Music Sheets
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6w] e [6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e|[3e] 5 [5w] [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e|[3e] 5 5 [3e] [2e]
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3w] [2e]
[6tu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8 [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] [6uf] [8ep] [ep] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf]|[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30ts] [ts]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]|e [3w] [5e] [5w] [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 [5e] [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]|e 3 [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
[6e]|[6e] [3tu] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
[2yd]|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6ts] [5yd]
2|[yd] [6ts] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[yd] [6yd] [8yd]|[6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] [6wo] [8wo] [WO] [6ep] 5
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29ep] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5etu] e 3 2
[6etu]| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e] 6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] 3 2 6| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e]
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
[2yd] [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2 [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
2|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] 6 [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [etu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e e [3w] [5e] [5e] [3e] [2w]
6 e [6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf]|
[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30uf]|[30] [30]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
[2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
[2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
[6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
[6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
[6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[5oh]|5 2 4|[2uf] [1oh]
[5oh]|[5uf] [2oh] 4|[2uf] 1
[2ig]|9 6 8|[6uf] 5
[2yd]|[9uf] [6yd] [8ts]|[6yd] 5
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 5 4 3 2 1
6 e [6etu] [3e] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
[6etu]|e [3e] [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6w] e [6etu] 3 5 [etu] [3e] [2e]
[6tu] e|3 [5e] 5 [3e] 2
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3e] [2e] [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
2 [yd] [9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[9yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] 5
[2uf] [uf] [9uf] [6uf] [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30uf] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29ep] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
[2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
[2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
[6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
[6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
[6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6|r 3 [5t] 5 [3y] 2
[5oh]|5 2 4 4 [oh] [ig]
[5uf]|[5oh] [2ig] [4uf] [4ts] [yd] [uf]
[2ig]|9 6 8 8 [ig] [uf]
[2yd] [ts] [9ig] [6uf] [8yd] [8ts] [yd] [ts]
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]Level: 6Length: 05:53IntermediateRed Right Hand (Peaky Blinders Main Theme)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
[6s]| |[80es] a p O
[4p]| |[8qeu]| oi u
[1u]| |[580t]| |
[W3r]| |[70%W]| u|
[6s]| |[80es] a p O
[4p]| |[8qeu]| oi u
[1u]| |[80wt]| |
[W3ru]| |0| u|
[6S]| |[0wT]| Pp o
[6S]| |[0wT]| Pp o
[6id]| |[ip]|||
0| wq 0
[30t]| |t r e W
[es] r t y u [ya] [tp] [rO]
[3ryip] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi]
[30rui] [rui] [30rui] [rui] [30ryuO] [ryu] [30ryu] [ryu]
[@tp]@ e Q e [@(t] Q ( Q
[@(] Q ( Q [@(r] Q [(e] Q
[3u]3 e 0 e [3t] e 0 e
[30]3| |[70W]| |
[68e]| |[8e]| |
[3e]| 6| [8e]| 0|
[48qe]| |[8qe]| |
[1qe]| 4| [6qe]| 8|
[2qer]| |[qer]| |
[7qer]| 4| [7qer]| 8 9
[80e]| |[380e]| |
[370e]| |[370W]| |
[680]Level: 8Length: 01:12ExpertLogan's Return (Succession)
Nicholas Britell
[68t]|6 6 [7r]|
[8t]|6 6 [7r]|
[69y]|6 6 [8t]|
[0u]|6 6 [9y]|
[18t]|[8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t]|[8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y]|[9y] [9y] [8t]|
[10u]|[0u] [0u] [9y]|
[1qi]|[qi] [qi] [0u]|
[18t]|[8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t]|[8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y]|[9y] [9y] [8t]|
[18t]|[7r] [7r] [qi]|
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 66666666
[68t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[68t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[69y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[60u] [0u] [0u] [0u] [9y]|
[68t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[68t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[69y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[6qi] [qi] [qi] [qi] [0u]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[10u] [0u] [0u] [0u] [9y]|
[1qi] [qi] [qi] [qi] [0u]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [7r]|
[19y] [9y] [9y] [9y] [8t]|
[18t] [8t] [8t] [8t] [qi]|
[1qi] [qi] [qi] [qi] [0u]|
[1wo] [wo] [wo] [wo] [qi]|
[1EP] [EP] [EP] [EP] [ep]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ig]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [uf]|
[1ts] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ig]|
[sl]|[sl]|[gc]Level: 4Length: 01:25EasyDaemon And Caraxes Leave Dragonstone (HOTD)
Ramin Djawadi
e W e 0 e W e t e W e 0 e W e t
[ep] W [ep] [0a] [es] W e t e W e 0 e W e t
[es] W [es] [0ad] [esf] W e t e W e 0 e W e t
[rad] e [rad] [0sf] [rdg] E r y [8sf] 0 e t u| [sf] j
[9wah] 5 9 w [rdg] w 9 5 [esf] 0 t e 0 8 [6sf] [3j]
[25dh] 5 9 w r w [9ag] 5 [esf] 0 t e 0 8 [6s] [3p]
[2sf] 4 [6pd] 9 [es] q 9 6 [2ps] 4 [6a] 9 [ep] q 9 6
[2ip] 4 [6p] [9O] [ep] q [9s] 6 [%Oa] 7 0 W u| |
[6p]| |[30f]| f| [6ps]| [ps]| [3ps]| [6ps]|
[O3ua]Level: 6Length: 04:48IntermediateSiobhan and Tom (Succession)
Nicholas Britell
[6e]| [6e] [6e]| [6e]
[6e]| [6e] [6e]| [6e]
[6e] er[6t] [6et] [et][ry][6tu]
[W6ry] [Wry][tu][W6yi] [6etu]|u[6tp]
[3ryo]6 3y[6i]6[6etu] 6u[tp]u[6ryo] 6yi
[6etu] 6 t [4qet] [ry]q[qet]
[4qet] [wr]q[qe] [4qe] q q
[30W] [0u] [30r] [6e] er[6et]
[6etu]i[et][ry][6tu] [W6y]r[Wry][tu][W6yi]
