WWW tttt EW ttttt | tYiYtt tYiYtt OoYY OoYi WwW tttt WwW tttt tYiYtt v tYiYtt OoYY OoYYYi tWYTTtEttE | TYitETtEWTt EWWEEWtEWEWLevel: 3Easy
[1s]58l0wtusutw085158(wtYoYtw(85Level: 4Length: 00:52EasyUn Sospiro (Étude S. 144 No. 3)
e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p r t u o a e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p r t u o a q u p e u p q u p e u p w u p r u p w u p r u p r t u o a e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p r t u o a q u p e u p q u p e u p q u p u 9 u p e u p e u p r t u o a 6 u p e u p e u p e u p e u p u [6e] u p e u p e u p r t u o a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 r [9a][rp][9a][rp][9a] 6 [0p] t [0u] t 0 t 0 t | a p a p a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 r [9a][ra][9a][rs][9a] [6a] [0p] e [0u] e 0 e 0 e r t u o a [4p] 8 q [8u] q 8 q 8 5 9 w [9a][wp][9a][wp][9a] 6 [0p] e [0u] e u e u e a p a p a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 w [9a][wa][9a][ws][9a] [6a] [0p] e [0u] e 0 e 0 e r t u o a t o s t o s t o s t o s t o s o w o a w o a w o a w o a o e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p t o s t o s t o s t o s t o s o u o a u o a u o a u o a o e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p r t u o a t u s t u s t u s t u s t u s u w y a w y a w y a w y a w y a y e t p e t p e t p e t p e t a t e t p e t p e t p r t u o a q u p e u p q u p e u p q u p u 9 u p e u p e u p r t u o a 6 u p e u p e u p e u p e u p u [6e] u p e u p e u p r t u o a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 r [9a][rp][9a][rp][9a] 6 [0p] t [0u] t 0 t 0 t | a p a p a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 r [9a][ra][9a][rs][9a] [6a] [0p] e [0u] e 0 e 0 e r t u o a [4p] 8 q [8u] q 8 q 8 5 9 w [9a][wp][9a][wp][9a] 6 [0p] e [0u] e u e u e a p a p a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 w [9a][wa][9a][ws][9a] [6a] [0p] e [0u] e 0 e 0 eLevel: 4Easy
Una Mattina
e e u p e u p e
u p e u p e u a
u e u p e u p e
u p r t u o a e
u p e u p e u p
e u p e u a u e
u p e u p e u p
r t u o a q u p
e u p q u p e u
p q u p u w u p
r u p w u p r t
u o a e u p e u
p e u p e u p e
u a u e u p e u
p e u p r t u o
a q u p e u p q
u p e u p q e u
p 9 u p e u p e
u p r t u o a 6
u p t u p e u p
e u p e u p u e
u p e u p e u p
r t u o a [p4] 8 e
[u8] e 8 e 8 5 9 r
[a9] [rp] [a9] [rp] [a9] 6 [p0] t
[u0] t 0 t 0 t a p
a p a [p4] 8 e [u8] e
8 e 8 5 9 r [a9] [ra]
[a9] [sr] [a9] [a6] [p0] e [u0] e
0 e 0 e r t u o
a [p4] 8 q [u8] q 8 q
8 5 9 w [a9] [wp] [a9] [wp]
[a9] 6 [p0] e [u0] e 0 e
0 e a p a p a [p4]
8 e [u8] e 8 e 8 5
9 w [a9] [wa] [a9] [ws] [a9] [a6]
[p0] e [u0] e 0 e 0 e
t o s t o s t o
s t o s t o s o
w o a w o a w o
a w o a w o a o
e u p e u p e u
p e u p e u p u
e u p e u p e u
p e u p e u p u
t o s t o s t o
s t o s t o s o
u o a u o a u o
a u o a u o a o
e u p e u p e u
p r t u o a e u
p e u p e u p r
t u o a t u s t
u s t u s t u s
t u s u w y a w
y a w y a w y a
w y a y e t p e
t p e t p e t p
e t p t e t p e
t p e t p r t u
o a q u p e u p
q u p e u p e u
p u 9 u p e u p
e u p 6 u p e u
p e u p e u p e
u p e u p r t u
o a [p4] 8 q u u u
5 9 w a p a p a
6 p u e u p e u
p a p a p a [p4] q
u p q u p u 5 w
u a a a s a 6 p
u e u p e u p a
p a p a [p4] q u p
e u p u 5 w u a
p a p a 6 p u e
u p e u p r t u
o a [p4] q u p q u
p u 5 w u a a a
s a [a6] p u e u p
e u p q u p e u
p q u p e u p q
e u p w u p r u
p w u p r t u o
a e u p e u p e
u p e u p e u p
u e u p e u p e
u p r t u o a q
u p e u p q u p
e u p q e u p w
u p r u p r u p
r t u o aLevel: 4Length: 03:22EasyUna Mattina (Alternative)
eeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqupuwuprupwup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqeup9upeupeup rtuoa6uptupeupeupeupueupeupeup rtuoa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859r[a9][rp][a9][rp][a9]6[p0]t[u0]t0t0t apapa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859r[a9][ra][a9][sr][a9][a6][p0]e[u0]e0e0e rtuoa[p4]8q[u8]q8q859w[a9][wp][a9][wp][a9]6[p0]e[u0]e0e0e apapa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859w[a9][wa][a9][ws][a9][a6][p0]e[u0]e0e0e| |tostostostostosowoawoawoawoawoaoeupeupeupeupeupueupeupeupeupeuputostostostostosouoauoauoauoauoaoeupeupeup rtuoaeupeupeup rtuoatustustustustusuwyawyawyawyawyayetpetpetpetpetptetpetpetp rtuoaqupeupqupeupeupu9upeupeup| |6upeupeup| |eupeupeup rtuoa[p4]8qu u u59wapapa6pueupeup apapa[p4]qupqupu5wuaaasa6pueupeup apapa[p4]qupeupu5wuapapa6pueupeup rtuoa[p4]qupqupu5wuaaasa[a6]pueupeup| |qupeupqupeupqeupwuprupwup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeupueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqeupwupruprup rtuoa
