Music Sheet Difficulty Intermediate

Enjoy this range of intermediate piano songs for competent Virtual Pianists. Intermediate songs contain multiple octaves as well as fast and slow rhythms. They also require you to play 3-5 keys at the same time. Intermediate piano songs include Solfeggietto by Bach, All of Me by John Legend, Memories by Maroon 5 and Wiegenlied by Johannes Brahms. Practice these songs when you have mastered songs in the Easy category.

Music Sheets

  • ^qEtTiPiTtEq8(etYtpYpsps*EiPiPgPgJgJ [c9]JgJgPgPiPiE@^qQEQYEQiEQ4(eTeTITeiTe [i$]EiPiEiEiPiE [Y4]EYPYEpYe [YG]pY [^g]qEtTiPiTtEq8(e [ts]Yt [pS]Yp [sD]ps [*D]Ei [PS]iP [is]Ei [PS]iP [9dg]PiPiEiEQ [EH]q^ [@G] ^(QEQYEQiEQ4(e [Tg]eT [ID]TWiT [WS][i$s]EiPiEiEiPiE [Y4]EYPYEpYeYpY [^g]qEtTi [PJ]iTtEq [8j](et [YJ]t [pl]Yps [pG]s [*g]EiPiPgPgJgJ [c9]JgJgPgPiPiE [@G]^qQEQ [YL]EQiEQ [4l](eT [eJ]T [Ij]Te [ilTe][i$J]EiPiEiEiPiE [Y4]EYPYEpYeYpY [^g]qEtTi[PJ]iTtEq [8j](et [YJ]t [pl]Yps [pG]s [*g]EiPiPgPgJgJ [c9]JgJgPgPiPiE [@G]^qQEQ [YL]EQiEQ [4l](eT [eJ]T [Ij]Te [il]Te [i$J]EiPiEiEiPiE [Y4]EYPYEpYeYpY ^qEtTiPiTtEq8(etYtpYpsps*EiPiPgPgJgJ [c9]JgJgPgPiPiE@^qQEQYEQiEQ4(eTeTITeiTe [i$]EiPiEiEiPiE [Y4]EYPYEpYeYpY ||| [^EPSJ]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:55
    Grandma (NieR)

    Keiichi Okabe

  • 9qe 9qr qey eyi yip yia [xq] [je] [ge] [ud] z j g d L [je] [ug] [yd] [zo] [uj] [yg] [ed] [z0] [wh] [wf] [ys] l h f s [k0] [h0] [yf] [ts] [ol] [yh] [tf] [ws] [l9] [qg] [qd] [ta] k g d a [J9] [tg] [td] [ra] [yk] [rg] [wd] [qa] [k8] [f0] [s0] [rp] j f s p [H8] [rf] [sr] [pe] [yj] [of] [so] [pi] [xq] [je] [ge] [ud] z j g d [qL] [uj] [ug] [yd] [zp] [ji] [yg] [ed] [c0] [wJ] [wh] [oS] x J h S [eZ] [eJ] [oh] [uS] [xP] [pJ] [oh] [uS] [v9] [je] [ge] [id] c j g d [x9] [qj] [ig] [ud] [oc] [ji] [yg] [ed] [xw] [yg] [yd] [ia] z g d a [wl] [ig] [id] [ya] [ka] [ig] d a [xq] [je] [ge] [ud] z j g d L [je] [ug] [yd] [zo] [uj] [yg] [ed] [z0] [wh] [wf] [ys] l h f s [k0] [h0] [yf] [ts] [ol] [yh] [tf] [ws] [l9] [qg] [qd] [ta] k g d a [J9] [tg] [td] [ra] [yk] [rg] [wd] [qa] [k8] [f0] [s0] [rp] j f s p [H8] [rf] [sr] [pe] [yj] [of] [so] [pi] [xq] [je] [ge] [ud] z j g d [qL] [uj] [ug] [yd] [zp] [ji] [yg] [ed] [c0] [wJ] [wh] [oS] x J h S [eZ] [eJ] [oh] [uS] [xP] [pJ] [oh] [uS] [v9] [je] [ge] [id] c j g d [x9] [qj] [ig] [ud] [oc] [ji] [yg] [ed] [xw] [yg] [yd] [ia] z g d a [wl] [ig] [id] [ya] [ka] [ig] d a [xq] [je] [ge] [ud] z j g d L [je] [ug] [yd] [zo] [uj] [yg] [ed]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:12
    Great Fairy's Fountain (The Legend of Zelda)

    Koji Kondo

  • jgjgkhkhljljzkzk [la] k j [ph] l k [ja] h l [pk] j h [la] k [pj] h [sl] k j [ha] l k [pj] h l k j h l k j h [pl] k j [ha] l k [sj] h [pl] k j [ha] l k [sj] h [sl] k j [ha] l k j h l k j h l k j h| [sf]|l [sjf]|l [kda]|l k|hjl j| [sf] j x [zsf]|l [kda]|l [kda]|hjl x| [sf]|l [sjf]|l [kda]|l k|hjl j| [sp] j j [spg]|j [oha]|j [oha]|s|| [sf]|l [sjf]|l [kda]|l k|hjl j| [sf] j x [zsf]|l [kda]|l [kda]|hjl x| [sf]|l [sjf]|l [kda]|l k|hjl j| [sp] j j [spg]|j [oha]|j [oha]|s s f [dJ]| j| h| g| f s d f p| a| s| d| f s s f [HD]| h| g| D|d d s D d| h j h|h j x| x c x v x x l|| [la] k j [ph] l k [ja] h l [pk] j h [la] k [pj] h [sl] k j [ha] l k [pj] h l k j h l k j h [pl] k j [ha] l k [sj] h [pl] k j [ha] l k [sj] h [sl] k j [ha] [la] k j h l k j h|| [xf][vh] [ml]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:24
    Green Hill Zone (Sonic The Hedgehog)

    Masato Nakamura

  • k s k h k| | k l v|v|v|b|x|| z x k|k||| [qf] e [tp] s f j x z| | [ute]|f|k l b b v z| j z [ztqe] x|j| z| | [ute]| k l n|n|v z|x| [tqe]|h h h|h|g f|d f [ute]| z x k f j k| l k| [tqe]|h h h|h|g f|d f [ute] h f|[xvn]|[xvn]|x|x z| [tqe]|h h h h [urj0]|f| d f [ute]| k|l|k| f|s d [tqe]|f p|s d z h|a|s| [uthe]||j f| | [d4] o [f8] p [qh] h|h 4|[g8] f q|d f 6|0|[pe]|d|[f6]|[p0]|e| [d4] o [f8] p [qh] h|h 3|[g7] f 0|d f 6 h [f0]|[pe]|d|[f6]|[h0]|[je]| [d4] o [f8] p [qh] h h [j3]|[f7]|0|f| [k6]|[j0]|[ke] j|f 9|e|y| [pj4]|8|[xqf]| [vh4]|8|[qjb]| [nk3]|7|0|[ml] [nk] 3|7|[u0] f| [pid4]|8|q|p [oda] 5|9|w| 6|0 d [ed] d|d 3|[s7] a 0| u a 4|8|q|s p 5|9|[wo]| [u6]|[r0] t e [ut]|[to] 6 [tp] 0 u e f| [pid4]|8|q|p [udO] 3|7|0|a [usp6]|0|[uspe]| [aI9]|[pe]|[yo]|p| [u4]|8|[qoh]| [pj4]|8|[sql]| [zd5]|9|[xwf]| [jb5]|9|[wvh]|b [wjb50]||v [xj]| [zj] x k| [ke] u p f|l j| | [qf] j t h i d f j j| h d s 6 0 r t a s d|d| | [tqpe]|a|s|d|[yrd0]|f|a|s [ed] r t u|h|[sje9]| [sj] k l [sqjf] e t u i p s f|[xj]|z|k| [ke] u o a|h f| | [tqe]|h h h|h|g f|d f [ute]| k|h|h|h|h j f| [tqe]| h g h|h|g f|d f [ute] h f| [zjf]|[kjf]|[ljf]|j|h| [tqe]| h g h|[urj0]|f| d f [ute]| l|k|[tjQ9]|G|f|s d [tqe]|f p||p a s| [uthe]||j f [ywr]| | 6|0 [hf] [hfe] [hf]|[hf] 6|[gd0] [sf] e|d [fa] 5|9|[wha]| [ka5]|9|[zwa]| [l4] k [j8]|[qhf] [hf]|[hf] 4|[gd8] [sf] q|d [fa] 3|7|[pf0]| [fO3]|7|0| 4|8 [hf] [qhf] [hf] [hf] [jf5]|[fa9]|w|d [sf] 6|0|[le]|k|[j9]|[eG]|[yf]|s d 4|[f8] p q| 4|8|[qa]|s| [h5]|9|w|j f 5|9|[wj] k x| | [tsqi]| |f||d s [wua]|s a| f| | [uqp]| p s|d| s a|s a [y0] o||p| p|f| [ted9]| p| f| s|s| [yrd0]||f j| h k| [utqljf]||k j| h j| [wupf]||d f|a|s|d||| [u30] f| [pid4]|8|q|p [oda] 5|9|w| 6|0 d [ed] d|f 3|[s7] a 0| u a 4|8|q|s p 5|9|[wo]| [u6]|[r0] t e [ut]|[to] 6 [tp] 0 u e f| [pid4]|8|q|p [udO] 3|7|0|a [usp6]|0|[uspe]| [aI9]|[pe] o y|p| [up4]|8|[qoh]| [pj4]|8|[sql]| [zd5]|9|[xwf]| [jb5]|9|[wu] f| [tqd]||f p [wu]| o p| [ute]||y u|r|t|y| |u| | q t o p|f d| | d w p| h d|| d f e i p s|l k|[lf]|[sk]| [rkh]|o|a| d||d f [tl] d f k d f h o|d| [qd] t o p s d h s d z| [xe] u p [lf]| [kf]||l| [ql]|o|[spf]| [sjf]| [zf]| [vj]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:59
    Glassy Sky (Tokyo Ghoul)

    Amanda Lee

  • [fe]|u p s|[oa] s d f d s d| [pe]|u p [sd] f [oda] s d| p|o| [qp] a u p s|a o o p a p a| [d9] t [si] a s|a p [a0] y o p|p| [fe]|u p s|[oa] s d f d s d| [pe]|u p [sd] f [oda] s d| p|o| [qp] a u p s|a o o p a p a| [d9] t [si] a s|a p [a0] y o p 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p| 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p| 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|i| 9|u [yie] u [i9] u i u [qi] u [i4] u i u 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p| 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p|o [u6]| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|i| 9|u [yie] u [i9] u i u [qi] u [i4] u i u 6| [e0]|6 u d d d [d6] d d [ed0] d d d d f 6| [e0]|6 u d d d [d6] d d [ed0] d d d d f 4| [q8]|4 u d d d [d4] d d [qd8] d d d d f 2| [a96]|2|a|3 a [70] a p| [fe]|u p s|[oa] s d f d s d| [pe]|u p [sd] f [oda] s d| p|o| [qp] a u p s|a o o p a p a| [d9] t [si] a s|a p [a0] y o p|p| [fe]|u p s|[oa] s d f d s d| [pe]|u p [sd] f [oda] s d| p|o| [qp] a u p s|a o o p a p a| [d9] t [si] a s|a p [a0] y o p 6|p [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|p| 6|p [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|i| 6| [se0] s [s6] s h|[d6]|[ed0]|g f [d9]|u [yie] u [i9] u i u [qi] u [i4] u i u 6|p [fe0]|d 6 s a|[o6]|p|p [f6]|d|s [fe0]|d 6 s a|o|p| 6| [se0] s [s6] a a|[o6]|[ue0]|i| 9|u [yie] u [i9] u i u [qi] u [i4] u i u 6| |u d d d d d d d d d d d f 6| |u d d d d d d d d d d d f 4| |u d d d d d d d d d d d f 2| a| [a3]|a|a p| [f6]| [e0]|6 s d f [d6] s [ed0]| [p6]|p [ed0] f [d6] s d|6|[pe0]|o| [p4] a|[q8]|4 o o p [a4] p [qa8]| [d2]|s a [s96]|2 a p a|3|[p70]|p| [f6]| [e0]|6 s d f [d6] s [ed0]| [p6]|p [ed0] f [d6] s d|6|[pe0]|o| [p4] a|[q8]|4 o o p [a4] p [qa8]| [d2]|s a [s96]|2 a p a|3|[p70]| 6| [sle0]|6 k l [ka]|6|[ohe0]| 6| [sle0]|6 k l [ka]|6|[ohe0]|[ig]| 4| [qka8]|4 o o p [a4] p [qa8]| [d2]|s a [s96]|2 a p a|3|[p70]|p|| [sl]|[ka] [sl] [ka]| [oh]| | [sl]|[ka] [sl] [ka]| [oh]|[ig]|| [ka]|o o p a p a| d|s a s|a p a| p
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:07
    God is a Woman

    Ariana Grande

  • [j6]|j|[utpD]|D|G|G|[utp]| 6| [utpf]|f|D|D|[utsp]|s|[a3]|a|[wur]| |[wur]| 3| [wur]| |[wur]| [j6]|j|[utpD]|D|G|G|[utp]| 6| [utpf]|f|D|D|[utsp]|s|[a3]|a|[wur]| |[wur]| [a2] d| [yiea]|a|s|s|[yie]| [a3]|a|[urW]| |[urW]| [a2] d| [yie]| |[yie]| 2| [yiea]|a|d|d|[yiea]|a|[O2]|p|[yiea]|d|a|p|[yieO]|p|[a2]|d|[yiea]|p|O|p|[yiea]|d|[g6]|g|[utpe]|p||[ute]| 6| [ute]| |[ute]| [f3]|f|[wurP]|P|S|S|[wur]| 3| [wura]|a|P|P|[wuro]|o|[I7]|I|[yrQ]| |[yrQ]| 7| [yrQ]| |[yrQ]| [f3]|f|[wurP]|P|S|S|[wur]| 3| [wura]|a|P|P|[wuro]|o|[I7]|I|[yrQ]| |[yrQ]| [I$] p| [eTI]| |[eTI]| [u3]|I|[wuro]|P|a|S|[wurf]|S|[a3]|P|[wuro]|I|u|I|[wuro]|P|[a3]|S|[wurf]|S|a|P|[wuro]|I|[u3]|I|[wuro]|P|a|S|[wurf]|S|[d7]|d|[yrQ]| |[yrQ]| 7| [yrQ]| |[yrQ]| [u3]|I|[wuro]|P|a|S|[wurf]|S|[a3]|P|[wuro]|I|u|I|[wuro]|P|[a3]|S|[wurf]|S|a|P|[wuro]|I|[u3]|I|[wuro]|P|a|S|[wurf]|S|[d7]|d|[yrQ]| |[yrQ]| [I6] p| [ute]| |[ute]| 6| [ute]| |[ute]| [s4] O| [tiW]| |[tiW]| 4| [tiW]| |[tiW]| [O4]|a|[tsiW]|D|d|s|[tiaW]|O|[s4]|s|[tiW]| |[tiW]| [a2] d| [yie]| |[yie]| 2| [yie]| |[yie]| [O4]|a|[tsiW]|D|d|s|[tiaW]|O|[s4]|s|[tiW]| |[tiW]| [a2] d| [yie]| |[yie]| [j6]|j|[utpD]|D|G|G|[utp]| 6| [utpf]|f|D|D|[utsp]|s|[a3]|a|[wur]| |[wur]| 3| [wur]| |[wur]| [j6]|j|[utpD]|D|G|G|[utp]| 6| [utpf]|f|D|D|[utsp]|s|[a3]|a|[wur]| |[wura]|a|[f6]|f|[ute]| |[ute]| 6| [ute]| |[ute]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:40
    Gnossienne No. 3

