w [zhd9] [xkf0] r u [xkfO]| [zjd] [zjd6] 0[xjf][zjed] [tsljf] e 0 6 0 e [utsf] e [soh0] [spjg4] 8 q [spjge] q 8 4 8 q [spjge] q [soh8] [uspf6] 0 e [utspf] e 0 6 0 e [tslf] e [kfa0] [kfa4] 8[slf][qkfa] [spjge] q 8 4 8 q [spjge] q [soh8] [usf1] 5 8 [pig0] 8 [uf5] [uf5] [yd7] 9 w [ts9] [ra7] [wutso80]
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:45
    Hallelujah (Alternative)

    Leonard Cohen

  • f D f D f a d s [p6] 0 e t u p [3a] 0 u O a [6s] 0 e u f D f D f a d s [p6] 0 e t u p [3a] 0 W u s a [6p] 0 e f D f D f a d s [p6] 0 e t u p [3a] 0 u O a [6s] 0 e u f D f D f a d s [p6] 0 e t u p [3a] 0 W u s a [6p] 0 e t u p [3a] 0 W u s a [6p] 0 e a s d [8f] w t o g f [5d] w r i f d [6s] 0 e u d s [3a] 0 u u f u f f x D f D f D f D f D f D f a d s [p6] | 0 e t u p [3a] 0 W u s a [6p] | f D f D f a d s [p6] 0 e t u p [a7] 0 W u O a [s6] | f D f D f a d s [p6] 0 e t u p [a7] 0 W u O s a [p6] 0 e a s d [f7] w t o g f [d6] w r i f d [s5] 0 e u d s [a3] 0 u f u f f x D f D f D f D f D f D f D f a d s [p6] 0 e t u p [a7] 0 W u O a [s6] | f D f D f a d s [p6] 0 e t u p [a7] 0 W u O s a [p6]
    Level: 4
    Length: 01:50
    Fur Elise (Alternative)

    Ludwig van Beethoven

  • [j6]|j|[utpD]|D|G|G|[utp]| 6| [utpf]|f|D|D|[utsp]|s|[a3]|a|[wur]| |[wur]| 3| [wur]| |[wur]| [j6]|j|[utpD]|D|G|G|[utp]| 6| [utpf]|f|D|D|[utsp]|s|[a3]|a|[wur]| |[wur]| [a2] d| [yiea]|a|s|s|[yie]| [a3]|a|[urW]| |[urW]| [a2] d| [yie]| |[yie]| 2| [yiea]|a|d|d|[yiea]|a|[O2]|p|[yiea]|d|a|p|[yieO]|p|[a2]|d|[yiea]|p|O|p|[yiea]|d|[g6]|g|[utpe]|p||[ute]| 6| [ute]| |[ute]| [f3]|f|[wurP]|P|S|S|[wur]| 3| [wura]|a|P|P|[wuro]|o|[I7]|I|[yrQ]| |[yrQ]| 7| [yrQ]| |[yrQ]| [f3]|f|[wurP]|P|S|S|[wur]| 3| [wura]|a|P|P|[wuro]|o|[I7]|I|[yrQ]| |[yrQ]| [I$] p| [eTI]| |[eTI]| [u3]|I|[wuro]|P|a|S|[wurf]|S|[a3]|P|[wuro]|I|u|I|[wuro]|P|[a3]|S|[wurf]|S|a|P|[wuro]|I|[u3]|I|[wuro]|P|a|S|[wurf]|S|[d7]|d|[yrQ]| |[yrQ]| 7| [yrQ]| |[yrQ]| [u3]|I|[wuro]|P|a|S|[wurf]|S|[a3]|P|[wuro]|I|u|I|[wuro]|P|[a3]|S|[wurf]|S|a|P|[wuro]|I|[u3]|I|[wuro]|P|a|S|[wurf]|S|[d7]|d|[yrQ]| |[yrQ]| [I6] p| [ute]| |[ute]| 6| [ute]| |[ute]| [s4] O| [tiW]| |[tiW]| 4| [tiW]| |[tiW]| [O4]|a|[tsiW]|D|d|s|[tiaW]|O|[s4]|s|[tiW]| |[tiW]| [a2] d| [yie]| |[yie]| 2| [yie]| |[yie]| [O4]|a|[tsiW]|D|d|s|[tiaW]|O|[s4]|s|[tiW]| |[tiW]| [a2] d| [yie]| |[yie]| [j6]|j|[utpD]|D|G|G|[utp]| 6| [utpf]|f|D|D|[utsp]|s|[a3]|a|[wur]| |[wur]| 3| [wur]| |[wur]| [j6]|j|[utpD]|D|G|G|[utp]| 6| [utpf]|f|D|D|[utsp]|s|[a3]|a|[wur]| |[wura]|a|[f6]|f|[ute]| |[ute]| 6| [ute]| |[ute]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:40
    Gnossienne No. 3