Level: 4Length: 03:25EasyUna Mattina (Intermediate)
[8t] [wu] [to] [us] [to] [wu] [8t] [wu] [to] [us] [to] [wu] [6e] [us] [pf] [sj] [pf] [us] [6e] [us] [pf] [sj] [pf] [us] [4q] [8e] [qt] [ei] [qt] [8e] [4q] [8e] [qt] [ei] [qt] [8e] [5w] [ya] [od] [ah] [od] [ya] [5w] [ya] [od] [ah] [od] [ya] [8t] [wu] [to] [us] [to] [wu] [8t] [wu] [to] [us] [to] [wu] [5qti] t [8wuos] 0 w t y u y [7wrod] t [eos] u p a s 6 0 t o [5y] [4qupsf] [ts] w e 4 8 e t s [5yo] 9 r y o [5y] [7o] d f [8uos] 8 w t o [8s] t [wo] [7ros] [eus] u p a f 6 0 t u i [0ro] 0 r o w r y 3 7 w y [59et] |
t |
[woaf] y [5wyidP]|
[wogx] |
[9ydjzG]Level: 7Length: 01:26IntermediateUnchained Melody
[rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95] a [pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8] d s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95]|[pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95]|[pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]|d [95]| [95]|[95]| [95] [he9] d h [lh730] [730] [730] [kh]|| [851] [851] [851] h d h [wlh95] [w95] [w95] [kh]|| [whd95] [w95] [w95] [he9] dd h [jf730] [730] [730]| h j [851] [851]k [j851]|h|d [w95] [w95] [w95]|| [wd95] [w95] [w95] [he9] d h [lh730] [730] [730] [kh]|| [851] [851] [851] h d h [wlh95] [w95] [w95] [kh]|| [whd95] [w95][w95] [w95] [he9] dd h [jf730] [730][730] [730]| h j [851] [851][k851] [j851]|h|[ha] [w95]Level: 7Length: 01:01Intermediate
sssdsPpppPpoi sssPpssssdsPpppPpoi sPpsdsPsssdsPppPoi sPpsdsPshdh lkhhdh lkhhhdh jhjkjhdh lkhdh lkhhhdh jhjkjhdLevel: 3Easy
Unconditionally (Easy)
[tu]osf f o[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws]
tuos [os] y[oa] [wid] [8us]|
[8uo] ss s s[wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
[8uo] ss ss [wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of] d|s[qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] [id]|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf]|d[es] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [0s] s[tf] f o
[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws] tuos [os] y
[oa] [wid] [8us]|
[8uo] ss s s[wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
[8uo] ss ss [wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of] d|s[qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] [id]|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf]|d[es] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of] d|s[qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of]|d[0s] [qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] d|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf] d|s[qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [0s] s[tf] f o
[wad] [wg] [8sf] [es] [wa]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] s [wia]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] o [qip]p p[es] [qp]
[8uo]o o[0s] s [wia]a a[wd] a
[8us] w 8 s [wa]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] s [wia]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] o [qip]p p[es] [qp]
[8uo]o o[0s]|o[wia] a [wd] a
[8us]| [wf] [qd][0s][qip]| 8 q
[80o]| [wf] [qd][0s][wad]| 9 w
[80]| [wf] [qd][0s][qep]| f [qd]s
[wa] o 9 w [80o] ps|w
[8uo] w tfds[qep] ss p[qd]
[woa]| 9o[wa]d[tpf]| [rd] [es]
[Qtp]| fd[es] [qep] i fd[es]
[qrp] o| [qrp] [0s]os[tf] f o
[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws] tuos [os] y
[oa] [wid] [8us]|
8 w [8of][9d][0s]
[qip]|8e q [8uo] 0 [wf][qd][0s]
[wid]|9w 9 [8uo]| [wf][qd][0s]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[8of]| t w [8E] [of]|d[0s]
[qep] ss p[qd] [wrio] d [id]|s
[etf] fd fd [Qtps] f|ds
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf]d[ws]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf]d[ws]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[etp] of d[es] [Qtp] of d[Qs]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws]
tuos s o[ia] [wid] [8us] [8us]Level: 5Length: 03:18IntermediateUnder The Sea (Intermediate)