[6etu]|u[6tp]u[3ryo]6 3y[6i]6[6etu] 6u[tp]u
[6ryo] 6yi [6etu] [6y] t
[4et]q[qey]r[qet] [4qt]e[qwrt]y[qeu]
[4qeu] [qu]i[qu] [30W] [W0u] [30WO]
[6eps] [6e] [6e] [6et] [6e] [6e]
[W3r] [W3r]t[W3y] [6etu] [6e]u[6eps][tu]
[360yoa] [60]y[60i] [6etu] [6e]u[6eps][tu]
[6yoa] [60]y[60i] [6etu] [6y] [6t]
[4qetu]0[qey][qr][qet] [4qt]e[wrt][qy][qeu]
[2qeu] [9qp] [9q] [30W]O[0W] [30W]
[6ep] [6e]0[6e] [6e] [6e] [60e]
[60e] [6e] [6e] [6e] [6e] [60e]
[60e]Level: 8Length: 00:55ExpertDark Minuet (Succession)
Nicholas Britell
[6e]|t|u| e
[6e]|t|u| e
[6e]|t|u| e
[6e]|t|u| e
[6p]ut[6e]Level: 5Length: 01:12IntermediateRehearsal (Succession)
Nicholas Britell
[ups]| |[ups]| |
[ipd]| |i| |
[ypa]| |[yoa]| |
[uos]| |[uof]| |
[top]| |[tip]| |
[yiP]| |[yid]| |
[ruO]| |y| |
[tup]| |[etu]| |
[6ups]| j| [etus]| 6|H j
[30uos]| |[tos]| [tos]|
[4top]| g| [tip]| q|f g
[6eups]| |6|||
[6ups]| |[eups]| |
[4qyipd]| |g| |
[5ypa]| |[wyoa]| |
[30tuos]| |f| |
[4top]| |[qtip]| |
[29yiEP]| |d| |
[30upsf]| |[O30uaf]| |
[6etup]| |[etu]| |
[6ups]| j| [etus]| 6|H j
[30uos]| |[tos]| [tos]|
[4top]| g| [tip]| q|f g
[0tupf]|s|f|o [0ruOH]|a|f|
[6eups]| |6Level: 8Length: 02:03ExpertTom and Shiv (Succession)
[0s]eyou wr[uf][ok][pzv]
tipfbg gb f[gb]
[ps] jbk lb k[hm] [sfv]| v|
xd v vz|||
[tm]uOnm[sv] mdmvaLevel: 5Length: 01:13IntermediateIf I Am With You (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Yoshimasa Terui
[8tg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[6eg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[4qh] s o s g s o s f s o s g s h s
[5wd] s o s d s o s d|||
[0wos]| [os] qw[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] ew[oa] q0[oa] 9
[68eos]| [os] 90[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] 8w[qoa] 0 [9oa] 8
[48qos]| [os] 50[oa]| [oa]|
[od]| [od] 5[0oa] q[oa] w
[os] 9 [os]| [os]| [os]|
[oa]| [oa]| [oa]| [oa] w
[5wtu]| [wt] io[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] po[wr] i [wru] y
[6wt]| [wt] yu[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] o[wri] u [wry] t
[4wt]| [wt] wu[wr]| [wr]|
[wy]| [wy]| [wru]u i[wr] o
[wt] y [wt]| [wt]| [wt]|Level: 7Length: 01:05IntermediateStronger Together (Ladybug and Cat Noir)
Jeremy Zag
d f h l k h|
[pf]|d f [ph] d f h
[id]|d f [ih] d f h
[ep]|p o [ep] o p s
[qd]|d f [qh] d f h
[wd]|f|[ws]|s d
[4f] h [8f]|q|o p
[5s] d [9s]|w|s d
[6f] h [0f]|e|l k
h|m n v|s d
[4f] h [8f]|q|o p
[5s] d [9s]|w|s d
[6f] h [0f]|e|0|
e|0|[6l] k h|
[4sgj] 8 q w [eph] f d|
[5os] 9 w [eo] [rd] s d|
[6psf] 0 e r [tos]|e|
[1sfh] 5 8 9 [0f]l k h|
[4sgj] 8 q [ws] [eph] f d|
[5os] [9o] [wp] [es] [rd] s d|
[6us] [0p] [es] [rd] [tf] s [ed]|
[1sfh] 5 8 9 [0f]l k h|
[4sgj] 8 q [ws] [eph] f d|
[5os] [9o] [wp] [es] [rd] s d|
[6os] 0 [eh] r [tos]|[ed]|
[1sf] 5 8 [9o] [0s] a o|
4 [8o] [qp] [ws] [ef] d s f
[5pd] 9 w e [rya]|h|
[6s] [0o] [es] [rd] [tf]|[eh]|
[6l] h [0j] h [el] k h|
4 o [tup] s d|[tuh]|
[5f]|[wy]|dfd [wus]|
6 o [eup] s d|[euh]|
4 o [tup] s d|[tuh]|
[5f]|[wy]|dfd [wus]|
[6l] k [tuh] f d f [tuh]|
[^q]|s d [Eqf] s h s
[^w]|s d [Ewf] s h s
[60e]|s d [0ef] p h p
[60w]|s d [0ef] p h p
[%(t]|s d [(WD] s h s
[%(t]|s d [(WD] s h s
[59wos]|s d [wtyd] s h s
[wtyd] s h s [wtyd] s h s
s d
[qf] h f||o p
[ws] d s||s d
[ef] h f||l k
h|m n v|s d
[qf] h f||o p
[ws] d s||s d
[ef] h f|||
s d
[qf] h f||o p
[ws] d s||s d
[ef] h f||l k
h|m n v|s d
[qf] h f||o p
[ws] d s||s d
[es] d s|||
l k h|
[ij]||h f d|
[os]||d s d|
h||fl k h|
[ij]||h f d|
[os]||d s d|
s||sl k h|
[ij]||h f d|
[os]||d s d|
jLevel: 7Length: 02:24IntermediateFireworks Festival (Weathering With You)
[pflb]|x| |b x b
[afzn]|[hx]| |n x n
[sgxm]|h|m z m [ahzn]|h|n v x
[pf]|[hz]|l|[uH] [dk]|f g f|
[pl] f x b|[hx] h| d f g h f|b x b
[fz] h n|m n|x|d f g h f|x n m
[sc] [gz] j|h|x [jm] n a d f [kv]|b n b
p|[fl]|[dk]|[ah]|[Sopf]|k L|z|
[ij] [px] s|z|v|[ok] [ax] f|z|k l
[uh] [oz] a|l|v|[ph] [sk] f|[uphl]|
[ik] [px] s|z|v|[oJ] [dx] b|v|m n x
p a s h| a d f k|
[ik] [px] s|[jz]|v|[ok] [ax] f|[hz]|k l
[uh] [oz] a|[fl]|v|[ph] [sk] f|[uphl]|
[Eg] j [iz] [px] [dc]|[fv]|[Jgzb]| [sb]|[gz]|
[pdx] v z||[Ljxv]| |
[pflb]|[hx]| |b x b
[afzn]|[hx]| |n x n
[sgxm]|h|m z m [ahzn]|h|n v x
[pf]|[hz]|l|[uH] [dk]|f g f|
[pflb]|[hx]| d f g h f|b x b
[fhzn]|m n|x|[dx] [fz] [gl] [hk] h|x n m
[sgjzc]|h|x [jm] n a d f [kv]|b n b
[pf]|[hjz]| [od]|[hjx]|
[is] f h [jc]| [fk] x b||
[zV]Level: 7Length: 01:55IntermediateBelieve Me (Steins;Gate)
Takeshi Abo
u i o s| o s d
f s o g s o y t
[qrsf] d f j| j f d
[waf] d f k| [tk] [yf] [od]
[od] s d h| h d s
[eya] s d h [wt] d||
[esf] d f j u j f d
[wyaf] d f k| k [ol] h
[yz] l k l| [ok] [ph] [ad]
[sz] x| x a| zzzz
[580wtu]| |[80wtuo]| |
[48qtip]| |4| |
[59wyoa]| |5| |
[379ryo]| |[59wyod]| |
[60wupf]| |[58w]| |
[er]tyoaoysoyaoyoytLevel: 8Length: 02:27ExpertAgain (Your Lie In April)
Masaru Yokoyama
[6et]| [6et]| [6et]| [6et] 5
[5wt]| [5wt]| [5wt]| [5wt] 4
[4et]| [4et]| [4et]| [4et] 5
[5wt]| [5wt]| [5wt]| [5wt] 6
[6et]| [6et]| [6et]| [6et] 5
[5ro]| [5ro]| [5ro]| [5ro] 4
[4et]| [4et]| [4et]| [4et] 5
[5ey]| [5ey]| [5ey]||u
[0eta]sda| s| h|
[wd]ry| |u
[qeta]sda| u| fds
[9wra]||d [0ry]||u
[0eta]sda| s| [oh]|
[wryp]j| |hgfdgf
[qets]| |fasdhs
[wrya]||p| |
[uoaf]| [oadh]| [sfhl]| [afhk]|||
[uoaf]| [oadh]| [sfhl]| [psfj]|||
[6a]sd[368a]| [368s]| [368h]|
[5d]| [579]| [579]| [579] u
[4a]sd[468a]| [468u]| [468f]ds
[257a]||d [379]||u
[6a]sd[368a]| [368ps]| [368odh]|
[5pfj]| [579]| [579s]fhgf [579d]gf
[4s]| [468]| [468f]as[468d]hs
[579a]||p| |
p| p| p| p|
p| p| |
[ep]| [ep]| [ep]| [ep]|
[ep]| [ep]| |
[6s] [0tu] o d a s o|
[7s] [0tu] o d a s o|
[8s] [0tu] o d a s o|
[9s] [0tu] o d a s o|
6 s p s p d p d
p g p g p f p f
6 s p s p d p d
p g p g p f p f
6 [ts] p [ts] p [yd] p [yd]
p [ig] p [ig] p [uf] p [uf]
6 [ts] p [ts] p [yd] p [yd]
p [ig] p [ig] p [uf] p [uf]| |
[30] [8t] [0t]
[4qey]| [468]| [5y] u [579r] t
[6y] t [680r] w [680e] t[680r]wt
[4ey]| [468]| [5y] u [579r] t
[18wy]| [80wo] i [80wu] t [80wy] e
[4qey]| [468]| [5y] u [579i] u
[6y]| [680t] r [680e] r[680w]|
[5e]rew[579e]| [579] 9 [5790] r
[4e] t[468e]| [468] [0u] [ts] [ts]
[4yoad]| [468]| [5yd] [uf] [579ra] [ts]
[6ypd] [ts] [680ra] [wo] [680ep] [ts][680ra][wo][ts]
[4ypd]| [468]| [5yd] [uf] [579ra] [ts]
[1yoad]| [80woh] [ig] [80wuf] [ts] [80wyd] [ep]
[4yoad]| [468]| [5yd] [uf] [579ig] [uf]
[6ypd]| [680ts] [ra] [680ep] [ra][680wo]|
[5ep][ra][ep][wo][579eup]| [579] [9y] [5790u] [ra]
[4eup] [ts][468etp]| [468] [9y] [0u] [ts]
[6ep]| p| p| p|
p| p| p||u
[6u]psf3a[7s] 8| u aos
[5yoa]s3o[7y] 9||a s
[4ps]f1a[5s] 6| s [pf][ad][os]
[5os]| |[ad]| [sf]|
[6d]hkl3z [6k] 7 l| hlzv
[5j]zxb3 5 0 lxvcx [kz]cx