    Erik Satie

  • [wo][wo][wo][Y(]|| [qi][qi][qi][y9]|| oooYOOOoDDDs|| oooyOOOogggd|| ooiY((qwooiY((qw [wo][wo][qi][Y(]|| [YI8]|| [yo7]
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:17
    Fifth Symphony

    Ludwig van Beethoven

  • xZzLzLlklkJjHhGgfDdSdSsasaPpOoIiuYyTyTtruYyTyTtruYyTtiuYuYyTtTyYuYyTtiuYuYyTtTyYuYyTyTtrtTyYuiuYuYyTyTtrtTyYuIoOpOoIiPpOpOoIiIoOpOoIiPpOpOoIiIoOpOoIoIiuiIoOpPpOpOoIoIiuiIoOpPpOp p P| p p P| pPpOpPpOpPpOpPpOpPasSsaPpPasSsaPp d [SD]| d d [SD]| dDdSdDdSdDdSdDdSdDfgGgfDdDfgGgfDdSsaPDdSdSsaPasSdSsasaPpPasSsSdDxZzLzLlklkJjHhGgfgfDfgfDfgfDfgfDfgfDfgfDfgfDfgfDf|||fspipsf fspipsf| tTyYuiIoOpPasSdDfgfDfgfDfDdSsgfDfDdSsSdDfDdSsgfDfDdSsSdDfDdSdSsasSdDfgfDfDdSdSsasSdDfGhHjHhGgJjHjHhGgGhHjHhGgJjHjHhGgGhHjHhGhGgfgGhHjJjHjHhGgGhHjklzxcxZxZzLlcxZxZzLlLzZxZzLlcxZxZzLlLzZxHjJklLzLlklkJjHjJklLzZxcxZxcxZxHjJklLzLlklkJjHjJklLzZxcxZxCvVbVvCvCcxcxZzLlkJjHhGhGgfgfDdSsaPpPpOPOPOpasdfgfDgDgDf[fG][hf][dH][sj] uiIoOpPasSdDfgGhHjJklLzZxCvVb| psfj|e
    Level: 3
    Length: 01:24
    Flight of the Bumblebee

    Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

  • e t e t e t e t e t e t e t e t [e60] t e t e t e t e t e t e t e t [u6] etu etu etu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto qti qti qti qti qt [u6] 0tu 0tu 0tu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto 9ti 9ti 9ti 9ti 6tu 0tu 0tu 0tu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto qti qti qti i uiuy [u6] 0tu 0tu 0tu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto qti qti qti qti ets ets ets ets qtp qtp qtp qtp wta wta wta wta qtp qtp qtp qtp ets ets ets ets qtp qtp qtp qtp wta wta wta wta qtp qtp qtp qtp| [e6]tetetetetet[e5]tetetetetrt [e$]tetetetetet[e4]teteteterty [u6]tututututuy[u5]tututututuy [u$]tututututut[u4]iuiuiuiuiui [o1]tototototot[o2]tptptptptpt [p4]tatatatatat[a$]tststststst [s5]tststststst[s$]tatptststst [s4]tststststst[s2]tatptststst [s6]tstststatpt[s5]tstststatpt [s$]tstststatpt[p4]tptptptptpt [u6]tututututut[u5]tututututuy [u$]tututututut[u4]tututuiuiui [o1]tototototot[p2]tItItItItIt [i4]tititititit[I2]tItItItItIt [p6]tptptptptpo[p5]tptptptptpt [p$]tatatatatat[a4]tstststatpt [s6]tatptstatpt[p5]tptptptptpt [p$]tptatptptpt[p2]tptptptptpt [u6] etu etu etu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto qti qti qti i uiuy [u6] 0tu 0tu 0tu qti qti qti qti qto 9to 9to 9to qti qti qti qti tptptptptptpt[wp]tatatatatat [aQ]tstststatpt[qp]tptptptptpt [se]tatptstatpt[ws5]tatptstatpt [pQ$]tptptptptpt[p92]tptptptptpt [f6]ufufufudusu[f5]ufufufudusu [f$]ufufufudusu[s4]usususususu [s1]uaupusuaupu[p2]upupupupupu [s4]uaupusuaupu[p$]upupupupu| [e6]tetetetetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwt [e6]tetetetetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwt [e6]tetetetetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwt [Q$]tQtQtQtQtQt[q2]tqtqtqtqtqt [e6]tetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwtwtwtwt [e6]tetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwtwtwtwt [e6]tetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwt[Q$]tQtQt [q2]tqtqtqtqtqt9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t [e6]tetetetetetetetet[e1]tetrt [e6]tetetetetete t ete[t7]etete [t6] e tetetetetetetet[r1]trtrt [e6]tetetetetetetetet%tetet [e6] t e t e t e t e t e t etetete t e t e t e t e
    Level: 5
    Length: 04:10