u o s f f f d g f s | u u o s s s a d s | s s s s a d s o | u o o o i p o | s s s s a d s o | u o o o i p o | p s s p o s o s | d d d s f d s | p s s p o s o s | d d d s f d s | f s | f d s p f d s d | f d s p o f d s p o f d s f | f d s p p s d d | f d s d d f f s | f d s p o f d s p o f d s fLevel: 2Length: 01:25Easy
Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid)
0 w t t|t|w r|y|t|w|
8 0 w w|w|8 9|q|0||
0 w t t|t|w r|y|t|w|
8 0 w w|w|8 9|q|0||
e t|t|e w|t|w|t||
y y|y|t u|y|t||
e t|t|e w|t|w|t||
y y|y|t u|y|t|||
u y|t e|||
w||u y|t y|||
u y|t e|q|u y|t
e|w|u y|t u|||
u y|t e|t t e|y||
y t|y u|u y|u y t
t||u y|t e|q|u y|t
e|w|u y|t tLevel: 2Length: 01:04EasyUnder The Sea (The Little Mermaid) (Alternative)
[usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[usqkg]|||[q4]yu| q u| q u q u| q u| [w5] u [e6] u| e u| [r7] u [T] u [y9] u| y u| [qpj4] [uh] f [qj] [uh] f [qd]s[uf] q u|p[qp]s[upd] f [wd5]s[uf] [e6] u|p[pe]s[upd] f [rda7]s[uf] [T] u [y9] u| y u|p[jf4]q[uh] f [qpj] [uh] f [wd5]s[uf] [e6] u|p[pe]s[qid^E] [uf] ds[sE] [wt8] [uj] [yphe9]f[uj] [wsh8][tf][ud] [sqo^E] [ud] [e60] u [wpj5]9[usl] [qohd4][ig][upj] [yohd9][ig][upd] [so8][ped][usg] [qhd^] [usg][pd][wso95] [up] [yo9][ie][up] [uo92] 9eui[lh]l| 6 2 68[to0]e[tl]l|[yp][us][yod962] [upf] [yid4][ts] 8we[sh]h|[q4][ts][ufa5][oh9][ywpjd][kfa]60ertu[pj][oh][wr7]| [wufT*][sl]|[ye9] 2[j9]h[pfe]y[ji] [sh4][f8][wd][se][od5][s9][ed][rf][tq] [84] [ywpjd] [oh95] [upf63] [pj] [ohd7] [uf] [wtod8]s[uf]| 1| ds8 [o8]p[a8]o[p8]a[s1]opfsoao4qe| 5wrt6ety8tu yt w[e4]tu [y5]t w[e4]ty e|e[r5]wyu6etI[o8] tu|yt4qpu[u5][so9]w 3 [pj][oh][uf] [pj] [soh4][uf8][ywd][tse][yod5][ts9][ufea]r[tq] [nk4] [ywpjd] [ohd5] [upf6] [tpj0] [ohd7] [ywuf] [wtd8]sf r| [te1]| r| [te]| r| [te]| r| [g2]sfsgs[f9]s[g92]s[kf9][sj][g9]s[f9][sk]j[h92][s9][yd][se][yh][s9][yd][se][h2][s9][ed][s9][yh][s9][ed][s9][k4][d4][rk][d4]8[rk]8[d4]8[rk]8[d4]8[k5][d5][rk][d5]9[zr]9[d5]9[rk]9[d5]9[ohd6][d0][rk][td][pjd7][wd][rk][td][kda81][d9][rk][d9][zy][d9][rk][d9][zd1]
Level: 7Length: 02:17IntermediateUnderground River (Made in Abyss)
w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [u8] y 8t|[y8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [u8] y 8t|[y8] [w8] [yq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] 8 [wq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] [w8] [y0] [t8] [w0] [r8] 0r8 [t0] 8 [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [w8] [yq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] 8 [wq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] [w9] [yw] [t9] w [r9] wr9 [wt] 0 [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [yd8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [ts8] [y0] [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [wo8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [oh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[pj8] [tq] [oh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrd9] wr9 [wt] [ts0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [yd8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [ts8] [y0] [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [wo8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [oh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[pj8] [tq] [oh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrd9] wr9 [wt] [tse60] l k h f d s o [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yod8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [tso8] [y0] [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [roa8] qr8 [tq] [soh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[spj8] [tq] [soh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wt] [tso0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yod8] q [t8] q [rd8] [qf]r[d8] [tsq] [tso8] [y0] [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [a8] [s0] [f8] [j0] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [yrda8] qr8 [tq] [soh8] q [t8] q [sr8] [qa]r[spj8] [tqd] [sohf9] [yw] [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wts] [tso0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yqod4] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto30] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [roa8] qr8 [tq] [sqoh4] q [t8] q [r8] qr[spj8] [tq] [wsoh5] w [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wt] [tsoe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yqod4] q [t8] q [rd8] [qf]r[d8] [tsq] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto30] [w0] [t8] [u0] [a8] [s0] [f8] [j0] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [yrda8] qr8 [tq] [sqoh4] q [t8] q [sr8] [qa]r[spj8] [tqd] [wsohf5] w [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wts] [tsoe60] l k h f d s o [qo]| |h|f|[qd]|s|a|s|[wd]| |k||Jj[th]|||[qp]| |h|f|[qd]|s|d|f|[wa]| |d| |[ed]|s|[wa]|s|[toe]|q|[the]|[qf]|[red]|[sq]|[rea]|[sq]|[yrd]|w|[yrk]|w Jj[uth]|w|[ut]|w|[tpe]|q|[the]|[qf]|[red]|[sq]|[rea]|[sq]|[yra]|w|[yrd]|w|[utd]|[se]|[yra]|[ws]|[wqo4] q [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [ywd5] w [t9] w [r9] wr9 [wt] [ts30] 0 [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [woe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wqo4] q [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [woh5] w [t9] w [r9] wr[pj9] [wt] [oh30] 0 [t8] 0 [yrd8] 0r8 [t0] [tse6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [ywod5] w [t9] w [sroh9] wr[spj9] [wt] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [wto0] [wtoe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [yf0] [ge]t[f0] [yed] [tsqo4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [wsoh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh30] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tsoe6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [wto4] q [ts8] q [sroh8] qr[d8] [tq] [yod5] w [tp9] w [yroa9] wr[so9] [wt] [tso3] 0 [th8] 0 [sroh8] 0r[s8] [t0] [wto6] [wfe] [tk0] [ule] [yx0] [ze]t[l0] [yhe] [wto4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [soh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh3] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tso6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [wto4] q [ts8] q [sroh8] qr[d8] [tq] [yod5] w [tp9] w [yroa9] wr[so9] [wt] [tso3] 0 [th8] 0 [sroh8] 0r[s8] [t0] [wto6] [wfe] [tk0] [ule] [yx0] [ze]t[l0] [yhe] [wto4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [soh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh3] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tso6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [o81] d s o [ta8]|a|s [w5] o s o [a30]|a[q4] s [wo5] d s o [wa5]|a[q4] s [30] o s f [td8]|s[y9] d [tqoe8] d s o [tea8]|a[ue0] s [ywr9] o s o [wta8]|a[yw9] s [wo750] d [wus0] o [ywa9]|a[wt8] s [te80] o s f d|s|d [o81] d s o [ta8]|a|s [w5] o s o [a30]|a[q4] s [wo5] d s o [wa5]|a[q4] s [30] o s f [td8]|s[y9] d [tqoe8] d s o [tea8]|a[ue0] s [ywr9] o s o [wta8]|a[yw9] s [wo750] d [wus0] o [ywa9]|a[wt8] s [te80] o s f d|s|d
Level: 6Length: 05:07IntermediateUndertale (Undertale)
5 7 9 q 9 e w| 5| [l1] [k53] [g53] [f1] [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] [f1] [g64] [h64] [d1] [64] [64] 1 [64] [64] 1 [64] [64] [l1] [k53] [g53] [f1] [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] 1 [g53] [h53] [d1] [64] [64] [o1] [64] [64] [d1] [64] [64] [f1] [64] [64] [l1] [k53] [g53] [f1] [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] [f1] [g64] [h64] [d1] [64] [64] 1 [64] [64] 1 [64] [64] [l1] [k53] [g53] [f1] [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] 1 [g53] [h53] [d1] [64] [64] [o1] [64] [64] [d1] [64] [64] [f1] [64] [64] [qf] [tge] [the] [ql] [te] [te] q [yr] [yr] [ql] [zyr] [yrl] [ql] [ut] [ut] [qh] [ut] [ut] q [yr] [yr] q [yr] [yr] [qf] [tge] [the] [ql] [te] [te] q [yr] [yr] [ql] [zyr] [yr] l [ql] [ut] [ut] [vq] [ut] [ut] [zw] [yr] [yr] [yr]| [l1] [k53] [g53] [f1] [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] [f1] [g64] [h64] [d1] [64] [64] 1 [64] [64] 1 [64] [64] [l1] [k53] [g53] [f1] [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] 1 [g53] [h53] [d1] [64] [64] [o1] [64] [64] [d1] [64] [64] [f1] [64] [64] [l1] [k53] [g53] [f1] [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] [f1] [g64] [h64] [d1] [64] [64] 1 [64] [64] 1 [64] [64] [l1] [k53] [g53] [f1] [53] [53] 1 [53] [53] 1 [g53] [h53] [d1] [64] [64] [o1] [64] [64] [d1] [64] [64] [f1] [64] [64] [qf] [tge] [the] [ql] [te] [te] q [yr] [yr] [ql] [zyr] [yrl] [ql] [ut] [ut] [qh] [ut] [ut] q [yr] [yr] q [yr] [yr] [qf] [tge] [the] [ql] [te] [te] q [yr] [yr] [ql] [zyr] [yr] l [ql] [ut] [ut] [vq] [ut] [ut] [zw] [yr] [yr] [yr]
