Music Sheets
[t80]| |[t80] [yq9] [wu0] [qie]| [dP] s| [qie] [wu0] [yq9] [t80]| [pi] o| [t80] [yq9] [wu0] [wu0]| | [yq9]||[t5]68 [t80]| | [t80] [yq9] [wu0] [qi9]| | [qie] [wu0] [yq9] [t80]| | [t80] [yq9] [wu0] [r975]| 5 6 [t80]| |56[t8]| | [t8] [y9] [u0] [qi]| | [qi]u0 [y9] [t8]| | [t8]y9 [u0] [u0]|| [y9] [y9]||568 [t8]| | [t8] [y9] [u0] [qi]| [dP] s| [qi] [u0] [y9] [t8]| | [t8] [y9] [u0] [r7]|| [t8] [t8]| u y t 8| | [u8]u9 [y0] [yq] t| t q[tq] [r0] [e9] [w8]| | [t8] [y9] [u0] [u0]|| [y9]t[y5]| uy[t5]68 [t0]| | [y0]u [yq]u [yw] [yq] t y| w[tq] [r0] [e9] [w8]| | [u0] [y0] [tq] [t0] [r9]|| [yq] [t0]||09 8Level: 5Length: 01:19Intermediate
Lean on Me
Bill Withers
6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a| 4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s| 8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f h f| 5 9 w a| d a| [wda95]|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0 [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8 8 w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] w [of8] w [tof] w [uod] w [tso] w 5 [od9] [wod] [od9] [rod] 9 [wod] [od9] [od5] 9 [wof] 9 [rod] 9 [wso] 9 6 [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] 6 [pf0] [pfe] 0 [tph] 0 e 0 4 [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] 4 [pf8] [qpf] 8 [phe] 8 [qpd] 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9 [us6] 0 e [o0] t 0 [use] 0 [us6] 0 e 0 t 0 [use] 0 [si4] 8 q [o8] e 8 [sqi] 8 [si4] 8 q 8 e 8 [sqi] 8 [so8] w t [wo] u w [tod] w [so8] w t w u w [tso] [wso] [oa5] 9 [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 w [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9 [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0] [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0 [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w [w5] [oa] [oa] [oa] [oa]| [oa5] [oa9] w [oa9] [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 [wso] 9 [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0] [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0 [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9 [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0 [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 9 [wsh] [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9 [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y| | [pf]| [pf] [pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0] [pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8] [of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof] [of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] [wof] 5 [od9] w 9 [rof] 9 [wof] [of9] 5 [od9] w 9 r [pf9] w [pf9] [pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0] [pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8] [of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof] [of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tpj] w [ka5] 9 w 9 r 9 w 9 5|| [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vple]| | [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vl]| | [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vqli]| | [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| | [vl] [vl] [vl] [vtsl]||[vl]| | [vl] [vl]| [vl]| [vl]| [ml] z [wo]||| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [utshe]| | [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsqhe]| | [tsqhe] [sh] [sh] [sh8] w t [ush]| o u [sh] [utsoh]| [sh] [uto] [sh]| [sl] [zd] 5 9 w r| y r w| | [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| 6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a| 4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s| 8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f| [lf]| [kd5] 9 w a| d a| [wda95]|| [w95] [w95]| [w95]| [te60]Level: 6Length: 06:26Intermediate
Just a Dream
f|||d|g| f|||d|g| f| s|||s|d|s o o u o o u ou o u o u o p u u| o o u o o u ou o u o u o p u u| i u i u i|| iui u i u u|u o o u o o u ou o u o u o p u u| o o u o o u ou o u o u o p u u| u i u i u i u o t t t y|u|u o o s d|f||| o s d| f|d|s|d| s||s s d f|d|| g|f|s|d|s||| o s d f o s d f|d| s s d|s||s s d f|d||g|f|s|d|s||| s|d|s|h||| s|d|s|h||f||| s s d f|d|| g|f|s|d|sLevel: 3Length: 01:32Easy
Just The Way You Are
Bruno Mars
[utqpe]|a|s [sp][utohe]||f| u o[ha]|[ywr]|a|r|[ywr0]|| y 0 [rp] o [utqpe]|a t s|[utokfe]|| s|u|[of]|[ywr]|[ha]|r y [ywro0]|| r[uf] d [s0] a [tp4]|[ta] 8 [tsq]|[sph6]|| [spf] 0 t 6 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 w r| [p3] o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]|[sf6]|| [shf] 0 t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]|| 7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [tp4] 8 [tqa4] e [ts]|[sph6]|| [spf0] [te] 6 0 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 7 w 3p o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]|[us6]|| [sh0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]|| 7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [up4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [tsphe6]|| [spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [30]| [73] 0 7 w 3 p [o3] [up4]|[uta] [84] [tsq4]|[usf6]|| [shf0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uo30]|| [73] [wuof] d [s73] a [usp4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [sphe6]|| [spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [p3]|| [o73]|w 7 [p3] o [utp92]|[uta] 6 [ts9]|[usfe6]|| [shf0]|t 6 [uof]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uoa30]|| [73] [wuof] d [s73] a [p840]||[uo]fdsa [woa60]| o o [ua] s [ua]|5 9 w r y|3|| 7 s [wf] f [h3]|[sp4] 8 q e t p [if4]| [d6] 0 e [uts] e|6 as[oa5] 9 w r y|3| 7 0 w [rof] d [s3] a [tqpie]| [pi]f d s a [utoea]|o o a s a|[ywr]| r y w 0|| w s [rf] f [h0]|[utsqe]| t u [qp] f|[utoed]| s t u e as[ywra]| y r w 0|| w|r|y| [qe] [usj] a [sl] [utoe]| f u|[ywr] [ha]|[wr0]| 0 po[utqpe] [ka] [sl] [utoe]| h u [xf] [ywr] h|[ha] [ywr0]| [yxhf][zd][sl][ka][tqpje] [ka] [sl] [utokhe]|[hf] u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[qpe9] a [sl] [utofe]|t u [ofa] [ywr]| a [ywr0]Level: 8Length: 02:12Expert
Jocelyn Flores
[ute6]| [ute]| [ute] 0 [ute] 0 [tqe4]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [tqe] 8 [ute6]| [ute]| [ute] 0 [ute] 0 [tqe4]| [tqe]| [tqe] 8 [ute] [o0] [o850] uu t o u y y [yq86] t| |t o [o850] uu t o u y y [tq86]| |t o [o850] uu t o u u| [qo86] u u t o u u| [o850] u [u850] t [o850] u [y850] y [975]| [975]| [975]| [s975]s d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [ti] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [da]| [ywoda]| [s8] w [th] w [tg] w [tf] [wg]f [s6] 0 e 0 e 0 [ed] 0 [f4] 8 [qh] 8 [qg] 8 [qf] [g8]f [s5] 9 w 9 w 9 [wt] [to] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] [ut] [y5] [y8] [yq84] t [q8]| [q8]| [tq] [to8] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] [ut] [y5] [y8] [tq84]| [q8]| [q8]| [tq] [to8] [to851] [ut][ut][85] t [to85] u [u5] 8 [tqo84] u [uq8] t [tqo8] u [uq] 8 [o851] u [ut85] t [o85] u [y5] [yr8] 5 9 w 9 w 9 [ws]s d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [tif] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [yoda]| [ywoda]| [wts8]os[th]sos[tg]sos[tf]so[wud8]o [sq84]os[qi]sis[qi]sis[qi]si[ed84]i [wtf8]os[th]sos[tg]sos[tf]so[wud8]o [sq84]os[qi]sis[qi]sis[qi]ss d [sf851]| [wt8] g f d [wts8] dd [e60] s [upe]| |[uspe]s d [sqf84]| [tqi] g f d [tsqi] dd [w95]| [ywo]||s [ywohf] [gd] [sf851]| [wt8] g f d [wts8] d [ed60]| [uspfe]||s [uspe] d [sqf84]| [tqi]| |[tqif] gf [wda95]| [ywo]| |[ywso] h [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf1]58[wt8] [wt8] [wt8][sg]| [sf] [wt8] [spf6]0e[ue]| [oda5]9wts [wtsh] [shf6]0e[ue] [ue] [ue][sg]| [sf] [ue] [spf4]8q[tq]| [oda5]9w[yw]ss d [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8]d [e60] s [upe]| [up] e [usp]sed [sqf84]| [tqi] g [tif] [qd] [tsi] [qd]d [w95]| [ywo]| [yo] [ws] [yohf] [wgd] [sf851]| [wt8] g [wtf] [d8] [wts] [d8] [ed60]| [uspfe]| [up] [se] [usp] [ed] [sqf84]| [tqi]| [ti] q [tif] [qg]f [wda95]| [ywo]| [yoda]| [ywoda]| [utso860]||u [o8]0w [u6]8[t0] [e4]68||[y5]79| y [u6]80| u [o8]0w [u6]8[t0] [e4]68t t [y5]79| y [u6]80Level: 7Length: 03:41Intermediate
Linkin Park