    Erik Satie

  • [qed]|d d s d g [qe]|g g f g f [e0]|f f d f d [wr]|d d d s a [qed]|[qed] d[qe] s [qed] g [qe]|[qge] g[qe] f [qge] f [e0]|[fe0] f[e0] d [fe0] d [wr]|[wrd] d[wr] d [wsr] a [qea] p [qe]|[qe]|[qe]| [qe]|[qe] p [qed] ss[qe] a [ea0] p [e0]|[e0]|[e0]| [wr]|[wr] o [wrd] ss[wr] a [qea] s [qe]|[qe]|[qe]| [qe]|[qe] p [qed] ss[qe] a [ea0] p [e0]|[e0]|[e0]| [wr]|[wr]|[wr]|[wr]| [g9]|[qge] g[qe] f [qge] j q|[tje] j[te] j [tke] l 0|[tle] l[te] j [tle] k w|[yrk] k[yr] k [yrf]| [g9]|[qge] g9 f [qge] j q|[tje] jq j [tke] l 0|[tle] l0 j [xte] z w|[zyr] zw z [zyr]| 9 gg g g fg h| q gg g g fg h| e ff f f df h| w dd d d df d s 9 gg[qe]g g9fg [qhe]| q gg[te]g gqfg [the]| 0 ff[te]f f0df [the]| 9 dd[wr]d d9df [wrd] s [qe] dd d d df d s [qe] dd d d df d s [e0] dd d d df d s [wr] dd d d df d s [g9]|[qge] g[qe] f [qge] j q|[tje] j[te] j [tke] l 0|[tle] l[te] j [tle] k w|[yrk] k[yr] k [yrf]| [g9]|[qge] g9 f [qge] j q|[tje] jq j [tke] l 0|[tle] l0 j [xte] z| [zwrk] [zwrk] [zwrk] [zwrk]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:30
    Get Lucky

    Daft Punk

  • [u6] [e6] [t6][y6][u6] [e6] [t6][y6][u6] [e6] [t6][y6][u6] [e6] [t6][y6][uT6] [e6] [T6][y6][u6] [e6] [T6][y6][u6] [e6] [T6][y6][u6] [e6] [T6][y6][u6] [80] [80] [e80] [80] [80] [t6]y[u80] [80] [e80] [80] [t80]y[wr70] 3 567 3 567 3 567 3 5 [y5] [97] [97] [w97] [97] [97] [t5]r[y97] [97] [w97] [97] [t97]r[qe96] 2 456 2 456 2 456 2 4 [f6] [80] [80] [p80] [80] [80] [s6]d[f80] [80] [p80] [80] [s80]d[uoa7] 3 567 3 567 3 567 3 5 [d5] [97] [97] [o97] [97] [97] [a5] [97] [s97] [a97] [97] [o97] [p6] [u80] [i80]o[p80] [u80] [i80]o[p6] [u80] [i80]o[p80] [u80] [i80]o[p6] [u3] [i4][o5][p6] [u3] [i4][o5] [pe4] [86] [86] [86] [86] [o86]p[wo3] [85] [85] [85] [85] [85] [i2] [e64] [64] [64] [64] [u64]i[ue6] [80] [80] [80] [80] [80] [q4] [86] [86] [86] [86] [86] [tq2] [64] [64] [yw3] [75] [75] [e6] [60] [q6]w[e6] [60] [q6]w[e6] [60] [q6]w[e6] [60] [q6]w[e6] [60] [q6]w[e6] [60] 6 [pe4] [86] [86] [86] [86] [o86]p[wo1] [53] [53] [53] [53] [53] [i2] [e64] [64] [64] [64] [u64]i[ue6] [80] [80] [80] [80] [80] [q4] [86] [86] [86] [86] [86] [tq2] [64] [64] [wr3] [75] [75] [e6] 0 [q6]w[e6] 0 [q6]w[e6] [30] [q4][w5][e6] [30] [q4][w5][e6]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:16
    Game of Thrones Title Sequence

    Ramin Djawadi

  • [fe] ffsdf|j| [th]| f| s[qp]||| [wp]asasdsdfdfh[fe6] ff[s0][wd][fe]|j| [wrk]|el[tk]j|[yh]|[tj]rep|s|g| [zjed]| [xkf]| [qljc4] [lj][le]kj[wvh5]|[wf]0w[qjb4] j[je]hg[usfe6] a p [qljc4] [lj][le]kj[wvh5]|[wf]0w[zqjb4] [qe9][qe9][qe9][qe9][xnk] [rW0][rW0][rW0][rW0] [qljc4] [lj][le]kj[wvh5]|[wf]0w[qjb4] j[je]hg[usfe6] [d0] [fe] [qljc4] [lj][le]kl[zwv5]|[wk]rw[xkfe0][w0][e0][e0][w0][e0][pje0]|3
    Level: 7
    Length: 00:30
    Frog's Theme (Chrono Trigger)

    Yasunori Mitsuda

  • [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l
    [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z
    [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l
    [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z
    [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l
    [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z
    [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l
    [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z
    [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k|l
    [zhe] d[zh]d l k l [zh0] d[zh]d z v z
    [zqh] d[zh]d l k l [zwh] d[zh]d l k| [he]fds|||[yp]|||
    h[qj] xzl k l z [wj] xzl k l|z
    [je] xzl k l z [je] xzl z v z
    [qj] xzl k l z [wj] xzl k l|z
    [je] xzl k l z [je] xzl z v z
    [qj] xzl k l z [wj] xzl k l|z
    [je] xzl k l z [je] xzl z v z
    [qj] xzl k l z [wj] xzl k l|z
    [je] xzl k l z [je] xzl z v z j|

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:49
    From Here to Eternity (Devilman Crybaby)

    Kensuke Ushio

  • 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 4 t e q 4 t e q 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 4 t e q 4 t e q 6 t e 0 6 t e [e0] [u6] t [ue] 0 [u6] t e [u0] [y6] t [te] [t0] 6 t e [e0] [t4] t [te] [tq] 4 t e [yq] [t6] t e 0 6 t e [t0] [u6] t [ue] [u0] 6 t e [u0] [y6] t [te] [t0] 6 t e [t0] [p4] [tp] e q [p4] t e [qi] [u6] t e 0 6 t e 0 0 [uo] u [ur] [u0] o u [ur] [u9] i y [ye] 9 i y e 0 [uo] u [ri] [o0] o u [ur] [y9] i y e 9 i y e 0 [uo] u [ur] [u0] o u r [u9] i y [ye] 9 i y [ye] [o5] [ro] w 9 [o5] r w [p9] [p5] [ro] w 9 5 r [wi] 9 [u8] u t w 8 u t w [u8] u t [wu] [i8] u t [wu] [y6] t [ue] 0 6 t e 0 [u6] t e 0 6 t [ie] 0 [u8] [ut] t w 8 u t w 8 [ut] t [wt] [t8] u t [yw]t [r6] t e 0 6 t e 0 [e6] t e 0 6 t e 0 [u5] [yr] w [y9] 5 r [yw] 9 [y5] r [yw] [y9] 5 r [wu] 9 [i4] [ue] q [t8] 4 e [qe] 8 [tqe84]||[qe84]|y| [yp60] t||[pf] t f||[pf]| [sq8]||gh k [je0]||kh [fe] [us86]|u|u|p u [ywf0]|t t| gh [xr] [tqlg]|t|t| [ylg] [tsp86]||[sp] u [us86] u|u| p u [ya76]|t t| p t [p64] p| p| [oi]i [up63]||| [s86] u u u u|p u [wuf0]|u u| gh [xu] [tqlig]|i|o| [lig] [usp86]||[sp]| [us86] u|u| [up]| [usje86]|u u| p o [p86] p|p| i oi [up63]||| [of850] u u u [uf]| [ud]s [upd96]|y y|| [of850] u u i [of]| [ud]s [ypf60]||| [of5] u u u [uf]|u ds [ud6]|y y||y [oa72] o| o| p p o||i|[utf8]||| [ur8]| u [ki]l|zx u [yk6]|u|| [sj]||[ig]|[uf8] [tl]|| f [ts] [ts] [ts] [ts]| [ys]d[ts] [ra6]| e [sp]||| po u [uod5] y|y| y| [yof]|y y| u| [ig84] [uf]|[ts]| [pe]|[ts]|| [yg]h k [ywlf8] t|| f||l|zx c [kd60]||| s||g|[wd8]f h||| [a60]||p||| oi u [t95]|||a||| [g84] f|s| p| [s84]||[84]|d| j m b x j m b x j m b x j m b x g m b c g m b c j m b x j m b [xe] [uj] m [ub] x [uj] m b [xu] [uj] m [tb] [xt] j m b [xe] [tg] m [tb] c [tg] m b [yc] [tj] m b x j m b [xe] [je] m [eb] [xe] jem b x [je] m [eb] [xe] j m b [xi] [pg] m [pb] [pc] g m [ib] c [uj] m b x j m b x f [vu] [xu] [uk] [uf] v x [uk] [ud] c [zy] [yj] d c z j f [vu] [xu] [ki] [of] v x [uk] [yd] c z j d c z j f [vu] [xu] [uk] [uf] v [xu] k [ud] c [zy] [yj] d c z [yj] o [ok] h d o k h [pd] [po] [ok] h d o k h d o k h d a h f [id] [wusf8]||| [wu8]| u [ki]l|zx u [yk60]| u|| [sj60]||[ig]| [wug8]f [tl]|| [wf8] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ts]| [ys]d[ts] [ra60]| e [sp]|| [60]||po u [uod95] y|y| y| [yof95]|y y| u| [ig84] [uf]|[ts]| [pe]|[ts84]|| [yg]h k [ywlf8] t|| [wf8]||l|zx c [kd60]||| [s60]||i|[ig]| [wug8]f l|| [wu8]||| [a60]||p|| [60]||oi u [uoa95] y|y| y| [yod95]|y y| u| [ig84] [uf]|[ts]| [pe]| [ts84]||[td]| [wtsf8]||| [w8]||kg[lh] zh[xj] [kh60]||| [lj60]||i|[ig]| [wug8]f [sh]|| [w8] s s s s| sds [a60]||[sp]|| [60]||po u [uod95] y|y| y| [yof95]|y y| u y [tg84] [tf]|[ts]| [pe]| [ts84]||[yg]h k [uf60]j||| [f6][j0]
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:40
    Fruhling in Paris


  • [e60]||[wt8]||
    [w5][w5] [w5][w5] 5 [r7][r7] [r7][r7] 7
    [y9][y9] [y9][y9] 9 [wo][wo] [wo][wo] [a75]|
    o i u y|h|
    [t1] [w8] [e1] [t8] 5 [w5] [e5] [t5]
    [y6] [u6] [y6] [t6] [u3] 3 3 [u3]
    [i4] [u4] [y4] [t4] 1 [t1] [e1] [w1]
    [t2] [w2] [u2] [y5] 5 5 5 5
    [t1] [w8] [e1] [t8] 5 [w5] [e5] [t5]
    [y6] [u6] [y6] [t6] [u3] 3 3 [u3]
    [i4] [u4] [y4] [t4] 5 [t5] [y5] [t5]
    1 [s8] [o1] [u8] [t1] 8 1 8
    [s1] [o8] [p1] [s8] 1 [d8] [f1] [d8]
    [s2] 9 [h2] 9 [s2] 9 2 [s9]
    [s3] [o0] [p3] [s0] 3 [d0] [f3] [d0]
    [s4] q 4 [wd] 5 w 5 w
    [s1] [o8] [p1] [s8] 1 [d8] [f1] [d8]
    [s2] 9 [h2] 9 [s2] 9 2 [s9]
    [s3] [o0] [p3] [s0] 3 [d0] [f3] [d0]
    6 e [e1] [w6]2e [e6]t [w5]
    [e6] e [e1] [w6]2e [e6]t 5
    6 t [t1] [t6]2t [t6] y [t5]
    [y6] Y [y1] [Y6]2y [t6] e [w5]
    6 e [e1] [w6]2e [e6]t [w5]
    [e6] e [e1] [w6]2e [e6]t 5
    % t [y1] [t%] [y^] [^Y] [y2] [t^]
    [t1] [w5] [e6] [t1]|t y y
    [u753]| [r3] [u3]|y y
    [y860]|t [r6] [t6]||
    [u753]| [r3] [r3] u y y
    [y860]|t [r6] [t6]||
    [ye2] [ur9] [ye2] [t9] [e2] 9 [ye2] [ur9]
    [ye2] [t9] [e2] [e9] [u4] q [t4] [yw]
    [w5][w5] [w5][w5] 5 [r7][r7] [r7][r7] 7
    [y9][y9] [y9][y9] 9 [wo][wo] [wo][wo] [a75]|
    o i u y|h|
    [t1] [w8] [e1] [t8] 5 [w5] [e5] [t5]
    [y6] [u6] [y6] [t6] [u3] 3 3 [u3]u
    [i4] [u4] [y4] [t4] 1 [t1] [e1] [w1]
    [t2] [w2] [u2] [y5] 5 5 [h5] 5
    [t1] [w8] [e1] [t8] 5 [w5] [e5] [t5]
    [y6] [u6] [y6] [t6] [u3] 3 3 [u3]
    [i4] [u4] [y4] [t4] 5 [t5] [y5] [t5]
    1 8 1 8 [i4] [I$] [o5]|
    [ts1] [wo8] [pe1] [ts8] 5 [yd5] [uf5] [yd5]
    [ts6] 6 [oh6] 6 [ts3] 3 3 [ts3]
    [ts4] [wo4] [pe4] [ts4] 1 [yd1] [uf1] [yd1]
    [ts2] [wo2] [uf2] [yd5] 5 5 5 5
    [ts1] [wo8] [pe1] [ts8] 5 [wo5] [pe5] [ts5]
    [yd6] [uf6] [yd6] [ts6] [uf3] 3 3 [uf3]
    [ig4] [uf4] [yd4] [ts4] 5 [ts5] [yd5] [ts5]
    1 [sl8] [oh1] [uf8] [ts1]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:28
    Friend Shitai (Gakkou Gurashi!)