[4jl] 1 4 5 hlxkl [jz]vl
[5kz] 3 5 3| u s s
[qd]| [et]| [wd] f [rya] s
[ed] s [tua] o [tup] s[tua]os
[qd]| [et]| [wd] f [rya] s
[td]| [uoh] g [uof] s [uod] p
[qpd]| [et]| [wd] f [ryg] f
[ed]| [tus] a [tup] a[tuo]|
[wp]apo[ryp]| [ry] y [ryu] a
[qp]| [et]||y u a
[6p]Level: 8Length: 04:33ExpertLevi's Choice (Attack on Titan)
Hiroyuki Sawano
o|u e [468]||
o|u e [579]||
o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e|
uuuo [468] u e t [579] r|w [680]
uuuo [570]|uue [468]|e t [579] r|w [680]
uuo|[570u] ooouo [468] u e t [579] r|w [680]
uu i [570o] iu y [468t]|e t [579] y|t [468]|
o u [579]|t y [69q]|||
[468] t ou [579u]|
t y [69q]|u|i|
t [468o]oo o u|
ttt[579o]|o r|
ee [680o]o o u|o|e|u|
t ooo o u [468]|
t ooo o r [579]|
e ooo o u [680] o|||
t ooo o u [468]||
o|u y [579]||
o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e uu uuo
[468] u e t [579] r|w [680] uuu [570o] uuue
[468]|e t [579] r|w [680] uuo u[570u] o ouo
[468] u e t [579] r|w [680] uuu [570o] iu y[468y] t e t
[579] r|t [680] [tu][tu][ro][ro]
[570ro] [ro][ro][ro] [ro][ro][468ro] u e t
[579] r|r [680] oo i [570u] y|yt[468] t e t
[579] r|t [680]|o u [570]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i|o|
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i|o t
[468o]oo o u| ttt[579o]|o r| ee
[680o]o o u|o|e|u|t ooo o u [468]|
t ooo o r [579]| e ooo o u [680] o|||
t ooo o u [468]||o|u y [579]||o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e||
[468t]|o u [579]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q] y t| y|
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468]|[et][et] [et] [ry]|
[579]|[ry][ry] [ry] [tu]|
[680] [uo] [yi] [tu]|[ry]|
[ry] [ry] [ry] [et][et]||
[468]|[et][et] [et] [ry]|
[579ry][ry] [ry][ry] [ry][tu]|
[680] [uo] [yi] [tu]|[uo] [yi]|
[tu]|[ry] [ryo]|
u e [468]||o|
u e [579]||o|
u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|ttto|o r [579]|ee oo o u [680] o|e|u| [468]|
t ooo o u [468]| t ooo o r [579]||e u|[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|ttto|o r [579]|ee oo o u [680] o|e|u| [468]|
t ooo o u [468]| t ooo o r [579]||e u|[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|||
t ooo o r [579]|||
e u|
[680y]|t e||
[680]| eet|t y [680]|ee ttt t e
[680]| eet|t yY[680y]|ee ttt t e [680]Level: 7Length: 04:20IntermediateStranger Things (Running Up That Hill) (Alternative)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
[0etp]| [0et]|[0et]|
[qeti]| [qet]|[qet]|
[qey]| [qe]|[qe]|
[9wro]| [9wr]|[9wr]|
[0etp]| [0et]|[0et]|
[qeti]| [qet]|[qet]|
[qey]| [qe]|[qe]|
[9wro]| [9wr]|[9wr]|
[60e]|[60e] y y t t|
[48q]|[48q] y y t t|
[269]|[269] y y t t|
[59wr]|[59w] r|t t|
[60e]|[60e] y y t t|
[48q]|[48q] y y t u|
[269]|[269] y y t t|
[59wr]|[59w] r|t t|
[48qu] u[48q] i u y t|
[59wu] u[59w] i u y t|
[48qu] u[48q] i u y t t
[269i] u[269] y t u t
[59wy]|[59w]|[%(W] a [%(W] p
[60e]|[60e]|[60es] a [60eo] p
[48q]|[48q]|[48qs] a [48qo] p
[269] p [269] p [269] f [269] d
[59w] f [59w]|[%(W] a [%(W] p
[60e] s [60e] a [60e] o [60e] p
[48q]|[48q]|[48qs] a [48qo] p
[269] p [269] p [269] f [269] d
[59w] f [59w]|[%(W]|[%(W]|
[60e]|[60e] y y t t|
[48q]|[48q] y y t t|
[269]|[269] y y t t|
[59wr]|[59w] r|t t|
[60e]|[60e] y y t t|
[48q]|[48q] y y t u|
[269]|[269] y y t t|
[59wr]|[59w] r|t t|
[48qu] u[48q] i u y t|
[59wu] u[59w] i u y t|
[48qu] u[48q] i u y t t
[269i] u[269] y t u t
[59wy]|[59w]|[%(W] a [%(W] p
[60e]|[60e]|[60es] a [60eo] p
[48q]|[48q]|[48qs] a [48qo] p
[269] p [269] p [269] f [269] d
[59w] f [59w]|[%(W] a [%(W] p
[60e] s [60e] a [60e] o [60e] p
[48q]|[48q]|[48qs] a [48qo] p
[269] p [269] p [269] f [269] d
[59w] f [59w]|[%(W]|[%(W]Level: 6Length: 01:51IntermediateMiraculous Ladybug
Noam Kaniel
[16f] D d3 [6s] a3p [27a]| [7u] 9|[7g]|
[3%] f D7 [9d] s7a [6s]| [3p] [6p]|3 f
[16] D d3 [6s] a3p [27a]| 7 [9p]|[7O]|
[3%] O|[7p] [9a]|7|
[16] p a8 [0s] d8g
7 f|[7d] [9g]|[7f]|
[16] [13]|[13s] [13f]|[27s] [16f]
[68] u y t r e [247r] r t7 y|4|
[37]| [0r] t y7 [3r]
[136y] t|[3r] [8e] 0 3|
[136] u|[3y] t|[8r] e
[27r]| [7r] t|[4y]|
[37]|r [0t] y 7r [3y]
[136t]| [6t] y|[3u]|
[!36]|T [6y] u T6u
[26y]| [9u] y i 6|
[25]| [7w] y r5y
[135t] t t8 y u 1 2
[146]| q8 t e7 t4
[27r] r t7 y|[4t] r
[237] r t9 y 7 3
[136]|0 [30] [8r]|[6e]|
[146] g f [6d] s a [4p] u
[4q] 6|6 6|4 [6e]
[4t] 6 u 6 6 y 4 6
[7r] [37W]|7 [70]|[3e] [7r]
7 [37]i u7 [70y]|7 [37r]
[67y] [46]i 6 6|6 [46u]
[6y] [46]i y6 6 y6i[26]
[7p] [37]OO 7 [79] u 7 [37]
[7i] [37]u y7 [79r] t7y[37]
[1t] [16]|3 8|3 1
[4d] [8s] [qa] [3o] p 7 a
[67p] p O3 [68o] u3i
[46] u[68] y[8q] [34W] [49] [qW]
[36r] 3e [38t] [38]||Level: 5Length: 01:20IntermediateTuyo (Narcos Theme)
Rodrigo Amarante
[68] u u u u| u
[37y]|r w||w
[68u]|u|y t y|
[48] t i|i|i u
[38] y|t||t
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [0ru]||
[68]|u u u u|u
[37y]|r w||
[68u] u| y|t y
[48] i i i i| i
[38u]|y t||t
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [0ru]||
[%0]|[37] u o p
[48]|u u o p|p
[38] o y t||
[48]| o p a s a
[57] p [57] o [57] u [57o] p
[38o] u|t| t y
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [0ru]||
[%0]|[37] u o p
[48]|u u o p|p
[57] o [57] p [57]|[57o]|
[68]|[68] p p a s a
[57] p [57] o [57]|[57]|
[26i] s|s|s|o
[38] s|s||
[38s]| [$9s]| [%0s] a|
u u o p|p
[48]|u [57u] o p|s
[68] u u u u| u
[37y]|r w||w
[68u]|u|y t y|
[48] t i|i|i u
[38] y|t||t
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [%0ru]||
[68]|u u u u|u
[37y]|r w||
[68u] u| y|t y
[48] i i i i| i
[38u]|y t||t
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [%0ru]||
[%0]|[37] u o p
[48]|u u o p|p
[38] o y t||
[48]| o p a s a
[57] p [57] o [57] u [57o] p
[38o] u|t| t y
[38u]|u [$9y]|t [%0ru]||
[%0]|[37] u o p
[48]|u u o p|p
[57] o [57] p [57]|[57o]|
[68]|[68] p p a s a
[57] p [57] o [57]|[57]|
[26i] s|s|s|o
[38] s|s||
[38s]| [$9s]| [%0s] a|
u u o p|p
[48]|u [57u] o p|s
p|[3u] [5o] [6p]Level: 5Length: 01:57IntermediatePokemon Theme (J. Siegler)
[6p] 6 8 6|p d [pf]
1 1 3 1|s d [oa]
3 3 5 3|3 3|
3 3 5 3||
[6us] 6 8 6 p p|[fh]
1 [fh] 3|1 [fh]|[ah]
3 [of] 5 [of] 3 3 3|
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[6tu] 6 8 [6p] p p|[fh]
1 1 3 1||d
[3ah] j 5 [of] 3 3 3|
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[6tu] 6 8 6 p p p [fh]
1 f s [fh] 1 f s [ah]
3|[5j]|[3of] 3 3|
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[6tu] 6 8 6 p p 6 [fh]
1 [fh] 3|1 1 1 s
[3ah] f 5|[3of] 3 3|
[3yo] 3 [5yo] 3 [yo]|[yp]|
[6tp] 6 8 6|6 6|
1 u 3|1 h|[ah]
3 [of] 5 [of] 3||
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[6sf] 6 6 [6s] [6ps] 6 6 6
[6tp] 6 6 6 [6us] 6 6 6