x z [splf]| k| [oda]| k l [zshf] l k| [xoda]| z l [kjgd]| j h [uoja]| g| [uka]|||[uaO]| x z [splf]| k| [oda]| k l [zshf] x z l [xoda]| z l [kjgd]| j h [uoja]| g| [spkf] l k l [kjgd] l k l [zshf] x z x [fc] v V|||n|||b||| [e6] [usp]| [usp] [92] [pid]| [pid] [81] [uso]| [uso] [30] [uaO]| [uaO] [e6] [usp]| [usp] [92] [pid]| [pid] [81] [uso]| [uso] [30] [uaO]| [uaO] [e6] [uspj] k [uspl] [k92] [pid] j [pid] [h81] [uso] f [uso] [H30] [uaO] f [udaO] [fe6] [usp] s [usp] [g92] [pid] f [pid] [f81] [uso] f [uso] [f30] [uaO] f [uaO] [e6] [uspj] k [uspl] [k92] [pid] j [pid] [h81] [uso] f [uso] [H30] [uaO] f [udaO] [fe6] [usp] d [usp] [g92] [pid] f [pid] [f81] [uso] f [uso] [f30] [uaO] f [uaO] [sqig] t [qi] t [qli] t [qih] t [wolda] y [wo] y [wol] y [woh] y [splfe] u [pe] u [ple] u [phe] u [xtshf8] w [t8] [wl] [utoka8] [wk] [tk8] [wspki] [qi] [tj] [qi] t [qli] t [qih] [togda] [wo] [yf] [wo] y [wol] y [woh] [yspgf] [pe] [uf] [pe] u [ple]lul[pe]ku [tshf8] w [t8] w [tl8]lwl k| f| [je6] [usp]|k[uspj]h[f92] [pid]| [pid] [s81] [uso]| [uso] [f30] [uaO]| [uhaO] [je6] [usp]|k[uspj]h[f92] [pid]| [pid] [s81] [uso]| [uso] f s f f [e6] [usp]| [usp] [92] [pid]| [pid] [81] [uso]| [uso] [30] [uaO]| [uaO] [e6] [usp]| [usp] [92] [pid]| [pid] [81] [uso]| [uso] [30] [uaO]| [uaO] [e6] [usp]| [usp] [92] [pid]| [pid] [81] [uso]| [uso] [30] [uaO]| [uaO] [e6] [usp]| [usp] [92] [pid]| [pid] [81] [uso]| [uso] [30] [uaO]| [uaO] [j6]| 7k[j8]h[f2] d| [s1]| 7 8 f||| [sqig] t [qi] t [qli] t [qih] t [wolda] y [wo] y [wol] y [woh] y [splfe] u [pe] u [ple] u [phe] u [xtshf8] w [t8] [wl] [utoka8] [wk] [tk8] [wspki] [qi] [tj] [qi] t [qli] t [qih] [togda] [wo] [yf] [wo] y [wol] y [woh] [yspgf] [pe] [uf] [pe] u [ple]lul[pe]ku [tshf8] w [t8] w [tl8]lwl[t8]kw [ida]||| s|h|f [oda]||| s|h|f [spf]||| s|h|h [shf]| f [khf]|g f s[spi]||| s|h|f [oda]||| s|h|h [spf]||| ff f d|[shf]||| [ofda]f f d|[tqpi4]||| [vsqpoi]| b| m| [wvoda]| b| c| [xspfe]|||c| [xtshf8]| z [woda]| l| [vsqpoi]| b| m| [wvoda]| b| c| [xspfe]|||c| [xtshf8]| z [woda]| l| [vsqpoi]| b| m| [wvoda]| b| c| [xspfe]|||c| [xtshf8]| z [zwoda]| l| [vsqpoi]| b| m| [wvoda]| b| c| [xspfe]|||c| [xtshf8]| z [zwoda]| l| [vsqpoi]| b| m| [wvoda]| b| c| [xspfe]|||c| [xtshf8]| z [zsqpi]| l| v| b| mLevel: 8Length: 05:30Expert
Isle Of Flightless Birds
Twenty One Pilots
[spf6] s [spf] s [spf6] sa[pf] [si] [pg4] s [pig] [si] [pig4] [so] [spg] [sa] [of8] [sa] [ofa] [sa] [ofa8] sp[of] [ys] [od7] a [od] a [pod7] a [pod] [sa] [id4] p [id] p [pid4] [pa] [pid] [sp] [si4] p [si] p [spi4] [pa] [spi] [pa] [ua] O [uoa] a| O| u s s| s| a pLevel: 6Length: 00:27Intermediate
I Need A Doctor
8 s o u8 s o u 6 sss[so]s[us]| s o uq s o u| s o uw s o y||sd[f8] s o u8 f[sf]fod[us][s6] s o u6 s [so]d[uf][qg] s o uq gsg[of]s[ud]wd s o yw s os[ud][f8] s o u8 fsfodsu[d6] ss o u6 s [so]d[uf][qg] s ofu[qd] s os[us]w s o yw s os[ud][f8]f s o u8 fsfodsu[s6] s o u6 s [so]d[uf][qg] s o uq gsgofsu[wd] ds o yw [sd]sohu[f8] s o u8dss [oh] [uf]6 so u6 s od[uf][qg] sfo u[qd] s os[us]w s o ywLevel: 4Length: 01:03Easy
Enrique Iglesias
[qp]|[qp] [qp] [qp]|[qp]| [o8]|[o8] [o8] [o8]|[o8]| [u6]|[u6] [u6] [u6]|[u6]| [y5]|[y5] [y5] [y5]|[y5]| [qp]|[qp] [qp] [qp]|[qp]| [o8]|[o8] [o8] [o8]|[o8]| [u6]|[u6] [u6] [u6]|[u6]| [y5]|[y5] [y5] [t5] y [t5]| [uq]|[uq] q [uq]|[yq] t [t8] e 8 8 [u8] u [u8] u [o6]|[o6] [p6] [y6] y [y6] t [t5] y 5 5 [i5] i [i5] i [u84]|u u u y y t [t80] e| t y t| [u86]|u|y t e|[95]|| t y t|[uq]|[uq] q [uq]|[yq] t [t8] e 8 8 [u8] u [u8] u [o6]|[o6] [p6] [y6] y [y6] t [t5] y 5 5 [i5] i [i5] i [u84]|u u u y y t [t80] e| t y t| [u86]|u|y t e|[95]||| [wq] w t|q||8 t t t [t8] e w| [w6] w w t 6||5 t t t [t5] e w| [q4] q q q [40] 0| [q1] q q 0 1 0 0 0 [60] 9 9|6 9 9 9 [95] 8 8|5|| [wq] w t|q||8 t t t [t8] e w| [w6] w w t 6||5 t t t [t5] e w| [q4] q q q [40] 0| [q1] q q 0 1 0 0 0 [60] 9 9|6 9 9 9 [95] 8 8|5|0 q [w1]|1|1|[10] w [W3]|3|3|[30] 0 [r6]|[r6] e 3 0 [30] 9 [85]|5|5|[50] q [w1]|1|1|[10] w [W3]|3|3|[30] 0 [r6]|[r6] e 3 0 [30] 9 [85]|5|t y t| [uq]|[uq] q [uq]|[yq] t [t8] e 8 8 [u8] u [u8] u [o6]|[o6] [p6] [y6] y [y6] t [t5] y 5 5 [i5] i [i5] i [u84]|u u u y y t [t80] e| t y t| [u86]|u|y t e|[95]||t y t| [uq]|[uq] q [uq]|[yq] t [t8] e 8 8 [u8] u [u8] u [o6]|[o6] [p6] [y6] y [y6] t [t5] y 5 5 [i5] i [i5] i [u84]|u u u y y t [t80] e| t y t| [u86]|u|y t e|[95]||t y t| [u6]|[u^]|[u7]|[y1] t [t!] e 2|[u@] u [u3] u [o4]|[o$] p [y5] y [y%] t [t6] y ^|[i7] i [i8] i [u*]|[u9] u [u(] y [y0] t [tq] e Q|[wt] y [tW]| [ue]|u|[yq] t e|5|| t y t|[utqe4]|[utqe4]|[utqe4]|[yq4] t [t81] e [81]|[u81] u [u81] u [toe6]|[toe6] p [y6] y [y6] t [wt5] y 5|[tie5] i [tie5] i [wutq4]|[uq4] u [uq4] y [yq4] t [te81] e [81]|[te81] y [te81]| [ute6]|[ute6]|[y6] t [e6]| 5|5|[te5] [ye] [te5]| [utqe4]|[utqe4]|[utqe4]|[yq4] t [t81] e [81]|[u81] u [u81] u [toe6]|[toe6] p [y6] y [y6] t [wt5] y 5|[tie5] i [tie5] i [wutq4]|[uq4] u [uq4] y [yq4] t [te81] e [81]|[te81] y [te81]| [ute6]|[ute6]|[y6] t [e6]|[w5]Level: 7Length: 02:25Intermediate
High Hopes
Panic! At the Disco
p p p s a p o [ua84]|o|| t [us] a p o [yua0]||o||u| r [us] a p o [ua84]|o 8 0|| r [us] a [qp] o [yua0]| r o||u| s h h [h0] f [sh40] [sh] [sj] t u|| t [us] f [d4] s [od93] [od] [of] 7 9||3| 7 [h9] h [h3] f [sh40] [sh] [sj] 8 0||4| 8 [s0] f [d4] s [od93] [od] [of] 7 9|| h f h f h f h f [spj4] 8 q w e|| [pif] f f f [g8] f d s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|| [ofa] f f f [g7] f [d3] s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|| [pif] f f f [g9] f d s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|| s h f h f h f h f [spj4] 8 0 q w e t u [pif] f f f g f [d8] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r 0 w r [uofa] f f f g f d s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9| [pife] f f f [g9] f d s [od3] 7f[od0] w r 0 w r u p p p s a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4| t [us] a [qp] o [yua0]| r o||u| 7 [ys] a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4|| t [us] a p o [yua0]| r o| r u| s h h h f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4| 8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0|3| 7 [oha0] [oha] [oh3] f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e||4| 8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0| [oha3] f [oha] f [oh] f [oh] f [oh] f [pj4] 8[ka]0 [qoh] w|4| [of] [f8] [qg] f [d4] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0|3| [of] [f7] [oga0] f [d3] s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9|2| f [f6] [pig9] f [d2] s [od1] 5 [od8] 0 w|8| [soh1] f [soh] f [soh] f [soh] f [spj4] 8 q w e|8|4 h g [f8] [qd] s [d4] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0| [ofa3] f f [f7] [oga0] f [d3] s [id2] 6 [id9] q e|9| [pif2] f f [f6] [pig9] f [d2] s [od3] 7 [od0] w r|0|3 p p p s a p o [uoa4] 8 [qo] w e|4| 8 [usq] a [p4] o [uoa3] 7 0 w [ro]|0|[u3]| 7 [s0] a [p3] o [uoa4] 8 [o0] q w|8|4| 8 [usq] a [p4] o [uoa3] 7 0 w [ro]|0|[u3]| [s7] [h0] h [h3] f [soh4] [soh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4| 8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0|3| 7 [oha0] [oh] [oh3] f [oh4] [oh8] [sqpj] w e|8|4| 8 [sq] f [d4] s [od3] [od7] [of0] w r|0| [oha3] f [oh] f [oh] h [oh] f [pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd| [oga93] g g g g f f d [of]|d|d fd| [pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd| [93] h s s d f d|[sh] [sh] s s d fd| [pig92] g g g g f f d [pif]|d|d fd| [oga93] g g g g f f d [of]|d|d fd|[92]||| h s s d f d| [ha93] [ha] s s d fd| p p p s a p o [ua84]|o 8 0||4| t [us] a p o [yua0]| r o||u| r [ys] a [p3] o [ua84]|o 8 0||4| 8 [us] a [p4] o [ua93]| r o| r u| s [rh] h [h0] f [usqh] [sh] [sj] t u|q|| t [us] f [qd] s [yod0] [od] [of] r y|0|| r [yh] h [h0] f [usqh] [sh] [sj] t u|q|| t [us] f d s [yod0] [od] [of]Level: 7Length: 04:28Intermediate
Hotline Bling