    Gakuen Seikatsu-bu

  • [toe]| [to]| [to]| [tqo]| [to]| [to]| [wt8]| [to]| [to]| [wr7]| [yo]| [yo]| [toe]| [to]| [to]| [tqo]| [to]| [to]| [wt8]| [to]| [to]| [wr7]| [yo]| [yo]| [toe]| [to]|f [tof] g [tqo]| [to]|f [tod] s [wt8]| [to]|s [tof] d [wr7]| [yrof]|s [yso] p [toe]| [to]|f [tof] g [tqo]| [to]|g [toj] h [wt8]| [to]|f [tof] d [wr7]| [yo]| [yo]| [toe] l k [toj] h f [tod] s [tqid] s d [tif]| [ti]| [wut0] l k [wutj] h f [wutd] s [dW70] s d [rfW0]|f [rdW0] s [toe]| [to]| [to]| [tqi]| [ti]|s [tsi] s [wuts0]|s [wut] s a [wutp] o [wr7]| [yro]|f [yrod] s 2 9 0 q|s s s [s2] 9 [s0] q s a p o [30] 7 0 w|s s s [s30] [s7] [s0] [ws] s a p o [q4] 8 q e|s|s [sq4] 8 [sq] e s d f d [w5] 9 w r a|a| [ywroa]g| f [fa5]|| [t6] 0 [se] [uoed]|s|[od] % [f8] q [todW]|s [od]| [w85] 0 [ws] [utod]|s [wt] psj $ [f6] 9 [edQ]|s| [e92]tp6 9 q| a s [wt0]||| [utsqW]||O|| o| i i|| i O s g H l c V m||[uaWO%]|u [upT$] 6 [p*] [pQ] e p [ua]| [92] 6 9 [eQ]|9 [eQ] u [ua30] 7 [a0] [aW] r u [uS]| 6 0 T|% 0 r u [uT$] 6 [u*] [uQ] e u|u 2 [y6] 9 [TQ]|e|e [r3] 7 [T0] [rW]|W e| [S6] 0 [dT]|[f%] 0 [ra] u [upT$] 6 [p*] [pQ] e p [ua]| [u92] 6 9 [eQ]|9 [eQ] u [ua30] 7 [a0] [aW] r u [uS]| 6 0 T|% 0 r u [uT$] [u6] [u*] [uQ] e u|u 2 [y6] 9 [TQ]|e|e [r3] 7 [T0] [rW]|e W| [e60]||| [toe]| [to]| [to]| [tqo]| [to]| [to]| [wt8]| [to]| [to]| [wr7]| [yo]| [yo]| [toe]| [to]| [to]| [tqo]| [to]| [to]| [wt8]| [to]| [to]| [wr7]| [yo]| [yo]| [toe]| [to]|f [tof] g [tqo]| [to]|f [tod] s [wt8]| [to]|s [tof] d [wr7]| [yrof]|s [yso] p [toe]| [to]|f [tof] g [tqo]| [to]|h [toj] h [wt8]|h [toh]|g [tof] d [wr7]| [yro]| [yo]| [toe] l k [toj] h f [tod] s [tqid] s d [tif]| [ti]| [wut0] l k [wutj] h f [wutd] s [dW70] s d [rfW0]|f [rdW0] s [toe]| [to]| [to]| [tqi]| [ti]|s [tsi] s [wuts0]|s [wut] s d [wutf] d [wr7]| [yro]|f [yrod] s 2 9 0 q|s s s [s2] [s9] [s0] [sq] s a p o [30] 7 0 w|s|s [s30] [s7] [s0] w s a p o [q4] 8 q e|s s s [sq4] [s8] [sq] [se] s d f d [w5] 9 w r a|a| [ywroa]g| f [fa5]|| [t6] 0 [se] [uoed]|s|[od] % [f8] q [todW]|s [od]| [w85] 0 [ws] [utod]|s [wt] psj $ [f6] 9 [edQ]|s| [e92]tp6 9 q| a s [wt0]||| [utsqW]||O|| o| i i|| i O s g H l c V
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:18
    Ghost Of A Smile


  • 5 6 [wt80]|| 5 6 [yeQ2]|| 2 3 [tqe4]|| 4 5 [wt10]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [w5] [e6] [t8]|| [w5] [e6] [q4]|| [92] [30] [q4]|| [q4] [w5] [81]|| [w5] [e6] [t8]|| [w5] [e6] [q4]|| [92] [30] [q4]|| [q4] [w5] [81]|| [w5] [e6] [wt80]|| 5 6 [yeQ2]|| 2 3 [tqe4]|| 4 5 [wt10]|| 5 6 [wt80]|| 5 6 [yeQ2]|| 2 3 [tqe4]|| 4 5 [wt10]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| [h5] [j6] [l8]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [d2] [f3] [g4]|| [g4] [h5] [s1]|| 5 6 8 [ofa3]|[ofa]|[ofa]|[ofa]| [spf6]|[spf]|[spf]|[spf3] @ [pid2]|[pid]|[pid]|[pid]| [pif5]|[pid]|[spi]|[pif2] @ [ofa3]|[ofa]|[faO]|[faO]| [spf6]|[oda7]|[spf1]|[ofa!]| [spdI2]|[spdI]|[spdI]|[spdI$]| [spi5]|[spi]|[spi5]|[spi5]| [spdI2]||23[spi4]|||[spif5]||| [spf6]|[oda7]|[spf81]|[ofa*!]| [spdI92]||23[spi4]||| [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5] [oda5]|5|5 [j5] [k6] [z9]|| [j6] [k7] [f3]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [j5] [k6] [z9]|| [j6] [k7] [f3]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [j5] [k6] [z9]|| [j6] [k7] [f3]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [j5] [k6] [z9]|| [j6] [k7] [f3]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| [f3] [G$] [h5]|| [h5] [j6] [^J]|| [h5] [j6] [d2]|| 6 7 [yeE10]||| 2|[idaO2]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:01
    Forget You

    Cee Lo Green

  • [xsjf]| |zxv[dC]| | x C [vsjf] b C|x||z[xjd] [xsjf]| |zxv[jdC]| | x C [vsjf] b C|x||z[xjd]| | zx[spib]| | cvm[onda]| | b n [usom] z n|b||v [spib] [vjgd]b|z|x| | [vkhf]b|z|x| | [pfb]||| e [utpf]| |dfh[ypG]| | f G [utph]|G|f||d [ypf]||| [fe80]| |dfh[eG9]| | f G [he80]|j|G||d [fe9]|e 9 e 9 e [d9]f[sqjg8]|[sjg] [q8] [sjg] [q8] [slg] [q8] [wkhd9]|[khd] [w9] [khd] [w9] j k [wlhf0] [zhf] [khf]|[sjf]|[w0] h [qjg8] [qh9]j|d|f| | [wrj0]|d|f|| h[je0]||| 6
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:36
    Fi's Theme (The Legend of Zelda)

    Koji Kondo

  • [wo][wo][wo][Y(]|| [qi][qi][qi][y9]|| oooYOOOoDDDs|| oooyOOOogggd|| ooiY((qwooiY((qw [wo][wo][qi][Y(]|| [YI8]|| [yo7]
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:17
    Fifth Symphony

    Ludwig van Beethoven

  • 8 [ut] o [oE]|s o i q|ios||ios| 8 [ut] o [oE]|s o i q|ios||[si]| 8 [ut] o o 7 w r u [o6] [p0] [ea] d [s5] [o9] [wp] o 4 8qwe[tq]|[tq]|ui [o9] [ie] [yu] yuy[ywt]|[ywr]| 8 suaopoo7 w r uiu [o6] [p0] [ea] d [s5] [o9] [wp] paoo 4 8qwe[tq]|[tq]|ui [o9] [ie] [yu] iyyuy[ywt]|[ywr]| 6 0 e t u o a s [oa2] 6 [p9] [po]|[oa] 9 [po] [o5] 9 w 9 [i4] 8 q w [s0]apoiuyt[o5] [p9] [ws] d [sf1] 5 [sf8] [sd] 0 [srf] u fd [s4] 8 [ql] [wk] [th]|osd [sf1] [sg5] [sf8] [sd] 0 [rf] [ud] dfd [s4] 8 q [wt] [s9] [ed] [yf] g [sh1] 4 [sh8] [sg]||[f8]df 4 g [f9] fdq||p [o3] 7 [od0] [so] 6 0 [ue] i 9 [ue] y t [y5] 9 [wu] uy 8 [ut] o [oE]|s o i q|ios||ios| 8 [ut] o [oE]|s o i q|ios||[si]| 8 [ut] o o 7 w r u [o6] [p0] [ea] d [s5] [o9] [wp] o 4 8qwe[tq]|[tq]|ui [o9] [ie] [yu] yuy[ywt]|[ywr]| 8 suaopoo7 w r uiu [o6] [p0] [ea] d [s5] [o9] [wp] paoo 4 8qwe[tq]|[tq]|ui [o9] [ie] [yu] iyyuy[ywt]|[ywr]| 6 0 e t u o a s [oa2] 6 [p9] [po]|[oa] 9 [po] [o5] 9 w 9 [i4] 8 q w [s0]apoiuyt[o5] [p9] [ws] d [sf1] 5 [sf8] [sd] 0 [srf] u fd [s4] 8 [ql] [wk] [th]|osd [sf1] [sg5] [sf8] [sd] 0 [rf] [ud] dfd [s4] 8 q [wt] [s9] [ed] [yf] g [sh1] 4 [sh8] [sg]||[f8]df 4 g [f9] fdq||p [o3] 7 [od0] [so] 6 0 [ue] i 9 [ue] y t [y5] 9 [wu] uy [ut1] 5 8 [to]|[ut] 8| [ti1] [u5] [y8] [ut]|i [to]| [sOD%] ( W [sOD%]|[dP] s ds [P5] 9 w|[iP8] [wO] [to] O 4 [P8] [sq] [PD] ^ [qg] [dE] sds [P@] ^(qw[wqE]|( [wqE] d [sD1] [d5] [D8] [sg] q s D d ^ [s(] [PE] [PD] E [gP]|DdP [s@] ^(qw[wqE]|( [wqE] o [i4] [o8] [qO] P [s^] [qd] [ED] g [h8] [ut] o o 7 w r u [o6] [p0] [ea] d [s5] [o9] [wp] o 4 8qwe[tq]|[tq]|ui [o9] [ie] [yu] yuy[ywt]|[ywr]| 8 u o o 7 w r u [o6] [p0] [ea] d [s5] [d9] [wf] j [h4] 8qwe[tq]|[tq]|fg [h9] [ge] [yf] dfd[wsd]|[wda]| 6 0 e t u o a s [oa2] 6 [p9] [od]|[oa] [p9] [po] [o5] 9 w 9 [i4] 8 q w [s0]apoiuyt[o5] [p9] [ws] d [sf1] 5 [sf8] [sd] 0 [srf] u fd [s4] 8 [ql] [wk] [th]|osd [sf1] [sg5] [sf8] [sd] 0 [rf] [ud] dfd [s4] 8 q [wt] [s9] [ed] [yf] g [sh1] 4 [sh8] [sg]||[f8]df 4 g [f9] fdq||p [o3] 7 [od0] [so] 6 0 [ue] i 9 [sie]||[wr] a [wpe] p [o3] 7 [od0] [so] 6 0 [ue] I 9 [sie]||[wr] a [qpe] p [o3] 7 [d0] s 6 0 [ue] i 9 [oe] [yp] a [s5] [d9] [wf] g [h3]gh7 0|6 0 e| [h9] e y j [wr]|[qe] kjh 3 7 0 w 6 0 [ue] I 9 [se]||[wr] a [qpe] p [o3] 7 [d0] s 6 0 [ue] i 2 [u6] [y9] t [y5] [t8] [wu] uy [t8] [ut] o [oE]|s o i q|ios||[si]|[wutro8]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:36

    Side A

  • e t e t e t e t e t e t e t e t [e60] t e t e t e t e t e t e t e t [u6] etu etu etu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto qti qti qti qti qt [u6] 0tu 0tu 0tu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto 9ti 9ti 9ti 9ti 6tu 0tu 0tu 0tu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto qti qti qti i uiuy [u6] 0tu 0tu 0tu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto qti qti qti qti ets ets ets ets qtp qtp qtp qtp wta wta wta wta qtp qtp qtp qtp ets ets ets ets qtp qtp qtp qtp wta wta wta wta qtp qtp qtp qtp| [e6]tetetetetet[e5]tetetetetrt [e$]tetetetetet[e4]teteteterty [u6]tututututuy[u5]tututututuy [u$]tututututut[u4]iuiuiuiuiui [o1]tototototot[o2]tptptptptpt [p4]tatatatatat[a$]tststststst [s5]tststststst[s$]tatptststst [s4]tststststst[s2]tatptststst [s6]tstststatpt[s5]tstststatpt [s$]tstststatpt[p4]tptptptptpt [u6]tututututut[u5]tututututuy [u$]tututututut[u4]tututuiuiui [o1]tototototot[p2]tItItItItIt [i4]tititititit[I2]tItItItItIt [p6]tptptptptpo[p5]tptptptptpt [p$]tatatatatat[a4]tstststatpt [s6]tatptstatpt[p5]tptptptptpt [p$]tptatptptpt[p2]tptptptptpt [u6] etu etu etu qti qti qti qti wto wto wto wto qti qti qti i uiuy [u6] 0tu 0tu 0tu qti qti qti qti qto 9to 9to 9to qti qti qti qti tptptptptptpt[wp]tatatatatat [aQ]tstststatpt[qp]tptptptptpt [se]tatptstatpt[ws5]tatptstatpt [pQ$]tptptptptpt[p92]tptptptptpt [f6]ufufufudusu[f5]ufufufudusu [f$]ufufufudusu[s4]usususususu [s1]uaupusuaupu[p2]upupupupupu [s4]uaupusuaupu[p$]upupupupu| [e6]tetetetetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwt [e6]tetetetetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwt [e6]tetetetetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwt [Q$]tQtQtQtQtQt[q2]tqtqtqtqtqt [e6]tetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwtwtwtwt [e6]tetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwtwtwtwt [e6]tetet[W%]tWtWt[w5]twtwt[Q$]tQtQt [q2]tqtqtqtqtqt9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t9t [e6]tetetetetetetetet[e1]tetrt [e6]tetetetetete t ete[t7]etete [t6] e tetetetetetetet[r1]trtrt [e6]tetetetetetetetet%tetet [e6] t e t e t e t e t e t etetete t e t e t e t e
    Level: 5
    Length: 04:10

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • t|u|y|t r e|w q 0|| 0 q w e t r| t r e 0 t r e|| e[t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]|w [wq]q[w30]|| 0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|w| [e4] [wr] [te]|[r5]| | [t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]||wq[w3]|| 0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|[wr]|[e6]| | t r [e4]|t t [y5]| u i [o3]|u y [t6]| t r [e4]|r t [y7]|r|[e30]||| [t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]|w [wq]q[w30]| | [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|w| [e4] [wr] [te] t [r5]| | [t6]|u|[y5]|t r [e4]||wq[w3]|| 0 [q2]|[w0] [e9] [r5]|[wr]|[e6]| | t r [e4]|t t [y5]| u i [o3]|u y [t6]| t r [e4]|r t [y7]|r|[t30] r e|| tt r [e4]|r t [y5]| u i [o3]|u y [t6]| t r [e4]|t|[y5]|r|[t6] e| | [e6]
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:39