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[4pf] 4 4 [4pg] 4 [4ps] 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
[5ys] 5 5 [5ys] 5 5 [5ro] 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 [5d]
[6sh] [6j] 6 [6fk] 6 6 [6sj] 6
6 6 6 6 6 [6k] [6f] 6
[5hl] 5 5 [5k] [5ah] 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 [5ah] [5j] 5 [5fk]
4 4 4 [4fj] 4 4 4 4
[4tuo] 4 [4tuo] 4 [4tuo] 4 4 4
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[6sf] 6 6 [6s] [6ps] 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[4pf] 4 4 [4pg] 4 [4ps] 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
[6p] 6 8 6|p d [pf]
1 1 3 1|s d [oa]
3 3 5 3|3 3|
3 3 5 3|3 3|
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[6sf] 6 6 [6s] [6ps] 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[4pf] 4 4 [4pg] 4 [4ps] 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[6sf] 6 6 [6s] [6ps] 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
[5ad] 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 [5d] 5 [5ah] 5 [5g] 5
[4pf] 4 4 [4pg] 4 [4ps] 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 [8us]Level: 6Length: 02:03IntermediateNew Year's Day (Glee Cast)
James S. Levine
[6e] [680u]| [80u]
[6Y]u[80i] 3 [80u]
[2y] [9qep] 6 [qe]
9 [qe] 6 [qe]
[9p]y[qep] 6 [qep]
[9O]p[qea] 6 [qep]
[6s] [680] 3 [80]
6 [80] 3 [80]
[6d]f[80p] 3 [80p]
[6a] [80s] [3a]sap[80]
[2d] [9qep] 6 [qe]
9 [qe] 6 [qep]a
[9s] [qes]d[6a] [qea]s
[9p] [qep]a[6O] [qeu]Y
[6p] [etu] 7 [etu]
[18] [etu] [30] [etu]
[6d]f[80p] 3 [80p]
[6a] [80s] [3a]sap[80]
[2d] [9qep] 6 [qe]
9 [qe] 6 [qep]a
[9s] [qes]d[6a] [qea]s
[9p] [qep]a[6O] [qeu]Y
[6p] [etu] 7 [etu]
[18] [etu] [30] [etu]
[6e] [680u] 3 [80u]
[6ep]| [30u]|
[6e]Level: 6Length: 00:26IntermediateThe Game is On (Sherlock)
David Arnold
o|a oy
[8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
[7u] u y [0o] [0a] oy
[6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
[5o] o ou [0a]||
[8o] owpP [9a] oe yu
[5o] o9pP [0a] or u
[8o] uow u [9o] uoe u
[5s]a o9 u [0a]|r|
[8o] owpP [9a] oe yu
[5o] o9pP [0a] or u
[8o] uow u [9o] uoe u
[5s]a o9 p [5o]||
8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
5|9|0 [oP] [Ora]|
8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
5|9|0 [oa] [ruo]|
8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
5|9|0 [oP] [Ora]|
8|w|9 [iO] [Iep]|
5|9|5 [oa] [uo]|
[8a] s [wa] s [9d]|[ea] s
[5a] s [9d]|[0s]ds [ra] s
[8a]o owou [9a]o oeou
[5o] o9ou [0a]|r|
[8a] s [wa] s [9d]|[ea] s
[5a] s [9d]|[0d] s [ra] s
[8a]o owou [9a]o oeop
[5o] oo9oa [5o]||
[5d]|[wa]|[5p]|[wa] pa
[0p] o [rp] a 0|r a
[8f]|[wa]|[8p]|[wo] oo
[9o] p [ea] d 9|e|
[5d]|[wa]|[5p]|[wa] pa
[0p] o [rp] a 0|r a
[5o]| 9 5| oy
[8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
[7u] u y [0o] [0a] oy
[6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
[5o] o ou [0a]| oy
[8u] u y [9o] [9o] y
[7u] u y [0a] [0o] oy
[6u] u uy [9o] [9o] op
[5o] o oa o|hkvLevel: 5Length: 01:28IntermediateRenai Circulation (Bakemonogatari)
Satoru Kosaki
[8sl] w [tjb] w [uhv] t [wfx] t
[7rak] w [rfx] [wgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
[8sl] w [tjb] w [uhv] t [wfx] t
[7rak] w [rfx] [wgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
[8pj] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
[9oa] [wps] [roa] [wip] [yo] w [ros] w
[8t] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
[9oa] [wps] [roa] [wip] [yo] w [ros] w
[8sl] 0 [wjb] t [uhv] t [wfx] 0
[7rak] 0 [wfx] [rgc] [uhv] r [wfx] 0
[8sl] 0 [ejb] t [uhv] t [efx] 0
[8t] 0 [Wfx] [tgc] [uhv] t [Wfx] 0
[8pj] q [ehv] q [tfx] q [edz] q
[9ak] [wsl] [rak] [wpj] [yoh] w [rsl] w
580twoux l|uosfLevel: 6Length: 00:28IntermediateThe Owl House Credits Theme
[9y]| [qep]| |o|i|
[8p]| [qe]|||
[9y]| [qes]| [9wra]|P|[9p]|
[qe]| |
[7o]| [9wy]| |u|
[9i]| [qe]|||
[7o]| [9wy]| |u|
u| y|
[tj]| [ip]|||
[yd]| [ipl]| [yoak]|J|[yj]|
[ip]| |
[rh]| [yod]| |f|
[yg]| [ip]|||
[7o]| [9wy]| |u|
u| y|
[9qeip]Level: 7Length: 01:09IntermediateGo Tomorrow (The Haunting of Hill House)
The Newton Brothers
Level: 1Length: 00:09Super EasyStranger Things (Running Up That Hill)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
[6up] 0 e [tf] e 0 [6a] 0 e [ts] e 0
[4ypd] 9 q e q 9 [4s] 9 q e q 9
[5ia] 9 w r w 9 [5g] 9 w r w 9
[1uof] 5 8 0 8 5 [O3yd] 7 0 W 0 7
[6up] 0 e [tf] e 0 [6a] 0 e [ts] e 0
[4ypd] 9 q e q 9 [4s] 9 q e q 9
[2ia] 7 9 q 9 7 [2d] 7 9 [qa] 9 d 7
[3uof] 7 0 W 0 7 % 7 0 W 0 7
[6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 [6adk] 0 e t [usfl] t e 0
[4djz] 9 q e y e q 9 [4dgl] 9 q e y e q 9
[5fhz] 0 w r u r w 0 [5dgz] 9 q r y r q 9
[1fhx] 5 8 0 w 0 8 5 [H3dz] 7 [0k] [Wl] [rz] [Wl] [0k] 7
[6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 [6adk] 0 e t [usfl] t e 0
[4djz] 9 q e y e q 9 [4dgl] 9 q e y e q 9
[6psj] 0 e t u t e 0 6 0 e t u t e 0
6 0 e t u t e 0 6 0 e t u t e 0 6 l x bLevel: 6Length: 00:54IntermediateSinfonietta in A Minor (Succession)
Nicholas Britell
e W e 0 e W e t e W e 0 e W e t
[ep] W [ep] [0a] [es] W e t e W e 0 e W e t
[es] W [es] [0ad] [esf] W e t e W e 0 e W e t
[rad] e [rad] [0sf] [rdg] E r y
[8sf] 0 e t u| [sf] j
[9wah] 5 9 w [rdg] w 9 5
[esf] 0 t e 0 8 [6sf] [3j]
[25dh] 5 9 w r w [9ag] 5
[esf] 0 t e 0 8 [6s] [3p]
[2sf] 4 [6pd] 9 [es] q 9 6
[2ps] 4 [6a] 9 [ep] q 9 6
[2ip] 4 [6p] [9O] [ep] q [9s] 6
[%O] 7 0 W u| |
[6p]| |[30f]| f|
[6ps]| [ps]| [3ps]| [6ps]| [O3u]Level: 5Length: 00:48IntermediateEnd Title (Succession)
Nicholas Britell
6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
4| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
2| [qr]| [qr]| [qr]|
3| [0e]| [0e]| [0W]|
6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
[48]| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
[29]| [qry]| [qry]| [qry]|
[30]| [0eu]| [0eu]| [W0u]|
6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
4| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
2| [qr]| [qr]| [qr]|
3| [0e]| [0e]| [0W]|
6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
4| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
2| [qry]| [qry]| [qry]|
3| [0eu]| [0eu]| [W0u]|
6| [et]| [et]| [et]|
4| [qt]| [qt]| [qt]|
2| [qty]| [qty]| [qry]|
[30ry]| [0eu]| [W30u]| [W0u]|
6| [etu]| [etu]| [etu]|
4| [qtu]| [qtu]| [qtu]|
2| [qry]| [qry]| [qry]|
3| [etu]| [etu]| [WO]|
6| [etp]| [et]| [et] Op
[4a] p [8qeo] i [8qeY] u [8qei] u
2 f [9qed] s [9qeP] a [9qes] a
[3k] j [70WH] g [W70f] d [W70s] a
6| [etp]| [etj]| [et] Hj
[4k] j [8qeh] g [8qeD] f [8qeg] f
2 x [9qez] l [9qeJ] k [9qel] k
[3n] b [70WV] c [W70x] z [W70l] k 6| j| bLevel: 6Length: 01:30IntermediateAndante in C Minor (Succession)
Nicholas Britell