8 t|t|t|t 8 t|t|t|[td] [sf8] t d t [so] t d t [sf8] t [sh] t [sf] t|[td] [sf8] t d t [so] t d t [oa8] t p t [to] t|[td] [sf8] t d t [so] t d t [sf8] t [sh] t [sf] t|[td] [sf8] t|[td] [od] t|[to] [uso8] t|t|t|[td] [sf8] [wt] d [wt] [so] [wt] d [wt] [sqf] [te] [sh] [te] [sf] [te]|[ted] [sf6] [e0] d [e0] [so] [e0] d [e0] [oa5] [w9] p [w9] [yo] [w9]|[wd9] [sf8] [wt] d [wt] [so] [wt] d [wt] [sqf] [te] [sh] [te] [sf] [te]|[ted] [sf6] [e0]|[ed0] [od5] [w9]|[wo9] [uso8] [wt]|[wt]|[wt]|[wt] [pi4] 6 [84] q [sie] [tq] 4| [jfS6] * [60] e [fTS] [ue] 6| [pgd9] q [e9] y [id] y 9| [g^SJ] * [q^] [gE] [gTS] [iE] [^S]| [sqpi] [te]|[tpie] [pi] [tpie] o [tie][uo] 8 [wt]|[wtpi] [pi] [wtpi] [uo] [wti][ti] q [te]|[te]|[te]|[te] 8 [wt]|[wt]|[wt]|[zwt] [xl1] [wt] z [wt] [lh] [wt] z [wt] [xl4] [te] [vl] [te] [xl] [te]|[zte] [xl6] [e0] z [e0] [lj] [e0] z [e0] [kh5] [w9] j [w9] [hd] [w9]|[zw9] [xl1] [wt] z [wt] [lh] [wt] z [wt] [xl4] [te] [vl] [te] [xl] [te]|[zte] [xl6] [e0] z [e0] [zh5] [w9] h [w9] [lhf1] [wt] [lhf] [wt] [lhf] [wt]|[wt] 8 [wt]|[t8] [t8] [r7] [e6] [wsd5] [sf8] [wt] d [wt] [so] [wt] d [wt] [sqf] [te] [shf] [te] [sh] [te]|[ted] [sf6] [e0] d [e0] [so] [e0] d [e0] [oa5] [w9] p [w9] [yo] [w9]|[wd9] [sf8] [wt] d [wt] [so] [wt] d [wt] [sqf] [te] [sh] [te] [sf] [te]|[ted] [sf6] [e0]|[ed0] [od5] [w9]|[wo9] [uso8] [wt]|[wt]|[wt]|[wt] [qpi] [te]|[te] [si] [te]|[te] [jfeS] [uT]|[uT] [fS] [uT]|[uT] [pgd9] [qe]|[qe] [id] [qe]|[qe] [gSJE] [iT]|[igT] [gS] [iT] S [iT] [sqpi] [te]|[tpie] [pi] [tpie] o [tie][uo] 8 [wt]|[wtpi] [pi] [wtpi] [uo] [wti][ti] 4 [q8]|[q8]|[q8]|[q8] [uso8] [wt]|[wt]|[wt]|[wtd] [sf1] [wt] d [wt] [so] [wt] d [wt] [sf4] [q8] [shf] [q8] [sf] [q8]|[qd8] [sf6] [e0] d [e0] [so] [e0] d [e0] [oa5] [w9] p [w9] [yo] [w9]|[w9] [sf1] [wt] d [wt] [so] [wt] d [wt] [sf4] [q8] [sh] [q8] [sf] [q8]|[qd8] [sf6] [e0] d [e0] [oda5] [w9] o [w9] [slhf8] [wt] [slhf] [wt] [slhf] [wt]|[wt] 8 [wt]|[t8] [t8] [r7] [e6] [wsd5] [tsf]w0w[td]w0w[tso]w0w[td]w0w [tsf]eqe[tshf]eqe[tsf]eqete[qd]e [tsf]e0e[td]e0e[tso]e0e[td]e0e [roda]w9w[rofa]w9w[roda]w9wrw[d9]w [tsf]w0w[td]w0w[tso]w0w[td]w0w [tsf]eqe[tsh]eqe[tsf]eqete[qh]e [tsohf]w0wtw[h0]w[rohda]w9wrw[h9]w [tsohf]w0wtw0wtw0wtw0w [qpi]eti| [si]|| [eS]Tfujp| [fS]|| [p9]qdegy| [id]|| [^S]*gqJE|g [gS]|S| [qi]ep[ts]i|[pi] [pi] [pi] o i[uo] 0wtu|[pi] [pi] [pi] [uo] i[ti] [e4]8qLevel: 6Length: 02:38Intermediate
House of Gold
Twenty One Pilots
[sof81]||| [pgd92]||| [usp6]||| [spi4]||| [f81]osofosofosofodf [g92]pdpgpdpgpfpdfdsa [s6]upusupusupusdsa [s4]ipisipi[s4]i[p6]i[s8]a[p9]o[sof81]||| [pgd92]| |9q09 [usp6]| |63[spi4]||| [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips| 8765 [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg dfgfds [s6] ups ups upsdsa [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [sof81]||| [pgd92]||| [usp6]||| [spi4]||| [sof81]||| [pgd92]||| [usp6]||| [spi4]||| [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg dfgfds [s6] ups ups upsdsa [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81]osofosofosofodf [g92]pdpgpdpgpfpdfdsa [s6]upusupusupusdsa [s4]ipisipi[s4]i[p6]i[s8]a[p9]o [f81]osofosof h g fd [g92]pdpgpdpj h dfdsa [s6]upusupupasdsapu[o4]| |p| |s| |432 [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5] [f81] sdf sdf sdfdsa [g92] dfg dfg df[qg][f0][d9][s0] [s6] ups ups up[s8][d9][s8][a7] [s4] ips ips ip[s8][a7][p6][o5][ut81]Level: 7Length: 04:35Intermediate
e ee ee eeeee ee ee eeeee ee ee ee0we e ert t tyr r ewwe| 0we e ert t tyr r ewe| 0we e ety y yui i uyue| ert t y ue|etr r ter| 0we e ert t tyr r ewwe| 0we e ert t tyr r ewe| 0we e ety y yui i uyue| ert t y ue| etr r ewe e r t t y u| te0| i| t q| u| i u| u u u iu| y y y yu| u u u iu| y t r e| ert|yu y t r t y u y| tyu| yt r t r e|rw e| ert| rt y t y u y t e| ert y u i e y t|yr e|rw u| i| u u u uy| y| t| r t r e| u| i| u u u uy| y| t| r t r eLevel: 2Length: 01:31Easy
He's a Pirate (Pirates of The Caribbean)
Klaus Badelt
8800 6688 4466 5577 | 8800 6688 4466 5577 | 8800 6688 4466 5577 | 888 876789 000 09890q | w8 ewq09878 76 54 32Level: 1Length: 00:48Super Easy
Heart and Soul
Hoagy Carmichael
[sg] p [sg] p [gd] p [gd] p e p [fS] p [fS] p [fS] p [sg] p [sg] p [gd] p [gd] p e p [fS] p [hS] p [gS] f [usg] [pi] [usg] [tp] [ugd] [pi] [ugd] [tp] e p [fS6] p [fS6] [p6] [feS] [p6] [usg] [pi] [usg] [tp] [ugd] [pi] [ugd] [tp] e p [fS6] p [hS6] [p6] [geS] [pf] [sog] [pi] [sg] p [ogd] [pi] [gd] p [pT] [up] [feS] [p6] [fS6] [p6] [feS] p [sog] [pi] [sg] p [ogd] [pi] [igd] p [pT] [up] [feS] [p6] [hS6] [p6] 66Level: 5Length: 00:31Intermediate
Heathens (Alternative)
Twenty One Pilots
h|hgff ff fdd| |psd dd fp||psd dd fd| | h|hgff ff fdd| |psd d d ss||sf f dd| | pssdd d sd| |sssd df f|| fgh hh gf s||psssd df f|| dsd a| |oss d df f|| fgh hh gf s||psssd df f|| dsd a h|hgff ff fdd| |psd dd fp||psd dd fd| | h|hgff ff fdd| |psd d d ss||sf f dd| | pssdd d sd| |sssd df f||fgh hh gf s|| psssd df f||dsd a| | oss d df f||fgh hh gf s|| psssd df f||dsd a||| dfg fd s s||sj h hghf|| fgf ddsd|||dfg f dss| | ssjh|hhfs| |h|fhj hh jfh|j sssd df f||fgh hh gf s|| psssd df f||dsd a| | oss d df f||fgh hh gf s|| psssd df f||fgh h|| lj h j j|h|f hjhhffs hjhhf dLevel: 2Length: 02:34Easy
Bryan Adams
[t6] t 0|t t 0| [t6] t t t t|y| [r3]|r|r e r| [r3] e r 0 0|| [t6] t 0|t t 0 0 [t6] t t|t|t y [r3]|r|r e| 3 r r e r e| [u6] u [y6] y [t6] r [r6] y 6 y [t6] t [r6]|[e6] y 3 y [t3] t [r3]|[e3] 0 3|3|3|[t3] u 6 u [y6] y [t6] r [r6] y 6 y [t6] t [r6] e 6 e 4|[y4] t [y4] y [t4] u [y3] y y|y t y u 6 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [y1] [y1] [y5] [y5] [t5] [y5] [u5] 6 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [t1] [t1] [t5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u6] 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [t1] [t1] [t5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u6] 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [y1]u[y1]t[e5] [y5] 5 [t5] [y5] [u4] 4 [u4] 4 [u4] [y4] [t4] [y4] 5 5 5 [u5] 5 5 [t5] [t5] [o1] [o1] [o1] 1 [O3] 3 [u3] [y3] 6 [t6]e6 6 [t5] [y5] [t5] [u5] 4 [y4] [t4] [y4] 4 [e4] 4 4 3 t y y y t u| 6|||6||| 3|||3||| [t6] t 0|t t 0| [t6] t t t t|y| [r3]|r|r e r| [r3] e r 0 0|| [t6] t 0|t t 0 0 [t6] t t|t|t y [r3]|r|r e| 3 r r e r e| [u6] u [y6] y [t6] r [r6] y 6 y [t6] t [r6]|[e6] y 3 y [t3] t [r3]|[e3] 0 3|3|3|[t3] u 6 u [y6] y [t6] r [r6] y 6 y [t6] t [r6] e 6 e 4|[y4] t [y4] y [t4] u [y3] y y|y t y u 6 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [y1] [y1] [y5] [y5] [t5] [y5] [u5] 6 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [t1] [t1] [t5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u6] 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [t1] [t1] [t5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u6] 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [y1]u[y1]t[e5] [y5] 5 [t5] [y5] [u4] 4 [u4] 4 [u4] [y4] [t4] [y4] 5 5 5 [u5] 5 5 [t5] [t5] [o1] [o1] [o1] 1 [O3] 3 [u3] [y3] 6 [t6]e6 6 [t5] [y5] [t5] [u5] 4 [y4] [t4] [y4] 4 [e4] 4 4 3 t y y y t u| 2 2 2 2 2 2 [y2] [t2] [y2] [t2] [y2] [t2] [u2] [u2] 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 [o6] 6 [y6] [y6] [t6] [u6] 6 [y6] [t6] [e6] 6 2 2 2 2 2 [t2] [y2] [t2] [y2] [y2] [y2] [t2] [u2] [u2] [y2] [t2] u u 3|u u 3| o u3|y|u u6|||6|||4|| u [o3] u o u o u o p 6 6 [u6] [y6] 4 [u4] 4 4 1 1 [o1] [u5] [o5] [u5] [o5] [p5] 6 6 [u6] [y6] 4t[e4] 4 4 1 [t1] [t1] [t5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u6] 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 [u1] [t1] [t1] [t5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u6] 6 [t6] [e6] [i4] 4 4 4 1 [o1] [i1] [u5] [i5] [u5] [t5] [y5] [u4] 4 [u4] 4 [u4] [y4] [t4] [y4] 5 5 5 [u5] 5 5 5 5 1 [o1] u1ou1 3O 3 u3 3y [y6]u[t6]e6 6 [t5] [y5] [t5] [u5] 4 [y4] [t4] [y4] 4 [e4] 4 4 3 t y t y t e|6||| 6 y y y y t r 3||| 3 t y t y t u 6 op||o 6 y y t y t r 3||| 3Level: 4Length: 08:33Easy
Bruno Mars