Level: 5Length: 01:40IntermediateUnderwater Waltz (Night in the Woods)
6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]5[86] [ut5] 6 [ut] [83] [ut8] [86] [ut] 8 [ut] [q8] [tig] [qg7]8[tig7] [f6] [ted] [f8]d[tfe] [f6] [tse] [p3] [te]a[s6] [tse] 8 [te] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [86] [ut7] [83] [ut9] [60] [ut9]08 [utq] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [w8] [utq] [60] [ut8]63 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [ut8] [qg8] [tig7]8[qg] [tig] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [s6] [uta] [s3] [utd] [f6] [utd]f8 [ut] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [h8] [utg] [f6] [uts]p3 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [uts] [sqg] [tiga]s[qg] [tig] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] [p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] q [ti] q [ti] [f6] [tse] [p8] [te] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qi] [ti] [qi] [toi] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tih8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]78 [ut7] 6 [ut] [83] [ut7] [86]7[ut6] [86] [ut] [qg6] [tig] [qg] [ig5] [86]7[ut6] [t8][r7][ute6] [86]7[ut6] [63] [ut7] 6 [ut6]78 [ut6] [qg] [tqig]0[qg]0[tqig]0[p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] [f6] [tse] [tp8][r7][te6] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qig] [tig] [qig] [toig] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tihg8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8][r7][te60] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8]56 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]5[86] [ut5] 6 [ut] [83] [ut8] [86] [ut] 8 [ut] [q8] [tig] [qg7]8[tig7] [f6] [ted] [f8]d[tfe] [f6] [tse] [p3] [te]a[s6] [tse] 8 [te] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [86] [ut7] [83] [ut9] [60] [ut9]08 [utq] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [w8] [utq] [60] [ut8]63 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [ut8] [qg8] [tig7]8[qg] [tig] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [s6] [uta] [s3] [utd] [f6] [utd]f8 [ut] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [h8] [utg] [f6] [uts]p3 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [uts] [sqg] [tiga]s[qg] [tig] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] [p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] q [ti] q [ti] [f6] [tse] [p8] [te] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qi] [ti] [qi] [toi] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tih8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]78 [ut7] 6 [ut] [83] [ut7] [86]7[ut6] [86] [ut] [qg6] [tig] [qg] [ig5] [86]7[ut6] [t8][r7][ute6] [86]7[ut6] [63] [ut7] 6 [ut6]78 [ut6] [qg] [tqig]0[qg]0[tqig]0[p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] [f6] [tse] [tp8][r7][te6] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qig] [tig] [qig] [toig] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tihg8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8][r7][te60] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8]56
Level: 6Length: 04:07IntermediateUnfamiliar Lands (Wynncraft)
e||| [u92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [u92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [u92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [u92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [ye92]|y u [ie] uy[ie]uye [ue92] yey u [ie] uyiuye [ye92]|y u [ie] uy[ie]uye [ue92] yey u [ie] uyiuye [y92] ey u [qi4] eti i [i81]ut w|[t60] ty u [ye92]|y uy[tqi4]|p| [tp81]ou|u [eT6]|y u [y92] yeuyeuyeuyeiye [u92] yeuyeuyeuye i [oe92] i [ue92]i [ut6]|[e6] [so] [wso5] [oa] [woa5][yi] [yi92] [92][92] [yo] [yoe92] [yie][yue][92] [yie] [ute6]|[e6] t [wur5] [yr] [ywr5][ur] [ie92]uy [92][92] o [yoe92] [yie][yue][92] [yie] [ute6]|[e6] t [wso5] [oa] [woa5][yi] [yi92] [92][92] o [yoe92] [yie][yue][92] [yie] [ute6]|[e6] t [wur5] [yr] [ywr5][ur] [ie92]uy [92][92] o [oe92] i [ue92]i [ut6]|[e6] [so] [wso5] [oa] [woa5][yi] [yi92] [92][92] [yo] [oe92] i [ue92]i [ut6]|[e6] [so] [wso5] [oa] [woa5][yi] [yi92] [92][92] e [ye62] [ue] [ie62] [pe][62][ie62] [62][62] [yi] [ti84] [ut] [yt84]u [84][wu51] [51][51]| [yi62] [yu] [yi62] [yp][62][ie62] [62][62] [yp] [ti84] [ut] [yt]u [wu51]| | [ye92]Level: 6Length: 01:49Intermediate