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • s h|h|h|h
    s h|h|h|h
    s h|h|h|h
    s h|h|h|h
    [xs] [hc] v [vh]|[xh]|[vh] s [mh]|[vh]|[xh]|h
    [sc] [vj] b [jb]|[jc]|[jb] s j|j|j|j
    [sc] [vj] b [jb]|[jc]|[jb] s [zh]|[nh]|[vh]|h
    [xs] [hc] v [vh]|[mh]|[vh] s h|h s h a h
    [plb] [znf] [xm] [xmf]|[lfb]|[xmf]
    p f [lb] [xmf] p [lfb] o f
    [jic] [vsk] [lb] [slb]|[sjc]|[slb]
    i s|s i s u s
    [yjc] [vpk] [lb] [plb] t [pjc]|[zpg]
    r p [xh] [pjc] w [zpg]|p
    [tlf] o|o|o|o
    t o|o|o s [od]
    [tsf] [og] h [oh] a [of]|[oh]
    [tp] [ol]|[oh] o [of]|o
    [tg] [ph] j [pj] f [pg]|[pj]
    [td] p|p s p|p
    [ygd] [ph] j [pj] s [pg]|[pj]
    [ra] [zo]|[ok]|[oh]|o
    [tsf] [og] h [oh] a [ol]|[oh]
    [tp] o|o [to] o r o
    [sje] [ukd] [lf] [ulf]|[usj]|[ulf]
    e u [sj] [ulf] e [usj] w u
    [qpg] [tha] [sj] [tsj]|[tpg]|[tja]
    q t|t q t 0 t
    [pg9] [hea] [sj] [sje] 8 [pge]|[ied]
    7 w [of] [wpg] 5 [wid]|w
    [sf8] [wg] h [wh]|[wl]|[wh]
    8 [zw] v [zw]|[wh] z [wv]
    [tlf] [og] h [oh]|[ol]|[ohf]
    t o|o s [od] f [og]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:16
    Forrest Gump Theme (Forrest Gump)

    Alan Silvestri

  • [w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[wu8] os f[qd] Sd p[wsq8] aa s[wd97]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[u860] os f[d7]Sdg a[ws80]
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:27
    Do You Hear The People Sing (Les Miserables)