[8s] [wt][8f][7h]z[wr][7l]6 [0e][6h][5j] [9wh]5
[4s] [8e][4d][3f] [80][3g][2f]d[69s][2d][5f]d[9ws][5s]
8 [wt][8f][7h]z[wr][7l]6 [0e][6h][5j] [9wh]5
[4s] [8q][4d][3f] [80][3g][2f]d[69s][2d][5f]d[9ws][5s][80wt]Level: 5Length: 00:17IntermediateHow I Met Your Mother (Theme Song)
John Swihart
u e tyu e tyu e tyu e tyu e Tyu e Tyu e Tyu e Tyu| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer 0 w y| w| try| w|
tre 9 qwe 9 qwe 9 qwe 9 q u| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer 0 w y| w| try| w|
tre 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 e u| e| tyu| e|
tyr 0 wer 0 wer 0 wer w r y| w| r| t r|
e e 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe e e p t
iop t ipo t uio t uoi e yui e uiu e tyu e tyt q ert q ert q t y t y u e
tyu e tyu e tyu i o p t iop t ipo t uio t u i e yui e uiu e tyu e r t q ert q er
t q t r 0 r e 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe 0 qwe u iop u iop u iopLevel: 2Length: 01:37EasyGame of Thrones Title Sequence (Easy)
Ramin Djawadi
[580]os a a a as a a s[580o] s a a a as a a o[580t]||w||
[580u]| tu yt| [680t]||w||
[680u]||u i o [68qo]||t||
[68qp]||p oi u[579i]||u||
[579y]| |r[580t]||w||
[580u]| tu yt| [680t]||w||
[680u]||u i o [68qo]||t||
[68qp]||p oi u[579i]||u| yu[579y]| |
[68q] uyu| uyu [68q] uyuyuyu|
[579] uyuyu yu [579y] y| u i o
[580a]s| [580u]||[579y]||[579y] i o
[680s]d| [680i]||[68qu] y| [68q]| u
[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu o[579s] aa p[579p]oo u[579o]||[579u] i o
[580a]s| [580u]||[579y]||[579u] i o [680s]d| [680i]||
[68qu] y| [68q]| u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]u yy [579]||[579]||
[579] e t i uu [580]|||
t [580t]||w||[580u]| tu yt|
[680t]||w||[680u]||u i o
[68qo]||t||[68qp]||e r tt
[579]||r| er[579]| |
[68q] uyu| [7u]yu| uy[68qu]yuyu|
[579] uyuyu yu [579y] y| u i o [580a]s| [580u]||
[579y]||[579y] i o [680s]d| [680i]||
[68qu] y| [68q]| u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu o[579s] aa p[579p]oo u[579o]||
[579u] i o [580a]s| [580u]||
[579y]||[579u] i o [680s]d| [680f] d|
[68qs]||[68q]| u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]u yy[579]||[579]||
[579] e t i uu
[580]| |[580]| |
[680p]| |[579o]| |
[68qu] s a o y u
[68q] t r e w e[680p]| |
[579y]| |[68qu]| |
[68qh]||u i o [580a]s| u||
[579y]||u i o [680s]d| i||
[68qu] y| |u[68qp] oo ii
uu u[68qp] oo ii
uu o[579s] aa ppoo u[579o]||
u i o [580a]s| [580u]||[579y]||[579u] i o
[680s]d| [680f] d|
[68qs]||[68q]| u
[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]u yy[579]||[579]||
[579] e t i uu [580]Level: 6Length: 03:50IntermediateUnsaid Emily
Julie and the Phantoms
f f f| f f f|
H f f d s d f|
f f f| f f f|
f d s d s p p|
f f f| f f f|
H f f d s d f|
f f f| f f f|
f d s d s p p|
e| t| e| t|
e| t| e| w|
[ef] f [tf]| [ef] f [tf]|
[eH] f [tf] d [es] d [wf]|
[ef] f [tf]| [ef] f [tf]|
[ef] d [ws] d [es] p [0p]|
[ef] f [tf]| [ef] f [tf]|
[eH] f [tf] d [es] d [wf]|
[ef] f [tf]| [ef] f [tf]|
[ef] d [ws] d [es] p [0p]|
j k j k j k j k
j k j k j k j k
j k j k j k j k
j k j k j k j k
[efj]gGHj 0| |0|
[el]xb| 0| |0|
[ef]gGHj 0| |0|
e| [jb] [hv] [fx] [dz] [0sl] [ak]
[ej]| [0j] k [tl]| [8k] l
[wz] lzl[9k] j [8h]| 0|
[9z]| e l [yk]| [9j] [0k]
[ql] k [yl] z [tx]| w|
[epj]| [0pj] [ak] [tsl]| [8ak] [sl]
[wdz] [sl] [9ak] [pj] [8oh]| w|
[9dz]| Q [sl] [eak]| [9pj] [ak]
[qsl] [ak] [qsl] [dz] [0fx]| r|
0| 7| 0| r|
x x x| x x x|
V x x z l z x|
x x x| x x x|
x z l z l j j|
[uf] [uf] [uf]| [uf] [uf] [uf]|
[oH] [uf] [uf] [yd] [ts] [yd] [uf]|
[uf] [uf] [uf]| [uf] [uf] [uf]|
[uf] [yd] [ts] [yd] [ts] [ep] [ep]Level: 5Length: 01:47IntermediateWay Back Then (Squid Game)
Jung Jae-il
[epfj] u| e u|
[eph] i| e i|
[epg] o| e o|
[epf] i| e i|
[epfj] u| e [us]|
[eph] i| [ea] i|
[epg] o| [ed] o|
[epf] i| e i|
6 e| 6 e|
[6eo] e| 6 e|
[6ua] e| 6 e|
[6us] e| 6 [eud]|
[6us] e| 6 e|
[6ua] e| 6 e i
[6u] e| [6t] e 9
6 e| 6 e|
6||[eo] t| |
y| |
i| |
u| |
[6t] e| 6 e|
[6ey] e| 6 e|
[6tu] e| 6 e|
[6eti] e| 6 w 0
[6eto] 6| 6 6|
[6typ] 6| 6 6|
[6roa] 6| 6 6|
[6tos]| |
[6shl] 3 [6e] 0 e|
[4qdhjz] 8 q w e|
[5wa]dhk9 [wpdj] 9 [rafk]|
[30shl] 7 0 w [epfj]|
[6sfhl] 0| 6 e|
[7rdhjz] w| 7 [rfjx]|
[4qfjlx] 8 q t y q
[4qyod] 8 q 8 [4qdhz]|
[3shl] 8 0 8 [0o]|
3 8 [0afk]| |
[6pfj] 6| 6 6|
[6wo] 6| 6 6|
[6qi] 6| 6 6|
[6ep] 6| 6 6[ra][ts]
[6ra] 6| 6 6 [ep]
[6wo] 6| 6 [6qi]|
[60u] 6| 6 6 8
[69] 6| 6 6|
[6p]Level: 7Length: 01:52Intermediate2An (Attack on Titan)
Hiroyuki Sawano
u i u t y w t y
[u0] i u t y w t y
[u7] i u t y w t y
[u4] i u t y w t yu i u t y w t y
[u0] i u t y w t y
[u7] i u t y w t y
[u4] i u t y w t yu i u t y w t y
[u0] i u t y w t y
[u7] i u t y w t y
[u4] i u t y w t yLevel: 4Length: 01:14EasyThe First Lie (Stranger Things)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
[6etu] [8e] [0t] [8e] [0t] [8e] [0t] [8e]
[^Etu] 8 [0p] 8 [0P] 8 [0s] 8
[4ips] [8e] [qt] [8e] [qt] [8e] [qt] [4e]
[370ru]| a| [%Oaf]| [ad]|
[6pd] 8 0 [8ps] [0ps] 8 0 6
[4eti]| p| a| [3s]|
[2ipf] 6 9 [6d] [9yp] 6 [9t] 6
[57r]| o| p| [5oa]|
[1osf] [5u] [8o] [5u] [8o] [5u] [8y] [5t]
[7ru]| u| I| [uO]|
[60eua]| |[50wup]| |
[46qi]| p| a| [30s]|
[2pf] 6 9 [6d] [9p] 6 9 8
[57]| a| s| [ad]|
[^Pdh] 9 [wE] 9 [we] 9 [wE] 9
[6e]| y| o| p y
[5yoP] 9 [wE] 9 [we] 9 [wE] 9
[8t]| [ts]| [yd]| [YD]|
[^Pidg] 9 q 9 [qe] 9 [qE] 9
[6e]| u| [*up]||u
[9uo]||[yi] [8yi]| |
7| d| f| [7dg]|
[^dj] 9 q [9dh] [qd] 9 q 9
[80]| [ts]| [yd]| [usf]|
[4p]sgjj8 q 8 q 8 w q
[370]| p| a| S|
[29ipf]||d [18ipsg] f [ipd] [ip]
[^i]| y| u| [yi]|
[59yop]| |[49qo]| |
[380]| o| [8p]| [oP]|
[4tips] 8 q 8 q 8 [qtip] 8
[30rua]| |[30s]| [30d]|
[6sf]| [6sf]| [%af]| [%af]|
[5wsf]| [5wasf]| [5woadg]| [5woadh]|
[4qpsgj]| |[30a]| [ps]|
[29ip]| |[oa]| [ps]|
6| [psfj] [psfj] [5wpsfj] [psfj] [psfj] [psfj]
[48qpsgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [psgj] [48qpsgj] [psgj]
[7wadj]| [adj]| [adj]| [7wadj]| [7wadj]|||[7wadj]| |
[6upf]||[ts] [ra] [ep]||
[48q]||[ep] [ra] [ep] [qi] [wo]
[370ru]| |[upf]| |
3||[ep] [oh] [ig] [yd] [ig]
[6upf] 0 [0t] [0r]| 0 [0t] [0r]
[6fjx] 0 [0t] [0r]| 0 [0t] [0r]
[6upf] 0 [0t] [0r] t r t r
[ep]| [qipf]| |[ep]|
[ep] [ra][ts]| |
[6ep] [7ra][18ts] [7ra][6ep] [7ra][18ts]
[29yd] [29yd][30uf][3u]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |
[18sfjl]| |[G7afk]| |[18sfjl]| |6Level: 7Length: 02:46IntermediateVale Decem (Doctor Who)
Murray Gold