[se] a s p s u [sq] p s i g p s i g s [tf] s g s h s [wd] s d o h s d o s a [se] a s p s u [sq] p s i g p s i g s [tf] s g s h s [wd] s d o h s [td8] o [sr7] a [se6] a s p s u [sq4] p s i g p s i g s [tf8] s g s h s [wd5] s d o h s [td8] o [sr7] a [se6] a s p s u [sq4] p s i g p s i g s [tf8] s g s h s [wd5] s d o h s s s s s [se6]||[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] p s||[ywsr] s s s [se6]||[utse] s [sq4] p s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] d d||[ywsr] s s s [fe6]|s|[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] p s||[ywsr] s s s [se6]|p|[utse]|[sq4] p s||[tsqe] s s s [wd5] d d f d s s| [sl] [sl] [ka] [ka] [pj]|[oh] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl] [w5] [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl] [w5] [sl] [ywsrl] [sl] [zd] [zd] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl] [w5] [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [wpj5]|[ywroh] [pj] s s s s [se6]||[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] p s||[ywsr] s s s [se6]|f|[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] d d||[ywsr] s s d [fe6]|h|[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8]|s|[utso] s [ws5] p s||[ywsr] s s s [se6]|p|[utse]|[sq4] p s||[tsqe] s s s [wd5] d d f d s s| [sl] [sl] [ka] [ka] [pj]|[oh] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywsrl] [sl] [zd] [zd] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [pj]|[ywroh] [pj]| [ywsr] d [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [f81] d [f5] s [wf80] s [wd5]| [w5] o [ywrh] s d o [ywsr] [da] [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sqp4] [pi] s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [wpj5]|[ywroh] [pj]| [ywr]| [e6]|[pf] [pf] s s [qpf4] [pf] s|[pf]|s|[pf] [pf] [ts8]|[pf]|s|[wpf5] [pf] s s [pf]|s s [pf]| [e6]|[pf] [pf] s s [qpf4] [pf] s|[pf]|s|[pf] [pf] [ts8]|[pf]|s|[wpf5] [pf] s s [pf]|s s [pf]| [e6]|[pf] [pf] [utse] s [qpf4] [pf] d|s|[tqe]|[of] [of] [ts8] s [of] [of] [utso] s [wof5]|s|[of]|[ywsr]|[of]| [e6]|[pf] [pf] [utse] s [qpf4] [pf] s|[pf]|[tsqe]|[pf] [pf] [ts8]|[pf]|[utso]|[pf] [pf] [sl] [sl] [ka] [ka] [pj]|[oh] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywsrl] [sl] [zd] [zd] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [pj]|[ywroh] [pj]| [ywsr] d [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [f81] d [f5] s [wf80] s [wd5]| [w5] o [ywrh] s d o [ywsr] [da] [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sqp4] [pi] s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [f81] d [f5] s [wf80] s [wd5]| o h s d o [ywsr] d [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [f81] d [f5] s [wf80] s [wd5]| [w5] o [ywrh] s d o [ywsr] [da] [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sqp4] [pi] s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [wpj5]|[ywroh] [pj]| [ywr]| [se] a s p s u [sq] p s i g p s i g s [tf] s g s h s [wd] s d o h s d o s a [se] a s p s u [sq] p s i g p s i g s [tf] s g s h s [wd] s d o h s d o s aLevel: 7Length: 03:56Intermediate
Hall Of Fame
The Script
0 eee r ttt e www 0 w 0 eee r ttt y uuu t u uu pppp uuu ttt ee qqqq ttt eeweLevel: 1Length: 00:32Super Easy
Ghostriders In The Sky
Johnny Cash
[fe]|u p s|[oa] s d f d s d| [pe]|u p [sd] f [oda] s d| p|o| [qp] a u p s|a o o p a p a| [d9] t [si] a s|a p [a0] y o p|p| [fe]|u p s|[oa] s d f d s d| [pe]|u p [sd] f [oda] s d| p|o| [qp] a u p s|a o o p a p a| [d9] t [si] a s|a p [a0] y o p 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p| 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p| 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|i| 9|u [yie] u [i9] u i u [qi] u [i4] u i u 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p| 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p|o [u6]| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|i| 9|u [yie] u [i9] u i u [qi] u [i4] u i u 6| [e0]|6 u d d d [d6] d d [ed0] d d d d f 6| [e0]|6 u d d d [d6] d d [ed0] d d d d f 4| [q8]|4 u d d d [d4] d d [qd8] d d d d f 2| [a96]|2|a|3 a [70] a p| [fe]|u p s|[oa] s d f d s d| [pe]|u p [sd] f [oda] s d| p|o| [qp] a u p s|a o o p a p a| [d9] t [si] a s|a p [a0] y o p|p| [fe]|u p s|[oa] s d f d s d| [pe]|u p [sd] f [oda] s d| p|o| [qp] a u p s|a o o p a p a| [d9] t [si] a s|a p [a0] y o p 6|p [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p| 6|p [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|i| 6| [se0] s [s6] s h|[d6]|[ed0]|g f [d9]|u [yie] u [i9] u i u [qi] u [i4] u i u 6|p [fe0]|d 6 s a|[o6]|p|p [f6]|d|s [fe0]|d 6 s a|o|p| 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|i| 9|u [yie] u [i9] u i u [qi] u [i4] u i u 6| |u d d d d d d d d d d d f 6| |u d d d d d d d d d d d f 4| |u d d d d d d d d d d d f 2| a| [a3]|a|a p| [f6]| [e0]|6 s d f [d6] s [ed0]| [p6]|p [ed0] f [d6] s d|6|[pe0]|o| [p4] a|[q8]|4 o o p [a4] p [qa8]| [d2]|s a [s96]|2 a p a|3|[p70]|p| [f6]| [e0]|6 s d f [d6] s [ed0]| [p6]|p [ed0] f [d6] s d|6|[pe0]|o| [p4] a|[q8]|4 o o p [a4] p [qa8]| [d2]|s a [s96]|2 a p a|3|[p70]| 6| [sle0]|6 k l [ka]|6|[ohe0]| 6| [sle0]|6 k l [ka]|6|[ohe0]|[ig]| 4| [qka8]|4 o o p [a4] p [qa8]| [d2]|s a [s96]|2 a p a|3|[p70]|p|| [sl]|[ka] [sl] [ka]| [oh]| | [sl]|[ka] [sl] [ka]| [oh]|[ig]|| [ka]|o o p a p a| d|s a s|a p a| pLevel: 6Length: 03:07Intermediate
God is a Woman
Ariana Grande
[tl] o [sl] o [sl] l k k [tl] o [sl] o [sl] llz l t o s o s [zo]l[zs] ol t o s o s [ol]l[sc] [xo] t o s o s [zo]l[zs] ol t o s o [sl]zol[vs] [ob]x e u p u p [ul] [pl]zul [ic] s [jg] s g [sl]l[lg]z[sl] [tc] [xo] s o sllllzl z l||s f d [s8] [ws] [tf]dws8 [ws] [tf]dws q [ts] [ig] [ts] [se] u [pf] [uf]f 8 [ws] [tg] [wf]fq t [id] [td]d w [yd] [od] [ys] [od] f d s [s8] w [ts] w t [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] 9 [wd] 9 w [g9] [wf] [d9] [f6] 0 [fe] 0 e 0 e [g0] q t i t i [tf] [id] [ts] [s8] w [ts] w [ts]d[wf] [td] [ws] [d5] 9 [wd] 9 w [f9] [wf] [d9] [f6] 0 [fe] 0 e 0 e [s0]s [qh] [th]h[if] [ts]hihth[if] [ts] [f6] 0 e 0 [d5] 9 w 9s d d d sdsf f s [s8] w t w t w q 0 [u6] [o0] [oe] [u0]o[oe] [u0] [ue] 0 [uq] [to] [oi] [to]oti[ti] [ti] q [u8] [wo] [to] w t w t [wi]u [i5] [o9] [wo] 9 w 9 w [u9]u [u6] [o0] [oe] 0u[oe] [u0]uet[t0]t [qi] [to] [oi] [to]ot [ti] [ti] [ut] [u8] [wo]ot w t w t [wi]u [y5] [o9]ow 9 w 9o[wo]p[s9] [s8] [ws] [tf]dws8 [ws] [tf]dws q [ts] [ig] [ts] [se] u [pf] [uf]f 8 [ws] [tg] [wf]fq t [id] [td]d w [yd] [od] [ys] [od] f d s [s8] w [ts] w t [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] 9 [wd] 9 w [g9] [wf] [d9] [f6] 0 [fe] 0 e 0 e [g0] q t i t i [tf] [id] [ts] [s8] w [ts] w [ts]d[wf] [td] [ws] [d5] 9 [wd] 9 w [f9] [wf] [d9] [f6] 0 [fe] 0 e 0 e [s0]s [qh] [th]h[if] [ts]hihth[if] [ts] [f6] 0 e 0 [d5] 9 w 9s [qd] [td] [id] ts[id]s[tf] [if] [ts] [s6] 0 e 0 e 0 e [d0] q t i td[id]s[tf] [if] [ts] [s8] w t w t w t [wd] 5 9 w y o llz l t o s o s zlz l t o s o s llc x t o s o s zlz l t o s o [sl]zlv bx e u p u p l lzl [ic] s [jg] s g lllzl [tc] [xo] s o sllllzlz lLevel: 5Length: 02:37Intermediate
Fight Song
Rachel Platten
[te6]||| [wt8]||| [te6]||| [wt8]| |t y t r [e860]|e|t e t et [e80]w||et y t r [e860]|e et e t yy [u80]||ti i i uy 6 [t6] [t6] 6e[t6] [e6] [t8] [y8]y [u0] 0 0 0t[i0] [i0] [i0]u0y 9 [t9] [t9] 9t[u9] [u9] [u9] [u9] [u0] 0 0 0e[t0] [y0] [t0] [r0]e [qe8]|e ee e t yu [e80]||tu u u uu [ywe9]|y ry y u yy [te8]||e[wte9] y t re [qe8]|e ee e t yu [w80]| |u u u uu [yw90]|y yy y u yy [te8]||y[y8] [y9] [u8] [y7]y [t860] e [e860] e [e860] e [t860] t [u80] u [u80] u [u80] u [t80] r [e860] e [e860] e [e860] e [t860] t [u80] u [u80] u [t80] y [t80] r [e860]|[e860] e[t860] e [t860] et [e80]w [80]|[t80] y [t80] r [e860]|[e860] e[t860] e [t860]y u [80]|[80] u[i80] i [i80] uy [q86]|[tq86] e[tq86] e [tq86] yu [860]|[860] u[i860] i [i860]u i [w98] u [wu98] t[wu98] u [wu98] u [u0] 0 0 0e[t0] [y0] [t0] [r0]e [e84] [84] [e84] [84]e[e84] [e84] [t84] [y84]u [80] [80] [80] [80]t[u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y985] [985] [y985] [985]r[y985] [y985] [u985] [y985]y [wt80] [w80] [w80] [w80]e[t985] [y985] [t985] [r985]e [e84] [84] [e84] [84]e[e84] [e84] [t84] [y84]u [u80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y975] [975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [wt80] [w80] [w80] [w80]y[y985] [y985] [u985] [y985]y [t84] [84] [84] [84]y[y84] [y84] [u84] [y84]y [t80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y975] [975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [t860] [860] [860] [860] [985] [985] [985] [985] [e84] [84] [r84] [84] [t84] [84] [o84] [84] [u80] [80] [80] [80] [o80] [80] [t80] [80] [r975] [975] [t975] [975] [y975] [975] [r975] [975] [t860] [860] [860] [860] [t985] [y985] [t985] [r985] [e84]|r|t|o| [u80]| |o|t| [r975]|t|y|r| [860]||e[t975] y t re [e84]|e ee e t yu [w80]||tu u u uu [y965]|y ry y u yy [t6]||et y t re [e84] [84] [e84] [84]e[e84] [e84] [t84] [y84]u [80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]i [975] [y975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [t860] [860] [860] [860] [e985] [985] [r985] [985] [t84] [84] [84] [84] [t84] [84] [o84] [84] [u80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y975] [975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [t860] [860] [860] [860] [e985] [985] [r985] [985] [t84] [84] [84] [84] [t84] [84] [o84] [84] [u80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y975] [975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [t860] [860] [860] [860]y[y985] [y985] [u985] [y985]y[t84]Level: 6Length: 03:21Intermediate