  • [wt10]||2 [wr30]| 5| [wt60]| |[wr50]| | [wt10]||2 [wr30]| 7| [wt60]| |[wr95]||o o [of1]|f|s|o [o2] [uso3]|s|[a5]| [tpo6]| |[uro5]||o o [of1]|f f s|[o2] [uso3]|a s [a7]| [uto6]| |[uro5]||o o [of1]|f|s|[o2] [uoa3] s|[a5]| [tpo6]| |[uro5]|o|s|d| [sof1]||h 2 [a3]|s|7| [uso6]| |[uoa5]||o o [of1]|f|s|[o2] [uso3]|s|[a5]| [tpo6]| |[uro5]||o o [of1]|f|s|[o2] [uso3]|s [a7]| [uto6]| |[uro5]||o o [of1]|f|f|f [g2] [ofa3]|d [d5]| [uso6]| |[uoa5]|o|s|d| [sof1]||h 2 [a3]|s|7| [uso6]| |[yoa5]| | [spi4]| |g| [sof3]| [od5]|s a|p [yo]| p|s| [pi4]| |g| [sof3]| [od5]|s a|p [yo]| p|s| [pi4]||s g| [sof3]| [sod5]| |[a5]|s f|s| 1|u|s|2 [s3]|u|[a5]| [a6]|u|s| [s5]|u|a| 1|u|s|2 [s3]|u|[a7]| [a6]|u|s| [s5]|y|a|o| [of1]|f|s|[o2] [uso3]|s|[a5]| [tpo6]| |[uro5]||o o [of1]|f|s|[o2] [uso3]|s [a7]| [uto6]| |[uro5]||o o [of1]|f|f|f [g2] [ofa3]|d [d5]| [uso6]| |[uoa5]|o|s|d| [sof1]||h 2 [a3]|s|7| [uso6]| |[yoa5]| | [spi4]| |g| [sof3]| [od5]|s a|p [yo]| p|s| [pi4]| |g| [sof3]| [od5]|s a|p [yo]| p|s| [pi4]||s g| [sof3]| [sod5]| |[a5]|s f|s| [wut1] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [tie4] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [wut1] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [ywt5] t t t r r r r r r r r r r r r [wut6] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [tie4] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [wut1] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [ywt5] t t t r r r r r r r r r r r r [wut1] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [tie4] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [wut1] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [ywt5] t t t r r r r r r r r r r r r [wut6] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [tie4] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [wut1] t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t [ywt5] t t t r r r r r r r r r r r r [wut1]|1|1|1|[wut1]|1 u 1|1| [tie4]|4|4|[t4]|[tie4]|4 i [u4]|4| [wut1]|1|[u1]|1 u [wut1]|1|[u1]|[i1]| [ywt5]|5 y [ywr5]|5|[y5]|5|[y5]|5| [wut6]|6|6|6|[wut6]|6 u 6|6| [tie4]|4|4|[t4]|[tpi4]|4 p [o4]|4 o [to1]|1 i [u1]|1 t [w10]|1|[wu1]|[y1]| [ywt5] t [t5] t [r5] r [r5] r [r5] r [r5] r [r5] r [r5] r [wut1]|1|1|1|[wut1]|1 u 1|1| [tie4]|4|4|[t4]|[tie4]|4 i [u4]|4| [wut1]|1|[u1]|1 u [wut1]|1|[u1]|[i1]| [ywt5]|5 y [ywr5]|5|[y5]|5|[y5]|5| [wut6]|6|6|6|[wut6]|6 u 6|6| [tie4]|4|4|[t4]|[tpi4]|4 p [o4]|4 o [to1]|1 i [u1]|1 t [w10]|1|[wu1]|[y1]| [ywt5] t [t5] t [r5] r [r5] r [r5] r [r5] r [r5] r [r5] r [te4]| |i| [wut3]| [yw5]|t r|e [w95]| e|t| [qe4]| |i| [wut3]| [yw5]|t r|e [w95]| e|t| [qe4]||w|t| [wut3]|y| [ywt5]| |[r5]|t r|t|[w10]
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:44
    Fix You


  • u t u t u t u t u t u t u t u t u t [ue6] t u t u t [ur7] y u y u y u y u y u y [ue6] t [ur7] y [ut8] y [ur7] y [ue6] t [ur7] y [ut8] y u y u y [ur7] y u y u y [p84]|f| | [p84]|f| | [a95]|f| | [a95]|f| | [s60]|f| | [s60]|f| | [d95]|f| | [d95]|f|a| [uqp84]|f|p| [uqp84]|f|p| [wua95]|f|a| [wua95]|f|a| [use60]|f|s| [use60]|f|s| [ywd95]|f|d| [ywd95]|f|a| [up4] 8 [qf] 8 [p4] 8 [up4] 8 [qf] 8 [p4] 8 [ua5] 9 [wf] 9 [a5] 9 [ua5] 9 [wf] 9 [a5] 9 [us6] 0 [fe] 0 [s6] 0 [us6] 0 [fe] 0 [s6] 0 [yd5] 9 [wf] 9 [d5] 9 [yd5] 9 [wf] 9 [a5] 9 [uf30]| u|u|u|u|u|u|u| | [se60]puspuspuspuspuspudpu [ws95]puspuspuspuspuspuspuspu [qg84]spgspgspgsphsphsphsphsp [wk95]hfkhfkhfkhfkhfkhfkhfkhf [le60]jfljfljfljfljfljfljfljf [zw95]kfzkfzkfzkfzkfzkfzkf[f30]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:35
    First Step (Interstellar)

    Hans Zimmer

  • [tl] o [sl] o [sl] l k k [tl] o [sl] o [sl] llz l t o s o s [zo]l[zs] ol t o s o s [ol]l[sc] [xo] t o s o s [zo]l[zs] ol t o s o [sl]zol[vs] [ob]x e u p u p [ul] [pl]zul [ic] s [jg] s g [sl]l[lg]z[sl] [tc] [xo] s o sllllzl z l||s f d [s8] [ws] [tf]dws8 [ws] [tf]dws q [ts] [ig] [ts] [se] u [pf] [uf]f 8 [ws] [tg] [wf]fq t [id] [td]d w [yd] [od] [ys] [od] f d s [s8] w [ts] w t [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] 9 [wd] 9 w [g9] [wf] [d9] [f6] 0 [fe] 0 e 0 e [g0] q t i t i [tf] [id] [ts] [s8] w [ts] w [ts]d[wf] [td] [ws] [d5] 9 [wd] 9 w [f9] [wf] [d9] [f6] 0 [fe] 0 e 0 e [s0]s [qh] [th]h[if] [ts]hihth[if] [ts] [f6] 0 e 0 [d5] 9 w 9s d d d sdsf f s [s8] w t w t w q 0 [u6] [o0] [oe] [u0]o[oe] [u0] [ue] 0 [uq] [to] [oi] [to]oti[ti] [ti] q [u8] [wo] [to] w t w t [wi]u [i5] [o9] [wo] 9 w 9 w [u9]u [u6] [o0] [oe] 0u[oe] [u0]uet[t0]t [qi] [to] [oi] [to]ot [ti] [ti] [ut] [u8] [wo]ot w t w t [wi]u [y5] [o9]ow 9 w 9o[wo]p[s9] [s8] [ws] [tf]dws8 [ws] [tf]dws q [ts] [ig] [ts] [se] u [pf] [uf]f 8 [ws] [tg] [wf]fq t [id] [td]d w [yd] [od] [ys] [od] f d s [s8] w [ts] w t [wf] [td] [ws] [d5] 9 [wd] 9 w [g9] [wf] [d9] [f6] 0 [fe] 0 e 0 e [g0] q t i t i [tf] [id] [ts] [s8] w [ts] w [ts]d[wf] [td] [ws] [d5] 9 [wd] 9 w [f9] [wf] [d9] [f6] 0 [fe] 0 e 0 e [s0]s [qh] [th]h[if] [ts]hihth[if] [ts] [f6] 0 e 0 [d5] 9 w 9s [qd] [td] [id] ts[id]s[tf] [if] [ts] [s6] 0 e 0 e 0 e [d0] q t i td[id]s[tf] [if] [ts] [s8] w t w t w t [wd] 5 9 w y o llz l t o s o s zlz l t o s o s llc x t o s o s zlz l t o s o [sl]zlv bx e u p u p l lzl [ic] s [jg] s g lllzl [tc] [xo] s o sllllzlz l
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:37
    Fight Song

    Rachel Platten

  • [te6]||| [wt8]||| [te6]||| [wt8]| |t y t r [e860]|e|t e t et [e80]w||et y t r [e860]|e et e t yy [u80]||ti i i uy 6 [t6] [t6] 6e[t6] [e6] [t8] [y8]y [u0] 0 0 0t[i0] [i0] [i0]u0y 9 [t9] [t9] 9t[u9] [u9] [u9] [u9] [u0] 0 0 0e[t0] [y0] [t0] [r0]e [qe8]|e ee e t yu [e80]||tu u u uu [ywe9]|y ry y u yy [te8]||e[wte9] y t re [qe8]|e ee e t yu [w80]| |u u u uu [yw90]|y yy y u yy [te8]||y[y8] [y9] [u8] [y7]y [t860] e [e860] e [e860] e [t860] t [u80] u [u80] u [u80] u [t80] r [e860] e [e860] e [e860] e [t860] t [u80] u [u80] u [t80] y [t80] r [e860]|[e860] e[t860] e [t860] et [e80]w [80]|[t80] y [t80] r [e860]|[e860] e[t860] e [t860]y u [80]|[80] u[i80] i [i80] uy [q86]|[tq86] e[tq86] e [tq86] yu [860]|[860] u[i860] i [i860]u i [w98] u [wu98] t[wu98] u [wu98] u [u0] 0 0 0e[t0] [y0] [t0] [r0]e [e84] [84] [e84] [84]e[e84] [e84] [t84] [y84]u [80] [80] [80] [80]t[u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y985] [985] [y985] [985]r[y985] [y985] [u985] [y985]y [wt80] [w80] [w80] [w80]e[t985] [y985] [t985] [r985]e [e84] [84] [e84] [84]e[e84] [e84] [t84] [y84]u [u80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y975] [975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [wt80] [w80] [w80] [w80]y[y985] [y985] [u985] [y985]y [t84] [84] [84] [84]y[y84] [y84] [u84] [y84]y [t80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y975] [975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [t860] [860] [860] [860] [985] [985] [985] [985] [e84] [84] [r84] [84] [t84] [84] [o84] [84] [u80] [80] [80] [80] [o80] [80] [t80] [80] [r975] [975] [t975] [975] [y975] [975] [r975] [975] [t860] [860] [860] [860] [t985] [y985] [t985] [r985] [e84]|r|t|o| [u80]| |o|t| [r975]|t|y|r| [860]||e[t975] y t re [e84]|e ee e t yu [w80]||tu u u uu [y965]|y ry y u yy [t6]||et y t re [e84] [84] [e84] [84]e[e84] [e84] [t84] [y84]u [80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]i [975] [y975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [t860] [860] [860] [860] [e985] [985] [r985] [985] [t84] [84] [84] [84] [t84] [84] [o84] [84] [u80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y975] [975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [t860] [860] [860] [860] [e985] [985] [r985] [985] [t84] [84] [84] [84] [t84] [84] [o84] [84] [u80] [80] [80] [80] [u80] [u80] [u80] [u80]u [y975] [975] [y975] [975]y[y975] [y975] [u975] [y975]y [t860] [860] [860] [860]y[y985] [y985] [u985] [y985]y[t84]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:21
    Final Masquerade

    Linkin Park

  • s h|h|h|h
    s h|h|h|h
    s h|h|h|h
    s h|h|h|h
    [xs] [hc] v [vh]|[xh]|[vh] s [mh]|[vh]|[xh]|h
    [sc] [vj] b [jb]|[jc]|[jb] s j|j|j|j
    [sc] [vj] b [jb]|[jc]|[jb] s [zh]|[nh]|[vh]|h
    [xs] [hc] v [vh]|[mh]|[vh] s h|h s h a h
    [plb] [znf] [xm] [xmf]|[lfb]|[xmf]
    p f [lb] [xmf] p [lfb] o f
    [jic] [vsk] [lb] [slb]|[sjc]|[slb]
    i s|s i s u s
    [yjc] [vpk] [lb] [plb] t [pjc]|[zpg]
    r p [xh] [pjc] w [zpg]|p
    [tlf] o|o|o|o
    t o|o|o s [od]
    [tsf] [og] h [oh] a [of]|[oh]
    [tp] [ol]|[oh] o [of]|o
    [tg] [ph] j [pj] f [pg]|[pj]
    [td] p|p s p|p
    [ygd] [ph] j [pj] s [pg]|[pj]
    [ra] [zo]|[ok]|[oh]|o
    [tsf] [og] h [oh] a [ol]|[oh]
    [tp] o|o [to] o r o
    [sje] [ukd] [lf] [ulf]|[usj]|[ulf]
    e u [sj] [ulf] e [usj] w u
    [qpg] [tha] [sj] [tsj]|[tpg]|[tja]
    q t|t q t 0 t
    [pg9] [hea] [sj] [sje] 8 [pge]|[ied]
    7 w [of] [wpg] 5 [wid]|w
    [sf8] [wg] h [wh]|[wl]|[wh]
    8 [zw] v [zw]|[wh] z [wv]
    [tlf] [og] h [oh]|[ol]|[ohf]
    t o|o s [od] f [og]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:16
    Forrest Gump Theme (Forrest Gump)

    Alan Silvestri

  • [se] u [ts] u [se] u [tf] u [qj] t [je] t [qj] t [he] t [tf] o [uf] o [tf] o [uf] o [wa] y [ra] y [wa] y [rp] y [ute] s [utse] p [utse] p [utse] d [tqfe]| [tsqe] s [tqoe] f [tqe]| [uto]| [uto]| [uto] s [utso] s [ywra]| [ywr] a [ywra] p [ywsr]| [ute] s [utse] p [utse] p [utse] d [tqfe]| [tsqe] s [tqhe] f [tqe]| [uto]| [uto]| [uto] s [utso] d [ywr]| [ywr]| [ywr] f [ywrf] f [fe] u t u e u t u q t e t q [tf] [fe] [tf] [tf] o u o t o u o w y r y w [yf] [rf] [yf] [fe] u t u e [us]d[td] [ud]f [qd] [ts] [se] t q [tf] [fe] [tf] [tf] o u o t [so] [us] [od] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ys] w [yf] [rf] [yf] [utsfe]| [utse]| [utse]| [utfe]| [tqje]| [tqje]| [tqje] s [tqhe] hf [uto]| [uto]| [uto] s [utoh] hf [ywr]| [ywr] d [ywr] f [ywrf] f [fe] u t u e [us] [ts] [up]gq t e t q t e [th] [tf] [oh] [uf] [oh] [tf] [oh] [ud] [so]gw y r [ys] [wg] y [rf] y [se] [us] [ts] [us] [fe] [uf]f[tl] [uk] [qj] [tj] [je] [tj] [qh] [th] [ed] [td] [tf] [of] [uf] [of] [th] [og] [uf]d[so] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [yd] [ra] [ya] [se] [us] [ts] [us] [fe] [uf]f[tl] [uk] [qj] [tj] [je] [tj] [qh] [th] [ed] [td] [tf] [of] [uf] [of] [th] [og] [uf]d[so] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [ws] [ys] [rd] [ys] [ute] s [utse] p [utse] p [utse] d [tqfe]| [tsqe] s [tqoe] f [tqe]| [uto]| [uto]| [uto] s [utso] s [ywra]| [ywr] a [ywra] p [ywsr]| [ute] s [utse] d [utse] p [utse] d [tqfe]| [tqe] s [tqhe] f[tqe]| [uto]| [uto]| [uto] s [utso] d [ywrd]| [ywr]| [ywr] f [ywrf] f [fe] u t u e u t u q t e t q [tf] [fe] [tf] [tf] o u o t o u o w y r y w [ys] [rh] [yh]fe [us] [th] [uh]fe [us] [th] [uh]dq [ts] [se] [td] q [ts] [he] [th]ft o u o t [so] [uh] [oh]fw y r [yd] w y r y [se] [us]d[ts] [us]h[fe] [ua] [ts] [us] [sq]s[ts]d[se] [ts]h[qf] [ta] [se]s[ts]s [ts]s[so]d[us] [so]h[tf] [oa] [us]s[so]s [ws]s[ys]d[sr] [ys]hw [yf] [rf] [yf] [fe] u t u e u t [us] [qp] [to] e t q [ts] [he] [th]ft o u o t [so] [uh] [oh]fw y [rd] y w [yf] [rf] [yf] [fe] u t u e [us] [tp] [uo]g[qg] t e t q t e [th] [tf] [oh] [uf] [oh] [tf] [oh] [ud] [so]gw y r [ys] [wg] y [rf] y [se] [us] [ts] [us] [fe]f[uf] [tl] [uk] [qj] [tj] [je] [tj] [qh] [th] [ed] [td] [tf] [of] [uf] [of] [th] [og] [uf] dos [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wd] [yd] [ra] [ya] [se] [us] [ts] [us] [fe]f[uf] [tl] [uk] [qj] [tj] [je] [tj] [qh] [th] [ed] [td] [tf] [of] [uf] [of] [th] [og] [uf] dos [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [ws] [ys] [rd] [ys] [se] [us] [ts] [us] [se] [us] [tf] [uf] [qj] [tj] [je] [tj] [qj] [tj] [he] [th] [tf] [of] [uf] [of] [tf] [of] [uf] [of] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya] [wa] [ya] [ra] [ya]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:24
    Faded (Easy)