t o t o t o t o [tf] o t [oa] t o [ta] [os] r o r o r o r o [rf] o r [oa] r o [ra] [op] q i q i q i q i [ef] i e [ia] e i [ea] [is] t o t o t o t o t o t o t o t o [18t] o t o t o t o [tf] o t [oa] t o [ts] o r o r o r o r o [rf] o r [oa] r o [ra] [op] q i q i q i q o [ef] i e [ia] e i [ea] [is] t o t o t o t o t o t o [tg] [of] [tf] o [tf] o t o t o t o t o t o [tg] [of] [tf] o [rf] o r [od] r o r o r o r o [rg] [of] [rf] o [ef] i e [id] e [is] e i [eg] [if] e [id] [es] [is] e i [18t] o t o t o t o t o t o [tg] [of] [tf] o [tf] o t o t o t o t o t o [tg] [of] [tf] o [rf] o r [od] r o r o r o r o [rg] [of] [rf] o [ef] i e [id] e [is] e i [eg] [if] e [id] [es] [is] e i t o t o t o t o t o t o t o t o t o t o t o t o [tf] o t [oa] t o [ta] [os] r o r o r o r o [rf] o r [oa] r o [ra] [op] q i q i q i q i [ef] i e [ia] e i [ea] [is] t o t o t o t o t o t o t o t o [18t] o t o t o t o [tf] o t [oa] t o [ts] o r o r o r o r o [rf] o r [oa] r o [ra] [op] q i q i q i q o [ef] i e [ia] e i [ea] [is] t o t o t o t o t o t o [tg] [of] [tf] o [tf] o t o t o t o t o t o [tg] [of] [tf] o [rf] o r [od] r o r o r o r o [rg] [of] [rf] o [ef] i e [id] e [is] e i [eg] [if] e [id] [es] [is] e i [18t] o t o t o t o t o t o [tg] [of] [tf] o [tf] o t o t o t o t o t o [tg] [of] [tf] o [rf] o r [od] r o r o r o r o [rg] [of] [rf] o [ef] i e [id] e [is] e i [eg] [if] e [id] [es] [is] e i t o t o t o t o t o t o t o t o tLevel: 4Length: 02:21Easy
Chasing Cars
Snow Patrol
[to] o|o|o w o a p|
[0o] o|o o o [9I]|I|I|
[to] o|o|o w o a p|
[0o] o|o|o [9I]|I|I|
t|a a a|[wa] p p||
t|a|a|[wa] p p||
[ta]|a a a|[wd] a p||
[0o]|p|a p [9I]|o|I|
[tu]| [yd] u y [wo]||
[tuof]| [yd] [uf] y [woh]||
[to] o|o|o [wo] o [oa] p|
[0o] o|o|o [9I]|I|I|
[tI]|a|a|[wa] p p| p
[to]|[oa]|[oa]|[woa] p p p|p
[to] a [oad]|a a [wo] a d|a|
[tup]| [yd] u y [wo]|[yuoa]|a|
[0a] p p||[9a] p p||
[ep]||[ea] a||
[0u]| y [uf] y [to]||
[0u]| y [uf] y [to]||
[0ud]| y u d [toh]||
[0ud]| [yd] u [yd] [to]||
[tp]||[ta]||[wo]Level: 6Length: 03:42IntermediateGhost Of You
5 Seconds of Summer
[6e]| [th] j l j [8wx]|z|[tl]|z l
[46q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z j
[6e]| [th] j l j [8wx]|z|[tl]|z l
[46q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z j
[6ep]|[ts] e [wo] t [es]|[8etp]|[ts] e [wo] t [es]|
[4qp]|[ts] e [wo] t [es]|[5wep]|[ts] e [wo] t [es]|
[ep]|s p o|s|[tp]|s p o|s|
[wop]|s p o|s|[0up]|s p o|s|
[8tp]|s p o|s|p|s p o|s|
[6ep]|s p o|s|[8tp]|s p o|s|
[6ep]| s| [8to]| s|
[4qp]| s| [5wo]| s|
[6ep]| s| [8to]| s|
[4qp]| s| [5wo]| s|
[6ep]| s| [8to]| s|
[4qp]| s| [5wo]| s|
[6ep]| s| [8to]| s|
[4qp]| s| [5wo]| s|
[6ep] s d f h j [ts] d f [sh] [dj] f [8wsh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [fj] h [tj]|
[4qs] d f h j s [td] f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [5wfj] [sh] [dj] f [sh] [dj] [tf] h j|
[6e]|s d f [th] j s d f [sh] [8wdj] [sf] [dh] [fj] [sh] [dj] [tf] [sh] [dj] f h j
[4q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z l
[6e]| [ts] d f h j s [8wd] f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [tfj] [sh] [dj] f [sh] [dj]
[4qf] h j|[th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z j
[6e]| [ts] d f h j s [8wd] f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [tfj] [sh] [dj] f h j
[4q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z l
[6e]| [ts] d f h j s [8wd] f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [tfj] [sh] [dj] f h j
[4q]| [th] j l j [5wx]|z|[tl]|z j
[6e]| s d f h j s d f [sh] [dj] [sf] [dh] [fj] [sh] [dj] f h jLevel: 6Length: 02:20IntermediateKids (Stranger Things)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
1|[soh]|[soh]|[soh]|[ohd2]| |[igP]| |4|[oYD]|[oYD]|[igP]|[sig5]| |[yod]| |1|[soh]|[soh]|[soh]|[soh%]|[sOH]| |[igP5]| |[yod]|[oYD]|[yod^4]| |[tsY@%]| |[th]vlzZhcZlzhvJlhZzhvlZhzclZhVlvhz[o8]hsdDogDsdohPsoDdohsDodgsDoHshod[so1]5[h1]@[sg5]8(wtw(85@1D5[so%]@[g%]8[sh(]WtYOYtW(8%@[si^]4[h^]9[sqg]EyiPiyEq9^D4[gP@]^[h@]5[so^](wEYEw([^D]5@^[s1]5[JD1]@58(wtw(85@1[h5][^JD]4[l^]9[qD]EyiPiyEq9^4[s%]@[JD%]8(WtYOYtW(8%[g@][hd^]4[s^]9[qg]EyiPiyEq9^4[o81]hsdDogDsdohPsoD[d81]ohsDodgsDoHshod[o8][h8][s8]d[D8][o8][g8]D[s8][d8][o8]h[P8]soD[d8][o8][h8]s[D8][o8][d8]gsDoHshod[wY81]oy[wY81]|[81] w [y81]EY[q^]EyYE[q^]|^|[y^] Y [wYE%]oy[YE%]|% Y [to%]yE[w5]|[q5]|[iE5] 55[yw5] 5 [tWO4] [PE] [YPE4] [WO] [YWO4]|4 [y9] [wo5] [WO] [WO5] [wo] [ywoE5]|[o5] Y [t(%]yw[E%]|% E [t%]Yw[^E]|[qi^E] 4^[w^YE] 4^[y^E]|[Y1]osD[oh][yd][YD81]|[81] [wo] [yd81][PE][YD][yid^P][YD][PE][qi^]|^|[yd^] [YD] [soYD%][oh][yd][YD%]|% [YD] [oh%][yd][PE][wo5]|[qiE5]|[igP5] 55[yod5] 5 [O4]sDH[PJ] [PJD4] [OH] [sOHD4]|4 [yd] [oh5] [OH] [sOHD5] [oh] [ohP5]|[oh5] [YD] [ts%][yd][wo][PE%]|% [PE] [ts%][YD][wo][^PE]|[qi^E] 4^[wo^E2] 4^[yiPE] 4 [o81]hsdDogDsdohPsoD[d@(]o[qh4]s[D@(]odgsDoH[s92]hod[o81]hsdDogDsdohPsoD[wd5]o[hW%]s[wD5]odgsD[o^E]H[sY8]h[yo^]d[to8]hsdDogDsdohPsoDdohsDodgsDoHshod[w81]otyYwiYtywoEtwYywotYwyitYwOtowy
Level: 7Length: 02:30IntermediateYouSeeBIGGIRLTT (Attack on Titan)
Hiroyuki Sawano
[toD]| |D o D [yog]| |g o g [shY]| |h o h [siH]| |[oJD]| |[PJD%] ( W [PE] t|D g d [d^] q E t [yd] s s d D [o8] w t y [oY] P t Y [y5]| |d h Z [z8]|[dY]|o P z h c Z z| |d h Z [zg^J]|[yi]|o P d z h c Z z| |z Z c [vhW] Y O P [sl]|l l B V [vD] c [hZ] z Z c [zE] i [PJ] s [hd] g z h d D d s| |y o D [od8] w t Y i d o g [og] D d i|y o D [^D] d w E t y d o g g D d t y [ts] D J [PJ%] ( W E t P D H h E [tg] Y [iD]|D d D g [od^] q E t y i d i [d5] 9 w y [od] [YD] [yd] [YD] [igP%] ( W [ohE] [tD]||h D ^ q [dE] t y d d D [g8] w t [hY] [si]|o s 5 ( w E t D D d [pd$] 9 Q e t D D d [dO4] 8 q W t d D g [D5] 7 [od9] w r y [ohda] w y o d|[oh] [ZD] [zd] [gc] [hZD1] 5 8 ( w [ZJD(] [zdE] ( [g^] J c w [ZED] t y [tZD] [zyd] [toh] [h%] l Z v ( [lgcW] E [tlgc] E [tZD] E [slh5] 9 [wPJ] 9 E [PJ9] [wOH] [oh9] [OHD4] 8 q [ZD8] [ZWD] 8 q [oh8] [OH5] 9 w [gcJ9] [gcJE] 9 [wZD] [gc9] [h%] l Z v [VH(] [vth] [gc(] E [ZD(] [zdE] [JB(] ^ q E q [oED] [qd] [ED] [qoh] [sg1] 5 [oD8] ( w [oD(] [wd] [h(] [og^] w [ED] t y [tsD] [yJ] [tsH] [sH%] [shO(] [shWO] [sgOE] [tsgO] [soED] [tsoD] [hPE] [og5] 9 [wod] 9 E 9 [wod]|[tqdW] D d o [ywd] D d o [sYW] o [dE] o [tD] o d|[yw84] Y y w [y95] Y y w [t%] @ [Y%] @ [wti^] 4 [ywo^] 4 [Y1] y [Y5] w [Y8] y [Y5] w [Y(] y [Y5] w [Y8] y [Y5] w [^Y] y [Y5] w [^Y] y [Y8] w [Y9] y [Y8] w [Y9] y [Y8] w [Y%] y [Y@] w [Y%] y [^Y] w [Y8] y [^Y] w [Y8] y [^Y] w [^Y] w [i4] w [o^] w [i4] w [Y8] w [y4] w [^Y] w [i4] w [o1] w [t5] o [w8] t [o5] w [o(] w [o5] w [t8] O [w5] w [o^] w [t5] o [w^] t [o5] w [t8] o [w5] ^ [o5] O [o%] w [i@] w [Y%] w [y^] w [Y8] w [i^] 8 ^ [o^Y] [iO4] [o^P] [sO4] [d^P] [PD4] [gd^P] [hPD4] [tso1]| |m v v V c c v m m l s t 8
Level: 6Length: 03:24IntermediateOmake Pfadlib (Attack on Titan)
Linked Horizon