Final Masquerade
Linkin Park
PggDgDP| OssOsDg| hgDPPPgDs| PggDgDP| OssOsDg| PPhgDPPhgPDLevel: 1Length: 00:42Super Easy
Owl City
5 6 [wt80]|| 5 6 [yeQ2]|| 2 3 [tqe4]|| 4 5 [wt10]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [w5] [e6] [t8]|| [w5] [e6] [q4]|| [92] [30] [q4]|| [q4] [w5] [81]|| [w5] [e6] [t8]|| [w5] [e6] [q4]|| [92] [30] [q4]|| [q4] [w5] [81]|| [w5] [e6] [wt80]|| 5 6 [yeQ2]|| 2 3 [tqe4]|| 4 5 [wt10]|| 5 6 [wt80]|| 5 6 [yeQ2]|| 2 3 [tqe4]|| 4 5 [wt10]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| 5 6 8 [ofa3]|[ofa]|[ofa]|[ofa]| [spf6]|[spf]|[spf]|[spf3] @ [pid2]|[pid]|[pid]|[pid]| [pif5]|[pid]|[spi]|[pif2] @ [ofa3]|[ofa]|[faO]|[faO]| [spf6]|[oda7]|[spf1]|[ofa!]| [spdI2]|[spdI]|[spdI]|[spdI$]| [spi5]|[spi]|[spi5]|[spi5]| [spdI2]||23[spi4]|||[spif5]||| [spf6]|[oda7]|[spf81]|[ofa*!]| [spdI92]||23[spi4]||| [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5]|5|5 [j5] [k6] [z9]|| [j6] [k7] [f3]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [j5] [k6] [z9]|| [j6] [k7] [f3]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [j5] [k6] [z9]|| [j6] [k7] [f3]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [j5] [k6] [z9]|| [j6] [k7] [f3]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [^J]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| 6 7 [yeE10]||| 2|[idaO2]Level: 6Length: 03:01Intermediate
Forget You
Cee Lo Green
8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u| [o9] e [yo] e [yo] [oe] y e [o9] e [ys] e [ya] [se] y [oe] 8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u o [g9] e [yf] e [yd] [se] y e [g9] e [yf] e [yd] s y d [ywr]|[wrd] dd[yw]|[yw]| [wts] s [wts] as[wr]ao [wro]p [yqP]|[yq] d [wts] o [wto]o [qpe]P p[w0] io[qe]iy [qe8]| [ywr]|[wro] p [wa0] o [wp0] a [yqd]|[yq] s [sqe]|[qe]| [wrd]| |[wr]| | 8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u o [g9] e [yf] e [yd] [se] y e [g9] e [yf] e [yd] s y d [ywr]|[ywrd] dd[yw]|[yw]| [wts] s [wts] as[wr]ao [wro]p [yqP]|[yq] d [wuts] o [wto]o [qp]P p0 ioqiy [qe8]| [ywr]|[wo] p [a0] o [p0] a [yqd]|[yq] s [sq]|[tqe]| [ywrd]| |[ywr]| | [fe]|d|[s0]|a|[ts]Level: 6Length: 02:09Intermediate
Eternal Flame
The Bangles
[utse]|p|f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]| [yw] [sod] [yw] [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]|[yw] [sod]| [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [tq8] [soi]|[tq8] [soi] [tq8] [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [tq8] [soi]|[tq8] [soi] [q8] [ti] o f i o f [utse]||f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]| [yw] [sod] [yw] [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]|[yw] [sod]| [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [tq8] [soi]|[tq8] [soi] [tq8] [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [yw] [sod]|o [ywsod]| e [usp]|u [usp]| [yq] [yiP]|i [yiP]| [tqi] [tpi]|t [tpi]| [yw] [sod]|o [sod]| e [usp]|u [usp]| [yqE] [yiP]|i [yiP]| [tqi] [tpi]|t [tpi]| [wt8] [tsi]|[t8] [wtsi8] [wt8] [wti8] o f i o f [ig] [oh] [xf] [ig] [oh] [xf]|| w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [tpi]|q [tpi]| 9 [ypi]|9 [ypi] [tpi] [ue] [sp] u p d f w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [ypo]|q [ypi]| 9 [ypo]|9 [ypi]| 8 [tsoi]|8 [tsoi]|[utse]||f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]| [yw] [sod] [yw] [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]|[yw] [sod]| [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [tq8] [soi]|[tq8] [soi] [tq8] [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [yw] [sod]|o [ywsod]| [ute] [usp]|u [usp]| [yqE] [yiP]|i [yiP]| [tqi] [tpi]|t [tpi]| [ywt] [sod]|o [ywsod]| [ute] [usp]|u [usp]| [yqE] [yiP]|i [yiP]| [tqi] [tpi]|t [tpi]| [w8] [tsoi]|[w8] [tsoi]| w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [tpi]|q [tpi]| 9 [ypi]|9 [ypi] [tpi] [ue] [sp] u p d f w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [ypi]|q [tpi]| 9 [ypi]|9 [tpi]| [w8] [tsoi]|[w8] [tsoi]| w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [ypo]|q [ypi]| 9 [ypo]|9 [ypi]| [ue] [sp] u p d f w [ypo]|w [yoP]| q [yoP]|q [ypo]| 9 [ypi]|9 [tpi]| 8 [tsoi]|8 [tsoi] 8 8| tiostios[utse]||f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [tpe60]Level: 6Length: 03:33Intermediate
Exile Vilify (Portal 2)
The National
h f s d s| |f|||o|| [toe]o[up] p p u t [y0] o a a [so] [ya] [ys] u p p u t [r0] y [so] [od] [ys] [sr] [tf] u [pf] p u t y [ro] [yo] o [yo] [ro] [tpe] u p p u t [y0] r [yp] [so] [yp] [rp] [tse] u p p u t [y0] r [yo] o [yo] [ro] [tpe] u p p u t [y0] r y [of] [yf] [rf] [tfe]d[us] [sp] p u t [r0] y [po] [so] [yp] [rp]o [tpe] u p p u t [ur0] [yo] [po] [po] [ys] [sr] [se]ap [pe] e f [ed] [f0]ds 0 0|[o0] [p6]|6 6 s [p6] [sp0]|[u0] [o0] p [oa0] [se]ap [pe] e f [ed] [f0]ds 0 0oo [o0] [p6]|6 6 s [p6] [s0] h||j 3 [j6] 6h[f6] [d6]fds 6 3|p [sp] p [p3]o [p6]o[p6]s6 6|6 3sds[d3]s[d3]s [f6] 6 6 6|[f6] 3 oo o [o3] [o3] [p6] 6 [u6] [p6]|[u6] [o3] p 3 [f3] f [f3]|| [f6]d[s6] [s6] 6|6 3 ppps p [p3]o [p6]o[p6]s6 6|6 3|h j [j3]3 [j6]h[f6] [h6] [f6]ds [f6] [d3]|o o [o3] [o3] [sf6] [sp6] [a6] [p6] a [s6] [u3] [o3] [p3] [p3] [a3] [s3] [s6]ap p 6 f [d6] [f3]d[s3] 3 3 3 [o3] [p6]||6 s [p6] [s3] 3 [u3] [o3] [p3] [a5] [s6]ap p 6 f [d6] [f3]d[p3] 3 3o[o3] [o3] [p6]||6 s [p6] [s3] 3 3 [o3] [o3] [o3] [u6]||p|6 [o3]||a|3 [s6]||p|6 [u3]||[o3] [p3] 3 [spf6]Level: 5Length: 02:09Intermediate
Alicia Keys
[tl] h l h l h g f [tg] f g f g h g f [slfe] h l h l h g f [ge] f g f g h g f [sqlf] h l h l h g f [qg] f g f g h g f [wslf] h l h l h g f [wg] f g f g h h h [zth] x z l [of] h [th] h [zth] l k l t h h h [zhe] x z l [us] h [he] h [zhe] l k l [ue] [lh] [lh] [lh] [qlg] j j h [to]|[tig] l [qlg] j j h g f i [da] [wo]|t|y|t| [yoa75]| |o o o [od81] f d s [wu] o [to8] o [od8] s a s [wt8] o o o [d6] f d [so] [t0] o [o6] o [od6] s a s [e60] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf4] g f [pd] [w8]|[q8] f [f4] g s p [ws8] f [q8] [da] [w5]|[w7] 8 9 f d f [h5] [f7] 9 w [f3] d s p 6|[sf] [sf] [e60] s|s [pd2]|[ph] [pf] 9 h [s9] d [sf5] [sg]|f [w5] [sh] 5 f [81] [s81] h [s81] [f7] [s7] h [s7] [f6] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] 6| [sf4] g [sf] d [q4] s [s4] d [sf5] g [sf] g [wsf5] d 5 [da] 5|5 7 [w9] [og] [wog5] [og] [sg81] f [w5] [sf] [ut0]|8 s [sg1] [sg] [sg5] [sf] [81] s [s7] s [of6] [og] 0 f [e60] s s s [wf60] [sg] [sg] f [e60] [oh] [oh6] [oh] [oh4] [ig] [ig] [ts] [q4]|[e86] [oh] [oh] [og] [og] f 6 s 5 [sp] 5 [da] 5 2 7 5 2 5 [oa]|5 2 7 [h5] [h2] h [zh8] x z l [wu] h [h8] h [zh8] l k l 8 h [h7] h [zh6] x z l [t0] h [h6] h [zh6] l k l [60] [hf] [hf] [hf] [sh4] g f s [w8]|[q8] f [sqf4] d s p s f q [da] [w5]|[w7] 8 9 f d f [h5] [f7] 9 w [f30] d s p 6|[sf] [sf] [e60] s|s [pd962]|[ph] [pf] 9 h [s9] d [sf5] [sg]|f [w5] [sh] 5 f [81] [s81] h [s81] [f7] [s7] h [s7] [f6] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] h 6 [sh] [sh4] g g s [q4] [sp] [sp4] d [sf5] g [sf] g [wf5] d 5 [da] 5|5 7 [w9] [og] [wog5] [og] [sg81] f [w5] [sf] [ut0]|8 s [sg1] [sg] [sg5] [sf] [81] s [s7] s [of6] [og] 0 f [e60] s s s [wf60] [gd] [gd] f [e60] [oh] [oh6] [oh] [oh4] [ig] [ig] [ts] [q4]|[e86] [oh] [oh] [og] [og] f 6 s 5 [sp] 5 [da] 5 2 7 5 [oh2] [ig5] [uf]|5 2 7 5 [p2]| [o81]||w t y u [W(%]| |p| [o81]||w t y u [W(%]||t o i i u [81] [t81]|[t81] [o7] [i7] i [u7] 6 [t6] t [e6] [t5] [y5]|[t5] 4 1 6 1 4 [o1] [t6] [y1] 5 2 7 2 5 2 7 2 [s81] [o5] [s0] [o5] [s81] [o5] [i0] [u5] [i81] [u5] [i0] [u5] [i81] [o5] [i0] [u5] [s6] [o3] [s8] [o3] [s6] [o3] [i8] [u3] [i6] [u3] [i8] [u3] [i6] [o3] [i8] [u3] [s4] [o1] [s6] [o1] [s4] [o1] [i6] [u1] [i4] [u1] [i6] [u1] [i4] [o1] [i6] [u1] [s5] [o5] [s5] [o5] [s5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [ig5] [ig5] [ig5] [ig81] [uf5] 0 [uf5] [81] 5 0 [ts5] [ig81] [ig5] [ig0] [uf5] [81] [ts5] [ts0] [ts5] [uf6] [ig3] 8 [uf3] 6 [ts3] [ts8] [ts3] [uf6] [ig3] [ig8] [uf3] 6 [oh3] [oh8] [oh3] [oh4] [ig1] [ig6] [ts1] 4 1 6 [oh1] [oh4] [ig1] [ig6] [uf1] 4 [ts1] 6 [ts1] 5 [yd2] 7 2 5 2 [oh7] [ig2] [uf5] 2 7 2 5 [ig2] [ig7] [ig2] [ig1] [uf]|[uf] [w80]||[ts] [ig1] [ig] [ig] [uf] [81] [ts] [ts7] [ts] [uf6] [ig]|[uf] [860] [ts] [ts] [ts] [uf6] [ig] [ig] [uf] 6 [oh] [oh5] [oh] [oh2] [ig2] [ig] [ts2] 2 2|[oh2] [oh2] [ig2] [ig] [uf2] 2 [ts2]|[ts2] 5 [yd]||[975]|[yd] y 5| |[975]|p o [81] o s o s o i u [ti] u i u i o i u [utse] o s o s o i u [tie] u i u i o i u [utsq] o s o s o i u [tqi] u i u i o i u [wuts] o s o s o i u [wti] u i u i u y t [to]sfLevel: 7Length: 04:13Intermediate