    Alan Walker

  • [o4] 8 q w o y 5 9 w e o u 6 0 e r o y 3 7 Q w o t 4 8 q w o y 5 9 w e o u 6 0 e r o y 3 7 Q w o t 4 8 q w o y 5 9 w e o u 6 0 e r o y 3 7 Q w o t 4 8 q w o y 5 9 w e o u 6 0 e r o y 3 7 Q w o t [l4] 8 q w o y 5 9 w e o u 6 0 e r o y 3 7 Q w o t [j4] 8 [qh] w [oh] y 5 9 w e o u [f6] 0 [ed] r [of] y 3 7 Q w o t [l4] 8 [zq] w [ol] y 5 9 w e o u 6 0 e r o y 3 7 Q w o t [j4] 8 [qh] w [oh] y 5 9 w e o u [f6] 0 [ed] r [so] y 3 7 Q w o t [s4] 8 [qa] [wo] e r [s5] 9 [wa] [oe] r [ti] [ut6] 0 [ea] [ra] t r 3 7 Q w r y [s4] 8 [qa] [wo] e r [s5] 9 [wa] [oe] r [ti] [ut6] 0 [ed] [rd] t [rd] [od3] 7 [fQ] [ws] e t [spi4] 8 [qa] [wo] e r [yso5] 9 [wa] [oe] r [ti] [ut6] 0 [ea] [ra] t [rp] [uoa3] 7 Q w r y [spi4] 8 [qa] [wo] e r [yso5] 9 [wa] [oe] r [tg] [f6] 0 [sge] [rha] t [rpf] [od3] 7 [pfQ] [wus] e t [o4] 8 q w o y 5 9 w e o u 6 0 e r o y 3 7 Q w o t 4 8 q w o y 5 9 w e o u 6 0 e r o y 3 7 Q w o t [o2] 6 [o9] 0 q [pe] [to]|| 3 8 9 0 w [ue]i[ro]| i|u [y6] 0 [wu] [ue] r t y r t e r w [y5] 9 [wo] [ue] r t y r e [wt] [y9] [t8]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:36
    Eternity Memory of Light and Waves (Intermediate)

    Noriko Matsueda

  • q t o p|| w y p a|| e u a s|| 0 r I o|| q t o p|| w y p a|| e u a s h a s| | s [ql] t [ok] [ph]|| [wl] y [pk] [ha]| g [fe] u [ka] s|| 0 r I o| s [ql] t [ok] [ph]| s [wl] y [pk] [ha]| g [sfe] u [zha] s h l [zh0] r [xI] [ol]| f [qhg] t o p| sh[wh]dy [pd] a| sh[he]fu [fa] s| sh[h0]dr [dI] o|| [qh] t [so] p| sh[wh]dy [pd] a| h [sfe] u a s h k l v k|| s [lh4] 8 [wk] [he] t s [lg5] 9 [ke] [rh] [ts] g [sf6] 0 [rk] t u s [hd3] 7 w y o s [lh4] 8 [wk] [he] t s [lg5] 9 [wk] [he] [sr] g [f6] 0 [zr] t [ud] z [z3] 7 [xw] [yl] o s [lh4] 8 [wk] [he] t s [lhg5] 9 [wk] [he] [ts] g [sf6] 0 [rk] [tkf] u j [k3] 7 w y o| [lj4] 8 [wk] [he] t s [lg5] 9 [wk] [he] t [gc] [x6] 0 [ec] [vr] t x [z3] 7 [xwf] [le] r s [g2] 6 [s9] 0 q g [sg3] 7 0 [wh] r s [g4] 8 [ws] e t g [sg5] 9 [se] t i p s| | fg[yihf]| | j h s g l| vl[zu] a s h l|| h v h c x [zhe] u|f k s f| | lz[zw] [ul] s f k l h|s|| s [ied9] u p h| | sd[od0] r I o|d j| | sd[sqpd] t o p|s k|h|| d [wspd] y p|s|h| | fg
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:55
    Eternity Memory of Light and Waves

    Noriko Matsueda

  • 8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u| [o9] e [yo] e [yo] [oe] y e [o9] e [ys] e [ya] [se] y [oe] 8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u o [g9] e [yf] e [yd] [se] y e [g9] e [yf] e [yd] s y d [ywr]|[wrd] dd[yw]|[yw]| [wts] s [wts] as[wr]ao [wro]p [yqP]|[yq] d [wts] o [wto]o [qpe]P p[w0] io[qe]iy [qe8]| [ywr]|[wro] p [wa0] o [wp0] a [yqd]|[yq] s [sqe]|[qe]| [wrd]| |[wr]| | 8 w [ut] io6 0 e| [o4] [o8] [qp] o 5 9 [wt] y 8 w [ut] os6 [s0] [se] s [p4] [p8] q|[p5] [o9] [wt] yu 6 0 [se] s [a0] r [uf] f 6 0 e|[p9] [ea] [ys] p [d5] 9 w o [o0] r u o [g9] e [yf] e [yd] [se] y e [g9] e [yf] e [yd] s y d [ywr]|[ywrd] dd[yw]|[yw]| [wts] s [wts] as[wr]ao [wro]p [yqP]|[yq] d [wuts] o [wto]o [qp]P p0 ioqiy [qe8]| [ywr]|[wo] p [a0] o [p0] a [yqd]|[yq] s [sq]|[tqe]| [ywrd]| |[ywr]| | [fe]|d|[s0]|a|[ts]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:09
    Eternal Flame

    The Bangles

  • k| |[le]| [h0]| [qj]|| k|[le]|f|[zod0]|[sl]|[sql]|t|[pi]|h g [of8] w [tso]|[od5] 9 [rh]|[sp6] 0 e r t|s d [pif4] 8 e|[od5] 9 [ws]|[s8] w t u o|p a [so6] 0 e 0 [o3] 7 w 7 [p4] 8 q| p a [s6] 0 [fe] [s0] [d3] 7 [ws]|[s4] 8 e q t|o i [u1] 5 [t8] 5 [y5] 5 [o5] 9 [te6] 6 6 0 e|t y [u4] 8 q 8 [y5] 9 [wt]|[wt10] 8 0 w t h| | [xtsh]|o|[xvsf]| | [xtsh]|o|[xvsf]| | [zwpd]|y|[oa]| k| [plfe]|[uk]|[spj]||j| [uha0]|r|[uo]| h| [sqji]|t|[plig]| | [zwoh]|y|[ol]| z| [xtshf]|o|[sf]| | [xtsh]|o|[xvsf]| | [xtsh]|o|[xvsf]| | [zwod]| y| [oka]| [plfe]|[uk]|[spj]||j| [uha0]| [uo]| h| [sqji]|t|[plig]| | [zwoh]|y|[ol]| [za]| [plfe]|u|[sp]| f| [uplfe]| |[ld]| [qlig]|t|[pi]||| [ywok]| [plfe]|u|[sp]||| [whda] [ple]| [h0]| [qj]||k| [le] u [sf]|[zd0] t [sol]|[ql] t o i p|h g [f8] w [ts]|[d5] 9 [rh] w [s6] 0 e r t|s d [f4] 8 e q [d5] 9 [ws]|[s1] 8 0 w t|p a [s6] 0 e 0 [o3] 7 w 7 [p4] 8 w q e|p a [s6] 0 [fe] [s0] [d3] 7 [ws] a [p4] 8 e q t|o i [u1] 5 [t0] 5 [y5] 5 [o5] 9 [t6] 6 6 0 e|t y [u4] 8 0|[y5] 9 [wt]|[t1] 8 0 w t|s d [qf] e u t [wod] y [so]|[s8] w t u o|l z [pif]| [oda]|s|[so%] ( [oY]|i|[tY]| [zg^] q E|P|d| | 8 [wu] [yo] [us] [of] [sh] [lf] [xh] [vl] [xm] [xv] [vm] [xm]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:50
    End Theme (5 Centimeters per Second)


  • was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saW [fda]| e [spf]| q [spD]| w [sfa] w [sqpd]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saW [fda]| e [spf]| q [spD]| w [sfa] w [sqpd]| q [pd]| q [pd]| e [spf]| e [spf] e w [oda] w W [fda] W e [spf] e w [sf] w q [spf] q [sgW]| w [sfa] w w [sfa] w w [oda] w w [oda] w was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saW [fda]| e [spf]| q [spD]| w [sfa] w [sqpd]| was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saW [fda]| e [spf]| q [spD]| w [sfa] w [sqpd]| q [pd]| q [pd]| e [spf]| e [spf] e w [oda] w W [fda] W e [spf] e w [sf] w q [spf] q [WD]| w [sfa] w w [sfa] w w [oda] q [oda] [gda] q w [sf] w w [sf] w q [spf] q [sgW]| w [sfa] w w [sfa] w w [oda] w w [oda] w was[wsf]saq [spf]| was[wsf]saq [spf]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:49
    Everything Stays (Stakes)

    Rebecca Sugar

  • [tsof]| [to]| [to]| [tsog]hgf[toda]| [to]| [to]| [toda]hhs[tspi]| [ti]| [ti]| [tspi]dfs[toda]| [to]| [to]| | 8| [sf]g[f8]d[d8]s ioiu[y5]| [da] 5s[a5]po yoot[tp4]|| [a4] [sp4]| fds [da5]||5 5| [sf] g[sf8]ds| 8 8| [da] s [oa5]po| 5 5||o [pi4]| [ia] 4 [si4]| g| [sf5]ds| [d5] [da5]||f [pg9]| [pg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]||9 9||f [pg9]| [pg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]||9 9| [sf] g [sf8]ds| 8 8| [sg]hgf[da5]|| 5 5 o[of] [of] [id8] [us]| 8 8| |8||8 8| |8| [tsf]g[f8]d[d8]s [ti]oiu[y5]| [wda] 5s[oa5]po [yw]oot[tp4]| [qa] 4 [s4]| [qpg] f[da5]| w 5 5| [wsf]gfd[d8]s t 8 8| [thf] fd[f5]d w 5 5| w oo[pi4]| [qia] 4 [si4]| [qjg] g [sf5]| [ws] [d5] [da5]| w f [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]| y 9 9| y f [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [h8] f [id9]| y 9 9| [yf] g [sf8]ds t 8 8| [tsg]hgf[da5]| w 5 5 o[wof] [of] [id8] [us] t 8 8| t| 8| t 8 8| [ts]| [d^P]| [dPE] ^ ^| [dPE]| [oD(]| [oYD] ( (| [oYD] g [g^P]| [dPE] ^ ^| [dPE] g [pg4]| [sqp] 4 4| [qpg] [pg][sg8]| [tsf] 8 8| [tsf] h [ha5]| [wda] 5 5| [wha] [ha][ha9] [pG] y [dI9] 9| [yjG] k[sj5] [ha] w [sj5] 5 [ha] w| | [id] [if] [pi] [sp4]| [sqf] 4 4| q| 4 ff[qd]s[p4] [id4] [if]q[pi] [uo8]| t 8 8| tpss8| t 8 [sf8][sh][sh][sh]t s [s4]| [sqj] 4 4| q l [sj4]| q 4 [id4] [if]q[pi] [o8] jht [j8][sf]8| t| [d8]s t 8 [sh8]| [tsh] [sh] [pg9]| [ypg] 9 [pg9] j [yh] f [da5]| w 5 5| [wh] h [jg9]hg [ypg] 9g[jg9] h [yh] f [da5]| w 5 5| [wg] g [og8]| [tof] [of8] 8| t h [ha5]| [wda] [da5] 5| [wha] j[ph4]| [qpg] [pg4] 4| [qh] g [sg4]| [sh]| [sH]||| shg[sf5]||5 5| ghgf[da5]||5 5| f ds[sp4]|| 4 4 o f f [ud8] s
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:56
    Everything I Do