  • s sds d8[of]w [th] [a0] t s u [so] q t i o| s sds d8[of]w [tsh] [kd0] t [lf] [sh] h[sj]q [th] o s| s sds d8ofw [th] [a0] t s u [so] q t i o| s sd s [d8]ofw [tsh] [kd0] t [lf] [sh] h[sj]q [th] o s| [sj] [kd] [ulf] o s [kd]|[ha]|h[sj]q [th] o s|d| [of] 8 [o0] [th] d 7 [wo] [rh] g 6 [f0] d s| [sj] [kd] [qlf] t o [kd]|[ha]|h[sj]0 [th] u s|d| ypsd9 e t i|o|p|s|d|g| h5ds9o q t|o|r rw| s sds d8[of]w [th] [a0] t s u [so] q t i o| s sds d8[of]w [tsh] [kd0] t [lf] [sh] h[sj]q [th] o s| s sds d8ofw [th] [a0] t s u [so] q t i o| s sd s [d8]ofw [tsh] [kd0] t [lf] [sh] h[sj]q [th] o s| [sj] [kd] [ulf] o s [kd]|[ha]|h[sj]q [th] o s|d| [of] 8 [o0] [th] d 7 [wo] [rh] g 6 [f0] d s| [sj] [kd] [qlf] t o [kd]|[ha]|h[sj]0 [th] u s|d| ypsd9 e t i|o|p|s|d|g| h5ds9o q t|o|r rw| t tyt [y1]uw5 o [wr0] 5 t|[t84]| [l8] [wl]z [l8] [jb4] [v8] w [t8]y[u1] [y5] t [ro3]|[t5]|[t84]| [l8] [wl]z [l8] [jb4] [v8] w [t8]y[u1] [y5] t [ro3]|[t5]|[t84]| [l8] [wl]z [l8] [jb4] [v8] w [t8]y[u1] [y5] t [ro3]|[t5]|[t84]| 8 w 8 4 8 w [s8]d[of1] [d5] [s8] [ha73] 8 [s0]|[spi4] 4 [l8] [wl]z [l8] [qjb] [v8] w [s8]d[of1] [d5] [s8] [ha73] 8 [s0]|[spi4] 4 [l8] [wl]z [l8] [qjb] [v8] w [s8]d[of1] [d5] [s8] [ha73] 8 [s0]|[spi4] 4 [l8] [wl]z [l8] [qjb] [v8] w [s8]d[of1] [d5] [s8] [ha73] 8 [s0]|[spi4] 4 [l8] [wl]z [l8] [qjb] [v8] w [s8]d[of1] [d5] [s8] [ha73] 8 [so0]|[so4]| [t8] [wo] y|t o y|t o y| s d s d8[of]w [th] [a0] t s u [so] q t i o| s sds d8[of]w [tsh] [kd0] t [lf] [sh] h[sj]q [th] o s| s sds d8ofw [th] [a0] t s u [so] q t i o| s sd s [d8]ofw [tsh] [kd0] t [lf] [sh] h[sj]q [th] o s| [sj] [kd] [ulf] o s [kd]|[ha]|h[sj]q [th] o s|d| [of] 8 [o0] [th] d 7 [wo] [rh] g 6 [f0] d s| [sj] [kd] [qlf] t o [kd]|[ha]|h[sj]0 [th] u s|d| ypsd9 e t i|o|pp s|d|| [us6] 0 t [ya]|[rp]|o [o7] [yw] r d|o| [of8] w [tg] [f7]|[wd]| [sr] 6 [u0] t a 5 [o0]| o[yp]$ 9 0 e|u|y 4 9 0 e|s a o 3 5 0 [wr]|y|t 6 [us0] w [ya]|[ro] 6| [tie2] 6 [uq] t|e| [q5]etu| i||p|| o s d a d[of8] w [th] [a0] t s|[sqo]| [tl] [ol]z [tl] [qjb] [vt] o [ts]d[of8] [wd] [ts] [ha0] t s|[sqo]| [tl] [ol]z [tl] [qjb] [vt] o [ts]d[of8] [wd] [ts] [ha0] t s|[sqo]| [tl] [ol]z [tl] [qjb] [vt] o [ts]d[of8] [wd] [ts] [ha0] t s|[sqo]| [tl] [ol]z [tl] [qjb] [vt] o [ts]d[of8] [wd] [ts] [ha0] t s|[sqo]| [tl] [ol]z [tl] [qjb] [vt] o [ts]d[of8] [wd] [ts] [ha0] t s|[sqo]| [tl] [ol]z [tl] [qjb] [vt] o [ts]d[of8] [wd] [ts] [ha0] t [us] t| [sqo] t i o s h l v m
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:15
    May Be