[e60]|t|[y96] t y [yw975] y o i [ut80]y u|[ue60]|o|[qpe9] u y [wro97] o u o [utoe0] p|e| |[e60]|t 6 [y96] t [y6] [yw975] y o [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ue60]|o 6 [qpe9] u [y9] [ro5] o u [o5] [utoe6] p|5 [81] t ww 1 8 [t1] [t5] y [w5] [w5]||[w5] [u860] i u [y750] t y [u6] 8i u e 8 4 er[t5] 7t9 [r7] [r5]||ty[i6] 6u y t 6 6 [u6] [u92] y T y|e|[e6] 3 6 [r5] [r92]| |5 [81] t ww 1 8 [t1] [t5] y [w5] [w5]||[w5] [u860] i u [y750] t y [u6] 8i u e 8 4 er[t5] 7t9 [r7] [r5]||ty[i6] 6u y t 6 6 [u6] [u2] 9y2 [T9] [y92] [92]u[92] [i92] [ue63] 3 [w53] 3 [e63] 3 [r73] 3 [tqe40] [q4]t[q4] [rq4] [tq4] [q4]t[q4] [rq4] [ywr3] 0y3 [t0] [wr60] 6e6 [r6] [tqe2] 9t2 [r9] [ywqe5] [w5]r[w5] [we5] [ywE5] 5 [ut9] * [yi8] 8 [uo5] 4 [tqe2] 9[te]2 [wr9] [tqe92] [92][te][92] [wr92] [ywr3] 0[yr]3 [te0] [wr60] 6[te]6 [yr6] [ute5] w[yi]5 [wut] [ywr5] [w5][te][w5] [ywr5] [wur20]| |[wur30] [yeI30] [urO30] [qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [yw975] [y5] [yo5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ute60] 6 [uo6] 6 [qpie9] u [y9] [wr75] r r [t7] [ywr8]t t 7 [qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [yw975] [y5] [yo5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ue60]|o 6 [qpe9] u [y9] [ro5] [o5] [u5] [o5] [utoe6] p|[qe60] 6 [te6] 6 [yr96] [te] [yr6] [ywr975] [yr5] [yro5] [i5] [ut80]y u 8 [ute60] 6 [uo6] 6 [qpie9] [ut] [yr9] [uro53] [uo3] [ut3] [uo53] [utoe63] [p6]
Level: 8Length: 01:33ExpertA Cruel Angel’s Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (Expert)
Yoko Takahashi
p s d [yif] d s [uda]||f [ueS] a| |p s d [yif] d s [uda]||h f [ueS]| |p s d [yif] d s [uda]||f [ueS] a| |f j k [uspl] z l k [jda]|f j e u a s f j x b x||[qa] u p f u p s u [wta] u p f u p s u [ta0] u p f u p s u [tqa]||s p| |[a6] [u0] [pe] [rf] [ut] [pe] [sr] u [a5] [u9] [wp] [rf] [ut] [pe] [sr] u [a4] [u8] [qp] [wf] [ue] [tp] [se] u [yq85]ia|s p| |p s d [yf9] d s [ud0]||f S a 6 0 r e|p s d [yfe9] d s [urd0]||h f S 6 0 r t|p s d [yfe9] d s [urd0]||f S a 6 0 r t|f j k [tqli] z l k [ywoj]|f j 6 0 r t| |[ke] f j x f j l f [wk] f j x f j l f [kQ] f j x f j l f [qk]||l j| |[spk] f j x f j l f [oka] f j x f j l f [pkI] f j x f j l f|xzlkjklzv z x [pjf]zxb
Level: 6Length: 01:09IntermediateHERO Summer Stardust Version (Hitorijime My Hero)
Takeshi Senoo
[d2] 3 [s4] 8 p|i o [oQ97]p o i [y975]| |[^5] [y9] [qi] y [t83] 6e* i [y2] 6 0 q||6|[o1]Pd5 [s(]|[yp6] 0 [wieT] [yo] [o2]p [o5] [yi^] [yrq]||6|[q^5] y i y [eO0] o i [y2] 6 0 [q9]| |3 [t1] [u3] i [uo5] 1s5 o [wp]P 8pw [ie]||q|8 [p5] [P0] s [d0] [D8] w d [s5] [d9] e [ywPE]| |i o [p6] 9 w 9 [p^9] [o86] [i^5] [u64] [i^5] [p53] [p^5]Sf d|[gedP] q e y [yP]dhEg h [pf0] e r y T|||[d2] 3 [s4] 8 p|i o [oQ97]p o i [y975]| |[^5] [y9] [qi] y [t83] 6e i [y2] 6 0 q||6|[o1]Pd5 [s(]|[yp6] 0 [wieT] [yo] [o2]p [o5] [yi^] [yrq]||6|[q^5] y i y [eO0*] o i [y2] 6 0 [q9]| |5 [y9] [qi] y [O6] *o0 i [y2] 6 q e [^E95]|[r975]|[t986]| |y i y [o6]O * [o0] w e T u oSfh|fg|[f2]d 6 [95] ui[yw8] [w97]||o i yu y| |e wey [wtq] ^ [q8] 6 [wE] ^ q ^ [e4] 6 8 0 q e t u i p osf
Level: 6Length: 01:14IntermediateCool and Hot Nightfall (Hitorijime My Hero)
Takeshi Senoo
[p6]pssaaddppssaadd[p8]pssaaddppssaadd[s9]sffddggssffddgg[qp]pssaaddppssaadd[p6]pssaaddppssaadd[p81]pssaaddppssaadd[s92]sffddggssffddgg[qp4]pssaaddppssaadd[we80]| |o y[wt80]|e|u| w [e860] ty| |o y[t975]|e|u| w [u860] ty| |o u[ywo80]|[up]|[up]|[so]|[tqkfe]|[jf]|[fa]|k|[ywrlh]|[kf]|[jf]|[jd]|[utsjfe]|j k j h f d [ut]|s d f l k h [tqhe]|j k j h f d [ywrj] l l l k l k|[pe60]| |[pe][pe][pe][pe][pe][pe60] u [e60] p [ue60] p[pe60]ppp[qp84] s [q84] s [wa95] p[wp95]poo[pe60] u [e60] p [ue60]|[e60]ety[q84] u[qo84] u[wo95] u[wo95] u [pe60] u [e60] p [ue60] p[pe60]ppp[qp84] s [q84] s [wa95] p[wp95]poo[pe60] u [e60] p [ue60]|[e60]ety[q84] u[qo84] u[wo95] u [wo95] p [pe60] s [ea60] a [e60] p [e60] op[q84] p [q84] p [w95] p [wu95]|[ple60]j[sk]h[lea60]j[ka]h[le60]j[pk]h[le60]j[ok][ph][ql84]j[pk]h[ql84]j[pk]h[wl95]j[pk]h[wul95]jkh[ple60]j[sk]h[lea60]j[ka]h[le60]j[pk]h[le60]j[ok][ph][ql84]j[pk]h[ql84]j[pk]h[wl95]j[pk]h[wul95]jkh[ule60]jkh[le60]jkh[le60]jkh[le60]jkh
Level: 6Length: 02:03IntermediateThe Founding Titan (Attack on Titan)
Hiroyuki Sawano
[qh]WtY g|[oD]|[id]| [sY]| [wo]sf|||yad|||[u8] o[wu0]| u[i9]|[sqe] s| [o0] a[ywro]|o|[qO]|[tdW] d sd[f0] d[wsr] a|s[pe]|[upT] Pp u[y9]|[eQI]|p f[e5][uq] hs do|[u81] o[wur0]| [u1][i92]|[tsqe] s| [o30] a[wro]|o 3[qO4]|[tdW] d sd[f30] d[wsr] a|s[p6]|[wp0] Pp [u6][y92]|[eQI]|p f[we5]|5|[s%]|[wra60]| [wr0] 6[wr30]|[wr0]|[wr60] 3[wr60]| [wr0] 6[wf40]|[w0]|[s65]|[a40]|[te0]|[te0] 1[te50]|[te0]4[te0] 1[te40]|[te0]|[te0] 1[fe50] h[e0]s[e40]|[wra60]| [wr0] 6[wr30]|[wr0]|[wr60]|[ute2]|[ute]|[ute]|[ute2]|[ute]|[ute]|[utW3]|[utW]|[utW]|[utW0]|[utfW]d[utW] s[utqpe]|[utfe]d[ute] s[yrqWO]|[yrdW]|[ysrW]|[ywrf0]|[ywrh]|[ywrj]d[te0]|[tse0]|[te0]u[tie9]|[tpe9]|[tse9]|[raY(]|[rY(]|[raY(]p[yro0]a[yr0]d[yr0]|[wtsE8]|[wtfE8]d8 s[utqpe]|[utfe]d[ute] s[yrqWO]|[yrdW]|[yrW] s[ywrf0]|[ywrh]|[ywrj]k[eT0]| j|[h9]et| [og]sf|g|p f[weT0]|||[d9]|||[wur80] ou| u[tqie9]|s s| [ywro0] ao|o|[ytqWO]|d d sd[ywrf0] ds a|s[wpT0]|p Pp u[yteQ9]|I|p f5qe hs dz|h| 5|[u8] o[wur0]|[wr0] [u8][i9]|[tsqe] s[tqe] 9[o0] a[ywro]|[ywro] 0[qO]|[ytdW] d[ytW]sd[uf0] d[ywsr] a[ywr] s[p6]|[wpT0] P[wpT0] [u6][y9]|[teQI]|[tpeQ] f[wq5]eu [w5]|[tqed5]|[usqe]|y|t|[wr4]|[te]|[qe]|[w30]|7qwr[wrf0]|[th]|[ra0]|[wP(]Ey t|E|[qe@]|E|[w(]|[85](wE
Level: 7Length: 02:04IntermediateLove Like You (Steven Universe) (Intermediate)
Rebecca Sugar
[thd]|s| |[ihd]|a|s| |[thd]|s| |[ihd]|a|s| |[s1] 5 [a8] 9 [s0] w o|[u4] 8 [yq] w u|y|[s1] 5 [a8] 9 s 0 o|[u4] 8 y| |[i2] 6 [u9] 0 [qi] e y|[t6] 0 r e t| |[y^] 4 [t^] 9 y|u|[i5] 9 [wo] e p r a|[s1] 5 [a8] 9 [s0] w o|[u4] 8 [yq] w u|y|[s1] 5 [a8] 9 s 0 o|[u4] 8 y| |[i2] 6 [u9] 0 [qi] e y|[t6] 0 r e t| |[y^] 4 [t^] 9 y|u|[i5] 9 [wo] e p r a|[a1] 5 [s8] 9 d 0 s|[f4] 8 w e d| |[a6] 3 [s6] 8 d 0 o|[p4] 8 [qh] w [ge]|f|[a1] 5 [s8] 9 d 0 s|[f%] 8 0 W d| |[a6] 3 [s6] 8 d 0 s|[h4] 8 q w e| |[i2] 6 9 [u0] [qi]|p|[o3] 7 0 [yQ] [wa]| |[p4] 8 q w e| |[t5] 9 [wt] e t|y|[wr95]
Level: 6Length: 01:53IntermediatePretty Love
Iris Temple