My Chemical Romance
t|o|w|| y|o|w|| t|o|w|| e|i|q|| [wto]||[ywo]||[wro]||[wro]|[qie]||l h d o|| [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] q [ie4] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro] w [ro] w [ro30] w [ro] [w4] [ie4] q [ie] q [ie4] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] q [ie4] [q7] [ie81] q [to] w [to] w [to] [ws] [tof] [ws] [yod] [wd] [yo] [wf] [yo] w [yo] w [ro] w [ro] w [rpo] [ws] [sro] [ws] [ihe] q [ihe] [qf] [ie] [qd] [ie] q [to] w [to] w [to] [wo] [tof] [ws] [yod] [wd] [yo] [wf] [yo] [wd] [yo] [ws] [tod] w [to] [wf] [to] w [tso] w [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie4] q [ie] q [ie4] [q7] [ie81] q [to] w [to] w [to] w [to] w [yo] w [yo] w [yo] w [yo] w [to] w [to] w [to] w [to] w [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [tol]k[wj]h[tol]k[wj]h[tol]k[wj]h[tol]k[wj]h [yol]k[wj]h[yol]k[wj]h[yol]k[wj]h[yol]k[wj]h [rol]k[wj]h[rol]k[wj]h[rol]kjh[wl]kjh[rol]kjh[wl]kjh [lie]kjh[ql]kjh[lie]kjh[ql]kjh[xqihe] [qie] [zqihe]| [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to6] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] q [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro3] w [ro] w [ro30] w [ro] [w4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [od4] 4 4 [so4] 4 3 4 4 [od4] 4 4 [of4] 4 4 3 4 1 8 1 8 [so1] [so8] [so1] [so8] [soh1] 8 [sog1] [sof8] 1 [sod8] 7 [81] [od4] 4 4 [so4] 4 3 4 4 [od4] 4 4 [of4] 4 4 [od4] [so4] [od1] 8 [of1] [so8] 1 8 7 [81] [92] 7 7 [81] [81] [81] 7 [81] [od4] 4 4 [so4] 4 3 4 4 [od4] 4 4 [of4] 4 4 3 4 1 8 1 8 [so1] [so8] [so1] [so8] [soh1] 8 [sog1] [sof8] 1 [sod8] 7 [81] [od4] 4 4 [so4] 4 3 4 4 [od4] 4 4 [of4] 4 4 [od3] [so4] [soh851]| [soh851]|1 [85]| [ra7]|[ts81] [qi4]|| [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] q [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to] w [to] w [to] [ws] [tof] [ws] [yod] [wd] [yo] [wf] [yo] w [yo] w [ro] w [ro] w [rpo] [ws] [sro] [ws] [ihe] q [ihe] [qf] [ie] [qd] [ie] q [to] w [to] w [to] [wo] [tof] [ws] [yod] [wd] [yo] [wf] [yo] [wd] [yo] [ws] [tod] w [to] [wf] [to] w [tso] w [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo5] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro] w [ro] w [ro30] w [ro] [w4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [yw4] 4 4 [wt4] 4 3 4 4 [yw4] 4 4 [wu4] 4 4 3 4 1 8 1 8 [wt1] [wt8] [wt1] [wt8] [wto1] 8 [wti1] [wut8] 1 [ywt8] 7 [81] [yw4] 4 4 [wt4] 4 3 4 4 [yw4] 4 4 [wu4] 4 4 [yw4] [wt4] [yw1] 8 [wu1] [wt8] 1 8 7 [81] [92] 7 7 [81] [81] [81] 7 [81] [yw4] 4 4 [wt4] 4 3 4 4 [yw4] 4 4 [wu4] 4 4 3 4 1 8 1 8 [wt1] [wt8] [wt1] [wt8] [wto1] 8 [wti1] [wut8] 1 [ywt8] 7 [81] [yw4] 4 4 [wt4] 4 3 4 4 [yw4] 4 4 [wu4] 4 4 [yw3] [wt4] [wto851]| [wto851]|1 [85]| [ra7]|[ts81] [qi4]|| eEt45%^8*(qwWEtTYio| [g1] 1 1 [f1] 1 2 3 [d5] [g5] 5 5 [f5] 5 5 6 7 6 6 6 6 [g6] [f6] [d7] [s81] [a4] 4 [s4] [p4] 4 4 [o7] [i81] [g1] 1 1 [f1] 1 2 3 [d5] [g5] 5 5 [f5] 5 [d6] [s7] [h3] 3 3 3 [k30]| [l4]|| HhgDSsPOoiYT [to1] w [to] [w1] [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] [w5] [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] [w6] [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] [q4] [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] [w1] [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] [w5] [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro] w [ro] [w3] [ro30] w [ro30] [w4] [ie] q [ie] [q4] [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] [w1] [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] [w5] [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] [w6] [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] [q4] [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] [w1] [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] [w5] [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro3] w [ro] [w3] [ro30] w [ro30] [w4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [qie4] [qie4] [qie4] [qie4] [sl1]||2 3 [zd5]|| 6 7 [sl6]|| 7 8 [pj4]||7 8 [sl1]||2 3 [zd5]|| 6 7 [ka3]|| [ka30]||[sl4]Level: 7Length: 04:13Intermediate
Don't Stop Believin
8| [o8] o [p8]|o[o8] 7 6| [p6] op[p6] s 5 4 5| [d5]d|[f5]|d5 7 [qp] p [qp] o [o8]s s8| 8 5 6 7 8| [o8] o [p8]|o8 7 [p6] s [s6] f [f6]| 6 6 [d5] d [d5] d [f5]|d7 0 [qp] s s [d9]s8| [s8] d [f8]| 8| 8| [f7] [s6] [d5]| 5| 5| [f5] [d5] [s6]| 6| 6| [f7] [h0] [qj]| q| q| [qj] [j8] [h8] f 8 7 8| [f7] [s6] [d5] f 5| 5| [f7] [d0] [sq]| q| q| [s0] [d9] [s8]| 8| 8| 8 9 6 s [s6] s [a5]| [s7] d [f8] f [f8] f [f8] d [s8] 0 q g [qg] g [g8] f [d8] s [d5]| [f5] f [d5]| 5 7 [f6] f [f6] f [d7] d [d9] d [sq] s [sq] s [s6] s [d6] s [d5] [f5] [d5] 5 5 5 [d5] [f5] [g5] 5 5 5 5 5Level: 4Length: 01:38Easy
Take Me Home, Country Roads
John Denver
E y y E E w | y t y Y y t E y y E E w | y t y Y y t E y y E E w | y t y Y y t E y E | y t y t E y e | E e E e E w | oooy y Y y t y | y t y t w | oooy y Y y t y | y t y t w E o o o y y Y y t y | y t y t w | y t y Y y t E y y E E w | y t y Y y t E y y E E w | y t y Y y t E y E | y t y t E y e | E e E e E wLevel: 2Length: 01:15Easy
Camila Cabello
T y p [9tp] [(t] p a s a o [wrtu] [wrtu] [Twru] [Twru] O p t [9qet] [5q] [5q] e E r t y t [10WE] [W39r] [0y] [6ws] [6wa] [6wp] [6wo] i [9t] [9t] o [9tp] [9ts] [5qp] P a [5qp] [5qo] [5qi] u [8r] [8r] [8E] [8E] [qe] p [qeo] [qei] [qeu] y [7e] [7e] u [7ei] [7ep] O [0W] [W0i] [W0u] i u [W0y] t [6w] [6w] [9Q] [9Q] T [9ty] p [9tp] [9t] [9t] [(t] [(t] [(tp] s [(ta] [uo] [0y] [0y] [0y] [0y] [eT] [eT] [eT] [eT] r [9et] i [9t] i [9t] [9t] [5q] [5q] t [ip] r [uo] e [8yi] [8wru] [7eyp] 7 e y i p [0yWO] p a [us] [us] [ya] [1tp] [3ro] [ei] 2 3 o [4p] o [6s] [5ya] [ya] [6tp] [7ro] [9ei] [wu] 8 1 2 3 5 $ 4 p [5o] [6i] [8u] y 7 8 u [9i] [qp] O 0 O [(i] [9u] i u [7y] t 6 6 7 8 * 9 y [2t] p 4 6 @ $ [6p] P a s [8a] f 3 5 ^ 9 * * ^ 6 6 [5f] f s s [qety] [etQY] D f s s [wrtu] [Twru] u o p s [2f] s 3 s 4 $ [5q] [5q] [6p] [^P] [7a] [8s] [9d] [8s] [8uOP] [O0ya] [6tuo] [9tuI] [E5yi] [E1ip] [E1ip] p P a s [rtu] a p [Tru] o i [qeu] o p [eQY] s a [qWY] p o [Wqy] i u [0WT] [wet] 4 a j [3h] [2g] h [1f] d 1 f [2g] [4j] H 3 g [@f] d 2 P [a] s 1 u [6s] u s a u w a p u p [ruo] [eti] 9 [4o] p P a s $ [5a] s a p a p o [Wri] [wru] 1 E E e [qtup] [0tuo] [qtui] [tu] [Wy] 3 [$tu] [%yi] [tup] [yO] 7 [Wyi] [Twu] 3 T y t 6 7 8 * 9 t O [Ytp] 3 4 $ 5 O [qp] [Yps] [Oya] [oaf] 3 5 ^ % [6p] [7a] [*S] [Pof] f s [qtyps] [tQY] I p s [9pD] [i%D] [5f] s [rtuos] [Tru] [Tru] u o p s [2i] p s f s 3 [is] 4 $ 5 v h v h e E r t y t [fl] 8 [gl] 9 [Gl] ( [hl] [$C] [5v] [1xm]Level: 6Length: 02:28Intermediate
Fly Me To The Moon
Frank Sinatra