  • [6eu] p s u p s u p s u p s [5wu] p s u p s u p s u p s [4qi] p s i p s [29i] P d i P d [30u] O d u p s [30u] p a y O a [60et] u p u p s u p s [uf] p s f [%W0uf] a d u a d u a d [uf] a d f [6euf] p s u p s [29ig] p d i p d [5wuf] o s u o s [5wid] o a [ih] o a [8tus] o s u o s u o s u o s [Y8t] o s Y o s Y o s [YD] o s D [^EYD] o S Y o S Y o S [YD] o S D [%WYD] O s [Y5w] o s [$QY] p s [yd] p s [5wyd] o P y o P [YD8] o p [(ts] o p [9yd] o P y o P [29yd] I p y I p [5wo] P d o P d o a d [oh] a d [Ho] s D [8to] s D [(Yo] s D [G8to] s D [5woh] a d o a d o a d [oh] a d [Ho] s D [8to] s D [(Yo] s D [G8to] s D [5woh] a d o a d [30oh] P S o P S [!*oh] p f o p f [29ig] p d i p d [YD5w] o P Y o P [%Wyd] i a y i a [6ep] y i e y i [6ep] y u [ep] T u [269y] i p i p d p d g [pj] d g j [*Tepj] f h p f h p f h [pj] f h j [9ypj] d g p d g [OH7r] d g [6epj] d g [%W0ak] d f a d f a d f [%W0ak] d f [60esl] f j s f j [29ak] d g [@(pj] s G [H30] O a f O a g O a d O a [30] O a u O a i O a y O a [30t] s f j s f l s f j s f [30] t u p t u s t u p t u [30r] i y O i a O d a g d H [30t] p u s p f s j f l j f [30p] D s G D j G l j Z l C [30d] H g k H z k c z V c V z c k z H k g H d g a d O a i O y i r y e y i [W30] y u i u y r y i e y i [W30] y u i u y r y i e y i [W30] y u i u y [4qe] t p e t p [29r] y i r y i [30r] u O r y O [60et] u p u p s u p s [uf] p s f [%W0uf] a d u a d u a d [uf] a d f [6euf] p s u p s [29ig] p d i p d [5wuf] o s u o s [5wid] o a [ih] o a [8tus] o s o s f o s f [of] s f f [7rof] d g o d g o d g [of] d g f [8toh] s f o s f [OH7r] d f [6epj] s f [%W0ak] d f a d f [60esl] f j s f j [PJ29] d g P d g [OH30] d f O d f [6epj] s f p s f p S f [pj] S f [Jp] d g [9yp] d g [qip] d g [H9yp] d g [6epj] S f p S f p S f [pj] S f [Jp] d g [9yp] d g [qip] d g [H9yp] d g [6epj] S f p S f [29pj] d g p d g [7roh] d g o d g o d g [8toh] s f [6eig] s f [7rig] a d [%Wuf] a d [6euf] p s [4qyd] p a y p a [30uf] p a [29ig] p a [30uf] p s u p s [30yf] O a y O a [60tp] u p u p s u p s [0u] p s 0 [%0u] a d u a d u a d [0u] a d 0 [60u] s p f s j f l j [0x] l j 0 [H30] k g H d g a d i [O0i] u y 0 [60tp] s p f s j f l j [0x] l j 0 [H30] k g H d g a d i [O0i] u y 0 [60tp] u p s p u e t u p u t 0 e t u t e 0 e 0 8 0 8 6 [60etup] [60etup]
    Level: 7
    Length: 05:27
    Moonlight Sonata

    Ludwig van Beethoven

  • [u8] p a s a p [i9]| | [wi] p a s a p [u8]| | [u8] p a s a p [i9]| | [wd] s a s a p [u8]| | [f8] j k l k j [g9]| | [wg] j k l k j [f8]| | [f8] j k l k j [g9]| | [zw] l k l k j [f8]| o p a s [g9] f d f d s [wp]| t| [ya]| [f8] d s d s a [qp]| t| y| [g9] f d f d s [wp]| t| [ya]| [f8]| o| p| [p8]| s| f| [wj] h g h g f [wd]| e r t y [k0] j H g f d [s6]| p| O| [p4] a p a s| [p3] a p a s| [p@] a p a s p [d2]| [OI]| [sH]| [wS] d [rS] d f| [SQ] d [SE] d f| [qd] D [ed] D f g [hd0]|||v| 6| BcxcvcL JlLlJlL hgfgJgS PsSsasS [tiQ9]||| [riZ]| L| k| J| V| v| c| Z| L| L| [wusP8]|||[qgO]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:31
    Mia and Sebastian's Theme (La La Land)