    Bryan Adams

  • [e6]|| t|y|[ut8]|o||p o[yw5]|| t y [ue6] o p s| s o[qp4]|| t y [ut8]|o||p o[yw5]|| t y [ue6] o p s| s o[qp4]|| s a [ts8]|[ts8] s [ts8] d [ts8] a [ws5]|[ws5]|[ws5] d [ws5] a [se6]|[se6]|[se6] d [se6] o [qi4]|[q4]|[q4]|[sq4] a [ts8]|[ts8] s [ts8] d [ts8] a [ws5]|[ws5]|[ws5] d [ws5] a [se6]|[se6]|[se6] d [se6] o [qi4]|[q4]|[q4]|[q4]| [ts8]dsd[tf8]|[t8]|[td8] s [ws5]dsd[wf5]|[w5]|[wd5] s [se6]|[e6] p [e6]|[se6] d [qp4]|[q4] p [q4]|[q4]| [ts8]dsd[tf8]|[t8]|[td8] s [ws5]dsd[wf5]|[w5]|[wd5] s [se6]|[e6] p [e6] p [se6] d [sq4]|[q4] p [q4]|[qp4] o [t8]||t y [ut8]|o||p o[yw5]|| t t y [ue6] o p s| s o[qp4]|| t y [ut8]|o||p o[yw5]|| t y [ue6] o p sds|s| [qo4]||s s a [ts8]|[ts8] s [ts8] d [ts8] a [ws5]|[ws5]|[ws5] d [ws5] a [se6]|[se6]|[se6] d [se6] o [qi4]|[q4]|[q4]|[sq4] a [ts8]|[ts8]|[ts8] d [ts8] a [ws5]|[ws5]|[ws5] d [ws5] a [se6]|[se6] s [se6] d [se6] o [qi4]|[q4] s [q4]|[qd4]| [ts8]dsd[tf8]|[t8]|[td8] s [ws5]dsd[wf5]|[w5]|[wd5] s [se6]|[e6] p [e6]|[se6] d [qp4]|[q4] p [q4]|[q4]| [ts8]dsd[tf8]|[t8]|[td8] s [ws5]dsd[wf5]|[w5]|[wd5] s [se6]|[e6] p [e6] p [se6] d [sq4]|[q4] p [q4]|[qp4] o [ut8] u u uy[ut8]uyu uuy [wu5]yuyuuyy[wu5] y u y [ue6] yu uy[ue6] u u uy [qi4] u tttt[qi4]iu t u [ut8]yuyuuuy[ut8] yu uy [wu5] y u uy[wu5] y u y [ue6] yu uu[ue6]uuyu| [qi4]uiut|[qi4]uiut|[sq4]||| [tl8]|[tl8]|[tl8] z [tl8] k [wl5]|[wl5]|[wl5] z [wl5] k [le6]|[le6]|[le6] z [le6] k [qj4]|[q4]|[q4]|[q4] k [ts8]dsd[tf8]|[t8]|[td8] s [ws5]dsd[wf5]|[w5]|[wd5] s [se6]|[e6] p [e6]|[se6] d [qp4]|[q4] p [q4]|[q4]| [ts8]dsd[tf8]|[t8]|[td8] s [ws5]dsd[wf5]|[w5]|[wd5] s [se6]|[e6] p [e6] p [se6] d [sq4]|[q4] p [q4]|[qp4] o [ts8]dsd[tf8]|[t8]|[td8] s [ws5]dsd[wf5]|[w5]|[wd5] s [se6]|[e6] p [e6]|[se6] d [qp4]|[q4] p [q4]|[q4]| [ts8]dsd[tf8]|[t8]|[td8] s [ws5]dsd[wf5]|[w5]|[wd5] s [se6]|[e6] p [e6] p [se6] d [sq4]|[q4] p [q4]|[qp4] o [t8]
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:40
    Fckn Perfect


  • l k k h [qj] e t i [wk] r [yk] [ok] e [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [qj] e [tl] [zi] w [rl] [yk] [oj] e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [qj] e [tl] i [h8] 0 [wl] t [k5] [j7] [k9] [wl] 6 8 0 e [l8] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0] w r y o y r w r r y o a o y [rd] y [fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t [th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u [wd] r y [od] y r [wf] r [sq] e t i t e q e [fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t [th] u o [sf] o u [th] u [wd] r y o y r w r w r y o y r [wk] r [le] t u [pk] u t [je] t [th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u [wd] r y [oh] y r [wg] r [ge] [tf] u p u t [ke] t [le] t u [pk] u t [je] t [th] u o [sl] o u [zt] u [zw] r y o y r w r w r y o [yl] [rk] [wk] [rh] [tqjie] e t i [ywrok] r [yk] [ok] [utpe] [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [tqjie] e [tl] [zi] [ywro] [rl] [yk] [oj] [utpe] t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [tqjie] e [tl] i [wth80] 0 [wl] t [wk975] [j7] [k9] [wl] [e860] 8 0 e [wtl80] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0] [w975] 7 9 w 9 7 5 7 [fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t [th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u [wd] r y [od] y r [wf] r [sq] e t i t e q e [fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t [th] u o [sf] o u [th] u [wd] r y o y r w r w r y o y r [wk] r [le] t u [pk] u t [je] t [th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u [wd] r y [oh] y r [wg] r [ge] [tf] u p u t [ke] t [le] t u [pk] u t [je] t [th] u o [sl] o u [zt] u [zw] r y o y r w r w r y o [yl] [rk] [wk] [rh] [sqjg] e t i [wkhd] r [yk] [okhd] e [tljf] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [sqjg] e [tl] [zjig] w [rl] [yk] [sojf] e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [sqjf] e [tljg] i [shf8] 0 [wlhf] t [khf5] [j7] [k9] [wlhf] 6 8 0 e [lhf8] 0 [wh] [thf] w [f0] [h8] [d0] 5 7 9 w 9 7 5 7 5 7 9 w 9 7 5 7 [qj] e t i [wk] r [yk] [ok] e [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [qj] e [tl] [zi] w [rl] [yk] [oj] e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th] [qj] e [tl] i [h8] 0 [wl] t [k5] [j7] [k9] [wl] 6 8 0 e [l8] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0] w r y r w 0 8
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:16
    Everytime We Touch


  • [utse]|p|f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]| [yw] [sod] [yw] [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]|[yw] [sod]| [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [tq8] [soi]|[tq8] [soi] [tq8] [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [tq8] [soi]|[tq8] [soi] [q8] [ti] o f i o f [utse]||f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]| [yw] [sod] [yw] [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]|[yw] [sod]| [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [tq8] [soi]|[tq8] [soi] [tq8] [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [yw] [sod]|o [ywsod]| e [usp]|u [usp]| [yq] [yiP]|i [yiP]| [tqi] [tpi]|t [tpi]| [yw] [sod]|o [sod]| e [usp]|u [usp]| [yqE] [yiP]|i [yiP]| [tqi] [tpi]|t [tpi]| [wt8] [tsi]|[t8] [wtsi8] [wt8] [wti8] o f i o f [ig] [oh] [xf] [ig] [oh] [xf]|| w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [tpi]|q [tpi]| 9 [ypi]|9 [ypi] [tpi] [ue] [sp] u p d f w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [ypo]|q [ypi]| 9 [ypo]|9 [ypi]| 8 [tsoi]|8 [tsoi]|[utse]||f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]| [yw] [sod] [yw] [usfe] p| [ue] [spf] [ue] [sige] p| [ie] [spg] [ie] [wusf] o| [wu] [sof] [wu] [yw] [sod]|[yw] [sod]| [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [tq8] [soi]|[tq8] [soi] [tq8] [ye8] [pid]|[ye8] [pid]| [q^E] [yiP]|[q^E] [yiP]| [q4] [tpi]|[q4] [tpi]| [yw] [sod]|o [ywsod]| [ute] [usp]|u [usp]| [yqE] [yiP]|i [yiP]| [tqi] [tpi]|t [tpi]| [ywt] [sod]|o [ywsod]| [ute] [usp]|u [usp]| [yqE] [yiP]|i [yiP]| [tqi] [tpi]|t [tpi]| [w8] [tsoi]|[w8] [tsoi]| w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [tpi]|q [tpi]| 9 [ypi]|9 [ypi] [tpi] [ue] [sp] u p d f w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [ypi]|q [tpi]| 9 [ypi]|9 [tpi]| [w8] [tsoi]|[w8] [tsoi]| w [yoP]|w [ypo]| q [ypo]|q [ypi]| 9 [ypo]|9 [ypi]| [ue] [sp] u p d f w [ypo]|w [yoP]| q [yoP]|q [ypo]| 9 [ypi]|9 [tpi]| 8 [tsoi]|8 [tsoi] 8 8| tiostios[utse]||f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [ute]| p f p [wutd] s p o|p [q84]| p f p [id92] s p o|p [tpe60]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:33
    Exile Vilify (Portal 2)

    The National

  • [spj]| |x| | [xsf]| |z h [lhd]| |k| | [sjig]| |[okhd]| | [pj]|f|[xj]| | [vs]|f|h|x l [zo]|[hd]|[lh]|k| [jig]|s|[okh]|d| [je]|u|[xp]| | [xt]|o|s|z h [wl]|y|[ok]| | [qj]|t|[wk]|y| [je]|u|[xp]|u| [vt]|o|s|x l [zw]|[yh]|[ol]|[yk]| [sqjg] t i t [wkhd] y o y [je] u a k [sl]|k j [th] o [vs] d [xf]|z l [zw] y o x [zd]|l k [sqjg] t i|[wkhd] y o| [je] u a k [sl]|k j [shf8] w [xvt] u [xol]|z l [zw] y o [yx] [zo]xz l k [sqjg] t i kl[wk] y [oh]| [sjf6] 0 e [uk] [pl] u [pk] [uj] [shf8] w [xvt] u [xo] u [zo] [ul] [zk5] 9 w [yx] [zo] y [ol] [yk] [sjg4] 8 q e [khd5] 9 w r [sjf6] 0 e [uk] [pl] u [pk] [uj] [hf8] [wsf] [xvt] u [xol] u [zo] [ul] [zkh5] 9 w [yx] [zo]xzy [ol] [yk] [sjg4] 8 q kl[khd5] 9 [whd]| [utje] kjh f d fhj h [wutj] kjh f d fhl k [ywrj] kjh f d fhj h [tqle] kjk jh[ywrf]hjhl k [spfb] nbv x z xvb v [shfb] nbv x z xvm n [hdba] nbv x z xvb v [smjg] nbn bv[xhfa]vbvm n [b6] 0 e u p
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:56
    Fairy Tail (Theme)

    Yasuharu Takanashi

  • e e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4]y6 [y8] 0 ty8 y t [t5]y6 [t8] 0|8 e t [t6]y8 [y0] e ty0 y t [t6]y7 [t8] 0|[e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 [f8] [d0] f [d8] f| [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 [f8] [d0] f d f d [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 8 [e0] t e t| [ue4]|8|0|s|[a5] p [p8]|0 e t e [te6]|0|e|s|[a6] p [p7]|8 e r t [u4] e 8|0|s|[a5] p [s8]|0 w e r [te6]|0|e|t|[r6] e [t7]|8|e| [y4]u|[y8]u|[e0]|8 6 [t5]y|[t8]y|[w0]|8 5 [r6]t|[r0]t|e|t e [w6]e|[w7]e|[80]|987 [y4]u|[y8]u|[e0]|8 6 [t5]y|[t8]y|[w0]|8 5 [r6]t|[r0]t|e|t e [t6]|7|8 e [e7] r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4]y6 [y8] 0 ty8 y t [t5]y6 [t8] 0|8 e t [t6]y8 [y0] e ty0 y t [t6]y7 [t8] 0|[e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8| [yw] [yw] [te] [yxqf]||[ywpj] [yw] [te] [ywka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [xtfe] y|[te] [ypj]|y t [yrka]||[utsl] [yr] [wt] [xqfe]||[utpj] [yr] [wt] [wrka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [tsle] y|[te] y|y t [yrpj]||[yw] [yw] [te] [yxqf]||[ywpj] [yw] [te] [ywka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [xtfe] y|[te] [ypj]|y t [yrka]||[utsl] [yr] [wt] [xqfe]||[utpj] [yr] [wt] [wrka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [tsle] y|[te] y|y t [97]|f d f d f| [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 [f8] [d0] f d f d [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 8 0| t| 0|[t8] e [t6]|4| [u0]u [e8]|[u6]u [w5]| e|[r0] r [t8]|6| [u8]u [w7]|[u6]u [e7]| 0|[t8] e [t6]|4| [u0]u [e8]|[u6]u [w5]| e|[e0] r [t8]|6| [u8]u [w7]|[u6]u [e7]| 4|[t6] e [t8]|0 e [t5]|6 e [t8] y [u0]| 6|[w8] e [t0]|e| [w6] 0 [w7] w [t8] r [t0]| 4|[t6] e [t8]|0 e [t5]|6 e [t8] y [u0]| 6|[u8] e [t0]|e| [w6] e [r7] t [e8] r [t0] y t|[uq]||d f[ywd]|s d s|a s [uea] p s||d p s p o p s d o|[qi]||f g[ywf]|d f d|s d [ufe] s d||o p s p d f d s p|[uq]||d f[ywd]|s d s|a s [uea] p s|| [e0]||e e r [t4] r [t8]|[840]| 8 [r5] e [r7]|[975]| 7 [e6] w [e8]|[860]| 8 6|8|[yw] [yw] [te] [yxqf]||[ywpj] [yw] [te] [ywka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [xtfe] y|[te] [ypj]|y t [yrka]||[utsl] [yr] [wt] [xqfe]||[utpj] [yr] [wt] [wrka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [tsle] y|[te] y|y t [yrpj]||[yw] [yw] [te] [yxqf]||[ywpj] [yw] [te] [ywka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [xtfe] y|[te] [ypj]|y t [yrka]||[utsl] [yr] [wt] [xqfe]||[utpj] [yr] [wt] [wrka]||[ywsl] [yw] [te] [tsle] y|[te] y|y t [97]|f d f d f| [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0| 6 7 [f8] [d0] f d f d [f4] h h [f8] 0|8| [f5] h h [f8] 0|8| [f6] h h [f8] q|0|6 7 8 0| e e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0| [e8] e r [t4]y6 [y8] 0 ty8 y t [t5]y6 [t8] 0|8 e t [t6]y8 [y0] e ty0 y t [t6]y7 [t8] 0|[e8] e r [t4] [r6] [t8] [r0] t 8 t e [r5] [r6] [r8] [r0]|[r8] r r [t6] [e8] 0 e|0| 6 7 8 0|8
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:56
    Fake Love


  • h f s d s| |f|||o|| [toe]o[up] p p u t [y0] o a a [so] [ya] [ys] u p p u t [r0] y [so] [od] [ys] [sr] [tf] u [pf] p u t y [ro] [yo] o [yo] [ro] [tpe] u p p u t [y0] r [yp] [so] [yp] [rp] [tse] u p p u t [y0] r [yo] o [yo] [ro] [tpe] u p p u t [y0] r y [of] [yf] [rf] [tfe]d[us] [sp] p u t [r0] y [po] [so] [yp] [rp]o [tpe] u p p u t [ur0] [yo] [po] [po] [ys] [sr] [se]ap [pe] e f [ed] [f0]ds 0 0|[o0] [p6]|6 6 s [p6] [sp0]|[u0] [o0] p [oa0] [se]ap [pe] e f [ed] [f0]ds 0 0oo [o0] [p6]|6 6 s [p6] [s0] h||j 3 [j6] 6h[f6] [d6]fds 6 3|p [sp] p [p3]o [p6]o[p6]s6 6|6 3sds[d3]s[d3]s [f6] 6 6 6|[f6] 3 oo o [o3] [o3] [p6] 6 [u6] [p6]|[u6] [o3] p 3 [f3] f [f3]|| [f6]d[s6] [s6] 6|6 3 ppps p [p3]o [p6]o[p6]s6 6|6 3|h j [j3]3 [j6]h[f6] [h6] [f6]ds [f6] [d3]|o o [o3] [o3] [sf6] [sp6] [a6] [p6] a [s6] [u3] [o3] [p3] [p3] [a3] [s3] [s6]ap p 6 f [d6] [f3]d[s3] 3 3 3 [o3] [p6]||6 s [p6] [s3] 3 [u3] [o3] [p3] [a5] [s6]ap p 6 f [d6] [f3]d[p3] 3 3o[o3] [o3] [p6]||6 s [p6] [s3] 3 3 [o3] [o3] [o3] [u6]||p|6 [o3]||a|3 [s6]||p|6 [u3]||[o3] [p3] 3 [spf6]
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:09