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Level: 8Length: 12:00ExpertUniversal Collapse (Devourer Of The Gods, Final Form)
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Universe (EXO)
[tsY]D[thY]lsD[thY]l[tsY]D[thY]lsD[thY]l [tsY]D[thY]lsD[thY]l[tsY]D[thY]lsD[thY]l [tsY] [tY]|[tY] [tdY] [tY] D [tY] [tYJ] [tY]|[tY] [tY] [tY] j [tY] [iTH] [iT]|[iT] [iT] [iT]|[iT] [igT] [iT]|[iT] [iTS] [iT]|[iT] [sTE] [TE]|[TE] [TSE] [TE] D [TE] [TPE] [TE]|[TE] [TOE] [TE] P [TE] [sY]||t||W||w|| [sQE]|S|P||D||S|s| [siTE]|S|P||| [sQE(]|S|P|| g||D|S|[tsWQ]|D|[O(]|q| Q|W|E|t|[TSPE]||| [iTLE]||l|L| [liTE]||J|| [TQE]||Q W E t [TE]||L|| [iZTE]||L|l| [lTQE]|L|J|| [TQE]||J|H G [iTH]||g|| [iTO]||H|G g [rpgY] G D||| a|D|g| [TSQE]||| G|g|D|S| [ueTS]||| [raYI]||D|| [iTS]||| [tsY] [tY]|[tY] [tdY] [tY] D [tY] [tYJ] [tY]|[tY] [tY] [tY] j [tY] [iTH] [iT]|[iT] [iT] [iT]|[iT] [igT] [iT]|[iT] [iTS] [iT]|[iT] [sTE] [TE]|[TE] [TSE] [TE] D [TE] [TPE] [TE]|[TE] [TOE] [TE] P [TE] [sY]||t||W||w|| [sQE]|S|P||D||S|s| [siTE]|S|P||| [sQE(]|S|P||g||D|S| [tsWQ]|D|[O(]|q|Q|W|E|t| [TSPE]||| [iTLE]||l|L| [liTE]||J|| [TQE]||Q W E t [TE]||L|| [iZTE]||L|l| [lTQE]|L|J|| [TQE]||J|H G [iTH]||g|| [iTO]||H|G g [rpgY] G D||| a|D|g| [TSQE]||| G|g|D|S| [ueTS]||| [raYI]||D|| [iTS]Level: 6Length: 02:20Intermediate
Unknown Lands (Final Fantasy V)
l [pfhz] l k j z [isf] l k j j [odh] g g h f [eua] s p u f [qf] t p f [isf] x x [ead] u e [ps] u s l [wyk] k [odk] l l e u a s p u l [qz] t [pl] [fk] [sj] p z e [ul] a [sk] [aj] p j [wh] y o [pg] [ag] h f e u a s p u [ef] [qf] t [pf] [if] p [sx] [fx] e u a s p u [el] [wyok] k k l l w t y o s d h l z v m a [60tus] s [eus] t [os] f [4qf] d [qud] e t s [5wd] s [ya] o y u 8 w r y t 0 a [6s] 0 t s s u [ts] o f [4qpf] d [qtd] [es] i [5waf] d [wyd] r [oa] [uos] 8 w y u t w o [4qo] u u u [qy] u u [4q] o [6o] 0 r u u u [ty] u u e o [5wo] u u u [5wty] [5wty] [5wry] f x [5wdz] [4qfjlx] [dz] [qdz] [tudz] [sl] [4q] [ak] [5wak] [sl] [wryak] [woah] 5 [oh] [6fjlx] 0 t [dz] [euodz] [sfhl] [6e] [sfhl] [3wafhk] [sfhl] [0ryhkzv] [ak] [30] [sl] [4qjlxb] [hlxv] [eufhx] [sfhl] [4q] [sfl] [5wsl] [ak] [ropj] [ak] [5w] [sl] 6 0 e r t e u [ts] [0ya] [ws] [ya] o y f [4fx] [qdz] [dz] e [tdz] [udz] [sl] [sl] t [esl] [5ak] 9 [sl] w [eak] r [woah] y [roah] [6fx] [0dz] [dz] e [rdz] [tdz] [esfl] [sfl] u [tsfl] [3afk] 0 [sfl] 0 [ryhkxv] [0ak] 7 [3sl] [4qjlxb] 8 [hlxv] q [efhx] [usfl] [4q] [sfl] [5wsfl] [ak] [ropj] [ak] [5w] [sfl] [4q] [8p] [qs] [ef] [tp] [us] f p [6f] [0p] [ts] [ed] [up] [ts] [ed] [0p] [5d] [9o] [wa] [rs] [yo] [wa] y [dz] [6fx] 0 [dz] e [rsl] t [rak] e [sfhl] 4 8 q e [tl] x m q [kn] [whkv] y o [pgkc] [hkv] a [gkc] [efx] u a s p u e [0yoa] w r y r s [4qd] s d s [qtd] s d [eu] s [6a] 0 t a a a [eua] a s [to] s [5wd] s d s [wyd] s d o s [6a] 0 t a a a [etua] a s [to] [sl] [4qdz] [sl] [dz] [qetlm] [etuz] [lm] z [qt] [sl] [6edz] [sl] [dz] [eulm] [toz] [lm] z [eu] [sl] [5wdz] [sl] [dz] [wylm] [yoz] [5wlm] [6ezx] [lxm] p u [6elxm] [ekn] [5whlv] [4qjlxb] q [ipsf] i s f w y o p [ahkz] o [eoad] u p [phkz] f [shz] [hz] 0 r [ol] [uk] a o [df] [qk] t o p s f [wj] y o p [ah] g [esf] u a d s p u 0 r u [oad] u r 0 [qd] t i o p i [td] q [O0ad] r u r [WOa] u r [Oa] [ea] u t s p u e [Qa] y I p [yo] [qu] t i p s i p s f h j l v b m [wyosd] [yoa] [5w] o [4qo] u u u y u u o [60to] u u u y t t o [5wo] u u u y u u o [6o] 0 r u u u [ty] t t e h [4qh] f f [qtf] [eud] f f [4q] h [60th] f f f [tuod] f f [6e] h [5wh] f f [wryf] [wryod] [wryod] [wyofx] c x x [is] m n [odn] m n v x [pf] m m [uan] m n m [is] m m [odm] n b n m [pfh] l [uadk] l k h f [ix] [sz] z f [iz] [sz] [fl] l i [sl] [ok] d l h [ok] d h o [df] [px] [fz] z h [pz] [fz] [hl] l p [fl] [uk] a l d [uv] a [dk] u [al] [ib] s v f [ix] [sl] f i [sl] [ol] d [hk] j o [yk] w [hjl] 4 q q [etops] q 8 4 [5wos] w y [ryoa] w 9 [5sl] [6dz] [6sl] [0tdfz] [esfl] u [dz] [30] [0fhkx] [0ryoad] 0 7 [3sl] [4qjb] [hv] [etufhx] [sfl] q [sfl] [5wjb] [hv] [wryfhx] [sfl] [ryo] [sfl] [6ejb] [hv] [tuofhx] [sfl] [6e] [3sfl] [30jv] [hv] [wryfhx] [sfl] [30] [sgl] [4dgjz] [sgjl] [dgjz] [qtsgjl] [tpdgjz] [sgjl] [dgjz] [4q] [sgjl] [5ak] [wsgl] [ryoadk] [woah] 5 [oah] [6fjlx] [dz] [dz] 6 0 t [dz] [euodz] [sfl] [sfl] [6e] [sfl] [3afhk] [sfl] [0ryhkv] [30ak] 3 [sl] [4jlxb] [hlv] [etifhx] [sfl] [4q] [sfl] [5sfl] [ak] [pj] [ak] [sfl] 4 f [ip] [ts] [qf] p s [6f] 0 t p s [euof] p s [ef] p [5wd] o a [wryd] o a [wd] o [6f] 0 t p s [euf] p s [0ef] [sl] [4qdz] 8 [qsl] e [tak] e q t [6f] [0p] [ts] [ef] [up] [ts] [ef] [0sl] [5wdz] 9 [wsl] r [yofjx] r w 9 [6f] [0p] [ts] [ef] [up] [ts] [uf] f [qf] t [if] [of] p [ix] x e u a s p u l [wohk] [hk] [hk] l l