    Justin Hurwitz

  • [wo] a p s [aw] d [to] pa[es] a [yp] as[wd] a o | [wo] a p s [aw] d [to] pa[es] a [yp] as[wd] a o | [wa]pasa [dr] e s [ay] p [wa]pasa [dr] e s [ay] p [wo] a p s [aw] d [to] pa[es] a [yp] as[wd] a o | [wa]pasa [dr] e s [ay] p [wa]pasa [dr] e s [ay] p [wo] a p s [aw] d [to] pa[es] a [yp] as[wd] a o
    Level: 4
    Length: 00:38
    Little Sonata

    Charles Henry Wilton

  • y werty w w u tyuIo w w t ytrer trewQ werwr e |
    y werty w w u tyuIo w w t ytrer trewe rewQw

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:40
    Super Easy
    Minuet In G Major

    Christian Petzold

  • [uf] [pj] [ak] [6sl] 3 6 [8fx] [0ak] 8 6 [3fx] [6pj] 6 8 0 [eOH] 0[pj]8[ak]6 [6sl] 3 6 [8uf] [0oh] 8 6 [3ig] [2uf] 6 9 q [eyd] q 9 6 [2ig] 9 q [epj] [yOH] e[pj]q[ak]9 [1pj] 6 [8uf] 0 [esl] 0 8 [6ak] [7pj] 4 7 [9pj] [qsl] 9[ak]7[pj]4 [3ak] 7 0 W [ruf] W[pj]0[ak]7 [6sl] 3 6 [8fx] [0ak] 8 6 [3fx] [6pj] 6 8 0 [eOH] 0[pj]8[ak]6 [6sl] 3 6 [8fx] [0hv] 8 6 [3gc] [2fx] 6 9 q [edz] q 9 6 [2gc] 9 q [ejb] [yjb] e[hv]q[gc]9 [1fx] 6 [8sl] 0 [efx] 0 8 [6sl] [7ak] 4 7 [9ak] [qdz] 9[sl]7[ak]4 [6pj] 3 8 6 0 8 6 3 6 6 8 0 [eu] s p [2f] 6 9 [qd] [ed] q 9 [6s] [3a] 7 0 [Wa] [ra] Ws0d7 [6s] 8a0pe [tu] e 0 8 6 6 8 0 [6eu] s p [2f] 6 9 [qd] [ed] q 9 [6s] [3a] 7 0 [Wa] [ra] Ws0d7 [6pf] 8 0 e [tsj] e 0 8 [6fl] 6 8 0 [eof] 0[id]8[us]6 [7pg] 7 9 q e q [9sj] 7 [3aH] 3 % [7aH] [0aH] 7[sj]%[dk]3 [6fl] 6[dk]8[sj]0 [eof] 0 8 6 6 3 6 8 [0of] 8[id]6[us]3 [2id] 2 4 6 9 6 [4us] 2 [3ya] 3 % [7ya] [0id] 7[us]%[ya]3 [6tp] 3 6 8 0 8 6 3 6 6 8 0 [6euf] [pj] [ak] [6sl] 3 6 [8fx] [0ak] 8 6 [3fx] [6pj] 6 8 0 [eOH] 0[pj]8[ak]6 [6sl] 3 6 [8uf] [0oh] 8 6 [3ig] [2uf] 6 9 q [eyd] q 9 6 [2ig] 9 q [epj] [yOH] e[pj]q[ak]9 [1pj] 6 [8uf] 0 [esl] 0 8 [6ak] [7pj] 4 7 [9pj] [qsl] 9[ak]7[pj]4 [3ak] 7 0 W [ruf] W[pj]0[ak]7 [6sl] 3 6 [8fx] [0ak] 8 6 [3fx] [6pj] 6 8 0 [eOH] 0[pj]8[ak]6 [6sl] 3 6 [8fx] [0hv] 8 6 [3gc] [2fx] 6 9 q [edz] q 9 6 [2gc] 9 q [ejb] [yjb] e[hv]q[gc]9 [1fx] 6 [8sl] 0 [efx] 0 8 [6sl] [7ak] 4 7 [9ak] [qdz] 9[sl]7[ak]4 [6pj] 3 6 8 0 8 6 3 6 6 8 0 e 0 8 6 [2g] 9 q [ej] [yj] ehqg9 [1f] 6 [8s] 0 [ef] 0 8 [6s] [7a] 4 7 [9a] [qd] 9s7a4 [6p] 3 6 8 0 8 6 3 6 6 8 0 [6epsfj]
    Level: 4
    Length: 01:53
    Petite Piece