    Alicia Keys

  • 6 0 r t| | 6 0 r t| | [ut6] 0 r t| | [ti6] [u0] r t| | [ur6] [t0] r t| | [uo8] w y u| | [y8] [wu] y u| | [pi9] e u i| | [urO0]||| 6 0 [re] t r| t| [u6] 0 r t| | [i6] 0 [urp] t a| [sp]| [up6] [u0] r t| | [uo8] w y u| | 8 w y u| | [pi9] e u i| | [urO3]||| 6 0 [re] t r| t| [u6]| 6 0 t| | [t8] w E w y| 8 t [e4] 8 q 8||[t4] y [YE1] 5 8 i [oe4] 8 q i [yi^] q E q y y y u 7 q e| 5 9 q| [o80] w [ut] w u| t y [y^] q E q y| [yd]| [TS6] 0 [pje] T u| | [igd9] e y e 8 e [zyd] e [zd^J] q E y 6 q E y [zvhJ5] 9 w E y| | [yrp5] [i9] w r y| | [tspi] t [pi] s| | [utp]||| 6 0 r t| | 6 0 r t| | 6 0 [rp] t a| s| [f6] 0 r t| | [u8] w [ys] u d| f| [uo8] w y u w| | [ie9] e [ui] i o| p| [uaO0]||| * W T W Y W u W
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:54
    Empty Chairs At Empty Tables (Les Miserables)

    Claude-Michel Schonberg

  • [fe]|a|s|p|f|a|s|p| [qf]|a|s|p|f|a|s|p| [wf]|a|s|p|f|a|s|p| [f0]|a|s|p|[qf]|s|[wa]|p| [fe]|a|s|p|f|a|g|s| [qf]|a|s|p|f|a|d|s| [wd]|a|s|a|d|a|o|a| [p0]|a|s|a|[qd]|a|[wa]|p| [se]|s|a|a|p||a| [sq]|s|a|a|p||a| [ws]|s|d|p|[ws]|s|[wa]|p| [a0]|a|s|p|[sq]|s|[wa]|p| [se]|a|p|u|s|a|p|u| [sq]|a|p|u|s|a|p|u| [ws]|a|p|u|s|a|p|u| [s0]|a|p|u|[sq]|a|[wp]|a| [ts6]|[ts]|[ra6]|[ra]|[pe6]| 6|[ra]| [ts4]|[ts]|[ra4]|[ra]|[pe4]| 4|[ra]| [ts5]|[ts]|[yd5]|[pe]|[ts5]|[ts]|[ra5]|[pe]| [ra3]|[ra]|[ts]|[pe]|[ts4]|[ts]|[ra5]|[pe]| [sl6]|[sl]|[ka6]|[ka]|[pj6]| 6|[ka]| [sl4]|[sl]|[ka4]|[ka]|[pj4]| 4|r| [t5]|t|[y5]|e|[t5]|t|[r5]|e| [ka3]|[ka]|[sl3]|[pj]|[sl4]|[sl]|[ka5]|[pj]| [fe]|a|s|p|f|a|s|p| [qf]|a|s|p|f|a|s|p| [wf]|a|s|p|f|a|s|p| [f0]|a|s|p|[qf]|s|[wa]|p| [fe]|a|s|p|[uf]|a|[ig]|s| [uqf]|a|s|p|[uf]|a|[yd]|s| [wd]|a|s|a|d|a|o|a| [p0]|a|s|a|[qd]|a|[wa]|p| [e6] t y u
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:58
    Don't Die On Me


  • t|o|w|| y|o|w|| t|o|w|| e|i|q|| [wto]||[ywo]||[wro]||[wro]|[qie]||l h d o|| [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] q [ie4] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro] w [ro] w [ro30] w [ro] [w4] [ie4] q [ie] q [ie4] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] q [ie4] [q7] [ie81] q [to] w [to] w [to] [ws] [tof] [ws] [yod] [wd] [yo] [wf] [yo] w [yo] w [ro] w [ro] w [rpo] [ws] [sro] [ws] [ihe] q [ihe] [qf] [ie] [qd] [ie] q [to] w [to] w [to] [wo] [tof] [ws] [yod] [wd] [yo] [wf] [yo] [wd] [yo] [ws] [tod] w [to] [wf] [to] w [tso] w [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie4] q [ie] q [ie4] [q7] [ie81] q [to] w [to] w [to] w [to] w [yo] w [yo] w [yo] w [yo] w [to] w [to] w [to] w [to] w [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [tol]k[wj]h[tol]k[wj]h[tol]k[wj]h[tol]k[wj]h [yol]k[wj]h[yol]k[wj]h[yol]k[wj]h[yol]k[wj]h [rol]k[wj]h[rol]k[wj]h[rol]kjh[wl]kjh[rol]kjh[wl]kjh [lie]kjh[ql]kjh[lie]kjh[ql]kjh[xqihe] [qie] [zqihe]| [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to6] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] q [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro3] w [ro] w [ro30] w [ro] [w4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [od4] 4 4 [so4] 4 3 4 4 [od4] 4 4 [of4] 4 4 3 4 1 8 1 8 [so1] [so8] [so1] [so8] [soh1] 8 [sog1] [sof8] 1 [sod8] 7 [81] [od4] 4 4 [so4] 4 3 4 4 [od4] 4 4 [of4] 4 4 [od4] [so4] [od1] 8 [of1] [so8] 1 8 7 [81] [92] 7 7 [81] [81] [81] 7 [81] [od4] 4 4 [so4] 4 3 4 4 [od4] 4 4 [of4] 4 4 3 4 1 8 1 8 [so1] [so8] [so1] [so8] [soh1] 8 [sog1] [sof8] 1 [sod8] 7 [81] [od4] 4 4 [so4] 4 3 4 4 [od4] 4 4 [of4] 4 4 [od3] [so4] [soh851]| [soh851]|1 [85]| [ra7]|[ts81] [qi4]|| [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] w [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] q [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to] w [to] w [to] [ws] [tof] [ws] [yod] [wd] [yo] [wf] [yo] w [yo] w [ro] w [ro] w [rpo] [ws] [sro] [ws] [ihe] q [ihe] [qf] [ie] [qd] [ie] q [to] w [to] w [to] [wo] [tof] [ws] [yod] [wd] [yo] [wf] [yo] [wd] [yo] [ws] [tod] w [to] [wf] [to] w [tso] w [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [ie] q [to1] w [to] w [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo5] w [yo] w [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro] w [ro] w [ro30] w [ro] [w4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [yw4] 4 4 [wt4] 4 3 4 4 [yw4] 4 4 [wu4] 4 4 3 4 1 8 1 8 [wt1] [wt8] [wt1] [wt8] [wto1] 8 [wti1] [wut8] 1 [ywt8] 7 [81] [yw4] 4 4 [wt4] 4 3 4 4 [yw4] 4 4 [wu4] 4 4 [yw4] [wt4] [yw1] 8 [wu1] [wt8] 1 8 7 [81] [92] 7 7 [81] [81] [81] 7 [81] [yw4] 4 4 [wt4] 4 3 4 4 [yw4] 4 4 [wu4] 4 4 3 4 1 8 1 8 [wt1] [wt8] [wt1] [wt8] [wto1] 8 [wti1] [wut8] 1 [ywt8] 7 [81] [yw4] 4 4 [wt4] 4 3 4 4 [yw4] 4 4 [wu4] 4 4 [yw3] [wt4] [wto851]| [wto851]|1 [85]| [ra7]|[ts81] [qi4]|| eEt45%^8*(qwWEtTYio| [g1] 1 1 [f1] 1 2 3 [d5] [g5] 5 5 [f5] 5 5 6 7 6 6 6 6 [g6] [f6] [d7] [s81] [a4] 4 [s4] [p4] 4 4 [o7] [i81] [g1] 1 1 [f1] 1 2 3 [d5] [g5] 5 5 [f5] 5 [d6] [s7] [h3] 3 3 3 [k30]| [l4]|| HhgDSsPOoiYT [to1] w [to] [w1] [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] [w5] [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] [w6] [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] [q4] [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] [w1] [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] [w5] [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro] w [ro] [w3] [ro30] w [ro30] [w4] [ie] q [ie] [q4] [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] [w1] [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] [w5] [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w6] [to] w [to] [w6] [to] [w7] [to81] [w4] [ie] q [ie] [q4] [ie] [q7] [ie81] q [to1] w [to] [w1] [to] [w2] [to3] [w5] [yo] w [yo] [w5] [yo] [w6] [yo7] [w3] [ro3] w [ro] [w3] [ro30] w [ro30] [w4] [ie4] [q4] [ie4] [q4] [qie4] [qie4] [qie4] [qie4] [sl1]||2 3 [zd5]|| 6 7 [sl6]|| 7 8 [pj4]||7 8 [sl1]||2 3 [zd5]|| 6 7 [ka3]|| [ka30]||[sl4]
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:13
    Don't Stop Believin


  • p f j jk[li] s g jk [ol] d h kj[uk] a fflk [pj] f jjkj[ic] s g xz [xs] h l zl[zo] d h x [dc] j z xz[PB] g J bv [gb] l c vc[vs] h [lc] x [xP] c z g J J c B [vsh] h l l v m v l [pe] u p pa[sq] t i pa [ws] y o ap[a0] r uusa [pe] u ppap[qg] t i fd [tf] o s ds[wd] y o f [yg] p d fd[JE] i P jh [ji] s g hg[th] o [sg] f [fE] g d i P P g J [th] o s s h l [rh7] s [pe6] u p pa[sq2] t i pa [ws5] y o ap[a30] r [ua]usa [pe6] u ppap[qg4] t i fd [tf8] o s ds[wd5]o[yp]a[so]dfg [yg] p d fd[JE] i P jh [ji] s g hg[th] o [sg] f [f^E] gd [qi] [PE] P g J [th8] o s s h l [rh7] s [pe] u p pap[sq] t i pap [ws] y o ap[a0] [ur] [us] a [pe6] u p pap[qg] t [qi] fd [tf8] o s ds[wd5]o[yp]a[so]dfg [yg] p d fd[JE] i P jh [ji] s g Jj[th] o [sg] f [f^E] gd [^E] [^E] [^E] [^E] [^E] [eS6][eS6][eS6][eS6][eS6] po[qp4][qo4][qi4][qo4][i30][u30][y30][t30] [yd9] p d dfd[g^E] i P dfd [tg8] o s fd[fe6] [up] [pg] f [yd9] p ddfd[^JE] i P jh [qji] s g hg[th8]s[od]f[sg]hjJ [woJ] d h jh[ZY(] P D zl [zPE] g J lJ[qli] s [gJ] j [jYE(] Jh [PE] [YPD] h Z z [ztqie]| |[sl]| | [tsqlie]||| [d9] ef[yf] ig[pg] sl[ld] z [z6] 0l[le] t u p [uJ] [tj] [j^] qJ[hE] y i P [ig] [yf] [f9] [ge] [yd] i p d [pg]f[id]f [yd9] e[uf][yuf] i[ig][pig] s[sl][ld] [zd] [zd6] 0[sl][sle] t u p [uPJ] [tpj] [j^] qJ[hE] y i P [ig] [yf] [f9] eg[yd] i p d [pg]f[id]f [J5]9we[E8]ewE[yJ][uoj][yohd][ihP][ugd][yfdP][tdP][yP] [h9]e[yj]u[ug]pdpiyeyuiuy ^q[JE]y[li]P[zi]y[x8]wtu[vo]sou [c9]e[yx]u[zi]pspiyeyuiuy [J5]9weEtyo[PJ]d[jh]d[hP]p[pg]P [h9]e[yj]u[ig]pdfgjzjgdgd ^q[JE]y[li]P[zi]y[c8]wty[xu]oso [c9]eyuip[zd]p[zi]yiy[xe]qwe [sqpg4] [q4] [q4] [qg4]h[jgd92] [92] [92] [g92]h [P^jd] ^ ^ [h^]g[shf81] [81] [81] [j81]h [sqpg4] [q4] [q4] [qh4]g[pid92] [93] [93] [l93]J [lgd^] ^ ^ [^J]j[shf81][81][81][81][j81][81][J81][81] [zd9][yq][yq][yq][yq][yq][yxqf][zyqd][^JB][qE][qE][qE][qE][qE][qjbE][vqhE] [jb0][wu][wu][wu][wu][wu][wvuh][wugc][xf6][we][we][we][wgec][we][xwfe][we] [i9]uyi[u9]yui[o9]poiop[P9]P[p9]opP[P9]pop[P9]sds[P9]dsP [s9]Pos[P9]pPs[d9]fdsfd[s9]d[f9]ddf[g9]fhg[pj9] 9[ka] [le] u p jk[ql] t i jl [wl] y o kj[k0] [rf] [ul] k [je6] u p kj[qc] t [qi] xz [xt8] o s zl[zw5]h[yj]k[ol]zxc [yc] p d xz[EB] i P bv [ib] s g vc[vt] o [sc] x [x^E] cz [qi] [PE]| x c [b8]vcx[v8]c[x8]z[c8]xzl[x8]z[l8]j[z8]lJj[l8]Jjh[l8]Jjh[J8]jhg [d92] p d fgf[g^] i P fgf [g81] o s fd[fe6] [up] [pg] f [d92] p d fd[^J] i P jh [qj4] s g hg[h81]s[od]f[sg]hjJ [wJ5] d h jh[Z@(] P D zl [z^] g J Zz[ql4] s [gJ] j [jYE(] Jh [PE] [YPD]| | [j9]||zcb| | [d^]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:43


  • 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8 8 88 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8 8 89 8 8 w 0|0|9|8| 8 8|8 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8|8|8 8 8 8|8 9|9 w|| w w w e|e r|w t||| r e [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe] [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]| 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8 8 88 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8 8 89 888 w 0|0|9|8| 8 8 98 8 8 8 8|8|8|8| 8|8|8 8 8 8|8 9|9 w|| w w w e|e r|w t||| r e [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe] [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe]| w w w w|r t||e| t t t t|t t| r|e|w|| w w w|r t||e| t t t t|t t| r|e| w w u|y y|t t|| w w e|w u|y y|t t y|| r r r w w|| t r r w e|| t t t t t t|t t t|e| t t t t t| t t t|t t t||| [ute] [ute] [wur]|[wur]| [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe]| [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr]|[yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe] [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe] [ute] u[ute]u [wur] u [ywur] t y [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t y [ute] [ute] [ywre]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe] t [tqe] [ute] [ute] [wutr]|[wur] t t [wut] [wut] [utqe]|[utqe] t t [ute] [ute] [ywr]|[ywr] t [yri] [wut] [wut] [tqe]|[tqe]|[tqe]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:09