Level: 9Length: 04:37ExpertUnravel (Tokyo Ghoul)
l z|l|k j|z| l|k j|h h| g g|h f||| f [qf] t [if] [pf] [sf]f[xgf] [xs] p [xq] t i o p o p [ol] [wk] y [ok] [pk] a k p [lj] e u p a s k a k [zqg] t [li] p [sk] [jg] s [zph] q t [li] o [pk] [oj] p [oh] [wh] y [og] [pg] a p [ha] [pf] e u p a s f a f [uf4] 8 [qf] [wf] ef[xf] [xwf]| 4 8 q e t i t [le] [k5] 9 [wk] [ke] r l [le]Level: 5Length: 00:36Intermediate
Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul)
[580]os a a a as a a s[580o] s a a a as a a o[580t]||w||
[580u]| tu yt| [680t]||w||
[680u]||u i o [68qo]||t||
[68qp]||p oi u[579i]||u||
[579y]| |r[580t]||w||
[580u]| tu yt| [680t]||w||
[680u]||u i o [68qo]||t||
[68qp]||p oi u[579i]||u| yu[579y]| |
[68q] uyu| uyu [68q] uyuyuyu|
[579] uyuyu yu [579y] y| u i o
[580a]s| [580u]||[579y]||[579y] i o
[680s]d| [680i]||[68qu] y| [68q]| u
[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu o[579s] aa p[579p]oo u[579o]||[579u] i o
[580a]s| [580u]||[579y]||[579u] i o [680s]d| [680i]||
[68qu] y| [68q]| u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]u yy [579]||[579]||
[579] e t i uu [580]|||
t [580t]||w||[580u]| tu yt|
[680t]||w||[680u]||u i o
[68qo]||t||[68qp]||e r tt
[579]||r| er[579]| |
[68q] uyu| [7u]yu| uy[68qu]yuyu|
[579] uyuyu yu [579y] y| u i o [580a]s| [580u]||
[579y]||[579y] i o [680s]d| [680i]||
[68qu] y| [68q]| u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu o[579s] aa p[579p]oo u[579o]||
[579u] i o [580a]s| [580u]||
[579y]||[579u] i o [680s]d| [680f] d|
[68qs]||[68q]| u[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]u yy[579]||[579]||
[579] e t i uu
[580]| |[580]| |
[680p]| |[579o]| |
[68qu] s a o y u
[68q] t r e w e[680p]| |
[579y]| |[68qu]| |
[68qh]||u i o [580a]s| u||
[579y]||u i o [680s]d| i||
[68qu] y| |u[68qp] oo ii
uu u[68qp] oo ii
uu o[579s] aa ppoo u[579o]||
u i o [580a]s| [580u]||[579y]||[579u] i o
[680s]d| [680f] d|
[68qs]||[68q]| u
[68qp] oo i[68qi]
uu u[68qp] oo i[68qi]u yy[579]||[579]||
[579] e t i uu [580]Level: 6Length: 03:50IntermediateUnsaid Emily
[VQ] 9 Gfe pfO *aSapI $ SSS SSS SSS 9dd dddfda 6 aSS aSS aSfS *aSap[IQ] SS SSS SSS 9dd dd ddd fd 6 aSS aaaSfS
Level: 3Length: 00:40EasyUnstoppable
l k h d l k h d l k h d l k h d l k h d l k h d l k h d [pl]sfjk h d [xl] k h d [ywvl] k [ph] d [ola] k [sh] d [xif]psk h d l k [hd] f [zud]pa u p a f a p [uH][ka][xf]||[je] [rk] [tl] [zy] [f4]jx8 w [zhed] 8 4 [sql] 8 [wa5]dhk9 [sle] 9 [rka] [wh] [d9] 7 [p3]dfj7 [u0] [pe] [ra] [uf] [ra] [pe] [O0][aW][rH]u| |u [pe60] a [sr] p [fW0%] d [us] a [sp95] d [fa] s [pQ9$]|p a [si62]||[ys]u[ya73]|[rp] o [pe84]|f|[od95]|a|[fa63] 6 [p8] [pd0] e t [se] 0 [ta4]i 8 [sq] 4 [ra5] [wo] [y9] 5 [pe6] [ra3] [ts6] [uf8] [pje] [ka0] [sl8] [zd6] [xljf6] [j0] [xe] [zwrkhd96]|[rka] [woh] [sqpjge86]|[qj]z[xe]b[xwr96]zj w [rp]a[s6]d[uspf6] [p0] [fe] [ywroda96]|[ra] [wo] [qpie86]|[qm]n[ve]z[wrl96]kh [wo] [rp]a[s6]d[upf4] [p8] [qf] [ywoda94]|[wra] [wo4] [tqpie84]|[i4] [qpe8] [ywroa94]|[o4] [wp9]a[s4]d[upf4] [p8] [qf] [ywoda94]|[ra4] [wo9] [ra4] [uTS6] 3 [yd6] * [u5]of9 [wp]aSf[oh2] 6 9 q [ie]sgy i p [sl5] 9 [rka] 9 [oha7] q [rig] q [uf1] 5 [i8] 9 [tso0] 8 [a0] w [pe6] 0 [ra] 0 [so3] 6 [f8] 0 [oh2]s 6 [p9] q [rga] 9 [ts] 9 [p%] 7 [a0] W [dO3] 7 [aW] 3 [p6] s a u s a u s a u s a u| |6 [f0] [ge] [rd] [tf] s a p [s2] 6 9 [i0] [qi]| |5 [d9] [wf] [eS] [rd] a p o [ra1] 5 8 [u0] [wu]| |[q74] u Y u [i730] u [WO] a [ue60]pd|s [ya95]|p a [si2] 6 9 [sq] [raY(]|[pQ]|[u3]pf7 0 e [rW3] 7 0|6 [f0] [ed] [ts] [ua] p a s [oh2] 6 9 [qg] [ige] y u i [r5] [d9] [ws] [ra] [yp] o [wp] a [ig1] 5 8 [oh8] [wuof] t y u [yri74] g f d [a730] a [dW] a [pd60] s [aO0%] s [of95]||p [h2] [g6] [f9] [qd] [a3] [O7] [WO]|[tp6] 3 6 8 r 6 0 r [eT60]|[pe0]|[pjS7]|[oh!]|[ohd2] [g6] 9 [qh] [tigd] e [qh] [g9] [s5] [f9] [wda] [se] [roa] [pe] [woi] [g5] [og1] [f5] 8 [g0] [utof] w [g0] [f8] [e6] [f0] [rd] [s0] [ta] [p0] [uo6] [f0] [pof2] [d6] 9 [f0] [qid] 9 [fe] d [E3] [s7] [ra0] [pW] [yrO] p [ra0] O [uts6]|[e80]|[yoda7]|[wq97]|[uspf81]|[utpe80]|[pjS!]|[ohe0]|[soh2] [g6] 9 [qh] [tsig] e [qh] [g9] [s5] [f9] [wda] [se] [oa7] [p9] [qoi] [wg] [og1] [f5] 8 [g0] [utof] w [g0] [f8] [e6] [f0] [rd] [s0] [ta] [p0] [uo6] [f0] [pof2] [d6] 9 [f0] [qid] 9 [f0] [qd] [E3] [s7] [ra0] [pW] [yrO] p [ra0] O [ea6] [p3] [r6] 8 [t0] e [y0] [s8]d[o5]af9 [wo] r [oh] y [rg] whg[f4] 8 [ws] [i8] [ed] [i8] [sq] 8 [a5] [z9] [wl] [rk] [oh] d [ws] a [t6][u0][pe]