    Claude Debussy

  • [uo]| 1|[tu]|[0uo]|5|[uo]| 1|[tu]|[0uo]|[5u]|u| [1o]|[tu]|0|[wu]|[5u]|w| [1o]|[tu]|0|[5tu]|o| [1s]|[uo]|[wa]|[uo]|5|[up]| [2p]|[ri]|[9o]|[ri]| [5y]|u|[2i]|[ry]|[9y]|[wr]| [5y]|[tu]|[2i]|[ry]|9|[ry]|[5y]|i| [2a]|[yip]|[wo]|[yi]|[5a]|[yi]| [1s]|[uo]|w|[uo]|[8t]|t| [4s]|[ip]|e|[ip]|[8p]|[yi]| [1o]|[tu]|w|[tu]|[8u]|t| [2i]|[ry]|[qo]|[ry]|[wp]|[yi]| [1u]|o|t|[0w]|r|[e5t]|t| [4s]|[ip]|[qe]|[ip]|[9p]|[yi]| [1o]|[tu]|[0w]|[tu]|[5u]|t| [2ri]|o|i|[wtu]|[5ry]| [1t]|[80]|[uo] 1|[tu]|[0uo]|5|[uo]| 1|[tu]|[0uo]|[5sf]|f| [1h]|[sf]|0|[of]|[5f]|o| [1h]|[sf]|0|[sf]|[5sf]|h| [1l]|[fh]|[wk]|[fh]|5|[fj]| [2j]|[ag]|[wh]|[ag]|[9d]|f| [2g]|[ad]|[9d]|[oa]|[5d]|[sf]| [2g]|[ad]|w|[pd]|[5od]|g| [2k]|[dgj]|[wh]|[dg]|[5k]|[dg]| [1l]|[fh]|w|[fh]|[8s]|s| [4l]|[gj]|[qe]|[gj]|[8j]|[dg]| [1h]|[sf]|0|[sf]|[5f]|[os]| [2g]|[ad]|[qh]|[ad]|[wj]|[dg]| [1h]|[sf]|[0w]|[sf]|[8ps]|s| [4l]|[gj]|[qe]|[gj]|[8j]|[sg]| [1h]|[sf]|[0w]|[sf]|[5f]|[os]| [2ag]|h|g|[waf]|[5ad]| [1s]|[80]|[uo]| 1|[tu]|[0uo]|5|[uo]| 1|[tu]|[0uo]|[5sf]|f| [1h]|o|[0s]|[wof]|[8f]|o| [1h]|o|[0s]|[wo]|[tsf]|h| [1l]|f|[0k]|[wf]|8|[fj]| [2j]|a|[qh]|[ea]|[5d]|[af]| [2g]|a|[9d]|[wo]|[5d]|[waf]| [2g]|o|[9a]|[wo]|[5d]|[pg]| [2k]|[dj]|[9h]|[wad]|[5k]|[dg]| [1l]|[fh]|8|[wfh]|[0s]|s| [4s]|g|l|[8s]|q|[es]|[qj]|[8sg]| [1h]|[5sf]|8|[0sf]|[wf]|[os]| [9g]|[ad]|[7h]|[ad]|[5j]|[dg]| [1f]|h|[5s]|8|[0s]|[wos]|s| [4l]|[8gj]|q|[egj]|[qj]|[dg]| [1h]|[5s]|8|[0s]|[wf]|[os]| [2pg]|5|h|g|[9af]|5|[qod]| [1us]|5|8|0|[wl]|k| [4j]|[8s]|e|[sg]|[qpg]|h|j| [1h]|o|[0wf]|o|[5s]|o| [2g]|p|[qeh]|a|[9j]|s| [1f]|h|o|[0w]|o|[5l]|[dk]| [4j]|p|[qe]|g|[9pg]|h|j| [1h]|o|[0wf]|o|[5s]|o| [2pg]|h|g|[wrf]|o|[5d]|i| [1us]|[580]
    Level: 5
    Length: 03:34

    Johannes Brahms