e u p s f|[tod]||| w y o a d|[ysi]||| e u p s f|[tod]||| w y o a d|[ysi]||| [fe] u p u [sh]|[uto] h d s d|| w [yd] [od] [yd] [da] d [yspi] d f g f|| s d [fe] u p u [sh]|[uto] h d s d|| w [yd] [od] [yd] [da] d [yspi] d f g f| j j j [ke] uk[pk] [ul] [sl] j [uto]|| j j j [wk] [yk] [ok] [yj] [la] j [ypi]|| j j j [ke] uk[pk] [ul] [sl]|[utoj] j k k k l l| j j [xw] [yc] [xo] [yc] [xa] z [ypli] l j|| [gc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [utgec]|[xf]|[zd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xf] [xf] [vh]| [ywrka]|[pj] [oh] [gc] [gc] [ypigc] [gc] [gc]|[xf]|[gc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [utgec]|[xf]|[zd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xf] [xf] [vh] [vh] [ywrka]|[pj] [oh] [gc] [gc] [ypigc]| [gc]|[xf]|[vh] [gc] [xf] [zd] [zed] [usl] [zpd] [usl] [zsd] [sl] [uto] [gc]| [xf]| [vutoh] [gc] [xf] [zd] [zwd] [ysl] [zod] [ysl] [zda] [sl] [ypi] [zd] z [sl]| [ypigc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [gec] u [xpf] u [zsd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xutof] [xf] [vh]| [wka] y [poj] y a|[ypi]|| [yvpi] c x z [zute] l z l z l [uto] c|x|| [zywr] l z l z l [ypi] z|l| c c c c [utec]|x|z z [zuto]|z||x x v| [ywrk]|j||[ypi]||| [fe] u p u [sh]|[uto] h d s d|| w [yd] [od] [yd] [da] d [yspi] d f g f|| s d [fe] u p u [sh]|[uto] h d s f d|| w [yd] [od] [yd] [da] d [yspi] d f g f| j j j [ke] uk[pk] [ul] [sl] j [uto]|| j j j [wk] [yk] [ok] [yj] [la] j [ypi]|| j j j [ke] uk[pk] [ul] [sl]|[utoj] j k k k l l| j j [xw] [yc] [xo] [yc] [xa] z [ypli] l j|| [gc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [utgec]|[xf]|[zd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xf] [xf] [vh]| [ywrka]|[pj] [oh] [gc] [gc] [ypigc] [gc] [gc]|[xf]|[gc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [utgec]|[xf]|[zd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xf] [xf] [vh] [vh] [ywrka]|[pj] [oh] [gc] [gc] [ypigc]| [gc]|[xf]|[vh] [gc] [xf] [zd] [zed] [usl] [zpd] [usl] [zsd] [sl] [uto] [gc]| [xf]| [vutoh] [gc] [xf] [zd] [zwd] [ysl] [zod] [ysl] [zda] [sl] [ypi] [zd] z [sl]| [ypigc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [gec] u [xpf] u [zsd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xutof] [xf] [vh]| [wka] y [poj] y a|[ypi]|| [yvpi] c x z [zute] l z l z l [uto] c|x| [uto]|| [zywr] l z l z l [ypi] z|l| [ypic] c c c [utec]|x|z z [zuto]|z||[xuto] x v| [ywrk]|j||[ypli]||[ypi]|| [xute] z l z k|[uto] h z l k|[uto]| h [zywr] l k||[ypi] h x c x c [yxpi] z l l [utje]||[uto]|| h [xuto] z l z [zywr] lk||[ypi]|| [gc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [gec] u [xpf] u [zsd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xutof] [xf] [vh]| [wka] y [poj] [yoh] [gca] [gc] [ypigc] [gc] [gc]|[xf]|[ypigc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [gec] u [xpf] u [zsd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xutof] [xf] [vh] [vh] [wka] y [poj] [yoh] [gca] [gc] [ypigc]| [gc]|[xf]|[yvpih] [gc] [xf] [zd] [zuted] [sl] [zd] [sl] [zd] [sl] [uto] [gc]| [xf]| [vh] [gc] [xf] [zd] [zywrd] [sl] [zd] [sl] [zd] [sl] [ypi] [zd] z [sl]| [gc] [gc] [gc] [gc] [utgec]|[xf]|[zd] [zd] [zutod]|[zd]|| [xf] [xf] [vh]| [ywrka]|[pj]||[ypi]Level: 7Length: 03:17Intermediate
Without Me
u o u o u o u o u o u o u o u o [8u]
o u o u o u o u o u o u o u o [8u]
o u o u o u o [7y] I y I a I y I
[8p] a a p p 8||[0p] a a p p o [7u] I u y u |
o [8p] a a p p 8 u o||[0p] a a p p o 7 ||p a p | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | Qr [8k] | jh G f | jhG ||[0k] | jh G f G f h |
[8k] | jh G f ||jh G 0 ||h G [G0] 0 ||G f h [0u]|
u o u o u o u o u o u o u o u o |
[8p] a a p p 8||[0p] a a p p o [7u] I u y u |
o [8p] a a p p 8 u o||[0p] a a p p o 7 | p a p | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | Qr [8k] | jh G f | jhG ||[0k] | jh G f G f h |
[8k] | jh G f ||jh G 0 ||h G [G0] 0 ||G f h [0u]||
[0f][0h][0f][0h][0f] [0o] | [0o] [tk][tz][tk][tz] [tk] [0o] | h kzk zka [8k] | jh G f | jhG ||[0k] | jh G f G f h |
[8k] | jh G f ||jh G 0 ||h G [G0] 0 ||G f h d a p p aLevel: 4Length: 03:30EasyLovely
Billie Eilish
y P P p p P P [wo] | y y I I o | y P P p p P P o | y y I I o | [wo] [wo] | [EP] [EP] | y y I I oLevel: 2Length: 00:20Easy
Go Down Moses
uIop[wro] u | uIopa | popo[tup] oa | p p o u | y yyry yry u | uIop[wro] u | uIopa | popo[tup] oa | p p o u | y yyry yry u | yus asa pap pp o p I ra aaa aaa a a a a | fdsapoIra aaa aaa a a a a | yuo u yuo u u o p a | a | pop po p o a pou | y y uI I | yuo u u yuo u o p a | a | pop [wtu] po po [ato] pp ou yI II | r[wtu] uu uI II I[ruo] I [wrtu] | r[wtu] uu yuI II uIo I [wtu] | p pI I p p a | yuo u yuo u u o p a | a | pop [wtu] po p o [ato] pou | y y uI yuo u u yuo u o p a | a | pop po po a pp ou yI II u u [ru] [ru] | y y [ey] [ey] | u u [ru] [ru] | y y [ey] [ey] | ryuo[ruo] [ruo] [ruo] [ruo] | I I I I | [ruo] [ruo] [ruo] [ruo] | I I I I | ryuou | I | [wtu] | I | ad fLevel: 5Length: 01:55Intermediate
A Woman's Worth
Alicia Keys
[sup] | [sup] | [ayo] a s [ato] | p [tip] | e s [sup] s [ado] a o [ato] p [tip] | o t u [wtu] u [eyi] o p o | [etu] | t | e [wy]utu | yutu | tyutyutyutu | tyut [wtu] | [wty]ut[wtu] | t[wty]utyutyut[wtu] | r r r r r r r r | r r r r y T ree | e u e e | r t r e w | r r r r r r r r r r y T ree w | e u e e | r t r e w [ru] | [qwet] | [wery] | ooo o o p p | [ru] | [qwet] | [wery] | a o o o u yte [ru] | [qwet] | [wery] | ooo o o o o p a o p | u t y | e | [sup] | [sup] | [ayo] a s [ato] | p [tip] | [ayo] [sup] e s [sup] s [ado] a o [ato] p [tip] | o t u [wtu] u [eyi] o p o | [etu] | t | e [wy]utu | yutu | tyutyutyutu a [sup] | [sup] | [ayo] a s [ato] | p [tip] | [ayo] [sup] e s [sup] s [ado] a o [ato] p [tip] | o [wtu] | u [wtu] u [eyi] o p o | [etu] | t | e [wy]utu | yutu | tyutyutyutu | [etu] | t | [ey] | aa[ato] a [sip] a [ryp] | [etu] | t | [ey] | op[sip] | [tip]o[tu] | [wtu] | [qet] | [ety] | u [etu] u [eti] o p [tuo] | [wtu] | [suo] | [sfo] | [sfh] | [af] | [sup] | [ayo] a a [ato] | p [tip] | [ayo] [sup] e s [sup] s [ado] a o [ato] p [tip] | o [wtu] | u [wtu] u [eyi] o p o | [etu] | t | e [wy]utu | yutu | tyutyutyutu | [eru] | [qwet] | [wery] | [wt0]Level: 6Length: 02:50Intermediate
No Tears Left To Cry
Ariana Grande
u | y | [aruo] u | y | [aruo] u | y | [aruo] [aryo] | y | [wtuo] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] | [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e w e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] | [wtu] | [ey] | t [wr0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e w e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu0] | e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu] | [ay] [tuo] [tp][ro][tup]o uuu[auo]aap ppo[wru] uuopo [ayo] [ado] [wtu] | [ay] [tuo] po[tup]o | uuu[auo]aap ppo[wru] uuopo [ayo] [ado] [wtu] | o [ayo] [ado] [sfo] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] y [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu0] [wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e [wr0] | [wtu] | [ey] | t [wr0] y[wtu] | [ey] | [wr0] | e w e [wr] | [wry] | [wtu0] we [wr] |[wry] | [wtu] a [tuo] | a ap[tuo] | po[tup]o uuu[auo]a p ppo[wru] uu[ruo]po [ayo] | [ado] | [wtu] | o [ayo] | [ado] | [sfo] | o [ayo] | [ado] | [sfo]Level: 6Length: 02:25Intermediate
Ocean Eyes
Billie Eilish
T e [r0] | T W [e9] | erTyT e W r | W | T | [e9] | TreW | WWuyTyy T | TreW | WuyTyy TrTreWe Q | WTreWW 0 | TreW | WuyTyy T e | TreW | WuyTyy TrTreWe Q | TreWW Q | TreW | W WuyTyy T | rT | uy TrW | W | T | Q | erT | uI IO | u | yuu yy T | uII IO | u | yuu yy T | I I pI O | ua | pO O pI | uuII IO | uu | T u ry T | TreW | WWuyTyy T | TreW | WWuyTyy | TTTreWe Q | WWTreWW 0 | eyTrTrT rerer | euuuuy | TreWQ | TTrTrT rerer | WWWWWTTQ | e e eWeW QW WQWr er rTyT | e e eWeW QW WQWr er rTyT | e e eWeW QW WQWr er rTyT | 9 9 9 | 9 | [y9] I p S u O a f T u O S y I p S | GLevel: 4Length: 02:00Easy
Everything I Wanted
Billie Eilish
[sup] s s a p | we [sup] s s a p | y [etu] y u o y | yyu e t [et] | u uyu o y | ytyty t e | yyy t e | o o u [ryo] u[tuo] | [ryo] | [tup] | oopoou[ryo] [etu] [ryo] [tu] | ttouuy[qey] | tyu e | ouou[ryo] uo [ryo] | [tup] | oopoou[ryo] [etu] [ryo] [tu] | ttouuy[qey] | tyu e | ouou[ryo] | popoou[ryo] [etu] [ryo] [tu] y | ttouuy[qey] | tyu e | t i u | t r t r e | w et | r t r e | y u | yu o y | tyu | e t [stup] | s[ayo] | yu | yu o y | tyuyty | t t [etup] | yyy | t | t e o o u [etu]u u[tu] | u u [tu]yyt e e e e e e e [er] 9 9 9 9 9 9 [r9] 9 q q q q q q qiO [tup] oo | [etu] [ey] | tyuyty[etu] y t e | eettt r | ert e | ouou[ryo] u[tuo] | [ryo] | [tup] | pppopoou[ryo] [etu] [ryo] [tu] y | ttouuy[qey] | tyu e | t i u | [etu] [ry]y | [etu] yy | t [ry] | uyuy[etu] yy | u yy | t e | [qey]uuyuyu [qey]uuyuyuyu yy | u yy | t [ry] | uyuyu yy | u yy | t e [eyi] | e e | p | pLevel: 5Length: 02:20Intermediate
Billie Eilish
0 0 [0f]ffh[st] | sssp[ws] a[ay] pp o [yo] | [ao]aaa[su] aaa popo ua a | dfffhs | sssss[so] aa pp p oo[ao]aaas aa pp [tp]ouypa o | [ay][ay][yp] pp [yp] [yp] | ppa[yp] pp ppo | upa[yp] pp[yp] [yp] | o | a | sd h j | kj kj h fd | j | kj | kz | h | G f f d d s s a o | a s d | h | j | kj kj h fd | j | kj | kj | hfd | d o d | a p p [ok]kk | j | j | jjj | j j | jkkj h jh | f h k kj h | [dh] | a p po | aa[tp] pp | p p | ppap pp ppo | upa[tp] ppp p | [dr] o d | a p po | upap ppp p | upap [ryp]p o[ryo] | upap pp pp | [dry] o d | a p p o | [auo] | [suo] | [ayo] | wLevel: 5Length: 01:40Intermediate