    Taio Cruz

  • p a [se]|t a [us]|[tf]| [a0]|w|r|u| [qp]|e o [tp]|[se]| [o8]|w|t|i u [i9]|q u [ie]|[sq]| [u6]|0|e s s s [a7]|Q I [rI]|[aQ]| [a3]|7|0|p a [s6]|0 a [se]|[f0]| [a3]|7|0|u u [p4]|8 o [qp]|[s8]| [o8]|w|t|u| [i9]|[se] a [ya]|[se]| [d6]|[f0] s [se]|0| [sq] a [tp]|[a0]|[rO]| [p6]|0|e|s d [f8]|w d [tf]|[wh]| [d5]|9|r|o o [s6]|0 a [se]|[f0]| [f3]|7|0| | [p4] a [s8]|[qa] s [d8]| [s3]|8 o [wo]|8| [g2]|[f6]|[d9]|[s6]| [f3]|7|0|7| [f0]| |3|f| [j6]|0|[h5]|9| [f4]|[d8] s [sq]|8| [d5]|[s9] d [wd]|[h9]| [f8]|w|t|f| [j6]|0|[h5]|9| [f4]|[d8] s [sq]|8| [d5]|[s9] d [wd]|[a9]| [p6]|0|e|p a [se]|t a [us]|[tf]| [a0]|w|r|u| [qp]|e o [tp]|[se]| [o8]|w|t|i u [i9]|q u [ie]|[sq]| [u6]|0|e s s s [a7]|Q I [rI]|[aQ]| [a0]|r|u|p a [s6]|0 a [se]|[f0]| [a3]|7|0|u u [p4]|8 o [qp]|[s8]| [o8]|w|t|u| [i9]|[se] a [ya]|[se]| [d6]|[f0] s [se]|0| [sq] a [tp]|[a0]|[rO]| [utp6]
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:38
    Castle In The Sky (Laputa: Castle in the Sky)

    Joe Hisaishi

  • [k30] f a k f a k f k f a k f a k f [l81] f s l f s l f z f s l f s l f [k30] f a k f a k f k f a k f a k f [l81] f s l f s l f z f s l f s l f [xk] f a k f a k f [nk] f a k f a k f [ml] f s l f s l f z f s l f s l f [xk] f a k f a k f [nk] f a k f a k f [lb] f s l f s l f z f s l f s l f [xk] f a k f a k f [nk] f a k f a k f [ml] f s l f s l f z f s l f s l f [xk] f a k f a k f [nk] f a k f a k f [lb] f s l f s l f z f s l f s l hjJ h d J h d J h J h d J h d J h k h f k h f k h [xk] h f [zk] h f [nk] h [JB] h d J h d J h J h d J h d J h k h f k h f k h [xk] h f [zk] h f k h J h d J h d J h J G d J G d J G J G S J G S J G d J G d J G S L J G z J G L J G z J G L J G L J G L J G L J G L J G L
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:34
    Damned (Call of Duty: Black Ops - Zombies)

    Treyarch Sound

  • 5 9 w e|r|y [o5] 9 w [hd]|| 4 8 q e|r|y [o4] 8 q [hd]| 8| 5 9 w e|r|y [o5] 9 w [hd]|| 4 8 q e|r|y [o4] 8 q [hd]|| @ ^ ( e|E|y [o@] ^ ( [hd]|| 4 8 q e|E|y [o4] 8 q [hd]| 8| 5 [y9] o p a s [wa] [p9] [o4] 8 [yq]|t|o|[y@] ^ ( w| ( w 4 8 q| t 8 [tq] [r5] [y9] [wo]| e|[wr] 5 9 w y|o| 5 [y9] o p a s [wa] [p9] [o4] 8 [yq]|t|o|[y@] ^ ( w|w ( w 4 8|[tq]|t 8 t [r5] [y9] o w|e 9 r 5 9 w r|| 8 w t o f d s f [d7] w r o|w r| 6 0 e u d s [a0] s [a5] 9 w o| 9| 8 w t o f d s f [d7] w r o| r| ^ q E|s d [sE] a 6 e o|[u9] e| 5 [y9] o p a s [wa] p [o4] 8 [yq]|t 8 [qo]|[y@] ^ ( w| ^ w 4 8 q|| 8 t [r5] [y9] [wo]| e w r 5|9 y|| 5 [y9] o p a s [wa] [p9] [o4] 8 [yq]|t 8 o|[y@] ^ ( w|t ( w 4 8 q| t 8 t [r5] [y9] [wo]| e w r 5 9 w| [ro]| 4 8 q [ie]|[ie] [ie] [ie] 4 [ie] [ie] [ie] 8 [ie] [qie] [ie] @ ^ ( [oE]|[oE] ( [oE] @ [oE] E [oE]([oE] [oE] [oE] [oE] 2 6 9 [to]|[to] 9 [to] 2 [tp] 9 [tp]|[tp9]|9||| 9
    Level: 6
    Length: 01:27
    Dire, Dire Docks (Super Mario)

    Koji Kondo

  • [w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[wu8] os f[qd] Sd p[wsq8] aa s[wd97]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[u860] os f[d7]Sdg a[ws80]
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:27
    Do You Hear The People Sing (Les Miserables)


  • [od] h l [tf] h l [sg] h [od] h l [tf] h l [sg] h [od] h l [tf] h l [sg] h [od] h l [tf] h l [sg] h [xolg]| s s s o s f [ytd] o [sf] u| [vh]|| s s o s f d||[ka]| [yt] o s [sp] s o s f [ge] f s i|o [sg] [sf] [se] u| s s o s f [ywph] a y p [yw] [qa]|[tso0]|| h h g f g [wqh] [ts] o e|| s [od0]|f [ys0]|| d [f7] d s [d0]|f|[sje]|a|[ws]|f|[sd]| s s s o s f [d9] e [if] t| [vh]| s s s s o s f [qd] W [si] t| [gc] [si]|a|[us8] o s i o s y o u o s i o s y o [80]
    Level: 6
    Length: 00:49
    Do You Want To Build A Snowman (Frozen)

    Kristen Bell

  • [od] h l [tf] h l [sg] h [od] h l [tf] h l [sg] h [od] h l [tf] h l [sg] h [od] h l [tf] h l [sg] hg[ol]x| s s s o s f [d8] o s [wf]| [xh]|| s s o s f [yd7] o d [wp]| [nk]|| s s o s f [ge] f s i|p g f [se] u| s s o s f [wph] P y p|[qP]|[s0]|| h h g f g [qh] [ts] o p|| s [uoda]|f [uso]|| dp[ura]f|d s [daO]| [rf] W [sje] f [ra] s t f u|[ydI9]| s s s o s f [yd9] o s [uf]| [pi]|v s s s s o s f [dW] i s u u|[iO]|[pc]|| [sqO]|a| [us8] o s i o s [yw] o [ut] o s i o s [yw] o [t80] w [to] q w [ts] 9 w [80] w [to] q w [ts] 9 w [tdYW] D H [sohf] u t w [tdYW] D H [sohf] u t w [80] w [th] q w [tl] 9 w [80] w [th] q w [tl] 9 w [t80]
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    Do You Want to Build a Snowman (Frozen) (Intermediate)

    Kristen Bell

  • [tl] h l h l h g f [tg] f g f g h g f [slfe] h l h l h g f [ge] f g f g h g f [sqlf] h l h l h g f [qg] f g f g h g f [wslf] h l h l h g f [wg] f g f g h h h [zth] x z l [of] h [th] h [zth] l k l t h h h [zhe] x z l [us] h [he] h [zhe] l k l [ue] [lh] [lh] [lh] [qlg] j j h [to]|[tig] l [qlg] j j h g f i [da] [wo]|t|y|t| [yoa75]| |o o o [od81] f d s [wu] o [to8] o [od8] s a s [wt8] o o o [d6] f d [so] [t0] o [o6] o [od6] s a s [e60] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf4] g f [pd] [w8]|[q8] f [f4] g s p [ws8] f [q8] [da] [w5]|[w7] 8 9 f d f [h5] [f7] 9 w [f3] d s p 6|[sf] [sf] [e60] s|s [pd2]|[ph] [pf] 9 h [s9] d [sf5] [sg]|f [w5] [sh] 5 f [81] [s81] h [s81] [f7] [s7] h [s7] [f6] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] 6| [sf4] g [sf] d [q4] s [s4] d [sf5] g [sf] g [wsf5] d 5 [da] 5|5 7 [w9] [og] [wog5] [og] [sg81] f [w5] [sf] [ut0]|8 s [sg1] [sg] [sg5] [sf] [81] s [s7] s [of6] [og] 0 f [e60] s s s [wf60] [sg] [sg] f [e60] [oh] [oh6] [oh] [oh4] [ig] [ig] [ts] [q4]|[e86] [oh] [oh] [og] [og] f 6 s 5 [sp] 5 [da] 5 2 7 5 2 5 [oa]|5 2 7 [h5] [h2] h [zh8] x z l [wu] h [h8] h [zh8] l k l 8 h [h7] h [zh6] x z l [t0] h [h6] h [zh6] l k l [60] [hf] [hf] [hf] [sh4] g f s [w8]|[q8] f [sqf4] d s p s f q [da] [w5]|[w7] 8 9 f d f [h5] [f7] 9 w [f30] d s p 6|[sf] [sf] [e60] s|s [pd962]|[ph] [pf] 9 h [s9] d [sf5] [sg]|f [w5] [sh] 5 f [81] [s81] h [s81] [f7] [s7] h [s7] [f6] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] h 6 [sh] [sh4] g g s [q4] [sp] [sp4] d [sf5] g [sf] g [wf5] d 5 [da] 5|5 7 [w9] [og] [wog5] [og] [sg81] f [w5] [sf] [ut0]|8 s [sg1] [sg] [sg5] [sf] [81] s [s7] s [of6] [og] 0 f [e60] s s s [wf60] [gd] [gd] f [e60] [oh] [oh6] [oh] [oh4] [ig] [ig] [ts] [q4]|[e86] [oh] [oh] [og] [og] f 6 s 5 [sp] 5 [da] 5 2 7 5 [oh2] [ig5] [uf]|5 2 7 5 [p2]| [o81]||w t y u [W(%]| |p| [o81]||w t y u [W(%]||t o i i u [81] [t81]|[t81] [o7] [i7] i [u7] 6 [t6] t [e6] [t5] [y5]|[t5] 4 1 6 1 4 [o1] [t6] [y1] 5 2 7 2 5 2 7 2 [s81] [o5] [s0] [o5] [s81] [o5] [i0] [u5] [i81] [u5] [i0] [u5] [i81] [o5] [i0] [u5] [s6] [o3] [s8] [o3] [s6] [o3] [i8] [u3] [i6] [u3] [i8] [u3] [i6] [o3] [i8] [u3] [s4] [o1] [s6] [o1] [s4] [o1] [i6] [u1] [i4] [u1] [i6] [u1] [i4] [o1] [i6] [u1] [s5] [o5] [s5] [o5] [s5] [o5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [u5] [i5] [ig5] [ig5] [ig5] [ig81] [uf5] 0 [uf5] [81] 5 0 [ts5] [ig81] [ig5] [ig0] [uf5] [81] [ts5] [ts0] [ts5] [uf6] [ig3] 8 [uf3] 6 [ts3] [ts8] [ts3] [uf6] [ig3] [ig8] [uf3] 6 [oh3] [oh8] [oh3] [oh4] [ig1] [ig6] [ts1] 4 1 6 [oh1] [oh4] [ig1] [ig6] [uf1] 4 [ts1] 6 [ts1] 5 [yd2] 7 2 5 2 [oh7] [ig2] [uf5] 2 7 2 5 [ig2] [ig7] [ig2] [ig1] [uf]|[uf] [w80]||[ts] [ig1] [ig] [ig] [uf] [81] [ts] [ts7] [ts] [uf6] [ig]|[uf] [860] [ts] [ts] [ts] [uf6] [ig] [ig] [uf] 6 [oh] [oh5] [oh] [oh2] [ig2] [ig] [ts2] 2 2|[oh2] [oh2] [ig2] [ig] [uf2] 2 [ts2]|[ts2] 5 [yd]||[975]|[yd] y 5| |[975]|p o [81] o s o s o i u [ti] u i u i o i u [utse] o s o s o i u [tie] u i u i o i u [utsq] o s o s o i u [tqi] u i u i o i u [wuts] o s o s o i u [wti] u i u i u y t [to]sf
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    My Chemical Romance

  • t o s [lhf]|f h l r o a [zkh]|h z h e u p [sjf]|s f j q t i [spg]|p g f t o s d f g h d r y [so] [da]|r s d e t [us] [pd]|e s s q t o p|s s f t [og] [sh] d|d [ts] j r y [oh] [fa]|d [sr] g e t [uf] [pd]|f e s q t o [pg] g|g| [sof8] w y [usof]|g [h8] [od] 7 w [sr] [yd] o y [sr] [od] 6 0 [se] [td] u t [fe] [spg] 4 [sof8] w e|[ts] s [sof] 8 [wg] [yh] [ush]|8 [sh] [jd] 7 w [rhd] [yhd] o y [rhd] [lf] 6 0 [ked] [tkd] u t e [sh] 4 8 w [pge] [tpg]|[pg]| [tf] o s d f g h z r o a d|l l x e [uc] [xp] [zs]|l z| [sqj] t o p [sj]|k| [th] o d [lf]|l z k u O [ja] [kd]|j k j e u p s|j j x i c x z| l l 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [wod] u [aO] 0 [raO] u [raO] I r [up] [sf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [d8] [se] [td] i|s s 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [ws] [td] [aO] 0 [raO] [up] [raO] I [rp] u [spf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [s8] [qd] [wd] e t i| [ts] o s [lhf]|f z l r o a [zkh] h d [zkh]| e u p [sjf]|s f j q t i [spg]|| t o s d f g h d r y [so] [da]|r s d e t [us] [pd]|e s s q t o p|s s f t [og] [sh] d|d [ts] j r y [oh] [fa]|d [sr] g e t [uf] [pd]|f e s q t o p g g g| [sof8] w y [usof]|g [h8] [od] 7 w [sr] [yd] o y [sr] [od] 6 0 [se] [td] u t [fe] [spg] 4 [sof8] w e|[ts] s [sof] 8 [wg] [yh] [ush]|8 [sh] [jd] 7 w [rhd] [yhd] o y [rhd] [lf] 6 0 [ked] [tkd] u t e [sh] 4 8 w e [tpg] [pg] [pg]| [tf] o s d f g h z r o a d|l l x e [uc] [xp] [zs]|l z| [sqj] t o p [sj]|k| [th] o d [lf]|l z k u O [ja] [kd]|j k j e u p s|j j x i c x z| l l 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [wod] u [aO] 0 [raO] u [raO] I r [up] [sf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [d8] [se] [td] i|s s 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [ws] [td] [aO] 0 [raO] [up] [raO] I [rp] u [spf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [s8] [qd] [wd] e t i| t o s [lhf]|f h l r o a [zkh]|h z h e u p [sjf]|s f j q t i [spg]|p l l [tl] ohd [hf]|l l l [rl] oza [zd]| l z [ze] [xu] [xp] [xs]|l l l [qjc] txo [zp]| l l [tl] ohd [hf]|l l l [rl] oza [zd]| l [xlj] e u p s| l l q [vtlj] o [xplj]| s s 8 [wuso] t [wuso] y [wod] u [aO] 0 [raO] u [raO] I r [up] [sf] 6 [d0] [se] [d0] t 0 [se] [spf] 4 [d8] [se] [td] i|s s 8 [wlhf] t [ulhf] o [slhf] z [kf] 0 [rkf] u [kf] a [jf]|[xljf] 6 [z0] [le] [zt] u p [sl] [xljg] [q4] [tljg] [zjig] [zojg] p s g| [utso8]
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    Don't Cry

    Park Bom

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