[w3] r u w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r I w r I [w3] r u w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r p o I r [w3] r u w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r I w r I [w3] r u w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r p| |[u3] w r u w r u w r u w r I w r I w r I w r I w r [u3] w r u w r I w r I w r o w r o w r p w r o w I [u3] w r u w r I w r u w r u w r o w r u w r p w r [u3] w r u w r u w r y w r u w r I w r y w r u w r [u3] w r u w r o u o a u o [f3] u o a u f u a f a f G [h3] a k f a j|f h G f a [u3] o a d f o h o G f a u [ua3]||[lf]||[kd3]||[sj]||[hd5]||[sG]||[fa]||[sh5]||[jfd6]||[sh]||[kd5]||[lf6]||[kd3]||[hd]||[aG1]||[fa]| |[r3] 0 w t 0 w t 0 w r 0 w r 0 w u 0 w u 0 w y 0 w [y3] 0 w t 0 w r 0 w t 0 w r 0 t 0 r 0 w 0 r u 0 r [r73] o u r o u r o u r o u [t73] p u t p u t p u t p u [y73] a I y a I y a I y a I [t73] p u t p u t p u [t73]| |[ura73] o u [ura] o u [ura] o u [yd] [ts] [ra] [upe51] u e [wo] u w [wo] u w [upe] u p [ura63] o u [ra] o u [yd] y o [ts] t o [ra2] r u [pe] e y [wo] w y [pe] e u [ra73] u r [ra] u f u d u a u a [ra51] u o [ra] u f u d u a u o [a63] u f u a u d u p a p u [a7$] u f u d u a u o p a u 3||0 r 0 t 0 y 0 u 0 r 0 t 0 e 0 r 0 t 0 w 0 3||0 r 0 t 0 y r u r I r o r p r a r s t a u| |3 7 0 [wu] [rI] I I||ua||[ua1] [p5] [p8] [p0] w t u||u||[ua6] [p3] [p6] [p8] 0 e t||us||[us2] [a$] [a7] [a9] Q r u I I o||3||[kfa3] [pj7] [oh0] [IG3] [oh7] [IG0] [ufa3] 7 0 1||[kfa1] [pj5] [oh8] [IG1] [oh5] [IG8] [ufa1] 5 8 6||[a6]fk3 6 [kfa6] 3 6 [pjd6] 3 6 7||[a7]fk$ 7 [kfa7] $ 7 [pjd7] $ 7 [ua3]||[ua]||[od]||[so]||[ua3]||[of]||[pG]||[hd]||[pj73] d p [pj] d p [hd] p d [dG] p d f p a d p o p I u y u r w r 0 e|w||0 r 0| |[730]| |x||x||x
Level: 5Length: 03:26IntermediateErwin's Charge (Attack on Titan)
Hiroyuki Sawano
[utle]|||[ywrk]||[wuth]|||[utfe]|||[wuth]||[tqje]|||[le] t u p u t e t u [wk] r y [h8] w t u t w 8 w t u t w [fe] t u p u t e t u [h8] w t [j4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e q 8 e [ts] [us] [sp] u [ts] [wd] r [ys] [tf] ufo s o u t u o s o u e [ts] [us] [sp] u [tf] [wd] r [ys] [qp] e t p t e q e t p [ts] [se] [se] t u [sp] u [ts] [wd] r [ys] [f8] 0 w [tf] w [d0] [f8] 0 w t [ws] [s0] [se] t u [sp] u [tf] [wd] r [ys] [qp] e t p t e q e t p [ts] [se] [sp6] 0 e [sp6] 0 e [od8] w [ts] [sf4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e [sqf] [sf8][sf]6 0 e [usf] e 0 [od8] w [ts] [d4] [s8] q e q 8 4 8 q e [ts] [se] [sp6] 0 e [sp6] 0 e [od8] w [ts] [sf4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e [sqf] [sf8][sf]6 0 e [usf] e 0 [od8] w [ts] [d4] [s8] q e q 8 4 8 q e [qf] [f8] [utjfe] [jf][jf] [jf]|hh[ywrh]|f [f8]d[ws] t u t w 8 w t u [ts] [ws] [s6] 0 e [us] e [f0] [d8] w [ts] [p4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e [qf] [f8] [j6] [j0] [je] [j6]j[h0] [he]h[h5] 9 [wf] [f8]d[ws] t u t w 8 w t u [ts] [ws] [s6] 0 e [s6] 0 [fe] [d8] w [ts] [p4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e [ts] [se] [sp6] 0 e [sp6] 0 e [od8] w [ts] [sf4] 8[sf]q e q 8 4 8 q e [sq] [s8] [sp6] 0 e [sp6] 0 [sfe] [od8] w [ts] [sp4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e [sq] [s8] [sp6] 0 e [sp6] 0 e [od8] w [ts] [sf4] 8[sf]q e q 8 4 8 q e [sq] [s8] [sp6] 0 e [usp] e [sf0] [od8] w [ts] [sp4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e [qf] [f8] [utjfe] [jf][jf] [jf]|hh[ywrh]|f [f8]d[ws] t u t w 8 w t u [ts] [ws]s6 0 e [us] e [f0] [d8] w [ts] [p4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e [qf] [f8] [j6] [j0] [je] [j6]j[h0] [he]h[h5] 9 [wf] [f8]d[ws] t u t w 8 w t u [ts] [ws] [s6] 0 e [s6] 0 [fe] [d8] w [ts] [p4] 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e q 8 6 0 e t e 0 8 w t 4 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e q 8 6 0 e t e 0 8 w t 4 8 q e q 8 4 8 q e q 8
Level: 6Length: 03:08IntermediateThe Night We Met (13 Reasons Why)
Lord Huron
[5ry]w[ry]| [ry]w[7ry]Q[ry]| [ry]Q[ru3]w[ru]| [ru] [tu8] [tu] [tu]rer[5ry]w[ry]| [ry]w[7ry]Q[ry]| [ry]Q[ru3]w[ru]| [ru] [tu8] [tu] [tu]rer[w5]| [o]| [7]| IoIy[u3] | u [t8] t trer[w5]| [o]| [7]| IopI[u3]| yuyr[t8] t trer[w9]ryryoyoaoad[h5]
Level: 3Length: 00:48EasyOpening Theme (The Office) (Easy)
Jay Ferguson
^ w 0 w ^ w 0 w ^ w 0 w ^ w 0 w 6 q 9 q 6 q 9 q 6 q 9 q 6 q 8 q 7 q 9 q 7 q 9 q 7 W q W 7 W q W [pe0] u [pe] u [wo^] y [wo] y [qi6] y [qi] y [u70] y [u0] r [t8] e Q e 8 e Q e [r7] w 9 w [r9] W 0 W|||[81] e [ut] [pe]8[o7] r [yi] r7[u81] t [upi] t8[u%] r [yO] [tr]%6 e [ut] [pe]6[o7] r [yi] r7[u81] t [upi] t8[u%] r [yO] [tr]%6 6 [ut] 6e6 6 [ut] 6e6 6 [ut] 6e444 [ti] 4333 [ur] 3%%% yr%t[81] e [ut] [pe]8[o7] r [yi] r7[u81] t [upi] t8[u%] r [yO] [tr]%6 e [ut] [pe]6[o7] r [yi] r7[u81] t [upi] t8[u%] r [yO] [tr]%6 6 [ut] 6e6 6 [ut] 6e6 6 [ut] 6e444 [ti] 4333 [ur] 3%%% yr%t6 [p6] [a80] [sp]6[od7] [d7] [qif9] s7[u81] [p8] [iea0] s8[ud%] [d%] [yfW9] [ts]%6 [p6] [a80] [sp]6[od7] [d7] [qif9] s7[u81] [p8] [iea0] s8[ud%] [d%] [yfW9] [ts]%[p6] 6 [a80] s6[d7] [d7] [qf9] s7[p81] 8 [ea0] s8[d%] [d%] [fW9] s%[p6] 6 [a80] s6[d7] [d7] [qf9] s7[p81] 8 [ea0] s8[d%] [d%] [fW9] s%[p6] p [uea] s [d6] d [ufe] s [p6] p [uea] s [d6] d [ufe] s [p6] p [uea] s [d6] d [ufe] s [p6] p [ua] s d d [uf] s p p [ua] s d d f s p p a s d d f s p p a s d d f s p p a s d d f s p p a s d d f s p p a s d d f s p
Level: 6Length: 02:28IntermediateEvil Morty (Alternative)
Rick And Morty
5 q r y u|o|||o a [wrp80]||o a [tqpe9]||o a [wrp80] u u [wa95] d s a [wrp80]|s f [tqed9]||s f [tedQ9]||s f [tqed9] a s p a o [wo5] u u [wro80]|[wu75(] o a [wrp80]||o a [tqpe9]|o a [wrp80] u u [wu95] o d s a [wrp80]|s f [tqed9]|s f [woedY]||o [tqfe9] f f f [wuofe] f|[wts0]|f [wrf80] o f D f [ywE0]|f D f [tqe9]|g h g [urqfe] d y h [wrh80] o h G h [ywE0]|h G h [wueT]|j J j h g|f [tqhe9]|g f h [ywrq]|h g [wrf80] o|f h [wueT] a||p [tsqe9] s s s s [ywsrq] s [wusrq] s [wts0]| |8|7|[p6] f [O7] f 8 o f [I9] d 9 i d [i6] s $ u s [s3] a [p6] f [O7] f [o8] f [I9] d [i9] p [p6] p [s$] s [s3] a [je6] f j [rH7] f H [th8] h h [yG9]|[yg9] d g [fe6] s p [sQ$] s s [a30]|[je6] f j [rH7] f H [th8] j h [yG9] j j [yj9] j j l j f [wd5]||g [wrf80] o f D f [ywE0]|f D f [tqe9]|g h g [urqfe] d y h [wrh80] o h G h [ywE0]|h G h [wueT]|j J j h g|f [tqhe9] g|l [ywrqf] d|s d [ywrg0] f D f [wukeaT]||j [tqje9] j j j j [ywrqj] j [wurqj] j [wtj0]| |[wiT]||l [tqle9] l l l l||[l*] q W t l|l|l 0 w r y|l
Level: 7Length: 02:28IntermediateIt's Over, Isn't It (Steven Universe)
Zach Callison
[thf8]s[hf]| [hf]s[uhf0]a[hf]| [hf]a[jfe6]s[jf]| [jf]s[qjig] [jg] [qjig]fdf[thf8]s[hf]| [hf]s[uhf0]a[hf]| [hf]a[jfe6]s[jf]| [jf]s[qjig] [jg] [qjig]fdf[thf8]s[thf8] [t8] [thf8]s[uhf0]a[uhf0] [u0] [uhf0]a[jfe6]s[jfe6] [e6] [jfe6]s[qjig] [qjig][qi][qjig][qif][qid][qif][uso]t[uo] [uol]t[uo]t[uo]r[uo] [uok][rl][uok][rh][utj]e[ut] [utj]e[utj]e[tig]e[tig] [tig][wf][tid][wf][uso]t[uo8] [uolf]t[uo]t[uo]r[uo0] [uokH][rlj][zuok][kOH][utpj]e[ut6] [utpj]e[utpj]e[tig]e[wtig] [tig][wf][tid][wf][hf]s[thf]| [hf]s[hf]a[uhf]| [hf]a[jf]s[jfe]| [jf]s[jg] [jg] [jg]fdf[ts8]os[uf0]sf[woh]fh[ts]fl
Level: 6Length: 00:49IntermediateOpening Theme (The Office)
Jay Ferguson