Level: 7Length: 02:27IntermediateUntil the World Turned to Ash (Revue Starlight)
[Q7] | O [YP] | P | [YP] | [q^T] | O [YP] | P | [iP] | [YQ7] | O P | P | [TP] J | [q^Y] | O [iP] J | P | [YP] | [Q7] | aP[YO]IOPaS[aT]PO| I[YO]| PaS[q^S] | [gW] E | i | Y | [TQ7] | aPOIOPaS[aY]PO| I[TO]| IOg[qg^] | [WH] E | i | Y | Pa[QP7]OPPOP[TP]OPPOP[YP]OPPOP[TP]OPDPO[q^P] | [qg] | W | E | [YQ7] POPP[TO]PPOPP[YO]PPOPP[TO]PPOPD[q^H] | g Y | i | E | [D(%]YDSaP[QO7]IOPaS[WS] | P [qi^] g G [H(%]OHJDS[QH7]OHJDS[WS] | P | S | [q^] P | [SE] | [gT] | i | O | [PG] | @^(YO| PYI[rTQO7] | S [iWS] | D [YQP$] | OI[rYQO7] | OI[^TO] | S [aYQ%]| PYI[^S] | O@^(YO| PYI[rTQO7]| PSg[WG] g S [YP$]| SO [rTI7] | OI[^I] | O [IE(] | [Q] | WQ[Q%] | WQ[^Q] | W [TQ7] | @^(YO| PYI[rYTQO7] | S [YWS] | D [iQP$] | OI[rYQI7] | OI[^TI] | S [aYQ%]| PYI[^YSE] | [qgO] [gO(]| G[TS]P[gO7]| G[SE]P[WPH]| GT [gW$] S [PE] [rSQO7] | [WD] | [gE*] | [WPG] | [rG(] | [HE] | [qYPH] | [TJ] | rISDH| JDGH| JDGG I i T W| [rI]SDH| JDGH| JDGZ | [gL] | [aH] | [PG] | [PO]
Level: 7Length: 02:33IntermediateUso to Honto (Kimiuso)
o h g [o8sg] w t [fsy] u [o5ad] 9 w [ose] r a [u6ps] 0 e r t [fl] [dk] [sj] [ha3] 7 9 w [o3adf] [wru] [or3] [tip4] [u1] [f6] [oad] 5 [y5] [o79w] d s [yoa] 4 o d 5 [ups] 6 [680] [ps] 6 [oa] 5 [tip4] [u1] [f4] [oad] 5 [oah5] [os79w] [odg] [upsf] 6 0 e [fl0et] [dk0] [sj6] [ah] [tip4] [u1] [sf6] [oad] 5 [y5] [o79w] d s [yoa] [3o] [d5] [ups] 6 [680] [ups] 6 [uoa] 5 [tip4] [u1] [f4] [oad] 5 5 [d79w] s a [u1os] 5 8 9 w u y t [o1] d a [uos] [tyu8] o f d f g [opfwr] d d [uoe] o s a s d [oaf0w] a a [qeu] s s s [awry] s d d [d0wy] s a s [setu] [qetu] o s s s d s [yoswr] a a [tyu8] w t [oy] f [du] f g [opf5] 9 w [de] d r [et6] 0 e or s [at] s d [o3af] 7 9 [aow] [ao] [wry] [we4] [s8] [sqe] s [a5] [s9] d [wr] d [o80wad] s [ya579] s [su6] 8 [et] p a [ips4] 8 [qe] s [y5os] [a9] [pwr] a [uos8] w t y u [0wt] s [p4sh [h8] [hq] [je] [adh] 5 [g9] [fw] [dr] [oaf3] [g7] [f79w] a [ups6] 8 [80e] s d [ipf4] [f8] [fq] [ge] [oaf] 5 [d9] [sw] [dr] [pd6] 0 e [sr] d [pfet] e 0 [s6] [p4sh] [h8] [hq] [je] [adh] 5 [g9] [fw] [gr] [o3ah] [l7] [k9] [fw] [psf6] 0 e d [ips4] 8 q [hsw] [pesh] [gt] [fi] g [oaf5] 9 w [ade] [oadr] t y o o p a p a s a s d s d f h o [h579] g [osg1] [f5] [d8] [of9] 0 w t [fu] [od5] [os7] 9 [oaw] r [oay] [so] l [f6hl] 0 k e [fst] u p s [fs] [ah3] [f7] [ah] 9 [adjw] [adhr] y [fo] h [sfj4] 6 8 q e g j [adh5] 7 9 w r g [oaf3] 7 [g9] w [fr] [oa] [ups6] 0 e t u p a [ips4] 6 8 [hq] [pesh [gt] [fi] g [oaf5] 7 9 [oadw] [oadry] o [h79w] g [osg1] [f5] [d8] [of9] 0 w t [fu] [od5] [os7] 9 [oaw] r [oay] [so] l [f6hl] 0 k e [fst] u p s [fs] [ah3] [f7] [ah] 9 [adjw] [adhr] y [fo] h [sfj4] 6 8 q e g j [adh5] 7 9 w r g [oaf3] 7 [g9] w [fr] [oa] [ups6] 0 e t u p a [ips4] 6 8 [hq] [pesh] [gt] [fi] g [oaf5] 7 9 [oadw] [ry] w [y579] t r [wet4] [o8] [sq] [se] [oa5] [s9] [dw] [dr] [u6pd] [s0] [ae] [sr] [fst] u p s [p4sh] [h8] [gq] [fe] [o5ad] 9 [sw] [ar] [t8uos] w t u sLevel: 7Intermediate
Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo
[%W] [%t]%[%o] @ W%t%[%o]%@@[$Q] [$E]$[$i] ! Q$E$[$i]$!!
[%W] [%t]%[%o] @ W%t%[%o]%@@[*r] [*Y]*[*P] % r*Y*[*I]*%%
[%Wv] [tc][Wv][Wol] [(J]l[Wh]%[tg][Wh][Wos]W(([$Qg] [ED][Qg][iQJ] * [Qg]$[ED][Qg][iQL]Q**
[%Wv] [tc][Wv][Wol] [(J]l[Wh]%[tg][Wh][Wos]W(([*rg] [YD][Tg][TPJ] W [rg]*[YD][Tg][TIL]TWWLevel: 5Length: 00:48IntermediateUwa!! So Temperate (Undertale)
Virtual Piano Sheets A-Z
Search for your favourite songs in the A-Z of virtual piano sheets. Choose the letter that the song starts with to perform a search. Alternatively, click on the letters to browse music sheets until you see one that you like. When you find the song you want to play, open the music sheet and click on ‘Play This Song’ to load the music sheet into the piano.