Back To You
Selena Gomez
fff fff z zk | f f f f z zk | f G h Gf | h Gf G h Gf d | fff ffz zk | f f f f z zk | f G h Gf | h Gf G h Gf d | adfff adff | adff f a dff | fffhk klkjf | h | f | f | adff adff | f f d d adff | fffhk klkjf | h | f a apa a u aaa a | aaa a u aaa a | ppa s a a p o | opa s a a p o | aaa a u aaa a | oaa a a ddf a | upa s a a p o | I o | u | f | fff fff z zk | f f f f z zk | f G h Gf | h Gf G h Gf d | fff f f z zk | f f f f z zk | f G h Gf | h Gf G h Gf d | o o d a | apa o o d a | apa o o d a | apa | o o o u | o o d a | apa o o d a | apa o o d a | apa | f f | h | hG d | hG d a | hG d a p | h j k jh | k jh j k jh G | h j k jh | k jh j k jh G | h vC | oLevel: 3Length: 02:20Easy
Maroon 5
[suo] | d d d d | d s d d f d [sip] | [suo] | d d s [do] [do] | d d f d [sip] | [tip] | [ryp] | o [sfo] | [adh] | a [tip] | o [sip] s s d f | s [sfo] | [adh] | a [tip] | s s s d f d s | h [sfh] h f f [adh] | f d d | f | [sip] | h h h f f [shp] | [sfp] | [ado] | s s | h h h f f [shp] | f d d | [afo] ffj jh f[sfp] | ssj jh f[afo] d s [suo] | h h h f f [shp] | fd [ado] | [afo] | [sip] | h h h f f [shp] | [sfp] | [ado] | s s | h h h f f [shp] | f d d | [afo] ffj jh f[sfp] | ssj jh f[afo] | d [so] | [sfo] | [sfh] | g f [ado] | [adh] | g f [sip] | [shp] | g f d d [ado] | t d f f f g [sfo] | r d d d d [ado] | q s s s [sip] | s s [sup] s s s [ado] f [ado] | t f f f f f [sfo] | r d d d d [ado] | s d d d [dip] | d d [dup] | [dup] | [ado] f g f | h | j jh f[sfp] | ssj jh ff | d [so] | [suo]Level: 5Length: 02:05Intermediate
Love Somebody
Maroon 5
[eu] tu [to] uo [ip] ti p [to] u o p ti p [to] u o a yo [ao] sayo a | [es] | s d[ft] | ds | [qp] p g f[ft] | ds [qp] p g f[ft] | df f [wf] dd | w | o [se] s s dft | ds [qp] p g fft | ds [ip] p g ff t | ff [wf] dd | w | uo [ep] | p o[ut] | u u[iq] | i i u[u8] | t uu [iq] | i i u[ut] | uu u[uw]yi | w a a as [eti] i i i[wtu] | u uytu[wr] y | a a as [eti] i i i[wtu] | u uyty[ro] | a a as[eti] | os ds[wt] | s df[wr]f fdds[tup] s a as[eti] i i iu[wtu] u uytu[wr] y | uu tey y [w80]tt i uu[wy] y y | [qt]tt i uu[eu] i uu [wt] t i uu[wy] i uu | t uu | te t u | [tuo] |u o | [sup] | s df[tuo] | ds [tip] p g ff[to] | ds [tip] p g ff[tuo] | f f f dd | [se] | s dft | dd s [ip] p g fft | ds [ip] p g fft df f fwddg | w a a as [eti] i i i[wtu] | u uytu[wr] y | a a as[qet] i i i[wtu] | u uyty[ro] | a a as[eti] | os ds[wt] | s df[wr]f fdds[tup] s a as[eti] i i iu[wtu] u uytu[wr] y | uu [qt]e [eti] | [wtu] | [wry] | uu [qt]e [eti] | [wtu] | [wry] | t uyu teLevel: 5Length: 02:30Intermediate
It Ain't Me
[wy] tEt E tttEwwEty tEt E | wEt[wwy] Et | EtytEwwty|E t E ww ww | [5wd][5w] [5w] | [dj][5w][5w] | [5w] | [zdj] | [jzb] | P p | opP p | opP p | wwwww | P p | opP p o opP p | wwww[wyo] | [wy] tEt E tttEwwEty tEt E | wEt[wwy] Et | EtytEwwty|E t E ww ww | P p | opP p | opP p | wwwww | P p | opP p o opP p | [wyo]wwww[wyo] | d Ps d | ooood Ps s | ooood Ps s | oooo[do] Ps | s | w | d Ps d | ooood Ps s | ooood Ps s | oooo[do] Ps[w5]s s t [w5] | wLevel: 5Length: 01:23Intermediate
s [qsfp] g g | f g f g [dp] g | [fj] [duo] s s s s [qsfp] g g | f g f g [dp] g | j [duo] s s s [qsfp] g g | f g f g | [dp] g | j [duo] s s s [qsfp] g g | f g f g | [eyi] | [eyi] | [wtu] | [wtu] i E E [qet] | q u i [ey] | u i | p | t t i i u y t | u i E E i q i iu[qey] | u i | p | t | t | i i u y u | ty u i u t w | w q | [qet] | t [wt0] | yte | y i i i | o i | p p p [wyp] | o | [wry] p p | i ioiy | ip [tip] s p | ioi | ip p oi yiopp o i pio | t i o p p | t i o p p | t i o p p [qt]p | o i o iyy t p P s s|P | p | p | o i o y y t p P s [suo] | P | [ip] o p P p y y t p P s p | o | s | t t t P p o ioiuytt o o | io | io | iop | p p p [eyp] y y | P P P P i i | yo | po | iiy ytew | s a | ppooi | iiip | ooii | iiop | ooii | yt o p p p p P p i s | s d d d s spsp | t i o p p | t i o p P | p o i o y y t p P s s | P | p | o o o o i y t p P s s | P | p i o p P o y y t p P s p | o | s | p p p s P p o | i | oio | io | i[tuo] | i [tup] | i | t [etu] i i | u i u i q e t e | w | t u i i | u i u i q e t e | w | t u i i | u i u i q e t e | w | qLevel: 6Length: 03:20Intermediate
Best Thing I Never Had
[wry] | o | I | y ru | r w | e | [wry] | o | I | y ru | u e w [w8] | [wry] | opa oa po | r [wru] | r w [w8] e [w8]wer | tre | wQ0 | r | [wu] | yu | [w8] [wtu] | u [w8] u I o I u [r0] [wru] | u [w8] u I o I u [e9] I | I [e9] I o [e9p] oII | y | uopop[ayo][ayo] | a p a [yp] | [sip] | p | [tip] | oap | [ayo] [ayo] | [ay] p a [ado] | [sip] | p | [tip] | o[ati] p | 0 a [auo] a [a0] a a a [auo] | [auo] | p [wry] o p 9 y 9 9 | a | s | o f | [dro] | [seu] | [ayo] s [eu]apo[wy] p | u f [to] | | [dro] | [seu] | [ayo] s e uoasp [e9] | f h [to] | k | j[sh] | [dhk] | [fjl] | k jhj | y | uopasd [ayo] | [suo] | [ayo] | a p a [yp] | [sip] | p | [tip] | oa p | [ayo] | [ayo] | [suo] | [ayo] | a p a [ado] | [sip] | p | [tip] | o[ati] p | D s | s P s D | [SIP] | P | [TIP] | Os P [SIP] | q s s s [si] s s s s | sP O P Y ( Y Y | sS | O g g | D | S | s S | sPO P | i g | D | S | s S | sPO I i YLevel: 5Length: 02:30Intermediate
Spirit (The Lion King)
a a a a a a a [yp] | y p p p p p p [rp] [ro] t u o u o u o [yp] [0a] a a a d d d [yp] | I u y | p p p p o o | yp p p p | o o d [0p] a [au] | p | a | d | [ay] | p | o | [ru] | r r t | yy u o p [a0] | u | p | a | d | [ay] | p | o | o p | w w w o o p [su] a [op] [op] [auo] | [auo] | [auo][auo] [auo] a a p p p d | p | p p p p a | [tuo] | p p p p o u I [auo] | [auo] | a a p p p d | p | o o o p | u | p p p p p p p | d a d a d a d a d a d | d d a d a d | d d a d a d u I o p [auo] | [auo] | a a p p p d | p | p p p p [yo] | p o p s a p [uo] [au] a a [ay] a a a p | y p p p p p p p o | u o u o u o p a a a a d d d p | I I uyy | y p p p p p p p o | u o u o u o d p a a | p | a | [dp] | a | p | o | u | yy u o p a | p | a | d | a | p | o | o p | p o p s a p o y u fLevel: 5Length: 02:23Intermediate
Sweet Dreams
w w e r y | y y u y t r | w w w e r | r t r e | w r r r t r e w w w w e r y | y u y t r | w r r r r t r e wer r r t r e w w | r t t t w e | o o p a d d d f d s a | o p a a a s a p o p a a a s a p | o a a a s a p o o | w w e r y y y u y t r | e r r r t r e | wer r r t r e w w w w e r y | w y y | o o p a d | d d d f d s a | o p a a a s apo | o a a a s a p o | o o p a d | d d f d s a | o p a a a s a p o p a a a s a p | o a a a s a p o o o o d s a a | p o I o I u u | o o d s a a | p o o I o I u | o o d s a sa p o | o o | d | apapo | w w e r y | y u y t r | o p a a a s a p o p a a a s dadapouyuo | o o o p a d | d d f | dsapopa | a d d a a a s a p o p a a a s a p o a a a s a p o o | w w e r yLevel: 2Easy
If I Were A Boy
[eyi] i i i [eyi] i i i [et] t t t [et] t t t [wtu] u u u [wtu] u u i y y y y | p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y | p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y | [yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [st] | [st] |[st] [EP] | [ep] | [qi] | E t y u i [yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [st] | [st] |[st] [EP] | [ep] | [qi] | P P P P P P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [eyi] | i i P p o i P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [e9] | P p o P | i [eyi] | i P p o P | p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y | p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y | y | y | y t e | y | y | y t e | t | t | t E e | q | [qy] | y | y t [9qe] | [qy] | y | y t [9qe] | [qt] | t | t E [qe] | q P P P P P P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [eyi] | i i P p o i P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [e9] | P p o P | P P P P P P | p p | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [qey] | i i P p o i P | p p | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [ey] | [EP] [ep] [wo] [EP] | i i [ey] | i [EP] [ep] [wo] [EP] | [qy] | i i i i i P | p p | o | i i [eyi] i i i P | p p | o | i i i i P | p p [etu] o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | y | y | y t e | y | y | y t e | t | t | t E e | q | P P P P P P | i i [ey] | i P p o [EP]Level: 5Length: 04:10Intermediate
Wrecking Ball
Miley Cyrus